Build Cube With RESTful API

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Build Cube with RESTful API

1. Authentication

Currently, Kylin uses basic authentication.

Add Authorization header to first request for authentication
Or you can do a specific request by POST http://localhost:7070/kylin/api/user/authentication

Once authenticated, client can go subsequent requests with cookies.

POST http://localhost:7070/kylin/api/user/authentication

Authorization:Basic xxxxJD124xxxGFxxxSDF
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8

2. Get details of cube.

GET http://localhost:7070/kylin/api/cubes?cubeName={cube_name}&limit=15&offset=0

Client can find cube segment date ranges in returned cube detail.


Authorization:Basic xxxxJD124xxxGFxxxSDF
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8

3. Then submit a build job of the cube.

PUT http://localhost:7070/kylin/api/cubes/{cube_name}/rebuild

For put request body detail please refer to Build Cube API.
o startTime and endTime should be utc timestamp.
o buildType can be BUILD ,MERGE or REFRESH. BUILD is for building a new segment, REFRESH for refreshing an
existing segment. MERGE is for merging multiple existing segments into one bigger segment.
This method will return a new created job instance, whose uuid is the unique id of job to
track job status.

PUT http://localhost:7070/kylin/api/cubes/test_kylin_cube_with_slr/rebuild

Authorization:Basic xxxxJD124xxxGFxxxSDF
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8

"startTime": 0,
"endTime": 1388563200000,
"buildType": "BUILD"

4. Track job status.

GET http://localhost:7070/kylin/api/jobs/{job_uuid}

Returned job_status represents current status of job.

5. If the job got errors, you can resume it.

PUT http://localhost:7070/kylin/api/jobs/{job_uuid}/resume

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