Dayspring Choir Schedule: Please Sign Out On The Calendar in The Choir Room (Even If You Emailed Me )

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Dayspring Choir Schedule

Please sign out on the calendar in the choir room (even if you emailed me )

Sunday, October No Anthem (Youth

8th, 2017 Choir)
Sunday, October The Word Is Alive
15th, 2017
Sunday, October I Will Shout! I Will
22nd Sing Praise! OR
For the Music of
Sunday, October TBD something
29th Reformation-y!

Dayspring Choir Rehearsals and Upcoming Dates

October Rehearsals
Wednesday, October 4th, 7:30pm
Wednesday, October 18th, 7:30 pm

Mark Your Calendar for Upcoming Dates

October 15th
Dayspring Fall Potluck at Chez Krogh and Arts Council Concert
5311 Wriley Rd, Bethesda MD 20816
Thursday, December 7 , Cantata rehearsal, with Dayspring rehearsal following

Saturday, December 9th Cantata rehearsal with orchestra

Sunday December 10th Cantata (both services)
Sunday December 17th Caroling at the National Gallery of Art
December 20 Dayspring Christmas Caroling (6pm, first wave, 7pm, second wave)

December 24th 7:30pm service, 6:30 call

December 31st Sunday Off!
February 14th Ash Wednesday Service
February 16th Mens Ensemble Concert
February 17th 18th Mens Ensemble Trip to North Carolina

Music Library Hours and Work Days

(Text Melissa to confirm:
Tuesdays 10:30 12pm
Saturday mornings as needed, independent work always welcomed

Dayspring Reminders
Please sign out on the calendar in the choir room (even if you emailed me )
Prayer requests can be sent to Melissa for inclusion in the Dayspring News
Dayspring Choir Schedule

Sunday, February Matthew 13: 47-53 Gods Mercy is

12th Wide
Sunday, February Matthew 21:2832 TBD
Sunday, February Matthew 13: 44-46 TBD Womens
26th 1 Kings 3: 5-14 piece
(Mens retreat)

Dayspring Choir Rehearsals and Upcoming Dates

February Dates
Wednesdays, 7:30 9:00pm, February 1st and 15th
Sundays at 10:15am, February 12th, 19th, 26th

Upcoming Dates
March Rehearsals: 3/15, 3/29
March 1st, Ash Wednesday Service at 7:30pm, call at 7:00pm
Easter Vigil, 7:30pm, April 15th
Easter Sunday, 9:00 and 11:00, April 16th

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