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26-28 June 2018

University of Lisbon

Dear colleagues,

You are cordially invited to The Migration Conference 2018, Lisbon, Portugal, 26-28 June 2018.

The 6th conference in the series is to be held in Lisbon, Portugal. The Migration Conference creates a
forum where scholars, experts, young researchers and students, practitioners and policy makers are
encouraged to exchange knowledge, share research and debate the issues that challenge existing
modes and models of migration, discourses to understand human mobility, ponder about better
policies and practices.

The Migration Conferences are unique in their dynamic, complex and multidisciplinary approach
and focus on migration and surrounding issues, challenges and solutions to them. The scientific
programme organizes papers around thematic lines and streams weaved around regions, corridors,
country cases as well as global and regional perspectives and theoretical takes on human mobility
and population movements with all facets covered from motivations and mechanisms of migration
to policies and integration, to irregular movements and demographic and geographic analysis
without ignoring the non-movers, host and sending societies. The conference accommodates
training workshops, public roundtable discussions, invited talks, oral presentations, poster
presentations, special sessions and thematic workshops.

Sessions and special tracks in the conference include but not limited to migration theory,
communications, media, gender, transnational social spaces, cities, Gypsies, law and policy,
conflicts and war, integration & labour markets, literature, diasporas and identity, internal -
international migration nexus, arts and migration, data and methodology, remittances and
development, student mobility, high skilled movers, forced migration, movers and non-movers,
wellbeing, return migration, retirement, ageing, fertility, population change, migrant
entrepreneurship, diaspora businesses, precarious employment, seasonal work, migration and
agricultural work, and domestic workers.

You are cordially invited to the 6th international conference on migration to join us in Lisbon to
participate actively in the discussions, and to contribute presentations of your own work while also
benefiting from exchanges with a line of distinguished scholars from around the globe. In previous
years, keynote speakers included Saskia Sassen, Oded Stark, Douglas Massey, Barry Chiswick,
Caroline Brettell, Karen Phalet, Philip L. Martin, and Tariq Modood.

Looking forward to seeing you in Lisbon.

Ibrahim Sirkeci, Joo Peixoto, Maria Lucinda Fonseca, Jeffrey Cohen, Philip Martin, Gudrun Biffl
Conference Chairs

Abstract submission deadline: 31st January 2018

Click here for submissions and registration:

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