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Tutorial Sheet (Unit I, Modern Physics)

Dr. Arun Kumar Sarma

1. Enumerate why the (Bose-Einstein Equation) is considered zero in deriving Plank law in
order to understand the energy density of a black body in the higher (lower) frequency
(wavelength) zone.
2. Under what condition(s) Bose-Einstein equation can be approximated to Maxwell-
Boltzmann equation while deriving Black body radiation.
3. Discuss and explain both mathematically and physically (i) when h kT and (ii)
h kT from Plank formula of Black body radiation.
4. If an electron kinetic energy is 54 keV, then what would be the wavelength associated with
that electron (mass of the electron me=9.1x10-31 kg) [0.166 nm]
5. X-rays of wavelength 10.0 pm are scattered from a target. (a) Find the wavelength of x-ray
scattered through 45 and 90. (b) Find also the maximum kinetic energy of the recoil
electron. [(a) = 10.0 + 0.293c; = 10.0 +c (b) 40.8 keV]
6. Will it be possible to see or observe the change in wavelength ( for visible light (400-700
nm)? Yes or no, explain.
7. Estimate the penetration distance Dx for very small dust particle of radius 10-6 m and
density r = 104 kg/m3 moving at a very low velocity 10-2 m/s. If the particle impinges on a
potential step of height equal to twice of its kinetic energy in the region to the left of the
8. Explain what would happen if a photon collides with the atomic nucleus instead of
outermost electrons (free electrons) based on the Compton effect phenomena.
8h 3 d
9. (a) Differentiate u and find the condition for maximum frequency. Show
c 3 hkT
e 1
hv hc
that max will follow max 2.8 . Can we conclude that 2.8 ? If not then clarify the
kT kTmax
reason. (c) Write down Eqn.of u in terms of wavelength..
10. The Rayleigh-Jeans distribution function is I , T . Show that for long wavelength,

Planck formula can be approximated to this.

8h 2 d
Plank formula can be written as u d (1)
c 3 hkT
e 1

Now for larger wavelength i.e., smaller frequency e e 1

kT 0

u d 0
Similarly in the formula given I , T as , I , T 0
Again intensity I , hence I is low means energy is low and u d ~ 0
A tA
This proves that for higher wavelength the given relation can be approximated to Planck

11. What is the energy of a typical visible photon wavelength range of visible light= 400-700
nm)? About how many photons enter the eye per second when one looks at a weak source
of light such as the moon, which produces light of intensity of about 3 x 10-4 watt/m2.
12. Work function of Silver is f = 4.7 eV. What is the potential (V) needed to stop all electrons
when ultraviolet light of wavelength 200 nm shine on Silver material.
13. A Sodium surface is illuminated with a light having wavelength of 300 nm. The work
function of Sodium is 2.46 eV. Find (a) the maximum kinetic energy of the ejected photo-
electrons and (b) cutoff wavelength of Sodium.
14. (a) Find the value of Planck constant in eV. Sec. This is a useful number to know when
relating a photons frequency to its energy. Use it to find the frequency of a 3 eV photon.
15. A photon of 1.0 MeV collides with a free electron and scattered through 90. What are the
energy of the scattered photon and kinetic energy of the recoil electron?
16. Consider a head-on, elastic collision between a massless photon (momentum p0 and energy
E0) and a stationary free electron. (a) Assume that the photon bounces directly back with a
momentum p (in the direction of p0) and energy E, use the conservation of energy and
momentum, find the value of p. (b) Verify that your answer agrees well with that given by
Compton formula [ 1 cos ] with .
17. A student wants to measure the shift in wavelength by Compton formula. He/She finds that
it cannot be measured a shift of less than 5% and that she cant conveniently measure at
angles greater than 150 . What is the longest wavelength that he/she can use and still
observe the shift?
18. What if we move our detector so that scattered x-rays are detected at an angle larger than
45 degree? Does the wavelength of the scattered x-rays increase or decrease as the angle
increases? Explain.
19. The position and momentum if 1 keV and 1 MeV electrons are measured simultaneously. If
their positions are located within 1 and 2 Angstrom, respectively then what is the % of
uncertainty in their momentum? Make your own inference on the result. [6.1% & 0.096%]
20. Calculate the de-Broglie wavelength of a particle of mass 50 gm moving with a velocity 100
m/sec and an electron (me = 9.1 x 10-31 kg) moving with a velocity 3.0 x 108 m/s. Make an
inference on your result in terms of understanding of quantum mechanics.
21. What is wave function in QM? How the concept of it can be understood? A particle of mass
m and charge q has been accelerated from rest to relativistic speed through a potential
difference of V. Find the expression for de-Broglie wavelength associated with it.
22. If the uncertainty in the location of a particle is equal to its de-Broglie wavelength, what will
be the uncertainty corresponding to its velocity?
23. The speed of an electron measured to be 5.0 x 108 m/s to an accuracy of 0.003%. Find the
minimum uncertainty in determining the position of this electron.
24. A TV Picture composed of 525 lines, refreshes 30 times per sec. Hence each line is drawn
across the screen in 1/(30 x 525) sec. What is the approximate range of frequencies f at
which the TV transmitter must be able to broadcast, if the horizontal and vertical
resolutions in the TV picture are to be about the same?
25. The position of x of a 0.01 g pellet has been carefully measured and found to be within
5 m. What are the minimum uncertainties in its momentum and velocity, consistent with
our knowledge of x? [p = 10-28 kg m/s, v = 10-23 m/s]
26. An electron in known to be somewhere in the interval of total width 0.1 nm (of the order of
a small atom). What is the minimum uncertainty in its velocity, consistent with this
knowledge? [ ~ 106 m/s]
27. The excited state of a certain nucleus has a lifetime of 5 x 10-18 s. Find the minimum possible
uncertainty in its energy.
28. For a wave on deep water (depth h > wavelength ), the wave velocity is given by

vp g . Prove that for these waves, the group velocity v g 1 v p . However, in case of
k 2
shallow water (h << ), v p gh , prove that vg = vp.
29. Consider a particle in the ground state of rigid box of length a. (a) Find the probability
density . (b) Where is the particle most likely to be found? (c) What is the probability of
finding the particle in the interval between x = 0.50a and x = 0.51a? (d) What would be the
average result if the position of a particle in the ground state were measured many times?
30. Find the energy of an electron in a 1D potential well of width (a) 2 Angstrom and (b) 5 nm.
[(a) 9.4 eV]
31. What is the spacing in eV, between lowest two levels of electron confined in 1D wire of
length 1 cm?
32. An electron is bound by a potential well of width 3.0x10-10 m. Calculate the lowest three
quantum energy of electron can have. [16.72 eV, 66.9 eV and 150.48 eV]
33. A particle moving in a 1D potential well of infinite height and width 25 Angstrom. Calculate
the probability of finding the particle with the interval 5 Angstrom at the centre of the box
when it is in the state of least energy. [0.4]
34. An electron is in a box 0.10 nm across, which is the order of the magnitude of the atomic
dimensions. Find out the permitted energy state and sketch them.
35. Show that for a light of wavelength in nanometers, the photon energy h in eV is 1240/.
36. An ultraviolet lamp emits a light of wavelength 400 nm at the rate (power) of 400 watt. An
infrared lamp emits light of 700 nm at the same rate i.e., 400 watt. (a) Which lamp emits
more photons at the greater rate and (b) what is that greater rate?
37. A sodium lamp (589 nm) emits radiation uniformly in all directions. (a) At what rate the
photons are emitted by the lamp? (b) At what distance from the lamp a totally absorbing
screen will absorb photons at the rate of 1.00 photons/cm2 sec. (c) what is the photon flux
(photon per unit area per time) on a screen at 2.0 m distance from the lamp?
38. Light of wavelength 2.45 pm is directed on a target containing free electrons. (a) Find the
wavelength of the light scattered at 30 degree from the incident beam direction. (b) Do the
same for scattering angle 120 degree.
39. What percentage increases in wavelength leads to 75% lose of photon energy in the
photon-free electron collision?
40. Using classical equation of momentum and kinetic energy, show that an electron de-Broglie
wavelength in nanometers can be written as =1.226/(k)1/2, where k is the electron kinetic
energy in eV.
41. In an ordinary television set, the electrons are accelerated through a potential difference of
25.0 kV. What is the de-Broglie wavelength associated with these wavelength? (use both
relativistic and non-relativistic concept)
42. The wavelength of yellow spectral line of sodium is 590 nm. At what kinetic energy an
electron would have that wavelength as its de-Broglie wavelength?
43. A singly charged sodium ion is accelerated through a potential difference of 300 V. What is
the momentum and de-Broglie wavelength associated with this ion?
44. A non-relativistic particle is moving three times faster than an electron. The ratio of the de-
Broglie wavelength of the particle to that of electron is 1.8x10-4. By calculating their masses
identify the particle.
45. Show that the angular wave number of a non-relativistic particle of mass m can be written
2 2mK
as k , where K is the particle kinetic energy.
46. Imagine playing base ball in a universe (not ours!), where the Plank constant is 0.60 JS.
What is the uncertainty in the position of a 0.50 kg base ball moving at 20 m/S, if the
uncertainty in its speed is 1.0 m/S.
47. Introduce the concept of Fourier Integral to understand the Heisenberg Uncertainty
48. Consider an atomic nucleus to be equivalent of 1D infinite potential well with L = 1.4x10-14
m, a typical nuclear diameter. What would be the ground state energy of such electrons
trapped in such potential well (Note nuclei do not contain electrons)?
49. An electron trapped in 1D potential well of width 250 pm and in its ground state. What are
the four longest wavelength of light that can excite the electron from ground state via single
photon absorption?
50. Suppose a finite potential well with U0=450 eV and L=100 pm confines a single electron in
its ground state. What wavelength of light is needed to barely free the electron from the
potential well by single photon absorption?
51. (a) Photon A has twice the energy of photon B, then (i) Is the momentum of A less than,
greater than or equal to the momentum of B? (ii) Is the wavelength of A less than, greater
than or equal to the wavelength of B?
52. If you double the kinetic energy of a non-relativistic particle, how does its de-Broglie
wavelength changes? What would happen if you double the speed of the particle?
53. State the assumption in Planks theory of Black body radiation. Explain the basic features of
8h 3 d
photon theory of light. Derive the formula, u ( )d , where h is the
c 3 e h / kT 1
Planks constant.
54. Explain de-Broglies concept of matter waves. How de-Broglies wavelength does indicate
dual nature of matter? Discuss Devison-Germer experiment for diffraction of electrons.
Explain the significance of the results.
55. (a) Show that the de-Broglie wavelength of a material particle of momentum is /p. (b)
Show that the wave velocity of a de-Broglie wave is c2/v, where v is the particle velocity and
c is the velocity of light in free space. (c) Show that the de-Broglie wavelength for a particle
of mass m moving with r. m. s. speed of Maxwellian distribution at temperature T is equal
to , where k is the Boltzmann constant.
56. A particle is describe by a wave function,

1 x
( x) sin ;0 x L
( x) 0; x x, x L

Sketch the probability density as a function of x. Where is the particle most likely to be

57. Define (a) Observable, (b) Stationary state of a Quantum mechanical system (c) eigen values
and eigen function related to quantum mechanics.
58. Find the solution for a particle having total energy E trapped in a finite potential well.
Compare the situation for a particle in infinite potential well.
59. (a) Explain the physical significance of wave function to be well behaved. What is meant
by normalized wave function? Why y is to be normalized? (b) Which of the following wave
function cant be solutions of Schrodingers equation for all values of x, and explain (i)
Asec x (ii) A tan x (iii) A exp( x 2 ) and (iv) A exp x 2 .

60. A wave function of certain particle ACos 2 x; x
2 2 , then (i) find the value of A (ii)
Find the probability that the particle to be found between x=0 and x=/4, (iii) Find the
probability that the particle trapped in a box L wide can be found between 0.45L and 0.55 L
for the ground and first excited state.
Show that the fractional difference in energy between two adjacent levels of a particle in an
infinite square potential well is
E 2 n 1

E n2
Starting with the differential equation of wave motion, obtain time dependent form of
Schrodingers wave equation.
63. Consider a particle in the ground state of a rigid box of length a. (a) Find the probability
density o . (b) Where is the particle most likely to be found? (c) What is probability of
finding the particle in the interval 0.75a to 0.76a? (d) What would be the average result if
the position of the particle in the ground state were measured many times?
64. Consider two identical conducting wires lying on the x-axis separated by an air gap of
thickness 1 nm. An electron that is moving inside either conductor has potential energy zero,
whereas in the gap its potential energy U0 > 0. The gap can now be considered as a
potential barrier and within this the electron approaches the barrier from the left with an
energy E such that U0 E = 1 eV; i.e., the electron is 1 eV below the top of the barrier. (a)
What is the probability of electron to emerge on the other side of the barrier? (b) How
different it would be if the barrier is twice the wide?
65. If x satisfies the time independent Schrodingers equation, then verify the wave function
x, t x e iEt / satisfies the time dependent Schrodingers equation.

*Assignment: All of you have to do the assignment as per questions number given in the
following table. However, you are also welcome to solve all problems. Last date of submission is
18th August 2014.
Roll No. Q No. Roll No. Q No. Roll No. Q No. Roll No. Q No. Roll No. Q No.
14BCE1036 01-05 14BCE1093 08-12 14BCE1194 13-17 14BEC1080 19-23 14BME1155 30-34
14BCE1038 06-10 14BCE1098 13-17 14BCE1213 18-22 14BEC1085 24-28 14BME1173 35-39
14BCE1053 11-15 14BCE1113 18-22 14BCE1214 23-27 14BEC1103 29-33 14BME1185 40-44
14BCE1054 16-20 14BCE1115 23-27 14BCE1220 28-32 14BEC1104 34-43 12BCE1062 45-49
14BCE1056 21-25 14BCE1116 28-32 14BCE1225 33-37 14BEC1105 44-48 12BME1115 50-54
14BCE1059 26-30 14BCE1122 33-37 14BCE1226 38-42 14BEC1194 49-54
14BCE1066 31-35 14BCE1126 38-42 14BCE1234 43-47 14BEE1039 55-59
14BCE1068 36-40 14BCE1128 43-47 14BCE1249 48-52 14BEE1090 60-64
14BCE1070 41-45 14BCE1135 48-52 14BCL1057 53-57 14BEE1127 65-04
14BCE1078 46-50 14BCE1150 53-57 14BEC1003 58-62 14BME1019 05-09
14BCE1079 51-55 14BCE1154 58-62 14BEC1013 63-03 14BME1033 10-14
14BCE1085 56-60 14BCE1164 63-02 14BEC1017 04-08 14BME1051 15-19
14BCE1087 61-65 14BCE1175 03-07 14BEC1029 09-13 14BME1080 20-24
14BCE1092 03-07 14BCE1185 08-12 14BEC1078 14-18 14BME1092 25-29

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