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discussions. Their conservative issue is the

problem of Assisted Suicide. 1For clarification
on the subject, we called over Maddy Kueper
to inform us. She began the interview with all

No Funny
of the cons. Assisted suicide is about the
physician use of Euthanasia on patients. One
of the biggest controversies is the use of

Euthanasia without consent of the patient. In
some cases, doctors abuse their powers by
Euthanizing patients in an unconscious state
even if they are against it. Where is the line?
By Tanner Thomsen and Brooke Harrington When do we get to the point where we decide
if we can Euthanise people who arent facing
Fifth Period class leader Ally Morriem terminal sickness?
begins the class period by requesting that no We then talked to Kylie Holdorf about
phones be present or in sight. This led to a their views on the Transgender ban of
very eventful and productive period. She also American Soldiers. Taking the liberal side, she
introduced the period by stating that the class stated that they would want the ban to be
period is behind in raising money and that they lifted for a few different reasons. The first
need to focus on getting the word out. reason she brought up was that it only raises
The Special Interest (5th Period) for spending by less than one percent which is
this campaign season are beginning to take big very minimal. As long as they are willing to
steps as they begin to focus on two main protect our country, thats all that matters.
issues. After talking with leader, Ally Morriem,
it was revealed to us that they will be taking
one liberal and one conservative side in their


Period Six Overall Status the U.S.

By Tim Frostestad

Period 6 is considering changing their leader's

name, but they have not yet released a final
name. This class is in favor to promote the
second amendments right to bear arms, but
are also want to promote 3more gun safety.
This class is not in favor of amnesty but is in
favor of DACA, which allows immigrants
already here to stay as long as they behave
themselves and obey the laws. As far as
increased border security, this class is in favor
of this, but not in favor of increasing the wall The Astros Stunned the Dodgers last night in
size. Overall, this class believes that we should an astonishing 11 innings game win. Verlander
limit the amount of refugees in the country. was in control the entire game - Peterson's hit
was the first hit he allowed on the night and it
went on from there.

Overheard on the Campaign Trail

We need to spend more on the military - P.B.
- P7 (This is not a Democratic view?)
His wife (McLovin) probably cheated on him.
- P.B. - P7

In Todays News...

By Tim Frostestad

North Koreas Foreign minister, Ri Yong Ho,
released a statement last month that North
Period Seven
Korea might consider the most powerful
detonation of the Hydrogen Bomb 7over the
the Pacific Ocean which ramped tensions in By Tessa Reed
the U.S. The leader made this comment after
Donald Trump warned that the U.S would To start off the meeting, Katie Tryon, the
totally destroy North Korea if they threatened campaign leader, clarified with The Every-Day
Bro that the proposed decision of Communism
by Parker Brevik is completely turned down.


(Jessie Jergens, a reporter for The Every-Day The Man Behind the Quote
Bro, conducted a short interview with Brevik
featured in todays edition.) By Jessie Jergens

Parker Brevik has lived in Spirit Lake for a

During todays class period, they discussed
majority of his life. He has played soccer for
what the best way to advertise was and
four years. He likes outdoor activities and
formed committees to divide and conquer. The
movies. He is a liberal and also says that,
class agrees that it is paramount they get
Bernie Sanders is my favorite candidate.
Justin McLovin known. The other candidates
I asked Parker why0 he wanted his
have accused Period 7 of taking their
candidate to be a communist. He said, I mixed
candidates name, from the movie, Superbad.
up communism with a moderate liberal. I
Katie clarified with the press: Our candidate is
meant to say that we should be moderately
very proud of the name that his parents gave

Their main issues that they want to spotlight
are immigration, education, minimum wage,
marijuana, and gun rights. When speaking with
Nick Christensen, he stated: I think [my class]
Indians Send Two
will perform very well. We have a lot of good
assets on our team. Today we are splitting up Runners to State Cross
into groups and dividing and conquering. We
are going to get a lot of stuff done, raise a lot Country
of money, and win this election.
By Brooke Harrington
Brooklyn Erickson also shared a video about
DACA to give the class more information on With state cross country coming up this
the topic. Their stances on abortion and Black Saturday, I sat down with Kourtney
Lives Matter have not been2 finalized. Delperdang, a junior at Spirit Lake High, about
her goals and how she is preparing herself for
The class ended their day with their first the big meet.
advertisement over the intercom.
TEDB: How do you feel about the season?
Kourtney: The season is going really well,
with such a young team I am looking forward

to seeing what the future holds for us.

TEBD: What are you looking to accomplish
down at state?
Kourtney: At state I want to get top 10 and I
am hoping to PR.
TEBD: Who are your biggest supporters?


Kourtney: My family has always been my

biggest supporters, especially my dad.
More Dish on Period Six
By Brooke Harrington and Timothy Frostestad

Period Six is getting right to advertising by

becoming one of the first groups to start their
wall. Advertising committee members are
Ashlee Boelter, Kelsey0 Kannenberg, Lauren
Goth, and Will Bramhall. For media coverage,
Kyler Olsen, Frankie Ramos, and Harley Butler
are creating a video to represent Lando Free
and his campaign. At the end of the class,
Lando started to come up with some ideas for
their slogan. The most popular was Adam
Skopecs Lando Free, For You and Me.

One of Period Sixs biggest mottos is no grey

areas. Mady Sieperda stressed that today
when making their decision on the marijuana
issue. Period 6 believes medicinal marijuana is
acceptable, primarily due to its benefits to
citizens with epilepsy. Although the class is in
favor of medical marijuana (CBD), they are not
in favor of recreational marijuana (otherwise
Who is Justin McLovins Campaign known as THC). Mady Sieperda then solidified
Manager? their groups stance on the legalization of
marijuana while also mentioning about the
By Jessie Jergens
increase in testicular cancer by 70% from the
effects of smoking marijuana. Will Bramhall
Katie Tryon was one of the nominees to
chimed in with the chance of abnormal brain
become campaign manager. Katie is student
structure and the higher chance of
body president, has been in student council for
schizophrenia. Period Six came to a conclusion
four years, straight A student. In her free time
of allowing medicinal marijuana with CPD
she likes to read, make art, and in the summer
extractions, no THC.
go on bike rides. She is very excited for this
unit and believes that they have a strong

team. Everyone has been putting in hard work
to raise money for our candidate.


What Does the School Think? do not think our weight room does not need to
take up as much budget as it does.
By Tessa Reed
TEDB: What do you think it takes for the
TEDB: What is the most important problem
Candidates to win the votes of the students?
you want this years candidates to work on?

Roberts: Reaching out to students and

Mr. Cunningham: Reducing the hostile
relating to them on personal issues. They
environment in North Korea. If its true that
should focus on issues that students are
they have nuclear capabilities, we need to
informed on. Being plain and factual about the
work quickly. It appears to me that their leader
information helps as well because students
is not the most reasonable individual. I do not
can understand.
want him mad at the United States. We should
send a fruit basket with kiwi, no vegetables
(everyone hates vegetables), pineapple,
papayas, if he is allergic to papaya he might be
knocked off.

TEDB: What changes would you want to see

the candidates do for our school?

Eagan Roberts: More peer to authority

communication on issues that actually matter
and are relative to the students. I do not think
the school needs 69 cameras. What notable
issues or incidents have happened that have
relied on the cameras?0 What was the cost? I


Todays Featured Photos

Political cartoon by Jayce Thoreson and

Timothy Frostestad of The Every-Day Bro.

Period Sixs Ashlee Boelter, Lauren Goth,

Kelsey Kanneberg, and Will Bramhall working
on advertisement.

Period Threes speaker, Mary Brandt.


Cartoon by Jayce Thoreson of The Every-Day


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