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Assignment 1(Summer session 2005)

Due Date: 26/08/2005

For the circuit shown in the figure below, all the resistors are given in Ohms;
(a) Find the equivalent resistance seen by the supply
(b) Find the power in the source and the 10 Ω resistor and state if it is delivered or absorbed.

Draw the circuit diagram of each step otherwise you will lose your marks. Write each step of the
calculation to get maximum marks and also mention the units of each derived value.

Determine i1, i2 , v1 and v2 in the network given below, calculate the power dissipated in the 2Ω

First, we will label the diagram
So, i1 = 28/14 = 2A
V1 = i1 x 6 = 2 x 6 = 12V
To find Va from Fig B
We will apply voltage division rule
Va = (V1 x 6) / 6+6 = 72 /12 = 6V

To find Vb from Fig A

We will apply voltage division rule
Vb= (Va x 6) / 6+4 = 3.6V
Hence V2 = (3.6 x 13)/ 13+2 = 3.12V
i2 = 3.12/13 = 0.24A
P2i = (i2)2 (2) = 0.115 W

Use nodal analysis to find voltage at each node also finds current IO as indicated in the given network.
Identify and label each node otherwise you will lose your marks.
First, we will label the diagram

In the above network we found that there is a voltage between two non reference nodes, so we will
consider it a super node, we will redraw the figure as

Now Constrain Equation will be

V1 – V2 = 10V (1)

KCL equation at Node V3 will be,

(V3 – V2)/3Ω - 6 = 0


V3 - V2 = 18 (2)
Now we will write the equation for super node,
(V1)/6Ω +2 + V2/5Ω + (V2-V3)/3Ω = 0
5V1+ 60 + 6V2+10V2 -10 V3 = 0
5V1 + 16V2 - 10V3 = - 60 (3)

After solving equation (1) (2) and (3) simultaneously we have

V1 = 16.36V , V2 = 6.36V and V3 = 24.36V

We have at V1
I0 = 16.36 /6

I0 = 2.72A

------ Good Luck -----

Assignment 2(Summer session 2005)
Due Date: 11/09/2005

Use Mesh analysis to find currents through all Meshes also calculate the voltage VO across 6kΩ resistance
and current IX in the following network. Draw the circuit diagram of each step otherwise you will lose your
marks. Write each step of the calculation to get maximum marks and also mention the units of each
derived value.

First, we will label the diagram

From the figure it is clear that I2=IX

For mesh 1:
3kI1 + 4k(I1-I2) - 3kIx = 0
3kI1 + 4kI1 – 4kI2 - 3kIx = 0
7kI1 – 7kI2 = 0 ------(1)

For mesh 2:
6kI2 + 4k(I2-I1) – 12 = 0
10kI2 – 4kI1-12 = 0
10kI2 – 4kI1= 12 -----(2)
Solving equation (1) and (2) simultaneously we have

I2 = 2mA
Where I2= Ix = 2mA
Vo = 6kIx = 6 (2) = 12 Volts

Use Mesh analysis to find currents through each resistance in the following network. Draw the circuit
diagram of each step otherwise you will lose your marks. Write each step of the calculation to get
maximum marks and also mention the units of each derived value.

First, we will label the diagram

I1 I2

From Mesh 3
I 3 = −4mA

For Mesh 1
6kI1 + 3k ( I1 − I 2 ) = 6
6kI1 + 3kI1 − 3kI 2 = 6
9kI1 − 3kI 2 = 6 − − − − − − − − − (1)
For Mesh 2
12kI 2 + 12k ( I 2 − I 3 ) + 3k ( I 2 − I1 ) = 0
12kI 2 + 12kI 2 − 12kI 3 + 3kI 2 − 3kI1 = 0
27kI 2 − 12(−4) − 3kI1 = 0
27kI 2 − 3kI1 = −48 − − − − − − − − − (2)

Multiply eq(2) by 3 and add in eq(1),we get;

9kI1 − 3kI 2 = 6
−9kI1 + 81kI 2 = −144
78kI 2 = −138
I 2 = −1.76mA

Put the value of I2 in eq(1), we get;

9kI1 − 3(−1.76) = 6
9kI1 = 6 + 3(−1.76)
9kI1 = 6 − 5.28
I1 = 0.08mA

Current through all resistences will be

I 6 k Ω = 0.08 mA
I 3k Ω = I1 − I 2 = 0.08 mA − (−1.76mA) = 1.84mA
I12 k Ω = − 1.76mA
I12 k Ω = I 2 − I 3 = −1.76 + 4 = 2.24mA

------ Good Luck -----

Assignment 3(Summer session 2005)
Due Date: 28/09/2005

In the following network find Vout by Superposition. Draw and label the circuit diagram of each step,
otherwise you will lose your marks. Write each step of calculation to get maximum marks also mention the
units of each derived value.

88V voltage source act alone

From the above figure it is clear that 120Ω || 30 Ω and 60Ω || 30 Ω so,

To find the voltage across 20 Ω resistance we will use Voltage division rule,
Va1= 88 x 20/(20+24) = 40V
Now we can easily find out Vout1 by voltage divider rule,
Vout1 = 2(Va1) 90/(90+10)
= 2(40) x 90/100
Vout1 = 72V
Now 55V voltage source acts alone,

From the above figure it is clear that 120Ω || 60 Ω and 30Ω || 30 Ω so,

To find the voltage across 15 Ω resistance we will use Voltage division rule,
Va2= -55 x 15/(15+40) = -15V
Now we can easily find out Vout2 by voltage divider rule,
Vout2 = 2(Va2) 90/(90+10)
= 2(-15) x 90/100
Vout2 = -27V
Vout = Vout1 +Vout2
= 72 - 27
Vout = 45Volts

Transform the following network to a single voltage source. Draw and label the circuit diagram of each
step, otherwise you will lose your marks. Write each step of calculation to get maximum marks also
mention the units of each derived value.
From the above figure it is clear that 3Ω|| 6Ω

Find the Vo in the network below using Thevenin’s Theorem. Draw and label the circuit diagram of each
step, otherwise you will lose your marks. Write each step of calculation to get maximum marks also
mention the units of each derived value.

First step: Removing R to calculate V

L th

Second step: Calculating V by Nodal analysis


At node 1
V1-V3/2k = 4mA + 2mA
therefore V1-V3 = 12 ------------- (1)
At node 2
V2/1k + V2-V3/1k + 4mA=0
2V2 –V3=-4 ---------------- (2)
At node 3
V3-V2/1k + V3-V1/2k+ V3-Vx/1k =1mA
5V3 -2V2-V1-2Vx=2 ----------------- (3)
At node x
Vx-V3/1k + 2 mA =0
Vx –V3 = -2 ------------ (4)
Writing equitation 3 in terms of V3 and Vx we have from (1) and (2)
5V3 +4-V3-V3-12-2Vx = 2
3V3 -2Vx = 10
Putting value of V3 from (4)
3Vx +6-2Vx=10
Vx =4V
so Voc= Vx =4V
Third step : Calculating Rth
by open circuiting the current source and short circuiting the voltage source
Rth =3KΩ
Fourth Step : Calculating unknown quantity.
After calculating V and R , re-inserting the load resistance R in
th th L
the circuit in series with R and considering the V as a battery in series with
th th
these two resistances

Vo =2k (4V) / 2k+3K

Vo =8/5V= 1.6V Ans
Calculate the current Io by using Norton’s theorem .Draw and label the circuit diagram of each step.
Otherwise you will lose your marks. Write each step of calculation to get maximum marks also mention
the units of each derived value.


First step: Replacing R with a short circuit to find I

L N.
Second Step:

From Mesh II
I2= 4mA ----- (a)
From Mesh I
4k(I1-IN) + 2k (I1-I2) – 2 = 0

6kI -4kI -2kI =2

1 N 2
Putting the value of I
6kI -4kI -2k(4mA) = 2
1 N
6kI -4kI = 10 ----- (1)
1 N
From Mesh 3
6k(I -I )+ 4k(I -I )=0
N 2 N 1
-4kI +10kI – 6k I2 =0
1 N
Putting the value of I2
-4kI +10kI = 24 --------(2)
1 N

Solving equations for loops 1 and 2

6kI -4kI =10
1 N
-6kI +15kI = 36
1 N

11kI =46
I = 4.18 mA

Third Step: To calculate RN we will short circuit all voltage sources and open
the current sources.
2k is parallel to 4k
Hence = 1.33Kohm

1.33 and 6k are in series

Hence =7.33 kohm

Fourth step

After calculating I and R , re-inserting the load resistance R in the circuit in

parallel R and considering the I current source parallel with these two

I = (7.33m) (4.18k) / (3+7.33)k)

I =2.966mA

A germanium junction diode with n=2 has V=0.3 volts at I =1mA. Find the voltage drop at i = 0.1mA,
i=5mA. And i = 10mA

v –v = nV ln(i /i )
2 1 T 2 1
v = 0.3 V
i = 1mA
and n =2 thus
v = 0.3 +2 V ln(i )
2 T 2
i = 0.1mA
VT= 25 mV=0.025 volts
v = 0.3 + (2) (0.025) ln(0.1)
v = .184 volts
i = 5mA
v = 0.3 + (2) (0.025) ln(5)
v = 0.380volts

i =10mA
v = 0.3 + (2) (0.025) ln(10)
v = 0.3 + (2) (0.025)(2.30)

v = 0.415volts

------ Good Luck -----

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