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Physics of Sports Script/Storyboard

Shot 1: Physics of Sports introduction

Shot 2: Kaleb and Wesley standing in front of the soccer goal

Wesley: My name is Dan Ran the Sports Psychics Man. And Im gonna teach you how
to kick a soccer free kick.

Shot 3: Shots of professionals

Kaleb: Here are some examples of professional free kicks.

Shot 4: Picture of Kaleb 18 meters away from the goal-fades to Kaleb spinning the ball
in his hands
Lucy: In this simulation of a free kick the shot is being taken from 18 meters away from
the goal. The mass of the ball is 435 grams, or around 1 pound

Shot 5: Full shot of Kaleb shooting the free kick

Shot 6: Explanation of velocity

Kaleb: In order to find the average velocity of the ball we first needed to find the
horizontal and vertical velocities.
Wesley: First we found the horizontal velocity by dividing the time it takes for the ball to
get to its horizontal peak from the distance the ball travels at its peak.
Lucy: Vertical velocity we multiplied gravitational acceleration by the same time
mentioned earlier.
Wesley: We put these values into Pythagorean Theorem.
Kaleb: The average velocity of the ball is 15.5 meters per second.

Shot 7: Explanation of angle of release

Wesley: Using the data we got from finding the velocity we created a triangle to find
the angle of the ball.
Kaleb: The ball is at a 23 degree angle when it goes into the air.

Shot 8: Slow motion of Kaleb kicking the ball.

Lucy: When Kaleb kicks the ball he exerts a force of

Shot 9: Explanation of Force of Impact

Lucy: 341 Newtons, or 76 pounds.
Kaleb: We used the equation mass x velocity = force x time to find the force of impact.

Shot 10: Shot of professional celebrating

Shot 11: Thanks for watching

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