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The Lord of The Rings Rulebook FAQ

Q The profile for ***** is not in my rulebook can I use Q In the Demolition Team description, it says that a
the profile from an earlier book? Berserker with a flaming brand cant use his sword as a
A Yes, but check the website PDFs are available for two-handed weapon. What does this mean?
several profiles there. See A A Berserker with a flaming brand cant use his two- handed sword, he has to use his dagger.

Q Does a dagger count as a hand weapon? Q For Knights of Dol Amroth, in their special rule Dol
A Yes Amroth for Gondor ! it refers to Captains of Dol Amroth.
Is this a mistake?
A Yes, both references should be to Knights of Dol
Q Some profiles imply that a warrior doesnt have a hand Amroth.
weapon for example, those for Elf Warriors say they
have no equipment in their base profile. Does that
mean theyre unarmed? Q The profiles for the King of the Dead and the Army of
A All models have a hand weapon unless theyre the Dead seem to be missing. Can I use the ROTK
specifically described as being unarmed. So Elf profiles? If not, where can I find the new ones?
Warriors do have hand weapons. A The new updated profiles have been accidentally
missed out. See
Q In the rules for Passengers, the text says : If the rider where you can download them.
is killed or dismounts, the passenger is automatically
thrown. Shouldnt it be: If the rider is killed or
thrown? Q The Witch-kings profile refers to a special rule
A It should actually be: If the rider is killed, thrown or Ringwraiths and the Ring. What is this rule?
dismounts, the passenger is automatically thrown. A This a mistake. There is no such special rule; its all
within the The Will of Evil special rule.
Q The model shown on p96 as an Elven Captain appears
to have a spear, yet the Elven Captain profile doesnt have Q The rules for Volley Fire say that models on large
a spear as an option. Are they allowed spears? bases can be hit once per Wound on their profile, and
A No. gives an example of a cavalry model being able to be hit
twice, once on the rider and once on the mount. What
about mounted Heroes though, can they still be hit once
Q What is the Balrogs Move rate? per Wound on their profile, which would then be more
A The Balrog is type Spirit, so he moves as other than twice?
Spirits. A Volley fire can only hit cavalry models on a 40mm base
twice, once on the rider and once on the mount.
Q Legolass Deadly Shot special rule mentions shooting
into combat. Does that mean he can fire into a combat Q The profile for Dwarf Warriors includes a free two-
containing a Good model? handed weapon. All other models have to pay for two-
A Yes, if he uses this special rule to score an automatic handed weapons. Is this correct?
hit on an Evil target in that combat. A Yes.

Q In the Demolition Team, the Berserkers Courage is

listed as 8, whereas its listed as 7 under the Berserkers
profile entry. Which is correct?
A The Berserkers Courage is 7.

Copyright Games Workshop Limited 2006 excepting all materials pertaining to the New Line theatrical productions: The Fellowship of the Ring; The Two Towers; and The
Return of The King which are MMVI New Line Productions, Inc. All Rights Reserved. The Lord of The Rings, The Fellowship of The Ring, The Two Towers, The Return of The
King and the names of the characters, items, events and places therein are trademarks of The Saul Zaentz Company d/b/a Tolkien Enterprises under license to New Line
Productions, Inc. and Games Workshop Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Games Workshop, the Games Workshop logo, Warhammer and the Warhammer 40,000 device are either ,
TM and/or Games Workshop Ltd 2000-2006, variably registered in the UK and other countries around the world. All Rights Reserved.
Q The text of the Severed Heads rule on p68 of the
hardback rulebook and the Mines of Moria rulebook are
quite different. The hardback rulebook refers to a
Courage test causing a retreat, and a Strength 3 hit being
received. The Mines of Moria rulebook refers to models
failing the test being removed as casualties, but no
damage being taken from the hit. Which is the correct
A The Mines of Moria rulebook is correct; the hardback
rulebook is incorrect. There is no damage from the hit, but
if the Courage test is failed, the model is removed as a

Q Gandalf the Grey In the Mines of Moria rulebook it

says he needs 3+ to use Cast Blinding Light, but the
hardback rulebook says 2+. Which is correct?
A 2+

Q Elronds Renew magical power is missing from the

hardback rulebook. What is its range?
A The range is 12"/28cm.

Q Paladin Took has 1 Will and 2 Fate, whereas in The

Scouring of the Shire he had 2 Will and 1 Fate. Is this a
A Paladin Took has 1 Will and 2 Fate.

Q Do loose Wargs, who have lost their rider, count

towards Break tests or scenario victory conditions ie. do
they count towards the number of models?
A The important thing is to always count the number of
models. As defined in the rulebook, a cavalry model is
one model, consisting of mount and rider. Normally, if the
Warg of a Warg Rider (or the horse of a Rider of Rohan)
is killed, then one cavalry model is replaced by one foot
model, so the number of models on the table remains the
same. If the rider of a Warg is killed and the Warg fails its
Courage test and runs away, then one cavalry model has
been lost, so there is one less model on the table. If
however the Warg passes its Courage test and remains on
the table, then one cavalry model has been replaced by
one loose Warg model, and the number of models on the
table hasnt changed, just the same as in the case where a
rider loses his mount.

Q Normally, if a model is engaged with an enemy model,

it cannot move in that Move phase, but what happens if
one of the models is killed before the end of the Move
phase? For example, Good has priority. A Warrior of
Minas Tirith charges an Orc. In the Evil players Move
phase, he uses a Ringwraith to cast Black Dart on the
Warrior of Minas Tirith, killing him. Can the Orc then
make his move as the Move phase is not yet over?
A Page 16 of the rulebook says that once a model has
moved into base contact with an enemy, neither it nor the
enemy model can move further in that Move phase, so the
Orc in the example above cannot move in that Movement

Copyright Games Workshop Limited 2006 excepting all materials pertaining to the New Line theatrical productions: The Fellowship of the Ring; The Two Towers; and The
Return of The King which are MMVI New Line Productions, Inc. All Rights Reserved. The Lord of The Rings, The Fellowship of The Ring, The Two Towers, The Return of The
King and the names of the characters, items, events and places therein are trademarks of The Saul Zaentz Company d/b/a Tolkien Enterprises under license to New Line
Productions, Inc. and Games Workshop Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Games Workshop, the Games Workshop logo, Warhammer and the Warhammer 40,000 device are either ,
TM and/or Games Workshop Ltd 2000-2006, variably registered in the UK and other countries around the world. All Rights Reserved.

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