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Ethnography Source studies

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Source studies Digitalization

Philology Cartography Art Histoty

Ethnography Source studies
Art history Cartography
Histoty Digital archives
Source studies Cartography
Cartography ilology

, - Ethnography
Digital archives Art History

Source studies
Art Histoty

Archival and Source Studies -
Art history
Source studies
Trends and Challenges Ethnography

Source studies Cartography Cartography


Ethnography Art History

Cartography Art Histoty
Ethnography Source studies
Digital archives Source studies

Digital archives


Source studies

, -




- . N1/ . N40

Conference will be held at the Exhibition Pavilion of the National

Archives of Georgia
1, Vazha-Pshavela Avenue/40, Pekini Avenue

: ,
The conference operates: Georgian, English

: Time limit:
: 15 Report: 15 min.
: 20 Participation in debate: 20 min.

25 , 25 October




Opening of the Conference/Greetings

25 , 25 October I - Hall I

I - Section I 10:00-11:50

Chairperson: Dali Chitunashvili

- Iberotaurica -8 .

( ).
Annegret Plontke-Luening - Iberotaurica in the 8th century. A Bishop from
Gotthia in Mtskheta
(Jena University).


Khatuna Gaphrindashvili Unknown Palimpsest Lectionary Preserved in
the National Center of Manuscripts
(Korneli Kekelidze Georgian National Center of Manuscripts).

Dali Chitunashvili Double Palimpsests Preserved in the National Center
of Manuscripts
(Korneli Kekelidze Georgian National Center of Manuscripts).

- A44-


Irma Khositashvili For the Fragments Including the Life of Maximus the
Confessor Preserved in A44
(Korneli Kekelidze Georgian National Center of Manuscripts).

- XI
Tsitsino Mumladze - The Gospel of the 11th century (K-76) Preserved in
Kutaisi Museum
(Niko Berdzenishvili Kutaisi State Historical Museum).

( ).
Ketevan Asatiani - Georgian Manuscripts Fond Preserved in the National
Archives of Georgia
(National Archives of Georgia).

- Discussion
- Coffee break 11:50-12:05

II - Section II 12:05-13:55

: -
Chairperson: Annegret Plontke-Luening

(1146/26, 323, 363 - )
( ).
Julia Benidze - Decoration System of Three Painted Gospels (1146/26,
323, 363 Central Historical Archive)
(National Archives of Georgia).

( )
Nino Mghebrishvili About the Original Contours of John the Deacon's
work (Taking into Consideration the Data of Arseni of Iqalto's "Dogma-
tikoni") (Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University).


( ).
Teona Gelashvili Gnosiological Terms in Gregory of Nazianzus' Theolog-
ical Orations and their Georgian Equivalents
(National Archives of Georgia).

- : , ,
( ).
Nika Khoperia Lazic War: Landscape, Space, Resources
(Ilia State University).

- -

( ).
Eka Tchkoidze - Some Aspects of the Church-State Relations According
to One Byzantine Text
(Ilia State University).

- (
( ,
Tamar Meskhi - For the Verification of the List of the Heads of Jvari Mon-
astery of Jerusalem
(Giorgi Tsereteli Institute of Oriental Studies, Ilia State University).

- Discussion
- Lunch time 13:55-14:35

III -Section III 14:35-16:40

Chairperson: Hirotake Maeda

- II-

Nino Kukhianidze - Grant Charter of Solomon II to St. George's Mon-
astery of Jruchi
(Niko Berdzenishvili Kutaisi State History Museum).

( ).
Hirotake Maeda - Georgian Archival Sources on the Multi-faceted His-
tory of Nobility of Georgia
(University of Tokyo).


( ,
Giorgi Macharashvili - The Oldest National Symbol of Christian Georgia
(George Tsereteli Institute of Oriental Studies, Ilia State University).

( ).
Lyubov Liski - Some Symbolic Manifestations of the Doppelganger in
Traditional Komi Beliefs About the Human Beings
(University of Helsinki).


( ).
Tinatin Jabadari - Gare Kakheti Population According to Cameral Descrip-
(National Archives of Georgia).

- ,

Guliko Mchedlidze Confessor's Book as a Historical Source
(Korneli Kekelidze Georgian National Center of Manuscripts).


( ).
Anton Vatcharadze - Importance of Church and Metrical Records and
International Experience for its Research
(National Archives of Georgia).

- Discussion

: -

Informational Report:
Nodar Bakhtadze - Archeological Research of the Oldest Basilicas in
Ancient Settlement Nekresi

II - Hall II
I - Section I 10:00-12:05

Chairperson: Merab Kezevadze

XX 20-
- ).
Igor Kekelia Sargis Kakabadze and the Protection of Antiquities in Kutai-
si Uyezd in the 20s of the 20 th century
(Non-profit Organization Scientific-Research Center for History and
Culture of Martvili District).


David Sulaberidze Agiashvili Family Belongings in Kutaisi Museum
(Niko Berdzenishvili Kutaisi State History Museum).

- -

( ).
Levan Tkeshelashvili - Gelati The Tomb of Georgian Kings and Queens
(Gelati Theological Academy and Seminary).


( ).
Merab Kezevadze - From the History of Vani Monastery of Transfiguration
of Jesus
(Kutaisi Central Archive).

Eka Kacharava - Etudes from the History of the Bodbe Episcopacy
(National Agency for Cultural Heritage Preservation of Georgia).

Nino Shiolashvili - From the History of Rustavi Episcopacy
(National Agency for Cultural Heritage Preservation of Georgia).

, -

Teimuraz Akhalmosulishvili, Madona Kebadze - Spreading and Establish-
ment of Christianity in Kakheti, on the Example of the Village Kondoli
(Iakob Gogebashvili Telavi State University).

- Discussion
- Coffee break 12:05 12:20

II - Section II 12:20-13:55

Chairperson: Nona Kartsidze


Maia Kebuladze - Unknown Epistolary Document from the Personal
Archive of Ekvtime Takaishvili
(Niko Berdzenishvili Kutaisi State Historical Museum).


( ).
Dea Gunia - Similarities between Georgian Artistic Features and Iberian
Peninsula Pre-Romanesque Style
(Non-profit Organization: Time and Heritage).

- -

Nona Kartsidze - Historical-Artistic Development of Glazed Ceramic Orna-
(Niko Berdzenishvili Kutaisi State History Museum).

Sophio Chitorelidze - Georgian Professional Ceramics in Artists' Creations

(Giorgi Chubinashvili National Research Center for Georgia Art History
and Heritage Preservation).

( ).
Guliko Kvantidze - The Sign of Social Position in Head Covering of Geor-
gian Woman (18th -20 th centuries)
(Georgian National Museum).

- Discussion
- Lunch Time 13:55-14:35

III - Section III 14:35 -16:25

Chairperson: Meri Matsaberidze

- ,

Irine Abesadze - Epistolary Heritage as a Document Reflecting the Cre-
ative Percussion of an Artist
(Shota Rustaveli Theater and Film State University of Georgia).

; -).
Tamar Tsagareli - Sheep Source and Laurencia
(Shota Rustaveli Theater and Film State University; Vakhtang Chabukiani
Memorial Museum).

Meri Matsaberidze - New Connotations in Petre Otskheli's Creative Work
(Shota Rustaveli Theater and Film State University).

Sopio Papinashvili - For the Understanding of Modern Art
(Shota Rustaveli Theater and Film State University).


( -).
Giorgi Gvelesiani - Literary and Theological Analysis of the Postmod-
ernist Christ of Nikos Kazantzakis
(Tbilisi Theological Academy-Seminary).


Inga Adamia - Parallels to Hero and Leander Myth in the Context of
Intercultural Dialogue
(Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University).

- Discussion

III - Hall III

I - Section I 10:00-11:50

Chairperson: Ia Ghadua

( ).
Tamar Gogoladze For Studying Aleksandre Chavchavadzes Archival
(Gori State Educational University).

- - , ,
Ia Ghadua - Giorgi Eristavi - Poet, Translator, Playwright (According to the
Autograph Manuscripts Preserved in the Museum of Georgian Literature)
(Giorgi Leonidze State Museum of Georgian Literature).

( ).
Shorena Guliashvili Documents on Peter the Confessor (Khmaladze)
Preserved at the Central Historical Archive
(National Archives of Georgia).


Tengiz Simashvili Documents Appeal and Murder of Ilia Chavchavadze
(Iakob Gogebashvili Telavi State University).

, -

( ;
Maia Arveladze, Elisabed Zardiashvili - Unknown Archival Material on
Akaki Tsereteli
(Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University; Shota Rustaveli Institute of
Georgian Literature).

( ;
Julieta Gabodze - Influence of Censorship and Reaction on Akaki Tserete-
lis Creative Work
(Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University; Shota Rustaveli Institute of
Georgian Literature).

- Discussion
- Coffee break 11:50 -12:05

II - Section II 12:05-13:55

Chairperson: Tea Tvalavadze

( ).

Tamta Shonvadze Estate Mirianashvilis Memories
(National Archives of Georgia).


Tea Tvalavadze - Unpublished Archival Material Preserved in the Museum
of Georgian Literature
(Giorgi Leonidze State Museum of Georgian Literature).

( ...)
Levan Beburishvili - From Textual Research to the Real Intention of the
Author (Galaktion Tabidzes To English Writer)
(Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University).

- (
Nana Kobaladze - As a Tender Hyacinth in a Rain (Textual Analyze of
one of the Poetry of Galaktion Tabidze)
(Giorgi Leonidze State Museum of Georgian Literature).


Esma Mania - Intrapersonal Communication Trace in Private Archives of
Public Figures
(Korneli Kekelidze Georgian National Center of Manuscripts).


( ;
Natia Sikharulidze - Specifics of Commenting in Modern Scholarly Edition
(Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University; Shota Rustaveli Institute of
Georgian Literature).

- Discussion
- Lunch time 13:55-14:35

III - Section III 14:35 16:25

Chairperson: Manana Javakhishvili

, -
( ,
Manana Javakhishvili, Irakli Peradze - Daily Research Studies in Georgia:
Challenges of Historiography
(Ilia State University; National Museum of Georgia).

Ketevan Khitarishvili - Aleksandre Baramidzes Review on one more unre-
alized script of The Knight in the Panthers Skin
(Korneli Kekelidze Georgian National Center of Manuscripts).


Luarsab Togonidze Documents preserved at the Audio-Visual and Film
Archives and the Ways of their Identification.

- -

( ).
Nino Sarajishvili - Shalva Gokadze Photo Collection while Processing
(National Archives of Georgia).

- :

( ).
Ekaterine Sanikidze - Songs on Leader: From the History of Soviet
(National Archives of Georgia).

- :

( ).
Nino Dzandzava - Proletcult in Georgia: Influences on Cinematography
(National Archives of Georgia).

- Discussion

26 , 26 October I - Hall I

I - Section I 10:00-11:50

Chairperson: Tomas Welsford

(1800-1806 .)
( ).
Otar Gogolishvili - Batumi in the Field of Russian Interests (1800-1806)
(Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University).

( ).
Saba Saluashvili - Demographics of Gori in the Turn of the 19 th century
(according to the documents preserved in the Central Historical Archive)
(National Archives of Georgia).


( ).
Nino Badashvili - Greek Schools in Georgia in the Second Half of the
19 th and the Turn of the 20 th centuries
(National Archives of Georgia).

- ,,


Tamar Ghurtskaia - Department of Okhranka and the Assassination of
Exarch Nikon
(Iakob Gogebashvili Telavi State University).

- -

( ).
Kamila Pawelczyk-Dura - Contemporary Methods of Management of the
Cultural Heritage in Practice. The Digitization Process of Archival Materi-
als of Piotrkow Governorate Government in the State Archive in Lodz (Po-
(The States Archive in Lodz).

- -20

(All Souls College, ).
Thomas Welsford - Georgians and the Tsarist State in Early 20th century
Central Asia
(All Souls College, University of Oxford).

- Discussion
- Coffee break 11:50-12:05

II - Section II 12:05-14:25

Chairperson: Mikheil Bakhtadze

( ).
Dimitri Silakadze - Unknown Details of Military Biography of General
Giorgi Kvinitadze Before Announcement of Independence of Georgia
(National Archives of Georgia).


Bondo Kupatadze - Representative Bodies of the Democratic Republic of
Georgia According to the Archival Materials
(Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University).

- 1920
Mikheil Bakhtadze - Attempt of Sovietization of Georgia in 1920
(Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University).

, - 1921-1924
( )
Madona Kebadze, Maia Burdiashvili - About the National Movement of
1921-1924 (On the Examples of Kakheti Villages)
(Iakob Gogebashvili Telavi State University).


(, ).
Lela Saralidze - Representatives of the Government of the Democratic
Republic of Georgia in Constantinople and Revolt of 1924
(TSU, Ivane Javakhishvili Institute of History and Ethnology).

(XX . 50-60- )
Shorena Murusidze - Relationship between Georgian Political Emigration
and American Committee (50-60s of the 20 th century)
(Korneli Kekelidze Georgian National Center of Manuscripts).

- -
( )
Gintaras Druckus - Archival studies - "Archives' Challenges in Digital Era"
(Kaunas Regional State Archive)

- 11

(Amal College of Advanced Studies, ( ,

Shihabudheen Cholasseri - Post 9/11 America and Arab American Experi-
ence in Laila Halabys Once in a Promised Land
(Amal College of Advanced Studies, Nilambur).

- Discussion
- Lunch Time 14:25-15:05

III - Section III 15:05-17:25

Chairperson: Dmitri Frolov


( ).
Desi Pratiwi - Archival Studies in Supporting the Development of Informa-
tion Society in Indonesia.
(National Archives of Indonesia (ANRI)).

- -
( ).
Rusudan Samushia - Anatomy of Georgian-Russian Confrontations in
Abkhazia and its Political-Legal Assessment
(Georgian Technical University).

( ).
Timothy K. Blauvelt - Patronage and Protection in Soviet Abkhazia
(Ilia State University).

( )
( ).
Gvantsa Kakitashvili - League of Militant Atheists or Soviet Government
Against Religion (Activities of the League of Militant Atheists in Adjara)
(National Archives of Georgia).


( ).
Elene Gelashvili - Assistant Commission for Homeless Children at the
Central Executive Committee
(National Archives of Georgia).


Mikheil Kartvelishvili - Main Trends for Studying Soviet Religious Policy in
the European Historical Science of Post-Cold War
(Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University).

Manuchar Guntsadze - History of the Conflict Creation in Tskhinvali
Region (fragment from the History of the Democratic Republic of Georgia)
(Korneli Kekelidze Georgian National Center of Manuscripts).

( ).
Dmitri Frolov Collaboration Between the National Archives of Finland
and Republics of the Former USSR
(National Archives of Finland).

- Discussion

/Seminar 17:25 - 18:25 Dalia Yonynaite

II - Hall II
I - Section I 10:00-11:35

Chairperson: Mikheil Kartvelishvili

- -

( ).
Edisher Japharidze - Mikheil Mouskhelishvili - Georgian Contribution to
European Integration
(Technical University of Georgia).


( ).
Lali Zakaradze - Scientific-Research Archive of Caucasian Philosophy and
Theology and Dissident Philosophy in Georgia
(Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University).


Ekaterine Kelauridze - Fonds of Maps and Technical Draughts Preserved
in Kutaisi Museum
(Niko Berdzenishvili Kutaisi State Historical Museum).

( ).
Manana Makhateli Prehistory of Founding the Institute of Language
History and Material Culture in 1917-1935

(Georgian National Academy of Sciences).


Irina Gogonaia Free Lesson in National Center of Manuscripts Expan-
sion of Non-formal Educational Opportunities
(Korneli Kekelidze Georgian National Center of Manuscripts).

- Discussion
- Coffee break 11: 35-11:50

II - Section II 11:50-13:40

Chairperson: Irina Gogonaia

( ).
Beka Kobakhidze - Western Experience of Archival Affair
(Ilia State University).

( ).
Stanisaw Koller - The Approach of the Peoples Republic of Polands
Security Services Towards Operational Files, Based on the Analysis of the
Files Inventory (1956-1990)
(The Institute of National Remembrance).

Ani Sherozia - Importance of Depositories in Museum Activities
(National Agency for Cultural Heritage Preservation of Georgia).

- -

Irma Dolidze - For the Issue of Collections Attribution Likani Palace
(National Agency for Cultural Heritage Preservation of Georgia).

, , -

Ketevan Gigashvili, Mzia Gigashvili, Giorgi Gotsiridze Electronic Schol-
arly Editions of the Epistolary Genre
(Iakob Gogebashvili Telavi State University).

Eter Kavtaradze - From the Relations of Teimuraz Batonishvili and Marie
(Korneli Kekelidze Georgian National Center of Manuscripts)

- Discussion
- Lunch Time 13:40-14:20

III - Section III 14:20-15:40

Chairperson: Eter Kavtaradze

- XX
70- 80-
( ).
Nato Songhulashvili - Dissident Movement in Georgia in the late 1970s
and early 80s of the 20 th century
(Georgian Technical University).

- (
)( ).
Sophiko Gugoshvili - House for Poor People in Tbilisi (history of one
building)(National Archives of Georgia).

( ).
Marine Turashvili Accessibility on the Materials Preserved in Folklore
Archive through Digitalization and Electronic Systematization
(Shota Rustaveli Institute of Georgian Literature of Tbilisi State Universi-


( ).
Tinatin Mshvidobadze Open Source Software and its Influence on
Libraries and Informational Centers
(Gori State Teaching University).

- Discussion

III - Hall III

I - Section I 10:00-11:50

Chairperson: Ani Sherozia

- -
Lela Gotsiridze - Conservation-Restoration of Wax Seals
(Korneli Kekelidze Georgian National Center of Manuscripts).


Lela Mikaberidze Research of Archeological Origin Metal Damages
(Apolon Kutateladze Tbilisi State Academy of Arts).

( ,
Dalia Jonynaite - Specific Areas in Severely Damaged Parchments: Analy-
sis and the Alternative Method of Tension Drying
(Lithuanian Art Museum, Pranas Gudynas Restoration Centre).

( )
Asmat Gvazava - Signs of Parchment Restoration in Foreign Manuscripts

of the Middle Ages (Comparative Analysis)
(Korneli Kekelidze Georgian National Center of Manuscripts).


Shorena Tavadze About the Restoration Process of the Document on
Parchment in Cologne Restoration Institute
(Korneli Kekelidze Georgian National Center of Manuscripts).

( ).
Lia Sikharulidze - Restoration of the Unique Manuscripts from Svaneti
(National Archives of Georgia).

- Discussion
- Coffee break 11:50 12:05

II - Section II 12:05-13:10

Chairperson: Lela Mikaberidze


Sophio Tsertsvadze Importance of Preserving the Authenticity of Manu-
script in the Process of Restoration of Leather Cover
(Korneli Kekelidze Georgian National Center of Manuscripts).


Tamar Dvalishvili - About the Modern Materials of Conservation and Res-
(Korneli Kekelidze Georgian National Center of Manuscripts).

- : ,

( ).
Vidas Grigoraitis - Analogous Film Documents: Experience, Problems and
(Film Center of Lithuania).

- Discussion
- Lunch Time 13:10-13:50

- Film Screening 13:50-15:20

(: ,
: , : ,
: , :

Children from the Hotel America (Directed by Raimundas Banionis, Writ-

ten by Maciejus Drygas, Cinematography by Jonas Tomaeviius, Set
designers Algirdas Bruas, Musical score by by Romualdas Fedara-

27 - OCTOBER 27

11:00-12:00 -

Closing of Conference:

11:00-12:00 - Exhibition Pavilion of the National Archives of Georgia.

/Gala Dinner:



Teona Iashvili
Ketevan Asatiani
Nino Badashvili
Tamta Shonvadze
Teona Gelashvili
Dimitri Silakadze
Natalia Gladchenko
Sophio Jobava
Tea Kimeridze
saqarTvelos National
erovnuli Archives of
arqivi Georgia

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