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Clipper is a diode circuit used to eliminate part of a waveform

A clipper circuit is for clipping an upper portion and/or lower portion of a uni-directional
sinusoidal voltage signal.

Voltage clipping limits the voltage to a device without affecting the rest of the waveform

In electronics, a clipper is a device designed to prevent the output of a circuit from exceeding a
predetermined voltage level without distorting the remaining part of the applied waveform.

A clipping circuit consists of linear elements like resistors and non-linear elements like junction
diodes or transistors, but it does not contain energy-storage elements like capacitors. Clipping
circuits are used to select for purposes of transmission, that part of a signal wave form which lies
above or below a certain reference voltage level.
Table of Contents
Table of Contents.....................................................................................................ii
1. Introduction........................................................................................................1
1.1. Background......................................................................................................1
1.2. Objectives.........................................................................................................1
1.3. Theory...............................................................................................................1
2. Apparatus..........................................................................................................2
3. Procedure
4. Results.................................................................................................................3
5. Conclusions.........................................................................................................3
6. References..........................................................................................................3

1. Background:

Voltage clipping limits the voltage to a device without affecting the rest of
the waveform

In electronics, a clipper is a device designed to prevent the output of a

circuit from exceeding a predetermined voltage level without distorting
the remaining part of the applied waveform.

A clipping circuit consists of linear elements like resistors and non-linear

elements like junction diodes or transistors, but it does not contain energy-
storage elements like capacitors. Clipping circuits are used to select for
purposes of transmission, that part of a signal wave form which lies above
or below a certain reference voltage level.

Thus a clipper circuit can remove certain portions of an arbitrary waveform near the positive or
negative peaks. Clipping may be achieved either at one level or two levels. Usually under the
section of clipping, there is a change brought about in the wave shape of the signal.

Clipping Circuits are also called as Slicers, amplitude selectors or limiters.

2. Objectives:

 To study the parallel biased top clipper circuit with the help of oscilloscope.
 To study the parallel biased bottom clipper circuit with the help of oscilloscope
 To study the series biased top clipper circuit with the help of oscilloscope
 To study the series biased bottom clipper circuit with the help of oscilloscope
A clipper circuit for clipping an upper portion and/or lower portion of a
uni-directional sinusoidal voltage signal. The clipper circuit comprises a
uni-directional buffer amplifier biased to either a (+) or (-) voltage for
taking a sinusoidal voltage signal with only a (+) or (-) band value as an
input voltage signal, a first Zener diode whose anode is connected to an
output port of said uni-directional buffer amplifier and cathode is
connected to a predetermined voltage source for clipping the lower portion
of the input voltage signal as a predetermined setting value, and a second
Zener diode whose cathode is connected to the output port of the uni-
directional buffer amplifier and whose anode is grounded for clipping the
upper portion of the input voltage signal as a predetermined setting value.

Two shunt diode clipper circuits

In the example circuits above, one or two zener diodes are used to clip the voltage VIN. In the
first circuit, the voltage is clipped to the reverse breakdown voltage of the zener diode. In the
second, it is limited to the reverse breakdown voltage plus the voltage drop across one zener
 Resistors.
 Junction diods.
 capcitors
 Transistors.
 Breadboard.
 Oscilloscope.


The following steps describe the procedure:

 First of all, made the circuit diagrams on the paper.

 Then gathered the equipments and apparatus and circuit
transistors and resistors .
 Joined the resistors transistors and diods on the breadboard according to
the circuit diatgram
 Made the circui
 Connected the circuit with oscilloscpe
 Applied a.c voltage
 Obseved the waveform on the oscilloscope.
 Firt we checked simply the digram of waveform
 After that we checked the diagram of waveform with terminal changed.
 In this the results were obtained.
5-Observations and Calculations:
Diagarms of waveform
Diagram of waveform with terminal changed
Conclusion :

Using a clipper circuit It is observed that a clipper circuit can remove certain portions of an
arbitrary waveform near the positive or negative peaks. Clipping may be achieved either at one
level or two levels. Usually under the section of clipping, there is a change brought about in the
wave shape of the signal. Clipper is a diode circuit used to eliminate part of a waveform

A clipper circuit is for clipping an upper portion and/or lower portion of a uni-directional
sinusoidal voltage signal.

 Google search

 Electronic Devices by Theraja.

 Lab instructions

 Class Lectures.

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