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School : SMP Negeri 19 Palu

Subject : Bahasa Inggris
Class/Semester : IX/1
Skill : Writing
Genre Procedure
Duration : 1 x 45 menit
Standar Kompetensi : 6. Mengungkap kan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional
dan esei pendek sederhana berbentuk procedure dan
report untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan
Kompetensi Dasar : 6.2 Mengungkapkan makna dan langkah retorika dalam
esei pendek sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam
bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima
untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-
hari dalam teks berbentuk procedure dan report

I. Indicator

1. Cognitif
A. Product
Students are able to make a simple procedure text
B. Proses
Students are able to identify the sequence steps in procedure text
2. Affectif
Students are able to distinguish the action verbs in procedure text
3. Psychomotor
Students are able to determine the generic structure of procedure

The instructional Objective, at the end of the class the students are expected
1. Cognitif
A. Product
Make a simple procedure text
B. Proses
Identify the sequence steps in procedure text
2. Affectif
Distinguish the action verbs in procedure text
3. Psychomotor
Determine the generic structure of procedure

II. Learning Materials

1. Procedure text;

III. The language features
Specific vocabulary :

Noun as the list of materials needed (ingridients): water, bowl, noodle,

glue, paint, ruler

action verb: find, measure, cut, add, stir, make, mix, blend, pour, serve

Sequence of steps: then, next, , before, after, finally first, second, third

Phrase: cut out, swith on,etc

IV. Instructional Methode /Approach/Technique:

Individual dan Cooperative Learning

Communicative Approach
Guided writing

V. Instructional Steps


Pre-activity (5 menit)
1. Teacher asks the condition of the students
2. Teacher gives a brainstorming about the material
3. Teacher explains the standar competence, based competence, instructional
objective of the material
Whilst activity (20 menit)
1. Teacher explains the generic sturucture of procedure text in the slide
2. The students do task 1
Task 1
Below are the steps to make instant fried noodle. They are not in the right order. Put
them in the right order and use necessary words of sequences.
( ) Take the noodle from the water and drain it.
( ) Spread fried onion and the noodle is ready to serve.
( ) Pour the seasoning, soy sauce, and chili powder into the noodle, and
mix well.
( ) Boil the noodle in two glasses of water and simmer for 3 minutes.
( ) Put the noodle on a plate
3. The teacher asks the volunteer to rearrange the sentence
4. The Students are devided in groups
5. The students do task 2

Task 2
Answer the following questions about the text above.
1. What do you need to make a cardboard photo frame?
2. What is the first step to make the frame?
3. What colours do you need to paint the frame?
4. What is the final step to make the frame?
6. Students discuss the task, then write a simple procedure text on the table given
Task 3
Using the following structure of procedure, write a text on how to make

Procedure - text organizer



Goal: tell what will be made or done

Requirements: list of what is needed

Steps: number in order of what has to be done

include diagrams or pictures if needed

7. One of the group member report their result discussion

8. The teacher checks the students answer
9. Students are given assessment and reward for the best group..
Closure (5 menit)
1. The students are asked to reflect the activity
2. The students are given a homework about how to make something or receipt

1. English students book English in Sky IX
2. Power point
3. Internet(log)

Task 1
1. 5 sentence = 100 point
2. 4 sentence = 80
3. 3 sentence = 60
4. 2 sentence = 40
5. 1 sentence = 20
6. 0 sentence = 0
Task 2: 1 question = 100 points
Task 3: 1 question= 100 points
Rubric of Evaluation

Aspect Criteria score

All elements are present at high level of skill
appropriate proportions; high 85-100
Generic comprehension.
structure Has title, adequate materials needed and
sequence steps
Lacks one of the essential elements. 65-74
Lacks two of the essential elements. 64<
7 + Errors 85-100
5-6 Errors 75-84
3-4 Errors 65-74
0-2 Errors 64<
Error free, or one error per 50 words. 85-100
Punctuation, Two to three errors per 50 words. 75-84
and Spelling Four to six errors per 50 words. 65-74
More than seven errors per 50 words 64<
Selects an appropriate words/phrases 85-100
Selects a range of words/phrases 75-84
Word choice
Selects few words/phrases 65-74
Selects very few or no words/phrases w 64<

Palu, November 2015

Head Master, Teacher,

Drs. Alfrets Royke pandean, M.Si Erlinah, S.Pd., M.Pd

NIP. 19630411 198803 1 011 NIP. 19741212 200012 2 005


Task 1:
(1) Boil the noodle in two glasses of water and simmer for 3 minutes.
(2) Take the noodle from the water and drain it.
(3) Put the noodle on a plate
(4) Pour the seasoning, soy sauce, and chili powder into the noodle, and
mix well.
(5) Spread fried onion and the noodle is ready to serve.

Task 2
1. Cardboard, paper, string, Photo,Glue,Paint,Sticky tape ,Ruler
2. Find a foto
3. (Variation)
4. Attach a stand or handle.

( variation)






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