1 Research A Mathematician

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Geometry - Quarter 1

Research a Mathematician

The most fundamental and influential concepts in mathematics go back hundreds, even thousands
of years. The history is often overlooked, but can add a fascinating view of world-wide cultural
history, the thought process that brought about new ideas and overcame challenges, and the
context of theorems still learned in school today.

During Quarter 1, you will be researching a particular mathematician who contributed to the field
of Geometry, the oldest and most universal branch of mathematics. The list on the back includes
all possible mathematicians for this project, and no more than two students in each class may
research the same mathematician.

When writing your paper, you should consider the following questions:
Where and when was the mathematician born?
Where, when, and how did the mathematician die?
How did the mathematician learn math as they grew up?
What was the mathematicians main research focus? (i.e. astronomy, philosophy, calculus, etc.)
Did the mathematician have any relatives who contributed to a math or science field?
Did the mathematician face any cultural challenges or incentives? What were the regional
circumstances at the time?
Most importantly, what ideas, theorems, proofs, solutions, etc. did the mathematician contribute
to the field of geometry? You do not need to present the proof or solution, but you should explain
the general concept in your own words and why they were the first (if they were) to prove it.

Final Draft Requirements:

Typed, double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12 point font
No cover page (only header with name, date, and title)
3 - 5 pages (three full pages, minimum)
Separate page for at least 3 references, using MLA citations

How to format a reference:

Last, First M. Article Title.Website Title. Website Publisher, Date Month Year Published. Web.
Date Month Year Accessed.

*Wikipedia is allowed for one reference. In-text citations are not necessary.

Rough Draft (can be hand-written) due: September 11

Final Draft (typed) due: October 6

Grading Rubric
Each category below is worth 10 points. Target = 10 points, Satisfactory = 8 points, Unsatisfactory = 5 points.
Category Target Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Includes all aspects of the

persons life, including Includes most aspects of Most significant aspects of
General Life History birth, death, significant the persons life, missing the persons life history
locations, events, and some minor details. are missing.
family members.

Discusses how regional Regional circumstances

circumstances affect the discussed, but not Regional circumstances
Cultural Background persons life, success, and thoroughly related to the are not discussed.
motivation. persons own life.

Thoroughly emphasizes Emphasizes the geometric

the major contributions to contribution, but does not Contributions to geometry
geometry and how they fully elaborate or are not emphasized or not
Significance succeeded in proving the accurately explain the included.
idea. mathematics.

Three or more references

Significant formatting
citing key information, Some minor formatting
mistakes, fewer than three
References properly formatted on a mistakes. Wikipedia used
references used, or only
separate sheet. Wikipedia more than once.
Wikipedia cited.
only used once.

Formatted exactly as
designated on assignment Some minor formatting Major formatting,
description. No grammar mistakes. Some grammar grammar, or spelling
Formatting or spelling mistakes. At or spelling mistakes. More issues. Less than two full
least three full pages, and than two full pages. pages.
no more than five pages.

Total Score __________ / 50

*If you submit nothing for this project, you will receive 0% instead of 40%.

Thales of Miletus (624 Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777
Ptolemy (100 170) Fibonacci (1175 1250)
546 BC) 1855)

Nikolai Lobachevsky
Pythagoras (570495 BC) Aryabhata (476550) Madhava (1340 1425)
(1792 1856)

Jnos Bolyai (1802

Plato (423 348 BC) Brahmagupta (598 - 665) Luca Pacioli (14471517)

Archimedes (287 212 Ren Descartes (1596 Bernhard Riemann (1826

Al-Khwarizma (780 850)
BC) 1650) 1866)

Eratosthenes (276 - 195 Omar Khayyam (1048 Leonhard Euler (1707 Benoit Mandelbrot (1924
BC) 1131) 1783) 2010)

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