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Exchange Experiences International Office

Finland University of Jyvskyl


Report 1

exchange/placement application process
I wrote a motivation letter and sent it to the Master coordinator together with my
transcripts and CV.
counselling/support at home university
There was a problem with housing in Jyvskyl and the Eurasmus grant, but the
employees of the International Office helped me out with those problems.
academic preparation
There was a mandatory introduction course most students took online and I already
finished the Dutch academic courses for the Master.
language preparation
Little, I bought the mini dictionairy 'Hoe en wat in het Fins'.
I worked in the weekends to finance the exchange and my family supported me.
study/placement abroad period
study programme/work plan (concerning content and organisational issues)
The Eurocampus program was already fixed, there was no choice or room for different
courses. I chose however to enroll in an extra course, the Survival Finnish course. I
dropped one of the 15 courses because ESN planned a trip to Lapland.
academic quality of education/placement activities
I participated in the Eurocampus program, Utrecht is one of the 10 European Universities
who contribute to this program. Every week we had a different course taught by one of
the teachers of those universities. The quality was therefore different each week. Some
teachers expected too much and others too less. Overall, the quality was good.
counselling/support at host institution/organisation
The Finnish teacher was very helpful and would help with anything.
transfer of credits
Untill now no problems.
student life
welcome/orientation programme
The first week was introduction week. It was fun and there were a lot of parties and
BBQ's. I had a very nice mentor and she took as to our appartment, showed us Jyvskyl
and helped us with everything. Eventually we became very good friends .
Despite the placement trouble in the beginning, my appartment was very nice
(Roninmki). It was in the middle of the forest next to lakes and a few very big
supermarkets. It was 15 min by bike to the University. Roninmki consist of 7/8 building
with mostly international students. I was lucky with my very clean German roommate.
Exchange Experiences International Office
Finland University of Jyvskyl

Some appartments had 3 or 4 rooms, but I shared my appartment with only one other
girl. We had a big kitchen and balcony. Every building has a sauna! But there were only 2
building for laundry, so that was not enough. Every month there is a M builing party, so if
you live there, you won't get any sleep once a month. The surroudings were beautiful and
in the autumn you could pick berries and mushrooms in the forest.
There are lots of sport oppurtinities in Jyvskyl. Especially in the winter, when you could
ski and snowboard in the area. Other things to do are hiking, outdooring, sauna, BBQ.
ESN Jyvskyl organizes a lot of fun trips, such as cruise to St Petersburg, trip to St
Petersburg, Moskow & Novograd, to Lapland, Baltic Sea cruises or just picking apples fest
or pre Christmas parties. Jyvskyl is famous for architecture, you should visit the Avar
Aalto museum.
The university of Jyvskyl provides a host family program, which was for me a great
experience because you really get to know Finnish people and their culture. My family let
me taste all kinds of traditional food as blood sausage/ pancakes and we went hiking in
the forest and BBQ'ed at a cabin.
Try to buy a 2nd hand bike immediately, otherwise you have to buy a very expensive new
The university also provides Finnish language courses, try to take survival Finnish or
Finnish 1. It is so much fun and afterwards you can communicate with locals.
would you recommend this host organisation/destination to others? please explain
Finland and especially Jyvskyl is amazing. The Finnish language is very funny and
interesting to learn too. If you want to go somewhere different, special, mysterious and
unexplored, you should go here. Even if you are not a big nature fan, the trees, lakes,
hills, saunas and active lifestyle of the Finns will change you in a relax person. If you like
big cities, noise and crowds, then you should not go.
do you have any additional advice or comments?
Make as many trips you the time will give you, be as actives and outdoor if you can and
enjoy the beauty of Finland. Try to make Finnish friends because they are the sweetest.
Please go to Jyvskyl! As the Finns says: 'Finland is not a place but a state of mind'.

Report 2

exchange/placement application process
Since Eurocampus is a special program and takes places every year in another country, I
am not sure how useful some subjects can be for other students. I wrote a motivation
letter and based on that I was accepted for this program. I had to register myself at the
University of Jyvskyl, which was quite easy, and request the Erasmus grant, which took
most of my time.
counselling/support at home university
I did not recieve that much support from the home university. They didn't sign my form
correctly, so I had to redo everything again. I advise you to start with this forms as soon
as you can, cause it take more time to fill in and getting approved than you think.
Exchange Experiences International Office
Finland University of Jyvskyl

academic preparation
I had no preparation at all and in the end it was not needed.
language preparation
There was a possibility to do a full time Finnish language before the start of the semester,
but I did not participate, since I was doing my internship that month.
I worked beforehand at my internship and worked in the weekends to save some money.
I did not receive studiefinanciering. I think that if you have saved some money +
studiefinanciering + ov-vergoeding + Erasmus grant is enough funding for you stay in
Jyvskyl, if you don't do too many crazy thing. Jyvskyl is more expensive than the
Netherlands, especially alcohol. So if you want to party and travel a lot, I would advise
you to save some more money.
study/placement abroad period
study programme/work plan (concerning content and organisational issues)
Everything was very well organised, the program was on beforehand sent to us.
Classrooms were excellent. It was clear to me that the organisers are running this
program already for a few years.
academic quality of education/placement activities
The Eurocampus was quite intensive and a lot of work, but not very difficult.
counselling/support at host institution/organisation
Very good, there were visiting hours where you could go and ask questions, but they
were also very well reachable through email. Everytime something important had to be
arranged, the International Office send me an email.
transfer of credits
I got 30 ECTS, but has not received them yet (I am only 4 days back, sounds
student life
welcome/orientation programme
I got a tutor, who helped me with everything you could think of: she was there when I
arrived at the station, had already my keys and information of my appartment and
brought me there and much more. There was also an introduction week, full with courses
with e.g. how to bike in Jyvskyl, information about the computer systems, how to
adapt to the Finnish winter, sports in Jyvskyl, etc. Very interesting!!
Nice appartment (I stayed in Roninmaki), shared with two roommates. Very comfortable
room, sometimes a bit noisy. I would buy a bike, cause it is around 4 km to the campus
and even furthur to the city centre. It was a pity that other students appartments
(Kortepohja) were on the other part of the town. Sometimes it was quite far to bike to a
party. Washing and drying your clothes is free!
There is enough to do in Jyvskyl! People are friendly and eager to help you and let you
know when there are nice activities. My classmates invited me to the 'ontgroening' of the
freshmen, which every student has to do or just a simple night at a cafe. Besides that,
ESN is very active and organises a lot of events. And also the trips to St Petersburg,
Exchange Experiences International Office
Finland University of Jyvskyl

Lapland and Stockholm are one of the most special events during my stay.
Join ESN and you have to start a conversation with Finnish people, since most of them
are used to keeping to themselves and are bit shy to use English. But once you get to
know them, they are extremely kind and warm.
would you recommend this host organisation/destination to others? please explain
Definitely. Everything was so well organised. You just have to have no problems with the
climate, cause then it is a perfect stay for your Erasmus.
do you have any additional advice or comments?
It can quite rain in Finland and when it is finally winter, very slippery!

Report 3

exchange/placement application process
I applied for the Eurocampus master program for which I was going to take a fixed set of
courses. I received from the University of Jyvskyl instruction how to enter my courses
through the website 'mobility online'. It's important to fill in all the requirements BEFORE
the deadline or it will cause you a lot of trouble. In addition to this, I had to hand in the
signed Learning Agreement of the UU.
counselling/support at home university
I had an appointment with the Dutch coordinator Jan ten Thije as a preparation for the
academic preparation
I had to complete an online course as a preparation for my master.
language preparation
The master program was in English. I decided not to follow the Survival Finnish Course at
the University of Jyvskyla, though I heard later it was quite fun.
I had some savings plus applied for the Erasmus funds. Please note: Finland is
EXPENSIVE! I certainly recommend you to save some money before you go!
study/placement abroad period
study programme/work plan (concerning content and organisational issues)
As I had a fixed set of courses to follow, I had no trouble.
academic quality of education/placement activities
counselling/support at host institution/organisation
I had no troubles so did not have to ask for support. Though University of Jyvskyl
really is an excellent university so I have no doubt they'd offer good support.
transfer of credits
Exchange Experiences International Office
Finland University of Jyvskyl

I think I got all the credits? We'll have to see..

student life
welcome/orientation programme
Excellent! In the first week before the courses start an extensive welcome program was
organised. During the week you will discover the campus, student associations, the
student union and where everything is. THere were lectures given on how to adapt to the
Finnish life, how to cope with the darkness/cold in the winter, what kind of sports you
could take, what your rights as a student are, what the biking rules are in Jyvaskyla
Basically everything you need! The best thing was the tutor system: you'll be sorted in a
small group of a tutor who will contact you before your departure and will pick you up in
Jyvskyl and bring you to your appartment. He/she will be there for you for the rest of
the semester to answer your questions and help you.
I lived in Myllyjrvie in a KOAS building: it was a spacias, modern and clean appartment
that I shared with two other flatmates. It was a really good apparment with laundry
facilities and a sauna and roughly 15 minutes biking from campus. Supermarkets are
located 15 minutes biking as well and there were bus stops near. I heard Ronimaki is a
nice place to live as well, the buildings are more old fashioned though there are a lot of
parties and sometimes it can be quie noisy. Kortapoja is good as well, though it depends
in which building you are.
Jyvskyl is quite small and doesn't offer the same as bigger cities do. However, it is a
lively student city so there are sufficient number clubs and some bars that keep you
satified. There are really a lot of activities organised every week so I never got bored.
ESN is really active in organising trips and activities, many international students
organise activities/parties and there are other activities as well.
The first two weeks are the most important: go to as many activities as you can in order
to meet new people with whom you can hang out/party with later. There is a lot to do if
you're open for it!
Regarding the weather, in November it will rain quite a lot so make sure to bring
waterproof shoes/jackets (Finnish people don't really care about fashion, more about
comfort anyways). It will snow here in December and sometimes can get quite cold.
Personally I didn't really mind the darkeness as I exercised a lot (free gym) and went
outside a lot. Vitamin D pills help as well.
Finaly, I really recommend getting a bike ASAP as it gives you a lot of freedom (plus the
bus is expensive).
would you recommend this host organisation/destination to others? please explain
Definitely! THe university is well organised and there are a lot of facilities for students.
There are many activities organised to keep you busy. Moreover, Jyvskyla is probably
the safest place I have ever visited!
However, keep in mind it is a small city.
do you have any additional advice or comments?
Make the most out of your exchange :)

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