Dca Pulse Faq Final

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Weve compiled a list of frequently asked questions to help you get

started with DCA Pulse and make sure you have everything you need to
keep collecting accurate, reliable device data.

How does DCA Pulse work alongside DCA 4.x?
DCA 4.x seamlessly co-exists with DCA Pulse on the same network and monitors devices independently.
When the DCAs are registered in the same group, each device in that group is only monitored by a single
DCA. Priority is given to the most robust option first in the following order:
1. DCA Pulse with a model definition file, if available
2. DCA 4.x, if available
3. DCA Pulse with an undefined model, if the first two options are not available

Duplicate device handling is identical in PrintFleet Optimizer whether you are using DCA 4.x or DCA Pulse.
Heuristic Matching is used to identify each device raw device data is collected by the DCA and matched, if
possible, to a DeviceId in the system.

How do I get ready for DCA Pulse?

You will have an opportunity to try DCA Pulse using our customer Sandbox
(https://sandbox.printfleet.com). Alternatively, you can create a new sibling group in your own system to
test DCA Pulse, however this process utilizes two device licenses because there are two distinct DCAs
operating. A sibling group is any other group that is not a parent or child of the group you are testing DCA
Pulse in.

If you do not already have access to the Sandbox, please reach out to your Account Manager, Customer
CARE Representative or email helpdesk@printfleet.com. They will provide you with the new URL and
access to a group where you can test DCA Pulse.

What can my customers expect during the transition from DCA 4.x to DCA Pulse? How does the migration
From the beginning of the migration to DCA Pulse to its completion, we anticipate that the impact on users
will be minimal. Existing reports, alerts, exports and API calls that are defined should continue to work after
upgrading to DCA Pulse. We will be implementing a data mapping solution that will use the existing DCA 4.x
metric records and update them to reflect the standard DCA Pulse type to maintain compatibility. For more
information on Standard Types, please see the DCA Pulse whitepaper series.

Will historical data from DCA 4.x be merged with DCA Pulse data?
Yes, in most cases historical data will be merged in the migration from DCA 4.x to DCA Pulse. However,
there are some exceptions:
Device attributes such as detailed firmware will be created with a new name.
Obscure, non-standard meters without a type will be stale (last updated following the last DCA 4.x
scan before upgrading to DCA Pulse) or non-existent. A new type may be created by PrintFleet
Development or Technical Support.
Most non-toner supply labels that contain serial numbers will have a Standard Type in DCA Pulse but
some may not. Instances where there are no Standard Types are the result of part of a supply
continually creating new labels under DCA 4.x.

Does DCA Pulse recognize the same devices/collect the same device information from DCA 4.x?
If there is a model definition file for the device, DCA Pulse may collect more data than DCA 4.x. We are
working down a list of machines in field monitored by PrintFleet in order of most popular to least and
adding more model definition files regularly. You will have access to new and updated model definition
files within a day of release without updating or restarting your system.

How should I approach the transition from DCA 4.x to DCA Pulse?
We suggest you take a slow approach to DCA Pulse, deploying it internally first and familiarizing yourself
with the features. Once you are reasonably comfortable with the platform, we recommend trying it out
with a trusted customer to gain experience and ensure everyone is comfortable with the updates.
Following this, a gradual roll out done at a rate that is appropriate for the business is best.

How do I get DCA Pulse?
You can install DCA Pulse from the DCA Admin tab if you have PrintFleet Optimizer 3.9.0 or higher.

What changes will I encounter installing DCA Pulse?

You will see very few changes during the installation process. Installing DCA Pulse is very similar to the
simplified install process for DCA 4.x in that it involves minimal input. There is no local configuration
interface, so once DCA Pulse is installed and running, you can deploy and review discovered scan ranges
and begin scanning the environment.

What is the installation process for DCA Pulse?

The installation process for DCA Pulse is similar to the simplified install for DCA 4.x, however there may
be some minor differences depending on your operating system. DCA Pulse intuitively identifies the
correct installer for whatever operating system you are using.

Microsoft Windows (x86/64)

. NET 4.5 or higher

Supported out-of-box:
Desktop versions: Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8
Server: Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2012

Supported after installing .NET 4.5+:

Desktop: Windows 7 SP1, Windows Vista SP2
Server: Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1, Windows Server 2008 SP2

Linux/Raspberry Pi/MacOS
Mono 4.4 or higher
Linux OS using either systemd or upstart as an init system
o Examples: Ubuntu 14.04LTS (upstart), Ubuntu 16.04LTS (systemd), Raspbian Jessie (systemd),
CentOS 7 (systemd), Debian 8 (Jessie) (systemd)

Am I able to select which DCA is deployed by default or am I required to select the DCA I want to install with
each installation?
As of May 1, 2017, DCA Pulse will be the default DCA selected during the set-up process, but you have the
option of selecting DCA 4.x. Please note that one of the two must be selected to create a DCA.

Will a new device record be created?

A new device record will be created only in the event DCA Pulse is deployed in a completely new group
hierarchy. Otherwise, Heuristic Matching is used as before to prevent duplication, make connections, and
identify matches in order to facilitate accurate and effective data collection. However, you may see
duplicates under the following conditions:
Two DCAs are monitoring the same network and pointed to two different groups, regardless of
whether they are DCA 4.x or DCA Pulse.
The CreationDate of one device is newer than the LastActive date of the other.
The device is migrated as an Unknown device type (deviceTypeID = 0) in which case a duplicate will
be created following the next submission file that contains this device.
Devices have the same serial and/or MAC addresses but different names and both devices are active.

How is DCA 4.x uninstalled if my customer only wants to use DCA Pulse? Will I have to go to every customer
location to uninstall DCA 4.x?
There is no option to uninstall DCA 4.x but there is no need to because DCA 4.x can co-exist with DCA
Pulse. Please see our 4.x Pulse Transition Best Practices for more information.

Updates and Changes

What changes can I expect to see after upgrading to DCA Pulse? How do these improve on the features and
functionality of DCA 4.x?
You and your customers will see a number of improvements as a result of the DCA Pulse upgrade which
will enhance user experience and improve device management. Some of the most notable changes
include increased efficiency, more precise reporting and enhanced security. The following chart details
how DCA Pulse compares to DCA 4.x.

DCA Pulse DCA 4.x

Operation Continuous operation. Simultaneously Batch operation. Discovers and scans,

discovers, scans and synchronizes data. uploads, waits and repeats.

Scan intervals Separate scans for data collection, One interval for completing a single scan
including intervals for discovery, attributes, for everything. Scan happens only as part
meters, supplies and error codes. of discovery, so discovery has to happen
every time.

Internet traffic Data is only sent to PFO when something All data for all devices is sent to PFO after
has changed, and is relayed as soon as DCA every scan is completed.
Pulse knows about it.

Local network DCA Pulse knows exactly how to query DCA 4.x usually 'guesses' at what to scan
traffic specific pieces of data based on the model which often results in trying three or four
and as a result, there is less noise different queries before a meter or supply
because no unnecessary queries are sent. value can be captured.
Overall traffic change, however, could be
offset by DCA Pulse scanning more
frequently. With both DCA Pulse and DCA
4.x, the amount of network traffic is tiny:
an entire day's worth of traffic is
comparable to someone watching a
YouTube video for a few seconds.

Models DCA Pulse provides basic support for all Most models are supported, but the level
supported devices. However, for devices we have of support available for each model varies.
developed model definition files in- It is impossible to know ahead of time
conjunction with OEM specification what level of support is available because a
documentation, there is higher precision definitive list cannot be compiled as DCA
and accuracy. 4.x utilizes assumptions, deduction, and
ambiguous rules for model matching.

Local device Not included in DCA Pulse v.1.0. Variable support (no change).

Data collection Relatively low-risk of data collection Possible, due to the nature of design. Most
bugs problems. Model definition files mean of the data collection code is 'generic' with
changes and updates can be as specific as exceptions for manufacturers and
a single firmware variant of a single model. sometimes specific model series or

Updates Software has an auto-update mechanism Requires a new installer to be deployed.

which uses our Content Distribution Auto-update exists, but is optional and
Network (CDN). CDN is part of the suite of requires each PFO be updated with the
services that make up PrintFleet Central. new DCA version first. No automatic
Updates come from an Amazon Cloud- mechanism exists for this.
Front-hosted service which uses a
geographical distribution model to ensure
users downloads come from the location
fastest for them. For more information on
PrintFleet Central, please see our
PrintFleet Central FAQ.
However, model definitions are updated
separately and DCA Pulse continuously
uses the latest definitions. See the Device
Support section for more information.

Platforms Operates on Windows, Linux, Raspberry Pi Only operates on Windows.

(Linux), and MacOS. Linux and MacOS
require some technical familiarity with the
operating systems in order to install.

Installation Installs automatically and activates DCA Has two installation methods: simplified
Pulse, similar to DCA 4.x's simplified install. and manual install. Manual install requires
See the DCA Install Guide for more a PIN and the correct PFO to direct data to.

Configuration Configuration is entirely within PFO and Configuration mostly takes place on the
takes effect in real-time. client side. You can configure some
settings in PFO unless disabled on the
client side and changes will take effect
after next scan is completed.

Data types Our standard data types always follow Some meters are standardized, other
metric labels specifications to facilitate values have a well known label, but many
easy and effective communication despite are simply based on what the device itself
the disparities between original equipment reports, making comparing and totaling
manufacturers (OEMs) labels. data between two devices difficult.

Are there any changes to how Heuristic Matching is handled in DCA 4.x and DCA Pulse?
No, there are no changes.

Will there be any noticeable changes to the user interface when I log in to PrintFleet Optimizer?
You will notice DCA Pulse management and configuration is different due to the different scan
configuration options. Please refer to the User Guide for detailed information on these changes.
You will also see Meters and Supplies now use Standard Types which means there are different labels
displayed, although in most cases they map to an old DCA 4.x label. For more information on standard
types, please see the DCA Pulse whitepaper series.

Will the label names in DCA Pulse appear differently than they did in DCA 4.x? If so, how does this affect
standard reports, custom reports, meter exports and alerts?
The label names will appear differently for standard and custom reports, but we are aiming to maintain
backwards compatibility for existing data so the two programs will work together seamlessly. Please
refer to the Migration section for more information on DCA 4.x to DCA Pulse migration.

There are no changes for exports and alerts.

What are scan intervals and what are the minimum and maximum values for these?
DCA Pulse separates device discovery from other scan types, enabling you to set custom scan intervals
for retrieving meters, supplies attributes and errors. You can also set up alerts on different types of data

such as meters, supplies and error codes to get the information you need when you need it. The
minimum and maximum values for the scan intervals are:

Scan Function Default Minimum Maximum

Discovery 30 minutes 10 minutes 720 minutes
Meters 120 minutes 10 minutes 720 minutes
Supplies 60 minutes 10 minutes 720 minutes
Errors 60 seconds 30 seconds 600 seconds
Attributes 360 minutes 10 minutes 720 minutes

For more information on scan intervals, please see the DCA Pulse whitepaper series.

Will I experience billing difficulties as a result of the DCA Pulse upgrade?

There will be no changes to any of the meters used for billing. The first meter value from DCA Pulse will
be inserted with an indicator that shows it is an upgrade which means that a change will not be
calculated from the DCA 4.x value.

Device Support
How many devices will be supported by DCA Pulse in v.1? What percent of machines in field (MIF)
monitored by PrintFleet does this represent?
DCA Pulse provides basic support for all devices at the public MIB level. Our target is to support our top
700 models which represent 82% of PrintFleets MIF. The actual number may vary for a number of
reasons, including missing OEM MIB specifications or misidentified models, but this will be
communicated prior to launch. Model definition files (MDF) will be delivered continuously both before
and after launch.

How often will manufacturer updates be deployed to DCA Pulse?

We will continuously use PrintFleet Central to deploy updates from manufacturers. Once we are aware
there is an update from an equipment manufacturer, we request a specification document from the
manufacturer and begin work on implementing the update. It is released as soon as it is complete.

Is DCA Pulse available for local devices?

No, it is not currently available. At this time we dont have a date on our DCA Pulse roadmap for local
device support, but it is something we are looking to do in future versions.

Does DCA Pulse run on Samsung XOA devices?

No, not at this time. If there is enough demand for it, PrintFleet Development would look into it.

What security measures does DCA Pulse use?
Using SNMP, HTTPS and TLS v1.2, DCA Pulse attempts to collect the following device metrics:
Unique PrintFleet Optimizer internal deviceId, a globally unique generated string of characters with
no identifying information
Manufacturer, model and ModelId, a generated string of characters that uniquely identifies models
within the PrintFleet Model Database
Model match type, an indicator of how a device was matched to a model description from the
Model Database
Device type, an internal device classification identifier
Device name or hrDeviceDescription, the name given to an imaging device on installation. The
name identifies the device but is in no way related to any user of the device.
Device serial number and MAC address
Device entry creation and last active dates
List of meters: name, last reported, last value, standardLabelId (if applicable)
List of supplies: name, last reported, high percent, low percent, status, standardLabelId
List of codes: code, type, count, group, groupIndex, location
Engine firmware version
Current license status

PrintFleet Central does not collect the above device data, however it may store the anonymous device
data collected by DCA Pulse as well as the following:
License status changes
DCA versions and timelines of DCAs that reported this device
TotalCount by month

As with DCA 4.x, DCA Pulse does not collect any print job or personally identifiable information. DCA
Pulse complies with data protection legislation in North America and Europe, including recent updates
to the European Union Data Protection laws.

Are there any updates to the security measures used by DCA Pulse?
Yes, DCA Pulse has eliminated the use of hypertext transport protocol (HTTP) and exclusively uses
hypertext transport protocol secure (HTTPS) and transfer layer security (TLS v1.2) to encrypt and protect
information. If you are a self-hosted customer, you must have an HTTPS certificate to use DCA Pulse.

Technical Support
What do users do if they encounter a problem with DCA Pulse?
Please contact our global Technical Support team to resolve any issues you encounter with DCA Pulse.

North America
Hours Telephone Email

08:00-18:00 EST Toll Free: 1-866-382-8320 Option 1 helpdesk@printfleet.com

Monday-Friday* Tel: 1 (613) 549-3221 Option 1
* Excludes holidays in the province of Ontario, Canada

Europe, Middle East & Africa

Hours Telephone Email

8.30-12.00 CET and Tel: +41 44 709 11 02 support-emea@printfleet.com

13.00-17.00 CET
** Excludes holidays in Switzerland

Learn more at www.info.printfleet.com/dca-pulse

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