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*IA1751AP 9/21/17 Resigned
On May 9, 2017, Lt. Robbie Allen received a written synopsis form FBI Agent Kimberly Granich regarding activity
of Dep. Cranford. The FBI is conducting an investigation into human trafficking and Dep. Carnford's telephone
number was located in a victim' phone. The victim stated it was contacted by a man from (478) 447-7955 (which is
registered to Dep. Cranford) in reference to her Backpage ad stating he was a "man in uniform" and that "if she let
him come on a date, he would not tell anyone and would protect her going forward". the victim did not have a date
with Dep. Cranford. The victim did share the number with several other femailse stating it was a cop's number and
put it in their phones. This is an ongoing investigation by the FBI. Robert Scarborough name came up in the middle
of this investigation

*CC17022BT 4/20/2017 Unfounded- No Further Action

Allegation: Rudeness. Allegation Summary: Mr. Boyer states that sometimes last week, possibly
the 25th, he went to Teleserve and was yelled at by Deputy Scarbary.

*CC16022BP 4/1/2016 Not Sustained- Verbal Warning

Allegation: Improper Conduct. Allegation Summary: The complainant stated that deputy
Scarborough improperly detained him, searched his vehicle, and had it towed for no apparent









IA1751AP 9/22/17 Resigned

On May 9, 2017, Lt. Robbie Allen received a written synopsis form FBI Agent
Kimberly Granich regarding activity of Dep. Cranford. The FBI is conducting
an investigation into human trafficking and Dep. Carnford's telephone number
was located in a victim' phone. The victim stated it was contacted by a man
from (478) 447-7955 (which is registered to Dep. Cranford) in reference to
her Backpage ad stating he was a "man in uniform" and that "if she let him
come on a date, he would not tell anyone and would protect her going
forward". the victim did not have a date with Dep. Cranford. The victim did
share the number with several other femailse stating it was a cop's number
and put it in their phones. This is an ongoing investigation by the FBI.

* E N D F R P o
Jeffrey R. Cranford

September 22, 2017

Macon-Bibb Human Resources

Sheriff David Davis

Bibb County Sheriffs Office

668 Oglethorpe Street

Macon, Ga. 31201

Dear Sheriff Davis and Immediate Supervisors:

I am writing to announce my resignation from the Bibb County Sheriffs Office, effective two
weeks from above date. My last day of employment will be October 7, 2017,

This was not an easy decision to make. The past eleven years have been very rewarding. I
have enjoyed working for you ahd this great department. I greatly appreciate the
opportunities I have been given at the Bibb County Sheriffs Office and the professional
guidance and support,

Please let me know if and how I can help during this transltlon.
Best regards,

Je reyR.Cranford
Letter of Resignation

Robert N. Scarborough

Robert N. Scarborough


Macon-Bibb County Sheriff's Office

668 Oglethorpe St.

Macon, Ga. 31201

Dear Sheriff Davis,

I'm writing to you to announce my formal resignation from the Macon-Bibb County Sheriff's
Office, effective nine days from this date. My last day will be 09/30/2017

Thank you for the oppoqtunitjes you have provided me during my time with this office.

This was not an easy decision to make. The past fourteen years have been very rewarding.
I've enjoyed working for the Sheriff's Office and being a part of an amazing team. If I can

be of any assistance during this transition, please let me know.


Robert N. Scarboro gh


fracking Number: IA17051AP

Date Received In: 5/9/2017

Complainant(s): Bibb Co. Sheriffs Office

Allegation: Improper Conduct

Name of Accused Employee(s): Deputy Jeff Cranford

Narrative: On May 9, 2017, Lt. Robbie Allen received a written synopsis from
FBI Agent Kimberly Granich regarding activity of Dep. Cranford. The FBI is
conducting an investigation into human trafficking and Dep. Cranford's
telephone number was located in a victim' phone. The victim stated it was
contacted by a man fromn(which is registered to Dep. Cranford) in reference
to her Backpage ad stating he was a "man in uniform" and that 'Gif she let him
come on a date, he would not tell anyone and would protect her going forward".
The victim did not have a date with Dep. Cranford. The victim did share the
number with several other females stating it was a cop's number and put it in
their phones. This is an ongoing investigation by the FBI.
*Initial Review
This complaint is to be forwarded to:



nternal Affairs for


Appropriate Division/District for investigation

Chief Deputy , Bibb County Sheriffs Office


Sheriff, Bibb County Sheriff's Office

*Final Disposition
Investigated by:Completed:

Reviewed by:


Sheriff, Bibb County Sheriff's Office

fcPro am Sti n d




Case Number: IA17051AP

Prepared by: Investigator Sgt. Jennifer W. Emory

Date: 5/9/2017

Complainant: Bibb County Sheriffs Office

Allegation: Improper Conduct

Accused Employee: Deputy Jeffrey Cranford

On May 9, 2017, Lt. Robbie Allen received a written synopsis from FBI Agent
Kimberly Granich regarding activity of Dep. Cranford. The FBI is conducting an
investigation into human trafficking and Dep. Cranford's telephone number was
located in a victim phone. The victim stated it was contacted by a man from
is registered to Dep. Cranford) in reference to her Backpage ad
stating he was a "man in uniform" and that "if she let him come on a date, he would
not tell anyone and would protect her going forward." The victim did not have a date
with Dep. Cranford. The victim did share the number with several other females

stating it was a cop's number and put it in their phones. This is an ongoing
investigation by the FBI.

On May 9, 2017, Lt. Robbie Allen received a written synopsis from FBI Agent
Kimberly Granich regarding activity of Deputy Cranford. The FBI is conducting an
investigation into human trafficking and Deputy Cranford's telephone number was
located in a victim's phone. During the course of my investigation, I made contact with
Corporal Jeffery Cranford. Cpl. Cranford stated that he was familiar with Backpage and
the numberthat is on the complaint is his cell phone number. He stated that he didn't
know a Ms.tafrom Backpage. He stated he has contacted females on Backpage. He
doesn't recall using the phrase "man in uniform." He stated that he couldn't tell me who
he contacted on Backpage. Cpl. Cranford stated no one has tried to contact him from
Backpage. He stated he has made contact with females by texting. He stated years ago,
he did not want to "throw anybody under the bus," but a certain Deputy told him about
the website. Cpl. Cranford stated "they found it as a joke to go on there and pretty much
mess with the females that are doing it." He stated, "Then they would tell them by the
way, we're Police and then it pisses them off." He stated "that he was not going to name
that Deputy." He stated "you'll text or something and they'll text back and you tell them
that you're police or whatever and then they get pissed off and it's just kind of a game."
He stated 'Cit was a stupid game." He stated that he has recently contacted females on
Backpage just messing around, he stated "looking at pictures and then being stupid."
He stated that he has never met anybody and never done anything with anybody. He
stated that he doesn't remember telling anybody that if they come on a date with him
that he would protect them. He stated that he has texted several of these girls, but has
never followed through and met any of these girls. He stated that "it's a sick game." He
stated the only involvement he had with any girls from Backpage was texting them
only. He stated that he started longer than two or three years ago. Cpl. Cranford stated
that he has done it recently once in a while when he gets bored. He stated that he has
told them that he is the police and they get pissed off and then they usually cut the
conversations. He stated "it's always kind of like your leading them on and then you
tell them you're Police." He stated that he has never made contact with any of these
females while working. He stated that he has never tried to contact any ofthose females
using Bibb County Sheriffs Office equipment. He stated that he always used his
personal phone when he contacted them. He stated
that the other deputy that showed him how to make contact with the girls on
Backpage was before consolidation. He stated that they were working nightshift on

the Southside at the Waffle I-louse. He stated he didn't want to tell us, but it's Deputy
Robert Scarborough. He stated that Deputy Scarborough was the one that showed
him Backpage and introduced him to it and he was talking to a female, just talking
trash and laughing about it. He stated "it's just like a thrill thing, kind of like watching
porn, it's just the thrill." I-le stated "you staff off talking and saying stuff then you say
by the way, I work at the Sheriffs Office." He stated, "then he watch the response or
they either don't respond or they say screw you, but after you tell them that, they
never want to meet with you anyway, obviously." He stated, "I never contacted them
sitting in the patrol car." He stated, "1 only contacted them usually sitting on the
porch just goofing off." He stated, that "Deputy Scarborough never mentioned to me
that he has made physical contact with any of the females from Backpage."

I made contact with Deputy Robert Scarborough in reference to this incident.

Deputy Scarborough denied knowing of any other deputy contacting females on
Backpage. Deputy Scarborough stated that he was familiar with Backpage and he has
only contacted a female once a long time ago, several years ago in fact. Deputy
Scarborough stated that he was working for the Sheriff Office when he was
contacting females, but did not contact them on county time or used county
equipment to contact them. Deputy Scarborough stated that he did make contact with
a female, "I told her she was too pretty to be doing what she was doing." He stated
that he did not meet the female face to face, it was just by phone. Deputy
Scarborough stated that the female told him to stop texting her. Deputy
Scarborough stated that it happened two years or three ago. Deputy Scarborough
stated that he only reached out to her through his cellphone. He stated that he "texted
and told her she was too pretty to be doing what she was doing, and she told me to
stop." He stated that's as far as his conversation went in his memory. He stated it only
happened one time with one female. He stated he never told them he was a police
officer. He stated that he does not know the females name that he contacted. Deputy
Scarborough stated that he has had the same cellphone number since 2003 maybe 2004
or 2005. He stated the only reason he staffed looking at Backpage is because somebody
told him that his ex-wife was on it. He stated that he actually found a picture of her on
Backpage and they are not together now and have not been together for a while.
Per. Captain Patterson I made contact with Lt. Nathan Sprague, Sgt. Linda Howard
and scheduled a polygraph examination for Ccnporal Jeffery Cranford and Deputy
Robert Scarborough. Corporal Jeffery Cranford examination was schedule for

August 7, 2017 at 0900hrs. Deputy Scarborough examination was scheduled for
August 7, 2017 at 1400hrs. I advised Cpl. Cranford and Deputy Scarborough of the
testing on August 3, 2017 at 1520hrs at the Office of Professional Standards. I was
contacted by Lt. Sprague on August 10, 2017 around 1243hrs, he advised me that Cpl.
Cranford showed deception on his polygraph exam. Lt. Sprague told me that he
advised Corporal Cranford ofhim failing the polygraph exam. Cpl. Cranford denied
ever physically meeting any females listed on the Backpage website. Cranford
admitted to contacting them as something that was "exciting" because of the reaction
he would get when he would reveal to the female that he was in Law Enforcement.
Cpl. Cranford never did it on duty and it was on his personal phone.
Cpl. Cranford stated that he was first introduced to "Backpage" by Deputy
Scarborough a few years ago and since then he stated he has contacted females listed
on this website around 25 times. Cpl. Cranford adlnitted the last time he contacted
someone on "Backpage" was 2-3 months ago. Cpl. Cranford stated that in his mind he
didn't do anything wrong. He also stated that he didn't remember telling anyone on
"Backpage" that he would protect them but in the "heat of passion" he may have done
that. Cpl. Cranford stated he has a foot fetish and has received photos from these
females he has contacted. Cpl. Cranford stated he would contact them and talk about
prices for sexual acts and that is when he would tell them he was a Law Enforcement
Officer. Cpl. Cranford also admitted that he has received phone calls from ladies listed
on "Backpage" because they were returning his calls when he called them and they
didn't answer. During the interview with Cpl. Cranford he stated to me and Lt. Allen
that no one from Backpage has ever tried to contact him.
Sgt. L. Howard contacted me on August 10, 2017 around 1845hrs, she advised me
that there was No Opinion on Deputy Scarborough's polygraph exam. Scarborough
admitted to going on "Backpage". He stated that "someone told him his ex-wife was
on there, so he went searching and there she was." Scarborough stated he only told his
auntie that his wife was on "Backpage." Scarborough admitted that it was 3 or 4 years
ago when he found his wife on "Backpage" 2013 or 2014. He stated that he told his
wife nice career choice. He stated "and I'll tell you what I told
them. I saw a girl on there that was attractive and I told her she was too pretty to be
on there." Scarborough stated he reached out to her the same day he saw his exwife
on the site. He stated "she asked if I wanted a date. I said no (laughs) and she told me
to leave her alone." He stated "I have nothing to hide." Scarborough stated No, he
never told anyone on "Backpage" he was the police. He stated "No, he never
discussed" Backpage" with anyone on the department. He stated "probably in

passing, about the prostitutes on there and that it exists." He stated that "he did not
know" who he discussed it with. Scarborough stated that he learned about
"Backpage" before he was told about his ex-wife. I-le stated "I never had a reason
before to go on" Backpage." Scarborough stated that he found out about
"Backpage" by the news. He stated that he went on "Backpage" looking for used cars
and antiques. He stated that he started looking when he noticed it was like craigslist.
He stated that he used to sell antiques. Scarborough admitted to reaching out to just
one female on "Backpage." Scarborough stated that he only reached out to just that
one female. He stated that he don't know her name. Scarborough stated that the FBI
would be investigating him because he "guess they got my number from visiting
Backpage a long time ago." Scarborough stated that the FBI have an interest in him,
"I have no clue maybe because my number popped up and they found out I am a
police." He stated "you know how some police like to lock up other police. Other than
that I have no clue." Scarborough was asked with you being in law enforcement and
know what that part of "Backpage" is for. Why did he go on there? Scarborough
admitted "that it is not illegal to go on there, it's not illegal if you talk to a prostitute,
and it's only illegal if you mess with a prostitute." Scarborough stated that he checked
"Backpage" while at home. "It was too busy to check it at work." Scarborough stated
no he has not reached out to anyone on "Backpage" "unless I did some dillken texting"
(laughs). Scarborough admitted that he checks "Backpage" once or twice a month or
more for his ex-wife pictures. During the time of questioning, Scarborough pulled his
pants leg up to adjust his knee brace and while doing so he looks over at Sgt. Howard
and tells her to "contain herself." Scarborough stated that he has never met anyone in
person from "Backpage." Scarborough stated, "It is a possibility" that it has been more
than one or two times a month that he has been on "Backpage" searching for his wife
each month. Scarborough became very frustrated and states, "It doesn't really matter
how many times I have contacted anyone on Backpage, all that matters is whether I
have sexual contact with them. That should be the only question." Deputy
Scarborough admitted two weeks ago was the last time he was on Backpage. Sgt.
Howard asked Deputy Scarborough what is IA saying about this incident? He stated,
"IA ain't saying nothing" they said something about child trafficking, that's all I was
told and we got some questions for you." She said, "So are they saying child
trafficking or trafficking? He stated, "They said child trafficking." During the
interview with IA child trafficking was not mentioned.


Investigative Summary
Prepared by Investigator Sgt. Jennifer W. Emory

Case Number: IA17051AP

Date: 5/9/2017

Complainant: Bibb County Sheriffs Office

Allegation: Improper Conduct
Accused Employee: Deputy Jeffrey Cranford


On May 9, 2017, Lt. Robbie Allen received a written synopsis from FBI Agent
Kimberly Granich regarding activity of Dep. Cranford. The FBI is conducting an
investigation into human trafficking and Dep. Cranford's telephone number was
located in a victim phone. The victim stated it was contacted by a man from
(which is registered to Dep. Cranford) in reference to her Backpage ad
stating he was a "man in uniform" and that "if she let him come on a date, he would
not tell anyone and would protect her going forward." The victim did not have a date
with Dep. Cranford. The victim did share the number with several other females
stating it was a cop's number and put it in their phones. This is an ongoing
investigation by the FBI.

Click here (o enter text.


Corporal Jeffery Cranford

On July 14, 2017 at 10:47 a.m. Lt. Robbie Allen and I interviewed Cpl. Jeffe1Y
Cranford in reference to this incident. I stated to Cpl. Cranford "I need you to be
completely honest with me, are you familiar with Backpage." I told him you read the
complaint, is this your phone number Do you know a Ms. from
Backpage? Cpl. Cranford stated 'No I do not." I asked have you ever contacted
anyone on Backpage. HC stated "Yes I Have." Cpl. Cranford was asked, did you ever
use the phrase, "man in uniform?" Cpl. Cranford said "I don't recall man in uniform." I
asked who did you contact on Backpage do you recall? "That I couldn't tell you." I
asked have anyone tried to contact you from Backpage?" Cpl. Cranford stated 'No, not
that I recall, I mean I've made contact with, I mean do I tell you, want me to just, want
me to go into detail on what." "Years ago, I mean I'm not goanna throw anybody under
the bus but a certain Deputy told me about the website." "And we found it as a joke to
go on there and pretty much mess with the females that are doing it." "And then we'd
tell em by the way we're Police and then it pisses em off." "And so, I'm not goanna
name that Deputy though." "But so I mean you'll text or something and they'll text back
and you tell 'em that you're Police or whatever and then they get pissed off and it's just
kind of a game." "Stupid game." I stated to Cpl. Cranford, so you said a few years ago?
I asked had you ever contacted anybody else after the first time you did it did it those
years ago? 'No I mean, here recently?" "Yea, I mean, thing just, I mean I just mess
around." "I mean, look at pictures and then be stupid." "I've never, I've never met
anybody, I've never done anything with anybody." I asked him, when you were on
Backpage did you tell anyone on the Backpage if she let you come on date, you would
not tell anyone and you would protect her?" Cpl. Cranford said, "I can't recall, I don't
remember." Lt. Allen stated, you've texted several of these girls, correct." Cpl. Cranford
stated, "Right." Lt. Allen stated, but you, have you ever followed through and met any
of these girls. Cpl. Cranford said, ''No, it's just, it's a game." "It's a sick game but."
Lt. Allen stated, so the only involvement you've ever had with any from Backpage is
texting only?" Cpl. Cranford stated, "Texting, right." Lt. Allen stated, and you've never
met, followed through with any act?" "Cpl. Cranford stated, 'No." Lt. Allen said and
you say you started a year or two ago? He stated, longer than that. Cpl. Cranford was
asked have you done it recently. He stated, "Once and a while, yea." "Get bored and
just." Have you ever, once told them you're Police? Cpl. Cranford said, "yes, they

always, they get pissed off and then they, you know, so they usually cut conversations."
"So it's always kinda like lead em on and then you tell cm you're police and I' don't
contact em after that. Cpl. Cranford stated "right, yea." "I do understand, I mean, it's
not," "I'm in the wrong I mean, like I said. I guess I, I guess by contacting those females
I don't feel like I did something wrong. I feel like if you do it, but I'm not doing it that...
I guess, you know in my capacity it's

just, wrong doing it, you know." Cpl. Cranford said, "I guess you know I want to say
on record it was funny but it's, I mean, these people need to get a job, it's just, I don't
know, it's stupid." "I mean, like I said, I'm not, I'm not gonna name who told me
about it so we'll leave them out of it. Yea Well L mean, it is embarrassing. I mean I,
like I said, I just never, I guess I never felt like I did anything wrong because I wasn't
actually meeting any of the girls. I was just screwing with em, but I mean, I guess
now when you see it out here in the open it's like well, you're Law Enforcement you
're contacting these people that are prostituting, it don't look good on your pan. Y'all
know what I'm doing, you know what I'm saying."

Corporal Jeffrey Cranford (2nd Interview)

On July 20, 2017 at 2:04 p.m. Lt. Allen and I did a follow-up interview with Cpl.
Cranford in reference to this incident. I asked Cpl. Cranford did he at any time contact
any of the female on Backpage while he was working. He stated, "No." I asked if he
used any kind of equipment like the computer or phone or whatever to contact females.
Cpl. Cranford stated, "No on my personal phone." I asked him who was the other
Deputy that was making contact with you by phone with females on Backpage. He said,
"Do I have to?" Lt. Allen stated I kinda need to know. I mean can't make you, I'm not
saying you have to but we'd like you to. Cpl. Cranford stated, "This was before
consolidation, we were on the Southside, but it was um, ah, I don't want to tell. It's
Robert Scarborough. He's the one that showed me Backpage and introduced me to it
and, he talked to a female and doing that, I mean, just talking trash and laughing about
it." He was asked did at any time you ever met with any of these girls from Backpage.
Cpl. Cranford stated, "NO." Lt. Allen stated, you would basically act like you-wanted to
date, set it up. He stated, "Right, it's just like a thrill thing, kinda like watching porn it's
just the thrill. Just you start off talking saying stuff, then you say by the way, I work at
the Sheriffs Office. And then you watch the response or they either don't respond or
they you know, screw you or you know, but after you tell them that they never want to

meet with you anyway, obviously, so." Wc asked, you never did this while you were
sitting in your patrol car or working? Cpl. Cranford stated, "No, on my own time,
usually sitting on the porch just goofing off." I said to Cpl. Cranford you said when
Dep. Scarborough showed you at Waffle House were y'all working then? Cpl. Cranford
said, "Yes, we were working the nightshift." He was asked, was it on his phone? He
stated, "Yes." Lt. Allen asked, did you do it on your phone

that day. He said, "NO, No." I asked, did-beever mention to you that he had made
contact with any of the girls or anything? ne said, "No, No he never, no."

Deputy Robert Scarborough

On August 3, 2017 at 9:30 a.m. Lt. Allen and I interviewed Deputy Robert
Scarborough in reference to the FBI here in Macon has been doing an investigation
into Human Trafficking which involves Backpage locally here in Macon. They have
ran across a number of names that belong to Deputies here in Macon also so that's
what we have some questions in reference to that. I asked Deputy
Scarborough are you familiar with Backpage, have you ever contacted any girls. He
stated, "Yes, once a long time ago, several years ago in fact." I asked him was he
working for the County then. He said, "Yes he was working for the county
asked did you do it on the county time, did you use any county equipment?
He stated "No," I asked him if he made contact with any of those girls. Deputy
Scarborough stated "Yes, I told her she was too pretty to be doing what she was
doing." I then asked him did you make contact like face to face or by phone. He stated
"just on the phone." "She told me to stop texting her." Lt. Allen asked him about how
long ago was it? He stated "probably two years I wanna guess." "May be three." Lt
Allen asked you reached out to her through your cell phone. He stated "yes, I text and
told her she was too pretty to be doing what she was doing, and she told me told me to
stop." "That's as far as my conversation goes in my memory." Lt. Allen asked him,
"one time?" He stated "yes." Lt. Allen asked ' Cone female?" He stated "yea." Lt. Allen
asked did you ever tell her you were a Police Officer. He stated 'No." Lt. Allen asked
do you know of anyone else in our office that's doing this. Deputy Scarborough stated
"No." He was asked do you remember the girl 's name. He stated "I have no clue." Lt.
Allen asked how long you have had your cellphone number. He stated "started in 03,
probably since 05 maybe, 04-05." So that would have been the same number you used

to reach out to her, so would that have been, this 2017, 2014 you're thinking when this
happened. He stated "guestimate, yea." Lt. Allen stated so at any other time you've not
reached out to any other female. He stated "no." He was asked if he met up with this
female or any others. He said "I haven't met up with any of them." Lt. Allen asked him
is that his only involvement. He stated "yes." "The only reason I started looking
at Backpage is because somebody told me my ex-wife was on it. I actually found a
picture of her." Lt. Allen stated, "On Backpage?" He stated "yea." Lt. Allen asked are
y'all together now? He stated "Oh no we haven't been together for a while."

Click here to enter text.

On May 9, 2017, Lt. Robbie Allen received a written synopsis from FBI Agent
Kimberly Granich regarding activity of Deputy Cranford. The FBI is conducting an
investigation into human trafficking and Deputy Cranford's telephone number was
located in a victim's phone. the course of my investigation, I made contact with
Corporal Jeffery Cranford. Cpl. Cranford stated that he was familiar with Backpage
and the number that is on the complaint is his cell phone number. He stated that he
didn't know a Ms grom Backpage. He stated he has contacted females on Backpage.
I-le doesn't recall using the phrase "man in uniform." He stated that he couldn't tell me
who he contacted on Backpage. Cpl. Cranford stated no one has tried to contact him
from Backpage. He stated he has made contact with females by texting. He stated years
ago, he did not want to "throw anybody under the bus," but a certain Deputy told him
about the website. Cpl. Cranford stated "they found it as a joke to go on there and
pretty much mess with the females that are doing it." He stated, "Then they would tell
them by the way, we're Police and then it pisses them off." He stated "that he was not
going to name that Deputy." I-le stated "you 'Il text or something and they'll text back
and you tell them that you're police or whatever and then they get pissed off and it's
just kind of a game." He stated "it was a stupid game." He stated that he has recently
contacted females on Backpage just messing around, he stated "looking at pictures and
then being stupid." He stated that he has never met anybody and never done anything
with anybody. He stated that he doesn 't remember telling anybody that if they
come on a date with him that he would protect them. He stated that he has texted

several of these girls, but has never followed through and met any of these girls. He
stated that "it's a sick game." I-le stated the only involvement he had with any girls
from Backpage was texting them only. He stated that he started longer than two or
three years ago. Cpl. Cranford stated that he has done it recently once in a while when
he gets bored. He stated that he has told them that he is the police and they get pissed
off and then they usually cut the conversations. He stated "it's always kind of like your
leading them on and then you tell them you're Police." He stated that he has never
made contact

with any of these females while working. He stated that he has never tried to contact
any of those females using Bibb County Sheriff's Office equipment. He stated that he
always used his personal phone when he contacted them. He stated that the other
deputy that showed him how to make contact with the girls on Backpage was before
consolidation. He stated that they were working nightshift on the Southside at the
Waffle House. He stated he didn't want to tell us, but it's Deputy Robert Scarborough.
He stated that Deputy Scarborough was the one that showed him Backpage and
introduced him to it and he was talking to a female, just talking trash and laughing
about it. He stated "it's just like a thrill thing, kind of like watching porn, it's just the
thrill." He stated "you start off talking and saying stuff then you say by the way, I
work at the Sheriffs Office." I-le stated, "then he watch the response or they either
don't respond or they say screw you, but after you tell them that, they never want to
meet with you anyway, obviously." He stated, "I never contacted them sitting in the
patrol car." He stated, "I only contacted them usually sitting on the porch just goofing
off." He stated, that "Deputy Scarborough never mentioned to me that he has
made physical contact with any of the females from Backpage."

I made contact with Deputy Robert Scarborough in reference to this incident.

Deputy Scarborough denied knowing of any other deputy contacting females on
Backpage. Deputy Scarborough stated that he was familiar with Backpage and he has
only contacted a female once a long time ago, several years ago in fact. Deputy
Scarborough stated that he was working for the Sheriff Office when he was
contacting females, but did not contact them on county time or used county
equipment to contact them. Deputy Scarborough stated that he did make contact with
a female, "I told her she was too pretty to be doing what she was doing." He stated
that he did not meet the female face to face, it was just by phone. Deputy
Scarborough stated that the female told him to stop texting her. Deputy

Scarborough stated that it happened two years or three ago. Deputy Scarborough
stated that he only reached out to her through his cellphone. He stated that he "texted
and told her she was too pretty to be doing what she was doing, and she told me to
stop." He stated that's as far as his conversation went in his memory. He stated it
only happened one time with one female. He stated he never told them he was a
police officer. He stated that he does not know the females name that he contacted.
Deputy Scarborough stated that he has had the same cellphone number since 2003
maybe 2004 or 2005. He stated the only reason he started looking at

Backpage is because somebody told him that his ex-wife was on it. Ile stated that
he actually found a picture of her on Backpage and they are not together now and
have not been together for a while.

Per. Captain Patterson I made contact with Lt. Nathan Sprague, Sgt. Linda Howard
and scheduled a polygraph examination for Corporal Jeffery Cranford and Deputy
Robert Scarborough. Corporal Jeffery Cranford examination was schedule for
August 7, 2017 at 0900hrs. Deputy Scarborough examination was scheduled for
August 7, 2017 at 1400hrs. I advised Cpl. Cranford and Deputy Scarborough of the
testing on August 3, 2017 at 1520hrs at the Office of Professional, Standafds. I was
contacted by Lt. Sprague on August 10, 2017 around 1243hrs, he advised me that Cpl.
Cranford showed deception on his polygraph exam. Lt. Sprague told me that he
advised Corporal Cranford of him failing the polygraph exam. Cpl. Cranford denied
ever physically meeting any females listed on the Backpage website. Cranford
admitted to contacting them as something that was "exciting" because of the reaction
he would get when he would reveal to the female-that he was in Law Enforcement.
Cpl. Cranford never did it on duty and it was on his personal phone.
Cpl. Cranford stated that he was first introduced to "Backpage" by Deputy
Scarborough a few years ago and since then he stated he has contacted females listed
on this website around 25 times. Cpl. Cranford admitted the last time he contacted
someone on "Backpage" was 2-3 months ago. Cpl. Cranford stated that
. in his mind he didn't do anything wrong. He also stated that he didn't remember
telling anyone on "Backpage" that he would protect them but in the "heat of passion"
he may have done that. Cpl. Cranford stated he has a foot fetish and has received
photos from these females he has contacted. Cpl. Cranford stated he would contact
them and talk about prices for sexual acts and that is when he would tell them he was a

Law Enforcement Officer. Cpl. Cranford also admitted that he has received phone calls
from ladies listed on "Backpage" because they were returning his calls when he called
them and they didn't answer. During the interview with Cpl. Cranford he stated to me
and Lt. Allen that no one from Backpage has ever tried to contact him.
Sgt. L. Howard contacted me on August 10, 2017 around 1845hrs, she advised me
that there was No Opinion on Deputy Scarborough's polygraph exam. Scarborough
admitted to going on "Backpage". He stated that "someone told him his ex-wife

was on there, so he went searching and there she was." Scarborough stated he only
told his auntie that his wife was on "Backpage." Scarborough admitted that it was 3 or
4 years ago when he found his wife on "Backpage" 2013 or 2014. He stated that he
told his wife nice career choice. He stated "and I'll tell you what I told them. I saw a
girl on there that was attractive and I told her she was too pretty to be on there."
Scarborough stated he reached out to her the same day he saw his exwife on the site.
He stated "she asked if I wanted a date. I said no (laughs) and she told me to leave her
alone." He stated "I have nothing to hide." Scarborough stated No, he never told
anyone on "Backpage" he was the police. He stated ''No, he never discussed"
Backpage" with anyone on the department. He stated "probably in passing, about the
prostitutes on there and that it exists." He stated that "he did not know" who he
discussed it with. Scarborough stated that he learned about "Backpage" before he was
told about his ex-wife. He stated "I never had a reason before to go on" Backpage."
Scarborough stated that he found out about
"Backpage" by the news. He stated that he went on ' 'Backpage" looking for used cars and
antiques. He stated that he started looking when he noticed it was like craigslist. He stated
that he used to sell antiques. Scarborough admitted to reaching out to just one female on
"Backpage." Scarborough stated that he only reached out to just that one female. He stated
that he don't know her name. Scarborough stated that the FBI would be investigating him
because he "guess they got my number from visiting Backpage a long time ago."
Scarborough stated that the FBI have an interest in him, "I have no clue maybe because my
number popped up and they found out I am a police." He stated "you know how some
police like to lock up other police. Other than that I have no clue." Scarborough was asked
with you being in law enforcement and know what that part of "Backpage" is
for. Why did he go on there? Scarborough admitted "that it is not illegal to go on there, it's
not illegal if you talk to a prostitute, and it's only illegal if you mess with a prostitute."

Scarborough stated that he checked "Backpage" while at home. "It was too busy to check it
at work." Scarborough stated no he has not reached out to anyone on "Backpage" "unless I
did some druken texting" (laughs). Scarborough admitted that he checks "Backpage" once
or twice a month or more for his ex-wife pictures. During the time of questioning,
Scarborough pulled his pants leg up to adjust his knee brace and while doing so he looks
over at Sgt. Howard and tells her to "contain herself." Scarborough stated that he has never
met anyone in person from "Backpage." Scarborough stated, "It is a possibility" that it has
been more than one or two times a month that he has been on "Backpage" searching for his
wife each

month. Scarborough became vety frustrated and states, "It doesn't really matter how
many times I have contacted anyone on Backpage, all that matters is whether I have
sexual contact with them. That should be the only question." Deputy Scarborough
admitted two weeks ago was the last time he was on Backpage. Sgt. Howard asked
Deputy Scarborough what is IA saying about this incident? He stated, "IA ain't
saying nothing" they said something about child trafficking, that's all I was .told and
we got some questions for you." She said, "So are they saying child trafficking or
trafficking? He stated, "They said child trafficking." During the interview with IA
child trafficking was not mentioned.





Name: JeffCranford DOB:


Testing Date: 8-10-17 Suitable for Testing: Yes

EXAM DECISION: Deception Indicated

PURPOSE OF THE EXAMINATION: To detennine the truthfulness of Deputy Cranford on the issue

of whether or not he personally met any females that he knew were listed on the website "Backpage"

BACKGROUND: Deputy Cranford is accused of contacting wolnen on the website known as

Deputy Cranford has admitted doing this by phone but stated he has never personally met thetn in
person. Deputy Cranford's phone number was recovered through a phone belonging to a female listed
on the website known as "Backpage" through an investigation for other crimes which is being
conducted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

PRE-TEST INTERVIEW: Deputy Cranford denied ever Ineeting any female listed on the website.
Deputy Cranford admitted to contacting them as sotnething that was "exciting" because of the reaction
he would get when he would reveal to the female that he was in Law Enforcement. Deputy Cranford
never did it on dllty and it was on his personal phone. Deputy Cranford stated he was first introduced
to "Backpage" by Deputy Scarborough a few years ago and since then he stated he has contacted females
listed in this website around 25 times. Deputy Cranford admitted the last time he contacted solneone on

'Backpage was 2-3 months ago. Deputy Cranford stated that in his Illind he didn't do anything wrong.
He also stated that he didn't remernber telling anyone on "Backpage" that he would protect them but
that in the "heat of passion" he may have done that. Deputy Cranford stated he has a foot fetish and has
received photos from these females he has contacted. Deputy Cranford stated he would contact them
and talk about prices for sexual acts and that is when he would tell them he was a law enforcelnent
officer. Deputy Cranford also adtnitted that he has received phone calls from ladies listed on "Backpage"
because they were returning his calls when he called them and they didn't answer.

IN-TEST INTERVIEW: An Axciton computerized polygraph system was used for the collection of
the test data. This instrument made a continuous recording of movement associated with respiration,
electro dermal and cardiovascular activity. During the in-test phase of the exatninalion, charts were
administered following the protocol of a Bi-Zone technique. Each chart of the Bi-Zone technique
contained the following relevant questions that were answered as indicated.
QUESTION: Have you ever physically met any fetnale that has been listed on backpage?

QUESTION: Have you ever physically met any female that has been listed on backpage at any time?

TEST DATA ANALYSIS: Numerical analysis of the polygraph test was conducted using the
Empirical Scoring Systell) (ESS) scoring scale. The exaniiner is of the opinion that Deputy Cranford
was being deceptive during testing.

POST TEST INTERVIEW: During the post test phase of the exatnination, Deputy Cranford was
infortned of the test results. Deputy Cranford maintained that he had not physically met with any
fernale listed on backpage. He agreed that he feels like he is guilty even though he did not meet with

Bibb County Sheriffs Office




SUSPECT: Robert Scarborough

Testing Date: August 10. 2017 Suitable for Testing: Yes

Exam Decision: N()-No Opinion


The purpose of this examination is to determine the truthfulness ofRobert Scarborough regarding

case IA1705 IAP. This is an internal investigation and the complainant is Bibb County Sheriffs
Office. Robert Scarborough is a Patrol Deputy with the Bibb County SherifPs Office. His current
assignment is in teleservice due to a work injury.

Scarborough was on time for his appointment. Scarborough was suitable for testing.
Scarborough admitted he was very nervous because he had just received a call moments before
his exam from his doctor office that he would have surgery the next day.

During the Pre-Test interview I asked Scarborough if he v,'as aware of why he was being polygraphed. Scarborough
stated ''I think it's about the questions I was asked the other day about Back Page.
Scarborough again expressed he was very nervous and has anxiety about surgery he was having the next day
and thathe was more nervous about his surgery then the polygraph.
Scarborough stated "we can do the polygraph today or wait a few weeks until I'm done with surgery". I
explained to Scarborough, that was not an option. This issue ran throughout the pre-test and post-test.

I asked Scarborough what was his understanding of the polygraph?

Scarborough stated ''I kind ofgot the hint that they think I'm messing with Prostitutes." (laughs)
I asked Scarborough what kind of person would mess with prostitutes?
Scarborough stated "someone looking for scx I guess."

I asked Scarborough has he gone on back page and why.

Scarborough stated, "someone told him his ex-wife was on there so I went searching and there she was."

I asked Scarborough who did he tell he found his ex-wife on back page.
Scarborough stated, only his auntie.

I asked Scarborough how long ago was it that he found his ex-wife on Back page Scarborough
stated 3 or 4 years ago.

I asked when did you find your ex-wife on Backpage.

Scarborough stated in 2013 or 2014.

I asked what did you say to your ex-wife when you found her picture. Scarborough
stated he told her nice career choice.

Scarborough stated, "and I'll tell you what I told them. I saw a girl on there that was attractive and I told her she
was too pretty to be on there."

I asked why did you reach out to the female on backpage?

Scarborough stated he reached out to her the same day he saw his ex-wife on the site.

I asked what did the female say after you told her she was too pretty to be on Backpage.
Scarborough stated "she asked if I wanted a date. "1 said no (laughs) and she told me to leave her alone.

Scarborough states, "1 have nothing to hide."

I asked did you ever tell any woman on backpage you were a police offtcer after exchanging text. Scarborough
stated, No.

I asked have you ever discussed backpage with anyone on the department.
Scarborough stated, 'No. Probably in passing, about the prostitutes on there and that it exists."

I asked who did you discuss that with?

Scarborough stated, 'Il did not know."

I asked is there anything in your past that may interfere with your polygraph.
Scarborough stated when he worked at Safelighvould come in and proposition all the men that work there.

I asked did you ever takeup on her proposition?

Scarborough stated, No. I'l only remember her name because I can look her up in the jail filc."

I asked did he ever get accused oflying in any of his years of law-enforcement.
Scarborough stated he got accused of flipping a coin on the side of the road to see if the person was going to go
to jail.

I asked if he received any complaints while on the department.

Scarborough stated that he received complaints of people saying he was being an asshole, writing to many tickets,
and one lady said he looked like an asshole.

I asked what was the outcome of his complaints.

Scarborough stated, "I don't know."

Scarborough states he is terrified ofsurgery (laughs)

I asked how do you learn about that page?

Scarborough stated he knew about back page before he was told about his ex-wife. "1 never had a reason before to
go on Backpage."


I ask how did he find out about back page?

Scarborough stated t'the news."

I asked what do you go on back page for?

Scarborough stated, "I look for used cars and antiques. I started looking when I noticed it was like craigslist.
I use to sell antiques."

I asked have you ever reached out to anyone other than your wife on Backpage? Scarborough
stated just that one female.

I asked how many people have you reached out to on backpage? Scarborough
stated, "just the one to my knowledge."

I asked do you remember her name? Scarborough

stated, No.

I asked why would FBI be investigating you?

Scarborough stated, '1 guess they got my number from visiting Backpage a long time ago."

Scarborough stated, "remember about two years ago my phone was hacked and someone purchased
about five cell phones using my information. They had all my information and my phone was shut

I asked did he get a new phone number once his account was settled?
Scarborough stated, no he kept the same phone number.

Scarborough stated the reason he did not do a report on his phone being stolen is because our investigators do not
investigate misdemeanors. I advised Scarborough that his case was not a misdemeanor it was a felony because it
was identity theft and that I use to investigate those cases.
Scarborough stated he was told by the sergeant over property that they did not investigate misdemeanors. "I have
that in an email".

I asked why would FBI have an interest in you?

Scarborough stated, "I have no clue maybe because my number popped up and they found out I am a
Scarborough stated," you know how some police like to lock up other police. Other than that I have
no clue."

I asked, with you being in law-enforcement and know what that part of back page is for. Why did you go on there?
Scarborough stated," because it is not illegal to go on there, it's not illegal if you talk to a prostitute it's only illegal
if you mess with a prostitute.

I asked have you ever use Backpage at work or used work equipment to check back page?
Scarborough stated, he checked back page while at home. ''It was too busy to check it work."
I asked have you reached out to anyone else on Backpage?
Scarborough stated, "no unless I did some drunken texting." (laughs)

I asked are you sure you haven't done any drunken texting? Scarborough
stated, No.

During the pre-test He becomes frustrated when I continue to ask the contact questions. Scarborough stated he
doesn't know why I keep asking him the same questions.

I ask one more time is this female the only female you contacted or texted.
Scarborough stated, "Yes to my knowledge." I
ask what do you mean to your knowledge?
Scarborough states "I can't answer yes or no I believe she is the only one I will play it safe to my
I explain to him you need to know?
Scarborough states "then I will say no".

Scarborough stated he checks back page for his ex-wife picture once or twice a month.
I asked is it possible that it could have been more than once or twice a month he has been on backpage?
Scarborough stated it's possible.

I asked, what was your ex- wife's response when you advised her that you found her picture on
Backpage? Scarborough stated," she take the picture off after I called her."

During this time of questioning he pulls his pants leg up to adjust his knee brace and while doing so
he looks over at me and tells me to" contain myself."
I did not make eye contact or acknowledge is comment.

I asked Scarborough have ever physically met or had sexual contact with anyone on Backpage?
Scarborough stated, hc ncver met anyone in person on Backpage.
I ask would anyone be able to say they have met him?
Scarborough stated," they can say all day long, don't mean it is true."

I asked do you think it has been more than one or two times a month that you've been on Backpage searching for
your wife each month?
Scarborough statcd," it is a possibility. "It doesn't really matter how many times I have contacted anyone on
backpage all that matters is whether I have sexual contact with them. That should be the only question".

Scarborough becomes very frustrated.

I asked Scarborough when was the last time he I,vas on backpage?

Scarborough stated," two weeks ago." I went on to see ifshc "reposted that picture".

Once Scarborough was seated in the exam chair he states," this is ridicules."

I reviewed all the test questions with Scarborough before the test. He stated he had not issue with the questions.
I started the exam. During the first exam he changed his answers. I asked him what changed? He stated he feels
that his grandmother is an authority figure.

The exam question was (Have you ever lied to anyone in authority?) I had to help Scarborough work through all
outside issues of authority and what the question meant pertaining to this test. Authority meant law enforcement
in this test.
I started my exam over again. He became very upset and asked ''why can't I ask him his name and his
age and it bc over.
I told him it does not work that way.

I asked Scarborough, what is IA saying about this incident?

Scarborough stated 'CIA ain 't saying nothing" they said something about child trafficking, that's all I
was told and we got some questions for you.

I asked so are they saying child trafficking or trafficking?

Scarborough stated "they said child trafficking."

I asked, have you had contact with a child or someone that looked young or may have been underage?
Scarborough stated" the female I had contact with on backpage may have been 20 years old. I'm not

Scarborough stated "That's what my brother in law supposed to be doing, working for the government for child
trafficking, so he say's".

Before the exam I advised Scarborough that we would be taking a restroom brake. Scarborough stated he didn't
need to use the restroom but needed water. I walked into the restroom to wash my hands once I exited I looked
for Scarborough. I could not find him. I later found him coming inside from smoking a cigarette.

Scarborough continues to state that he is so nervous about his surgery and then goes into how my equipment
works and may pick up how nervous he is about his surgery. I advised him that the test was not about his surgery
so that issue would not affect his test.

Scarborough asked me "So was Jeff here for the same

thing?" I asked him, Jeff?
Scarborough responded 'Cranford"
Scarborough advised me that he saw him in the waiting area.
I advised him I was not aware /sure why Jeff was being polygraphed.
I asked him, You didn't ask him why he 'svas here.
Scarborough stated I did he said he was not allowed to discuss it." I told him don't worry I have to do it at 2pm."
Scarborough stated Jeff asked him what he svas there for and he stated he told him," I'm not allowed to discuss
it."(laughs) He stated it was like a minute conversation and he went back to work. "That's all we said, like I said
I have nothing to hide."

I asked Scarborough did you and Jeff have anything going on?

Scarborough stated, I haven't seen Jeff in over a year because I worked district 4. Jeff works just district 2. ''We
don't hang out or anything."
Scarborough stated," we don't have anything going on .We don't call each other buddy buddy on the phone we
just worked together."

I asked was he involved in Backpage.

Scarborough stated," I'm not sure. I was told by IA there were five or six different deputies that were involved."
I ask do you know anymore Deputies that were involved? Scarborough
stated, no.

Have you discussed backpage with Jeff?

Scarborough stated, 'Not that I remember like I said Backpage is not a big deal to me."

I asked does Jeff know about backpage?

Scarborough stated," I'm pretty sure he does. A lot of law-enforcement knows about backpage. It's common,
probably been out there for years.

I asked do you think he would go on back page?

Scarborough responded," what his personality? "will he do that? "I don't think he would. No."l don't think he would.
"He doesn't strike me as the type to be trolling bottom feeder".

I asked is Jeff was married or single?

Scarborough replied, I think he's married. Since consolidation I hardly ever see him just like everybody else we
were in the same district. Now you never get to see anybody. I kind of miss the way it used to be.
I asked, you say you miss the way it used to be.
Scarborough stated, "I miss the Old BSO."

I asked what do you feel the difference is from the old to the new BCSO?
Scarborough stated "Everyone on the squat got along together and now it's not like that anymore." (Makes a
gesture with his hand up and down)
I stated to Scarborough we were all supposed to be under one umbrella right now.
Scarborough stated "but we are not. "you got MPD people looking out for MPD you got Bibb county people looking
out for Bibb County people. t'
I explained to him that I have not had that experience because I've worked with both. Scarborough did not respond.

There was silence in the room while I continue to get my questions ready for the exam.

Scarborough then states, "today since consolidation there is no real uniform set of rules or
guidelines." I asked, do you think so?
Scarborough stated "everybody wants to play Chief. When we were with the county all the brass, all the higher
ups, we joke around, they cut the fool with you but when they said you need to do this you need to do it."Just like

they have a radio upstairs in teleserve, Capt. Harris told me to use that radio and start dispatching calls. Hubber-t
comes up telling me don't you use that radio it's not policy. He says Sheriff has to sign off on it
Scarborough stated someone called me one day and they bought a gun and want to check to see if it was stolen. I
don't have GCIC so I called to the radio room. I asked can you run this weapon to see if it is stolen or not, next
thing I know I get an email from Capt. Harris stating ,that is something that you should be able to do. I called
GCIC and GCIC would be glad to do it for me. You don't want to have to tell someone, that gun is stolen but now
you got to dispatch a deputy out to that house to collect that gun and now that man is out of 500 bucks. You know
that person is not going to sit at home and wait on deputies. He's going to go out and try to get his money from
that person that sold him the gun.

I have to take down the person's information then call dispatch, dispatch then sends someone out. It's
called make the customer happy don't make the customer make several phone calls. I've been trying
for two months to get GCIC up there.

After this conversation, I begin my exam.


An Axciton Computerized Polygraph System was used for the collection of polygraph test data. The instrument
makes a continuous recording of movement associated with upper and lower body, electo-dermal activity and
cardio vascular activity. A calibration test confirmed the instrument was in proper working order.

During the In-Test Phase of the polygraph Examination, ten (I O) questions in a Bi-Zone were used.
The polygraph examination consisted of one series, with three asking of the questions.

The following questions were answered as indicated by the suspect:
























ESS (EMPIRIAL SCORING SYSTEM) evaluation of the polygraph test data was conducted. The analysis
resulted in a determination of (NO) No opinion when the applicant answered the question on all the charts.
The test data was also interpreted by Lt. Nathan Sprague and Capt.Woodford. They also gave the same


After the charts were scored and a determination of (No) No opinion, Scarborough was not present.

All carts and notes of this examination are maintained with the polygraph examiner. These items are stored
in a locked cabinet and can be given to inquiring parties if thought to be appropriate to the closer of this

Sgt. da yard

Office of Professional Standards o Bibb County
Sheriff's Office

Sheriff David J. Davis

704 Hawthorne Street Macon, Georgia 31201 (478) 621-5503


I wish to advise you that you are being questioned as part of an official
administrative investigation of the Bibb County SherifPs Office. You will be asked
questions specifically directed and narrowly related to the performance of your
official duties. The Laws and Constitution of this State and the Constitution of the
United States, gives you the right not to be compelled to incriminate yourself. I
further wish to advise you that if you refuse to answcr questions relating to the
performance of your official duties or fitness of duty, you will be subject to
administrative charges, which could result in your dismissal from the Bibb County
Sheriffs Office. If you do answer, neither your statements nor any information or
evidence which is gained by reason of such statements can be used against you in
any subsequent criminal proceedings. However, these statements may be used
against you in relation to subsequent administrative charges.

I have read thc above Internal Investigation Warning and I fully understand my

Employee's Name: Badge


Date: Time: Zooo


Office of Professional Standards o Bibb County
Sheriff's Office

Sheriff David J.
704 Hawthorne Street 0 Macon, Georgia 31201 (478)


I wish to advise you that you are being questioned

as part of an official administrative investigation of
the Bibb County Sheriffs Office. You will be asked
questions specifically directed and narrowly related to
the performance of your official duties. The Laws and
Constitution of this State and the Constitution of the
United States, gives you the right not to be compelled
to incriminate yourself. I further wish to advise you
that if you rcfusc to answer questions relating to the
performance of your official duties or fitness of duty,
you will be subject to administrativc charges, which
could result in your dismissal from the Bibb County
SherifPs Office. If you do answer, neither your
statements nor any information or evidence which is
gained by reason of such statements can bc used against
you in any subsequent criminal proceedings. However,
these statements may be used against you in relation to
subsequent administrative charges.

I have read the above Internal Investigation Warning

and I fully understand my rights.

Badge i}: )PYz




Atlanta Division Macon Resident Agency

Macon, Georgia 31210

August 10, 2017

Robert Allen, Jr.

Bibb County Sheriff's Office
Macon, Georgia

Dear Lt. Allen:

I am writing to provide you with information received during the course of our investigation directly related
to a Bibb County Sheriff's Office deputy whose identity was previously provided to your office. During a
follow-up interview of a victim in our investigation, she provided the following additional information
related to her contact with this BCSO deputy:

The conversation T.W. had with a police officer was via text message. The officer said he
would protect her if she got in trouble and he would not say anything about her work. He
texted from different numbers, but said the same thing, that he was a man in uniform. The first
time he texted was about a month before the operation at the hotel and then he texted again
the week of the operation. T. W. assumed he was the same person because of what he said. T.
W. tried to get him to say what kind of uniform, but he would not give an answer.

If you need additional information or assistance, please let me know.

Andy L. Smith
Supervisory Senior Resident Agent
Atlanta Division

Kimberly C. Granich
Special Agent
Atlanta Division Macon Resident Agency

Page I I
-I of 1 FD-302 (Rev. 5-8-10)


Date 05/01/2017

On April 18, 2017, writer contacted t, via telephone, after reviewing a text message sent from
The text message stated: is a cop put the number in
both your phones .

remembered sending a text message to the girls about a police officer. A man contacted her about
her ad on Backpage who said he was a 'man in uniform. This man also said if she met him come on a date, he
would not tell anyone, and would protect her going forward did not have a date with this man
Investigation on 04/18/2017 at Macon, Georgia, United States ( Phone )

File t;


This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property Of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be
distributed outside your agency.

Office of the Sheriff o Bibb County, Georgia

Sheriff David J. Davis

P.O. Box 930 Macon, Georgia 31202-0930 (478) 746-9441

August 3, 2017

To: Deputy Jeff Cranford

From: Captain Chris Patterson

Deputy Cranford,

You are to contact Lieutenant Nathan Sprague on Monday August 7, 2017 to arrange
a date and time for your polygraph examination. Lt. Sprague will give you instructions
for this process. Lt. Sprague can be reached at 803-2332.

Capt. Chris Patterson

Office of the Sheriff Bibb County, Georgia

Sheriff David J. Davis
P.O. Box 930 Macon, Georgia 31202-0930 (478) 746-9441

August 3, 2017

To: Deputy Robert Scarborough

From: Captain Chris Patterson

Deputy Scarborough,

You are to contact Lieutenant Nathan Sprague on Monday August 7, 2017 to arrange a
date and time for your polygraph examination. Lt. Sprague will give you instructions
for this process. Lt. Sprague can be reached at 803-2332.

Capt. Chris Patterson

Polygraph Questions

Did you do this on duty?

Did you do this more than one time?

Did you physically meet with one of the girls at any time?

Cp .JeffreyCranford


DATE:7714 7 Cpl-



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947.This ew bei conductedintheOfficeofSGT.J.EMORY: 0 (.

eed outobecom e ho

Profi 03 S 08 &at704 a0 e Y00f; Backpage?

Ga.1 gIACase# A 705 AP A 705 AP.Cp Cran 0 Y .

Presentin 9 m el SgtJenniferE 0 d

(.Robbie en,Landpl.CeffreyJC

fo d.Uh.rtheof


thatnumberonthe recordCranford

yo s 6Y0 =nameandyo SGT.

c 9 mc

eSheriffs0 ceplease?


er? Cpl.J.C 40

District4Patrol. CPLJ.C


SGT.J.EMORY; 0k2 e

ou awaretlatthisinterview

0b0 g eco ded?

SGT.J.EMORY: Ok. doyou

C .J.Cra "Yes. Cpl-J.C 0 "No do 0

SGI'.J.EMORY: Okuh,did ecei e)

ourInternaluh,warning? SGT.J.EMORY:
Ok.Haveyouevercontacteda 0

n 0 g? Cpl-J.C 40 " YesIhave.

CpLJ.Cranford: Yes, e g sig ed?

Ok,uh,didyou e ep e. inu forn


Cpl-J.C 0 " Idon t 8= fo . Cpl. 0240 Yes. SGT.J.EMORY: Ok.01 who doucontacton doyou cca 2 SGT. ORY" Didouread (2

CpLJ C 0 0

d" ThatIcouldn (tellyou. Cpl. Cra "

Yes. SGT.J.EMORY: 0 Um,have 0 e

edtocontactyou omBack-page?

SGT.J.EMORY: D d0 (2

C .J.Cranfo "No.
CPL C20 0 " Ycs.


ORY Didyouunderstand

Cpl. C n 0 "No(. 0( 2 re, mean emade8 2 m do

Cpt.J.C 0 " Yes. 6=you,Imean, mctojust,wantme(0gointodetail

SG . MOR" Umhm

&8 C40 M

C* 4




Cpl -JeffreyCranfo rd
CpLJ. Cranfo rd: on what
CpLJ. Cranfo rd:Imean1just messaround. SGT.J. EMORY: U mhm
C ~ Cr anford: Years ago I'mnot gonn athxo wan ybod} u nder SGT.J.EMORY: 0k

thebusbutac Deput ytold meaboutthewebsite CpLJ. Cnnford:~ mean 00katpictu resandthenbestupid SGT.J. EMORY: Ok. SGT.J.EMORY: Ok.

CpLJ.Cranford:Andwefounditasajoketogoonthereand much Cpl-J.Cranford: I'vencver,I'venevermetanybody,I'veneverdone

mess thefemalesthataredo nit.Andthenwe'd ngwithanybody.

SOemI'mb ythenotwayg onna wen ame rePo liceandt hatDeput ythenthough. p e m0AndSGT.J.EMORY: Ok.Okd dy ouuh whenyou oneB0 agedid you SGT.J.EMO RY:R u mh m,ok.

Cpl -J.Cr anford: But~me anyou' lltextorso mething andthey'lltext bac k

andyou emthatyou rePoliceorwhateverandthen& g&offandit'sjustkindofagame.Stupidgame.

Cpl.J. Cranfor d:But
SGT.J.EMORY: Ok.Um,8 ou dafewyears2g0,H adyo uever

contacted anyb odyelsc after0uthefirsttimeyoud id o nafterthoseyears?

CPLJ.Cranford: No1mean,hererecently?
Cpl.0Cra0"Yeamean, inaudible)thingjust

TranCaroly mMiU cr
forgoinyouwouldforward?nottellanyoneandyouwouldp 0 echer orn

Cpl.J. Cranfor d: I,~c anrec a don trerne mber.

SGT.J.EMORY:AlrightLt.yo uhave any?
LT.R.ALLEN: Cp l.doy ou,you' vetextscveral0 h e 8q8

Cpl.J. Cranfor d: Ri ght
LT.R.ALLEN: Butyou,h avey oueverfollowedth rough and metan yof
Cp J. Cranford: No n ahit's,it'sjust, ag ame.

ALLEN: R ght.

Cpl -J.Cr a 0"4 It'sasic kg amebut

LT.R.ALLEN:Right8theonl y nv olve mentyou veeverhadw an y

omBackpageistext ngonly?

T Croty mMiIl a
Cranfor d INTERVIEWO F 60fS
DATE m14n7

Cpl.J. Cranfor d:Tex n3 x -ight. LT.R-ALLEN: NoIdon'th avean yth gonnabeanong o n

foralittlewh ile,so LT.R.ALLEN:Andy ou'venevetmet,follo wed oughwithan yact?

Cpl-J.Cra 0 Yea,yeaI'msure Cpl.J.Cranford: No.

LT.RALLEN: wh ateverwetal kabouthet% keepithere. LT.R.ALLEN:Andyous ayyo ustarted ayeao rtwo ago?
CpLJ. Cranfo rd:Yea defin tely. CP L Cr anford: Uh,longerth an

LT.RALLEN:Wemayh avct ocal lyoub ac k

LT.R.ALLEN: Okan dyonstil lhavedone ecently? CpLJ -Cr anfor d:

Cpl -J.Cr anford:Once andawhil %yea.0 b oredan djust

LT.R-ALLEN:If anyo thernumberscomeup0 any other,any othergirls.

LT.R.ALLEN:Alright.H avethcyever,on ceyoutol dthemy ou'repo c it snot.I' m nthe

wasthatit? Cpl.J. Cranfor d:R ght,yea. do

ong mean,like

CpLJ. Cranfo c huckle)yes. chuc sorrth a wa g thosefemales~don tfeelsai g uess didI,so meth s ng wron g.byco ntactin g~feel pissed0 dthen& y oukno w,so. likeifyoud o bI'mnot doinit a ess y oukn ow in my cap acit yit sjust,justwr ongd oin y ou ow. LT. ALLEN: Alright. LT.R.ALLEN:Prob abl ywasn toneofy oursmarterdecisions.

CPL Cranford:Theyusuallycutconversations.soit'salwayskinda ke meanit essyouknow want

leademonandthenyou emyou repo cean CpLJ.Cmn Ord:Wellno no notat3 butl

SGT.J.EMORY:Do delcteyouoffthepage,uh beingabletocontact need6ga & it'sjust,funnybut don'tit's, ow mean,it'sjust.thesepeopleIt'sjust emor stupid.

CpLJ.Cranford:Uh, don't ow don tcontactemafierthat. LT. ALLEN:That'sright

SGT-J.EMORY: Ok. Cpl. Cran 0 ~mean,likeIsaid,I'mnot, chuckles)I'mn00gonnaname

whotol dmeaboutit(chuc klcs)sowe'llle avethem0 of Cpl.J. Cranfor d: 0n81
SGT.J.EMORY:Right. LT. ALLEN: Right.Alright.
tratwa c d C0 Mille INTERVIEWOF 70 S

Cpl-JeffreyCranford INTERVIEWOF 30 8

DATE:7n4n7 Cpl. reyCranford
SGT.J.EMORY:AsLt thisisanon goingu h

CpLJ.Cranford:Ohtrustmelwon tbutI'm 00 fo nmebecausc,well 0 offo nmySgtand myLt.SOjusttellemI mnotallowedtotalkaboutit?

Cpl. Cranfor d:Right Allen: R~ yea.
SGT.J.EMORY:Investigat iondo no discuss gb ond e

LT.R.ALLEN: theyhave any 60 e mtoco ntactus.

postitutingitdon' 00kg00d0nyourpart.Y allknow Whatl mdo n youknowwhatI'm n?

Cpl -J.Cr anford: O k.
CPLJ.Cranfor d:R 0

LT.R.ALLEN:Andeven,Ican you you owhowcloseJam eand

LT.R.ALLEN:Itdo n affect
CPLJ.C Ord Yea

Cpl -J.Cr anford: Right

LT.R.ALLEN: Hedon tevenknowwhatthis sabout



CPL Cra0 Ok.

LT.R.ALLEN: Theycancontactus f needto.

CpJ.J. Cranfor d: Alright
LT.R.ALLEN:BecauseI'mnotgonna no:0embarrassyou.

Cpl -J.Cr anford: No no.

SGT.J.EMORY:Andtheystillwo n tgetit

Cpl. Cpl.J. Cranfor d:Yea.Ok.
SGT.J.EMORY:0k.concludesourinters icw th stime. time

neverfeltlikelmeetinganydidofanythinge wrong was because wasn'tactually

nowis 0 54 July 4 20 7.

cr&By:C 0 Miller

usscrewingwithem,butlmean snowwhenyou

see 00 here ntheopenit'sIll-ewell,you'reLaw Enforcementyou'recontacting esepeople a are

TrarsctbedBF005 M1

Cpl -JeffreyCranfo rd
DATE 7220 7


SGT.J.EMORY: Today s sJu y C20 20 7.Thetimeno wis

2 22m,Thiscaseis,thiscaseisinvol,uh,isafollowup

omIACase#L 705 AP.IAi7051A?. Cpl. SGT.J.EMORY: Ok

Cranfor dIjusth aveafew,just2questions go dso



wecango 8 andu m,cl ose scaseout.Uh,di dyou at anyti mecont actan yofthefe,femaleonB ackp agewh ile you wasWO k n?

SGT. EMORY: Ok CpLJcffrey
Cranfor d: No. LT.R.ALLEN: Andwewento ver stheotherday but younever met tith

anyofthesegirls SGT.J.EMORY: Okdidyouuseanykindofuh

computereruh,(inaud)le)phone0 whatever10con CPL y

them? Cranfor d: NO
CpLJeffreyLT. ALLEN: atanytime Cra 0 NOonmypersonalphone.

SGT.J.EMORY: Ok.Ok andu m 0 doyou mindst ating, who ranford: C NO

the0 erDeputythatwasmak ngthecontact,w you

onthcphone,viththefemales ajoke? LT.R.ALLEN: Youwouldb 8 yactlikeyouwanted6date,set up

CpLJeffrcy CPL Hey
Cranfor d: DOIh avet02 Cranfor d: Ri ght
LT.R.ALLEN: Kind aneed 0 o w mea sc an't makeyoub utlme an LT.R.ALLEN: thenyou

thepowersthatbewznttoget,you ow naud1Me)soit's

totall y,I' mnotsayinyou have 0butwe'dl ikeyou6 CpLJcffrey It just,justlike athrillthi ng,k ndalikewatchin pornit's

Cranfor d: justthethrill CpL Jcffrey (Sighs) inaud)le)thiswasbeforeconsoli dati on u m,we

Cranfor d: LT.R.ALLEN: Right
wereontheSouths de,but twasum,ah,Idon'twant6 tell.It,it'sRobertScarborough.

SGT. EMORY: Hr-n. yous 0 talkin ) stuff

Cranfor d:
Cpl.Jeffrey He stheone showedmeBack-pageandintroducedme Cranford: 6 and,andhe talked6afemaleanddointhat, CpLJcffrey thenyousaybytheway workattheSher fpsOffice.And

Tran:a:rbc dBy: Caro lynMi Ila Transcrbcd @y: Caro l)11Mit:et

CranfordINTERVIEWOF 40 5

DATE:7 2220 7 Cpl-Je yCranford


TRACKING*IA17051AP Cra 0 d" 0 ouwatchthe P0n 0 h ei

erdo (


d0 the)

you ow

you = that(chuckles) e

er n0 e

Andthatwashisphone? you
ay.0b 0 so.

SGT.J.EMORY: Right Cra 0


LT.R.ALLEN: youneverdid =e00were n 00 pa0 T.R: Youd(do 0 ou pho e when car0 0 n?


CpLJcffrey C 0 d

NO,no. C20 0 No



wasalwaysdone 0


Cpl.Jeffrey e or g?

0240 No

LT. ALI on 0 0 time? 0240 d No

Cpl. ey SGT.J.EMORY:
Likea(inaudible) C

fo " 08.Usuallysittin0

epo ch.

T.R.ALLEN: 0 C n 0 NOhenever, 0.

SGT.J.EMORY: 0 Doyouha 23

ngLt.70 concludesthe

C 0 " Jus g005 0

nte ewat time.Uh,also

emernberthis 2 ongoing

SGT. E 0 YO y


wcrey allwor en?Cpl.Jeffrey


Ord"R Cpl.Jc y

C Ord Yes. SGT. EMORY: Uh



" Keep0 mouthshut. Cpl.-
Jeffrey C (0




T 4 ?0 M cr

0M 2

DeputyRobeFtScarborough INTERVIEWOF 20 6

DATE:8B2017 DeputyRobertScarborough
DATE 2017 LT.R.ALLEN: Today'sdateisJuly,1 msor Augut3td,20 7.This s n

referencetoIACase 705 AP,Presentintheinterview Urnhm. wasyo wo nforthecoun en?

myself,Lt.Rob bieAllen,Sgt.Emory, andDeput y SC.J.EMORY: Scar borou gh.D Scarborou ghareyouawarethis D R0b01 beingrecor ded?

Scarboro ugh: Yes. DepRo Sc arbor ough:Yes. SGT.J.EMORY: Okdid youdo oncount yti me?
LT.R.ALLEN: Alrightd idyou c adan dsign andunderst andyo urinternal Dep 0b0

warnin g? Scarboro ugh: NO.

DepRobert SGT.J.EMORY: Oncountypr operty? Sc arbor ough: Yes.
LT.R.ALLEN:Ok Alrig sinreference FBIhereinMaconhas carborough:S NO.

beenVO vesdoinganBackpageinvestigationlocallyhere ntoinHumanTraffickingwhichMacon. SGT. EMORY: Usingcountyuh,equipment?

DepRobert DcpRobert
Scarboro ugh: K m Scarboro ugh: NO.
LT.R.ALLEN: Theyhaverunacrossanumberofnamesthatbelongto SGT-J.EMORY: Ok.D dyoumakeanycontact anyof&0 Deputieshere Maconalsosothat's whatwchavesome DepRobert

questions referencetothat. Scarboro ugh: Yea.

Scarboro ugh:DepR obcrtOk. SCT.J.EMORY: 0k
SGT.J.EMORY:Areyoufam arwiththeuh,Backpage? DepRobert

Scarboro ugh:Toldhershewastooprett) to bedoin whatshewasdoin.

DepRobert didmakec ontact l kefacetof aceoronthe

Scarboro ugh: Yes. SGT.J.EMORY: Ok
phone? scr.J.EMORY:
Okhaveyouevercontactedany onBack-page? D Robert

DepRo Scarboro ugh:Justontheph one.

Scarboro ugh: Uh,on cealon gtime ago,several yea agoinf act SGT.J.EMORY: 0kalr ight.U m,
&BCrol ynMiller
T C Mil


D RobertScarborough



DepRobert Scarboro ugh: Scar borou gh: Shetold me stop tin her.

LT.R.ALLEN: Um, doyo u wof anyoneelseinour0 8 at'~do

LT.R.ALLEN: Aboutho wlong ag owasit? s? DepRo D Robert

carbor ough:S Pro bab ly woyears wanna s carbor ough:S NO

LT.ALLEN; Ok LT.R.ALLEN: Doy oureme mbertheg rl sname?

DepRO DcpRo bert
Scarboro ugh: Maybethree. Scarboro ugh: h avenocl ue.

LT.R.ALLEN: Andyou,youreachedouttoherthroughyourcellphone? LT.R.ALLEN: Alright.Deputyhowlonghaveyouhadyourcellphone number? Dep 0
Scarboro ugh: Yes DepR0b01
Scarboro ugh: Mycell phonenu mber? LT.R.ALL EN: And y'alltextback -andf oh?
LT.R.ALLEN: Yea. D09Ro be

carbor ough;SS n03 prob ablysin ce05may be 05.

LT.R.ALLEN: Onetime? LT. ALLEN:So wouldhavebeenthesamenumberyouused





D02RO DepRobert


Scarboro ugh: Yes Scarboro ugh: Yea


LT.P ALLEN: Onefemale? LT.R.ALLEN: 6 80houtwithher?Alright.sothatwouldhavebeen,

sis 7 20 4you n when shappened? DepRobert

Scarboro ugh: Yea DepRo
Scarboro ugh: U m,guestimate,yea.
LT.R.ALLEN: D dyouever heryouwereapoliceOfficer? LT.R-ALLEN: Alrightsoatanyothertimeyou'veno 8 ed0 any

Dep 0b0No Otherfemale? Trans-abedBy. CarolynM a

riCar olynM iitet

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