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Unit II Topic/Focus Area

Parts and Functions of the Brain

Compelling Question
What is really known about the brain?
Illinois Learning Standards for Social Science
SS.Psy.1.9-12 Identify scientific methodologies utilized in psychological research, SS.Psy.6.9-12 Identify and apply psychological thinking to personal and
societal experiences and issues.

Lesson Plan #1 Model Lesson Plan #3 Model Lesson Plan #4 Model

Lesson Plan #2 Model
Lesson #1 Topic/Focus Area Lesson #3 Topic/Focus Area Lesson #2 Topic/Focus Area Lesson #4 Topic/Focus Area
Lower-level Brain Research Methods Cerebral Cortex/ Left and Right Football and the Brain
Supporting Question #1 Supporting Question #2 Supporting Question #3 Supporting Question #4
What are the parts and functions of How is the brain researched and Is there really difference in How do the quantity and quality of
the lover-level brain? studied today? functioning between the left and todays injuries, especially those to
right hemispheres of the brain? the head, compare to those of the
Formative Performance Task #1 Formative Performance Task #2 Formative Performance Task #3 Formative Performance Task #4
Parts of the Brain ColorSheet Partner Discussion In-class Simulation Socratic Seminar

Primary Source Document (min of 1) Primary Source Document (min of 1) Primary Source Document (min of 1) Primary Source Document (min of 1)
The Brain and Learning Website Phineas Gage Article, in Text Time Magazine Effect of Drugs on Thomas EdisonPrinceton vs. Yale
the Brain Interview Football Video

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