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Name: __________________________________

Lab TF: __________________________________

Research has shown that students who write a self-affirming statement before beginning an exam do
better on that exam. If you would like, please feel free to take a minute before this exam begins to write
something positive about yourself. It doesnt have to be something course-related (though I will rock
the crossbridge cycle has a certain ring to it). This is entirely optional, and your response (or non-
response) will not have any effect on the grading of your exam.

You will have 2 hours to complete this exam.

You can write the exam in pencil or pen.
Please put your name on the top of each page.
For multiple-choice questions, select the best answer.
For short answer questions, the space provided is meant to be sufficient for your
answer, so be concise.
If you need more space to work, you can use the back of the preceding page.
If you finish early, quietly bring your exam to the front of the room and leave.
Please stay seated during the last 10 minutes of the exam, so that all students
may have quiet to finish.

1-33. _______ / 94 40. _______ / 7

34. _______ / 5 41. _______ / 6
35. _______ / 9 42. _______ / 6
36. _______ / 8 43. _______ / 6
37. _______ / 12 44. _______ / 21
38. _______ / 9 45. _______ / 11
39. _______ / 6
Total: ____________/200 points
Name: _____________________________

Multiple choice questions: 3 points each. Choose the best answer.

1. Which of the following experiments provided evidence in support of spontaneous

generation of life?
a. Francisco Redis experiments using meat
b. Louis Pasteurs experiments using boiled media
c. Ice core sampling
d. In vitro experiments using montmorillonite clay
e. None of the above

2. Examination of meteorites provided support for the theory of panspermia, because these
analyses showed that
a. prebiotic synthesis of small molecules of life is not limited to Earth.
b. simple life forms can live on meteorites.
c. comets brought Earth most of its water.
d. meteorites brought living cells to Earth.
e. meteorites are responsible for Earths magnetic field.

3. Proto-cells exhibited all of the following characteristics of life except

a. synthesis of polymers.
b. reproduction.
c. evolution.
d. compartmentalization.
e. None of the above.

4. Which of the following provides evidence for the endosymbiotic theory?

a. Eukaryotic genomes contain some genes that appear to have come from bacteria.
b. Chloroplasts contain their own DNA.
c. Eukaryotic cells have specialized compartments for different functions.
d. Both a and b.
e. All of the above.

5. Which of the following contributed to the development of Darwins theory of evolution

by natural selection?
a. Gradualism.
b. Biogeography.
c. Fossils.
d. Both a and b.
e. All of the above.

Name: _____________________________

6. Suppose that grasshoppers that are more yellow have somewhat more offspring than
those that are more green, and that this has led to a decrease in green pigmentation in
grasshoppers over time. We can say that color is associated with the _______ of
grasshoppers, and that there is _______ selection occurring on this trait.
a. fitness; stabilizing
b. fitness; directional
c. fitness; disruptive
d. genetic structure; stabilizing
e. genetic structure; directional

7. Crosses between Asiatic wild cotton and American cultivated cotton result in plants that
produce long, strong fibers. However, the plants that produce these fibers cannot make
seeds. How would you describe this form of reproductive isolation?
a. Gamete incompatibility
b. Hybrid inviability
c. Hybrid infertility
d. Habitat isolation
e. Mechanical isolation

8. Which species concept is most closely associated with hybrid inviability?

a. The biological species concept
b. The morphological species concept
c. The phylogenetic species concept
d. All of the above
e. None of the above

9. In a study of the population density of bluebottle flies, 220 flies are captured and marked
in the first sampling. Two days later, 200 flies are captured, 10 of which have marks.
Based on these results, the estimated number of bluebottle flies in this population would
a. 2,000.
b. 2,200.
c. 4,400.
d. 40,000
e. 44,000.

10. Which of the following best explains why newly introduced species can often reach
higher population densities than native species?
a. They can use a wider range of resources.
b. They have fewer predators.
c. They reproduce more rapidly.
d. They produce fewer offspring.
e. None of the above.

Name: _____________________________

11. You observe an adult chimpanzee using a stick to dig termites out from a nest. How
could you determine if this digging behavior is learned or innate?
a. Put a young chimp in the enclosure to see if the adult demonstrates the behavior.
b. Show the chimp termite mounds of different sizes and see which one he/she chooses for
c. Provide the chimp with lots of different foods and see if he/she still digs for termites.
d. Raise chimps in isolation from other chimps and see if the chimps still exhibit the
e. Have a human demonstrate a different digging behavior, to see if the chimp changes its

12. A woodchuck in your yard has learned to associate the jingle of your dogs license and
rabies tags with the appearance of your dog. Immediately before the dog races around the
corner, upon hearing the jingle, the woodchuck disappears into its burrow. In this
situation, the _______ is the _______.
a. sound of the tags; unconditioned stimulus
b. sight of the dog; conditioned reflex/response
c. sight of the dog; unconditioned reflex/response
d. sound of the tags; conditioned stimulus
e. sound of the tags; conditioned reflex/response

13. Many species of gulls feed their chicks by regurgitating food. When parents return from
foraging, the gull chicks peck at a red spot on the parents bill, which causes the parents
to open the bill and regurgitate their food. Chicks will peck at a red dot painted on any
long, slender object; parents regurgitate any time the spot on their beak is pecked. Which
of the following qualifies as a sign stimulus in this scenario?
a. The red spot on the bill of the adult gull
b. The chick pecking at the red spot
c. Regurgitation of food
d. Both a and b
e. All of the above

14. Male northern elephant seals compete with one another for territories along the beach.
Males will defend these territories throughout the breeding season. The males that win
the malemale competitions defend the best territories on the beach. Female northern
elephant seals come up on the beach during breeding season; when they exit the water,
they join a group of females in one of the males territories. They disproportionately
breed with the male that defends that territory. At what point may intersexual selection
occur in these elephant seals?
a. When the female is swimming to the beach
b. When the female lands on the beach and chooses her resting location
c. When the male defends his group of females against a different male
d. When the male mates with a female within his group
e. When the female leaves the beach after mating with a male

Name: _____________________________

15. Meerkats are small desert mammals that live in groups of 2050 animals. You observe
the behavior of a group of meerkats. Which of the following behaviors would you
categorize as an example of reciprocal altruism?
a. Two meerkats take turns grooming each other.
b. One meerkat grooms a second meerkat, who is sleeping.
c. One meerkat monitors for predators while exposing herself to predation while her
offspring and those of her siblings forage for food.
d. One meerkat spends time sleeping in the burrow after eating, while other meerkats forage
for food.
e. One meerkat stands in the sun, while another spends time digging out a burrow.

16. A water bug is an ambush predator that waits for prey to come close, then strikes quickly.
Some water bugs will lie in wait while small fish go by, waiting for a larger fish that will
provide more nutrition. The time spent waiting is best described as
a. an energetic cost.
b. a risk cost.
c. an opportunity cost.
d. optimum foraging theory.
e. None of the above.

17. Which of the following epithelial cell junctions contains cadherin proteins?
a. Desomsomes
b. Adherins junctions
c. Integrins junctions
d. Both a and b
e. Both b and c

18. Which part of a simple columnar epithelial cell is connected to the extracellular matrix?
a. The apical surface
b. The basal surface
c. The gap junctions
d. Both a and c
e. Both b and c

19. Which type of tissue would you expect to be most directly involved in the secretion of
a. Simple squamous epithelium
b. Simple cuboidal epithelium
c. Stratified squamous epithelium
d. Nervous tissue
e. Smooth muscle

Name: _____________________________

20. Which type of joint can rotate?

a. Pivot joint
b. Ball-and-socked joint
c. Hinge joint
d. Both a and b
e. All of the above

21. Refer to the graph below showing the capacity of three systems that provide ATP for
muscle contraction.


At the end of a marathon, a runner is largely relying on the system represented by line
___, and using ___ to provide much of their energy.
a. A; anaerobic metabolism of glycogen
b. B; anaerobic metabolism of glycogen
c. B; aerobic metabolism of glycogen and/or fat
d. C; anaerobic metabolism of glycogen
e. C; aerobic metabolism of glycogen and/or fat

Name: _____________________________

Use the following diagram to answer questions 22-23.



22. Which of the labeled structures or regions will shorten when the muscle contracts?
a. I only
b. V only
c. VI only
d. I and V
e. I and VI
f. V and VI

23. Which of the labeled structures or regions interact to cause the muscle to contract?
a. I and II
b. II and III
c. II and IV
d. III and IV
e. III and VI

24. Which of the following is true of smooth, but not skeletal, muscles?
a. They can have multiple nuclei.
b. They contain actin and myosin.
c. They contract in response to signals from neurons.
d. They are arranged in perpendicular layers.
e. None of the above.

25. In response to training for power, which of the following changes to the trained muscle
will be the most significant?
a. More fast-twitch muscle fibers will be made.
b. More slow-twitch muscle fibers will be made.
c. Existing fast-twitch muscle fibers will become larger.
d. Existing slow-twitch muscle fibers will become larger.
e. More mitochondria will be made in slow-twitch muscles.

Name: _____________________________

For each of the following statements, indicate if it is true or false. If the statement is false, cross
out and change up to three words it to make it true. You cannot simply add or remove the word

26. True False In eukaryotes, increased membrane surface area is a

disadvantage of subcellular compartmentalization.

27. True False A natural disaster is an example of a density-independent

factor that can affect the carrying capacity.

28. True False The ground substance is a key component of epithelial

tissue and can contain large polymers such as GAGs,
proteoglycans, and glycoproteins.

29. True False Glial cells provide support for neurons.

30. True False Adipose cells can play a key role in thermoregulation.

31. True False Even after puberty, cartilage plays an important role in the
human skeleton.

32. True False Generally, when an extensor relaxes, it causes the joint to

33. True False Release of Ca2+ from the sarcoplasmic reticulum stimulates
contraction in both cardiac and skeletal muscle.

Name: _____________________________

34. (5 points) Which of the following statements are valid conclusions based on Miller-Urey-
type experiments? Consider both the original Miller-Urey experiment and subsequent
follow-up experiments that included additional gases released by volcanic activity.
Check all that apply.

_____ Prebiotic synthesis of amino acids is possible.

_____ Montmorillonite clay can catalyze synthesis of fatty acids.

_____ Nucleotides can be produced through non-enzymatic processes.

_____ It is plausible for RNA to have come before DNA and proteins in the evolution of
life on Earth.

_____ Panspermia cannot explain the origin of life on Earth.

35. (9 points) Researchers can assemble primitive proto-cells that provide a plausible
precursor to modern cells in vitro.

A. What are two ways in which the structures of proto-cells differ from those of modern

B. How does reproduction of these proto-cells differ from that of modern cells? In your
answer, briefly explain how proto-cells reproduce.

Name: _____________________________

36. (8 points) Below is a tree showing the evolutionary relationships between several species
of cats. Evaluate statements A-D using the data in the tree, and determine if each is valid
or not. If a statement is invalid, rewrite it to make it valid.

Jungle cat

Domestic cat

African wild cat





Clouded leopard

A. Cheetah is more closely related to domestic cat than cheetah is to ocelot.

Valid Invalid

B. Cougar is as closely related to jaguar as leopard is to jungle cat.

Valid Invalid

C. The jungle cats single closest relative is the domestic cat.

Valid Invalid

D. The clouded leopard is the ancestor of all the other species on the tree.

Valid Invalid

Name: _____________________________

37. (12 points) The pigmentation of a species of Amazonian salamander is controlled by a

single locus with two alleles, G and g. GG and Gg salamanders are green, gg
salamanders are yellow. Researchers have been studying an isolated population of these
salamanders since 2000. Shown below are genotypic data at the pigmentation locus for
all salamanders in the study population over multiple generations

Generation GG Gg gg
0 (starting population) 54 41 13
10 18 39 32
20 48 42 14
30 22 39 30
40 16 32 40

A. Calculate the allele frequencies in Generation 0 of the salamander population. Show your

B. If the population is in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, what are the expected frequencies of

the GG, Gg, and gg genotypes based on your answer to (A)? Show your work.

C. The population is not in HWE. Violation of which HWE assumption best explains the
data? Briefly explain how the observed genotype frequencies support your answer.

Name: _____________________________

38. (9 points) Below is a graph representing three different stereotypical survivorship curves,
labeled A, B, and C.

100% A

Percent surviving B



A. What is an example of a species that you would expect to exhibit a survivorship curve of
type A? Provide one life history strategy of this species that supports your prediction.

B. What is an example of a species that you would expect to exhibit a survivorship curve of
type C? Provide one life history strategy of this species that supports your prediction.

C. Which survivorship curve would an r-strategist species most likely exhibit? Briefly
explain your reasoning, including in your answer what the r in r-strategist species
refers to.

Name: _____________________________

39. (6 points) Female checkerspot butterflies lay eggs on plant leaves, so their offspring can
feed on the leaves when the hatch. In some regions of the Sierra Nevada Mountains of
California, there are two strains of this butterfly that each lay their eggs on a different
type of plant. In other regions, where only one strain of butterfly is found, females will
lay their eggs on both types of plants.

Assume that originally, both strains of this butterfly were found throughout the Sierra
Nevada mountains, and females of both strains competed to lay their eggs on both types
of plants. Using the relevant terminology, contrast the resolution of this competition in
regions where both strains are currently found to that in regions where only a single strain
is found.

40. (7 points) The survival and reproduction of yucca plants and yucca moths are tightly
linked. Yucca moths live on the yucca plants, and eat the leaves. After mating, female
yucca moths travel from one flower to another, depositing a small number fertilized eggs
into each flowers reproductive organs, where they will develop into tiny caterpillars that
eat a small number of the yucca seeds produced by the flower. If the flowers are not
pollinated, they will not produce seeds for the larvae to eat.

As the female moths travel from flower to flower, they use special jaw-like structures
called palps to comb through the pollen, collecting and transferring it from one flower to
another. This is necessary for the plants because, unlike that of most other plants, yucca
pollen is very sticky. Sticky pollen takes less energy for the plants to produce, but it
cannot be transferred from one flower to another without the assistance of the moth.

A. What are two types of relationships evident in this example?

B. Is this relationship an example of coevolution? Briefly explain why or why not,

referencing the information provided about these species in your answer.

Name: _____________________________

41. (6 points) Animals can learn through classical conditioning, operant conditioning,
habituation, sensitization, imitation, and imprinting. For each of the following, indicate
which of the above learning strategies is being used, and briefly explain how you came to
this conclusion.

A. To teach your dog not to urinate in the house, you give him a treat every time he urinates

B. Your bird begins to chirp when your doorbell rings, a behavior that you would prefer she
not continue. You stand outside, ringing the doorbell repeatedly, until she no longer

42. (6 points) When breeding season arrives, male three-spined stickleback fish prepare nests
for breeding. A female three-spined stickleback will follow a male to his nest, and enter
it with his guidance. He prods the base of her tail, causing her to release eggs into the
nest. Once the female has laid her eggs, she leaves the nest, and the male fertilizes the

For one of the behaviors numbered below (I-V), identify the proximate cause of the
behavior, and the ultimate cause of the behavior.

I. Male prepares nest

II. Female enters the nest
III. Male prods the female
IV. Female releases her eggs
V. Male fertilizes the eggs

Name: _____________________________

43. (6 points) You have identified a gene, shp3, that is involved in nurturing behavior. You
hypothesize that species that express shp3 at a higher level exhibit greater nurturing
behavior, as evidenced by spending more time in contact with their offspring. You have
identified two species, A and B, that exhibit different levels of nurturing behavior.

Average time spent in contact with offspring by individuals from both species is shown in
the graph below.


Time spent in contact (%)

Species A Species B

A. If your hypothesis is correct, in which species would you expect to observe higher levels
of shp3 expression? Circle your answer.

Species A Species B

To better understand the role of shp3, you make knockouts that lack the shp3 gene in
both species, and analyze their behavior. The graph below shows average time spent in
contact with offspring by individuals from both species in which the shp3 gene has been
deleted in a knockout experiment. The wild-type (non-knockout) data are shown for

100 Wild-type Knockout

Time spent in contact (%)

Species A Species B

B. What would you conclude, based on these data? Briefly explain your reasoning,
including in your answer whether or not the data support your hypothesis.

Name: _____________________________

44. (21 points) You are working in the emergency room, and a patient has just come in who
injured their arm while doing yardwork and can no longer move their wrist without
extreme pain. Identify three different specific tissues that your patient may have injured.
The three tissues that you identify must represent at least two different broad categories
of tissue (e.g., epithelial tissue, connective tissue, etc.).

For each, tissue that you identify

1. Identify the specific tissue
2. Identify the cell type that is most associated with the tissue
3. Identify the category of tissue
4. Identify two proteins or molecules (other than water) that are characteristic of the
specific tissue
5. Identify the main function of the specific tissue, or a feature that makes it unique

Specific Tissue 1: Associated cell type:

Category: Characteristic proteins/molecules:

Main function or unique feature:

Specific Tissue 2: Associated cell type:

Category: Characteristic proteins/molecules:

Main function or unique feature:

Specific Tissue 3: Associated cell type:

Category: Characteristic proteins/molecules:

Main function or unique feature:

Name: _____________________________

45. (11 points) ATP plays multiple important roles in muscle function.

A. What is the role of ATP in the crossbridge cycle?

B. When the signal for a muscle to contract stops, what is the role of ATP in terminating that
signal, so that the muscle can relax?

C. You treat isolated muscle cells with a drug that completely inhibits ATP synthesis.
Immediately after administering the drug, you stimulate the muscle cells, initiating a
muscle twitch, which normally lasts 50-100 milliseconds. If you repeat this stimulus,
would you expect to observe additional twitches? Briefly explain your reasoning.

Please be concise do not write below this line

Congratulations on finishing BIOS E-1b Exam 1!


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