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1. Draw a non-deterministic automaton to accept strings containing the sub string

0101. (May/June 2016)
2. State the pumping lemma for regular languages. (May/June 2016)
3. Prove by mathematical induction that for n>=2, then n3-n is always divisible by 3.
(May/June 2016)
4. Give two strings are accepted and two strings rejected by the following finite
automata M=({q0,q1,q2},{0,1},q0,q1,). (May/June 2016)
5. What is finite automation? (Nov/Dec 2015)
6. Write regular expression for the set of strings over {0,1} that have at least one.
(Nov/Dec 2015)
7. Any set A, B and C if AnB= and C B then AnC=. Prove by contra positive.
(Apr/May 2015)
8. Prove for every n>=1 by mathematical induction. (Apr/May 2015)

9. Give English description of the following language (0+1))*1*. (Apr/May 2015)

10. Construct NFA for 1*(01)* (Apr/May 2015)
11. Design DFA to accept strings over = (0,1) with two consecutive 0s.(Nov/Dec 2014)
12. Prove or disprove that (r+s)*=r*+s* (Nov/De 2014)
13. State the pumping lemma for regular languages. (Nov/Dec 2014)
14. What is finite automaton? (May/June 2014)
15. Enumerate the difference between DFA and NFA (May/June 2014)
16. Draw the transition diagram (automata) for an identifier. (Nov/Dec 2013)
17. What is a non deterministic finite automaton? (Nov/Dec 2013)
18. What is meant by DFA? (Apr/May 2013)
19. Define the term Epsilon transition. (Apr/May 2013)
20. State the principle of induction. (Nov/Dec 2012)
21. Define:
i) Finite Automaton (FA)
ii) Transition diagram (Nov/Dec 2012)
22. What is a regular expression? (May/June 2013)
23. State the difference between NFA and DFA. (Nov/Dec 2011)
24. Define -closure (q) with an example. (May/June 2012)
25. Name any for closure properties of Regular languages. (May/June 2013)
26. Construct NFA for the regular expression a*b*. (May/June 2012)
27. Is regular set is closed under complementation? Justify. (May/June 2012)

28. Give regular expression for the following

L1=set of all strings of 1 and 0 ending in 00
L2=set of all stings of 0 and 1 beginning with 0 and ending with 1. (Nov/Dec 2012)
29. Differentiate regular expression and regular language. (Nov/Dec 2012)
30. Construct a DFA for the following:
i) All strings that contain exactly 4 zeros
ii) All strings that dont contain the substring 110. (Nov/Dec 2011
31. Is the set of strings over the alphabet {0} of the form 0n where n is not a prime is
regular? Prove or disprove. (Nov/Dec 2011)
32. State pumping lemma for regular languages. (Nov/Dec 2013)
33. Construct NFA equivalent to regular expression (0+1)01. (Nov/Dec 2013)
34. Give the regular expression for set of all strings ending in 00. (Nov/Dec 2010)
35. State pumping lemma for regular set. (Nov/Dec 2010)
36. Construct a finite automaton for the regular expression 0*1* (May/June 2014)
37. Mention the closure properties of regular languages. (May/June 2014)
1. Construct a NFA that accept all string that end in 01. Give its transition table and
the extended transition function for the input string 00101. Also construct a DFA for
the above NFA using subset construction method. (May/June 2016)
2. Prove the following by principle of induction =1 2 = 6
.(May/June 2016)
3. What is a regular expression? write a regular expression for set of string that
consists of altering )`s and 1`s. (May/June 2016)
4. Write and explain the algorithm for minimization of DFA. Using the above algorithm
minimize the following DFA. (May/June 2016)
5. Prove that "A language L is accepted by some DFA if and only if L is accepted by
some NFA".(Nov/Dec 2015)
6. Construct the following E- NFA for an identifier. Consider the e- closure of each
state and find its equivalent DFA. (Nov/Dec 2015)
7. State the pumping lemma for regular languages. So how that the set L={0 i2|I >=1}
not regular. (Nov/Dec 2015)
8. Prove that for every integer n0 the number 42n+1 and 3n+2 is a multiple of 13.
(Nov/Dec 2014)
9. Let L be a set accepted by a NFA and then prove that there exists a DFA that
accepts L. (Nov/Dec 2014)
10. Construct a DFA equivalent to the NFA M=({a, b, c, d} ,{0,1}, , a,{b. d} ) where
is defined as (Nov/Dec2014)
0 1
a {b, d} {b}
b C {b, c}
c d a
d - a

11. Construct a minimized DFA for the RE 10+ (0+11)0*1. (Nov/Dec 2014)
12. Show that L= {0n2 /is an integer, n1} is not regular. (Nov/Dec 2014)
13. Explain the DFA minimization algorithm with an example. (Nov/Dec 2014)
14. Design a DFA accepts the following strings over the alphabets {0, 1} The Set of all
strings that contains a pattern 11. Prove this using mathematical induction.
(May/June 2015)
15. Design a NFA accepts the following strings over the alphabets {0, 1}. The set of all
string that begins with 01 and end with 11. Check for the validity of 01111 and
0110 strings. (May/June 2015)
16. Find the min-state DFA for (0+1)*10. (May/June 2015)
17. Find the regular expression of a language that consist of set of string starts with
11 as well as ends with 00 using Rij formula.(May/June 2015)
18. Construct a DFA accepting all strings w over {0,1} such that the number of 1s in
w is 3 mod 4 (Nov/Dec 2011)
19. Construct a minimized DFA from the regular expression (x+y) x (x+y)*. Trace for a
string w=xxyx.(Nov/Dec 2011)
20. State and explain the conversion of DFA into regular expression using Ardens
theorem. Illustrate with an example.(Nov/Dec 2011)
21. Prove by induction on n that =0 = 2 (Apr/May 2012)
22. Construct a DFA accepting binary strings such that the third symbol form the
right end is . (Apr/May 2012)
23. Construct a NFA without -transitions for the NFA given below. (Apr/May 2012)

24. Prove the following by the principle of induction (Apr/May 2015)

25. Discuss on regular expressions.(8)(May/June 2013)

26. Construct an NFA accepting binary strings with two consecutive 0s.(Apr/ May
27. Construct a DFA that accepts all strings on {0,1} except those containing the
substring 101.(April/May 2014)
28. Prove that if L is accepted by an NFA with - transitions then L is accepted by an
NFA without transitions.(Nov/Dec 2012)
29. Prove that if n is positive integer such that n mod 4 is 2 or 3 then n is not a
perfect square.(Nov/Dec 2012)
30. Discuss on the relation between DFA and minimal DFA. (Apr/May 2013)
31. Write a note on NFA and compare with DFA.(Apr/May 2013)
32. Convert the following NFA to DFA. (Apr/May 2013)

33. Construct DFA to accept the language L={w| w is of even length and begins with
11} ( Apr/May 2013)
34. Construct a DFA that accept the following language.
{x {a,b}|x|a = odd and |x|b =even. (Nov/Dec 2012)
35. Construct a non deterministic finite automaton for accepting the set of strings over
{a,b} ending in aba. Use it to construct a DFA accepting the same set of strings.
(Apr/May 2014)
36. Construct a NFA with moves which accepts a language consisting the strings of
any number of as, followed by any number of bs, followed by any number of cs.
(Apr/May 2014)
37. Explain the steps in conversion of NFA to DFA. Convert the following NFA to DFA.
(Nov/Dec 2013)

38. Prove that the following languages are not regular.

{ambna m+n|m1 and n 1} (May/June 2013)
39. Discuss on equivalence and minimization of automata. (Nov/Dec 2013)
40. Prove that if L is accepted by an NFA with transitions, then L is accepted by NFA
without transitions. (Nov/Dec 2013)
41. Prove the equivalence of NFA and DFA using subset construction.(Nov/Dec 2013)
42. Give Deterministic finite automata accepting the following language over the
alphabet. (Nov/Dec 2013)
(1) Number of 1s is a multiples of 3
(2) Number of 1s is not a multiples of 3
43. Obtain minimized finite automaton for the regular expression (b/a)*baa.
(May/June 2012)
44. Prove that there exists an NFA with -transitions that accepts the regular
expression r. (May/June 2012)
45. Which of the following languages is regular? Justify.(May/June 2012)
L={anbm/n,m 1}
46. Obtain the regular expression for the finite automata.(May/June 2012)

47. Using pumping lemma for the regular sets, prove that the language L={a mbn|m>n}
(Nov/Dec 2012)
48. Prove any two closure properties of regular languages. (Nov/Dec 2012)
49. Construct a minimized DFA that can be derived from the following regular
expression 0*(01)(0/111)*. (Nov/Dec 2012)
50. Design a finite automaton for the regular expression (0+1)*(00+11)(0+1*).
(May/June 2014)
51. Prove that L={0 i2/i is an integer; i 1} is not regular. (May/June 2014)
52. Prove that the class of regular sets is closed under complementation. (May/June
53. Let r be a regular expression. Prove that there exists an NFA with -transitions
that accepts L(r). (Nov/Dec 2010)
54. Is the language L= {anbn|n1} is regular? Justify. (Nov/Dec 2010)
55. Construct the minimal DFA for the regular expression (b|a)*baa. (Nov/Dec 2010)
56. Prove that regular sets are closed under substitution. (Nov/Dec 2010)
57. State and explain the conversion of DFA to regular expression using Ardens
theorem. Illustrate with an example. (Nov/Dec 2013)
58. Convert the following NFA into a regular expression.(Nov/Dec 2013)

59. Discuss the closure properties of regular languages(8)(Nov/Dec 2013)

60. Using pumping lemma for regular sets prove that the language L={0 m1n0m+n|m1
and n1} is not regular.(Nov/Dec 2013)
1. What do you mean by null production and unit production? Give an example.
(May/June 2016)
2. Construct a CFG for set of strings that contain equal number of a`s and b`s over
={a,b}.(May/June 2016)
3. Find a string of minimum length in {x,y} * not in the language corresponding to the
given regular expression. (a) x*(y+xy)*x* (b) (x*+y*)(x*+y*)(x*+y*).(May/June
4. State whether regular language are closed under intersection and complementation
give an example for intersection. (May/June 2016)
5. Let G be the grammar with S--> aB|bA, A--> a|aS|bAA, B--> b|bS|aBB. For the
string aaabbabbbafind the left most derivation. .(Nov/Dec 2015)
6. Construct the context free grammar representing the set of palindrome over (0+1)*.
.(Nov/Dec 2015)
7. Give the general forms of CNF.(Nov/Dec 2014)
8. Show that CFLs are closed under substitutions. (Nov/Dec 2014)
9. Let G be the grammar S->aB/bA A->a/aS/bAA B->b/bS/aBB. For the string
aaabbabbba, find (a) LMD and (b) RMD (Nov/Dec 2014)
10. Generate CFG for (011+1)* (May/June 2015)
11. Construct a parse tree of (a+b)*c for the grammar E->E+E/E*E/(E)/id (May/June
12. Define pumping lemma for CFL.(May/June 2015)
13. Construct a CFG for the language of palindrome strings over {a,b} May/June
14. When do you say a grammar is ambiguous? (May/June 2014
15. Write the CFG for the language L= {anbn/n1}. (Nov/Dec 2013
16. What is a CFG? (May/June 2013)
17. Define the term Ambiguity in grammars. (May/June 2013)
18. What is an ambiguous grammar? Give example. (Nov/Dec 2012)
19. Specify the use of context free grammar. (May/June 2012)
20. Define parse tree with an example. (May/June 2012)
21. Is the grammar below ambiguous S->SS/(S)/S(S)S/E? (Nov/Dec 2011)
22. Convert the following grammar into an equivalent one with no unit productions
and no useless symbols S->ABA, A->aAA/aBC/bB, B->A/bB/Cb, C->CC/cC.
(Nov/Dec 2011)
23. Write down the context free grammar for the language L={anbn/n1}. (Nov/Dec 2010)
24. Is the grammar E->E+E/id is ambiguous? Justify. (Nov/Dec 2010)
25. Consider the following grammar G with productions
S->ABC/BaB, A->aA/BaC/aaa, B->bBb/a, C->CA/AC. Give a CFG with no useless
variables that generates the same language. (Apr/May 2010)

26. Find out the context free language

A->ba (May/June 2009)
27. Show that the grammar S->a/Sa/bSS/SSb/SbS is ambiguous.Nov/Dec 2008
28. Find whether the language {ambmcm, m0} is context free or not. (Nov/Dec 2008)
29. Let S->aB/bA, A->aS/bAA/a, B->bS/aBB/b
Derive the string aaabbabba as left most derivation. (Apr/May 2008)
30. Let the productions of a grammar be S->0B/1A, A->0/0S/1AA, B->1/1S/0BB. For
the string 0110 find a rightmost derivation .May/June 2007
31. Write a CFG to generate the set {ambncp/m+n=p and p 1}.Nov/Dec 2006
32. Consider the alphabet ={a,b,(,),+,*,.,-}.Construct the context free grammar that
generates all strings in * that are regular expression over the alphabet {a,b}.
33. What are the closure properties of CFL? (NOV/DEC-2013, MAY/JUNE-2013)
34. What is meant by GNF? (MAY/JUNE-2013, NOV/DEC-2009, MAY/JUNE-2009)
35. What is Chomsky normal form? (MAY/JUNE-2012)
36. State the two normal forms and give an example. (NOV/DEC-2011)
37. Is the language L={anbncn|n>=1} context free? Justify. (NOV/DEC-2010)
38. Convert the following grammar G in Greibach normal form: S->ABb|a; A->aaA|B; B-
39. Find whether the language {ambmcm,m>=0} is context free or not. (NOV/DEC-2007)
40. What is the class of language for which the TM has both accepting and rejecting
configuration? Can this be called a context free language? (NOV/DEC-2006)

1. Construct a reduced grammar equivalent to the grammar G=(N,T,S,P)
Where N={S,A,C,D,E}, T={a,b}, P={S aAa, ASb, AbCC, ADaA, Cabb,CDD,
EaC, DaDA}. (May/June 2016)
2. When is a grammar said to be ambiguous? Explain with the help of an example.
(May/June 2016)
3. Show the derivation steps and construct derivation tree for the string ababbb by
using LMD with grammar S AB| , A aB, BSb. (May/June 2016)
4. What is the purpose of normalization? Construct the CNF and GNF for the
following grammar and explain the steps. S aAa|bBb|, A C|a,BC|b,
CCDE| , DA|B|ab. (May/June 2016)
5. Construct a CFG for the regular expression (011+1)(01). (May/June 2016)
6. let G=(V,T,P,S) be context free grammar then prove that if the recursive inference
procedure tells us that terminal string W is in the language of variable A, then there is
a parse tree with root A and yield w. (Nov/Dec 2015)
7. Given the grammar G= (V, ,R, E) where
={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0,+,_,*,/,(,)}, and R contains the following rules
E D|(E)|E+E|E-E|E*E|E/E
D--> 0|1|2|....9. Find a parse tree for the string 1+2*3. (Nov/Dec 2015)
8. Construct a equivalent grammar G in CNF for the grammar G1
where G1=({S,A,B},{a,b},{s-->ASB|e,A-->aAS|a,B-->SbS|A|bb},S) (Nov/Dec 2015)
9. What is an ambiguous grammar? Explain with a example. (Nov/Dec 2015)
10. Given the CFG G, find CGF G in CNF generating the language.L(G)-{^)
S-> AACD, A-> aAb|^, C->aC|a, D-> aDa|bDb|^. (May/June 2015)
11. If G is the grammar S->SbS/a show that G is ambiguous. (May/June 2014)
12. Write a grammar G to recognize all prefix expressions involving all binary
arithmetic operators. Construct a parse tree for the sentence -*+abc/de using G?
13. Show that the following grammar G is ambiguous S->SbS/a. (Nov/Dec 2014)
14. Construct a context free grammar for {0m1n/1mn} (Nov/Dec 2014)
15. Find a grammar G in CNF form equivalent to G
S->aAD, A->aB/bAB, B->b, D->d. (Nov/Dec 2014)
16. Convert the grammar S->0S1/A;A->1A0/S/ into PDA that accepts the same
language by empty stack .Check whether 0101 belongs to N(M). (May/June 2014)
17. Convert to GNF the grammar G, G=({A1,A2,A3},{ab},P,A1} where P consists of the
following A1->A2A3 , A2->A3A1/b, A3->A1A2/a. (Nov/Dec 2014)
18. Explain about Parse trees. For the following grammar (May/June 2013)
B->b/bS/aBB For the String aaabbabbba ,Find
(1)Leftmost derivation
(2)Rightmost derivation
(3)Parse tree
19. Convert the following grammar into GNF
Y->1X1 (Nov/Dec 2013)
20. Show that the following grammars are ambiguous.
{S->aSbS/bSaS/} and
{S->AB/aaB,A->a/Aa,B->b} (Nov/Dec 2013)

21. Consider the following grammar for list structures.

S->a// (T) T->T, S/S. Find left most derivation, rightmost derivation and parse tree
for (((a,a),(a)),a) (Nov/Dec 2012)
22. Is the grammar E->E+E/E*E/id is ambiguous? Justify your answer. (May/June
23. Find the context free languages for the following grammars.
(2) S->aSb/ab (May/June 2012)
24. Convert the grammar S->aSb/A,A->bSa/S/ to a PDA that accepts the same
language by empty stack.(10)Nov/Dec 2011
25. If S->aSb/aAb, A->bAa, A->ba is the context free grammar. Determine the context
free language.(6)Nov/Dec 2011
26. Let G be the grammar S->aB/bA, A->a/aS/bAA, B->b/bS/aBB.
For the string baaabbabba Find leftmost derivation, rightmost derivation and parse
tree. (Nov/Dec 2010)

27. Consider the grammar

S->iEtS, S->iEtSeS, S->a, E-> b
Where i, t and e stand for if, then, and else, and C and S for conditional and
statement respectively
Construct a leftmost derivation for the sentence w=ibtibtaea
Show the corresponding parse tree for the above sentence
Is the above grammar ambiguous? If so prove it.
Remove ambiguity if any and prove that both the grammar produces the
same language. (Apr/May 2010)
28. Construct the CFG for the following languages:
(1)L(G)={ambn/mn,n>0} and
(3)Define Ambiguity, Leftmost derivation and with Rightmost derivation an
example. (May/June 2009)
29. Simplify the following grammar and find its equivalent in CNF. (Nov/Dec 2008)
C->aB/b (Nov/Dec 2008)
30. Find the GNF equivalent of the grammar S->AA/0,A->SS/1. (Nov/Dec 2008)
31. Construct a CFG accepting L={ambn/n<m} and construct a PDA accepting L by
empty store. (Apr/May 2008)
32. Convert the grammar with productions into CNF A->bAB/, B->Baa/. (Apr/May
33. Define Chomsky normal form. Find an equivalent grammar in CNF for the grammar G =
({S, A, B}, {a, b}, P, S) with productions S->bA|aB; A->bAA|aS|a; B->aBB|bS|b. (MAY-2014,
34. Show that the language L= {aibici|i>=1} is not context free. (MAY-2014, MAY -2007)
35. Construct the following grammar in CNF: A->BCD|b; B->Yc|d; C->gA|c; D->dB|a; Y->f.
(MAY -2013)
36. Explain about the closure properties of CFL. (MAY-2013, MAY-2012, DEC-2011, NOV-
37. Explain in detail about Pumping Lemma for CFL. (MAY/JUNE-2013, NOV/DEC-2012)
38. Convert the following grammar into CNF: S->cBA; S->A; A->cB; A->AbbS; B->aaa.
39. Find Greibach normal form for the grammar: S->AA| ; A->SS| . (MAY/JUNE-2012)
40. State the pumping lemma for CFLs. What is its main application? Give two examples.
41. Prove that every grammar with productions can be converted to an equivalent grammar
without productions. (MAY/JUNE-2011)
42. Reduce the following grammar to CNF: S->a|AAB; A->ab|aB| ; B->aba| . (MAY/JUNE-2011)
43. Convert the following to Greibach normal form: S->a|AB; A->ab|BC; B->b; C->b.
44. Obtain a GNF grammar equivalent to the context free grammar: S->AA|0; A->SS|1.
45. Define Pumping Lemma for CFL. Show that L = {aibjck; i<j<k} is not context free.
46. Convert the following grammar into an equivalent one with no unit productions and no
useless symbols. Convert to Chomsky normal form (CNF): S->A|CB; A->C|D; B->1B|1; C-
>0C|0; D->2D|2. (MAY-2010)
47. Convert the grammar S->AB|aB; A->aab| ; B->bbA into CNF. (MAY/JUNE-2009)
48. Prove that the set of CFL is closed under union and kleen closure. (MAY/JUNE-2009)
49. Simplify the following grammar and find its equivalent in CNF: S->AB|CA; B->BC|AB;
A->a; C->aB|b. (NOV/DEC-2008, NOV/DEC-2007)
50. Find the GNF equivalent for the grammar: S->AA|0; A->SS|1. (NOV-2008, NOV-2007
51. Show that the context free languages are closed under union operation but not under
intersection. (NOV-2007)
52. Find a grammar in Chomsky normal form equivalent to S->aAbB; A->aA|a; B->bB|b.
53. Convert the grammar S->AB; A->BS|b; B->SA|a into Greibach normal form.
1. Does a PDA have memory? Justify. (May/June 2016)
2. Define PDA. (May/June 2016)
3. Define PDA. (May/June 2016)
4. Show thar the context free grammar with the following production is ambiguous G=(
{S,A,B},{a,b}, {SAB,AaAb|ab,BabB|},S). (May/June 2016)
5. What are the different ways of language acceptances by a PDA and define them?
(Nov/Dec 2015)
6. Convert the following CFG to PDA S-->aAA, AaS|bS|a. (Nov/Dec 2015)
7. Define push down automata.
8. Differentiate PDA acceptance by empty stack method with acceptance by final state
method. (May/June 2015)
9. Compare NFA and PDA. (Nov/Dec 2013)
10. What are the different types of language accepted by a PDA and define
them?Nov/Dec 2012
11. State the definition for pushdown automata. (Apr/May 2010)
12. Construct a PDA to accept the language {(ab) n] n1} by empty
13. For a PDA M= , define the language accepted by final state.
(Nov/Dec 2009)
14. Define instantaneous description of push down automata. (May/June 2009)
15. What is meant by empty production removal in PDA? (Apr/May 2008)
16. Define the language recognized by the push down automata using empty stack.
(Nov/Dec 2007)
17. Define the languages generated by a PDA using the two methods of accepting a
language. (May/June 2007)
18. Define the languages generated by a PDA using final state of the PDA and empty
stack of that PDA. (Nov/Dec 2006)
19. State the definition of Push down Automata.
20. What are the different types of languages accepted by a pushdown automaton and
define them?
21. Give an example of PDA.
22. Define acceptance of a PDA by empty stack. Is it true that the language accepted
by a PDA empty stack or by that of final states is different languages?
23. What is the additional feature PDA has when compared with NFA? Is PDA superior
over NFA in the sense of language acceptance? Justify your answer.
24. Is it true that non-deterministic PDA is more powerful than that of deterministic
PDA? Justify your answer.
25. Is the language of DPDA and NPDA same?
26. Give the formal definition of a PDA.
1. Construct a PDA to accept the following language L on ={a,b} by empty stack .
L={WWR|W* } (May/June 2016)
2. What is an instantaneous description of a PDA how will you represent it? Also
give the three important principles of ID and their transcations(May/June
3. Explain acceptance by final state and acceptance by empty stack of a pushdown
automaton. (May/June 2016)
4. State pumping lemma for CFL. Use pumping lemma to show that language
5. L= {aibjck| i<j<k} is not a CFL. (May/June 2016)
6. Design a PDA to accept {0n1n|n>1}. Draw the transition diagram for the PDA.
Show by instantaneous description that the PDA accepts the string
"0011".(Nov/Dec 2015)
7. State pumping lemma for CFL and show that the language L={anbncn|n>=1} is
not a CFL. (Nov/Dec 2015)
8. Convert PDA to CFG. PDA is given by P=({p,q}, {0,1}.{X,Z}, ,q, Z), is defined by
(p,1,Z)={(p,XZ)},(p,,Z)={(p, )}, (p,1,X)={(p,XX)}, (p,1,X)={(q,)},
(p,0,X)={(q,X)}, (p,0,Z)={(p,Z)}. (Nov/Dec 2015)
9. What are deterministic PDA`s? Give example for Non Deterministic and
deterministic PDA. (Nov/Dec 2015)
10. Construct a PDA for the given grammar S->aSa/bSb/c. (May/June 2015)
11. Construct a PDA for the language L={x {a,b}* |na (x)>nb(x)} (May/June 2015)
12. If L is context free language prove that there exists a PDA M, such that L=N(M)
(Nov/Dec 2014)
13. Prove that if L is N(M1)( the language accepted by empty stack) for some PDA
M1, then L is N(M2) (the language accepted by final state) for some PDA M2 .
(Nov/Dec 2014)
14. Construct pushdown automata to accept the language L= {anbn/n1} by stack
and by final state. (May/June 2014)
15. Construct a CFG for the PDA M. (May/June 2014)
16. Convert the grammar S->0S1/A; A->1A0/S/ into PDA that accepts the same
language by empty stack. Check whether 0101 belongs to N(M).(May/June
17. Construct PDA for the language L= (wwR /W in (a+b)*). (8) May/June 2013
18. Explain in detail about equivalence of pushdown automata and CFG.
(May/June 2013)
19. Give formal pushdown automata that accepts {wcwR /w in (0+1)*} by empty
stack. (Nov/Dec 2013)
20. Prove the equivalence of PDA and CFL. (Nov/Dec 2013)
21. Construct a transition table for PDA which accepts the language L= {a 2nbn/n
1}.Trace your PDA for the input with n=3. (Nov/Dec 2012)
22. Find the PDA equivalent to the given CFG with the following productions.
23. S->A, A->BC, B->ba,C->ac. (Nov/Dec 2012)
24. Construct the PDA accepting the language {(ab) n/n1} by empty stack. (Nov/Dec
25. Construct the PDA for L={WWR/w is in (a+b)*} (May/June 2012)
26. Discuss the equivalence between PDA and CFG. (May/June 2012)
27. Is NPDA (Nondeterministic PDA) and DPDA (Deterministic PDA) equivalent?
Illustrate with an example.(Nov/Dec 2011)
28. What are the different types of language accepted by a PDA and define them.
Is it true that the language accepted by a PDA by these different types provides
different languages? (Nov/Dec 2011)
29. Convert the grammar S->aSb/A, A->bSa/S/ to a PDA that accepts the same
language by empty stack. (Nov/Dec 2011)
30. What is deterministic PDA? Explain with an example.(Nov/Dec 2010)
31. Construct the PDA for the language L={wcwR / w is in (0+1)*} )(Nov/Dec
32. Let L is context free language. Prove that there exists a PDA that accepts L.
(Nov/Dec 2010)
33. Construct a PDA equivalent to the following grammar.
34. S->aAA A->aS/bS/a. (Nov/Dec 2009)
35. Prove that every language recognized by a PDA is Context free.(Nov/Dec
36. Construct a PDA for the set of palindrome over the alphabet {a,b}. (Nov/Dec
37. Construct a Push Down Automata that will accept the language generated by
the grammar G=({S,A}.{a,b},S,P) with the productions S->AA/a,A->SA/b.
(May/June 2009)
38. Construct an NPDA that accept the language generated by the grammar
39. S->aSbb/abb. (May/June 2009)
40. Design a PDA for recognizing the language {ambncm,n,m 1} using empty stack.
41. Construct an unrestricted PDA equivalent to the grammar given below:
42. S->aAA, A->aS/bS/a.
43. Construct a PDA for the language {anb2n/n 0}. (Nov/Dec 2008)
44. Constrcut PDA for the grammar
S->aB/bA A->a/aS/bAA B-b/bS/aBB
1. Define a Turing machine.(MAY-2014, NOV/DEC-2010, MAY/JUNE-2008)(Nov/Dec 2015)
2. List out the different techniques for Turing machine construction. (NOV/DEC-2013)
3. What are the applications of Turing Machine? (NOV/DEC-2012)
4. Design a TM that accepts the language of odd integers written in binary. (NOV/DEC-2011)
5. Construct a Turing Machine to compute n mod 2 where n is represented in the tape in
unary form consisting of only 0s. (MAY/JUNE-2011)
6. Design a T.M with no more than 3 states that accepts L= {a(a+b)*}. Assume = {a, b}.
7. Construct a Turing Machine for zero function: f: N->N, f(x) =0. (MAY/JUNE-2009)
8. Differentiate multi tape and multi track Turing machines. (NOV/DEC-2008)
9. What is the minimum no. of stacks needed for simulating a TM using a multi-stack
machine? (NOV-2008)
10. What is meant by multi tape Turing Machine? (NOV/DEC-2007)
11. What is the class of language for which the TM has both accepting and rejecting
configuration? Can this be called a context free language? (NOV/DEC-2006)
12. The binary equivalent of a positive integer is stored in a tape. Write the necessary
transitions to multiply that integer by 2. (NOV/DEC-2006)
13. Mention any two problems which can only be solved by TM.
14. List out different techniques for turing machine construction.
15. Design a turing machine with not more than three states that accepts the language
a(a+b)*. Assume ={a,b}
16. Is it possible that a turing machine could be considered as a computer of functions from
integers to integers? If yes, justify your answer.
17. Define multitape turing machine.(Nov/Dec 2014)(Nov/Dec 2015)
18. Describe the non-deterministic turing machine model. Is it true the non-deterministic
turing machine models are more powerful than the basic turing machines (In the sense of
language acceptance)?
19. What is meant by halting problem? (MAY/JUNE-2008)
20. What is the Chomskian hierarchy of languages?
21. What are the differences between a finite automata and a Turing
Machine.(May/June 2016)
22. What is a Turing Machine? (May/June 2016)
23. State the advantages of Turing Machine over other automata. (May/June 2016)
24. State the pumping lemma for context free languages. (May/June 2016)
25. Write the Basic Turing Machine model and explain in one move. What are
the actions take place in TM?
26. Explain how a Turing Machine can be regarded as a computing device to
compute integer functions.
27. Describe the non deterministic Turing Machine model. Is it true the non
deterministic Turing Machine models are more powerful than the basic Turing
Machines? (In the sense of language Acceptance).
28. What is the class of language for which the TM has both accepting and rejecting
configu-ration? Can this be called a Context free Language?
29. What is the role of checking off symbols in a Turing Machine?
1. Design a TM, M to implement the function MULTIPLICATION using the subroutine
COPY. (Nov/Dec 2014)
2. Construct a TM to perform copy operation. (May/June 2015)
3. Design a Turing machine to accept the language L= {0n1n|n>=1} and simulate its action on
the input 0011. (MAY-2014)
4. Write short note on checking off symbols. (MAY-2014, MAY -2009)
5. Explain Turing machine as a computer of integer functions with an example. (NOV/DEC-
6. Write short notes on the following: (NOV/DEC-2013)
(i) Two-way infinite tape TM.
(ii) Multiple tracks TM.
7. Discuss about programming techniques for Turing machines.(MAY/JUNE-2013,
8. Design a Turing Machine which reverses the given string {abb}. (NOV/DEC-2012)
9. Explain any two higher level techniques for Turing machine construction. (MAY/JUNE-
10. Construct Turing machine for L = { n n n|n>= }. (MAY/JUNE-2012)
11. State the techniques for Turing Machine construction. Illustrate with a simple language.
12. Explain the different models of Turing Machines. (NOV/DEC-2011)
13. Construct the Turing Machine to accept the language: anbncn. (MAY/JUNE-2011)
14. Construct a Turing Machine to perform proper subtraction. (MAY/JUNE-2011)
15. Construct the Turing Machine for the language L= {1n0n|n>=1}. (NOV/DEC-2010)
16. Construct the Turing Machine for the language: L= {wwR | w is in (0+ 1)*}. (NOV/DEC-2010)
17. Construct a Turing Machine to move an input string over the alphabet A = {a} to the right
one cell. Assume that the tape head starts somewhere on a blank cell to the left of the input
string. All other cells are blank, labeled by ^. The machine must move the entire string to the
right one cell, leaving all remaining cells blank. (MAY/JUNE-2010)
18. Design a Turing Machine to recognize each of the following languages. (NOV/DEC-2009)
1. {0n1n|n>=1}
2. {wwR|w (0+1)*}
19. Prove that the TM with one-way infinite tape and two-way infinite tape are equivalent.
20. Design a Turing Machine to compute n2. (NOV/DEC-2009)
21. Construct a Turing Machine M for a language L={anbn|n>=1}. (MAY/JUNE-2009)
22. Design a deterministic Turing Machine to accept the language: L= {a ibici|i>=0}.
23. Design a Turing Machine that computes x + y where x and y are positive integers.
24. Design a Turing Machine M for f(x,y,z)=2(x+y)-z, z<2(x+y) and x,y,z are stored in the tape
in the form 0x10y10z1. (NOV/DEC-2006)
25. Show that if L is accepted by a multi tape Turing Machine, it is accepted by single tape
Turing Machine also. (NOV/DEC-2006)
27.(i) Construct a Turing Machine to accept palindromes in an alphabet set ={a,b}.Trace the strings
abab and baab (8)(May/June 2016)
28. Explain the variations of Turing Machines(8)(May/June 2016)
29. Explain Halting problem. Is it Solvable or Unsolvable problem? Discuss(8) (May/June
30. Describe Chomsky hierarchy of languages with example. What are the devices that
accept these languages? (May/June 2016)
31. Design a turing machine to recognize the language L={ancbn|n>=0} (May/June 2016)
32. State the closure properties of Context free languages.(May/June 2016)
33. Design a turing machine to accept the language L={0n1n|n>=1}. Draw the transition
diagram. (Also specify the instantaneous description to trace the string 0011.(Nov/Dec
34. State and describe the Halting problem Turing machine. (Nov/Dec 2015)
35. Explain the programming techniques for Turing Machine construction. (Nov/Dec 2015)
36. Describe the Chomsky hierarchy of languages.(Nov/Dec 2015)
37. Design a Turing Machine to compute f(m+n)=m+n, V m,n>=0 and simulate their
action on the input 0100.

1. State the classes of P problem with an example. (May/June 2016)
2. State when a problem is said to be decidable and give an example of an undecidable
problem. (Nov/Dec 2015)
3. What is a Universal Language Lu? (Nov/Dec 2015)
4. When a recursively enumerable language is is said to be recursive? (May/June 2016)
5. Identify whether Tower of Hanoi problem is tractable or intractable. Justify your
answer.(May/June 2016)
6. Give examples for NP-complete problems. (Nov/Dec 2014)
7. Define RE language. (May/June 2015)
8. Differentiate recursive and non-recursive languages. (May/June 2015)
9. What do you mean by universal turing machine?
10. What are the features of universal turing machine?
11. What are the features of a Universal Turing Machine? (MAY/JUNE-2007)
12. When a language is said to be recursively enumerable? (MAY-2014)
13. Define the classes P and NP. (MAY/JUNE-2011)
14. What is (a) recursively enumerable languages (b) recursive sets? (NOV/DEC-2013)
15. What is universal Turing machine? (NOV/DEC-2013)
16. What is meant by recursively enumerable language?(MAY-2013, NOV-2012, MAY-2012, NOV-2010)
17. Define the class NP problem. (MAY/JUNE-2013)
18. When we say a problem is decidable? Give an example of undecidable problem.
19. Mention the difference between P and NP problems. (MAY/JUNE-2012)
20. How to prove that the Post Correspondence problem is Undecidable? (NOV/DEC-2011)
21. Show that any PSPACE-hard language is also NP-hard. (NOV/DEC-2011)
22. Prove that the complement of recursive languages is recursive. (MAY/JUNE-2011)
23. Mention the difference between decidable and undecidable problems. (NOV/DEC-2010)
24. State Rices theorem. (MAY/JUNE-2010)
25. Show that the collection of all Turing machines is countable. (MAY/JUNE-2010)
26. When do you say a problem is NP-Hard? (NOV/DEC-2009)
27. State two languages, which are not recursively enumerable. (NOV/DEC-2009,
28. Prove that the theorem: If L is a language generated by some TM M1, then L is
recursively enumerable set. (MAY/JUNE-2009)
29. Define Posts Correspondence problem. (MAY/JUNE-2009, MAY/JUNE-2008)
30. Define Diagonal Language. (NOV/DEC-2008, NOV/DEC-2007)
31. What is meant by halting problem? (MAY/JUNE-2008)
32. What are useless symbols in a grammar? (NOV/DEC-2007)
33. Differentiate between recursive and recursively enumerable languages. (MAY/JUNE-
2007)(May/June 2016)
34. Mention any two undecidability properties for recursively enumerable languages.
35. Show that the following problem is undecidable. Given two CFGs G1 and G2, is
L (G1) L (G2) = ? (NOV/DEC-2006)
36. Define Ld. (NOV/DEC-2006)
37. Is it true that complement of a recursive language is recursive? Justify your answer.
38. When a language is said to be recursive? Is it true that every regular set is not recursive?
39. When a problem is said to be decidable or undecidable? Give an example of an
40. State the difference between tractable and intractable problems?
41. Define MPCP.
42. Difference between Initial and composition function.
1. Show that the union of two recursive language is recursive and union of two recursively
enumerable languages is recursive. (Nov/Dec 2014)
2. Define the language Lu and show that Lu is RE language. (Nov/Dec 2014)
3. State and prove Post Correspondence Problem and Give example. (Nov/Dec 2014)
4. Explain post-correspondence problems and decidable and undecidable problems with
examples. (May/June 2015)
5. Explain the class P and NP problems with suitable examples. (May/June 2015)
6. Define diagonalization language. S.T the language Ld is not a recursively enumerable
language. (MAY-14)
7. Prove that the universal language is recursively enumerable. (MAY-2014)
8. Define Post Correspondence problem. Let = {0, 1}. Let A and B be the lists of three
strings each, defined as
List A List B
i wi xi
1 1 111
2 10111 10
3 10 0
Does this PCP have a solution? (MAY-2014, MAY/JUNE-2007)
9. Write the classes and definition of NP problem. (NOV/DEC-2013, NOV/DEC-2012)
10. Prove that for two recursive languages L1 and L2 their union and intersection is
recursive. (NOV/DEC-2013, NOV/DEC-2012)
11. Prove that if a language is recursive if and only if it and its complement are both
recursively enumerable. (NOV/DEC-2013)
12. Explain about undecidability of PCP. (NOV/DEC-2013)
13. Explain about A language that is not Recursively Enumerable. (MAY/JUNE-2013)
14. Prove Lne is recursively enumerable. (MAY/JUNE-2013)
15. Discuss on undecidable problems about Turing Machine. (MAY/JUNE-2013,
16. Explain about the PCP. (MAY/JUNE-2013, NOV/DEC-2012, NOV/DEC-2010)
17. Explain undecidability with respect to Post Correspondence problem. (MAY/JUNE-2012)
18. Discuss the properties of recursive languages. (MAY/JUNE-2012)
19. Discuss the difference between NP-complete and NP-hard problems. (MAY/JUNE-2012)
20. Let = {a, b}*. Let A and B be lists of three strings as given below: A={b, bab3, ba}; B= {b3,
ba, a}. Does this instance of PCP have a solution? Justify your answer. (NOV/DEC-2011,
21. Write short notes on: (NOV/DEC-2011)
i. Recursive and recursively enumerable languages.
ii. NP hard and NP complete problems.
22. Prove that the universal language Lu is recursively enumerable but not recursive. Also
prove that Ld is not recursive or recursively enumerable.(MAY/JUNE-2011, NOV/DEC-2009)
23. Prove that PCP problem is undecidable and explain with an example. (MAY/JUNE-2011)
24. Explain the difference between tractable and intractable problems with examples.
25. Explain any four NP-Complete problems. (8) (NOV/DEC-2010)
26. Consider the language of all TMs that given no input eventually write a nonblank symbol
on their tapes. Explain why this set is decidable. Why does this not conflict with the halting
problem? (8) (MAY-2010)
27. Prove that the Post Correspondence Problem is decidable for strings over the alphabet (0).
(8) (MAY/JUNE-2010)
28. Prove that the problem of determining if the languages generated by two CFGs are equal
is undecidable. (8) (MAY/JUNE-2010)
29. Prove that the Punchcard Puzzle is NP-Complete. (8) (MAY/JUNE-2010)
30. State and prove Rices theorem for recursively enumerable index sets. (NOV/DEC-2009)
31. Prove the theorem: If L1 and L2 are two recursive languages then L1 L2 is also
recursive language. If L1 and L2 are two recursively enumerable languages then L1 L2 is
also recursively enumerable languages. (MAY/JUNE-2009)
32. Prove the theorem:The complement of a recursive language is recursive.(MAY/JUNE-2009)
33. Prove that Lu is recursively enumerable. (MAY/JUNE-2009)
34. Prove that Lu is not recursive. (8) (MAY/JUNE-2009)
35. What are undecidable problems? Explain the same using Post Correspondence Problem
(PCP). Does a PCP solution exist for the following set.(10,101) (01,100) (0,10) (100,0) (1,010)
(May/June 2016)
36. State and explain any four applications of NP complete problems. (May/June 2016)
37. Prove that if L1 and L2 are recursively enumerable language over , then L1UL2 and
L1L2 are also recursively enumerable. (May/June 2016)
38. What is a Universal Turing machine? Bring out its significance. Also construct a Turing
machine to add two numbers and encode it. (May/June 2016)
39. What is a Post Correspondence Problem (PCP)? Explain with the help of an example.
(May/June 2016)
40. Prove that MPCP reduce to PCP.(Nov/Dec 2015)
41. Discuss about the tractable and intractable problems. (Nov/Dec 2015)
42. State and explain RICE theorem. (Nov/Dec 2015)
43. Describe about Recursive and Recursively Enumerable Languages with examples.
(Nov/Dec 2015)

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