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Street Hypnosis (TM)

For The Next Generation Of Hypnosis Masters

How To Create Powerful
Hypnotic Frames To Win Any
Argument And Get Your
Suggestions Easily Accepted,
Even During The Lightest Covert
Street Hypnosis Masterclass
For The Next Generation Of Hypnosis Masters

How To Create Powerful Hypnotic Frames To Win Any

Argument And Get Your Suggestions Easily Accepted, Even
During The Lightest Covert Trance

Session 1: Hypnotic Binds & Other Frames

The Power Of Frame Control.

Frame Control is a very important topic in hypnosis, and in particular in Covert hypnosis. Sadly
it is often overlooked.

A frame controls the Meaning of a communication by controlling the feelings and responses
associated to what you are saying. When you use a frame wisely it will allow you to win
peoples hearts and minds, it will add power to your suggestions, and let you create the
responses you desire.

The frames that you set, coupled with the ideas and suggestions you present, will control how
your argument is responded to.

For example, with the frame all blue animals are cats any blue creature would be interpreted
as a cat.

Frames can be used as a powerful force for good, but also to do a lot of damage, just like with
any other hypnotic principle be sure to always use them ethically.

The Basic Logic Behind All Frames

All frames, even the most absurd ones, want to appear reasonable (i.e. have an internal logic). If
a frame is perceived to be irrational, it will cease to be accepted. Whilst rationality is a cultural
phenomenon, formal logic is more objective than that.

Formal Logic:
1st Axiom eg all blue animals are cats
2nd Axiom this animal is blue
So this animal MUST BE a cat!

the information combined with the frame leads to the conclusion that this animal is a cat. 2
The materials in this manual and the accompanying audio seminar are Street Hypnosis, All Rights Reserved
Frames allow you to either create a true logical conclusion, or to cause someone to go through a
rationalisation process (like the famous backwards rationalisation) in order to reinterpret
something that is formally illogical as being true.

NB: many conclusions we draw are TRUE but NOT logical given the premises we started from.
So logic is NOT the only measure of truth.

Example: people buy trivia because they WANT to not because its necessary. Sports trading
cards, figurines, designer clothes etc. are bought because they make people feel good. We have
to persuade ourselves that we made the right choice. Often this is done for us when we accept
the FRAMES that the salesman gave to us.

When you buy the frame, you become the movie star in the advertisement; you make and justify
a decision outside all logic and reason, and feel pleased with your choice.

How Frames Create Meaning

All information exists inside a context, if you do not create this context, people will use the
social default. These contexts that you nestle your information into are your Frames. They help
people understand the information and interpret the right nuances of it.


What is a RUNDLET?

Most people dont know it. But when you add the right context, magically its meaning becomes
crystal clear:

The sailors rolled the RUNDLETS of rum down the plank.

(Hint: a rundlet is a type of barrel that carries approximately 18 (US) Gallons or 15 Imperial

In one social context transporting alcohol could be considered a terrible terrible crime eg in
the USA during the Prohibition or in a fundamentalist society where alcohol is considered an
evil. In another context, the same activity will be considered an act of piety eg the Bacchic
rites, where wine was a communion with the gods. The event has not changed, but the context
has, and therefore so does the meaning.

How To Use Frames

When people present harmful frames, change them!

Frames can be used to build up your arguments. Arguments need to SOUND rational, even if
they are not. Frames allow you to make your arguments seem logical, even if they are not
actually rational and will not stand up to the rigors of real logic. 3
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Frames also allow you to test for responses, to get feedback on the concepts you are presenting.
If people accept the frame, they will accept the idea. If they refuse to accept the frame you must
create another frame within this frame (stacking frames) and continue to do so until people have
accepted the frames, so that when you offer your ideas they get accept automatically.

Frames also allow you to clean up your presentation of suggestions.

For example, a meal presented on beautiful plate with wine and good company in a nice
restaurant with a create atmosphere would be more desirable than the exact same meal slopped
onto a dish and served in a gutter.

Its all about the context!

Pseudo Logic

People are persuaded by what seems logical, though bare facts/reasons alone (ironically) are
often not enough. People will often use pseudo logic to hang on to their own prejudices.

As a rule, the more in trance someone is the less logical your suggestions have to be for them to
be accepted. The converse is also true.

If your suggestions flow within a set of what appear to be reasonable principles, they will be
easily accepted, even in the lightest of trances.

This is what makes frame control so powerful - you can accomplish all the hard work in the
lightest of trances.

Hypnotic Frame 1: The Unintended Loophole

This is the tricky lawyers approach of looking at the EXACT definition of something, and
finding exceptions (ie loopholes) by missing the intended point!

E.g. Mother said - dont throw stones at the window

She said dont throw STONES at the window, but I can throw BRICKS
Dont THROW stones at the window, but can I CATAPULT them

Here you use emphasise to distort the meaning of a rule to give a particular aspect undue

This is useful when you hypnotise people:

Client: This is not working. I dont think I am going into hypnosis!

Hypnotist: Oh, you really dont THINK you are going into hypnosis, do you?... You really dont
THINK that its working, and YET your breathing has changed...

This changes the meaning to the subject not being AWARE of their going into a trance, rather
than them not believing it. 4
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This allows you to create a gap in their wall, which you can begin to prise open and soon break
through all resistance.

Fairy Tales encode much conventional wisdom for us, in a way that speaks directly to the
unconscious. This Unintended Loophole is a favorite device for allowing the Hero to win
against an unfair world, to break a double bind that the evil villain is using to trap him.

You can never run away from me!

No, but I can just walk away... bye bye!

All men are born equal

An unintended loopholes:
All MEN are born equal, but not WOMEN

All men are BORN equal, but what happens after this decides their value

The ethics of this are questionable, so be sure to use this as a force for good.

Often when in trouble you are in a self inflicted bind, the unintended loophole can help you
escape this, as you learn this your problems will begin to have exceptions, and eventually
become less permanent, less imposing, simply because you unconsciously apply the unintended
loophole to yourself.

Here's an example of this used in a hypnotic context:

Subject: Hypnosis is evil because it makes you lose your will

Hypnotist: Oh, Hypnosis is evil as it makes you LOSE your will, so if it strengthens your will it
must be good (yeah!) Ok, lets do that kind of hypnosis

how about going into a trance where your will helps the process!

Or even
HYPNOSIS is evil, but this is relaxion therapy, an imagination exercise, focused psychology

The Great Secrets Of The Unintended Loophole:

A rule cannot be defined to the point where there are no exceptions. In fact, the tighter you try
and make a rule the easier it is to find a loophole. Vague rules are tough, it helps if you ask for

Subject: hypnosis is evil

Hypnotist: Why is hypnosis evil?
Subject: Because it magic, necromancy etc.

Specificity gives you much more to work with. 5
The materials in this manual and the accompanying audio seminar are Street Hypnosis, All Rights Reserved
We use emphasis to skew the meaning and give one word or phrase undue influence, as a result
of that the whole idea changes. The text stays the same, but the emphasis changes completely,
and therefore by exploiting the exact letter of the law over the real spirit of the law the whole
meaning can change.

Most people perceive the letter of the law as the spirit of the law, you can use emphasis to
change these around, realising that no rule is ever perfect.

Hypnotic Frame 2: The Analogy Frame

The analogy frame helps us illustrate a point by using experiences that people have already had.
But people forget that analogy is a tool, not a Truth!

When applied too broadly these actually reduce truth by getting too lost in process rather than

Dogs are like cats, they both have fur and tails. Cats have spit furballs, therefore, as dogs are
like cats, dogs must be really cunning to disguise the fact that they also spit furballs.

The analogy is fine for some points, but eventually breaks down. It is the point of this break
down but before it becomes ridiculous when people dont realise that the analogy is
nolonger valid and the frame gets set.

How To Use The Analogy Frame

Present an analogy about something that is convenient for you to use like:

This car is like a karate master, it appears calm and normal on the outside, but has
incredible power when you need it.

We are making the problem, a dull looking car, into its feature, it having hidden power.

When there is a context where a standard analogy already exists, you can hijack this for
your own benefit:

Police are like the immune system of society, they keep us safe and attack viruses when
they threaten us. So as good a thing as it is to boost your immune system, so it is equally
good to give police extra powers.

If you are opposed to this, you can hijack this analogy to support your own point of view:

Well it seems that our police is an immune system full of allergies. It is over reacting to
harmless stimuli and causing as damage in the process! You are proposing we add more
power to this? 6
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Use the analogy as a way of borrowing the emotional impact from another context.

This car is my little baby, I have to look after her.

To defeat this contrast you may hijack the analogy, or use emphasis to exploit an
unintended loop whole within the analogy. An elegant way of defeating an analogy is by
taking an analogy too far

Yes, the car is just like a baby, it leaks like a baby, smells like a baby and makes noise
and annoys people just like a baby

By emphasising the negatives we diffuse or steal the emotional component of the

analogy. If hijacking an analogy doesnt work it is because you have not hit the sweet
spot of the analogy. Most often it will be the emotional undertone.

Hypnotic Frame 3: The Historical Frame

The essential power behind the historical frame is the idea that old is good.

It has worked for my family for 100s of years, it will work for you too!

The historical frame does not stand up to logical scrutiny, but it seems realistic, it seems
significant. Even though things that were good in the past might not work now this frame is
convenient as people do not want to have to think. The historical frame sends the message this
has been tried, tested and accepted by others, it will work.

Use it in a context where history adds a sense of gravitas, where it adds power.

In some contexts old is bad, and old computer or an old meal for example. Exploiting this
cultural ambivalence can be used to defeat this frame.

For example, This is a great old fashioned dentists office

To defeat it: well, good luck with the root canal, they used to hurt a lot back then!

This applies a problem from the past and applies it to know.

Powerful phrases when using the historical frame:

Its long been established that...

Its long been established that the moon is made of cheese

Also phrases that imply age:

its been known for 100s of year
its been proven time and time again.

This brings the weight of history in your favour. 7
The materials in this manual and the accompanying audio seminar are Street Hypnosis, All Rights Reserved
Look at old cultures, almost any frame, context or idea has, in the past, been thought of before.
The old cultures are likely to have found someone, somewhere, who somehow found evidence
to support your point of view. Become a master of history and you will discover many different
ways of framing something to make it more persuasive.

Hypnotic Frame 4: Simple Bind

A bind is a way of locking someone around an idea or suggestion, and making it impossible to
avoid a particular result.

There are three different levels of binds:

1. Simple
2. Complex
3. Double

Double binds tend to be well known by hypnotist, although many hypnotists use the same old
double binds over and over again, Eg:

Would you like to go into a trance in this chair or that chair?

With frame setting you can create a context where you can use binds in any way, without
having to rely on old formulas.

To prevent people from catching your binds a fresh bind is stronger than an old well used bind
(as it is harder to spot which makes it hard to break and you are much less likely to be

How To Create A Simple Bind Anytime Anyplace

A classic bind is basically a dilemma presented in the form of a loaded question:

Have you stopped beating your wife yet?

The only way out of this bind (that people tend to know of) is to actually ignore the construct,
and avoid the question. No matter what you say, you are agreeing with the bind! No matter how
you respond to them, there will always be that doubt.

There are two ways to escape the simple bind:

1. Directly challenge the presupposition I dont have a wife!

The trouble with this is that it can cause you to sound defensive, which can detract from
the force of your argument. It also carries the hidden implication that you are actually
guilty 8
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2. A more elegant way to escape the bind is to exploit an ambiguity within the bind

Have you stopped beating your wife yet?

Yes! Her tennis game has improved so much I can barely score a point against her!

This allows you to make a clean getaway and can easily be used to put the other side
on the defensive. This cleanly breaks the bind as it completely rebuts the pre existing
challenge frame.

The more strategies you apply and the more frames you break the easier it is to get your
argument across.

How To Create The Simple Bind

1. Start with a fact that you need to be true : This animal is a cat.
This can, if used with care, have a lot of power in the form of an accusation.
2. Form the statement into a simple yes/no question
3. Think of another fact that you need to be true
4. Phrase this as a follow up question to the one in step 2
5. Assuming that your first two questions are answered in the affirmative, think of a third
questions which combines the two yes answers and asks about a quality.


1. You can go into a trance

Can you go into trance?
2. Do you want to do it now
Do you want to go into trance right now?
3. These two questions lead to
How deeply into trance would you like to go right now?

Now you have a beautiful dilemma which is very difficult to break. To analyse all the layers take
too much time and effort for people to bother with, so they just accept it.

The representations inside the listeners mind is of the idea that you suggested with your bind,
and if you quickly move on the frame is left unchallenged and the image remains.

Secrets Of Using The Simple Bind

1. Use time:
Were you born this smart?
How long have you been cheating on your exams?

2. Use a who when what which question:

Which masterclass do you want to buy next? 9
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Hypnotic Frame 5: The Complex Bind

This is basically two binds asked in quick succession without giving someone time to answer the
first bind:

Do you know why women have one more pair of wisdom teeth than men? is it because they
are simply wiser than men?

The invention (line one) is taken as fact as the focus of the conscious mind is on the second
question is it because they are wiser than men?

The binds become simple, natural and intuitive.

To deal with resistance in a hypnotic subject it is useful for them to accept that everyone can
be hypnotized, as a question

Do you know that everyone can be hypnotized

If answered yes, a typical follow up might be

Do you want to experience hypnosis?

Then add a W question to form the simple bind

When you go into hypnosis, do you think that youll experience it the same way as everyone

Finally add an extra question to complete the process

When you go into hypnosis, do you think youll experience it the same way as everyone else
does? do you want to find out?

How To Create A Complex Bind

1. Create a simple bind

2. Tag a useful question onto the end. 10
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Hypnotic Frame 6: The Double Bind

A double bind is basically a complex bind where a choice is offered to disguise the original
bind. A double bind is often said to offer The Illusion Of Choice as all supposedly different
choices lead to the same outcome.

Have you stopped beating your wife yet?
Will you stop beating your wife now, or after I call the police?

Do you want to experience a very deep trance now?

Do you want to go into a very deep trance, or would you prefer some conscious awareness of
the process?

There is a natural progression from the simple bind, to the complex bind, through to the double

Hypnotic Frame 7: The Paralysis Bind

This is the classical dilemma: youre damned if you do and youre damned if you dont!

The point of this is to prevent an entire direction of choice from being explored.

The flaw exploited by the paralysis bind is that you are only damning a few of the many choices
in a situation, but in such a way that it makes it seem like all the results of a certain choice lead
to doom.


If you buy an expensive car you will spend all your money on taxes, but if you buy a cheap car
you will spend all your money on repairs, so dont buy a car get a bike!

To break a paralysis bind you can either:

1. Directly deny the consequences cheap cars dont cost much to repair!

2. Directly deny the limitations well why not buy a mid range car?

3. Hijack the dilemma. If I buy an expensive car, I wont have to repair it, so Ill save
money, and if I buy a cheap car, I wont have to spend much money on taxes, so Ill also
save money so keep your bike, Im buying a car!

This uses the structure of their original argument against them, and really shatters their
frame. 11
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1. Take a simple frame, Eg All blue animals are cats

2. And your desired result This blue animal is a baboon

3. Go through each of the frames and binds above, applying each in turn to the original
frame to ensure your desired suggestion is accepted. (Ie to prove that your blue animal is
a baboon)

Get used to thinking in terms of frames, practice as much as you can so that fames and binds
just become natural and spontaneous, a powerful tool which you can easily create from nothing
so that you can use them to get what you want in any setting. 12
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Session 2: How To Use The Power Of Science To Make Your Frames Even More Effective.

The Role Of Science Today

The role of science in our society has almost become that of a new religion. People dont
question it anymore they assume that because a scientist said so it MUST be true.

But science is not an all accurate eternal truth. Science only gives us heuristics rules of thumb!
Some are more accurate some are less so. Science will always present us with limited
conclusion that have flaws at the edges, because it always relies on information that has some
level of flaw within it: instruments that are not perfect, reliance on other research findings
(which in turn are slightly flawed), some assumption that cannot be tested etc.

Yet people respond to the pronouncements of the scientific community as they used to react
to the pronouncements of the Pope and other religious figures!

Plus a change, plus c'est la meme chose!

Deductive v Inductive Reasoning

The European Scientific Method was based on Deductive reasoning, it relies on THINKing -
i.e. reasoning through a problem. This method is only as good as the assumption upon which it
is based.

The English Scientific Method was based on Inductive reasononing, it relies on TINKERing
i.e. experimenting, making adjustments and experimenting some more. This method is open to
many flaws: unconscious experimental bias (the confirmation bias), incomplete testing,
limited contexts etc.

For example: the tinkering method relies on running a series of tests to see if the same outcome
comes about each time. But if it works in one context it does not mean it will work in another.
Writing a note may get you out of school early but it wont get you out of prison any faster!

Whichever of the scientific models people choose, they are prone to errors, errors that we can
exploit to set persuasive frames dressed up as real science.

Dont Get Caught By Pseudo-Science

When people put blind faith in Science they forget that scientists can make mistakes too. So it
is useful to develop a sense of caution and cynicism when dealing with scientific truth after
all scientists always ask to see the data so they can come to their own conclusions why
shouldnt we?! 13
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The Social Science Trap

The social sciences (sociology, economics, politics, history and psychology) are even more
prone to flaws, simply because there are so many uncontrollable variables in play. It is often
impossible to repeat an experiment to get a reliable result.

The Misery Of Numbers

One such danger in psychology arises when people try and measure abstract concepts, such as
misery, happiness or success.

But how do you measure things that you cant put a number to?

The Greeks were aware of the problem of creating a false analogy between concepts like
happiness and the universe of numbers. To do this would be to create the error of Hypnotic
Frame 1 (The Analogy) that we talked about in Session 1.

Heres an example of the error in action in a crude enough way to detect it easily:

A little Happiness is LIKE a 1, Absolutely Bliss and inner peace is LIKE a 10.

Giving a child some candy gives them a little happiness. That would be like adding 1. So if you
give a child 10 pieces of candy, he will reach level 10 he will get enlightened, he will enter
absolute bliss and have inner peace

The universe of numbers and other ideas simply do not mix, and must be kept separate.

The social sciences often break this rule, and therefore create many unreliable and inaccurate
statistics and come to false conclusions.

The Problem Of Measurement

You cannot measure individuals. Mostly because you cannot REPEAT an experiment each
time you try to the CONDITIONS change because the individual will have learned.

But you can measure groups. By recording group statistics many valuable conclusions have
been made.

But here is where another crucial mistake is made. People try and apply group statistics to

When you have a group its behaviours as a collective can be predicted, but that of an
individual even if he belongs firmly in that group cannot. You cannot have 2.34 children or
employees, you cannot apply the rules and values on certain groups of peoples onto certain

The Tyranny of Statistics Applied To People

Imagine we have two people going for the same position in a company. A black woman and a
white man. 14
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Lets us assume that statistically the black woman is 24% less likely to be employed than the
white man (I have made this number up, I have no idea what statistics would say about this,
though I am sure that someone has tried to measure it.)

Consequently she feels intimidated and goes into the interview with the attitude that the odds
are against her.

However the statistics do not take into account who she really is, what she can do, what
advantages she actually has. She may be the perfect employee and a master of communication,
but when she looks at the statistics she thinks that there is no point in keeping with the
statistically advantaged white man.

Statistics are therefore flawed if either the information going in, or the conclusions coming out,
are flawed. Statistics are a number, and the way this number is interpreted causes many

When we understand this we have a lot of power to make our frames easily accepted and
agreed with when we know how to make our suggestions conform to the new religion of

Conversely, be wary of statistics other people present, questions and doubt the validity of
science and scientific conclusions!

Hypnotic Frame 8: The Scientific Frame

We can plug into the new religion of science by using the language of science: science speak.

Because you talk like a scientist, people will think that you are smarter, wiser and better
educated than others. The language you use cloaks what you say in the power of science.

The Rules Of Science Speak

1. Dont use one word, when you can use three, five or even ten
2. Dont use a short word when you can use long words
3. Dont use English when you can use an impressive foreign language, particularly Latin or
ancient Greek.

This spins people into acceptance trance and allows you to tag any conclusion you like onto
what you say. You utterances will often not be understood, but because it sounds clever it will
be accepted, and not challenged.

When the hypothalamus is stimulated using somatic triggering mechanisms, the resultant
cathartic release allows the limbic system to reorganise around improved conceptual models
so that the individual no longer abreacts to real world stimuli!

Translation: Words can heal! 15
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Notice how science speak intimidates people into accepting the reasoning process, so that the
conclusion will be embraced as Truth!

Using actual studies hugely increases the power of your statements, so carefully research the
social sciences for studies that back your point of view (there are so many conflicting studies,
you are bound to find one that fits), dress it up in science speak (if it isnt already) and tag your
conclusions onto that.

Start getting used to this kind of language, find different, fancier ways of describing your ideas so
that you can use this as your prestige point onto which to attach many different kinds of ideas.

Hypnotic Frame 9: Ignorance Is Proof

This is born from the acceptance of the scientific method. This twists the logic of the English
Method (i.e. the Tinkering Method) in such a way that you can prove almost anything you want

It exploits the principle that it is often very difficult to disprove an idea. To disprove an idea you
basically need to find a counter example, which is intensely difficult until you can search the
whole universe and report that its not anywhere. Proving that something is TRUE is even harder,
you have to search the whole universe at the same time and show that you looked under ever
stone to make sure an exception did not exist!


The US military and scientific establishment have spent over $200 million dollars to prove
that UFOs do not exist, yet have found no conclusive evidence. Why cant they disprove it
after all that time and effort? Well because UFOs DO exist it proves it once and for all!

Of course the same could be said of the Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy and Santa Claus maybe
theres hope for our childhood dreams after all!

How To Use The Ignorance Is Proof Frame

1. If it has not been disproved it is valid

2. If it has not been proved that something exists, it does not exist. (again, highly flawed, but

3. Use it as a challenge go on, you prove it isnt so! 16
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Not all things lend themselves naturally to the use of this frame.

Positive Example:
For many years, before we actually visited Mars, it was impossible to prove that Martians did
not exist, Even now all that we can say is that it is unlikely that it exists. No conclusive proof
that Martians do exist has been found, perhaps they do exist...

Negative Example:
However if I were to try and persuade you that the Pope died yesterday it would be much
harder, as all the ramifications one would expect from the Popes passing are not occurring (i.e.
TV reports, newspapers, church services, gossip etc)

Hypnotic Frame 10: The Destiny Statistic

We can use statistics to create a sense of destiny about something. This creates a lot of
emotional pressure to accept the idea.

The destiny statistic relies upon two flaws:

1. Basic Human Psychology the idea that everyone believes that they are special,
although in terms of group effects and random probabilities all people weigh the same

2. The Bad Statistical Conclusion if everything good happens within 10 Kilometres of a

good hypnotist it just HAS to be caused by the hypnotist. A conclusion which is...absurd!

How To Use The Destiny Statistic

1. Look for a random event that has already occurred

2. Calculate the odds of this event occurring
3. When you examine the statistics it becomes too improbable for it to be a coincidence. It
must be Meant to happen.

Of course, logically speaking, it is false to conclude that destiny had a hand in this after all
SOMETHING had to happen, and each SOMETHING is equally unlikely to occur! But when we
use hindsight to predict the probability of this one event occurring instead of all the other
possibilities, it confuses the sense into thinking something else is going on.

The odds of this happening are 1 million to 1 you were destined to take this car today!

Hypnotic Frame 11: The Precision Statistic

97.5% of people reading this will use what they learn within the next 2.1 days.

Giving a precise number will make your idea 3.3796 times more powerful than just using the
idea on its own. 17
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This can be used to support and enhance other frames, as in

The US government spent 201 million dollars, and failed to prove that aliens do not exist,
obviously they do exist!

The numbers are persuasive, and the conclusions are powerful, but they are all essentially
invalid unless you know the who, what, when, where and how that data and conclusions were
gathered and drawn.

Numbers themselves can be powerful. They can be a powerful tool for changing internal
experiences GO 10 times deeper! notice that I am purposely abusing the number analogy to
deepen the hypnotic state. People are responding to the analogy of deepening by an order of
magnitude. It is NOT a physiological shift that means you have 10 times more hypnosis or
relaxation chemicals in your body!

The fact is numbers can be very persuasive

This product is twice as good as the closest competition!

Depending on what the numbers are based, the correlation between numbers and concepts is
often invalid, but people use this all the time because it WORKS (at least 4 times as well as not
using it!)

Hypnotic Frame 12: The Gamblers Statistic

When you have a random event, like winning the lottery or flipping a coing, statistics will
predict how likely it is that one or the other result will occur. The mistake people often make is
to assume that something happening twice in a row is half as likely to occur as something else.

This is a logical error previous events have NO bearing whatsoever on how likely it is that
something will happen in the future.


You flip a coin. The chance for a heads or a tails to come up on a coin test is ALWAYS 50/50
regardless of what happened before. Each time you flip that coin, luck resets itself and its back
to a 50/50 chance of coming up heads.

Now it is true that for 5 coin tosses there is a chance of 1 in 32 that every toss will come up
heads. But that is true of ANY combination of heads and tails across 5 tosses.

So the probability of:

H H H H H = 1:32 HHTHH = 1.32 TTHHH = 1.32

T H H H H = 1.32 HHHTH = 1.32 HTTHH = 1.32
H T H H H = 1.32 HHHHT = 1.32 Etc. 18
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The probability of the next event happening is totally independent of the one that precedes it.

The only exception is the situation where each event changes the nature of what is left: taking a
card from a pack, pulling straws (for the short one), drawing lots, picking members of a team

The gamblers statistic leads people to cause themselves several problems:

1. Luck Rationing Concepts which cannot be equated with numbers are confused:
Ive been unlucky recently; Im due for a good luck spell!

As a positive frame however, this works great

Hey, youve had a bad week, but dont worry next week youre due some great luck!

2. The Sunk Costs Phenomenon A gambler may think

Ive bet on it to be heads, but it was tails, but I lost a dollar, but If I now bet 2 dollars I
both cover my investment, and make a dollar profit...(loses again) oh, now to cover my
losses and make a dollar profit need to bet 8 dollars (several flips later) ok, now I just
need to bet $1000 000 and Ill cover my losses, and make that dollar profit...

This happens all the time in business, real life and other situations. (spending a fortune
repairing a car in order to recover your investment.)

This is a great way of creating frames for people. When they invest in you with their time,
money etc, they become committed, and are more likely to keep investing in you.

Hypnotic Frame 13: The Exception That Proves The Rule

This is a logical fallacy and an accident of language.

Many years ago the idea of proving meant to test something. You put things to the proof
i.e. you tested them to see if they stood up to the test. If it did not, if you the theory failed, you
had found an exception that proved the rule and showed it to be false!

This gave rise to the expression The Exception That Proves The Rule. It does not mean it proof
in the modern sense, it means to test or to check out.

However with time the word to prove changed its meaning. Proof now came to mean it
has been tested and shown to be valid in other words the concept became associated with
the desired consequences of proving something.

So now we have a saying, that everyone accepts, but which uses a word that has fundamentally
changed its meaning. And we have accepted the idea so thoroughly we dont even question the
fundamental violation of the scientific method implied by the accidental new meaning!

Of course this allows us to defend Frames from counterexamples it is an illogical defence, but
one that is socially likely to get accepted because of this ancient rule! 19
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Hypnotic Frame 14: Safety In Numbers

If so many people are doing something it cant b wrong. Millions of peoples smoke, so it must
be good. Of course this is a flawed reasoning process, but people think like this all the time.

How to Use Safety In Numers

1. Chose a large collective group of people who follow your idea

2. Chose a niche group (i.e. doctors, actors etc) who have special prestige and influence
and have them endorse your idea
3. Utilise mob rule. The key here is to appeal to a prejudice that your group already has
(negative or positive). This creates a frame both based on numbers AND a strong

Hypnotic Frame 15: The Synchronicity Frame

Often people believe that just because two events are happening at the same time there must be
some kind of connection between them. One event is often thought to cause another, even
though they occur independently of each other.

Many cults rely on this kind of thinking to prove their world view. This fits in with pseudo
science as it has some kind of a relationship to statistics (children with large feet and their
reading skills).

All you need to do to use this frame is to mention two events which occurred at the same time,
and leave people to create the link between them.

Hypnotic Frame 16: The False Cause

This is similar to the Synchronicity Frame, where two events, occurring immediately after each
other, are thought to have a cause and effect relationship.

This often leads magical thinking.

The dog barked and the TV went off, the dog must be magic!

This is based around a false cause effect relationship. They may happen one after the other but
one event proves NOTHING. If the dog barked on 100 days and on each one the TV went off
then youd have something to think about (of course he might just be barking at the squrrel that
is messing with the arial!)

Occasionally there is a grain of truth to superstitions. For example, lighting two cigarettes with
one match is thought to CAUSE bad luck. This came from World War One, where the light
alerted enemy snipers to your position. But to carry it into a normal context would be irrational.

Incidentally: a phobia is a neurological superstition brought about by one try learning and the
associate cause- effect. 20
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Session 3: How To Hide Scientific Fallacies In Irresistible Frames

Hypnotic Frame 17: The Tyrannical Principle

This exploits the flaw which occurs when people start with a principle and then try and make
the facts fit the principle. Facts should suggest principles, not the other way around!

The Tyrannical Principle is a disguised bind no matter what you do to break the frame, the
Frame wins.

As the bind in this Frame is disguised it is very hard to break!

This snake oil really works, those people who died from it just did not use it properly!

The fact, (snake oil kills people) is used to reaffirm the FRAME that snake oil works as a remedy.

Patient: I dont think that this therapy is working

Psychoanalyst: Well, lets examine your resistance to the therapy!

This results in yet more therapy, the concern raised is never addressed, which means there is no
correction mechanism in the system. Errors can creep in undetected.

You are fundraising for charity, your charity is attempting to help people in Ethiopia, if your
methods work (people are helped) you say to your investors look at all the good were doing,
we need more money so that we can do more!

But if your methods arent working (people are not being helped) you say to your investors it
isnt working yet, we need more money to get it working!

Either way, you get more money. However, nobody questions whether what youre doing is
actually working or not!

Of course the Tyrannical Principle can be used as a Force For Good as any Frame can.

Hypnotic Frame 18: The Black And White Frame

The black and white frame looks at the world in polar opposites, good/evil wrong/right. This
sweeps all the shades of grey under the carpet, and create the exclusive OR. its either this,
or its that, but it cannot be both.

Because you are hitting polar opposites you are giving two choices, one of which is so terrible
that no one would ever want to do it. 21
The materials in this manual and the accompanying audio seminar are Street Hypnosis, All Rights Reserved
You are either a fascist that wants people to starve on the streets, or you want to pay more
taxes to save the hungry!

You can enjoy the wonders of trance, or you can just sit there and wonder about just what
you are missing out on.

The thinking that good and bad can be on a sliding scale, supposedly with shades of grey as to
HOW good/bad is still a black and white frame.

Emotions are not only good or bad, there are so many other judgements we can make, which is
why this can seem like you are given choices, when in fact you are not.

This can be used to create an illusion of choice

You can go through the right door, and suffer pain, misery and torture, or through the left door,
and experience happiness and joy? The choice is totally yours I dont want to influence you
either way!

By softening the options the bind can be less catchable.

You can go into a trance now and enjoy the wonders of your mind, or you can go home and
just wonder what you missed out on.

The social sciences constantly make this mistake in their set up for questionaires etc. These
questionaires are loaded to give you only a Yes/No option, which forces you to one extreme or
the other when in fact neither extreme fits (much like have you stopped beating your wife yet,
Yes or No??! neither answer actually fits the truth!)

A more sophisticated version of this error is included in the questionaires that give you a
seeming range of options: Do you do X Often Sometimes Rarely Never?

This makes the Black & White frame error, gives Black the value 1 and white the value 10 so
that 5 MUST mean a medium shade of grey. Because the Black & White frame is hidden in the
numbers (another fallacy of course) it is harder to detect.

Hypnotic Frame 19: The Group/Unit (G-Unit) Frame

This is where people try to apply characteristics of a group to an individual in that group, or the
characteristics of an individual are extrapolated to belong to the whole group to which he/she
belongs. 22
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Type 1: Group To Unit
Mistakes characteristics that many in the group share with characteristics that one person in that
group must have (NB deleting the most confuses matters even more, thus strengthening the

(Most) Teachers are communists, Toms a teacher, he must be a communist!

Type 2: Unit To Group

Here the characteristics of an individual in the group gets passed on to the whole group:

Every member of this Football team is a star athlete this team is the best in the world!
This would be false if, say, the players were great, but had no ability to work in a team. The
team would be dysfunctional whilst still being made up of all star athletes!

With American English these two Types of G-Unit Frames are easier to pull off, as in the USA
the distinction between a team/group and memebers of that group are linguistically rarely

The team IS ready

The team ARE tired

one speaks of a group quality, the other of individual characteristics. In the USA the second
would also be phrased as:

The Team IS tired which would delete the possibility that Fred, a member of the team, is
actually not tired, its just the others who are not as fit as Fred!

Type 3: Group Typecasting

The G Unit frame can be used to easily make false judgements

John is a cheat. He works at ACME, so everyone at ACME are cheats!

This is particularly persuasive of you have more examples to back up your claim:

John is a cheat. Mary is a cheat. Bill is a Cheat. Henry is a Cheat. They all work at ACME, so
everyone at ACME are cheats! what about the 3,000 other employees that are honest?!

Of course it could be used a Force For Good

Mary is a beauty, therefore her sister must be too, go out with her!

Type 4: Individual Typecasting

When you reverse the Group Typecasting Frame, you get your traditional, mindless prejudice
type of typecasting.

Car dealers are shady, Jess is a car dealer, she must be shady.

As with the first example, you can have two G Unit frames backing each other, so you get 23
The materials in this manual and the accompanying audio seminar are Street Hypnosis, All Rights Reserved
John is a cheat. Mary is a cheat. Bill is a Cheat. Henry is a Cheat. Theyre all car dealers, so all
car dealers are cheats! Wait a minute: Jess is a car dealer, dont trust her, shell cheat you!

Type 5: Switching Logical Levels

There are certain qualities that can only apply to individuals and others that can only apply to a
group. Often we tend to blur the edges with our language, leading us to false conclusions:

The Swiss are neutral. Jon is Swiss; therefore he wont take sides in the office debate.

This takes the group political characteristics of the Swiss nation, and applies them to an
individual, Jon, in a context that has nothing to do with the original characteristic it just uses
the same word.

Hypnotic Frame 20: The Sweeping Generalisation

This is where you take a general rule, but apply it to a specific example, that it was never meant
to apply to.

Big corporations rape the planet, ACME is a big corporation, so therefore all its environmental
protection actions must secretly be destroying the Earth.

This is, of course, another example of the G Unit frame and the Tyrannical Principle in action.

By changing the implied some to all (as in the Type 3 G-Unit Frame), the sweeping
generalisation suddenly gets reliable legs to stand on.

SOME corporations damage the environment becomes

(ALL) corporations damage the environment

Like any frame, this can be used as A Force For Good

This car is perfect for the family man; youre a family man arent you? Well then this car is for

The more frames are packed into one sentence the better.

Hypnotic Frame 21: The Bootstrap frame

The bootstrap frame is a circular argument, where you use a frame to prove itself

Tea cups are red because tea cups are red!

Dont take my word for it, heres my guarantee

(This is like saying dont take my word for it, take my word for it!)

This is named the bootstrap frame, as the frame is pulling itself up by its own bootstrap, but has
nothing to actually lift or support it. 24
The materials in this manual and the accompanying audio seminar are Street Hypnosis, All Rights Reserved
The Boot Strap frame is a favourite of those who argue for ideological positions, it allows people
to create a reality in which there frame must be correct.

Psychoanalysts work to resolve issues, because when you use this process issues get resolved

This looks like you have provided proof and a good argument, and seems to give a reason for
people to rationalize their beliefs, but in reality there is no real evidence to support your frame.

Positive Example:
Im happy because Im so positive, and I know Im positive, as Im always happy!

Sugar-Coating The Bootsrap Frame

One way to sugar-coat the bootstrap frame is to make your statements so positive and so general
that people want to apply the frame to themselves.

I know you are the caring type, and caring people like these products...

It relies on so-called Barnum Statements which are vague positive affirmations that most
people would want to be associated to. So to get the good feeling of being thought of as
caring they have to be interested in the product (or risk falling out of the category caring

This can also be used to defend frames and answer challenges.

Presenter: I normally dont show this to people, but if the audience is particularly smart like
you, Ill sneak a peak at it
Heckler: But how do you know we are smart?
Presenter: Well why else would I show it to you?

When you understand the needs of an individual or group then you can sugar coat your frame
to suit them, and piggy back your desired action onto that.

The Power Of Because

Never doubt the power of the word because and how much more powerful your frame will be
if you appear to justify them. By using the bootstrap frame and the word because people are
much more likely to respond to your suggestions, even if, rational speaking, you have offered no
real justification.

Hiding The Bootsrap In Principles

By using careful language you can hide your bootstrap frame. To do this is easy. Make your

Hypnosis is evil

Now reword the idea (hypnosis is evil) as a general rule which you apply using because

Hypnosis is evil BECAUSE it is the work of the devil

This is like saying hypnosis is evil because it is evil but appears to be much more powerful. 25
The materials in this manual and the accompanying audio seminar are Street Hypnosis, All Rights Reserved
Alternate Examples Of The Hidden Bootsrap:
Hypnosis works on everyone because everyone can alter their states of consciousness.

Buying a sports car is safer, as fast engines make for safer cars.

Hypnotic Frame 22: The Red Herrings

These are ways of using the distraction method to enhance the power of your frames (especially
shaky ones) by

1. Making weak frames seem more powerful

2. Allowing you to rebut challenges and other frames, even when you have no real content
to support you.

The mindset you have for Red Herring is the old look out behind you and run - trick.

Frame 22.1 Prove The Wrong Point

By proving SOMETHING related to the point but not actually the point itself will trick many
people into thinking you have actually proved your point. Your frame is thus accepted with the
misdirected proof!

Hypnosis is good for weight loss, as the British medical association approved hypnosis in 1942
You have proved the wrong point you have said nothing about weight loss!

We have found proof that Jesus Christ was crucified, therefore god must exist!
This does not prove the existence of god, merely the existence of Christ as a historical figure.

Frame 22.2 Upping The Ante

Red Herrings can also be use to defend against challenges to your frame, by switching to a new
topic which is so emotionally loaded that people cannot see past it.

How can you justify removing the right to a fair trial?

Well we live in a world where terrorists try to kill mothers and children, they are ruthless with
us, and we must be ruthless with them!

This opens a completely different topic, which takes the heat off the main frame and its

The secret to Upping the ante is to pick an emotionally charged topic to jump to. People will
then get caught up in the heat of the moment and your frame gets sucked in with the distraction. 26
The materials in this manual and the accompanying audio seminar are Street Hypnosis, All Rights Reserved
Frame 22.3 Distracting Humour
Distracting humour allows you to avoid challenges easily because:

1. When you change peoples mood their minds will follow. Humour changes moods
dramatically, so makes it easy to move people minds from a particular topic.

2. It gives you emotional brownie points by appealing to the audience.

3. It weakens the emotional content of the opposite frame and adds it to your argument.

This makes your frame so charming that people no longer care for the challengers frame.

Youll notice that distracting humour can often be quite harsh. You can choose to be harsh with
your distracting humour, or exhibit benevolent kindness, so that you are only pointing out the
flaw in their frame, not in them. Use these frame to enhance peoples self esteem, rather than
crush it.

Hypnosis is the work of the Devil and you are evil for using it!
Yeah, my mother was just telling me what a naughty boy Ive been!

This takes away the sting of the challenge, without attacking on the challengers self esteem.

Frame 22.4 The Mini Counter Example

This allows you to attack someone elses frame. Essentially you prove how one (of possibly
many) examples that they have given is wrong, and by implication disprove the whole frame.
Its an error in logic, but people will assume that what is true for one example will be true for
the whole frame.

This takes focus away from the main Frame, and focuses peoples attention on one argument or
example. When you defeat this example it seems like whole original Frame comes tumbling

To use this, analyse an unhealthy frame and find the weakest point within it. Then spend your
time exploiting that particular weakness when that is done, the whole frame will often crash
along with your example.

Frame 22.5 The Trivial Point

This is where you focus on a totally minor and barely relevant detail, and use it to prove your

Dont buy that car, its red, it looks horrible!

This distracts from the important things (like price, quality, safety, affordability, need for a car
etc.) and adds spurious arguments surprisingly though, this works! 27
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Frame 22.6 The Weight Of Numbers
If you have only weak arguments (e.g. if youre using a Type 5 Red Herring The Trivial Point)
just stack up lots of them, and people will be more persuaded by the sheer volume of them.

Its like stacking one page volumes of information, this seems to contain far more information
than one 15 page volume. This appears to give weight to your arguments by using weight of
numbers in your favour.

Frame 22.7 The Hypthetical Frame

The hypothetical Red Herring basically looks for a situation that is totally extreme (maybe even
unlikely) and then uses that as the evidence for rejecting an idea/frame:

I wont pay the government taxes, as for all I know they will use the money to fund secret
kidnappings and assasination projects, which I wont have a part in!

This hypothetical Red herring may seem to obvious to be effective, but we are often caught by
this kind of extreme example unawares political parties love to use this to justify their actions.

As an example take the banking regulations brought in to prevent money laundering very
few dangerous criminals have been caught using the information these provisions generate.
However a lot of tax dodgers did get caught. One might speculate that the Hypothetical frame
(fight drugs & terorism) was used to enact draconian measures intended for something totally
different (e.g. stricter tax controls.)

But of course that would be mere speculation!

Closing Words

Remember, the more someone is in trance, the less logical and rational your suggestions have to

Use frames to begin to pave the way for trance and for total acceptance of even the most
illogical (though positive and life enhancing!) suggestions. When people accept your frames in a
normal state, they start down the slippery slope into trance. They are blindly accepting and
believing what you tell them.

Just be sure to use these frames to trap people in positive realities. After all hypnosis (and
Hypnotic Frames) is powerful force for good! 28
The materials in this manual and the accompanying audio seminar are Street Hypnosis, All Rights Reserved

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