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22 Navigating by the Stars

The ancient and dangerous pseudo-science of astrology still holds sway today, even in
the highest echelons of power.
Father F. Thomassi
24 The Clans: Culture of the Savage
Noble savages of myth, or opportunistic thugs made-to-order? The answer could shape
the future of the Inner Sphere.
Professor I. Prescott Snell
26 Artwork of Deception
Despite jokes about the inability to hide a ten-meter BattleMech, camouflage still plays
an important role on the modern battlefield for good and for ill.
Leftenant General Pavel V. Miliukov
28 The Naval Service: A Crisis of Numbers
Exploring the financial realities of rebuilding the AFFS WarShip fleet.
Commodore Henri Rollet
30 The Great Equalizer
A contributing alumnus shares hard-learned lessons on the uses and application of battle
armor on the modern battlefield.
Major Benjamin F. Marion
34 Point of the Sword
A brief history of the Operation Bird Dog raid on Virentofta.
Leftenant Colonel Jesse Ruczynski
38 The RCT Must Change!
How simple administrative changes can stiffen the backbone of the AFFS.
Major General Angela Voss

3 From the Desk of the Editor in Chief
4 Letters to the Editor
6 Culture
10 Boys and Their Toys
14 The Support Troops

Leftenant General Thomas J. Jackson (Ret.) Editor in Chief
Major Winston B. Thompson (Ret.) Production Director
Sergeant Major Roy Solomon (Ret.) Editor

The Review (ISSN 1337-G4M3R) is published monthly by War College of Goshen Publishing: Yvonne Steiner-Davion,
Commander-in-Chief; Lft. Gen. Thomas J. Jackson, Editor in Chief. Delivery charges subsidized in part by the War College of Goshen and paid to the ComStar HPG Station,
Goshen. 3067, W ar College of Goshen Publishing. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. The W ar College of Goshen
logo and The Review logo are protected through trademark registration throughout the Inner Sphere. CUSTOMER SERVICE AND SUBSCRIPTIONS please see our ComNet
site at or write to No subscriber information is shared with any outside entity.

I sit in my office and stare out the window, decades before we see a full restoration to the
greatness we once knew. While the image on last
replaying in my mind the images that continue to months cover spoke so simply of the laying down
flit across the Tri Dee screens images of a of arms, the image on the cover of this months
combat-riddled Avalon City, of the destitute issue speaks of the greater task ahead, of
homeless, of war orphans and widows. And while repairing, refitting, and reconstructing the true
my heart is indeed heavy at the thought of such nobility of the Federated Suns her people and
suffering, and at the thought of such destruction her pride. And in this task, we must remain ever
not only upon our Capitol world, but across the vigilant. We must seek new voices, new role
breadth of our state, my heart is yet warmed with models, and at the same time we must re-learn
the hope of what is to come. the old lessons of history from old voices who
speak wisdom from the grave.
To be sure, reports are still coming in of sporadic
fighting on distant worlds where the news of Peace That our nation is no longer at war with itself does
has not yet reached. To be sure, the death toll not grant us the right to rest on our laurels. The
continues to climb as more accurate reports are only thing, in fact, that it grants is the right to begin
filed concerning the outcome of our self-infliction. the hard work of peace. We must fully mourn the
And yes, it is true that the images of our great dead and celebrate the living, yes but we
State are now marred with the refuse of combat CANNOT allow the internal focus of our
damaged and destroyed machines reconstruction to blind us to the reality
of war which now litter those spaces of the larger universe. For while
that we once considered beautiful. Let us make it our isolation is a viable means of
focus to restore, convalescing, it is also the promise of
But though the clouds may hang low continued tyranny to those outside our
over the sky, the Sun yet pierces rebuild, and re- borders. Let us not forget the citizens
through, spilling light and hope upon forge our nation of worlds now lost to the Snake and
the war-tattered world below. the Coward, and let us not forget the
Reconstruction. Indeed the
as one.
citizens of those worlds who have
reunification of a peoples heart, never tasted the true freedom afforded
gradually mending old wounds, us by the Six Liberties.
bringing wholeness. No, in a months time the
news has not brought us significant new Yes, indeed let us make it our focus to restore,
developments or actions, but in some fashion it rebuild, and re-forge our nation as one. But let us
has brought us that which is better. Stability the not forget what lies beyond our borders, that one
constancy of reconciliation in all reaches of our day we may resume the crusade upon which we
vast State. once embarked to bring freedom where injustice
now reigns.
Indeed, I am amazed at the stories already
flooding the networks of soldiers who once fought The Federated Commonwealth may be sundered,
each other working side by side to assist the but the Federated Suns and her ideals still stand.
beleaguered civilians in the very combat zones And as shafts of light pierce through clouds of
in which they once fought. Families are being gloom, may we as well one day soon pierce
reunited gathering to celebrate the survival of through the clouds of war with which we have up
those who have returned home, and gathering to until recently surrounded ourselves, and may
mourn the deaths of those who have been bright shining freedom spill out onto the landscape
confirmed dead at the end of this nightmare. of the universe around us.

And yet the pundits and politicians are correct Lft. Gen. Thomas J. Jackson (Ret.)
we have only begun to rebuild, and it will be Editor in Chief

The editorial staff welcomes all comments to articles published in The Goshen Review. The publisher
would like to remind its readers that inclusion of an article in The Review does not necessarily imply
that the editorial staff of The Review or the Armed Forces of the Federated Suns endorses the view(s)
proffered by a contributing author or respondent. This disclaimer is especially appropriate when the
piece in question is obviously editorial in nature. Please be assured that we do vet all submitted
material very carefully as to contributor and topic so as not to waste our valuable column space or our
esteemed readers time. If you find yourself provoked by a particular author or topic and then proceed
to invest your time, energy and passion clarifying your own knowledge or motivations then we feel that
we have admirably fulfilled our mission. Be warned: we consider our contributors and our readers to
be independent intellectual and moral vessels with all the rights and responsibilities that those traits

As often as possible we will submit the questions of the readership and obtain rebuttals from authors
as time and resources allow.

Dear Editors, realm back under their governance, though a

great number of Suns citizens (in truth, the entirety
While I see a great deal in your magazine about of those planets populations) became de facto
military methodologies, I see precious little prisoners within the oppressive political regime
regarding policy. Perhaps this is due to a hands- of the Confederation.
off tendency among those of your staff, or perhaps
it is a heavy-handed force from above, but I However, this policy, despite the despicable lack
believe the staff of The Review is remiss in not of concern for the common man and woman of
addressing some of the current issues that the the Federated Suns that it clearly displays to the
Federated Suns and its citizens suffer due to the entirety of the human sphere, was adhered to
political and military upheaval of the past five once again at the close of the recent civil war.
years. That Tikonov, an industrialized world whose
population was infused and swelled by those of
There is a crisis that has been perpetuated since the Federated Suns, could be allowed to remain
the time of Hanse Davion that the peoples of the in the hands of the Confederation military is
Federated Suns who live on border worlds unforgivable. It is not the loss of war materiel that
apparently are possessed of a lack of importance I am saddened by, but the fact that now, within
to the hierarchy of the Suns leadership, including our own borders, a hostile and oppressive power
the First Prince and any interim holders of the has established a base of power and the military
throne (be they an appointed Regent or a usurping has done naught but establish an easily-broken
tyrant). This is the policy that allows a Federated blockade dismays me no end.
Suns world populated with loyal citizens of this
nation to fall under the boot heel of tyrants from Most disillusioned,
those nations that neighbor us. This occurred in
the Fourth Succession War, as the oft-lauded Major Ryan Steadman, AFFS retired
Hanse allowed some dozen Suns worlds to fall Late of Tikonov
under the sway of the Draconis Combine. This
inexcusable action was repeated in the War of The policy of any Interstellar State regarding its
3039, though some negligible accounting reveals border worlds is, to be sure, one of the most diffi-
that more Combine worlds were lost to the Suns cult and onerous aspects of Interstellar Govern-
than vice-versa. It is known that other mental code. Compounded by the nature of mod-
considerations occurred during the Liao invasion ern warfare and the resultant tendency of borders
of 3057 which placed worlds formerly of their to change with regularity, creation and execution

of fair policy can be essentially impossible. While First, because the FCCW required AFFS troops
warfare on ancient Terra was more often over the elsewhere, leaving Tikonov poorly defended, and
control of specific tracts of land or cities, modern second because the FCCW left the AFFS in a
campaigns are waged with specific intent of gain- weakened state, unable to launch an offensive
ing control over entire planets and their populace. campaign against the forces holding Tikonov.
The very essence of modern warfare, then, as- Especially with the late arrival of Wolfs Dragoons,
sumes the secondary nature of planetary rights accompanied with a warship fleet, it would take
in comparison to interstellar rights. far too many resources to retake Tikonov at this
So then, how does an Interstellar State deal with
the loss of a planetary system to another While the logic of the above letter is by all accounts
Interstellar State? The logic you suggest produces very noble of intent, the actions produced by such
a military mindset of recapturing lost planets at a policy change would effectively sacrifice one
all cost. While this is most certainly noble of heart, border world for another. In order to retake
it is poor of strategy. Every example listed in the Tikonov, the AFFS would be forced to leave other
above letter occurred in a similar situation: The Capellan March border worlds ill-defended. On
Federated Suns were at war, and so were unable retaking Tikonov, the AFFS, now more battered
adequately to defend all of her borders; the than before, would likely find that the retreating
Draconis Combine and Capellan Confederation forces from Tikonov are joined with reinforcements
took advantage of the strategic weakness in the on one of the recently vacated Capellan March
AFFS deployment and took border worlds from border worlds. Per the new policy, the AFFS would
her. In all of these situations, the loss was due to then endeavor to muster up the strength to attack
an over-stretched military, and the fact that they this new position once again leaving more
have not yet been reclaimed is due to that worlds ill-defended. The resultant game of tag
selfsame issue. would produce an outcome much like that of the
first three Succession Wars. Near-constant
It is a commonly known military strategy to conflict and combat prohibits an Interstellar State
counterattack ones foe at their weakest positions from rebuilding her military.
in order to draw off forces from their attack. While
in the case of the Draconis March worlds lost Is this to say, then, that those citizens of the Border
during the FCCW, this is not exactly the case, the worlds are valued less? The simple answer to this
logic still holds. For the sake of Offensive Strategy, is No. Their contribution to the Federated Suns
border worlds were lost. On account of resultant is cherished, and when one such world falls under
under-strength military, those border worlds the shadow of another Interstellar State, the Suns
remain unclaimed. mourn their loss. The sad fact of war, however, is
that not all battles are won, and some key battles
Let us examine the current situation of Tikonov. are lost. The loss of one planet, no matter how
While an important production world within the keenly felt that loss, cannot be allowed to
Suns, Tikonov was lost for two primary reasons. compromise the defense of an entire border.

of the various calendars in use throughout the
Diwali, the Festival of Lights UHC.

Every world in the Federated Suns celebrates Though the holiday is little understood outside of
Grain Rebellion Day as a national holiday of the Hindu-majority worlds of the Crucis March,
liberation from the shackles of old Terra. Also on Brantapur and the other worlds of the former
appearing on the official Federated Suns Register UHC it rivals the great jubilees of the old Star
of Holidays is Diwali, a holiday observed on many League era. All businesses and government of-
worlds with the burning of an effigy (often of Sun- fices shut down for the week and the streets are
Tzu Liao) and the exchange of candies and gifts. filled with daily processions as large and boister-
Some historians of the Federated Suns have ous as a victory parade (which in fact they are).
mistakenly attributed Swarms of children run
these practices to Guy barefoot, by turns
Fawkes Day, an throwing garlands be-
antiquated English fore the litters of the
holiday unrelated to gods or taking aim at
Diwali. In fact Diwali effigies of the demon
dates back to the Narakasura with their
Classical Civilization of asthras, known else-
the Indian Subcontinent where as bottle-rockets.
and is perhaps second (This is the true origin of
only to Passover in the burning effigies;
antiquity among our they are vanquished
official holidays. demons of Hindu my-
thology.) The proces-
The adoption of Diwali sion concludes with a
as an official holiday Goliath BattleMech
dates back to the lumbering carefully be-
annexation of the hind the parade floats.
United Hindu Collective The enormous quad
in 2540. Prince Mech is painted gray
Alexander Davion was and decorated with an
eager to secure the eight-meter length of
fealty of the Maharaja of flexible tubing to re-
Brantapur while in the semble a gigantic
midst of a bloody civil A traditional open-flame diya. Terran elephant (holy to
war, and he instructed the Hindus for its asso-
his ambassadors to ciation with the god
offer whatever House Davion could spare, Ganesh). Perched atop the Mech is a riding gon-
meaning anything short of money and equipment. dola bearing a young maid (representing the god-
During alliance talks between the Federated Suns dess Lakshmi) wearing a nine-meter sari and
and the UHC, representatives of House Davion struggling to wave her hands under the bulk of
offered, in addition to promises of autonomy and dozens of flower garlands. The throng of specta-
respect for local mores, to make a traditional tors bows as she passes, and even the Maharaja
Hindu festival an official holiday of the Federated himself bows before the many idols. The boys
Suns. Perhaps to their surprise, this show of and men go naked to the waist in traditional dhotis.
honor was well received by the Hindus, and it was By evening all have feasted on tiffins (sweets and
agreed that after annexation the first day of Diwali savories of near-infinite variety) served on broad
would serve as a catchall for the myriad holidays leaves for plates while seated on straw mats.

Houses are prepared for the festival by decorat-
ing with lights and colored crepe paper. Inside Wonder of the Universe:
the homes are displayed small (50 mm) statuettes A Childrens Guide to the Wisdom of Homer
of gods and idols. Kellogi
Homer Kellogi, adapted by Renee Champollion
These are collected, painted, and displayed in a Nova Press, 180 pp., 19.90C
seven-, nine-, or eleven-tiered case called a Golu
as a show of devotion, and neighbors compete to The Wisdom of the Universe is undoubtedly the
display the largest and most adroitly painted most popular book in the Inner Sphere. There
collection. This practice has spread beyond Hindu are countless editions in dozens of languages,
worlds but often the small idols are replaced by and the stories are so famous that even the
delicately painted Mech miniatures of cast lead illiterate can recite them. It is also a window into
or other non-precious metals. its own moment in history; written during the First
Succession War and released Sphere-wide in its
The extravagance of the festival contrasts sharply aftermath, it tells the story of civilizations downfall
with the situation on many other worlds of the through a series of vignettes as recalled by its
Crucis March in the wake of civil war. The author, the inimitable Homer Kellogi. It is fitting
resurgence of Hindu Nationalism on the worlds that now, at the end of our great Civil War, a new
of the former UHC has had no political childrens edition called Wonder of the Universe
repercussion so far, but the Hindus have long has been released into general circulation. One
memories, and their history notes that in a time of wonders that it has taken so long! Kellogi has
another Davion civil war the Maharaja was able always been a favorite of children, and parents in
to name his price for political support. In each of the Successor States have seen his book
coffeehouses and hookah lounges the question as an educational resource free of the heavy hand
is being asked: When will the Hindus finally take of official pedagogy. However, Kellogi wrote for
their place at the forefront of Federated Suns an adult readership, and among his amusing tales
affairs? With the civil war settled, Hindus now are several encounters inappropriate for youthful
feel free to jockey for courtly favor and political consumption. (Heretofore a childrens version
influence without appearing untoward. The simple had to be improvised; parents would sometimes
truth is that New Avalon needs all the support it rip out the chapter on Dustball before handing the
can get for the massive recovery that is barely book over to their children.) This new edition
underway, and Hindu leaders can probably expect features larger print than the original and includes
new titles, new business charters, and possibly eight pages of four-color plates. At the handsome
even marriage into the Great House in exchange price of 20C, it will probably find its way into the
for their continued fealty. Given the history of hands of the children of the well to do exclusively.
Davion-Hindu relations, it is not out of the realm
of likelihood to expect to see Avalon City parading Much of the charm of the original survives the
gray Goliaths next Diwali. simplified storytelling and the heavy truncation of
Kellogis Odyssey. The concise histories of the
Dr. Shanti Jodipurkar Successor States are mostly intact and unscathed.
Associate Professor of Comparative Religion The dynastic foibles are less bawdy but still
uproarious. We still visit the Pyramids on Vega,
the domed parks of Victoria, the Grain Rebellion
Congratulations to the War College of Day reenactment on New Syrtis, and the Festival
Goshens Parade Dress Company and of Lights in the holy city of Benares on Chahar; all
Sabre Review Team on being chosen to is told in fine detail that remains faithful to the
present the flag of the Federated Suns at original. Gone are the bordellos, the streetwalkers,
the upcoming Martial Olympiad! the youth gangs, the sad-eyed child prostitutes
and their snarling, prepubescent pimps. Gone

also is the alchemy that transformed calamity and his grave? Not a chance. Hed simply shrug his
penury into piercing humor and sagacity. The shoulders and chuckle softly, knowingly. We fall
stories are mostly preserved and are still lively for it every time.
and entertaining, but an adult reader appreciates
them mostly because he remembers the originals. Genevieve Buckley, WCG '54
It is undeniable, though, that something has been
lost in the retelling. The hue of Kellogis Universe
has been brightened and the shadows rubbed out,
leaving an impression that feels less true-to-life,
and therefore less adventurous.

What set Wisdom of the Universe apart from other

contemporary histories was its moral indictment
of the Succession Wars. Without lapsing into
harangue, it simmered with fury at the senseless
waste of wealth and life while it quietly chuckled
at the all-too-human follies that made the collapse
of the Star League (perhaps) inevitable. The
Succession Wars were at once the most tragic,
most pathetic, and most ridiculous period in
human history. We saw grain planets choking on
the bounty of their own harvest while millions
starved a few parsecs away. We saw subsistence
hunters on one world shoot game with bow and
arrow and cook in a microwave oven, while on
another world they would shoot with a laser rifle Who Watches The Watchers?
and cook over a campfire. We saw the donkey
replace the hovercar and the oxcart replace the The popular tridee serial The Watchers is
freight train. The greatest civilization in history returning for a second season this fall. The
had been reduced nearly to barbarism in two science fiction melodrama gained a large
generations. Kellogi recognized it for what it was: audience with its unusual mix of political thriller,
a terrible joke that the human race had played hard-boiled murder mystery, and allegorical
upon itself. modern-day fantasy. The series began its run as
a murder mystery set in an alternate Inner Sphere
Perhaps it is because of the ongoing technological in which the Succession Wars continued
renaissance that we feel the need to update our uninterrupted to the present day. (Interestingly
literature along with our battlefield armaments. the technology gains of the last three decades
Some of the backwardness of the Succession appear to have taken place absent the Clan
Wars has already passed into memory, and Invasion or the Federated Commonwealth; we are
someone at Nova obviously thought that the time left to assume that in this alternative timeline a
had come to make Kellogi relevant to todays similar recovery of Star League technology has
youth. The result is a book that no longer taken place.) The investigation of the murder
deserves a position among the constellation of takes place amid the escalation of conflict among
classics. Kellogi has been reduced from great the Great Houses. The murder victim is
storyteller in the tradition of Aesop and Voltaire to discovered to be a high-ranking envoy of the
mere observer of local customs and curiosities. Prince, whom we assume to be Hanse though he
It is an irony that our generations attempt to make is never named, and a member of a secret society
of his work an educational book has removed all called the Watchers. Over the course of many
of its instructive power. Would Kellogi roll over in weeks, we learn that the head of the Watchers is

unfolding an elaborate scheme to resurrect the plotting our ruin. Centuries of foreign conflict have
Star League and to place his puppet on the throne steeled us against threats from without, but now
of the First Lord. The season ended before the usurpation and subversion from within have left
details of the plot could be revealed with a us paranoid to internal threats. Chief among
seemingly preposterous cliff-hanger: reports of an these, of course, is ComStar, whose presence as
alien invasion of the Periphery, and news that the a secretive neutral power within our borders has
Successor Lords had called a halt to their been only grudgingly tolerated for centuries.
impending war plans and would immediately form There are those who have suggested that the
a pact of mutual defense against the alien threat. W.O.B. Schism was in fact a grand ruse designed
to quell suspicion after ComStars terrifying display
The last turn of the screw in the season finale of power in stopping the Clan invasion at Tukayyid.
played to record tridee audiences throughout the Some go on to suggest that ComStar/W.O.B. is
Federated Suns and the Lyran Alliance as well laying schemes to destroy the successor states
(wars dont appear to stop broadcasting deals), and establish a United Terran Empire (sometimes
and has people chattering about something other a Terran Overlord Government) in place of the
than the privations of Reconstruction. The reformed Star League. Whatever one thinks of
parallels to recent history are obvious: aliens stand these rumors, their circulation indicates an
for the Clans, who were initially mistaken for non- underlying public neurosis that the writers of The
human invaders. The reformation of the Star Watchers have brilliantly tapped.
League under threat from beyond also jibes with
real history, but the suggestion that the alien The serial was supposed to last for a single
invasion may be the coup de grace of a secret season, but the river of money it generated has
societys plan to trick the House Lords into convinced everyone involved to extend the project
cessation of hostilities is pure science fiction. Or for another year. One wonders how they will
is it? There were persistent rumors throughout manage to resolve all of the plotlines and to
the fifties that the Clans were in league with present new mysteries that will keep us tuning in.
ComStar, or indeed, that they were a ComStar We cant wait to find out.
fabrication. It may be that the authors of this serial
are suggesting that there may be weight to this Ishmael Brightly
view; at the very least they are tapping into
widespread public suspicion of secret Ishmael Brightly attended WCG until his medical
organizations and resentment at their meddling. discharge in 58. He is a frequent contributor to
Already there are conspiracy theories in Tridee Guide.
circulation blaming secret societies for everything
under the sun. I know of no organization, real or
imagined, that corresponds nicely to the
Watchers. They would seem to be a dramatic
amalgamation of several such purported societies.

What is most interesting to this reviewer about

the widespread popularity of this melodrama is
the suggestion that humanity needs a common
foe against which to unite. It seems that, rather
than looking ahead to life as usual in the aftermath
of the Civil War, that we of the Federated Suns
are still waiting for the other shoe to drop. There
is a palpable sense on New Avalon that our respite
from disaster may be only temporary, and that
forces beyond our control are working against us,

assigned to the same roles by virtue of the
Certain Mechs perform so ably within their in- superior survivability of its heavier weapons and
tended role that they essentially set the standard armor. The PHX-1 was equipped with a single
for all other Mechs to follow. No matter how ef- large and two medium lasers, both from the
fective in their own right, succeeding Mechs will Harmon weapons line. A pair of M100 machine
always be judged (fairly or unfairly) against the guns gave the Hawk improved anti-infantry
yardstick of the definitive Mech of their class and firepower for no increase in heat issues. This was
mission profile. In the field of heavy reconnais- of great benefit to a pilot, as the Mech could only
sance and quick strike, the standard by which all handle carefully managed salvos of firepower
Mechs are judged is the PXH Phoenix Hawk. before overheating, with the coolant system being
Fast moving, solidly armored, and equipped with restricted to the ten integral sinks of the 270 GM
a reliable array of firepower, the fusion engine. The Mechs
PXH is capable of skirmishing mission profile was dedicated
its way across the battlefield to heavy recon, and it was this role
determine the critical points of that led to the Mechs near-
an impending engagement be- legendary versatility. By
fore rebounding across the field modifying the armor or
to disrupt the enemy advance weapons loads slightly, Star
just in time for heavier reinforce- League techs could mount
ments to begin pounding the either an ECM suite or BAP
enemy lines. Produced nearly array, depending on mission
nonstop in the Star League fol- needs. Still in service with
lowing its adoption in the late periphery militaries and various
2600s, the Mech is also seen militia or mercenary units
in substantial quantities in the across the Sphere, the PHX-1
militaries of virtually every sig- set the standard which became
nificant power of the Inner a trend happily adopted by the
Sphere. The design was so AFFS.
simple to modify, it even was
assigned a LAM conversion The AFFS, quite impressed with
process in the later 2800s to the PHX-1s performance,
increase its versatility following quickly seized upon the chance
the Kerensky exodus. Though to develop and field their own
such technology has been es- variants of the design following
sentially permanently lost, it is still a point in favor the release of the Mech to their forces. Always
of the utility of this quick-striking chassis. careful of resources and maintenance issues, the
Quartermasters Office issued a refit of the
The basic Phoenix Hawk adopted by the Star Phoenix Hawk which extracted the two M100
League was the PHX-1. Despite popular opinion machine guns in favor of additional heat sink
that the Mercury Light Mech pregenerated the jackets for the leg-mounted Pitban 9000 jump jets.
theories of Omni technology, many engineers This improved the Mechs ability to jump and fire
personally contend that it was the Phoenix Hawks its primary laser, while also eliminating 20 percent
ease of modification that led to the Mercurys of its heat overload, turning the machine from a
modular laser mountings. Indeed, the Phoenix dedicated recon vehicle to a reliable light raider
Hawk is, at its heart, a fairly simple rebuild of the and scout-hunter. While the refit (dubbed the
Stinger light BattleMech, accomplished by way of PHX-1D) weakened the designs use against
a reinforced chassis and heavier fusion engine. infantry, the overall benefit was considered
Maintaining the same speed and jump profile as superior to the minor loss. Plus, the
its predecessor, the Phoenix Hawk is often Quartermaster reasoned, the refits could be

deployed alongside standard Phoenix Hawks, is a pair of medium pulse lasers, both of the Martell
thus increasing a lances overall versatility. When weapons series. Improving the Mechs already
the resource-draining succession wars hit, the prodigious defensive armor is the LFN Lindblad
increased combat capability of the 1D vindicated Shotgun anti-missile system, which eliminates
itself time and time again, performing reliably in much of the threat from LRMs, one of the few
the service of the Federated Suns. weapons historically able to overcome the
Phoenix Hawks defense at range. The Mechs
As the succession wars devoured resources on primary weaknesses lay in its less than attractive
all fronts, R&D funding virtually disappeared until heat management curve and the debatable merits
the mid-3020s in the Inner Sphere. With the slow of the fragile and expensive XL engines.
decline of the third succession wars hostilities, Proponents argue that the heat is manageable
the release of the Merlin BattleMech (the first new enough to merit deployment, while the Mechs
design in the sphere in over a century) sparked a speed, range, and maneuverability overcome the
new interest both in designing new Mechs and fragility of the large XL engines. Detractors
refitting older ones to new battlefield needs. Given question the value of a highly expensive machine
its ease of maintenance (and the relatively good as a medium workhorse design, intended to be
condition of most surviving machines), the mass produced, in light of the sometimes shaky
Phoenix Hawk was one of the first machines FedSuns (or FedCom) economy. Also, the
considered for such refitting by the forward- superlight endo steel framework required to
thinking NAIS. In the late 3040s, the still young account for the last of the Mechs tonnage makes
AFFC unveiled its refits of the Phoenix Hawk, the machine something of a nightmare to repair
specifically to counter those of the FWLMs -3M and maintain.
series of the mech.
The PHX-3S, produced by Coventry Metalworks,
These refits were two of the premier advances of was considered an excellent companion to the
newly recovered LosTech to the medium Achernar design. Using the same tonnage-saving
BattleMech class in the AFFC. Results of the XL engine technologies of the -3D, the Steiner
extravagant economic benefits of the FedCom Mech company elected to pursue a different
alliance, the PHX-3D and -3S were incredible route, far more in line with the reconnaisance
leaps forward from the original frameworks. mindset of the original Phoenix Hawks. Using
the PHX-1 as their basis of operation, Coventry
Achernar BattleMechs PHX-3D is the direct added a powerful Thunderbolt-12 large laser,
successor to the original 1D refit of the Star which incorporated the brand new pulse
League Phoenix Hawk. The GM 270 engine was technology. Hard-hitting and accurate, this
upgraded to the brand new GM 270 XL series, weapon improved the Mechs scout-hunting
freeing up tonnage within the chassis for additional capacity and overall damage curve at the cost of
firepower. The 270 XL also showcased the NAIS overall range as compared to the standard large
double-strength heat sinks, giving the Mechs 12 laser. The secondary weapons of the PHX-1 were
heat dissipation sinks far superior capacity to the retained, with the addition of the same Lindblad
originals, all with no reduction in speed or jump Shotgun AMS of the -3D, and a cellular
capacity. With this in mind, designers elected to ammunition storage bin (CASE) for the M100s
mount a Diverse Optics Sunbeam extended ammunition. This demanded some small sacrifice
range large laser on each arm of the Mech, in armor tonnage, but Coventry countered this loss
resulting in double the primary hitting power of with the addition of ferro fibrous armor to get the
the old design, and at greater ranges. These two maximum protection for the mass applied, an
weapons were so powerful, they would quickly expense for which pilots are grateful. Also, techs
overpower even the tremendous capacity of the prefer the ferro fibrous armor to the endo steel
NAIS heat sinks, so pilots learned to husband their structure of Achernars -3D, since it is far easier
firepower responsibly. Backing up the large lasers to maintain in the field. However, the Mechs

premier technology was the incredibly powerful logistical confusion. Some techs voiced a fear
Myomer Acceleration Signal Circuitry which the that this would mean a return to the scavenger
AFFC had just rediscovered. Increasing the mindset of the succession wars, so frustrated were
Mechs top running speed to 150% of the original they at the complex machinery. It was no
series, these circuits made the -3S a literal speed coincidence that a new Davion-originated design
demon on the battlefield, baffling enemy targeting would not appear in large numbers within the
systems and letting the Mech complete its Federated Suns military until after the FedCom
missions with incredible alacrity. However, the Civil War died down. However, both the -3D and
MASC system is also very demanding, and can -3S are still in service today with both the Steiner
burn out even the improved actuator mountings and Davion militaries, thanks to their indisputable
necessary for the system to work. This kind of overall combat effectiveness (albeit this is in vastly
blowout cripples a Mech, turning it into little more reduced numbers following the brutality of the
than a target for enemy units. The Mech does war).
have a more manageable heat curve than the
-3D, but lacks the range and punch of the There are two remedial designs currently being
Achernar design. Critics raise the expense issue produced within the Federated Suns. Both
again, as well as the fear that so many vulnerable attempt to address the issues which made the
technologies (MASC and XL engines) make this -3D and -3S less popular than their predecessors,
variant a glass-jawed boxer. and both seem to do so with the original designs
grace and precision. While no less difficult to
Reviews on these two designs came back mixed maintain, the designs eliminate many of the
in the end. While definitely improvements over difficulties pilots of the previous series faced in
the original Phoenix Hawks, both were heavy combat.
temperamental machines which demanded much
exertion on the part of their pilots to ensure the The first design, already being deployed to some
technologies were functioning in balance with one front line units, is the PHX-3PL. The moniker is
another. In addition, both designs had totally somewhat obvious, given that the Mech replaces
stripped the Phoenix Hawks of their original easy- the -3Ds twin large ER lasers with a trio of pulse-
maintenance mindsets with the addition of so tech laser weapons. A single large and two
many convoluted technologies. Even with the medium Diverse Optics pulse lasers are married
increasing education of technicians within the to a NAIS Technologies targeting computer (an
AFFC, the heavy fighting of the period following upgraded Apple Churchill targeting network,
3050, along with the secession of the Lyran state, specifically). In acknowledgement to the
left technical crews struggling to keep the increasing power of infantry on the battlefield, a
machines functioning amid a near nightmare of pair of Diverse Optics sunbeam ER small lasers

round out the Mechs weapons. The AMS of the
-3D was done away with, allowing for an
appreciable increase in the Mechs overall armor
protection. This design has eliminated ninety
percent of the -3Ds heat problems as well, as the
pilots can now fire their three main weapons on
the run without worry. This makes the -3PL a very
effective skirmisher, especially considering the
improved accuracy of the pulse laser/targeting
computer combination.

Complimenting the -3PL series is the longer-

ranged Phoenix Hawk-6D. Using the same
targeting computer as the -3PL, the -6D swaps
the large pulse laser with a high-powered
extended range particle cannon from Aberdovys
Mk line. Delivering a solid punch at long ranges,
this weapon allows -6Ds to be teamed with -3PLs
to allow for a short-range, long-range combination
that is difficult to oppose. A quartet of Magna Mk
VI extended range medium lasers allow the -6D
to brutalize enemies at closer ranges; the
combined firepower of the four lasers is enough
to unbalance even assault Mechs if they connect.
Thus the Mech can perform both sniping and
quick-strike operations, making it a highly versatile
machine. Much like the -3D, the Mech cannot
accommodate an alpha strike, although it can fire
either grouping of weapons without too much heat
burden. Even jumping with multiple weapons
firing will not overburden the machines heat
capacity beyond control, which allows pilots
greater versatility than the -6Ds predecessor.

Both machines are still difficult to maintain, and

their expensive nature will make them rare until
the Federated Suns can re-establish her already
foundering economy. Still, proponents of the
machines are hopeful that they will redeem the
Phoenix Hawks formidable reputation of years
past, and prove beneficial as the AFFS moves to
rebuild. There is something to be said for the
Mech that, even with several dubious upgrades,
it is still considered successful enough to warrant
yet another go at making it just a little better be-
fore the AFFS looks elsewhere for a reliable re-
con machine.

Captain Isaiah Moses Rosner (Ret.)

Supporting the Infantry the foot and jump infantry. An S&T Co. supporting
a foot or jump infantry regiment normally has a
Infantry, like any other combat element on the single S&T Platoon, a Fuel Platoon, one Field
battlefield, requires considerable combat service Services Platoon, a Maintenance Support Section
support. The typical AFFS infantry company of and a Company Headquarters Section. An S&T
up to ninety soldiers requires ammunition, rations Co. supporting a mechanized infantry regiment
and other supplies, as well as medical and normally has two S&T platoons, a single Fuel
transportation support. This article will examine Platoon, one Field Services Platoon, one
the organization of several typical support Maintenance Support Section and a Company
battalions that provide direct support to the three Headquarters Section.
types of infantry regiments found in an AFFS
Regimental Combat Team: foot infantry, As a general rule foot and jump infantry regiments
mechanized infantry and jump infantry. The do not have enough organic transport to move
Eighty-Fourth Avalon Light Infantry, 135th their infantry. These troops are expected to walk,
Federation Jump Infantry and the 115th Crucis run or jump, as the case may be, on the battlefield.
Mechanized Infantry Regiment of the Seventeenth Operational mobility, that is, movement beyond
Avalon Hussars Regimental Combat Team will the immediate battlefield, is provided by their
serve as examples. Their respective support attached S&T Co. The S&T Co.s Supply &
battalions are the 391st Federation Support Transport Platoon is equipped with enough trucks
Battalion, 508th Federation Support Battalion and to move the whole regiment, including their
the 163rd Crucis Support Battalion. equipment and basic supply allowance, in one lift.
For the Eighty-Fourth Avalon LI and the 135th
All infantry regiment support battalions within the Federation JI this transport amounts to 10-ton
Seventeenth Avalon Hussars RCT have the same class, extended wheelbase flatbed trucks, with
basic structure regardless of the type of infantry side-rail-mounted fold-down bench seating, and
they support. Each battalion has a Supply & tarps for protection from the weather. Aside from
Transport Company, a Medical Company and a the engine, these trucks are much like those
separate Battalion Headquarters Platoon. designed for the same purpose as far back as
the twentieth century. The S&T Platoons in the
The Supply & Transport Company 391st Federation Support BN and 508th
Federation Support BN each have 27 such trucks,
Relative to BattleMechs and armor, infantry do one for each infantry platoon. Each truck can,
not consume large quantities of supplies, but they besides carrying up to 30 infantrymen, carry up
still consume literally tons a day, with the actual to another three tons cargo, if it is properly stowed,
amount varying depending on both the and tow a cargo trailer. These S&T Platoons each
circumstances and the unit. Infantry in heavy have 28 logistics specialists divided into three
combat will require more than those on occupation squads of nine. The twenty-eighth soldier in the
duty; mechanized infantry equipped with ICE-
powered vehicles will require large quantities of
fuel; and soldiers lucky enough to be issued laser
rifles will require less ammunition than others but
will still require such things as hand grenades and
rations. Responsibility for supporting such needs
falls to the Quartermaster Corps via the support
battalions supply & transport company (S&T Co.).

The AFFS has two basic organizational schemes

for its S&T Cos. attached to infantry regiments:
those for the mechanized infantry and those for

391st Federation Support Battalion & 163rd Crucis Support Battalion TO&E
508th Federation Support Battalion TO&Es
Battalion Headquarters Platoon: 6 Officers, 8
Battalion Headquarters Platoon: 6 Officers, 8 Logistics & Admin Specialists
Logistics & Admin Specialists Vehicles: 2 Office Trucks, 4 GPVs
Vehicles: 2 Office Trucks, 4 GPV
Supply & Transport Co., Total Personnel: 120
Supply & Transport Co., Total Personnel: 86 Company Headquarters Section: 1 Officer, 6
Company Headquarters Section: 1 Officer, Logistics & Admin Specialists
6 Logistics & Admin Specialists Vehicles: 1 Office Truck, 1 GPV
Vehicles: 1 Office Truck, 1 GPV Supply & Transport Platoon x2: 28 Logistics &
Supply & Transport Platoon: 28 Logistics & Admin Specialists
Admin Specialists Vehicles: 9 20-ton Cargo Trucks, 1 GPV
Vehicles: 27 10-ton Cargo Trucks Fuel Platoon: 18 Logistics & Admin Specialists
Fuel Platoon: 18 Logistics & Admin Specialists Vehicles: 9 20-ton Fuel Trucks
Vehicles: 9 10-ton Fuel Trucks Field Services Platoon: 18 Field Services
Field Services Platoon: 18 Field Services Specialists, 9 Utility Engineers
Specialists, 9 Utility Engineers Vehicles: 18 10-ton Cargo Trucks
Vehicles: 18 10-ton Cargo Trucks Maintenance Support Section: 8 Mechanics, 4
Maintenance Support Section: 4 Mechanics, 2 Assistant Mechanics
Assistant Mechanics Vehicles: 3 Light Recovery/Maintenance
Vehicles: 2 10-ton Wrecker Trucks Vehicles, 1 20-ton Wrecker Truck

Medical Company, Total Personnel: 75 Medical Company, Total Personnel: 75

Medical Platoon x3: 3 Officers: 1 Medical Medical Platoon x3: 3 Officers: 1 MedicalDoctor,
Doctor, 2 Nurses; 15 Medics, 7 Logistics 2 Nurses; 15 Medics, 7 Logistics & Admin
& Admin Specialists Vehicles: 1 10-ton MASH Truck, 1 10-ton
Vehicles: 1 10-ton MASH Truck, 1 10-ton Cargo Truck, 4 Ambulances
Cargo truck & 4 Ambulances
Total Battalion Personnel: 209
Total Battalion Personnel: 175
Major Equipment & Vehicles
Major Equipment & Vehicles: 20-ton Weight Class Trucks Variants Qty
10-ton Weight Class Trucks Variants Qty Cargo 18
Cargo 48 Fuel 9
Fuel 9 Wrecker 1
Office 3
MASH 3 Other Vehicles Qty
Wrecker 2 Ambulance, 5-ton Class 12
Cargo Truck, 10-ton 21
Other Vehicles Qty Office Truck, 10-ton 3
Ambulance 12 MASH Truck, 10-ton 3
General Purpose Vehicle 5 General Purpose Vehicle 7
Light Recovery Vehicle 3
Trailers Variants Qty
Cargo 51 Trailers Variants Qty
Field Kitchen 9 Cargo, for 20-ton Cargo Truck 18
Fuel Tanker 9 Cargo, for 10-ton Cargo Truck 15
Field Kitchen 9
Fuel Tanker 9

platoon is, of course, the platoon leader, normally 84th Avalon Light Infantry Regiment TO&E
a sergeant-major, although occasionally a subal-
tern or leftenant is put in charge. Personnel:
1st Foot Infantry Battalion, Total Personnel: 287
The two S&T Platoons in the 163rd Crucis Sup- Foot Infantry Co., Total Personnel: 113
port BN, which supports the 115th Crucis MI, are Co. Command Team: RGT CO, RGT SGM,
quite different than their counterparts in the 391st Co. Admin/Supply SGT
Federation Support BN and 508th Federation Vehicles: 1 GPV
Support BN. Each of the two S&T Platoons in the Foot Infantry Platoon x3: 28 Infantry
163rd has 28 logistics specialists but the 163rds RGT Headquarters Support Platoon: 4
S&T Platoons have only nine 20-ton cargo trucks Officers, 12 Admin/CI Specialists
and a jeep or other general purpose liaison Vehicles: 2 Office Trucks, 2 GPVs
vehicle. BN Headquarters Support Section: 2
Officers, 8 Admin/CI Specialists
Why the difference? As stated, foot and jump Vehicles: 1 Office Truck, 1 GPV
infantry regiments rely on their respective support Foot Infantry Co. x2, Total Personnel: 87
battalions for infantry transport. Mechanized Co. Command Team: Co. CO, Co. First
infantry regiments do not. Consequently, the S&T Sergeant, Co. Admin/Supply SGT
Platoons in the 163rd focus solely on moving Vehicles: 1 GPV
supplies for the 115th Crucis MI. The 163rds S&T Foot Infantry Platoon x3: 28 Infantry
Platoons maintain the standard ratio of just over
three soldiers per cargo vehicle. Foot Infantry Battalion x2, Total Personnel: 271
Foot Infantry Co., Total Personnel: 97
The S&T Platoons in the 391st and 508th maintain Co. Command Team: BN CO, BN SGM,
a ratio of just over one soldier per vehicle. During Co. Admin/Supply SGT
normal supply operations they only use those Vehicles: 1 GPV
trucks that are required, the rest are left in a central Foot Infantry Platoon x3: 28 Infantry
motor pool. When the entire infantry regiment is BN Headquarters Support Section: 2
on the move each truck is manned by a single Officers, 8 Admin/CI Specialists
soldier from the S&T Platoon; the infantry platoon Vehicles: 1 Office Truck, 1 GPV
leader usually rides shotgun while the rest of the Foot Infantry Co. x2, Total Personnel: 87
platoon is available to support the driver if needed. Co. Command Team: Co. CO, Co. First
Sergeant, Co. Admin/Supply SGT
Each support battalions S&T Co. has a single Fuel Vehicles: 1 GPV
Platoon of nine fuel trucks and 18 logistics Foot Infantry Platoon x3: 28 Infantry
soldiers. The size of the truck issued to the
platoon depends on the expected fuel demand. Total Regiment Personnel: 829
The 391st and 508th have 10-ton fuel trucks, while
the 163rd has 20-ton fuel trucks.
Major Equipment & Vehicles:
Vehicles Qty
General Purpose Vehicle (GPV) 14
Office/HQS Truck 5

Trailers Variants Qty

Cargo, various types 19

135th Federation Jump Infantry Regiment The Field Services Platoon in each of the three
TO&E support battalions S&T Cos. are basically the
same. Each platoon is organized to break down
Personnel: into three-man Field Services Teams (FST) of two
1st Jump Infantry Battalion, Total Personnel: 224 field service specialists and one utility engineer.
Jump Infantry Co., Total Personnel: 92 Each FS Platoon in the 163rd, 391st and 508th
Co. Command Team: RGT CO, RGT SGM, has nine FSTs, and each FST supports the infantry
Co. Admin/Supply SGT company and any support personnel in the area.
Vehicles: 1GPV Each FST within the Seventeenth Avalon Hussars
Jump Infantry Platoon x3: 21 Infantry RCT is issued two 10-ton trucks, one field kitchen
RGT Headquarters Support Platoon: 4 trailer and one cargo trailer, along with a set of
Officers, 12 Admin/CI Specialists generators, portable shower and latrine units, and
Vehicles: 2 Office Trucks, 2 GPVs other equipment.
BN Headquarters Support Section: 2
Officers, 8 Admin/CI Specialists Vehicle maintenance support is essential in any
Vehicles: 1 Office Truck, 1 GPV modern army unit, even if it is a foot infantry unit
Jump Infantry Co. x2, Total Personnel: 66 with only a few jeeps. The 391st and 508th each
Co. Command Team: Co. CO, Co. First have two Vehicle Maintenance Support Teams
Sergeant, Co. Admin/Supply SGT (VMST) in their Maintenance Support Sections;
Vehicles: 1 GPV the 163rd has four. Each VMST consists of two
Jump Infantry Platoon x3: 21 Infantry mechanics and one assistant mechanic. The
equipment issued to each team varies based on
Jump Infantry Battalion x2, Total Personnel: 208 the vehicles they are required to support. Three
Jump Infantry Co., Total Personnel: 76 of the VMSTs in the 163rd have small recovery/
Co. Command Team: BN CO, BN SGM, maintenance support vehicles capable of
Co. Admin/Supply SGT recovering and carrying a battle damaged Heavy
Vehicles: 1GPV APC variant, the standard armored vehicle in the
Jump Infantry Platoon x3: 21 Infantry 115th Crucis MI. The fourth VMST in the 163rd
BN Headquarters Support Section: 2 and all VMS Teams in the 508th and 391st are
Officers, 8 Admin/CI Specialists assigned wrecker trucks.
Vehicles: 1 Office Truck, 1 GPV
Jump Infantry Co. x2, Total Personnel: 66 S&T Company Headquarters Sections are uniform
Co. Command Team: Co. CO, Co. First throughout much of the AFFS. Those within the
Sergeant, Co. Admin/Supply SGT Seventeenth Avalon Hussars RCT are no different.
Jump Infantry Platoon x3: 21 Infantry Each HQ Section consists of the company
commander and six logistics and administrative
Total Regiment Personnel: 640 specialists. Collectively they are responsible for
moving all of the supply oriented paperwork
generated by the support battalion and the infantry
Major Equipment & Vehicles: regiment it supports. For mobile command and
Vehicles Qty control, each HQ section has a single office truck,
General Purpose Vehicle 14 most such trucks in the Seventeenth AH RCT are
Office/HQS Truck 5 built on a 10-ton truck chassis, and a jeep or
general purpose vehicle of some sort.
Trailers Variants Qty
Cargo, various types 19 The Medical Company

Infantry absorb more casualties by far than any

other service branch on the modern battlefield.

115th Crucis Mechanized Infantry 115th Crucis Mechanized Infantry
Regiment TO&E Regiment TO&E (Cont.)

Personnel: Mech. Infantry Co. x2, Total Personnel: 93

First Mechanized Infantry Battalion, Total Co. Command Team: Co. CO, Co. First
Personnel: 311 Sergeant, Co. Admin/Supply SGT
Mech. Infantry Co., Total Personnel: 125 Vehicles: 1 GPV
Co. Command Team: RGT CO, RGT SGM, Mechanized Infantry Platoon x3: 28
Co. Admin/Supply SGT Infantry, 2 Vehicle Crewmen
Vehicles: 1 GPV Vehicles: 1 LRM Variant Heavy APC
Mech. Infantry Platoon x3: 28 Infantry, 2
Vehicle Crewmen Total Regiment Personnel: 893
Vehicles: 1 LRM Variant Heavy APC
RGT Headquarters Support Platoon: 4 Major Equipment & Vehicles:
Officers, 12 Admin/CI Specialists, 4 Heavy APC Variants Qty
Vehicle Crewmen LRM 27
Vehicles: 2 HQ Support Variant Heavy Headquarters Support 5
BN Headquarters Support Section: 2 Other Vehicles Qty
Officers, 8 Admin/CI Specialists, 2 General Purpose Vehicle (GPV) 9
Vehicle Crewmen
Vehicles: 1 HQ Variant Heavy APC Trailer Variants Qty
Mech. Infantry Co. x2, Total Personnel: 93 Cargo 9
Co. Command Team: Co. CO, Co. First
Sergeant, Co. Admin/Supply SGT As a consequence, infantry must receive the lions
Vehicles: 1 GPV share of the medical support provided to combat
Mech. Infantry Platoon x3: 28 Infantry, 2 troops. Standard AFFS doctrine calls for a Medical
Vehicle Crewmen Platoon of 25 soldiers attached to each infantry
Vehicles: 1 LRM Variant Heavy APC battalion.

Mechanized Infantry Battalion x2, Total AFFS Medical platoons attached to infantry
Personnel: 291 battalions use the same standard organization as
Mech. Infantry Co., Total Personnel: 105 any AFFS medical platoon assigned to support
Co. Command Team: BN CO, BN SGM, upwards of 500 soldiers. The treatment section
Co. Admin/Supply SGT of the platoon is made up of the three officers (a
Vehicles: 1 GPV medical doctor and two nurses), as well as two
Mech. Infantry Platoon x3: 28 Infantry, 2 medics, the two crewmembers of the platoons
Vehicle Crewmen MASH truck and the driver of the platoons supply
Vehicles: 1 LRM Variant Heavy APC truck. The platoons ambulance section consists
BN Headquarters Support Section: 2 of four medics and four drivers equipped with four
Officers, 8 Admin/CI Specialists, 2 ambulances, and the combat medic section
Vehicle Crewmen consists of nine combat medics.
Vehicles: 1 HQ Support Variant Heavy
APC In the field each combat medic supports one
infantry platoon, living with them and enduring all
(Cont.) that they must endure. In many units the platoons
combat medic is considered a member of the
platoon despite the fact that medics are only ever
attached, never assigned, to a platoon and can

be reassigned as required. Since combat medics medics, as well as most medics assigned to a
are attached at platoon level and must keep up medical platoon, are trained trauma specialists,
with their charges, they are normally provided a equivalent to a civilian emergency medical
spot in any transport the infantry platoon might technician (EMT).
have. Combat medics attached to jump infantry
units, like all soldiers normally attached or Battalion Headquarters
assigned to a jump infantry regiment, are jump
pack qualified. Support battalion headquarters, like S&T Co. HQ
sections, are fairly uniform throughout the AFFS.
Although medical platoons are clustered into a The staff work involved in planning and executing
company within the support battalion they logistics operations for a combat regiment is
frequently operate independent of one another. remarkably similar from support battalion to
Therefore the company has an integrated support battalion despite the combat regiments
command structure with the senior platoon leader type. Like 417th Avalon Support BN (detailed in
acting as the company commander. the previous issue of The Review), the 163rd,
508th and 391st HQ Sections each have six
Bullet and shrapnel wounds, burns, traumatic officers, including the BN commander, and eight
amputation of extremities and broken bones are logistics and administration specialists. The BN
the most common battlefield injuries among S-1, S-2, S-3 and S-4 officers each have a staff of
infantry. As a consequence, medical doctors that two. Each HQ has two office trucks assigned,
support infantry battalions are trained primarily in along with four jeeps or general purpose vehicles
standard emergency room medicine and general for the myriad liaison duties an HQ unit must
surgery; most hold the rank of captain and have accomplish.
only recently completed their medical residency
requirements. One of the two nurses assigned to Field Trains
the platoon is normally a trained trauma/intensive
care nursing specialist, while the second is being Field trains for infantry regiments operate much
trained for such demanding work. All combat like to those attached to BattleMech regiments

but are considerably smaller due to the lighter Each mechanized infantry battalion field train also
support requirements of infantry. Standard has a VMST from the Maintenance Support
operating procedure in the AFFS calls for most Section of the S&T Co. Armored vehicles require
support assets for an infantry battalion to be almost as much maintenance as a BattleMech.
consolidated in a battalion field train. This field Fortunately, though, they have a crew that can
train is formed around a Medical Platoon, and a perform most routine maintenance, allowing the
squad of three FSTs. Each battalion field train VMST to focus on recovery and repair work. AFFS
also has a slice from the S&T Platoon and Fuel doctrine calls for one VMST per every dozen
Platoon: the size of the slice depends on the armored vehicles, approximately. Since the 115th
circumstances at hand and the type of infantry Crucis MI uses platoon-sized armored personnel
regiment being supported. carriers each mechanized infantry battalion is
supported by only one VMST. Each battalion field
Foot infantry operate primarily as a static force. train is also provided with two fuel trucks. One
When they do not require transportation all S&T truck is normally with the field train while the
and Fuel Platoon assets are centrally held and second is heading back to the regiment rear area
generally collocated with the S&T Co. HQ. Once to refill. The other trucks in the Fuel Platoon run
per day, usually under the cover of darkness, the between the RCT fuel depot and the RCT rear
infantry companys administrative specialist or first area with the second S&T Platoon, collecting and
sergeant leads a replenishment team of one or delivering fuel.
two trucks forward to the company rear from the
S&T Co. area. Frequently the infantry companys As with the 417th Avalon Support BN, the BN
own general purpose vehicle is the only vehicle Headquarters for the 163rd, 508th, and 391st form
required for the mission. If a battalion is spread the rear area headquarters for the regiments they
over a very wide area, usually in company sized support, planning and coordinating the logistics
bases, in static positions, the battalion field train operations for the regiment allowing the
may be allotted one or two trucks from the S&T regimental commander to focus on the battle at
Platoon pool. These trucks, along with the few hand.
vehicles actually assigned to the infantry battalion,
allow it to maintain its lines of communications Infantry regiment support battalions throughout
between the various bases. When the regiment the AFFS follow these two basic models, but it is
is on the move an infantry battalion field train is rare for any battalion to look exactly like another.
usually assigned nine cargo trucks, to transport Also note that independent regiments, in particular
the battalions infantry. Jump infantry regiments independent mechanized infantry regiments, have
operate much like their foot infantry brethren but other types of combat assets assigned, such as
tend to be on the move more since they are the armor, combat engineer support and VTOL
BattleMech regiments primary direct infantry support. These additional combat assets will
support. require additional support.

Mechanized infantry battalion field trains operate The next Support Troops essay will examine the
a little differently than those supporting the foot organization and mission of support battalions for
infantry. Like the foot infantry they have a Medical the various types of armor regiments in the AFFS.
Platoon and a section of three FSTs in their field
train. They also get a slice from one of the two Major Daniel Callan, AFFS (Ret.)
supporting S&T platoons, usually three cargo
trucks. The second S&T platoon shuttles back About the Author: Major Callan received his
and forth between the RCT supply depots and Master of Science degree in Logistic Sciences
the regiment rear area. from the NAIS in 3050, where he taught for three
years before becoming a member of the faculty
at the War College of Goshen in 3054.

AFFS Infantry Regiments Most infantry regiments assigned to Regi-
mental Combat Teams (RCTs) simply have
The AFFS fields a variety of infantry their nine infantry companies and com-
regiments to fulfill a variety of missions. mand elements. If the regiment needs
Almost all AFFS infantry regiments use the support it is usually attached from one of
same standard organization. Normally they the other units within the RCT.
each have nine infantry companies organized
into three battalions. AFFS doctrine requires Independent infantry regiments can have a
all infantry companies within a regiment to wide range of supporting units assigned on
be the same basic type, i.e., foot, mechanized a permanent or semi-permanent basis. A
or jump; exceptions, though rare, do exist but Military Intelligence platoon and a
are generally considered temporary. This is Communications platoon are almost always
to insure that all infantry within the regiment assigned. Combat engineers, various types
have the same basic capabilities. This makes of VTOL units, along with Air Defense Artillery
training, logistics and mission planning much and Field Artillery, are also frequently
easier. assigned to independent infantry regiments.
Sometimes an infantry regiment might even
give up one of its infantry battalions for
additional support. Independent mechanized
infantry regiments frequently have only two
infantry battalions supported by an armor

Whether a regiment has separate or

integrated command depends largely on
which Corps the regiment descends from.
Regiments from the Davion Brigade of
Guards almost universally field separate
command elements at the battalion and
regiment levels, whereas most Crucis Lancer,
Avalon Hussar and March Militia regiments
feature integrated command structures at all

Note that in regiments with an integrated

command structure, and not just among the
infantry, it has become common practice for
the regimental commanders battalion to
function as the regimental reserve and the
battalion commanders company to function
as the battalion reserve. This frees up the
commander to coordinate the entire unit
without depleting the strength of his personal
company. A good commander, however, will
rotate the units through reserve and lead his
own company into battlebut only when the
larger command has been properly prepared
for battle.

the universe could be understood by science
It seems that astrology is suddenly everywhere. rather than by superstition. The birth of the
Newspapers devote full pages to horoscopes, profane sciences and their separation from the
matchmakers schlep thick astrological tomes, and sacred was the first step on the journey from Terra
nobles habitually make public appearances only to the stars, and fittingly it was a step taken with
on days deemed auspicious. If it were only a fad eyes lifted upward. It was not until the 18th
the resurgence of astrology might be dismissed Century that astronomy fully divorced itself from
as mere nuisance, but astrology has roots long astrology, leaving astrology the poorer spouse.
and deep in the Inner Sphere, and there is reason
to believe that its influence will continue to grow. Not surprisingly, astrology experienced
Astrology has long been a respectable profession resurgence during the Succession Wars. While
and on many worlds the astrologer doubles as outmoded and possessing a reputation (well-
the village matchmaker. The Doctor of Astrology deserved) for quackery during the days of the Star
receives many of the same honors as the Doctor League, astrology suddenly became one of the
of Philosophy. Nowadays only the fiercest few paying occupations for individuals with
rationalist or the most pious monotheist rejects mathematical talent after the collapse of industry
astrology outright. Yet astrology is demonstrably and legitimate science. By curious happenstance
worthless as a predictive tool, and as a astrology had become more difficult and more
matchmaking aid it does no better than a spinning rigorous after the First Exodus, because to track
bottle. How did it come to hold such esteem? the movements of one systems (Sols) planets
and stars relative to anothers without the aid of a
In their attempts to understand the universe, the computer is remarkably difficult. That the
first civilizations on Terra watched the stars and astrologers interpretations were worthless is
followed their annual procession through the sky. beside the point; merely to produce the
By the stars ascension they learned when to plant mathematical calculations in the first place
crops, when to reap, and when to move with the required an impressive reservoir of talent, so it is
livestock to avoid drought. They gave the stars no mystery that both ComStar and the navies of
names and imagined them to be gods. No fault the Successor States recruited heavily from the
can be found with humanitys ancestors for Colleges of Astrology, especially to replenish the
mistaking the sky for Heaven; after all, the stars ranks of JumpShip navigators, which had suffered
governed the rhythms of life for generations heavy losses in the first half of the Succession
untold. Wars.

Gazing at the sky kept humanitys earliest With such noble pedigree it is little wonder that
scientists fruitfully employed for centuries. The astrology is so well esteemed. If it were only the
earliest principles of mathematics were developed public in astrologys thrall there would be little
to predict the movement of planets, and the cause to worry. But MechWarriors are famously
regularity and predictabilitythe discoverability superstitious, and the warrior nobility are as taken
of the motion of heavenly bodies aided greatly in with astrology as the lower classes. A
convincing our ancestors that the universe was MechWarriors life depends as much upon chance
governed by logic, order, and reason. Therefore, as skill on the battlefield, and the pervasive sense

of helplessness before the indifference of fate astrology as a harmless distraction is not immune.
drive some to near madness. Rituals such as Any commander worth his salt knows that for the
tapping ones helmet, making a sign with the hand soldier there are no harmless distractions.
to ward off evil, or performing animal sacrifices
and augury serve as a psychological coping Even if it were not harmful in the ways described,
mechanism. The MechWarrior seeks to gain a there would still be good reason to object to
measure of control over his fate however possible astrologys resurgence. Astrology and similar
while off the battlefield, because when the Mech pseudo-science are more appropriate to a people
steps onto it, it is at the mercy of blind chance. enslaved by distant potentates than to freeborn
Many a soldier in hour of peril has placed faith in men and women. As the folk of other nations live
a supreme being. Such faith is frequently or die at the whim of their Lords, it is little wonder
ennobling and can prompt a doomed soldier to that they feel they are at the mercy of the heavens
acts of extreme courage and self-sacrifice on for their well-being. They consult astrologers
behalf of the nation. Reliance upon the good favor regarding when to marry and give in marriage,
of the stars offers paltrier benefits by any measure. when to sow and reap, when to make pilgrimage
and offer sacrifice. In the absence of the power
It is impossible to reason a man out of a position to better their lives people will turn to whatever
that he was not reasoned into, and I do not expect offers hope; but we of the Federated Suns are
this epistle to turn anyone out of astrology, but I not powerless. Even our poorest citizens have
would that others regard it not as a harmless quirk rights before the state, and our nobles arent
but as a danger to the fighting unit and to the allowed to bully their subjects with impunity. Like
individual. Any superstition is potentially the Lords of other nations, the stars are cold,
detrimental in combat. A soldier encumbered by distant, and utterly indifferent to us. They make
charms and rituals will react more slowly because poor masters and are unworthy of our
he is mindful of them instead of his surroundings. genuflection.
Observing taboos or fear of bad luck can make
him hesitate. If he places his confidence in Fr. F. Thomassi
worthless hexes, his fighting mettle will shatter Vicar of War College of Goshen Parish
the moment they fail him, making him useless as
a soldier and dangerously passive as an officer.
Astrology is especially dangerous because the
preoccupation with auspicious and inauspicious
days for action and inaction can cause chaos
when set against a military timetable. A
commander who delays his plans even a day
because of his horoscope is criminally negligent,
and the danger is compounded if the enemy
learns of his weakness. (DCMS forces were
famously routed during the Third Succession War
when the Lyrans correctly guessed that an attack
would come at a time the Dracs considered lucky.)
There is even a persistent belief that these are
the End Times and that the Universe is about to
enda belief buttressed by astrology and spread
by certain factions of the Unfinished Book
movement. Taken by itself, this belief may be
harmless, but if given the proper catalytic events
it could paralyze our forces if it becomes
widespread. Even the casual user who views

out of it. In this conception of pre-history,
Any attentive parent knows that it is in our nature civilizations ills are inherent to civilization itself,
to covet what we lack and to despise what we and man is trapped in a civilized state that is harm-
possess. This rule applies to all things we are ful to him, but upon which he is now dependent
heir to, from property, to title, to civilization itself. for survival. It is easy to see Rousseauian logic
Throughout history the persistent myth of the to Aleksandr Kerenskys Exodusonly quitting
Noble Savage has flourished best in times of civilization can save us from civilizationand to
relative peace and prosperity. Properly Nicholas Kerenskys organization of the Clans.
understood, the myth of the virtuous, uncivilized Although he echoed his father in praising the Star
man is more a critique of civilization than an League, he believed the Inner Spheres society
argument to actual anthropology. In short, the to be irredeemably corrupt and sought to purge
claim is that all of mans depravities and all traces of Inner Sphere social mores from his
deprivations are caused by civilization itself, and exile community. Kerenskys goal was to divorce
that, far from ennobling man, civilization the advanced science of the Star League from
continually draws him further and further away the culture that had produced and sustained it.
from his noble, self-reliant, unblemished, pre- Modernity with all its trappings was suspect, so
civilized self. This idea has had vocal proponents to the ruling caste he gave a tribal culture of the
in every civilized age from the sort praised by Rousseau.
Roman Republic to the Star League
Era, but among scholars it is most The Clans are the For all their advanced
often associated with Rousseau, living culmination of technology, Clan culture has
who argued it most cogently in his much in common with the
Second Discourse.
Nicholas Kerenskys societies of primitive man. Their
desire to free man governing council more
The Second Discourse is an from his wretched, resembles Iroquois than Star
imaginary history of mans ascent League government. Their
that attempts to discover through civilized state and tribalistic rituals, such as the
thoughtful reflection the cause of return him to a Noble Ghost Bear hunts, the Goliath
societys persistent ills. Rousseau Scorpions endurance tests, the
traced their origin all the way back
Savagery... Nova Cats directed dreaming
to the genesis of society itself. and the Coyotes shamanism all
Arguing first that mans body is show a deliberate identification
made soft when he is taken from the wild, just as with pre-civilized society. The Clans are the living
a domestic animal is slower and weaker than its culmination of Nicholas Kerenskys desire to free
wild counterpart, he goes on to say that in his man from his wretched, civilized state and return
natural state solitary man has complete freedom him to a Noble Savagery, an existence as close
and self-sufficiency (not living in family groups or to his natural state as circumstances would allow.
tribes). It is only with the invention of private Clanners themselves are deeply committed to
property that nature is unbalanced, and that Rousseauian virtues: self-reliance, honesty,
inequality and want are introduced into the world, family, and bravery. All claim to despise
placing us on the road to disaster. There is, subterfuge and guile, which Rousseau derided as
however, a happy medium between pre-social, vices of modern society. The Clans do not as a
animal-like man and modern, civilized, miserable rule amass wealth to individualsa practice
man: the savage, who lives in a village with his decried by Rousseaubut give to each member
family and owns property that he earns and keeps of the Clan only that which he or she needs out of
by the dint of his own strong arms. Rousseau resources held in common. The Clans, for all their
calls the era of primitive man the happiest and solidarity and commitment to unity, favor self-
most durable epoch of human history, and he sufficiency and individual achievement as social
opines that only tragic accident drew himus virtues. In composition, execution, and ethos the

Clans closely resemble the Noble Savage of stronger than to any other Inner Sphere culture,
Rousseaus imagination. is striking and manifold.

Rousseau was not a serious proponent of a return Not merely of academic interest, the analogy to
to primitive society. In his later writings, he used youth gangs is a clue to the Clans possible
the idea of the Noble Savage as a man free of disparate futures. Though the conditions
necessity to advocate a theory of liberal favorable to the creation and entrenchment of
government. The tableaux of Rousseaus ideas, youth gangspoverty, urban blight, a plenitude
including the Noble Savage, lost much of its of war orphansremain, history shows that a
cachet during the Succession Wars. As the Inner determined constabulary can shatter a gangs
Sphere became reacquainted with actual control of a neighborhood with a few high-profile
savagery and its utter lack of nobility, the few captures and a visible show of force. Given
scholars who continued to study Rousseau found serious challenge the gang will typically melt away,
his ideas something of an embarrassment. though another may take its place when law
enforcement stands down if the underlying social
Within the Federated Suns itself, the societies problems remain. When wealth comes
most like those of primitive man are not forest- unexpectedly to a formerly poor area, gang culture
dwelling wild men but the youth gangs that plague may wither away as legitimate employment begins
our poorest worlds. The young savages who to draw young men out of the gangs. Conversely,
inhabit our blighted urban areas havent a hint of unguarded wealth may induce the gang to evolve
nobility, but instead are cruel and cunning and into an organized criminal group, becoming more
survive by preying upon the weak. Anyone who adult, more sophisticated, and much, much more
lives in a neighborhood controlled by a youth gang dangerous. The analogy to the Clans holds here
lives in constant fear of robbery, or yoking as as well. Consider: The fate of the Smoke Jaguars
they term it. Rival gangs quarrel over control of was to crumble before the first stiffening of
city blocks in a manner similar to Clan Trials of resistance against them. Deprived of their destiny
Possession, sometimes including the scheduling as conquerors, their ideology of superiority shown
of the battle beforehand at a mutually agreed-upon for a sham, they experienced moral and military
place and time. Elaborate rituals surround these collapse when pressed. The Ghost Bears appear
rumbles, for example, drawing playing cards to have solidified their hold over Rasalhague and
from a deck to choose combatants. Sometimes will run it as a fiefdom. The wealth will corrupt
disputes are settled by a contest at dance or song them from their stated purpose and they will be
rather than by fighting. The gangs give integrated quickly into Inner Sphere politics. The
themselves whimsical names and speak in a Diamond Sharks are fast becoming less a Clan
strange argot of underclass and foreign (often than a trading cartel, and may soon come to
Russian) loanwords. A gang members standing resemble the trade guilds of the Inner Spheres
within the gang is based upon his personal honor, early history. The Home Clans, denied access to
which he must be ready to defend at all times. the wealth of the Inner Sphere, are destined to
Sometimes defending his reputation is achieved continue to squabble amongst themselves over
by stealing something of value from a rival gang, a paltry and ever-dwindling supply of resources.
or by fighting off challengers of lower status within Spurred by deficiencies inherent to their culture,
his own gang. Gang members tend to be the unraveling of the Clan way of life is already
flamboyant, and where the youth gangs mesh with well underway.
organized crime one sees young hoodlums
wearing extravagant and gaudy attirejewelry, I. Prescott Snell
tattoos, superfluous athletic wear, and unusually
placed silk scarves of a color designating Professor Snell is the Chair of Philosophies of
membership in his particular gang. The similarity Peace at the WCG. His book, The Clan Way of
of Clan culture to Inner Sphere gang culture, Life, is published by the Goshen Press.

Camouflage is a game we all like to play, but our is to apply a dual tone scheme that will effectively
secrets are as surely revealed by what we want disrupt a units outline, even that of a Mech.
to seem to be as by what we want to conceal. Taking into account that the most common colors
- Unknown in deserts are the sandy beige of the ground, and
the grey blue of the sky, Brigadier General Baylen
enthusiastically jumped on the idea, and designed
I n June 3004, the Twenty-Second Avalon Hussars a pattern after them. Big angular patches of beige
suffered a grievous defeat at the hands of the 18th and grey blue would be painted on Mechs. From
Dieron Regulars. As their Mechs were cresting a distance, he thought, the pattern would disrupt
Watanabe Ridge, in the Kamishi Desert, they the Mechs silhouette, making it harder to spot
came into sight of the awaiting Regulars. The and identify, and giving some delay before the
Kuritans could concentrate their fire on each unit enemy decided to open fire. From close range,
as it came over the top, bringing it down he thought, it would have a ghost effect on
mercilessly. Following units suffered the same in enemy shooters hidden on a counter-slope, who
their turn, with a handful of bedraggled survivors would be confused long enough to allow a unit
limping back to the relative safety of Watanabe cresting the ridge to fire the first shot. At that time,
Ridges counter-slope. The 18th Dieron Regulars when these theories were suggested to soldiers
crested the ridge on their heels, of units used to fighting in
sending the Hussars on a deserts, reactions ranges from
desperate run for their He wanted an attack to leery incredulity to outright
DropShips. On the slopes of be staged in conditions hostility. Protests were
Watanabe Ridge however, the unanimous, and the High
better part of a Davion Company
that would show the Command buried the idea.
of BattleMechs lay wrecked... worth of his idea, and
This defeat sparked an uproar in specifically requested This could not fail to dismay
the Federated Suns, as the utterly General Baylin.
Avalon Hussars had been sent that ordinary tactical Konstantin Baylin had been,
in order to test the efficiency of precautions be throughout his military service,
the newly issued but poorly a very mediocre officer, and
conceived Desert Skyline
discarded. displayed gifts one would have
Camouflage Pattern (DSCP); the better expected from a Lyran
uproar lasted several weeks till other concerns officer. He could not be called a social general
took public attention away from it. Sadly enough, however, in the sense he had an unwelcome
the chain of events leading to this disaster is fairly perseverance to stick stubbornly to some of his
typical of the levels of incompetence and greed projects. And, unfortunately, he believed that his
can be met in most military bureaucracies. DSCP was the ticket to get back on the fast track
to promotion at a time when his career had been
Since 3002, the Armed Forces of the Federated sidelined by assignment to a dead-end job in the
Suns High Command had been pondering the Capellan March Headquarters on New Syrtis.
opportunity of designing a new camouflage pattern There, however, he managed to draw the attention
for desert warfare. Desert is arguably the most of the March Lord, Duke Michael Hasek.
deceptive terrain for combat. It seems nothing
will disrupt line of sight or offer cover, and yet one Some time earlier, Duke Hasek had received
can hardly distinguish minor ridges and gullies some interesting information from a Capellan
that are common places of concealment for a defector, a noble by the name of Vladimir Chulin.
defending unit. It is then vital to baffle, for as long This Chulin, whose information was part of what
a range as possible, the human sight, as the later brought Michael Hasek to take the way to
famed Eyeball Mk I is still the preferred fire treachery, had managed to divert some state
control for most warriors. The best way to do this money for his own uses, and wanted to invest it

into a chemical industry project. In this respect, Hussars picked to attack, since being based on
Baylens arrival, and his pet project, were a Quentin, they were the closest to Altair...
godsend for Duke Hasek, who thought hed found
an indisputable and legitimate way to reward his The raid ended up in the fiasco recounted above.
protg... Using the considerable influence that, But for Sergeant David Levines rearguard action,
as a March Lord and Field Marshall, he wielded leading a hodgepodge of units charging into the
in the Armed Forces of the Federated Suns, he pursuing Regulars right flank, it could very well
rode roughshod on every protest and imposed have led to the destruction of the whole assault
an experimental implementation to test out force. As it was, more than a company of Mechs
Baylens Desert Skyline Camo Pattern. On his were lost. So severe was the defeat that it sent a
recommendation, several units, including the backlash rippling throughout the circles of Davion
Twenty-Second Avalon Hussars, were chosen to military power... The DSCP was immediately
serve as guinea pigs.... cancelled, but the protests had been so vocal that
they drew the medias attention, and they did not
Eventually, all protests were in vain... Even worse, stop there. The media, scenting blood, started to
they fueled Baylens desire to see his concept pick on the AFFS senior command... When they
proven on the field. He wanted an attack to be dared to question the abilities of the Prince
staged in conditions that would show the worth of himself, a board of inquiry was nominated to
his idea, and specifically requested that ordinary investigate the case and bring out the truth.
tactical precautions be discarded. He even Leftenant General Maison was its chairman. The
requested to have an assault to be staged on a commission drew public attention away, and
counter-slope defensive position. The Eighteenth eventually pronounced both Duke Haseks and
Dieron Regulars logistical base on Altair was Chulins innocence, laying the blame squarely on
selected as the target, and the 22nd Avalon the shoulders of Baylin. Shamed by his conviction,
Baylin was driven to take his own life, bringing a
fortunate end to the scandal...

The DSCP scandal is one from which, even some

60 years after the fact, lessons can be learned to
prevent this kind of tragedy from happening again.
They differ not in the least from what can be
learned from scores of other incidents. Innovation
is a necessity in a military. However, when the
proposed changes cause the unanimous protests
of the men in the field, the command would be
well advised to listen, for such unwelcome
changes are very unlikely to bring any
improvement or to meet the goals they have been
set. But more importantly, a soldier must always
be aware that his duty lies first with the interests
of his nation. It is indeed legitimate to further
personal goals to make a career. But every time,
a soldier must question whether the service, and
thus the nation, will gain from it. The Armed
Forces of the Federated Suns is no place for a
social general.

Lft. Gen. Pavel V. Miliukov, AFFS (Ret.)

Professor of History

It is no secret that the AFFS suffered horrendous be possible to restart WarShip construction sooner
and maintain the perishable knowledge base
losses during what has come to be known as the necessary for such projects.
Federated Commonwealth Civil War. The AFFS
Navy was especially hard hit. The WarShip fleet Historical analysis shows that the average cost
now consists of only fifteen ships: three Avalon of a JumpShip, or WarShip, K-F drive core is
Class Cruisers and twelve Fox Class Corvettes, proportional to the number of DropShip docking
a pitiful fleet compared to our neighbors. Many collars it possesses. The formulae are:
of these ships are back at the shipyards
undergoing either repair or completion. DropShip JumpShip K-F Core Cost* = [220.1875 million D-
losses, although not fully tallied yet, are expected Bills + (130.325 million D-Bills x D)]
to be just as serious. The JumpShip docking collar WarShip K-F Core Cost* = [1,761.5 million D-Bills
shortage dating back to the Lyran Alliance + (1042.6 million D-Bills x D)]
secession was compounded by the losses of the *Multiply Cost by 3 if the ship is Lithium-Fusion
civil war and has been only partially mitigated by battery equipped.
the repatriation of a number of AFFS JumpShips Where: D = Number of DropShip Docking Collars
from the LAAF. And this does not begin to account built into the core.
for the aerospace fighter losses.
Note: These cost formulae only account for the
cost of the cores coil, initiator, controller and
The AFFS will be hard pressed to make good its charging system. All other K-F core components
losses within the next decade. It may take longer. cost less than one percent of the drives total.
The critical shortage, as always, is money; the Costs have been adjusted to Fiscal Year 3067
AFFS needs more to rebuild. Many units can
expect to be consolidated or stood down in order
to save money.

The AFFS Navy can expect to bear its fair share

of budgetary belt-tightening like the other
branches in order to rebuild. The first order of
business will be to repair all available WarShips,
but after that the AFFSN can expect a construction
moratorium to free up procurement funds to
replace DropShip, JumpShip and other aerospace
losses. The AFFSN cannot reasonably expect to
begin building new WarShips for a decade at a
minimum. Or can it?

WarShips, Docking Collars, and Costs

WarShips, also known as combat JumpShips, are

built around a compact type Kearny-Fuchida (K-
F) Drive core. These cores are what make
interstellar travel possible. The problem is that
these compact cores, which are five times more
expensive than a standard core (fifteen times
more if equipped with Lithium-Fusion batteries),
represent over 75% of a typical WarShips cost.
If the cost of the K-F core can be reduced it may

Federated Suns-Bills. One D-bill is equal to 1.3 docking collars and Lithium-Fusion battery each,
ComStar-bills. would cost approximately 8.95 Billion D-Bills:
nearly a two-thirds reduction in cost.
Clearly if the number of DropShip docking collars
on a WarShip is reduced, a major cost savings Modular Kearny-Fuchida Drives
can be realized.
Any WarShips built under this program should be
Assault DropShip Squadrons equipped with modular K-F drives. These types
of drives allow docking collars to be added to a
AFFSN WarShip tactical doctrine has always ship at some later date without replacing the actual
required the deployment of an Assault DropShip K-F drive itself. Adding DropShip docking collars
Squadron (ADS) with each WarShip. These is by no means an easy or cheap process on such
DropShips provide a screening and scouting force a design but it can be done relatively quickly during
that both protect and multiply the strength of the a typical three or four month shipyard
WarShip. Regardless of whether any new maintenance period, which occur regularly in the
WarShips have docking collars or not, they need life of a WarShip.
an ADS for support. Regardless of how many
DropShips are in the average ADS an additional The concept of the modular K-F drive was
JumpShip will need to be built to replace any pioneered in the SLDF Sovetskii Soyuz Cruiser
docking collars lost by their deletion from an design. Federated-Boeing Interstellar has
existing design; in the case of an Avalon Class recently worked on a modular K-F drive design
Cruiser six JumpShip docking collars must be built as recently as 3056, when they were ready to
in some combination on standard JumpShips. construct a prototype. While the program was
These collars must be equipped like the new shelved to ramp up Fox Class Corvette
WarShip. If it has a Lithium-Fusion battery, then construction, reactivating the program would be
the standard JumpShips must have them as well, relatively easy and inexpensive. It could cost as
to match the capabilities of the WarShip that is little as 2 Billion D-Bills to construct an initial
being placed in production. prototype K-F core.

The Invader Class JumpShip is one of the most By building a WarShip with a modular K-F drive,
successful and versatile standard JumpShips ever and initially without docking collars, the AFFSN
designed. Three docking collars are considered will be able to field the most important part of a
the ideal in terms of versatility, cost and WarShip, the ship itself, much sooner than current
maintainability. Unfortunately an Invader Class funding levels and designs will allow. As a side
JumpShip cannot be equipped with a Lithium- benefit, once docking collars are added to these
Fusion battery without removing a docking collar. WarShips, the Lithium-Fusion battery equipped
Therefore a new standard JumpShip must be standard JumpShips can be reassigned to other
designed to support the new WarShip design. It duties and expand the available pool of transports.
should be capable of transporting three DropShips
and should carry a Lithium-Fusion battery to keep Commodore Henri Rollet, AFFSN
up with its assigned WarShip.
About the Author: Commodore Rollet is currently
Even with the construction of two such standard a Visiting Fellow at the War College of Goshen
JumpShips, a large savings can be realized by from the Armstrong Flight Academy where he is a
deleting the docking collars from an Avalon Class senior instructor at the AFFS Test Pilot School.
Cruiser. One Avalon K-F Compact Core, with six Commodore Rollet commanded the first AFFSN
collars, costs 24.05 Billion D-Bills. An Avalon clone aerospace fighter squadron assigned to an
with a Lithium-Fusion Battery but lacking docking AFFSN WarShip since the Second Succession
collars, plus two standard JumpShips with three War.

captain. Three to four companies comprise a
BATTLE ARMOR: battalion, commanded by a major. To date, there
Organization and Operations has been no larger organization of battle armor
in the AFFS.
In the past decade and a half, we have seen the
emergence of a new and powerful force on the DUTIES
field of battle, the battle armored (BA) infantryman.
With the rediscovery of certain lost technologies General: Every member of the squad must know
and the reverse-engineering of captured the duties of the other squad members, as the
equipment from the Clan invasion, what was once squad leader must know the duties of the platoon
thought to be a lost asset of the Star League has commander, and must be able to assume them
reappeared in the armies of today. The Armed at any time.
Forces of the Federated Commonwealth (AFFC)
was the first military to deploy its own BA suit, Squad Leader: The squad leader carries out the
although this deployment was too late to be a orders issued to him by the platoon commander.
factor in stopping the Clan invasion. He is responsible for the discipline,
The specialized Sloth and Infiltrator appearance, training, control, conduct
suits quickly followed and gave and welfare of his squad at all times,
commanders more flexibility than the as well as the condition, care and
original basic design. Since the debut economical use of its weapons and
of those designs, almost a decade equipment. In combat, he is also
ago, the AFFC (now the AFFS) and responsible for the tactical
the New Avalon Institute of Science employment, fire discipline, fire
(NAIS) worked closely together to control and maneuver of his squad.
develop the Cavalier and the Infiltrator He takes position where he can best
Mk II (also known as the Puma) carry out the orders of the platoon
suits. The Cavalier suit is the AFFCs commander and observe and control
answer to the Clan Elemental suit and the squad. In addition to his primary
it attempts to mimic the Clan suits duties as a leader, but not to the
capabilities with a small degree of detriment of them, he serves as an
success. The Infiltrator Mk II is a assaulter. He is responsible for the
much needed upgrade to the original effective employment of his battle
Infiltrator suit and is certainly a sight to behold on armor suit along with its condition and care.
the battlefields of today.
Assaulter: The assaulter carries out the orders
MISSION issued to him by the squad leader. He is
responsible for the effective employment of his
The general mission of the battle armor squad in battle armor suit, along with its condition and care.
the AFFS is to locate, close with and destroy the In addition to his duties as the assaulter, he acts
enemy by fire and maneuver, or to repel the as the assistant squad leader.
enemys assault by fire and close combat.
Breacher: The breacher carries out the orders
ORGANIZATION issued to him by the squad leader. He is
responsible for the effective employment of his
The battle armor squad consists of four battle armor suit, along with its condition and care.
infantrymen, each with their own battle suit, The breacher acts as the explosives expert in a
supervised by a sergeant. Four squads comprise squad and carries a number of explosives charges
a platoon which is led by a lieutenant. Three to assist the squad in its missions.
platoons make a company, commanded by a

Scout: The scout carries out the orders issued Types of Unit Fire
to him by the squad leader. He is responsible for
the effective employment of his battle armor suit, The size and nature of a target may call for the
along with its condition and care. The scout acts firepower of the entire fire unit or only parts of it.
as the lead element of the squad on a patrol and The type of target suggests the type of unit fire to
is trained extensively in navigation and tracking. be employed against it. The squad leader
receives orders from the platoon commander, who
TECHNIQUE OF FIRE usually designates a specific target, or multiple
targets, depending on the amount of fire required
When squad members have completed individual to accomplish the objective.
training for their battle suit, they must learn the
techniques of battle armor fire. Technique of fire A fire unit distributes its fire as designated by the
refers to the application and control of the squad leader. Normally, the squad leader orders
combined fire of a fire unit. A fire unit is a group his fire unit to limit the squads fire to a sector of
of men whose combined fire is under the direct the platoon target, to engage a separate target,
and effective control of a leader. The fire units or to shift to a target of opportunity. For example,
discussed herein are the battle armor squad. if the platoon is targeting an enemy BattleMech,
one squad may focus only on a single leg of the
Effects of Battle Armor Mech, while the other squads of the platoon
concentrate their fire on an arm or the torso. If
The best effects from battle armor are obtained the target is under control, the squad leader can
when the squad is close to the enemy. The squad elect to direct his squad to fire upon an enemy
should use cover and concealment offered by unit approaching to support the enemy which the
terrain and take advantage of the supporting fire platoon is dealing with.
of BattleMechs, vehicles, aerospace assets and
artillery to advance as near to the enemy as Fire Delivery
possible before opening fire. Normally, it should
not open fire at ranges greater than the maximum Requirements of Position: In occupying a firing
effective range for their given weapons system. position, squads are deployed to satisfy the
following requirements:
Application of Fire
Be capable of delivering desired fire
The potential firepower of the four-man squad with support.
all members firing is conservatively estimated at Possess good fields of fire.
24 well-aimed shots per minute. This does not Have adequate cover and concealment.
include squads equipped with short range Permit fire control by the unit leader.
missiles. The following terms are used when
discussing application of fire: Combat Patrols

Neutralize: To render enemy personnel Combat patrols are assigned missions which
incapable of interfering with a particular usually require active engagement of the enemy.
operation. As a secondary mission, they collect and report
information about the enemy and terrain. Combat
Fire Support: Fire delivered by a fire unit to patrols are employed in both offensive and
assist or protect another unit in combat. defensive operations. Combat patrols can inflict
damage on the enemy, establish or maintain
Target of Opportunity: A target which contact with friendly or enemy forces, deny the
appears in combat, within range, and enemy access to key terrain, probe enemy
against which fire has not been planned. positions, and protect against surprise ambush.

Types of Combat Patrols and their Missions: attack. They protect a moving unit by
screening the flanks, the areas through
a. Raid Patrols: Raid patrols destroy or which the unit will pass, and the route over
capture enemy personnel or equipment, which the unit will travel.
destroy installations, or free friendly
personnel who have been captured by the
enemy. Battle Armor Operations on Urban Terrain

b. Ambush Patrols: Ambush patrols Fighting in urban areas is characterized by close

conduct ambushes of enemy patrols, combat, limited fields of fire and observation,
carrying parties, foot columns, and difficulty in control of troops, and canalization of
convoys. An ambush is a surprise attack battlemech and vehicular movement. The
from a concealed position upon a moving defender can use urban areas to channel and stop
or temporarily halted target. The primary an enemy attack. Buildings normally provide both
purpose of an ambush is to kill enemy the attacker and defender with good protection
troops; the ambush is one of the oldest from both direct and indirect fire. They also
most effective types of military action. provide covered and concealed routes that can
Ambushes are executed for the general be used to move troops and supplies. Fighting at
purpose of reducing the enemys overall close range, the outcome depends largely on the
combat effectiveness and for the specific initiative and aggressive leadership of small-unit
purpose of destruction of his units. The leaders. In many cases squads operate
cumulative effect of many small independently in their assigned zones of action.
ambushes on the enemy lowers the The attacker must isolate and clear parts of the
morale of enemy troops and, in general, urban area that he moves through. This causes
is harassment of the enemy force as a him to lose the momentum of the attack. Urban
whole. areas must be attacked when they:

c. Contact Patrols: Contact patrols cannot be bypassed,

establish and/or maintain contact with contain a key terrain feature (bridge, road
friendly and enemy forces. They do this junction),
by contacting friendly forces at designated must be returned to friendly control,
contact points. They also maintain are needed for future operations, or
contact with enemy forces without are held by an enemy force that must be
becoming decisively engaged with the destroyed.
enemy. They establish contact with a
friendly or enemy force when the definite Battle armor operations on urban terrain include
location of the force is unknown. all actions that are planned and conducted on a
terrain complex where manmade construction
impacts on the tactical options available to the
d. Economy of Force Patrols: Economy of commander. Urbanization is characterized by
force patrols perform limited objective changes in land usage of manmade features
missions such as seizing and holding key across natural terrain. There are four categories
terrain to allow maximum forces to be of urban terrain: strip areas, villages, towns and
used elsewhere. small cities, and large cities associated with urban
e. Security Patrols: Security patrols in
static situations detect infiltration by the The full range of manmade and natural terrain
enemy, detect and kill or capture features exist on the urban battlefield. One end
infiltrators, and protect against surprise of the scale consists of small built-up areas

dispersed along lines of communications. The assistant will then place an explosive
force attacking through such an area may be able charge into the separation of the armor
to bypass or easily sweep aside any resistance between the upper and lower leg at the
without losing the momentum of attack. The other knee joint of the target Mech. Upon
end of the spectrum consists of a complex urban placement, the breacher and assistant will
area which totally occupies units maneuvering in dismount from the target and rejoin their
building-by-building, floor-by-floor combat. squad. This maneuver is designed to
cripple the BattleMech and hinder its
BattleMech- or Vehicle-Infantry Coordination movement without exposing the battle
armor squad to immediate destruction.
The BattleMech is primarily an offensive weapon
employed to carry the fight to the enemy. Swarm Attack: A swarm attack consists
Maximum use is made of its firepower, mobility, of an entire squad either utilizing their
speed, and shock action. Restricting the speed integral jump jets or making use of a
of BattleMechs and vehicles to the speed of battle grapple rod. The squad will scale a
armor on foot is not desirable as it negates most BattleMech up to its torso and begin firing
of those units capabilities. With the introduction their weapons at the joints and weak
of battle armor on the modern day Inner Sphere points of the armor that every BattleMech
battlefield and with the addition of OmniMech has. This type of attack is very risky and
technology, it is possible for armored infantry to is best accomplished upon a shutdown,
ride into the battlefield. prone or previously disabled mech. This
maneuver is designed to inflict maximum
Upon reaching the point of imminent contact with damage at close range to areas the squad
an enemy unit, the battle armor squad can would normally not have access to due
dismount the BattleMech and begin making its to the Mechs rapid movement and
way towards the target unit. This allows for little usually long to extreme range. Often this
degradation of the BattleMechs capabilities while mode of attack can assist in the capture
keeping the armored infantry in the forefront of of enemy MechWarriors.
the fight. This process can be duplicated with
Armored Personnel Carriers (APCs). Although The above information represents a basic
most modern day APCs are slower than many framework for the proper application of battle
OmniMechs, they can be utilized as a delivery armor in the modern field of combat. For more
platform in the same fashion as an OmniMech. information regarding the capabilities and basic
concepts of battle armor warfare, see AFFSM 6-
Anti-BattleMech Operations 5, the Battle Armor Operations Manual.
MechWarriors, vehicle crews, infantrymen and
Armored infantry are unique on the battlefields of aerospace pilots should familiarize themselves
today. Most of the battle armor in the inventory of with the organization and tactics of all serving
the AFFS can make anti-BattleMech attacks. units. Increased familiarity on behalf of the other
These attacks consist of two main types which branches will promote understanding and better
are: coordination, and help us to accomplish our
missions to an even greater extent.
Leg (or Kneecap) Attacks: Leg attacks
consist of the battle armor squad Major Benjamin F. Marion, Class of 57
maneuvering close enough to the target
BattleMech and scaling it to knee level. Major Marion is currently en route to a new
Usually this is accomplished by the assignment after serving with the Fourth Crucis
breacher of the squad with assistance Lancers on Giausar during the Civil War, where
from another member. The breacher and he commanded a company of battle armor.

Regiment (1FSACR). Despite the shroud of se-
The history of the Inner Sphere is told as a se- crecy under which the unit performed, it was well
ries of invasions and counter-invasions. Worlds known that the 1FSACR were unsurpassed at
change hands infrequentlyeven contested bor- lightning raids and disrupting enemy logistics.
der worldsso the campaigns that lead to suc-
cessful conquest are long remembered. By con- General Rudolf Chapman, commander of the
trast, the reconnaissance missions, harassment 1FSACR, chose Kommandant Xavier McDaniel
raids, and rearguard actions that make large-scale of Second Battalion to lead the raid on Virentofta.
invasion practicable are scarcely remembered Kommandant McDaniel, a veteran of the Fourth
and are studied only by professionals and aca- Succession War and the War of 3039, was the
demics. By now the specifics of Operation Bull- most experienced battalion commander in the
dog are well known. Less well known are the 1FSACR, having seen action with the Seventh
details of its precursor Operation Bird Dog, the
series of raids on rear-echelon Occupation Zone Planetary Atlas Data:
worlds designed to destroy stockpiled supplies World Name: Virentofta
and disrupt Smoke Jaguar reinforcements. Star Type: B4VI
Position in System: 5
On 13 May 3059, SLDF forces received the go- Time to Jump Point: 3 Days
ahead to launch Operation Bird Dog. Nine worlds Recharging Station: None
were targeted in the Bird Dog raids, all possessing Comstar Facility: Class C
significant military value to the Smoke Jaguar Comstar Representative: Precentor Karen
Occupation Zone, among them, the planet French
Virentofta. In early 3058, DMI and ISF agents had Percentage and Level of Native Life: 50%
discovered that the intelligence arm of the Smoke Mammal
Jaguars, the Watch, was headquartered on Noble Ruler: None
Virentofta, and that the munitions depots of Political Leader: Council Leader James Gavin-
several front-line Galaxies were located on-planet Yamahagi
as well. The intent of the Bird Dog raid on
Virentofta was both to eliminate the Watch The planet of Virentofta was colonized very
headquarters, blinding the Smoke Jaguars to the early in mans exodus from Terra. It was found
movements and goals of the SLDF, and to deny to be a temperate planet, covered in forest and
them their reserve supply of ordnance for the rolling hills, with oceans of blue grass as far
ballistic weapons that their MechWarriors favored. as the eye could see. It is comprised of 2
major landmasses, the continents of New
Since Virentofta was located two jumps behind Ukraine and New Belarus. The only major city
the frontlines, and since the planet was not slated located on the planet is the capital city of
for liberation until the second wave of Operation Suzdal. Suzdal was founded on the banks of
Bulldog, this raid was designated as an Extreme the Dniepr River. The other major cities of
Risk Operation. In addition to the logistical risks Narv, Kev and Kalin are all located on the
on the ground, the raiding force would have to continent of New Ukraine with only Suzdal
travel through an uncharted system en route to being located on the continent of New Belarus.
the target planet in order to avoid detection. Throughout the long and fabled history of the
Taking these factors into consideration, the SLDF Succession Wars within the Inner Sphere,
High Command debated which unit should be never once did the weapons of warfare scar
assigned to the mission. In the end, Prince Victor the fair fields of Virentofta. Virentofta was
recommended and the SLDF High Command captured by the Smoke Jaguars in 3058, and
agreed that the honor of striking the lynchpin of subsequently liberated by the SLDF army
Smoke Jaguar Intelligence and re-supply should during Operation Bulldog.
go to the First Federated Suns Armored Cavalry

Crucis Lancers on Tikonov and the 1FSACR destroying four of the Clan Mechs, including that
during reprisal raids against the Capellan Con- of the Star Captain, and crippling an equal number
federation. As Kommandant McDaniel finalized with little damage to the raiding force. This tactical
the roster of troops, all volunteers, to accompany victory allowed McDaniels Group to escape into
him, he received late word that the entire unit the open countryside and forests of New Belarus.
would be outfitted either with captured Clan With the Clan forces falling back to assess the
OmniMechs or with newly produced OmniMechs damage done to the capital, McDaniel turned to
from the Draconis Combine. McDaniel ordered his secondary objective: the destruction of the
that all Mechs assigned to his raiding party be ammunition caches located on the continent of
configured with energy weapons to obviate am- New Ukraine.
munition re-supply.
Having allowed McDaniels Group to escape, the
On 14 May 3059, the FSS Diligent, a Scout-class Star Colonel would now have to locate and engage
JumpShip, materialized in the binary Virentofta them without the aid of Clan Intelligence, instead
system at a pirate point a mere eighteen hours relying on his aerospace assets, a handful of
away from planet-fall. Guarding that world were captured Sholagars. However, McDaniel had
the 151st Garrison Cluster commanded by Star arranged for the preparation of a trap even before
Colonel Thelen Kotare, a second-line Clan unit initiating the drop into the city of Suzdal.
equipped with captured Inner Sphere designs, Grounding at an LZ (landing zone) several days
second-line Clan machines and reactivated Star travel from Suzdal, but in a conspicuous location,
League designs. In arraying his planetary defense the crew of the Gleaming Saber, an elite squad of
forces, Star Colonel Kotare had made a critical DMI operatives, went about scattering minefields
error by deploying the entire Clusters Mech force and setting booby-traps before abandoning the
to defend the several ammunition caches under DropShip in its LZ. (They were able to evade
his guard. He did not suspect the first target of capture until the SLDF invasion force arrived on
the 1FSACR to be the Watch Headquarters in the planet late June.) When the DropShip was
capital city of Suzdal. spotted from the air, Kotare gathered the remnant
of his Cluster and marched to the LZ. After three
Kommandant McDaniels force combat-dropped days travel he found the DropShip unguarded and
directly into the heart of Suzdal. After a few moved to capture the craft, claiming it as isorla.
minutes search they found their target, an As Kotares Mechs approached the DropShip,
inconspicuous three-story building, and tore it however, they began to take damage from the
apart with laser and physical attacks. Taken mines in their path. The Jaguar MechWarriors,
entirely by surprise, the Clan Smoke Jaguar thinking they were under attack, charged the
Watch were killed to the last man in the collapse DropShip over Kotares fruitless attempt to hold
of the building. Without a moments hesitation, them back, causing further minefield damage to
McDaniel had his force moving for the citys their Mechs.
outskirts and the relative safety of Virentoftas
Your Ad Here!
The loss of the intelligence center was a blow to Advertise with The Review!
Star Colonel Kotares honor and by Clan reckoning
Our proven track record of focused
an unscrupulous attack. Kotare ordered his
commanders to find and punish the raiders for advertising speaks for itself.
their insolence. As McDaniels Group entered the Get results when you list in a
suburbs of Suzdal they encountered a Binary of journal of integrity!
second-line Clan Mechs, including several Contact:
Hellhounds and Vixens. McDaniels Group fell
upon the Clan Binary with devastating efficiency,

Kotare managed to restrain his MechWarriors meanwhile, had boarded two Trinaries of the 151st
from utterly destroying the DropShip and sent his Garrison Cluster onto DropShips and sent them
Elementals inside to investigate. Several were ahead of McDaniels forces into the city. With over
killed by booby-traps, and the DropShip was found thirty Mechs defending the approaches to the
to be deserted. In the meantime, Kommandant warehouses in Kalin, McDaniel made the decision
McDaniel had already doubled back and was not to attack his final objective in hopes of
almost two full days ahead of Kotares forces. By preserving his command. After nightfall
taking the offered bait of the Davion DropShip, McDaniels Group doubled back to Narv to escape
Kotare had failed to stop the 1FSACR unit from
crossing the bridges in the capital city of Suzdal
and escaping onto the continent of New Ukraine.
Once across, McDaniel ordered the bridges
destroyed, slowing Kotares pursuit even more.
The only Clan forces now defending New Ukraine
were a single Trinary of second-line Clan warriors
spread out to cover the three major ammunition

On 2 June 3059, Kommandant McDaniel hit the

first of the supply warehouses in the city of Kiev.
The few Elementals defending the site were
quickly scattered or eliminated, and McDaniels
Group quickly set to work preparing the demolition
of the supply depot. In an explosion that was
heard for kilometers the main military
consumables depot on-planet was destroyed,
leaving not even a single clip of machine gun
ammunition within.

With the first of the warehouses eliminated,

McDaniels Group continued westward to the city
of Narv. Several kilometers outside of Narv the
1FSACR encountered two Stars of Clan Mechs.
The resulting battle ended when Command
Sergeant-Major Schuders Mad Cat destroyed the
Jaguar Star Captains Man O War in one on one
combat. McDaniels Group had taken moderate
damage but had sustained no losses. It seemed
as though the luck of the Fox was truly with them.
Rather than retreat, McDaniel pushed into the city
of Narv and eliminated over 60% of the supplies
located there before being forced to evacuate.
With Clan reinforcements beginning to arrive,
Kommandant McDaniel left Narv and set out for
the port city of Kalin.

On 14 June, Kommandant McDaniel arrived in

the hills surrounding Kalin. Star Colonel Kotare,

the two Trinaries now threatening to encircle his destroyed 75% of all the ammunition stockpiles
force. By 26 June, however, the Smoke Jaguars on the planet. Only the warehouses in the city of
had begun to close the noose around the Kalin were left intact (and these were captured
1FSACR. Unable to flee, McDaniel chose to by the SLDF forces). It was easily the most
mount his defense from a rocky outcropping successful of the Operation Bird Dog raids
outside the city known simply as Hill 330. assigned to House Davion. Only the Ryuken-yon
matched them in extracting their entire force,
What neither Star Colonel Kotare nor although they were relieved in the first wave of
Kommandant McDaniel knew was that on that day Operation Bulldog, not the second.
the full strength of the 1FSACR had arrived in-
system, along with the 31st ComGuard Division, Leftenant Keane and Command Sergeant-Major
the 42nd Galedon Regulars, the Northwind Schuder were awarded the Federated
Hussars and Stirlings Fusiliers. Operation Commonwealth Medal of Honor. For his
Bulldog had arrived at Virentofta and hunter would exemplary actions on Virentofta, Kommandant
now become the hunted. Xavier McDaniel was awarded the Federated
Commonwealth Medal of Honor and the Star
For the next eight hours McDaniels Group fought League Medal of Honor. Perhaps the greatest
off four minor probing actions and two major honor, however, was that the grateful populace
assaults against his position on Hill 330. Each of Virentofta renamed Hill 330 McDaniels Hill, but
time the Smoke Jaguar forces advanced more the local farmers know it as the point of the
determined to destroy the raiders, but each time sword.
they were pushed back. By the third major assault
most of McDaniels BattleMechs were barely Outnumbered and out-equipped, facing savage
functional, their weapons ports glowing with heat. foes thirsty for blood, the men and women of the
(The left arm of Leftenant Andrew Keanes Black AFFS who participated in Operation Bird Dog are
Hawk-KU actually melted away from its shoulder heroes in the finest tradition of the Federated
actuator.) Just when it seemed McDaniels force Suns. The High Command might justifiably hand
would be overrun, several advance elements of out a helmet-full of Diamond Sunbursts to the
the 1FSACR began to advance behind the Smoke MechWarriors of McDaniels Group. Such
Jaguar positions. With Leftenant-General heroism has become so common in the AFFS that
Rennard at the head of the Third Battalions First there is danger we might come to regard it as
Company, the fresh Davion Mechs savaged what commonplace. It is not. It is the rarest and most
remained of the Smoke Jaguar Trinary, narrowly precious of virtues that a young man or woman
saving McDaniels Group. risk life and limb for kin and country, and it is duty
that we note and remember these deeds, now
In the end, the 151st Garrison Cluster chose death and for all time.
over dishonor; they fought to the last man and
none were taken alive. Conversely, McDaniels Lft. Col. Jesse Ruczynski
Group had suffered no casualtiesan amazing
feat. Of the OmniMechs that accompanied them About the author: Leftenant Colonel Ruczynski
through the mission only two, Command began his career with the AFFS in 3055 at the
Sergeant-Major Hans Schuders Mad Cat and age of eighteen after graduating from the Albion
Sergeant Autumn Lhasas Firestarter, were Military Academy on New Avalon. He served with
salvageable. the Kestrel Grenadiers seeing action both in the
Chaos March and Operation Bulldog. He currently
In debriefing and subsequent analysis it was found serves with the faculty of the War College of
that the 1FSACR not only succeeded in their Goshens Department of Military History while
primary objective, the elimination of the Clan recuperating from wounds suffered in action
Smoke Jaguar intelligence arm, but also had during the recent Civil War.

T he AFFS has used the same standard AFFS Infantry Companies
organization scheme for its Regimental Combat
Teams for centuries. Many consider it a tradition The AFFS fields a variety of regular infantry
that should not be touched, but now is the perfect companies. Equipment issues among
time to correct deficiencies in the organization companies can vary widely depending on a
that the AFFS has managed to ignore for units location, funding priority and mission
decades. but basic company organization is the same
throughout all infantry company types with
The standard RCT organization scheme, which the exception of jump infantry.
has been in use for centuries, forms what
amounts to a division around a single BattleMech The basic building block of an AFFS infantry
regiment. It is typical for RCTs to have one company is the infantry platoon. Most AFFS
BattleMech regiment, two aerospace fighter infantry platoons are made up of 28 soldiers
wings, three armor regiments: usually two organized into four squads of seven. The
medium and one heavy, and five infantry first squad is led by the platoon leader, a
regiments: one jump, two mechanized and two leftenant, and functions as the heavy
foot. All of these assets are administratively weapons element of the platoon. The six
controlled from one of three brigade remaining soldiers in the squad are divided
headquarters units: aerospace, armored and up into two or three man teams which operate
infantry; the BattleMech regiment is normally any support weapons assigned to the
administratively controlled directly by the RCT platoon. Each of these weapons teams,
Headquarters. whether two or three troops, are led by a
corporal. The other soldiers are privates. The
During operations portions of the regiments are platoons three other squads are designated
traded among the various brigades and rifle squads, and each consists of a sergeant
regiments to form mutually supporting combined as the squad leader, and two fire teams of
arms units; note that it is common practice to three soldiers each. The fire teams each
trade units down to the company level. As an consist of a fire team leader and two riflemen,
example, normally one of the armor regiments a corporal and two privates, respectively.
in the RCT trades two of its armor battalions, one
each, to the combat teams two mechanized The AFFS, like every other military, organizes
infantry regiments. The result is three its jump infantry into platoons of 21 soldiers.
mechanized infantry heavy combined arms This tradition goes back to the Terran Alliance
regiments despite the fact that one is still called Marine Corps of the 22nd century when it was
an armor regiment. Battalions within the found that jump infantry platoons with more
combined arms regiments will also trade than three squads were simply too difficult to
companies to form a mechanized infantry heavy command and control effectively on the
combined arms battalion. As a general rule the battlefield. A jump infantry platoons squads
AFFS does not trade platoons among different are organized like foot infantry and any
types of companies. support weapons the platoon may have are
distributed among the three squads.
This scheme allows a standard RCT to field three
ground combat brigades: the BattleMech Brigade AFFS infantry companies, regardless of type,
consisting of the RCT BattleMech regiment and have three infantry platoons and a separate
the jump infantry regiment; an armored brigade company command team, which consists of
consisting of three mechanized infantry heavy the company commander, company first ser-
combined arms regiments; and an infantry geant and company administrative special-
brigade consisting of two foot infantry regiments ist. The company commander, of course,

and an armored support regiment. Note that the
third armor regiment, generally a cavalry unit, and leads the entire company and is responsible
all RCT combat support assets, are attached for everything within it. The companys first
or assigned to these brigades at the discretion of sergeant fulfills a number of rolls: he is the
the RCT headquarters but only when a specific company commanders primary tactical ad-
mission requires it. visor and the companys senior administra-
tor, as well as the chief enlisted liaison be-
This operational organization has worked tween the soldiers and the officers of the com-
efficiently for the AFFS for centuries and is an pany. The first sergeant is also in line to com-
excellent combination of firepower, mobility and mand the company should the company com-
support assets that can accomplish, without mander and the platoon leaders become ca-
assistance, most any mission that the AFFS gives sualties. The company administrative spe-
it. The problem is the transition from the cialist is usually a corporal or sergeant, and
administrative organization of garrison duty to the as the title suggests, is the main company
battlefields operational organization. clerk with duties covering both supply and
personnel issues. Although he is a part of
When in garrison the AFFS normally groups a the company he is not an infantryman and is
regiment together in one location; this aids therefore often over looked in articles cover-
administration and training, and keeps down both ing infantry organization.
transport costs for supplies and travel expenses.
Although BattleMech regiments are routinely split Foot infantry do not have transport vehicles
up to garrison two or more facilities on a planet, assigned at company level; the old shoe-
or even two planets, it is rare for conventional leather express is their primary means of
regiments to be split up. transport on the battlefield. For support, foot
infantry must rely on the weapons they carry.
Regimental Combat Teams do not transition to To provide a good compromise between
their tactical organization until placed on alert, mobility and firepower most support weapons
either by their commander, his deputy, or some are concentrated in a single platoon: the
higher authority. And therein lies the problem. Heavy Weapons Platoon. The types of
On numerous occasions during the recent civil weapons in heavy weapons platoons vary but
war, entire regiments were caught flatfooted generally they have at least two light mortars
without support because the enemy was not seen and two semi-portable or support machine
coming, they were already on planet! In many guns. Recoilless rifles are also popular
cases a distance of only a few dozen kilometers because of the variety of ammunition that they
can use. The other two platoons in a foot
infantry company are normally organized as
standard rifle platoons. Some foot infantry
companies, especially those classified as
light infantry, simply have three rifle platoons
and a command element, forgoing any
support weapons heavier than a semi-
portable machine gun.

Mechanized infantry in the AFFS is defined

as infantry that has armored transport
assigned at the platoon level. The armored
vehicles crew is considered a part of the
infantry platoon though they remain with the
vehicle. All three platoons in an AFFS

separated armor and infantry regiments, leaving
them completely vulnerable to attacks that mechanized infantry company are usually
exploited weaknesses due to their lack of equipped with the same type of weapons and
mutually supporting combined arms forces. all operate as mechanized rifle platoons.
Arrangements for the company command
RCT combat regiments should be reorganized team vary from company to company but
so that they are fully functional combined arms most company commanders ride with the first
formations even when in garrison. Major platoon; the first sergeant frequently rides
additions and revisions to tactical plans and with the second platoon and the company
existing structures would be unnecessary since administrative specialist usually rides in the
all that is required is the swapping of companies, company field train.
on a permanent basis, between regiments. In
most cases existing headquarters units are AFFS jump infantry companies are organized
already versed in how to operate as combined like any other infantry company with three
arms units on the battlefield; all that needs to be platoons and a company command team.
done is to train them to administer that formation. AFFS jump infantry platoons are normally
issued the same types of weapons and
The RCT brigades should also be renamed to operate as three rifle platoons although some
reflect this new reality, mechanized infantry companies follow the foot infantry model and
heavy combined arms regiments should form the have a heavy weapons platoon and two rifle
bulk of the forces assigned to the newly renamed platoons.
Mechanized Infantry Brigade. The Infantry
Brigade would be formed around an armored
support regiment and the existing foot infantry
regiments already assigned to the RCT. Serious Repatriation Bond Project
thought should also be given to adding a third
foot infantry regiment to the RCT to insure that
Needs You!
the Infantry Brigade has three full infantry
All of us lost loved ones in the Civil War, and
regiments, capable of handling operations in
the entire Nation is struggling to rebuild not just
areas where the armored support regiment would
our economy and our cities, but also our military.
be of little use.
We know that hardship is the standard for all of
The BattleMech and Aerospace Brigades as they
us now, but imagine if you had lived through
currently exist would not require any modification,
the horror of that conflict and were still not able
and existing combat support and combat service
even to reach home? That is the case for a
support units would continue to operate as they
number of AFFS troops still within Lyran Alliance
always have, attached or assigned at the
territory. By bringing them home, not only will
discretion of the RCT headquarters.
you help reunite loved ones by repatriating our
courageous defenders, you will also bolster our
The reorganization could be done now, with a
defense at the same time.
minimum of disruption, as units rebuild following
our recent civil war. The reorganization wont
We ask not that our fellows, who have already
prevent a surprise attack, but it will reduce our
lost so much, give more than they are able.
vulnerability to it.
However, should you find the means, we, the
Staff of The Review, humbly support the
Maj. Gen. Angela Voss
Repatriation Bond Project which seeks to return
our wayward defenders and we urge those who
Major General Voss is currently the commander
are able to aid this noble cause.
of the Davion Light Guards RCT Infantry Brigade.

Overall Concept/Content Editing: Jonathan B. Andrus (MadDogMaddux)
Layout and Graphics: Chris Thompson (TeamNutmeg)
Additional Graphics: Ken Nabors (Yuri Hikado), FanPro, and the U.S. Government
Text Editor: Geoff Swift, PhD (97Jedi)

- Lt. General Thomas J. Jackson: Jonathan B. Andrus (MadDogMaddux)
- Maj. Ryan Steadman: Geoff Swift, PhD (97Jedi)
- Dr. Shanti Jodipurkar: "Tobias Francis"
- Genevieve Buckley: "Tobias Francis"
- Ishmael Brightly: "Tobias Francis"
- Captain Isaiah Moses Rosner: (fallen_angel)
- Maj. Daniel Callen: Duane Bywaters (boilerman)
- Father F. Thomassi: "Tobias Francis"
- I. Prescott Snell: "Tobias Francis"
- Lt. Gen. Pavel V. Miliukov: (miatezhnyi)
- Commodore Henri Rollet: Duane Bywaters (boilerman)
- Maj. Benjamin F. Marion: Ben Klinefelter (Shadow6)
- Lft. Col. Jesse Ruczynski: Chris Johnstone (Generalstoner)
- Maj. Gen. Angela Voss: Duane Bywaters (boilerman)
- Maj. Jacob Pontiac Brothers: Geoff Swift, PhD (97Jedi)

Other Pieces:
- Advertisements: Ken Nabors (Yuri Hikado) and Chris Thompson (TeamNutmeg)
- Filler Text: Geoff Swift, PhD (97Jedi)

Additional Research: Chris Thompson (TeamNutmeg)

Special thanks to Jeff "Jellyjoker" Liggett for the exceptional CGI piece featured on our cover!

"WizKids LLC has sole ownership of the names, logo, artwork, marks, photographs, sounds, audio, video
and/or any proprietary material used in connection with the game Classic BattleTech. WizKids, LLC has
granted permission to The Review to use such names, logos, artwork, marks and/or any written materials
for promotional and informational purposes on its website but does not endorse, and is not affiliated with,
The Review in any official capacity whatsoever."


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