Classroom English

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Classroom English

A Translate and learn these phrases. Use them in class B Translate and learn these phrases to help you speak English
Your language
Can I borrow please?
Can you pass .. please?
Excuse me!
Thats/isnt mine.
Can you help me please?
Just a moment please.
How do you say in English?
I havent finished yet?
Come on. Hurry up!
Whose turn is it?
Sorry? /Pardon?
Its my/your turn.
Could you say that again?
You go first.
Could you write that on the
What did he/she say?
board please?
It doesnt matter.
Whats the opposite of ...?
What do you mean?
What do you think?
Past tense of....?
What/how about you?
What does . mean?
Im not sure.
Im sorry. I dont understand.
Lets ask the teacher.
Is this right or wrong?
Which page?
Have you got a . please?
Can I go to the toilet please?
Sorry Im late.
See you on (Monday).
Have a nice weekend.

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