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Marwa explores the outdoors.

Hi Marwa, today was a beautiful sunny day so we went outside. You were so excited and started
crawling all around the yard. You crawled over to the slide so I thought seeing as youd come
so far Id pick you up and hold onto you as you went down the small slide. You were so happy
you squealed with delight which made mummy come outside to see if you were ok. She smiled
when she saw you having fun. Next I put you in the swing, the first week you were here you
werent too happy about going high but today the higher I pushed you the happier you became
After having a long swing I put you back on the ground where you made your way over to a
hoola hoop. You were able to pick it up, and as your wee arms stretched across the hoop your
little tongue poked out, you were focussing so hard on what you were doing that you never
realised I was taking pictures however when you finally looked at me, you started to pose for
me. Youre such a sweet wee girl and its so nice to see you happy and not crying out for mummy.

Your individual learning goal for this term was to adjust to your new surroundings and become
less reliant on your mummy. We are all so proud of you Marwa, you have settled in well and
now accept that mummy is still in the building even though you cant see her you realise shes
not far away. Ma-sha-Allah.

Belonging / Mana Whenua: Children experience an environment where they are affirmed
as individuals and recognise and appreciating your own ability to learn.

What Next: Well Marwa, we realise you can almost walk and are quiet capable of walking
around the furniture, so the next step will be helping you become more independent and work
with you to start walking unaided.
Teacher Lynda October 2017

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