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Food: Where Does It Come From 1

Worksheet 1

1. Give two examples for each of the following.

(a) Herbivores _____________________________________________
(b) Carnivores _____________________________________________
(c) Omnivores _____________________________________________
(d) Parasites _____________________________________________
(e) Scavengers _____________________________________________
2. Complete the following table.

Food Sources
S. No.
product (Name the animals providing the food product)

(a) Egg

(b) Milk

(c) Meat

(d) Honey

3. Understand the relationship between each pairs and fill in the blanks.
(a) Deer : Herbivore : : Human : ________________
(b) Pulses : Plants : : Honey : ________________
(c) Orange : Fruit : : Wheat : ________________
(d) Milk : Cow : : Egg : ________________
Worksheet 1
1 Food: Where Does It Come From
Worksheet 2

1. Define the following terms.

(a) Autotrophs _____________________________________________
(b) Parasites _______________________________________________
(c) Omnivores _____________________________________________
(d) Scavengers _____________________________________________
2. Encircle the odd one out. Give reasons for your choice.
(a) rice, maize, barley, sugar cane
(b) cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, sunflower
(c) spinach, methi, coriander, onion
(d) meat, cheese, mustard, honey
(e) ginger, garlic, chikoo, potato
3. Differentiate between vegetarians and non-vegetarians.
2 Saraswati Science Teacher's Manual 6
Components of Food 2
Worksheet 1

1. Name three foods items that are rich in the following nutrients.
(a) Fibre _____________________________________________
(b) Sugar _____________________________________________
(c) Fats _____________________________________________
(d) Starch _____________________________________________
(e) Proteins _____________________________________________
2. Name the following.
(a) The disease caused by the deficiency of iron.
(b) The sugar found in milk.
(c) The disease caused by the deficiency of vitamin A.
(d) The disease caused by the deficiency of proteins.
(e) The disorder caused by overeating.
3. Write the food components that are associated with the following
deficiency diseases.
(a) Marasmus _______________________________
(b) Night blindness _______________________________
(c) Osteoporosis _______________________________
(d) Kwashiorkor _______________________________
(e) Anaemia _______________________________
Worksheet 3
2 Components of Food
Worksheet 2

1. Define the following.

(a) Balanced diet
(b) Saturated fats
(c) Animal proteins
(d) Roughage
2. Mention the nutrients which may be lacking in one's diet in case of the
following diseases.
(a) A child having rickets. ______________________
(b) A person suffering from scurvy. ______________________
(c) A child suffering from kwashiorkor. ______________________
(d) A person suffering from beri-beri. ______________________
3. Name two food sources for each of the following.
(a) Vitamin B1 _______________________________
(b) Vitamin C _______________________________
(c) Vitamin D _______________________________
(d) Calcium _______________________________
4 Saraswati Science Teacher's Manual 6
Fibre to Fabric 3
Worksheet 1

1. Correct the following sentences by changing the underlined words.

(a) Cotton is a warm season crop that requires
low rainfall. __________
(b) Nylon and rayon are natural fibres. __________
(c) Retting is needed to extract silk fibre. __________
Jute is obtained from the coconut husk. __________
(e) A loom has lengthwise frames called weft. __________
(f) Cotton is rough, whereas jute and silk are soft. __________
Nylon is used for making clothing, carpet and felt. __________
Silk is obtained from the hair of sheep. __________
(i) The process of separation of fibres from seeds is
called spinning. __________
(j) The fibres from cotton seeds are separated by
plastic combs. __________
2. Fill in the blanks.
(a) Jute is obtained by the process of retting from the stems of ___________
(b) _______________ are devices used to spin cotton fibres.
(c) A loose strand or rope of cotton fibres is called _______________.
(d) Silk is obtained from the _______________ of the silkworms.
(e) _______________ cotton is used as an absorbent in hospitals.
(f) In olden days, spinning was done using _______________.
(g) _______________ was the first man-made fibre.
Worksheet 5
3 Fibre to Fabric
Worksheet 2

1. Define the following.

(a) Lanolin _______________________________________________
(b) Bobbins _______________________________________________
(c) Silver ________________________________________________
(d) Shearing _______________________________________________
2. Write (T) for true statements and (F) for false statements.
(a) Wool is a synthetic fibre.
(b) Clothes made from synthetic fibres are stronger, dry
easily, and do not wrinkle.
(c) Natural fibres lose their crease quickly.
(d) Cotton clothes stick to our body during summer and are
uncomfortable to wear.
(e) Cotton is a fibre which is obtained from the outer cover
of the coconut husk.
(f) Cotton is a warm season crop that requires moderate
(g) Polyester is used to make gunny bags, potato sacks,
carpets, curtains, etc.
(h) Jute is used to make bandages and dressings.
6 Saraswati Science Teacher's Manual 6
Sorting Materials into Groups 41
Worksheet 1

1. Name the following.

(a) Two solids which are insoluble in water __________ , __________
(b) Two liquids which are insoluble in water __________ , __________
(c) Two gases which are insoluble in water __________ , __________
(d) Two solids which are soluble in water __________ , __________
(e) Two gases which are soluble in water __________ , __________
2. Find the odd one out from the following.
(a) gold, silver, wood, aluminium, copper _____________
(b) tissue paper, frosted glass, water, muddy water, fog _____________
(c) sugar, salt, washing soda, lime juice, sand _____________
(d) rubber, sea water, pencil, table, book _____________
(e) plastic ball, iron nail, dry leaf, pencil shaving, plastic block
3. Fill in the blanks.
___________ is the ability of a substance to get dissolved in water.
(b) Substances which allow heat and electricity to pass through them are
known as ___________ of heat and electricity.
___________ is the property of a material to allow light to pass
through it.
(d) Aquatic animals use ___________and___________ dissolved in
water to breathe in water.
(e) Materials through which some light can pass through are called
___________ materials.
Worksheet 7
4 Sorting Materials into Groups
Worksheet 2

1. Define the following terms.

(a) Insulators _____________________________________________
(b) Opaque materials _______________________________________
(c) Magnetism ____________________________________________
(d) Conductors ____________________________________________
2. From the list given below, separate the water-soluble and the water-
insoluble substances.
Vegetable oil, salt, chalk powder, washing soda, cumin seeds, ink,
sugar, wax, petrol, turmeric powder, butter

(a) Substances that are soluble in water ________________________


(b) Substances that are insoluble in water _______________________


8 Saraswati Science Teacher's Manual 6

Separation of Substances 5
Worksheet 1

1. Fill in the blanks.

(a) When harmful substances are mixed in the food items, it is called
(b) The process of separating insoluble solids, suspended in the liquid,
by allowing them to settle down, without any disturbance is called
_________________ is called a universal solvent because it dissolves
many substances in it.
(d) The substance that gets dissolved is called a _________________.
(e) A solution becomes _________________ when no more solute can
be dissolved in the solvent at a given temperature.
_________________ is dissolved in aerated drinks which gives them
a tangy taste.
(g) The process of converting water vapour into water by cooling is called
(h) A _________________ is made up of two or more components and
these components retain their properties.
2. What method of separation would you use to separate the following
Mixture Method
(a) Sand and iron filling
(b) Water and sugar
(c) Rice and stones
(d) Wheat grains and straw pieces
(e) Sugar and some rajma beans
Worksheet 9
5 Separation of Substances
Worksheet 2

1. Write (T) for true and (F) for false statements.

(a) The amount of solute soluble in water increases with the
increase in temperature.
(b) The mixture which has components of the same size are
separated by the process of sieving.
(c) Milk is called a universal solvent because it dissolves
many substances in it.
(d) Churning of curd leads to the separation of butter
appearing as the lower layer and buttermilk as the upper
(e) Resins are used for filtering the solution to make water
fit for drinking.
2. Define the following terms.
(a) Winnowing ____________________________________________
(b) Centrifugation _________________________________________
(c) Loading _______________________________________________
(d) Saturated solution _______________________________________

10 Saraswati Science Teacher's Manual 6

Changes Around Us 6
Worksheet 1

1. Given below are a number of changes. Name them.

(a) Rusting of iron ________________
(b) Melting of ice ________________
(c) Cutting of wood ________________
2. Tick () the odd one out. Give reason.
(i) Boiling of water
(ii) Glowing of bulb
(iii) Growth of tree
(iv) Tearing of paper
3. Differentiate between the following.
(a) Slow and fast changes
(b) Desirable and undesirable changes
(c) Expansion and contraction of materials

Worksheet 11
6 Changes Around Us
Worksheet 2

1. Write (T) for true statements and (F) False for false statements.
(a) Burning of paper is a reversible change. ____________
(b) On cooling, steam changes to water and water
changes to ice. ____________
(c) Force cannot change the shape and size of an object. ____________
(d) Heating increases the solubility of sugar and salt
in the water. ____________
(e) Change is the law of nature. ____________
(f) The conversion of milk to curd can be reversed. ____________
2. Give reasons for the following.
(a) Railway tracks expand in summers and contract in winter.
(b) Cooking of food is a slow and irreversible change.
(c) Change of season is a natural change.
(d) Gases expand the most.
12 Saraswati Science Teacher's Manual 6
Living Things Around Us 7
Worksheet 1

1. Tick () the correct options.

(a) All living things are made up of
(i) skin (ii) bones (iii) muscles (iv) cells
(b) Viruses are exceptions to the cell theory, but they have some
characteristics of living things, such as
(i) They are made up of many specialized cells.
(ii) They contain genetic material.
(iii) They reproduce by meiosis.
(iv) They contain chlorophyll.
(c) Organism having the longest life span is
(i) tortoise (ii) ostrich (iii) man (iv) elephant
(d) Leaves of which plant respond to touch by folding its leaves?
(i) kachnar (ii) water lily (iii) mimosa (iv) sunflower
2. Arrange the below mentioned organisms in ascending order of their
lifespan. Also, write their average lifespan.
Man, Mosquito, Housefly, Bacteria, Tortoise, Dog

Organisms Average lifespan

Worksheet 13
7 Living Things Around Us
Worksheet 2

1. Fill in the blanks.

(a) ___________ egg is the biggest cell in nature.
(b) _________ are the respiratory organs of fish.
(c) Movement of animals in search of food, shelter or mate is called
(d) Animals which eat both plants and flesh are called ______________.
2. According to the animals ability to regenerate body parts, match the
Animals Body part
(a) Lizard (i) legs
(b) Star fish (ii) teeth
(c) Spiders (iii) tail
(d) Sharks (iv) arms
3. Name the plants that respond to stimuli and mention how do they
show response.

14 Saraswati Science Teacher's Manual 6

Getting to Know Plants 8
Worksheet 1

1. Tick () the correct options.

(a) Which of these is a shrub?
(i) mustard (ii) petunia (iii) pomegranate (iv) gulmohur
(b) Which of these is not a part of the plant?
(i) flower (ii) internode (iii) leaf (iv) chlorophyll
(c) Anther contains dust-like particles called ______________.
(i) pollen grains (ii) thalamus (iii) pedicel (iv) stamens
2. Define the following terms.
(a) Creepers
(b) Climbers
(c) Herbs
(d) Trees
3. Match the following.
Column A Column B
(a) Mustard (i) Mango
(b) Chlorophyll (ii) Creepers
(c) Reticulate venation (iii) Photosynthesis
(d) Mint (iv) Herbs
Worksheet 15
8 Getting to Know Plants
Worksheet 2

1. Name the vegetative and reproductive parts of the plant.

Parts of Plant
Vegetative Part Reproductive Part
(a) (a)
(b) (b)
(c) (c)
2. Answer the following.
(a) Differentiate between root system and shoot system.
(b) Give examples of plants in which roots are modified.
(c) Define pistil and write its parts.
(d) What is the function of a flower?

16 Saraswati Science Teacher's Manual 6

Body Movements 9
Worksheet 1

1. Answer the following in one sentence each.

(a) Name the various organs of the skeletal system.
(b) Give an example of pivot joint.
(c) How many bones are there in a child at the time of birth?
(d) How many ribs and bones are present in the rib cage of humans?
2. Write (T) for true or (F) for false statements.
(a) Snail has a shell cover over its body.
(b) Cartilage is harder than bone.
(c) The finger bones do not have joints.
(d) The forearm has two bones.
(e) The movement and locomotion of all animals are exactly
in the same way.
3. Differentiate between the following:
(a) Pectoral girdles and pelvic girdles
(b) Bone and cartilage
Worksheet 17
9 Body Movements
Worksheet 2

1. Write the locomotory organs of the animals given below.

Animals Locomotory Organs
(a) Fish _______________
(b) Snake _______________
(c) Bird _______________
(d) Snail _______________
(e) Man _______________
(f) Earthworm _______________
2. Answer the following.
(a) How do squirrels glide?
(b) How many bones are there in our fingers?
(c) Backbone is not made up of a single bone. Explain?
3. Write (T) for true or (F) for false statements.
(a) There are 106 bones in our hands and feet.
(b) Upper jaw is movable while lower jaw is immovable.
(c) Cockroaches have bones inside their body.
(d) The thigh bone is the longest and strongest bone in our body.
18 Saraswati Science Teacher's Manual 6
The Living Organisms and
their Surroundings 10
Worksheet 1

1. Define the following in one sentence each.

(a) Adaptations
(b) Xerophytes
(c) Acclimatizations
2. Fill in the blanks.
(a) In cactus, leaves are reduced to___________.
(b) Rattlesnake is found in __________ habitat.
(c) ___________ has long claws in its front legs and sharp-pointed teeth.
(d) ___________ is used to see the microorganisms.
(e) ___________ forests are called as taiga.
3. Differentiate between the microorganism and macroorganism

Microorganism Macroorganism

Worksheet 19
The Living Organisms and
10 their Surroundings
Worksheet 2

1. Fill in the blanks.

(a) Fishes have scales on their body. These help them to _________.
(b) The green leaves of plants are called _________.
(c) ___________ is the natural dwelling of an organism.
(d) __________ and __________ habitats are terrestrial habitats having
extremely low temperature.
2. Answer the following.
(a) How does lotus flower float on water? Explain.
(b) What are decomposers? Give examples.
(c) How many types of terrestrial habitats are there? Name them.
3. Write (T) for true or (F) for false statements.
(a) Heterotrophs are food producers.
(b) Mountain goat has strong hooves for running up on the
rocky slopes.
(c) Black bear lives in tropical forests.
(d) Temperate forests have deciduous trees.

20 Saraswati Science Teacher's Manual 6

Motion and Measurement
of Distance 11
Worksheet 1

1. Define the following in one sentence each.

(a) Measurement
(b) Rest
(c) Motion
2. Tick () the correct options.
(a) SI unit of measurement of length is
(i) arm (ii) bamboo (iii) metre (iv) handspan
(b) The unit which is convenient to measure a large distance is
(i) centimetre (ii) decimetre (iii) kilometre (iv) metre
(c) 1 centimetre is equal to
(i) 10 dm (ii) 1 m (iii) 10 inches (iv) 10 mm
(d) Motion of which of these objects is known as a periodic motion?
(i) pendulum (ii) aeroplane (iii) flying bird (iv) train
3. Fill in the blanks.
(a) _______, _______ and _______ are three physical quantities of
(b) _______, _______ and _______ are the non-standard units of
measurement used in old times.
(c) Centimetre and millimetre are used to measure the distances less
than one metre and are called _______________.

Worksheet 21
Motion and Measurement
11 of Distance
Worksheet 2

1. Write full form of the following.

(a) NPL : _________________________________________
(b) CGS : _________________________________________
2. Match the following.
(a) 1 kilometre (i) 100 centimetres
(b) 1 centimetre (ii) 10 millimetres
(c) 1 decimetre (iii) 1000 metres
(d) 1 metre (iv) 10 centimetres
3. Differentiate between the following.
(a) Rectilinear motion and curvilinear motion.
Rectilinear Motion Curvilinear Motion

(b) Periodic motion and non-periodic motion.
Periodic Motion Non-Periodic Motion

22 Saraswati Science Teacher's Manual 6
Light, Shadows and Reflection 12
Worksheet 1

1. Fill in the blanks.

(a) An object which gives out its own light is called a ___________ object.
(b) _________ is the major and natural source of light.
(c) ___________ materials do not allow light to pass through them.
(d) ___________ travels in a straight line.
2. Tick () the correct options.
a) Which of these is not required to form a shadow?
(i) source of light (ii) an opaque object
(iii) water (iv) surface or screen
b) Which of these is a luminous object?
(i) table (ii) car (iii) tree (iv) torch
(c) Which of them is a translucent object?
(i) glass (ii) cellophane sheet
(iii) oiled paper (iv) cardboard sheet
3. Define the following.
(a) What is light?
(b) What is lateral inversion?
(c) What is a shadow?
(d) What is a fuzzy shadow?
Worksheet 23
12 Light, Shadows and Reflection
Worksheet 2

1. Answer the following in one sentence each.

(a) How does the size of the shadow of the same object vary?
(b) How many parts are there in a shadow?
(c) Write two differences between shadow and image.
Shadow Image

2. Classify the following objects among the three categories i.e.
transparent, translucent and opaque.
Butter Paper, glass tumbler, fog, wood, wall, smoke, Glycerine,
cardboard sheet, pure water

Transparent Translucent Opaque

24 Saraswati Science Teacher's Manual 6

Electricity and Circuit 13
Worksheet 1

1. Define the following terms.

(a) Dry Cell
(b) Primary Cell
(c) Secondary Cell
2. Fill in the blanks.
(a) A device that is used to break an electric circuit is called an __________.
(b) ___________________ is a material through which chemical reaction
takes place in a cell.
(c) The most conductive metal is ___________________.
(d) An electric bulb has a thin wire inside it called a ________________.
3. Write (T) for true or (F) for false statements.
(a) Electric current can flow through metals.
(b) Instead of metal wires, a plastic string can be used to make
(c) A cell has two terminals, positive and negative terminal.
(d) Electricity generated from portable generators is less dangerous
than from that generated the cell.
Worksheet 25
13 Electricity and Circuit
Worksheet 2

1. Tick () the correct option.

(a) Which of the following is part of an electric cell?
(i) negative terminal (ii) brass cap
(iii) carbon rod (iv) All of these
(b) Filament of a bulb is made of
(i) thick wire (ii) thin wire (iii) graphite (iv) metal cap
(c) Which of these flows through an electric circuit?
(i) water (ii) wind (iii) current (iv) wire
2. Match the following columns.
Column A Column B
(a) Insulator (i) Graphite
(b) Button cell (ii) Rubber
(c) Non-metal conductor (iii) Calculator
3. Answer the following.
(a) Difference between conductors and insulators.
Conductors Insulators

(b) Pure water is an insulator but lime juice is a conductor. If yes, explain

26 Saraswati Science Teacher's Manual 6

Fun with Magnets 14
Worksheet 1

1. Define the following terms.

(a) Magnet
(b) Poles of magnet
(c) Lodestone
(d) Magnetic compass
2. Fill in the blanks.
(a) Loadstone is also known as _______________ and ______________.
(b) Due to _______________ property of magnet, magnet align its poles
to North-South poles of earth.
(c) _______________ is used to keep magnet safe.
(d) _______________ and _______________ are the poles of a magnet.
3. Match the columns.
Column A Column B
(a) Keeper (i) Attraction
(b) North-South Poles (ii) Low magnetic power
(c) Electromagnet (iii) Soft iron
(d) Natural magnet (iv) Temporary magnet

Worksheet 27
14 Fun with Magnets
Worksheet 2

1. Differentiate following with examples.

(a) Magnetic substances and non-magnetic substances
Magnetic substances Non-magnetic substances

(b) Temporary magnet and permanent magnet
Temporary magnet Permanent magnet

2. Answer the following in one sentence each.
(a) Write the different shapes of artificial magnets.
(b) What will happen if a magnet is heated at high temperature?
(c) Why is there a need to make artificial magnets?
28 Saraswati Science Teacher's Manual 6
Water 15
Worksheet 1

1. Answer the following in one word or one sentence.

(a) How much water is available as fresh water on the earth?
(b) Which place in the world receives the maximum amount of rainfall?
2. Write (T) for true and (F) for false statements.
(a) Water is not required for the digestion of food.
(b) Domestic purposes use the lowest share of total available water.
(c) Landslides is common on hills.
(d) Soil erosion occurs only due to flood.
3. Define the following in one sentence each.
(a) Underground water
(b) Drought
(c) Snow
(d) Flood

Worksheet 29
15 Water
Worksheet 2

1. Choose the correct options.

(a) Building dams is a solution to _____________.
(i) flood (ii) drought
(iii) flood and drought (v) none of them
(b) _____________ reduces the visibility.
(i) Fog (ii) Hailstorm (ii) Snow (iv) Dew
(c) Which source of water is not fit for drinking?
(i) snow (ii) rain
(iii) lakes (iv) oceans and seas
(d) Loss of water by plants to surrounding air in the form of water vapour
is called __________.
(i) condensation (ii) transpiration
(iii) precipitation (iv) None of these
2. (a) Differentiate between rooftop rainwater harvesting and drain water
Rooftop rainwater harvesting Drain water harvesting

30 Saraswati Science Teacher's Manual 6
Air Around Us 16
Worksheet 1

1. Give one word for the following.

(a) The envelope of air around the earth's surface __________
(b) The gas used to prepare fertilisers __________
(c) The gas supporting necessary processes like burning, respiration,
digestion, etc. __________
(d) The gaseous state of water which is present in atmosphere.
(e) The process of breaking down of food in the body cells in the
presence of oxygen to produce energy. __________
2. Fill in the blanks.
(a) __________ air is filled in the tyres of vehicles.
(b) All organisms require _________ gas for their survival.
(c) __________ need breathing systems for both air and water.
(d) Plants exchange gases through tiny openings present on their leaf
surface called __________.
(e) The addition of undesirable substances in the air which are harmful to
the living beings is called __________.
3. Write any four uses of air.
(a) ______________________________________________________
(b) ______________________________________________________
(c) ______________________________________________________
(d) ______________________________________________________

Worksheet 31
16 Air Around Us
Worksheet 2

1. Complete the following.

(a) Take a small amount of soil from your garden in a glass tumbler. Add
water in it. You will see the formation of air bubbles. This shows
(b) Take an empty bottle. Take a trough containing water. Now, invert the
empty bottle on a trough containing water. You will notice that water
does not enter into the bottle. If you tilt the bottle you will notice air
bubbles and water fills in the bottle. This activity shows

with air

Empty bottle

Air occupies space

2. List some important ways to reduce air pollution.
32 Saraswati Science Teacher's Manual 6
Garbage in, Garbage out 17
Worksheet 1

1. Separate the items given below into biodegradable and non-

biodegradable items.
(a) glass (b) vegetable peel
(c) plastic (d) pencil shavings
(e) tin cans (f) flowers
(g) cow dung (h) aluminium container
(i) thermocol balls (j) seeds
Biodegradable items _________________________________________
Non-biodegradable items ____________________________________
2. Fill in the blanks.
(a) The rottening of waste is supported by __________________.
(b) Animal dung is used to produce __________________ which can be
used as a source for cooking food in villages.
(c) The process of rottening and conversion of waste materials into
manure is called __________________.
(d) __________________ garbage bin is used for collecting kitchen,
plant and animal wastes.
(e) Making compost from red worms is called __________________ as
they make use of worms.
(f) Non-rottening wastes can be reused by __________________ them.
(g) Garbage that does not rot should be thrown in a __________________.
Worksheet 33
17 Garbage in, Garbage out
Worksheet 2

1. Define the following terms.

(a) Biodegradable wastes
(b) Landfill
(c) Recycling
(d) Land pollution
(e) Composting
2. Write (T) for true and (F) for false statements.
(a) Empty plastic bottles and polythene bags cannot be used again.
(b) Non-biodegradable waste is hazardous to mankind.
(c) Air pollution affects growth of plants.
(d) Old newspapers can be recycled.
(e) Waste is something which can be used.
34 Saraswati Science Teacher's Manual 6

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