Journal of Loss Prevention in The Process Industries

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Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 23 (2010) 813e823

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Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries

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Risk assessment and land-use planning regulations in France

following the AZF disaster
Jrme Taveau
Institut de Radioprotection et de Sret Nuclaire, IRSN/DSU/SERIC/BAIN, 31, avenue de la Division Leclerc, 92 260 FONTENAY AUX ROSES cedex, France

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: After the disaster of AZF plant in Toulouse on 21 September 2001 (31 people killed, 3000 injured and 3
Received 22 December 2009 billion dollars of damage), France adopted a new law relative to safety reports and land-use planning on
Received in revised form 30 July 2003. This law asks for the investigation of all representative scenarios and the assessment
13 April 2010
of their probabilities to demonstrate the acceptable level of safety of an industrial facility. Therefore
Accepted 14 April 2010
signicant changes were introduced in the way of doing risk analysis in France and some difculties were
found for the implementation of a probabilistic approach.
This paper presents the new approach of risk analysis established by the French Ministry of the
Land-use planning
Environment, and particularly focuses on:
Risk analysis  the benets and limits of the semi-quantitative probabilistic assessment method;
Risk assessment  the benets and difculties to use a quantitative probabilistic assessment method;
Semi-quantitative risk assessment  some learning from the risk analysis approaches carried out in the nuclear industry;
Quantitative risk assessment (QRA)  some discussion about the national matrix to appreciate the gravity of human consequences from an
Probabilistic safety assessment accident outside facilities.
Failure rates 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Purple Book

1. Introduction This accident highlighted some deciencies in land-use plan-

ning (proximity of dwellings, lack of communication with inhabi-
At 10:15 am on 21 September 2001, a huge explosion occurred at tants) and risk control (accidental scenario not taken into account
the AZF (Azote de France) fertiliser factory of Grande Paroisse in safety report, inefcient management of subcontractors).
rm, located about 3 km outside the city of Toulouse in France. The In the aftermath of this disaster, the approaches of land-use
explosion was measured 3.4 on the Richter scale and let a crater of planning and risk analysis in safety reports were entirely revised.
65 m  54 m  8 m. 31 people were killed (21 people killed onsite Before 2003, only worst-case scenarios were examined without
and 10 people killed offsite) and about 3000 were injured (ARIA, quantied probability assessment. A new law was adopted on 30
2007; Barthlmy, Hornus, Roussot, Hufschmitt, & Raffoux, 2001). July 2003 (French Parliament, 2003), asking for the investigation
The explosion shattered shops, car windows, and tore doors from of all representative scenarios, and the assessment of the proba-
their hinges in the city center. Over 500 houses became unin- bility of the resulting dangerous phenomena, to demonstrate an
habitable. The overall damages are estimated to be 3 billion dollars acceptable level of safety. So any accident is now examined from
(Figs. 1e5). Various hypotheses have been proposed, but the exact a global perspective, according to its gravity and its probability
cause of the explosion remains unclear. What is known is at the (French Ministry of the Environment, 2005a, 2005b, 2005c, 2005d,
time of the explosion, 200e300 tons of ammonium nitrate were 2005e, 2006a). This new statutory approach had in particular three
being stored in the warehouse. This material had been classed main targets:
as unsaleable because it included off-spec product. It seems to
have been contaminated with sodium salt of dichloroisocyanuric  harmonization of risk analysis approaches;
acid (SDIC), increasing the susceptibility of ammonium nitrate to  implementation of a probabilistic approach in order to better
explosive initiation. A public lawsuit was led on 24 February 2009. appreciate the risks as a complement of the deterministic
approach used so far;
 action on existing urbanization and control of the future
E-mail address: land-use planning in the vicinity of high-risk facilities.

0950-4230/$ e see front matter 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
814 J. Taveau / Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 23 (2010) 813e823

Fig. 4. Damaged warehouse at 320 m from the explosion center.

Fig. 1. View of the AZF chemical plant after the explosion (1).

The requirements of this new law were translated into techno-

logical risk prevention plans (PPRT in French), which is a new
tool for managing land-use planning in the vicinity of facilities
(described in Section 2.5).
This paper presents the new approach of risk analysis established
after the AZF disaster and some issues found for its application,
based on the work conducted by the author in the Safety Analysis
Section for Non Nuclear Facilities of the Institute for Radiological
Protection and Nuclear Safety (IRSN) as a peer-reviewer for the
French Ministry of the Environment.

2. Principles of the new approach of risk analysis in France

The French Ministry of the Environment produced guidelines to

implement the new approach of risk analysis, described in a docu-
ment entitled General Principles for the Elaboration of Safety
Reports (French Ministry of the Environment, 2006a).
After a description of the environment of the site, a description
of the process and the equipments, safety reports have to deal with
Fig. 2. View of the AZF chemical plant after the explosion (2).
the following stages:

Fig. 3. View of the AZF chemical plant after the explosion (3). Fig. 5. Damaged warehouse at 380 m from the explosion center.
J. Taveau / Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 23 (2010) 813e823 815

1. Identication of hazards (for example: an LPG tank, a pipe); Table 1

2. Characterisation of main hazards, by estimating the conse- Intensity of effects on humans.

quences of the instantaneous release of all the materials in an Thermal effects Overpressure Toxic
equipment (for example: an LPG tank catastrophic rupture, effects effects
a full bore pipe rupture); 5% lethal effects 8 kW/m2 or 200 mbar LC 5%
3. Reduction of the main hazards, which consists of carrying (1800 kW/m2)4/3 s
1% lethal effects 5 kW/m2 or 140 mbar LC 1%
out technical and economical studies to ensure there is no
(1000 kW/m2)4/3 s
possibility of removing or substituting hazardous materials, Irreversible 3 kW/m2 or 50 mbar IET
or reducing as much as possible the quantities of hazardous effects (600 kW/m2)4/3 s
products (for example: using smaller LPG tanks and pipes); LC: lethal concentration (for 1% or 5% of the population exposed).
4. Learning from accidents, i.e. taking into account the feedback IET (irreversible effect threshold): level at which the effects are expected to cause
on accidents in the facility and its branch of activity to show irreversible effects on human health.
the measures taken to counter such accidents (for example,
learning from the Feyzin (1966) and Mexico (1984) accidents in
the LPG industry); 2.2. Probability levels
5. Preliminary risk analysis, by using techniques such as HAZID;
the accidental scenarios are ranked by using a matrix in order Probability is the frequency with which an incident may occur
to select the critical ones (for instance scenarios with offsite during the lifetime of a facility. The probability of an event can be
consequences); assessed:
6. Detailed risk analysis, by using techniques such as HAZOP,
where all the scenarios based on process deviation are inves-  qualitatively; the French Ministry of the Environment has
tigated by the analysis of the necessary causes leading to the dened a grid, with ve probability levels, that can be used
accident: failure of a sensor, corrosion, vehicle impact, etc.; during the preliminary risk analysis or for simple facilities
7. Evaluation of the intensity of dangerous phenomena, using (Table 3);
analytical formulae or modelling softwares like PHAST or FLACS  quantitatively; in this case, the probability is the result of
(for example: a jet re from a loading/unloading arm for a more detailed risk analysis (see Section 3.2).
a truck, a vapour cloud explosion in a storage area);
8. Assessment of the probability of dangerous phenomena, i.e.
estimating the probability of initiating events, the probability
2.3. Representation of accidental scenarios
of central events, the probability of failure of safety barriers,1
and nally the probability of each dangerous phenomenon
In France, bow-ties have become very popular and largely used
(vapour cloud explosion, jet re, etc.);
in safety reports since 2003. This representation of major accidents,
9. Determination of the potential consequences for people, i.e.
introduced by SHELL, is the combination of a failure tree, on the left,
the number of people killed or injured for each dangerous
and an events tree, on the right.
Bow-ties have the advantage to show how safety barriers
10. Classication of the scenarios in the national matrix, in
prevent the propagation of initiating events into accidents and
order to evaluate the acceptability of the facilitys global risk.
all the possible ways which lead to a dangerous phenomenon.
According to Duijm (2009), bow-ties are very helpful in
communication with non-experts. An example of bow-tie is
2.1. Gravity levels given in Fig. 6.

The risk is dened as a function of gravity, probability and

kinetics.2 Table 2
Gravity is the combination of two parameters: Gravity levels.

5% lethal effects 1% lethal effects Irreversible effects

 the intensity of the effects: the three types of effects on people Disastrous >10 >100 >1000
are dened and mapped according to three intensity levels Catastrophic 1e10 10e100 100e1000
(Table 1); indirect effects such as injuries due to broken windows Major 1 1e10 10e100
Serious 0 1 1e10
are also considered;
Moderate 0 0 <1
 the number of people in each dangerous area outside the
facility: the French Ministry of the Environment has estab-
lished some guidelines (French Ministry of the Environment,
2006a) to count people outside the facility (houses, roads,
venues for sporting or cultural events). Table 3
Probability levels.
The French Ministry of the Environment has also dened ve Extremely Realistic Improbable Probable Usual
gravity levels: moderate, serious, major, catastrophic and disastrous unlikely but unlikely scenario scenario scenario
scenario scenario
(Table 2), based on the number of people in each dangerous area. Not impossible Not impossible Already Already Already
considering the but it hasnt happened happened happened
current happened in a similar (or supposed (possibly
knowledge, in a similar industry to have several times)
Physical and/or non-physical means planned to prevent, control, or mitigate but it hasnt industry in the world happened) during
happened during the lifetime
undesired events or accidents. anywhere the lifetime of the facility
The kinetics of a dangerous phenomenon is the speed at which this phenom- in the world of the facility
enon happens and the speed at which its effects reach the population; it can be
< 10 /year > 10 /year > 10 /year > 10 /year > 10 /year
considered if the evacuation of the public is possible.
816 J. Taveau / Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 23 (2010) 813e823

J e t f ire

Release of 7 Flames at offices
Rupture due to overpressure 2 OR hydrocarbon gas

Vehicle impact 3
OR Jet fire 8

Spark from instrument
9 10 Flames at pressure vessel
Spark from electric motor 5 OR Ignition source

Hot work 6

1 : selection of appropriate materials 6 : permit to work system

2 : design pressure > maximum pressure 7 : gas detection causes automatic shutdown
3 : traffic restrictions 8 : flame detection causes automatic shutdown
4 : intrinsically safe equipment 9 : water deluge cools pressure vessel
(for non impacting jet fire)
5 : protected equipment
10 : thermal insulation on pressure vessel

Fig. 6. A simple example of bow-tie.

2.4. Acceptability of the risk 2.5. Technological risk prevention plans (PPRT)

The French Ministry of the Environment has dened a national The aim of the technological risk prevention plans (PPRT in
matrix of acceptability of the risk for high-risk facilities (Table 4). French) is to protect the population, through reducing the risk at
Each dangerous phenomenon is associated to one level of gravity its root source or adopting measures such as protective measures,
and one level of probability. The acceptability of the risk depends construction and land-use planning measures, restriction on use of
on the level of risk and the type of facility (new or existing, keeping land, etc.
in mind that criteria are more severe for new facilities). It consists in assessing and prioritising the risk levels associated
For all facilities, it is not allowed to have dangerous phenom- with the activity of a facility on the territory. These levels enable
enon in the red zone (unacceptable risk): the operator must the denition of zones, each having its own land-use planning and
improve the safety of his operation in order to reduce the risk. It is construction rules. For high-risk levels, expropriation and relin-
also not allowed to have more than 5 dangerous phenomena in the quishment may be applied (French Ministry of the Environment,
orange zone. 2006b).
We can already note that for large facilities, like reneries for The rst step consists in mapping aleas (Fig. 7). Alea is dened as
example, it is common to get several tens of dangerous phenomena the probability that a dangerous phenomenon creates effects of
that have to be ranked, and then easy to overpass the limit of 5 a given intensity, and over a determined period of time at a given
dangerous phenomena in the orange zone. point of the territory (French Ministry of the Environment, 2006b).
In addition, new facilities are only authorized if there is no For this purpose, the dangerous phenomena previously ranked into
dangerous phenomenon in the box NO/MMR2, and if the best the national matrix of acceptability of the risk are used for imple-
available technologies (for prevention and protection) are imple- menting PPRT. Table 5 shows the rules applied for combining
mented. MMR means risk reduction measure, and applies to boxes dangerous phenomena probability levels for land-use planning.
where risk reduction measure may be implemented. Then PPRT is nalised.
In the yellow zone, the facility is authorized under the condition
that the operator has taken all safety measures within a reasonable
cost/effectiveness ratio (ALARP).
In the green zone (low risk), the risk is acceptable and the
facilitys operation is authorized.

Table 4
National matrix of acceptability of the risk.


Disastrous NO/MMR2 NO NO NO NO

Catastrophic MMR1 MMR2 NO NO NO



Serious MMR1 MMR2 NO

Moderate MMR1

Fig. 7. Map of aleas (French Ministry of the Environment, 2006b).

J. Taveau / Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 23 (2010) 813e823 817

Table 5 of the Environment, the assessment of probabilities needs some

Rules for combining dangerous phenomena probability levels for land-use planning. development, because it is quite new.
Maximal level
of intensity on Indirect
Two different approaches are mainly used in French safety
5% lethal effects 1% lethal effects Irreversible effects
people at a effects reports: semi-quantitative and quantitative probabilistic assess-
given point
Dangerous ment methods. This paragraph gives some ndings on benets, limits
probability >D
5E to
< 5E >D
5E to
< 5E >D 5E to D < 5E All
and difculties of applying such approaches.
levels at a given
Very 3.1.1. Semi-quantitative probabilistic assessment method
Very High Medium
Alea level High High Medium Low
High (+) (+) There are different variations for the semi-quantitative method,
depending on the operators practices, but it generally consists
in estimating the probability of initiating events (IE) and the
probability of failure of prevention barriers, in order to obtain the
The second step is the analysis of interaction between aleas and
probability of the central event (CE), by using the probability levels
stakes (Fig. 8), such as dwellings, shops, public buildings, transport
(dened by the French Ministry of the Environment) and a level of
infrastructures, outdoor public spaces, public utilities, etc. (French
condence approach for safety barriers derived from IEC 61508
Ministry of the Environment, 2006b).
criteria. So it can be dened as an order of magnitude method
Then measures are dened to protect population from dangerous
(Fig. 9).
phenomena previously identied. Before being approved, the PPRT
If correctly applied, this method can give a quick evaluation of
gathers the state, regulatory bodies, operators and the population
the probabilities of dangerous phenomenon, and hence help to
into a Local Information and Dialogue Committee.
prioritise loss prevention recommendations. It can be very useful
According to the French Ministry of the Environment, 225
for simple facilities and simple accidental scenarios.
PPRT were nalised (i.e. map of aleas achieved) and 20 approved
On the other hand, this method is often misused: frequency of
(i.e. land-use areas dened and enforced) on 3 December 2009, for
initiating events are generally difcult to justify and doesnt
a total of 421 PPRT.
take into account the number of equipments, the length of pipes,
the frequency of maintenance, etc.
3. Findings from the application of the new Moreover, this approach is not sufcient for complex facilities,
approach of risk analysis because it is too imprecise to study escalation events, which
unfortunately are those which can lead to the biggest consequences.
After the disaster of AZF plant, the French Ministry of the For example, an LPG tank BLEVE could be the consequence
Environment set up national working groups in order to harmonize of many accidental scenarios (Fig. 10). Most of the time, there are
the risk analysis and consequences modelling approaches. Many several equipments on the site, several roads tankers, etc., and
working groups were formed concerning ammonia, chlorine, fer- nally several LPG tanks, so uncertainties are added, and nally
tilisers, grain silos, reneries, fuel depots, explosives. There are also it can lead to a wrong probability of BLEVE, and then the imple-
transverse working groups, working on the evolution of risk anal- mentation of expensive additional safety measures.
ysis methodologies: safety reports, acute toxic thresholds, PPRT. Table 6 summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of the
These working groups, composed with regulator bodies, semi-quantitative probabilistic assessment method.
operators and experts (like IRSN), compare the know-how and
the different approaches used in risk analysis. The deliverable is 3.1.2. Quantitative probabilistic assessment method
a common denition of consequences modelling, gathering the main The quantitative method generally used in France consists
assumptions about atmospheric dispersion of ammable and toxic in considering the central event as a point of departure, associated
materials, vapour cloud explosions, BLEVE, etc. (French Ministry of with an events tree. The probability of loss of containment is
the Environment, 2006a). generally estimated thanks to generic failure databases (Fivez

3.1. Assessment of the probability of dangerous phenomena

Whereas consequences modelling has received much attention,

and some guidelines have been established by the French Ministry

Fig. 9. Bow-tie representation. UE: undesirable event, CuE: current event, IE: initiating
event, CE: critical event, generally dened as a Loss of Containment (LOC), SCE:
Fig. 8. Map of stakes (French Ministry of the Environment, 2006b). secondary critical event, DP: dangerous phenomenon, ME: major event.
818 J. Taveau / Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 23 (2010) 813e823

Table 6
Benets and limits of the semi-quantitative method.

Benets Limits
Simple and comprehensive method Order of magnitude method
Quick evaluation, prioritisation Lack of justication for the
frequencies of initiating events
Take into account site-specic Ignores the number of equipments,
aspects for detailed analyses their sizes, the activity of the facility

probability of a leak. So it is not obvious that the probability of failure

of chlorine pipes would be lower or higher than the generic ones in
this case.
Some differences exist between the databases used in Europe
for QRA. Table 7 compares generic failure data from three main
databases (Fivez et al., 2009; Health and Safety Executive; LNE,
2009; Uijt De Haag & Ale, 1999).
We can see that the Purple Book default value for the catastrophic
rupture of a pressurized vessel is ten times lower than the corre-
sponding HSE value. Moreover, Logtenberg (1998) has reviewed
values ranging from 5.1  104/year (TNO, 1983) to 5  107/year
(IPO, 1994) for the catastrophic rupture of a pressurized vessel; so it
seems that the Purple Book default value is quite optimistic.
In his paper (Nussey, 2006), Nussey gives an overview of the
Fig. 10. Example of a bow-tie for an LPG storage tank BLEVE. databases used in the Purple Book and in the Failure Rate and Event
Data HSE module, and explains the main differences between the
English and Dutch approaches:
et al., 2009; Health and Safety Executive; LNE, 2009; Uijt De Haag &
Ale, 1999). Using this approach, it is assumed that the facility has all  HSE values are based on a global consideration of failure
the standard prevention barriers taken into account in the mechanisms (Fig. 11);
databases.  Purple Book references are older (1968, 1974, 1975) than HSE
In France, operators widely use generic failure data from (1981);
the Purple Book (Uijt De Haag & Ale, 1999). The Purple Book is very  some Purple Book values are based on expert judgement.
practical, because it includes standard scenarios and failure
frequencies for use in QRA.3 The paper from Beerens, Post, & Uit de It is also interesting to see that FRED and LNE databases use the
Haag (2006) gives an overview of the origins of the values used in same references (Smith & Warwick, 1981) to establish the pressure
the Purple Book, and lists some issues: vessel catastrophic failure rate, but dont interpret them the same
way, or with the same safety margins.
 many of the failure values are based on old data and/or expert Recently, Spouge (2005) has published a paper in which he sets
judgement; up common failure rates using the hydrocarbon release database
 terms (e.g. catastrophic failure) are not well dened, which
makes comparisons of failure frequencies with other databases
Table 7
difcult; Probabilities of catastrophic ruptures for three different databases.
 information in the data sets is often limited and does not
Equipment Purple book Failure rates and Handboek
always give an indication of the kind of failure causes included
(RIVM) event data (HSE) kanscijfers
or the level of condence attached to values (lower, median or (LNE)
upper failure rates); Pipe 106/m year 106/m year (d < 50 mm) 2.2  108 (L/D)
 description of the same event between the Purple Book data (d < 75 mm) 5  107/m year
and its sources (COVO, 1981; IPO, 1994; RE-95-1, 1996) is not 3  107/m year
(75 mm < d < 150 mm)
really clear, which makes a comparison difcult. (75 mm < 2  107/m year
d < 150 mm) (150 mm < d < 299 mm)
107/m year 7  108/m year
There is also a lack of detail concerning the prevention barriers in (150 mm < d) (300 mm < d < 499 mm)
place, which makes the interpretation of such values quite delicate. 4  108/m year
So, from a practical point of view, even if lower or higher frequencies (500 mm < d < 1000 mm)
Pump 104e105/year 3  105/year e
could be used, depending on site maintenance and working envi-
(depending (failure of casing)
ronment (for example: corrosion, vibrations, etc.), it is quite difcult on the type)
to apply different values than the generic ones. For example, if we Pressure vessel 5  107/year 4  106/year 3.2  107/year
consider a chlorine distribution facility: on one hand, chlorine could 105/year (BLEVE)
be corrosive if water is present, which increases the probability for Atmospheric 5  106/year 5  106/year 5  106/year
a leak; on the other hand, chlorine pipes have a special design, such
Compressor 104e105/year e 104/year
as special valves, limited number of anges and connections, double (depending
packed anges, carbon steel pipes, etc., which decrease the on the type)
Chemical 5  106/year 105/year 5  105/year
reactor 5  105/year (with
runaway potential)
Quantitative risk assessment.
J. Taveau / Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 23 (2010) 813e823 819

Fig. 11. Mechanisms leading to a pressurized vessel catastrophic failure (Nussey, 2006).

collected by the HSE in the UK offshore industry. This work has values from well-known databases could be greater than 100 for
been updated by Falck (quoted in Pitlabo, Bain, Falck, Litland, & a pressure sensor!
Spitzenberger, 2009). We can note that the report Guidelines for process equipment
Table 8 summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of the reliability data from the Center for Chemical Process Safety is
quantitative probabilistic assessment method. currently under revision, so maybe the new revision will give more
So, nally, we can see that it is not so easy for a practitioner to detailed data for use in quantitative risk assessments.
choose the relevant value for his site.
3.2.2. Human failures
It is widely accepted that a main contributor of major accidents
is human failure. Nevertheless, the assessment of probability of
3.2. Safety barrier failures human failures is even more difcult than for equipments, because
it depends on many factors, such as:
3.2.1. Equipment failures
The failure rate of an equipment can be estimated using  the type of task;
a database (CCPS, 1989; Lees, 2005; SINTEF, 2002).  the time to complete the task;
As previously mentioned for LoC cases, we can note that it is  the adequacy of procedures;
quite difcult to nd some details about the considered equipment  the experience level and the skills of the operator performing
in databases, such as the uid considered, the working environ- the task;
ment, the tests frequency, etc., when these factors can greatly  the environmental conditions;
modify failure rates.  the number of people performing the task (redundancy);
It is also quite difcult to adapt failure rates from one industry to  the distractions or other tasks being performed
another: you have to be sure that products have almost the same simultaneously;
physical and chemical characteristics, the working conditions are  fatigue, stress, motivation, etc.
equivalent, etc.
Table 9 shows that values concerning equipment failures found A probability between 101/year and 103/year is generally used
in the literature can be quite different. The difference between in safety reports (Hannaman & Spurgin, 1984; Rasmussen, 1975;
Swain & Guttmann, 1983).
Table 8
Benets and limits of the quantitative method.

Benets Limits Table 9

Simple and comprehensive method Old values of probability Probabilities of failure for sensors.
Take into account the number Ignores the inuence of lacking/
of equipments, their sizes, additional prevention barriers Equipment Red Book LEES OREDA
the activity of the facility Temperature sensor 0.018/year 0.88/year 0.1/year
Precise values Ignores the specic environment Pressure sensor 0.0055/year 1.4/year 0.019/year
of the facility Level sensor 0.0042/year 0.02e0.002/year 0.055/year
820 J. Taveau / Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 23 (2010) 813e823

Tanker moves
Hose failure due to pullaway
Tanker movement results
in a release from hose/coupling

Defect to hose occurs

during transfer of chlorine
Hose fails catastrophically
Defect to hose existed (break before leak) Guillotine failure
prior to the transfer Hose burst of hose/coupling
Hose fails due to escalation
of a pinhole leak
(leak before break)

Coupling failure given that hoses

are inadequately connected
and transfer commenced

Transfer commenced given that

the chlorine liquid hose Coupling/connection failure
is not connected

Chlorine liquid
line disconnected

Fig. 12. Fault tree depicting mechanisms leading to a guillotine failure of hose/coupling.

3.3. Adjustment of standard failure and error Rate Modier (ERM), comprised between 0.1 and 10, which allows
rates to a specic facility taking into account criteria such as:

Many operators claim that their facilities are of a higher level of  time pressure to complete the task;
safety than the others. So what are the benets of applying generic  adequacy of procedures;
failure data? It cant take into account additional safety barriers,  fatigue, etc.
new safer technologies (or ageing of installations), process safety
management system efciency, etc. So the Adjusted Error Rate (AER) is calculated by the relation-
There are two mains approaches to obtain plant-specic failure ship: AER4 BER5  ERM.6
rates: It can be argued that the choice of ERM is again mainly based on
expert judgement.
 adjusting generic values using criteria (modication factors); An interesting initiative is the work done by Taylor for RIVM
 developing specic databases: this point will be developed in (Taylor, 2004). His approach consists to dene baseline failure
Section 3.4.4. frequencies, mainly based on US Risk Management Program data,
and combine these values with modication factors, according to
According to AMINAL (2004), adapted values can be applied for the standards of design, construction, operations, maintenance,
equipment failures. In the case of pressure vessels for example, ten operating conditions, in order to obtain realistic estimates of actual
factors must be reviewed: frequencies (Beerens et al., 2006).
Checklists are provided to identify relevant causes of failure
 corrosion; and calculate specic failure rates, in order to avoid different
 brittleness of the material; interpretations.
 unwanted substances (including erroneous charging); Interests are that failure frequencies are more recent and varied
 modication/repair work; and methodology to apply modication factors is clear. Unfortu-
 overlling (can vessel rupture be ruled out?); nately, this project has not been nalised for the moment.
 fatigue failure (vibration, frequently occurring variations in Recently, DNV (Pitlabo et al., 2009) has presented four
loading and thermal loading); approaches to modify generic failure rates coming from UK HSE
 external re (no combustible in the vicinity of the facility); HCRD database: CCPS method based on the report Guidelines for
 explosion in the vicinity (no combustible materials with chemical process quantitative risk analysis, MANAGER method,
a potential explosion hazard in the vicinity of the facility); API RP 581 method and barrier based method. One of them, the
 mechanical damages due to activities in the vicinity (e.g. MANAGER method, developed by Technica in 80s, uses a site
roads); assessment questionnaire to account for local safety management
 external corrosion.

However, AMINAL does not give practical examples to illustrate

this possibility. 4
Adjusted Error Rate.
In his paper, Wincek & Haight (2007) proposed a method to 5
Base Error Rate.
adjust human failure rates. He dened a coefcient called Error 6
Error Rate Modier.
J. Taveau / Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 23 (2010) 813e823 821

systems and technical safeguards, which seems to be a good tool to Table 11

take into account site specicities. Contributions to a guillotine failure of hose/coupling.

Intermediate event Failure rate Contribution

3.4. Learning from the nuclear industry Pullaway 1.2  108 24%
Hose burst 2.4  108 49%
3.4.1. Quantitative risk assessment (QRA) Coupling failure 1.3  108 27%

There are several levels of detail in which a quantitative risk

assessment can be carried out. capacities is more effective than focusing on the reliability of the
Some detailed QRA studies have also been conducted by the programmable safety controller.
Health and Safety Laboratory (HSL) and the Health and Safety The PSA study conducted by IRSN also showed the importance
Executive (HSE) about chlorine road tanker off-loading and LPG of conducting more detailed work on some safety issues, like
BLEVE frequencies (Blything & Reeves, 1988; Gould, 1993; Gould & a more detailed characterisation of the phenomena conducting to
Anderson, 2000; Harding, 1995; Keeley & Collins, 2004; Keeley & a BLEVE. PSA enables to give the main contributions to a global
Wilday, 2000; Selway, 1988). Using a detailed fault tree (Fig. 12), risk, so it is a very powerful tool for plants safety improvement.
it quanties the effect of additional measures for chlorine guillotine However, this method requires credible data for reliability and
hose/coupling release (the same work has been done for less than failure of the components, and much more time to be correctly
catastrophic releases), as we can see in Table 10. applied.
HSL also determines the contribution of each intermediate event,
and initiating event, to the probability of the central event (Table 11). 3.4.4. Development of industrial databases
One of the main conclusions of the PSA conducted by IRSN is
3.4.2. Probabilistic safety assessment (PSA) for a chemical plant the lack of plant-specic reliability data for probabilistic safety
In the French nuclear industry, probabilistic safety assessment assessments: so there is a need to organize feedback to improve
(PSA) is used to complete the deterministic approach, for example quantitative accident and equipment/human failure databases.
for PWR reactors. Several confederations, like OREDA and EIREDA, have organized
In this method, the possibility of having an accidental scenario is feedback with companies at a national and international level to
developed from the failure frequencies of the basic system have more reliable equipment failure data.
components like level gauges, pressure sensors and pumps. Some operators have attempted to organize a feedback. For
According to Fullwood (2000), there are few examples of example, the LASTFIRE (Ramsden, 1997) project (Large Atmospheric
chemical process PSAs. He mentions 3 main tentatives of PSA in the Storage Tank FIREs), involving 16 major oil companies, has quan-
chemical industry: tied the probability of tank re scenarios (Table 12).
At the present time, the Systems and Risk Protection Assessment
 the Canvey Island study, conducted by the United Kingdom Department of IRSN is assisting French LPG operators in developing
Atomic Energy Authority (70s); a national database to provide more precise and representative
 a PSA of a butane storage facility, conducted by Oliveira (90s); failure rates for main safety equipments, ready to use in future
 a PSA of an ammonia storage plant, conducted by Papazoglou probabilistic safety assessments relative to LPG plants.

He concludes these works are less elaborate than in the nuclear 3.5. Discussion about the national matrix to appreciate the gravity
industry, but remain of high interest. of human consequences from an accident outside the facilities

3.4.3. IRSN initiative for an LPG plant PSA In the French approach, the risk considered is a global risk for
In 2003, the French Ministry of the Environment asked for the public outside the facility (societal risk). For wide facilities, as
the Institute for Radiological Protection and Nuclear Safety, and in we have seen in Section 2.4, it is very easy to obtain more than 5
particular its Industrial Risks, Fire and Containment Assessment dangerous phenomena in the case NO/MMR2.
and Study (SERIC) and its Systems and Risk Protection Assessment In fact, the E probability level collects dangerous phenomena
(SESPRI) departments, to conduct a PSA study of an LPG distribu- with a probability lower than 105/year, so it makes no difference
tion facility. between unlikely and very unlikely events whereas in some cases,
This study (Baltenneck et al., 2005) presented an overall the differences could be very signicant. This difculty had
analysis of the BLEVE scenario using simplifying assumptions appeared during the testing period of the new approach of risk
(release from the biggest diameter for a family of pipes, liquid analysis on pilot facilities (2004e2006).
release with innite duration, etc.). The analysis was aimed to So the French Ministry of the Environment has proposed the
quantify the contribution of each initiator postulated to occur (e.g. possibility to exclude a dangerous phenomenon with a very low
LPG leaks). probability, and according to a defence in depth approach. The
One of the main interests of a PSA is to dene and prioritise exclusion is subject to a strict rule of double-instrumented barrier
the actions to be carried out to improve safety at the facility: the protection. In addition, the dangerous phenomenon has to remain
sensitivity studies conducted by IRSN (Baltenneck et al., 2005) have in the E probability level in case of failure of the most reliable
showed, for example, that using internal valves for storage

Table 12
Table 10 Generic event frequencies for tank res.
Probability of guillotine hose/coupling release for different types of facilities.
Type of re Basic frequency
Type of facility Failure rate per operation Spill on roof re 3  105/tank year
Basic facilities 4  105 Small bund re (mixers, pipes, valves or anges) 9  105/tank year
Average facilities 4  106 Large bund re (major spillage) 6  105/tank year
Multi-safety system facilities 2  107 Full surface re following sunken roof 3  105/tank year
822 J. Taveau / Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 23 (2010) 813e823

barrier. Under these conditions, the dangerous phenomenon wont Baltenneck, H., Barrachin, G., Chambon, J.-L., Corenwinder, F., Gomane, C.,
Hernandez, J. L., et al. (2005). Etude Probabiliste de Sret relative une Instal-
appear in the matrix.
lation Industrielle, rapport nal de la phase 2, tome 1. Rapport DSR/SESPRI n 33,
The French Ministry of the Environment also gave the possibility rapport EPS_ININ/PH2/04.
to aggregate BLEVE with the same effects and the same location Barthlmy, F., Hornus, H., Roussot, J., Hufschmitt, J.-P., & Raffoux, J.-F. (2001). Usine
into a single BLEVE with the total probability of occurrence (French de la socit Grande Paroisse Toulouse. Accident du 21 septembre 2001. Rapport
de lInspection Gnrale de lEnvironnement.
Ministry of the Environment, 2007). For example, ten LPG storage Beerens, H. I., Post, J. G., & Uit de Haag, P. A. M. (2006). The use of generic failure
tanks BLEVE with a probability of 107/year can be aggregated into frequencies in QRA: the quality and use of failure frequencies and how to bring
a single BLEVE with a probability of 106/year; the corresponding them up-to-date. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 130(3), 265e270.
Blything, K. W., & Reeves, A. B. (1988). An initial prediction of the BLEVE frequency of
dangerous phenomenon is then the combination of the different a 100 TE butane storage vessel. UKAEA/SRD/HSE/R488.
dangerous area of each BLEVE. Center for Chemical Process Safety. (1989). Guidelines for process equipment
reliability data. American Institute of Chemical Engineers.
COVO Commission. (1981). Risk analysis of six potentially hazardous industrial objects
4. Conclusions in the Rijnmond area, a pilot study. A report to the Rijnmond Public Authority.
Schiedam, The Netherlands: Central Environmental Control Agency.
Duijm, N. J. (2009). Safety barriers diagrams as a safety management tool. Reliability
The new law adopted on 30 July 2003 indisputably led to Engineering and System Safety, 94(2), 332e341.
a better estimate of the risks of industrial facilities. Risk analysis, at Fivez, C., Delvosalle, C., Cornil, N., Katz, T., Servranckx, L., & Tambour, F. (2009).
Inuence of new generic frequencies on the QRA calculations for land use
the heart of the safety report, is now a key element for land-use planning purposes in Walloon Region (Belgium). In Eighth World Congress of
planning and decision making. Chemical Engineering, Symposium on the frequency component used in risk
The set up of working groups, in order to harmonize conse- assessment of major industrial accidents, 23e27 August 2009, Montreal.
French Ministry of the Environment. (2005a). Dcret n 2005-1130 du 7 septembre
quences modelling techniques, has resulted in a strong improve- 2005 relatif aux plans de prvention des risques technologiques.
ment in this eld, even if our knowledge remains quite incomplete. French Ministry of the Environment. (2005b). Arrt du 29 septembre 2005
In the Bunceeld accident for example, it seems overpressures relatif lvaluation et la prise en compte de la probabilit doccurrence, de
la cintique, de lintensit des effets et de la gravit des consquences des
have exceeded several bars at some locations, whereas all experts accidents potentiels dans les tudes de dangers des installations classes
calculations would predict overpressures of about 100 mbar! soumises autorisation.
Uncertainties remain concerning the role of ignition source and French Ministry of the Environment. (2005c). Arrt du 29 septembre 2005 modiant
larrt du 10 mai 2000 modi relatif la prvention des accidents majeurs
vegetation on the level of overpressure observed.
impliquant des substances ou des prparations dangereuses prsentes dans
It seems there is still more work to do to harmonize probabilistic certaines catgories dinstallations classes pour la protection de lenvironnement
assessment methods, mainly because of the lack of accurate data. soumises autorisation.
We have seen the benets, limits and difculties of both semi- French Ministry of the Environment. (2005d). Circulaire du 29 septembre 2005
relative aux critres dapprciation de la dmarche de matrise des risques
quantitative and quantitative probabilistic assessment methods. daccidents susceptibles de survenir dans les tablissements dits SEVESO , viss
We have also seen the potential application of detailed risk par larrt du 10 mai 2000 modi.
assessment methods, like approaches developed for nuclear safety. French Ministry of the Environment. (2005e). Circulaire relative la mise en uvre
des plans de prvention des risques technologiques.
What is sure is that low probability high consequence events French Ministry of the Environment. (2006a). Guide dlaboration et de lecture des
like BLEVEs are still challenging for risk assessment and land-use tudes de dangers pour les tablissements soumis autorisation avec servitudes et
planning. QRA techniques are quite protable for this type of ches dapplication et ches associes.
French Ministry of the Environment. (2006b). Technological risk prevention plan
events, but it requires actual and actualised frequencies to get (PPRT) acting together to control risks.
accurate outcomes. So there is a need to organize operative feed- French Ministry of the Environment. (2007). Circulaire du 23 juillet 2007 relative
back to get plant-specic failure rates. lvaluation des risques et des distances deffets autour des dpts de liquides
inammables et des dpts de gaz inammables liqus.
Anyway, because operative feedback is a long-term work, there French Parliament. (2003). Loi n 2003-699 du 30 juillet 2003 relative la prvention
is also a need to have a better understanding of the generic failure des risques technologiques et naturels et la rparation des dommages.
data and the underlying assumptions to apply it correctly. At the Fullwood, R. R. (2000). Probability safety assessment in the chemical and nuclear
industries. Butterworth-Heinemann.
present time, practitioners dont have sufcient guidelines to use
Gould, J. (1993). Fault tree analysis of the catastrophic failure of bulk chlorine vessels.
and/or adapt generic failure frequencies to real situations. AEA Technology. SRD/HSE R603.
So one improvement proposal could be: Gould, J., & Anderson, M. (2000). Hose and coupling failure rates and the role of human
error e Catastrophic failure rates. Health and Safety Laboratory. HSL/2000/09.
Hannaman, G. W., & Spurgin, A. J. (1984). Systematic human action reliability
 to set up an international working group of experts, in order to procedure (SHARP). Electric Power Research Institute. EPRI NP-3583.
organize existing data in a coherent and comprehensive way Harding, A. B. (1995). BLEVE probability of an LPG road tanker during unloading.
for practitioners; AEA/CS/HSE R1043.
Health and Safety Laboratory. Failure rates and event data. http://www.failurerates.
 to develop a common methodology to introduce modication info.
factors in order to take into account lacking/additional provi- IPO. (1994). Guidelines for the preparation of off-site safety industrial sites. Report IPO
sions (it supposes that generic fault trees are available): the Project A-73, The Hague.
Keeley, D., & Wilday, J. (2000). Hose or coupling failure events during off-loading
work done by Taylor (2004), who has a long industrial expe- a chlorine road tanker. Final report. Health and Safety Laboratory. RAS/00/11.
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Lees, F. P. (2005). Loss prevention in the process industries. Butterworth-Heinemann.
(chemical association, LPG association, etc.) to get more accu- LNE. (2009). Handboek faalfrequenties 2009 voor het opstellen van een
rate data: one motivation for operators could be that with veiligheidsrapport.
a better feedback, values will really reect their process safety Logtenberg, M. T. (1998). Derivation of failure frequencies for LOC cases. TNO report,
TNO-MEP e R98/501.
management system efciency.
Nussey, C. (2006). Failure frequencies for major failures of high pressure storage vessels
at COMAH sites: A comparison of data used by HSE and the Netherlands. Health
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