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This DEED oF DoNATIoN made and executed by WILFREDo

PIToNG' both of legat age, Filipino oitizon, husband and 6ifo, wi*r M. pIToNG and vILMA R.
residence and postal addrees at p-1,
" Lun4 san Joso, Provincc of Dinagat Islgrds,_Philippinis. Hereir"ft*
IVIATJA}Io F. GERAr'IDOY and-MARILOi.J C. drnarvoov, ;Iil; ,rr" poNoR, in favor of
both of tegal age, Filipino cirizens,
husband and wifg with rosidenoeamd pglgl-$dn ss
at p:1, Barangay san Juan, san province
Jose, of


That the DoNoR is the owner .li pfd:I asrirylturyl land Together with the improvements
appurtenant trereto situated at sta. c*t Dinalat Islandsrrcw pu.t-oiEr.*gay Justiniana Edera,
san Jose, Provinoe of Dinagat Islands. lqtro_.e,
Islands or naiia*.o, which is more particularly described as

,ljffi::t tfl"*y"l,p*1$,*,1 !g:9*+ sT .ro:", ?Trel, rsrands, now part of Barangay

l"lt,H:?::3:,!:ltF^*hogl_!ite;;;t1,'.E*ibil;i";a;ffi ""tilili"je;iilJJ;"#:l
vr rsDD, ulE trwllr e
of agricultural land in the name oflitong wilfredo a"nttri trpouses), under Tax Declaration No 15-0d-
001 1-08199,

Sohool Sito. this portion of land i"tfre-ffiu o?Ito OIfr

That for and in consideration of the love and affection that the
Donor has for the Donee, the said
Dogor by these presnts Transfer and convey, by way of Donation,
unto the said Donee, our heirs and
assiS[rs, the above-described real property rree rrom aliliens
and encumbrances whatsoever;

That ttre Donor-doe-s hereby state for-$r9 purpose of giving full

effect to this donation, that we has
reserved for them self in full ownership sufficient
irop"rtyio ruppo.t him in a manner appropriate to we

That the Donee does. hereby

hereby exprsses his gratitude for ry9ept this donation of the above described real property and does
tle kininess and liberality oith" Dooo.;

roF, the DoNoR and the DoNEE have hereunto set their l
hands this day
Province of Dinagat Islands, philippines. I

CTC#I08793640N ls
et roU2\an lose, pDi.--

TIN No. 427 -521-1 45-000

Signed in the presence of;


crTY oF
x------------ -----------------/

Before me this
., Surrgag City, personally appeared the afore named persons with
corresponding competent evidence"tof identity, know to rn"'*a'to their
executed the foregoing instrument and they acknowledged to
me know to be the same persons who
me that.

IN wITNEss WHEREOF I have set my hand and affixed my official

place above stated. . *-f
' - ---- seal of the

riT I . fitLfti'r
V Llc
777lr., 5/ ?0!x

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