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11 LINE DIFFERENTIAL RELAY TEST! EDURE woe Frequerey wie Fb immarel) | RETR VOD Tagen eavoe The Voge au amVAGES Camm ieee TEEECRT ‘on Ietaee TEEECIT 4 cox ‘Siimreer oer ‘Sonn ret GENERAL CHECKS: Sino Genera deeds ‘Siaue x inaped orn pyded danas. OK 2. | erly be wing cennscton ase proved rang ox 3.___| ka ese connects oa eae. 0K ee ox S| Satherelay tral donk oF 5___| Sena he my eaing conf atone ore toh Pert F OK WATCHDOG RELAY CHEC} Shek aan of whey carts wc below. Conte Sa OUTUT | “naa beewgies | neiyErogma | ONS [RIRMERD BE Goes ‘Ope a RELAY DC BURDEN CHECK: ReySiais | VAmAppied”) [| Neeaued (@A [ExpeckaWats | Galata Wate Embed | 1352 he 50 1759 Embieds Tap | 1952 18 <5 1028 CONTROL INPUT CHECK: ‘Tha so vary ha neiranest of the DC corte epi. gpl anal nage af ech int ad vay the Note: pan S030 Hl ew sete lays connects fo PC. = Span WDavice Qveniewopage and cservs the Inputs stats These rps are asagped accra io te requrenents Contiuraten| Reait ‘euciose | ox ‘GBREADY OK ‘GB WANUAL CLOSE oR] ‘RAZ OUT OK. ATRITSEND OK. ‘ARELOCK OK ‘AR START OK RELAY FESET OR ‘SPARE Oo ‘SPARE IK ‘SPARE OK. ‘SPARE OK. ‘SPARE ox SPARE OR. SPARE OK ‘SPARE OK ‘SPARE Oo SPARE OK SPARE OK CONTROL OUTPUT RELAY CHECK: This if voiy the hothiness ofthe Canto opt rly Feathines. pees ssh tp Hrsg Wt pan! 9 5050 HM than ches caninuty of ha contact hal ora ~ For PULSE the rlay ous, Breakariumper AMPS. Boshallbe pul in ON positon. The joer NPS Bis avalanle n man board whch santhe ten. pen the relay fronteover ardcharge the [umper{a ON poston an man oaard as merboned inmaricton manalsacten2. page 226 = Goantho Hn sew ate te vay eamoctad fo PC. © Opan Aantal Wed wOpage and Sls! fhe OUTPUT that you wantto PULSE and select he ‘iratanor he PULSE. Brees ihe PULSE command Vente physical cortat Gow ot ne covesponding cpa Gaia Roay ‘centguaon faa ‘our SUCCES K ourae OM. FAL CHIE CHE Oo ‘ourana SERRE | ura Fence °K ura CaF TAP FRO PSA ox ‘ura FRLOCK-CUT ouT2.8 TT FAST AX | ‘OK ‘our=e TaDELAVRY OK ‘ouTzt0, FPS TRIP OK ‘ourait DIST. BLOCK REC. 3 ‘ouraig IST. START cs ouT213 DEF START. L OK ‘ouraia DEF BLK REC Lo ourais FPSN/PAOTECTION FAULTY | __OK ‘ours OSM FAST. DELAY TRIP oc ‘Ura *FPSW DELAY TRIP” a ‘ourst BF TRIP FROW FPS OK ourses SPARE [x ‘ourae Tiataax ox ‘ours VE FAL ALA or ‘Ours SPARE oF FPSWANY TAP) OK rasTTAp | OK PSN DELAV TRIP os ‘AR LOSE COWND or ‘oursis ‘SPARE oF ‘ouraia ‘GLOSE BLOCK OK ours SPARE [ox ‘ures ‘SPARE OK ‘ourae SPARE 3 ‘ourats SPARE o ‘OUTAD ‘SPARE os ‘ourans SPARE «x ‘OUrs08 SPARE x ‘Ouran ‘SPARE OK ‘Ouro sa ‘ourA09 SPARE x ‘ourai0 SPARE ox ures SPARE ax ‘ouraa SPARE OF ‘ourata PARE OK ours SPARE « ‘ourats SPARE ox SINGLE END INJECTION (LOCAL): ‘The complete G7. tlaying shame rogues pa of olay a a each ond oriosteg. The ewig louie n fis easton SINGLE END INJECTONbare censustod wah oly #7Lchannos da putin UCPRACK hinds. Thos tsi prove tho slay realising sonal, nt a et Coafiquaton, However the cangataraayng achama stale ered srdeecore uc sacson FEND-TO- ENDotet Note: 871 uration log requros, both local ay ar emo relay comoctd wih 87. commutation Ieverace and bot ae powered up. Aso Hrequres Cure yocior alloca ard remote ond wvime syncrgnzod est porate ‘Srige ere current jecton alow ute! only &7L senstvly test. So the serait eats ‘ony potormad and thats eulisar oven the 27 sein. (CTIVT INPUT CHECK: Note: This st is inerdod to vary the CTVT inpuis, measurement ard CTR, VTR sotingin he local relay. ‘Slept: Appiy mated votaga anicurent'o the relay CTVT inputs Stepe: Measure nacurenvotage al ay Fl am SOSOHML pan 500 ow str conacing tthe ay 7 Eat Aeculesteeamienstrngten ool ane the ah nnn rd ante Gi ftaearde ane save the seosinhinic annmnie wore decom Vata Aopec 99H, 115 AC Cree nai 3PH, 1.08 PIRI cinta toot | ESTES | nen | AEN | wedave | madlane | saa! ane rena | a90c08 | vorernes | raserea | 0 ° a1 ecu 18 tor pace carrie 0.11 208) “beter gequones cuore rlerinaration manual page 1.10 VOLTAGE MEASUREMENT: wal PHASE ANWAGIANG | PHAGEBNNAG/ANG | PHAGE GNMAGIANG Eipocied 7eaKv <0 we2ky <0 7e2Ky «120 Resa aT BSN ADV ler haracion manaaToae 70 POWER MEASUREMENT: __urent phase angie =-Aiog a oat man waa PF Beoced 1955 1635 on MEASUREMENT OF CURRENT: (Curent spp: 3PH, 1A PIRTSKVTSKV orn: 200 PHASEA | PHASER | FHASEC | ai a i MUG ANG | NAGIANS NAG/ANG | MAG'ANG _maG/ana | mag/ANG cHANNELX | _** mt wR ™. we ba cHannewy | ee a ae a z VEER [avec | assez | osscizo ° ° ce ‘phe tego | tet00 16180 on - ALPHA VALLE: [Alphas compex ate boweer Rarote curet (IF) andiocal surom (iL) tis repesanied win magntude amange Cert app 3PH, 1A PTR TKK rR: 2008 PHASEA | PHASE B|_FHASEC | an a 1 MAGIANG | NAGIANG | NAG'ANG | MAGIANG _MAG/aNG | MAG/ANG | Toca o9e7< | ogeaeI21 | gR—I20 o a 200 cHannerx | __™ a 7 ae ea 3 cranneny | a bal al inl ba Vester Sure WRESE | coco | ascot | oseniz0 ° ° 0.999 Alpha reo | tte +0 ae 5 (pan 5000 ew eter cormecing te tha ey: EEC oateorsalttcctngouow andcave the enapehatinto anne wo dcounert (TL DIFFERENTIAL PROTECTION; OPERATING PRINCIPLE: ‘The a7 protean uncton ub tip when the folowing conditns (A 8B) 0 mat ‘A. Thediteerta curt veel’ sun magne saat an mewrurn testa (7LPP/ arzprart ce 0 Te Aptos ata ne Resa Reyonon te ha ane(OR) te Rasalan cea is ‘Note:The Machining clarion is ase unt he wley de more an Stolom eth omete and aca SENSITIVITY AND TIMING TEST: ( ONLY WITH CH Note The sensivty ard ming ods are conducted wth lay rly = in LOOP BACK teste cal currents ute ax romete cont So, he rlay would soe Stfrentalcurert twee fa njcted al caret andthe Apa Vie wauke se | ZAR tnsbold Revers ast codon procedure ofthe Directional Element fr Phase Faults Unsymmetical faults “+ Using ASL eatorquasat sotWze . Oo tne otpwng ‘Gant fa ELOP its enabled) sotto W * Loudoun (1 Enab as o oRA he Wa, Ca ELOMD is Be ai thatthe lay nang he CB cotod centruudy [525 acer - Carlem ha taiowing sings: €32'= ATO, ORDER © QV. = Dislythe F220 ard R320 Relay rd bis onthe AcSELerstor Quick Set! HMUOve vow " Gatalte mpedance thresholds '3 For xara, apy an Aphate voltage of VA =3V2= 200.2180" V sacanay (thar phase votages VE and VC wil bo 20 vals) 'b Use he pravaus mertionsd equaten » tndthe cxrer ats equal tthe reverse Impedarcettreshol 22R and 72F teshad Fou the seing file z21= 992 Chins 72K = 1082 Ohms ‘Sxpcted cpeating curomt or acton tutor, + et nan =20/ 892 =2076 A + eu mman) = 20/ 10:42 = 1,919.8 4+ Theangis tor bath (Ta tevrd) (Ta (seen) = 180 79.45 = 100.55 Conc a sgl enti test sourve Sel the current scarce for A = 0.0 2100 85° A, Slowly increase he magnitude of 1 wo apply the source west current, © Ung AcstLerabr Quexse!satwae Device Overew , Morrone sats of S20 and Fardsignas Observe the Rely Worl bit RI2Q asserts when IAI= 0.1 A, indicating tha the slay egatve-sequence curen is greater than the SORP pickup threshold. RSZQ dessers When A= 1.919 A, moicaing thal the relay nepative-sequence calculation Ze is now less than the 22 reverse tteshnld 2 CContime to inctease the Current source while you observe the Relay Word bit F32Q asserts when fAi = 2016 A. infcating that the relay n-ptivesequencecalcultionZ2c is ess han the 22 forvand tresiol 22F ‘Seting Expectad cperatng rent | rjechaVettge | DHRC | Won ‘ar viceazia Feo Fortoneardchecion O 5164 z1e05+ | VACSZIO [5 recrss FORWARD aaa heaenve vooas | YNZ, bparcons| SESAIVE | Fevtomantcrection 6 267A 210088 | VALI [2 arect00s Zee 8Sim | Ferrand dreion 6 140A 2108s | VASSESLIBO «| vaxctos | Sarin XBVG= 200 Fortomard dreeton 0 a2ta cin085 | VASTINIZ18 . |o 2a9<100.5| F220 _VB-C= Zen i Fermvase drecton Oa seacionss* | Vicw2t0 [a sess | SO VERSE QEAIVE | Farownedmamnozssacionss | Vjtisi4%80 | asscinas |= eepence ra] MR | Forever Grectin 01268210055 127105 = For reverse civeotin | VAst.1612 180 oascior | 9 MBG Ze0 ower Swing/Out Of step function: Tithe hrealor open simulate (S24 = 1) stamscloned to dessert open pale lagi, else out oF step function will be blacked for power swing tet apply thie pase voltages aid 3 hase cusreits to the relay. “The reacarce reach of 25-& Z6 are perpeticular on the protective lie ange “The Resistive reach ofZ5 & Zo are parallel to the protest line angle 5.1 Power swing hounda For test purposes we need to asin the following signals to output contacto check the reaches of, te Out OF Seep chanteristic XGAMC: Zone 6, outof-sepdistane element, instantneous XTABC: Zone 7 out-of sepdistan: element, instantaneous Fram ne stn te drewtne vac et te £5 and 26 tne ou otstep urctan, a Deseiion ohacked Impacanc trance «5%, or ntusion manuainager 422 ower swing blocking test Note: Out of step function loge prevents designated zones fom tripping for up to 2 seeands Fo teat prowess ned to assign the allowing iaasee zone eral to cuit contastato check the blacking (SB: OutoF step black condition dectraton Distance Zones tip: ZIGTHZ2GT4Z5 G14 Z4GTVZ1P T4Z2PU4Z3 TAPE AND (NOT OSB) Totest Z1 22 or 24 ( Fovanl zone) Apply impedance point ouside 27 inthe I quarter. Apply impedance poi inside the area between 2? and Zé for more than the Outol-Sep [Block Time Dey seting (OSRD), Check tit OSB signal appeaeed afer te OSBD setting ‘Apply impedance ott inide the 24 for dusation leis than? ac ad check thatthe relays dich tip. Repeat the sane for the ather zones by applying. impedance pint inside 22, icy alter te inspec point inthe azea between 27 ant 28, LZ Note: ForZ3 (Revere zone} out of step blocking Apply impedance points from the 3 quarteras the following: Impelance point from ouside 27 Impedance point het ween 27 al 26 For time more thaa the sting OSBD Impedance point inside the 73 reverse 20ne fr tine duration les than 7 cond aad check tat 23 dai ip. CONTACT oss Distance Zone ‘Gutot step blocking test Result 7 Zi Tip afor OSB Reset ine=20 see Zi Tep ator OSB Resel ine=32 802 OK 2 ZZ Tip afor OSB Reset imo =24 se: OK oF Messutemer.of te 0380 Oyerats tne IngeCT FROM FREJAa SIAGES $e Surten ron some. AnD 2! INNER FOR RESET TIME ANB a* OnE TaN O68 on ose puALcowract SETING (YCLE) | seve FRALE CVE FESULT (SQ) 5 Note: 0500 out of siop bbcking Opsrat ine dabybetwoen outs ane VIS FUNCTION TEST(L088 OF POTENTIAL) E Inputs tothe LOPoge =—- “ZPO tirse-pae oper cendion ndcales cic tresker epencontion Vi postne-soquence voltage V secondary “Itposiwe-seqieree curent A secondary), “vdieo soqusnec vaio (Vsezonay) 4 nzeresequance curem (A secondary) “Ve negate sequence vole (secur) at sjott Figured Lone of Pascal Lal (LO) Ooraten Phiosonty for LOP Loni: The creat reakar has lobe closed Flay Word bt 2PO =losid O)for ReLOP ogi to pecta Los. potialie decave Relay Ward bt LOP = lpia) when 10 percent opin Vi itstr, ‘wna coreepording change nt cr B. Iithe LOP canton periaisr SO cycle, election LOP ‘eset fay WordotLOP = ogealo} wren reece pace rlageereta above 40 secant, Voisiess tam SV socoiday, and v2 5 easinan tS peer at VE Noo: geting ELOP = and a loetof tinal contin secure (clay Word bELOP aecate ‘olagea orate! lament st rashen rua re enabled rom the 301. markal sea ire 4.47, Tosa direction lowardlovercurert semis atlechey bacon non-trectiona ad prove ‘yereuromt protection dung alec af pote condor Noe The YTMCB contacts rot aalable as patton the LOP algo .butws can use he opto-npi lhe VTE fo crata Hoc fr he trp ouput cortecs or fhe otecton functors wher dapendson te vlogs, Forosampl: Qu2ts = INGOT (ZITAZzT+ZsT+ZAt), tat squator moans te SOT assonod then te up corn 205 wallet coo for ey zane. {Loss orpotomta test fr loss of one, two or three phases: = CB datus stout be seen by ne SEL311L elayas Case Biran rp INGE is assert) 10 ‘wad the Beking othe open pol lege fr the LOF funtion “hep 3 Phazs ted vokago (UV) wh Ealaneod angle ‘ep 2 Phas mated curart (4 ssthbaarced angen ‘thin one sep remove he wltageon ore ahasa and fortwo phasos Fane the samo by remowng toe phase wllaaes ‘Now TorosotLOP signal youhavolo ict phase vatages return above 40 V secondary onthe eegnse, moc unen Test | EES [potttaccnes | vanes | A 64V 1 A ®: z aw a ae a a z ew ; 5 « ABC nee 1 ABC © 2 Cracking the comerson ol the Direction E/F te Non Deocsonal BF dimng OP Not ne LOP sane Yard LOP asserted ne DEF wl convert fonendiectonal BE HNthe LOP sa ae 1 ans LOP asset the DEF walbe tocked Test procedure: 2 Dr OC and DEF biking during LOP: ‘only sting (LOP = Vi} ero. Male getLOP signal by antying VAs 60 An lemon! assorsin SELOGIC corte equation tp seing TRSOTF > Relay Word bt SOTFE isassrtod te ageal 1 SOT inition: ‘he ely vada ar SOTF conten by sersing ne towing: > Upon circutt breaker opening: cecton of 2 eae open caetion GPO) ben stig S2AEND(S2A Pale Open Guabying Time Dey) isoner than OFF > Upon circuit breaker cleoing: detection ol apse apen condi (PO) when seting CLOEND (Case Enabe Tire Doty) isatter than OFF (imu breaker operated swech-on taut ogc s enabled ty mahng tine song 32AEND (SZAEN: FF) ow ting EAEND gatas meg spn FO) sora wd en ata Psy WEY pon pele |3PO) depends an montrirg CB sur (2A) andand euon! ie blow phate pickipSOLP (60L bg 0) Nolo that SOTFE isassortod when te irculbreatieris open. Ts alows elmaris set the SELOGIC ‘onl equation ro sefing TRSOTF t operat faut ours wen te Gul breaks pan 00 31 7L mawal Hare 57) Won tre creat oreakor is cose the 3PO condton deasson (370 =iogea ater the 3POD aepout line fetiny SPOD is usualy sal or no more Pana cl). The SOTF ge aubu, SOTFE, carnaosio ‘ema asberled a loge 1 fordropat ne SOTFD tie. Fay Wend bt SOTFE ithe out of fo cicud brosker operited SOTF logic ortho close bus oprstod SOT logic desesbad preeuny. Tima sting SOTED naschal these lope pane proud the oon Sime window for tha neta lamas $ELOGIC catia aiatona sting TRSOTT ta tro ser Ihe creut breaker come seo Fgwe 87, mace of igure tom 3i manual, Tire tating SOTFD Usualy sotareurd 0 eyo. Anirstartanenus eomontis uss sotto tp inte SELOGIC contol equator ip settng TRSOTF (a. Noto: the valage pola othe way son to nese of hed tweak, Ne nsaniareais Srereurant seman! inthe SELOGIC conte! aquaton pasting TROT shoudbencn decctonal Mion ‘he orcutbrskereapon ane in db enorgicd, to lay toes 207 ollage Ha close in eophhace (aut condones an the ine (e.g. sey grounde scodertal lot stashed oho ino ater oarames) Sintthen th ores orenkar'e oes the mlay eatin fe sen rer vgs. The chmesanal ements reno votage or rlerence ndeamnat ete. In hiscasa fe hsnansous vermont dein the SOTF to t09e shuld be nan doctoral Close Sgral Mentor (Manual dose command) Assan tne Ray Word bt CLSMONo a conro rout so te tay canditect exerutonotthe cose ‘commard.Cennect INGO in parsiel win te crcut Bese! case cot GLSMON = N398 Crose Sina Monty (SELOSIC Euatton) som astinas: + nti eating fb /Group 118 11Switch Onto-Faul! som CGLOEND (C8 ciuseonable sm cy) = 10 Cys S32AEND (thevoqures ime b aoen he CB oles are corti tat CBopaned) =10 cycles SOTFD (The tm wine he SOT wil wast ter Gosing the CBle 30 yee 4+ inside sting fe (Group 1Logie 1 TiptCemm- asistod tip lope) = rason? = MaPsz20-o0h inside sting fe (Group tLogie 10 ther Equationa/CLMON CLMON' NOE (Resigned INSOB for Manus! cles ignal) SOT turcion nat workby mic ory # ria sea the C8 coon pote bulre me sina by CLOEND tie S2AEND (voqurestme wo apon he CB oles are contin at 3 9pared) =oth SOtrD (Ine uma wns ne SOF wi west ater Gosng tre CB} OC ye (assign SOTF teppng oquaton te Zone 2 asdescrbad anne) ‘note: Usiag AcsELosater QuexSorscttare ‘Douce Ovorvew chock se Ineatens SOTFEor a3saqh ouput comact tor SOTFE fp motor ha ritaton at SOT Simuaie2 stages tage | mulae Ce opon (No curert ard wiages) , lage2:taut cas watin 2122 fen (novotages,£0Pt war trtarol) at age? gre mann core puss (38) [Sew ae Te) | ies) ‘Case up Tal No wotage) & Tere! Ga Zerez a ‘SLOEND (CB close erable ime day) Inject From FREJA2 Stages 1” Sage Live And 2" Stage Open Pole And WC ‘Start Gontack Open Pole Contact And Stop Contac! SotfErte a Cael vate | Varad te 8 tse) ‘ee, wR 19 “108 ‘SOTFD (Thetine whichE the SOTF wil rest ster closing the CB) al (ee) co) Teer ‘are? -Thoveuled che ie Aided DEF chy echome, “Te used Adbd-chome is Drsctoral Comparison Bleck (OC). Aid tpg cquion(TRCCMM = 2P¥21G+6"02. “Tha DOB schome, Zone 2 overexcng detance elms (eet rection ona) wih a snort delay are Used nea. Th Sot lays provdo Necessary carer ceoraraten delays (wattng tc the BOD np gna). See Pgu 512, These aoments are entomdin hp seting THOM, Enable the Drscondl Comparison Blckng (DCB) lgibyseting ECOMM = DOB. Tae DCB bein Prevesti! carrer cocraton tines forthe Love 2 drechona slemente MEP. 226, 6702, Sind 6702 va the ZIPGS are 70026 Relay Word ote, Theas cys alo tino ore lock ep signal to tive trem ba venote omnat For sooo ‘TACONAA - 220G8 + 670628 > indarineousiy kes the commurications squint fo Yansnit hock rip or revrse fats ane 2xonds ‘his sim for satan tne flenirg te dopeck al Level 3 rector amare (MOP. 23G, 73. anc 5703. > Laictos the bod tp send condtonby th drostiona overcrentloning a dose:n zre-witege "hoe pase aul whore to polarizing memory expres. Lalch romoved wrenthe plarzng memory lage lure o eumertisreroed > Exerds the recoved lock sgnalbyaseible sme BT Recaved Bleck Trp Signal): Ir two ori ine OCB appcatons, a block tip signals ‘ecenedttom ane rmate termina Gos optosolted put ene SEL-3 IL ag. Mak TON) © SSterby acanmuscaions aqupnent ever au (oa0 gue 5.2otum STL mana! ake 'SELOGIC convo equation sng TET - (M0 Y+IN 169) 942 IM14)fvo-e.a oe Sepiaten)SELOGE cores eqution witty BT lc routd tweugh a crop tne" (ETD) nthe BES nFgwre Ths tn opt Peay Wor EAT, eradadto Bato agein Pe 4+ Z3KPUt Zone (Love) 3 Reverse Potup Tine Day Charen overs guard pup ier ypscaly ela 2c, 1 25KD) Zane (Leva) 5 Rowers Drope Exons Curent ‘ourss quad dapat tes ocaly stat oles Ses teat ma ef hoc tacscendon (BT) ater tha estab inet BT “2 18D and 67501 Zane? Short Day Carle csomnaten sla forthe oun of Zee 2 oveiching isasce flepens218Dand67SD ae tyseal st 1102 cele LGIGZT wil be used detect the forward faut ‘SIGHT wil ke used‘ detect the revere faults to sone bincking signa, Note: The trectionaity ofthe DEF function s common with Distance function oo. 3. DCB schome sand Bloct sal DSTRT. whan 21-zone3 or 67 ~level3 starts. This sional includes. Current reversal tines ‘The currert versal mers 2390 (CR pickup delay, typicaly 2 cye], Z3XD (OR drop off dlay, ‘yplealy Seye) £068 seterchas Block trip input (channdl/ block rceive in SELogic equation, BT= (IN3Ot +N a3}oNa02+4N104).n ths equation the inputs shall be assigned tha wired io CR for21 St, # they have independent channels SToutput tas 6 OFFne deayed oulput STK tom oftdeiay ter BTXD Block wip recto enersion) The BTK is used wo block instant ip fom 2-Zore2 ad 67G-lovel. The STAD shal be Setzeroifyou have stead set Z3K0 ae C2 timor a momote en ‘E"Tve corm-aeneted tip hal be TRCOMM™ Z2PGS* E7GG2S. thoes clomonts includes the M.1Distanse Gomm. Schemetest: + CHANNEL Send test Agpy 25908 alt and record fw oporatirg te of CS cortac. DOSTRT operatng mee € 6 6 Tones & Apply 20783 laut fr dusaton less than Z3%PU and semove the alt. Than measure reset time of CS ‘ia tom tad ages sage 23 taut and Sais Gets ; RESULT (me) ate tage haat eondion soy sone tml fr dhvaton jet str than Z2XPU ae erave th fa, Then mesra rast te of GS contact Iisa gest ater 2390 eve ly. SETING [CYCLE] . RESULTins) ia = Mensuetine: 169° me + Com trptest App 20002 tau wt CR are channhuaty It sag wih zone2 tne. Nee down LED incaton Tappngtine =e e4298 me € 6 C UeB'iccaten = NO Gomminécaton GONTAGT (23 O8 226 ANE COMPA AND PLT@2) AND TAPOR 22pT ORZ2GT Stoo sPusuporiom Fem COMM ENABLE Acply 20re2 aut witht CR and chanel hasty. Ista tp wth 2002 48D) aided tne setng lypleatyT erg + 2150 tive. Note down LED nator. = a ‘Apply 2522 tail wou! CR and cham urbeathy. shal inp win zone tno, Note down LED Tagangtime -€ 6 4296 € & me Usb irBcaten «No Gorwm ndeation M2DEE Test: 57621 FomardDEF elonert wih Bacup dalay time. This tomort would tip on comm. Aco withno CGR ar chanel neatly mmedaly ale 6750 tine. Tis wilas save loward badkup delay "p STG (Goud ben TR oquaton a alonge te dea brs! Rewene DEF semen, tne eemem woud Send any CS, 1+ DE sensteviy test Noo Oe aurothatLOP inst ssa ao LOP wl Hoek he 702 funaon Noo: Uso he eame way oc ha Srectonsty of Detancs funtion which dosorbod blero at pnt 0) Forward doment sick up: Any balanced, oh witage and reduce Ah votane, Ary cunt in Ath wit (07945+190) ano. neossothe caranturtl neesGz pickup For camp “Troe Phase Forward loment pickup Jen vais ‘eueo Pickup Value | Drop of Valve | srarus (ay it ‘oan ‘00s or ‘SREZFW + Oparatry ime crected Siro (el (see) cae a iz Fovaro coment pick ww: sony balanced. oh vdtage and remove Ah velzge. Apply cuentin oh ‘wth (0.78.45, 169) anda. Po the polo the cura up ( 67G2 Gevease te curert wt €7GS pi. 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Relay tee wit back DEF tp am brC2O se dey ["sermue teva) | SS ESULT ms) 2 128 = py toward grourd a ut 2 SUGRP wen na Pewenva2b te de. ‘= ONE seen eter Channa etidiont “ilacratme, ae" + Current Reversal timer ‘hos operating tne and cherrelunbeaty. tay mip wih back DEF OER) - Apply reverse greud la! er curaten ss tranZ3XPUand remove te faut. 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