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Wireless Communications CSP 310

Homework Assignment 1

[Submission Deadline- October 28, 2017]

1. Consider a wireless LAN operating in a factory near a conveyor belt. The transmitter and receiver
have a LOS path between them with gain 0 , phase 0 and delay 0 .Every T0 seconds a metal item
comes down the conveyor belt, creating an additional reflected signal path in addition to the LOS path
with gain 1 , 1 and delay 1 . Find the time-varying impulse response h( , t) of this channel.

2. For a channel with Doppler spread Bd = 80 Hz, what time separation is required in samples of the
received signal such that the samples are approximately independent.
3. For a mobile receiver operating at frequency of 860 MHz and moving at 100 km/hr sketch the doppler
spectrum if a continuous wave signal is transmitted and indicate the maximum and minimum frequen-

4. Consider an OFDM system operating with sampling frequency Fs = 20MHz and N = 64 subcarriers.
The channel is time-invariant, frequency-flat (no dispersion in time) and adds stationary white Gaussian
noise. Assume the system achieves a certain average datarate of R bit/s.

Does doubling the number of subcarriers (that is, using N = 128 instead of N = 64, while keeping
Fs = 20MHz) double the datarate R? Answer with yes or no and motivate your answer! (Assume
that channel estimation, synchronisation, etc. behave the same for N = 128 as for N = 64.)
Does doubling the sampling frequency (that is, using Fs = 40MHz instead of Fs = 20MHz,
while keeping N = 64) double the datarate R? Answer with yes or no and motivate your answer!
(Assume that channel estimation, synchronisation, etc. behave the same for Fs = 40MHz as for
Fs = 20MHz.)

5. Consider an OFDM system with N = 3 subcarriers. The time-invariant channel is given by its impulse

h0 ,n = 0
h1 n=1

h(n) = (1)

h 2 n=2
0 otherwise

The minimum CP-length L required to avoid both ISI and ICI
The circulant convolution matrix H

Compute the 3-point DFT H(k), k = 0, 1, 2 of the channel impulse response h(n), n = 0, 1, 2. (Note:
Compute symbolicallywithout using MATLAB)

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