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Miyoko Schinner
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-
Publication Data

Schinner, Miyoko Nishimoto, 1957-

Artisan vegan cheese : from everyday to
gourmet / Miyoko Schinner.
p. cm.
Includes index.
ISBN 978-1-57067-283-5 (pbk.) ISBN
978-1-57067-927-8 (e-book)
1. Vegan cooking. 2. Cheesemaking. 3.
Cooking (Cheese) 4. Dairy-free diet.
I. Title.
TX837.S289 2012
641.6'73dc23 2012012868

Cover and interior design: John Wincek

Photography by Lily Dong,

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2012 Miyoko Schinner

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Calculations for the nutritional analyses in

this book are based on the average number
of servings listed with the recipes and the
average amount of an ingredient if a range is
called for. Calculations are rounded up to
the nearest gram. If two options for an
ingredient are listed, the first one is used.
The analyses include oil used for frying. Not
included are optional ingredients and
serving suggestions.

Foreword by Dixie Mahy

Preface: My Year of Vegan

CHAPTER 1 Artisan and Aged


CHAPTER 2 Air-Dried Cheeses

CHAPTER 3 Meltable Cheeses

CHAPTER 4 Almost-Instant

CHAPTER 5 Other Dairy


CHAPTER 6 Cheese Sauces and


CHAPTER 7 First Courses and

Small Plates
CHAPTER 8 Entres and

CHAPTER 9 Sweet Cheese

Dishes and
About the Author

At long last we have a great alternative

to dairy-based cheese for those who are
lactose intolerant or who want a
substitute for animal products for any of
a number of reasons, including concerns
about health because of the cholesterol
and saturated fats in dairy products,
about the environmental impacts of
animal agriculture, or about the often
cruel treatment of dairy animals. For
many people transitioning to a plant-
based diet, the most difficult type of
food to give up is cheese. Miyoko
Schinner can help you satisfy those
cravings with the recipes in this book.
Whether you favor sharp Cheddar or
rich, creamy Brie, youll find her
recipes amazing, and vegans and
nonvegans alike will be impressed when
you serve these cheeses and dishes made
with them. In fact, they may even accuse
you of sneaking in some dairy products.
I can easily state that Miyoko is the
most talented chef I have known. Over
the past decade, she has been doing
demos and workshops for
groundbreaking physician and author
John McDougall, MD, and for World
Veg Festival, a celebration of World
Vegetarian Day sponsored by San
Francisco Vegetarian Society. All of her
creations dazzle the taste buds, add
pleasure to dining, and will satisfy even
epicureans with the most elevated
In the past, Miyoko has shared her
brilliance in her cookbooks Japanese
Cooking: Contemporary and
Traditional and The New Now and Zen
Epicure, which offer a wonderful
variety of delicious yet mostly
straightforward dishes. Both are great
resources for anyone seeking satisfying,
healthful alternatives to the standard
American diet.
Miyoko took a hiatus from her
professional culinary endeavors for a
few years to focus on her family, but
now shes back, and we welcome her
with open arms. Between this book and
her television series, Miyokos Kitchen ,
we can all once again enjoy her elegant
and healthful creations.

Dixie Mahy

My Year of Vegan Cheeses

I have been wanting to write this book
for thirty years. Thats not to say that I
had a trove of vegan cheese recipes
ready to be compiled into a book thirty
years ago; back then they were just
flickers of ideas floating around my
mind. But I knew that one day I would
develop some really credible vegan
cheeses, and I kept promising people Id
do that. Well, this has been my year of
vegan cheeses.
It started sometime in the spring of
2010. I had been intrigued for several
years by the nut-based cheeses popular
in the raw food community and had been
playing around with them. The majority
of vegan cheeses I had sampled were
more like spreads, requiring a stretch of
the imagination to think of them as
cheese. But a few were stellar, notably
the raw cheeses made by Roxanne Klein
at her all-too-ephemeral restaurant,
Roxannes. Caf Gratitude, a chain of
vegan restaurants in the Bay Area, also
had some winners on their menu. Still, if
they were raw, they didnt melt. There
was also, of course, the ever-increasing
number of commercially available vegan
cheeses that melted to a degree, which
had improved in quality and variety over
the years, but to my taste buds they still
had a somewhat artificial flavor and
werent up to cheese board standards.
What to do?
The answer was clear. It was time to
make good on my promise. With a
vegetarian fundraiser at my house
coming up, I decided to spend a few
weeks experimenting with nut-based
cheeses. My goal was to put together a
platter of vegan cheeses as the
centerpiece of the buffet. I figured that
the vegan and vegetarian community
would be supportive of any attempt at
cheese, making this a safe venue in
which to embark on my venture. I
presented Brie, flavored chvre,
Gruyre, and a few other cheeses. And
then I retreated to the kitchen to see how
people reacted. Well, they raved.
Afterward I even heard from people
who hadnt been there but had found out
about the cheeses through the grapevine.
That was all great feedback, but hey, it
was still a vegan crowd.
So I kept at it, coming up with more
varieties, and I started serving them to
my omnivorous friends, including at a
big holiday party. Their reactions were
the same as those from the vegans and
vegetarians, only the omnivores often
told me that they couldnt tell the
difference between my cheeses and the
real stuff. This was exciting, and I
threw myself headlong into my cheese
My kitchen became a laboratory, with
cheeses lying around everywhere as I
attempted to age them while fending off
mold. People would look quizzically at
the rounds strewn around the kitchen and
wonder what they were. From the initial
nut-based cheeses to varieties made
from yogurt to the day I finally found a
way to make a vegan cheese that actually
melted, I had a couple of cheeses in the
works at all times and would prod
anyone who walked into the house into
trying some. Some of the cheeses were,
of course, less delectable, and a few
ended up in my compost pile, but many
met with rave reviews.
It has now been about a year since my
big cheese experiment began, and I
finally have that trove of cheese recipes.
But the journey has only just begun. As
the deadline for this book fast
approaches, I continue to dream up new
ways to make cheeses and another
lightbulb turns onand then I have to
remind myself that now is the time for
me to buckle down and finish writing
this book rather than puttering around the
kitchen. So for the time being, I dont
have as many cheeses sitting on my
counters, but Ill be back in my cheese
laboratory soon enough, developing
more recipes to add to the next edition of
this book. In the meantime, I hope youll
find these cheeses fun and compelling
enough to serve not only to vegans but to
your omnivorous friends as well.
Who knows, perhaps this will be your
year of vegan cheeses.

Over the years, many people encouraged

me to delve into the subject of
homemade vegan cheese, and to all of
them I owe gratitude for their faith in me.
Once I started the process, however,
there is one young person to whom I am
indebtedas unfair as this may seem
for providing the utterly simple insight
about vegan cheeses in general. They
all taste somewhat tangy, as if they have
lemon juice in them. Dairy cheese isnt
tangyits sharp. This person is my
youngest daughter, a teen with worldly
tastes and an impeccable palate. She put
me on track to pursue how to culture the
cheese, not just add tangy flavorings to
it. To you, Cammy, I dedicate this book!
Of course, I cannot neglect to thank
my other family members who endured
kitchen counters covered with cheese
experiments, and night after night of
cheesy dishes that made them wish for
just a simple salad. My husband,
Michael, who encouraged me and
honestly critiqued each cheese I created;
my oldest daughter, Sera, who hated
vegan cheeses and suffered through my
experiments but eventually grew to like
them (and who now asks for vegan
grilled cheese sandwiches); and my son,
Aki, who upon returning home from
college refused to believe that my Sun-
Dried Tomato and Garlic Cream Cheese
was really made from cashewsto all
of them, I am grateful. Beyond my family
were my friendsvegan, nonvegan,
nonvegetarianwho willingly tasted
and critiqued, but mostly raved, about
my creations. Had it not been for their
encouragement, I dont know if I would
have believed in myself enough to move
ahead. In particular, I would like to
thank Maggie, a writer herself, who
spent countless hours with me in
conversation about the book, its style,
and the angle of presentation.
While I pride myself in providing
recipes that are for the most part
original, like most chefs, I borrow ideas
directly or indirectly from other chefs,
cookbooks, and restaurants, often
adapting them into my own creations. In
this book, I want to give credit for the
easy Almond Milk recipe (page 54) to
Chef AJ, who demonstrated the shortcut
method in one of her fun videos.
When it came time to send the
manuscript to the publisher, I truly felt it
was in pretty good shape. But reality hit
as soon as my editor, Jo Stepaniak, of
cookbook fame herself, sent back some
pages to me completely marked up.
There were grueling weeks ahead, with
rewriting and proofreading my book
again and again, and still, as we
approach the end of this process, Jo
sends me queries about recipes that get
me reelingbut upon yet another review
of my own recipes, I think to myself,
How could I have left that out? This is
why we shouldnt try to proofread and
edit completely on our owna good
pair of eyes belonging to a professional
editor is so important! So thank you, Jo,
for what felt like beatings and lashings
but were ever so necessary. Finally, Id
like to thank Bob and Cynthia at Book
Publishing Company, who believed in
me enough to give me the green light on
my first book in over a decade.
And to you, dear reader, thank you!

If you like instant gratification, youve

picked up the wrong book. My intention
in saying that isnt to scare you away,
but to inform you that making the cheeses
in this book will require your patience
and lovenot as much patience as may
be required for making a dairy cheese,
which often takes months, but enough
that youll usually have to wait a few
days or more to taste your creations.
Rest assured, however, that the amount
of work involved in making each cheese
is but a few minutes . . . and then you just
have to wait. Your patience will be
rewarded. After all, as they say, wine,
cheeseand even some of usimprove
with age.

Cultured Flavor
It was my youngest daughter who
remarked, when eating one of my earlier
attempts at vegan cheese, that it was
mo r e tangy than sharp. That got me
thinking about the difference between
vegan cheeses and dairy cheese. What
transforms simple milk into cheese is a
culturing process that begins with
various bacteria and enzymes, which
coagulate the proteins in the milk,
allowing the solids to separate from the
whey. The cheese is then aged for a few
days to many months, and during that
time it develops its distinctive character
and flavor. Depending on the type of
enzymes and bacteria used, as well as
certain molds for bloomy-rind and blue-
veined cheeses, the final product takes
on different characteristics.
With vegan cheeses, the process is a
little different. The proteins in soy milk
and nut milks react differently to
culturing agents and dont tend to
coagulate in such a way that curds
separate out, and therefore must be
processed and aged using somewhat
different methods. Therefore, most vegan
cheeses on the market today arent
cultured or aged; instead, theyre made
to taste like cheese through the addition
of flavorings, often utilizing an acidic
ingredient, such as lemon juice, to
imitate a sharp flavor. As my daughters
remark indicated, this often results in
more of a tanginess than a sharpness.
What makes the cheeses in this book
different is that they gain their cheeselike
qualities from culturing and varying
degrees of aging, rather than the addition
of acidic ingredients. This helps create
not only sharpness but also more flavor,
depth, and umamithat extremely
satisfying savory taste designated as the
fifth basic flavor. Achieving this
complexity of flavor is something you
simply cannot rushyou must let the
process unfold naturally. Of course, you
will have to monitor it, as ambient
temperature, humidity, and other
conditions can affect how quickly
cheeses culture, age, or spoil. But the
reward for your patience and love are
fabulous cheeses that can be used just
like their dairy counterparts in myriad
culinary applications. With these
cheeses, you will be able to create
vegan versions of some of your favorite
recipes that incorporate cheese
something you may have thought
Once you make these cheeses, you can
store them in your refrigerator (and in
most cases in your freezer) so youll
have them on hand whenever you want to
cook with them. If youre a longtime
vegan and have forgotten how to cook
with cheese, chapters 7 through 9 offer
delectable appetizers, entres, and
desserts made with the recipes for
cheeses and other dairy alternatives in
the earlier chapters of this book.
Even if you still balk at making
anything that takes more than a few
minutes, youre still in luck. Chapter 4 is
devoted to recipes for almost-instant
cheeses that are pretty tasty as well.

A Snapshot of the Cheese-

Making Process
Heres a glimpse of what youll find in
Miyokos Cheese Shop and what
youll need to set up a cheese shop of
your own. This section will give you an
idea of what to expect and what tools
and ingredients youll need in order for
your cheese-making endeavors to be
First of all, youll need a culturing
agent. For most of the cheeses in this
book, that will be some form of
probiotica substance that contains
friendly bacteria that help turn the base
ingredient into cheese, or at least
contribute to the flavor. While powdered
probiotics can accomplish this, these
products tend to be very expensive, and
often they arent vegan. Their strength
also differs from brand to brand, so Ive
chosen not to use them in this book,
although you can certainly experiment
with them if you wish. Instead, these
cheeses are primarily cultured with
rejuvelac or nondairy yogurt.
Rejuvelac, a fermented beverage
made from whole grains, contains a
variety of friendly bacteria, including
some that produce lactic acid, which
contributes to sharpness. It can easily be
made at home using widely available
whole grains, such as brown rice or rye,
spelt, or wheat berries. Although you
can probably buy rejuvelac at your local
natural food store, I recommend that you
make it as the first step on your journey
into vegan cheeses. Also note that store-
bought rejuvelac is generally made with
sprouted wheat berries, so if you are
intolerant to wheat, youll want to make
your own using another whole grain. The
recipe for making your own rejuvelac
(page 6) is simple, but it does take
several days. Whether homemade or
store-bought, rejuvelac works
beautifully as a culturing agent.
Nondairy yogurt, which is also used
as a culture for many of the cheeses in
this book, is widely available
commercially. However, if you save a
little store-bought yogurt, you can use
that to make your own yogurt (page 56).
The base ingredients of the cheeses
range from nuts to soy milk to soy
yogurt. Many of the cheeses utilize
methods developed by raw foodists and
involve culturing pured cashews or
other nuts, although with my own spin to
them, which in some cases result in a
product that isnt raw. While nuts make
great cheeses, those cheeses dont melt
because the base is a solid substance
that cannot get any softer. In order to
make cheeses that melt, I took a cue from
dairy cheeses and experimented with
using nondairy yogurt as the base,
because its more liquid, and then
adding oil. The majority of the cheeses
in this book, however, do not contain
Traditionally, hard cheeses are made
by pressing as much whey out of the
curds as possible, leaving behind largely
solidified protein and fat. Although some
recipes for raw nut-based cheeses call
for putting the cheese in a colander and
pressing it by weighting the top with
river rocks, bricks, or other heavy
objects, I find it difficult to get
consistent results with this method. If
you want to make cheeses that are hard
or just firmer, a cheese press is
invaluableand youll also need much
more time and patience.
Furthermore, because many of the
cheeses in this book dont involve
separating curds from liquid ingredients
analogous to whey, I opted for an easier
method of firming up the hard cheeses
(semifirm, really): adding natural
thickening agents such as agar,
carrageenan, tapioca flour, and xanthan
gum. You may be able to find these at
your grocery store, but Ive also
provided information on online
suppliers (see page 137). Carrageenan
yields a better texture than agar, but agar
can be used in almost every recipe in
this book except the meltable cheeses in
chapter 3. Note that when substituting
agar powder for carrageenan powder,
youll need to double the amount.
Adding thickening agents has its
drawbacks, however. If too much is
used, the texture of the cheese becomes
somewhat gelatinous. Consequently, the
hard cheeses in this book are
somewhat softer than dairy cheeses. In
chapter 2, youll find air-dried cheeses,
which develop a harder texture as they
dry. This can take from several days to
several weeks, depending on the variety;
for example, Air-Dried Parmesan (page
34), which is quite hard, dries for two to
three weeks.
You probably already have most of
the equipment youll need, and if not, it
can be purchased at a kitchen supply
store. Youll need a blender, preferably
a high-speed model. A regular blender
will also work; just be sure that when
making nut-based cheeses you soak the
nuts for the longer amount of time
indicated in the recipe. I find that food
processors generally dont pure nuts as
well as blenders do, although this may
depend on the brand and model. You
will also need molds for shaping many
of the cheeses (see sidebar, page 4). For
air-dried cheeses, youll need a wire
rack like those used for cooling baked
goods. Other helpful tools are
cheesecloth, a colander, a food
processor, parchment paper, wooden
spoons, whisks, a heavy medium-sized
saucepan, and a sieve. For making
yogurt, farmers cheese, and deep-fried
foods, a kitchen thermometer is very
handy. For many of the desserts in
chapter 9, youll need a springform pan
and an electric mixer. Thats about it for

Forming the Cheese

In many cases, the cheeses in this

book are shaped in a mold. There
are no strict rules about what sort
of mold to use, other than using a
glass or nonreactive metal
container. You dont need to go out
and buy any special molds; you can
probably make use of things you
already have in your kitchen. Small
loaf pans, ramekins, bowls, storage
containers, and cake pans are all
great options.
When deciding what type of
mold to use, consider the type of
cheese youre making and what
size you want the finished cheese to
be. For the Sharp Cheddar (page
14), you might opt to use just one
loaf pan to make a large block of
cheese, while for Cashew Chvre
(page 8), you might choose to use
several ramekins. Or you can toss
tradition to the wind and make
small, round Cheddar cheeses and
square blocks of chvre!
While most of the cheeses will
come right out of the mold once
firm, you may want to line the mold
with cheesecloth or plastic wrap
for easier removal.

The Proof Is in the Cheese

The idea behind most of my cheese
recipes is that you can use the cheeses to
replace their dairy counterparts in every
way, including in almost any recipe that
calls for cheese. You can store them as
long in your refrigeratorand some of
them just keep getting better with time.
So read on and make several of the
cheeses in chapters 1 through 4.
Although it may seem daunting at first,
theyre really quite easy to make. Once
you have them on hand in your fridge,
you can pull out some old cookbooks,
dust them off, and replicate old favorite
recipes that called for cheese. Maybe
youll be craving a grilled cheese
sandwich, or perhaps youll want to put
together an amazing cheese plate for a
party. Either way, all youll need to do
is go to your refrigerator.

Artisan and Aged


In this age of instant

gratification, few people are
willing to embrace time-
honored traditions such as
making wine and cheese. But
because youre reading this
book, I will assume you are
one of those patient souls
willing to wait for something
special. Brie, Cheddar, fresh
mozzarella, Gruyrethese
are but a few of the rewards
that await you in this first
chapter. Yes, youll have to
bide your time during the
process, but dont wait now to
get started!
An easily made fermented beverage
filled with probiotics, rejuvelac is the
primary culturing agent for many of the
recipes in this book. Because it will
keep for several weeks in the
refrigerator, its a good idea to always
have some on hand so you can get a head
start on cheese making. Depending on
the temperature in your house, youll
need to allow three to five days for the
rejuvelac to be fully cultured. Rejuvelac
is also available commercially at many
natural food stores.


1 cup whole grains (such as brown rice,

Kamut berries, millet, oat groats, quinoa,
rye berries, wheat berries, or a
6 cups filtered water

1. Soak and sprout the grains.

Put the grains in a 1-quart glass jar
and add water to cover. Place a
double layer of cheesecloth over the
mouth of the jar and secure it with a
rubber band. Let the grains soak for 8
to 12 hours. Drain, then add just
enough water to moisten the grains but
not so much that they are immersed in
water. Put the jar in a warm place out
of direct sunlight for 1 to 3 days and
rinse the grains once or twice a day,
each time draining well and then
adding just enough fresh water to
moisten them. Continue this process
until the grains have begun to sprout
(they will have little tails emerging).

2. Culture the rejuvelac.

Divide the sprouted grains equally
between two 1-quart glass jars. Pour
3 cups of the filtered water into each
jar. Cover each jar with fresh
cheesecloth and secure it with rubber
bands. Put the jars in a warm place
out of direct sunlight for 1 to 3 days.
The water will turn cloudy and white,
and the liquid will have a slightly tart
flavor, somewhat like lemon juice.
Strain the liquid into clean glass jars
and discard the grains.

STORAGE NOTES: Covered and stored

in the refrigerator, Rejuvelac will keep
for about 4 weeks.
Although delicious in its own right, this
simple recipe also serves as the basis
for many of the other cheeses in this
chapter. Depending on how you plan to
use it and how mild or sharp you want
the cheese to be, you can shorten or
lengthen the culturing time. The cheese
will continue to culture in the
refrigerator, getting stronger and sharper
in flavor.


2 cups raw cashews, soaked in water
for 3 to 8 hours and drained
Pinch salt
to cup rejuvelac (preferably
homemade, page 6)

1. Process the ingredients.

Put the cashews and salt in a blender.
Turn on the blender and pour in just
enough of the rejuvelac through the
cap opening in the lid to process the
cashews. (The longer the cashews
have soaked, the less liquid will be
required for processing. Also note
that a high-powered blender can
process the cashews with less added
liquid.) Process until smooth and
creamy, occasionally stopping to
scrape down the blender jar and move
the mixture toward the blades.

2. Culture the cheese.

Transfer to a clean glass bowl or
container, cover, and let rest at room
temperature for 8 to 36 hours,
depending on how sharp a flavor you
want and the ambient temperature
(culturing will proceed more quickly
at warmer temperatures). The cheese
will thicken as it cultures.

3. Form the cheese.

If you will eventually be using the
cheese as a base for another recipe,
simply cover and store it in the
refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.
Otherwise, transfer to a glass or
nonreactive metal mold and smooth
the top. Cover and refrigerate for at
least 6 hours, until firm.

STORAGE NOTES: Wrapped in plastic

wrap and stored in a ziplock bag in the
refrigerator, Basic Cashew Cheese will
keep for about 2 weeks. It can be stored
longer, but it will continue to get sharper
and stronger in flavor, so taste it
occasionally. Once it has achieved the
desired flavor, it can be stored in the
freezer for up to 4 months.

NOTE: Several other recipes use Basic

Cashew Cheese as a foundation. These
recipes require the cheese to have
various degrees of sharpness. Be sure to
read other such recipes in advance so
youll know how long to culture the
Basic Cashew Cheese to achieve the
necessary sharpness.

Per ounce: calories: 105, protein: 3 g, fat: 8

g, saturated fat: 1 g, carbohydrate: 5 g,
sodium: 3 mg, calcium: 7 mg
With just a tweak to the Basic Cashew
Cheese, you can create a cheese akin to
soft goat cheese, or chvre. Actual
goats milk cheese varies in the degree
of sharpness, and you can achieve the
same sort of variation in the amount of
edge by varying the culturing time. For
a mild cheese, culture for just a day; for
a sharper one, two to three days. Try this
cheese stuffed in fresh figs, tossed in a
salad with pears and walnuts, or spread
on crackers.

cashew CHVRE

1 pound Basic Cashew Cheese (page

7), cultured for 1 to 3 days
1 tablespoon nutritional yeast flakes
teaspoon salt

1. Flavor the cheese.

Put the Basic Cashew Cheese,
nutritional yeast, and salt in a large
bowl. Mix well.

2. Form the cheese.

Line a glass or nonreactive metal
mold with cheesecloth or plastic
wrap. Pack in the cheese and smooth
the top. Cover and refrigerate for at
least 6 hours, until firm. When ready
to serve, use the cheesecloth or
plastic wrap to help unmold the

STORAGE NOTES: Wrapped in plastic

wrap and stored in a ziplock bag in the
refrigerator, Cashew Chvre will keep
for up to 2 weeks. It can be stored
longer, but it will continue to get sharper
and stronger in flavor, so taste it
occasionally. Once it has achieved the
desired flavor, it can be stored in the
freezer for up to 4 months.


cheese into one large log or two or three
smaller logs. Roll in cup minced fresh
herbs, such as basil, parsley, sage,
tarragon, thyme, or a combination.


grated zest of 1 lemon and 2 to 3 cloves
of garlic, minced, along with the
nutritional yeast and salt.

Per ounce: calories: 106, protein: 4 g, fat: 8

g, saturated fat: 1 g, carbohydrate: 5 g,
sodium: 69 mg, calcium: 7 mg
This cheese is similar to Cashew Chvre
(page 8), but its dressed up with
fragrant lemon zest and pepper-corns,
transforming it into an artisan cheese of
the finest quality. Serve it with sliced
pears or apples, a baguette, and chilled
Pinot Grigio. It also makes a great gift
during the winter holidays.


lemon zest and

1 cups Basic Cashew Cheese (page

7), cultured for 1 to 2 days (see note)
Grated zest of 1 lemon
2 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon
1 tablespoon nutritional yeast flakes
teaspoon salt
2 to 3 tablespoons whole black or
multicolored peppercorns

1. Flavor the cheese.

Put the Basic Cashew Cheese, lemon
zest and juice, nutritional yeast, and
salt in a large bowl. Mix well.

2. Form the cheese.

Line a small cake pan or similar-sized
glass or nonreactive metal mold with
cheesecloth or plastic wrap. Sprinkle
the peppercorns evenly in the pan,
using enough to mostly cover the
bottom of the pan. Pack in the cheese
and smooth the top. Cover and
refrigerate for at least 6 hours, until
firm. When ready to serve, use the
cheesecloth or plastic wrap to help
unmold the cheese.

STORAGE NOTES: Wrapped in plastic

wrap and stored in a ziplock bag in the
refrigerator, Cashew Chvre with
Lemon Zest and Peppercorns will keep
for about 2 weeks. It can be stored
longer, but it will continue to get sharper
and stronger in flavor. Once it has
achieved the desired flavor, it can be
stored in the freezer for up to 4 months.

VARIATION: Substitute Creamy Yogurt

Cheese (page 23) for the Basic Cashew

NOTE: This recipe will turn out best if

you dont let the Basic Cashew Cheese
get too tangy.

Per ounce: calories: 108, protein: 4 g, fat: 8

g, saturated fat: 1 g, carbohydrate: 6 g,
sodium: 92 mg, calcium: 8 mg
This soft and aromatic cheese redolent
of herbs and garlic makes a beautiful
centerpiece for any cheese platter. If
theres any left over, use it the next day
as a delicious sandwich filling with
roasted vegetables. Although the herbs
in this recipe emulate the flavor of
classic Boursin, other herbs, such as
basil, oregano, parsley, and rosemary,
can be substituted.

BOURSIN See photo facing page 23.


1 pound Basic Cashew Cheese (page
7), cultured for 1 to 2 days (see note)
cup minced fresh parsley
2 tablespoons nutritional yeast flakes
2 to 3 cloves garlic, minced
1 tablespoon minced fresh chervil, or 1
teaspoon dried
1 tablespoon minced fresh tarragon, or
1 teaspoon dried
2 teaspoons minced fresh thyme, or
teaspoon dried
1 teaspoon salt
teaspoon dried marjoram
1. Flavor the cheese.
Put the Basic Cashew Cheese,
parsley, nutritional yeast, 2 cloves of
the garlic, and the chervil, tarragon,
thyme, salt, and marjoram in a large
bowl. Mix well. Taste and add more
garlic if desired.

2. Form the cheese.

The cheese can be shaped in a mold
or be formed into a log or ball by
hand. To use a mold, line it with
cheesecloth or plastic wrap, pack in
the cheese, and smooth the top. Cover
or wrap well with plastic wrap and
refrigerate for at least 6 hours, until
STORAGE NOTES: Wrapped in plastic
wrap and stored in a ziplock bag in the
refrigerator, Boursin will keep for about
2 weeks. It can be stored longer, but it
will continue to get sharper and stronger
in flavor, so taste it occasionally. Once
it has achieved the desired flavor, it can
be stored in the freezer up to 4 months.

VARIATION: Substitute Creamy Yogurt

Cheese (page 23) for the Basic Cashew

NOTE: This recipe will turn out best if

you dont let the Basic Cashew Cheese
get too tangy.

Per ounce: calories: 109, protein: 4 g, fat: 8

g, saturated fat: 2 g, carbohydrate: 6 g,
sodium: 137 mg, calcium: 10 mg
Heres a fun way to flavor Basic
Cashew Cheese, turning it into a savory,
piquant creation that holds up well for
potlucks and picnics. Whether served
with crackers or baguettes or as a filling
for sandwiches, this cheese has
universal appeal and is a hit with teens.

AND BASIL cheese

1 cups Basic Cashew Cheese (page

7), cultured for 1 to 2 days
cup finely chopped sun-dried
tomatoes (see note)
cup slivered fresh basil leaves,
firmly packed
3 tablespoons nutritional yeast flakes
2 to 3 cloves garlic, minced
1 teaspoon salt

1. Flavor the cheese.

Put the Basic Cashew Cheese, sun-
dried tomatoes, basil, nutritional
yeast, 2 cloves of the garlic, and the
salt in a large bowl. Mix well. Taste
and add more garlic if desired.
2. Form the cheese.
The cheese can be shaped in a mold
or be formed into a log or ball by
hand. To use a mold, line it with
cheesecloth or plastic wrap, pack in
the cheese, and smooth the top. Cover
or wrap well with plastic wrap and
refrigerate for at least 6 hours, until

STORAGE NOTES: Wrapped in plastic

wrap and stored in a ziplock bag in the
refrigerator, Sun-Dried Tomato and
Basil Cheese will keep for about 3
weeks. It can be stored longer, but it
will continue to get sharper and stronger
in flavor, so taste it occasionally. Once
it has achieved the desired flavor, it can
be stored in the freezer for up to 4

VARIATION: Substitute Creamy Yogurt

Cheese (page 23) for the Basic Cashew

NOTE: You can use either dry or oil-

packed sun-dried tomatoes. If using the
latter, simply drain and chop. If the
tomatoes arent oil-packed, soak them in
hot water for about 1 hour, then drain
and chop.

Per ounce: calories: 116, protein: 4 g, fat: 8

g, saturated fat: 1 g, carbohydrate: 7 g,
sodium: 228 mg, calcium: 14 mg
If you want a vegan cheese thats elegant
and creamy, with that distinctive melt-
in-your-mouth texture, look no further.
This version of Brie is a big hit at
parties, whether guests are vegan or not.
Be sure to pull it out of the refrigerator
an hour or so before serving to bring it
to room temperature and allow all of that
divine creaminess to develop. However,
do note that because it contains coconut
oil, it gets extremely soft in hot
conditions and doesnt hold up well for
very long. (For a Brie that can withstand
warmer temperatures, see the variation
on page 39.)
BRIE See photo facing page 23.



1 pound Basic Cashew Cheese (page

7), cultured for 12 to 24 hours
1 cup refined coconut oil, warmed or
1 tablespoon nutritional yeast flakes
teaspoon salt
2 to 3 tablespoons whole peppercorns
or chopped fresh herbs (optional)

1. Flavor the cheese.

Put the Basic Cashew Cheese, oil,
nutritional yeast, and salt in a blender
or food processor and process until
smooth and well combined. The
mixture will be fairly runny.

2. Form the cheese.

Line two 6-inch cake pans with
cheesecloth or plastic wrap. If
desired, sprinkle half of the
peppercorns or fresh herbs evenly in
each pan. Pour the mixture into the
pans and spread it evenly. Cover and
refrigerate for at least 8 hours, until
firm. Let sit at room temperature for 1
hour before serving.

STORAGE NOTES: Wrapped in plastic

wrap and stored in a ziplock bag, Brie
will keep for about 2 weeks in the
refrigerator or 4 months in the freezer.

Per ounce: calories: 149, protein: 2 g, fat: 15

g, saturated fat: 9 g, carbohydrate: 3 g,
sodium: 24 mg, calcium: 5 mg
In this recipe, just a few simple
ingredients combine to make a vegan
version of Gruyre that tastes
remarkably like its dairy counterpart.
Although it is on the softer side, it makes
a fabulous fondue or pasta sauce and
beautifully complements pears or
sourdough bread. If youre using Soft
Gruyre for Cheese Fondue (page 65) or
Fettuccine Alfredo with Gruyre and
Mushrooms (page 85), theres no need to
culture it. Once youve completed step
1, its ready to go!


2 cups cashews, soaked in water for 3

to 8 hours and drained
cup rejuvelac (preferably homemade,
page 6)
cup refined coconut oil, warmed or
2 tablespoons nutritional yeast flakes
1 to 2 tablespoons medium brown miso
1 teaspoon salt
teaspoon xanthan gum

1. Process the ingredients.

Put the cashews, rejuvelac, oil,
nutritional yeast, 1 tablespoon of the
miso, and the salt and xanthan gum in
a blender. Process until smooth and
creamy, occasionally stopping to
scrape down the blender jar and move
the mixture toward the blades. Taste
and add more miso if desired.

2. Culture the cheese.

Transfer to a clean glass bowl or
container, cover, and let rest at room
temperature for 12 to 24 hours,
depending on how sharp a flavor you
want and the ambient temperature
(fermentation will proceed more
quickly at warmer temperatures). The
cheese will darken slightly, thicken to
a spreadable consistency, and
develop a rich but not overly tangy
flavor. Cover and refrigerate. The
cheese will continue to thicken as it

STORAGE NOTES: Stored in a covered

container, Soft Gruyre will keep for
about 2 months in the refrigerator or 4
months in the freezer.

HARD GRUYRE: For a firmer

cheese that can be sliced, culture it for
24 to 48 hours, until the desired
sharpness and flavor have developed.
Transfer to a heavy medium saucepan
and stir in 1 tablespoon of carrageenan
powder or 2 tablespoons of agar powder
with a wooden spoon. Cook over
medium heat, stirring almost constantly,
until the mixture is glossy and gooey and
starts to pull away from the sides of the
pan, 4 to 5 minutes. Transfer to a glass
or nonreactive metal mold and smooth
the top. Let cool completely at room
temperature. Cover and refrigerate for at
least 6 hours, until firm. See photos
facing pages 22 and 23.

Per ounce: calories: 142, protein: 4 g, fat: 12

g, saturated fat: 4 g, carbohydrate: 6 g,
sodium: 193 mg, calcium: 7 mg
Rich and full flavored, this vegan
version of Cheddar continues to age and
improve in the refrigerator for weeks or
even months. What distinguishes it from
store-bought vegan Cheddar equivalents
is that the sharpness is not feigned by
adding acidic ingredients; its the result
of an actual aging process. I often make
this several weeks before I want to
serve it because it just keeps getting
betterdeeper, sharper, and more
complex in flavor.

sharp See photo facing

page 22.

2 cups raw cashews, soaked in water

for 3 to 8 hours and drained
cup nutritional yeast flakes
cup rejuvelac (preferably homemade,
page 6)
cup canola oil (optional; see note)
1 to 2 tablespoons medium brown miso
1 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon carrageenan powder, or
2 tablespoons agar powder
teaspoon xanthan gum
1. Process the ingredients.
Put the cashews, nutritional yeast,
rejuvelac, optional oil, 1 tablespoon
of the miso, and the salt in a blender.
Process until smooth and creamy,
occasionally stopping to scrape down
the blender jar and move the mixture
toward the blades. Taste and add
more miso if desired.

2. Culture the cheese.

Transfer the mixture to a clean glass
bowl or container, cover, and let rest
at room temperature for 24 to 72
hours, depending on how sharp a
flavor you want and the ambient
temperature (fermentation will
proceed more quickly at warmer

3. Thicken the cheese.

Transfer the cheese to a heavy
medium saucepan and stir in the
carrageenan and xanthan gum with a
wooden spoon. Cook over medium
heat, stirring almost constantly. The
mixture will be very thick, grainy, and
difficult to stir at first. Keep cooking
and stirring until it is smooth and
glossy and starts to pull away from the
sides of the pan, 3 to 5 minutes.

4. Form the cheese.

Transfer to a glass or metal mold and
smooth the top. Let cool completely at
room temperature. Cover and
refrigerate for at least 6 hours, until
The only reason Ive never aged it more
than four months is because I havent
been able to keep it around longer than
that! Although it continues to thicken as
it ages, the texture remains more like
Cheddar cheese left out on a hot day. (In
other words, its not quite as firm as
dairy-based Cheddar.) This is a good
cheese to have on hand at all times
because of its versatility. Its great for
adding to tacos and sandwiches, serving
with crackers, and making cheese

STORAGE NOTES: Stored in a covered

container, soft Sharp Cheddar will keep
for about 4 months in the refrigerator or
freezer. To store hard Sharp Cheddar,
wrap it in plastic wrap and put it in a
ziplock bag; it will keep for the same
amount of time and will become
increasingly firm, especially after 3


softer, spreadable crock-style cheese,
omit the carrageenan and xanthan gum.
After step 2, cover and refrigerate. The
cheese will thicken as it chills, but it
wont be firm enough for slicing.

NOTE: The optional oil will improve the

cheeses ability to melt and give it a
smoother mouthfeel. However, I
generally dont use the oil, and if youre
looking for a cheese that melts well, I
recommend that you make the Meltable
Cheddar (page 43). Omitting the oil
wont affect the flavor of the cheese, and
it will still soften if heated. If you wish
to heat the cheese, be aware that a skin
will form on top, so it is best to spread
the warm cheese with a knife.

Per ounce: calories: 117, protein: 5 g, fat: 8

g, saturated fat: 1 g, carbohydrate: 6 g,
sodium: 213 mg, calcium: 10 mg
This looks and tastes like its dairy
counterpart: fresh mozzarella made from
buffalos milk, formed into balls, and
packed in brine. Serve this cheese in
Caprese Salad (page 67) or use it in a
caprese sandwichlike the salad, made
with freshly sliced tomatoes, fresh basil,
and a drizzle of olive oil and balsamic
vinegar. When baked, this cheese softens
but doesnt really melt, so if youre
making pizza or a dish like lasagne, use
Meltable Mozzarella (page 44) or
Meltable Muenster (page 41) instead.


2 cups raw cashews, soaked in water

for 3 to 8 hours and drained
cup rejuvelac (preferably homemade,
page 6)
1 teaspoon plus 1 pinch salt
to 1 teaspoon xanthan gum
cup water
1 tablespoon agar powder, or 3
tablespoons agar flakes
4 cups ice water

1. Process the ingredients.

Put the cashews, rejuvelac, and a
pinch of salt in a blender. Process
until smooth and creamy, occasionally
stopping to scrape down the blender
jar and move the mixture toward the
blades. Add teaspoon of the
xanthan gum and process until
thickened and gooey.

2. Culture the cheese.

Transfer to a clean glass bowl or
container, cover, and let rest at room
temperature for 8 to 24 hours,
depending on how sharp a flavor you
want and the ambient temperature
(culturing will proceed more quickly
at warmer temperatures). Mozzarella
should have a mild flavor, so dont let
it ferment so long that it becomes

3. Thicken the cheese.

Transfer the mixture to a blender. Put
the cup water and the agar in a
small saucepan and bring to a boil
over medium-high heat. Decrease the
heat to medium-low and simmer,
whisking occasionally, until the agar
is completely dissolved, 3 to 5
minutes. It should not be cloudy or
grainy. Pour into the blender and
process until smooth and thoroughly
combined. For a stretchier
consistency in the final product, add
an additional to teaspoon of
xanthan gum and process until
thoroughly combined.
4. Form the cheese.
To make a brine, put the ice water and
1 teaspoon of salt in a large bowl and
stir until the salt dissolves. Form the
cheese into balls using a small ice-
cream scoop, dropping them into the
brine as you go. They will harden
almost instantly. Cover and
refrigerate, keeping the cheese stored
in the brine.

STORAGE NOTES: Covered and stored

in the brine, Fresh Mozzarella will keep
for about 2 weeks in the refrigerator.
The brine will help it retain its shape
and preserve its freshness.

Per cup: calories: 108, protein: 3 g, fat: 8

g, saturated fat: 1 g, carbohydrate: 6 g,
sodium: 25 mg, calcium: 11 mg
The addition of beer and chives to
Cheddar cheese creates a robust,
complex flavor, accentuating the nutty
notes of the cheese. This cheese goes
well with hearty foods and, of course, a
good beer. To make a rarebit sauce
thats great over potatoes and broccoli,
heat this cheese with just enough beer to
achieve a pourable consistency.


2 cups raw cashews, soaked in water
for 3 to 8 hours and drained
cup nutritional yeast flakes
cup rejuvelac (preferably homemade,
page 6)
1 to 2 tablespoons medium brown miso
1 teaspoon salt
cup ale or dark beer
1 tablespoon carrageenan powder, or
2 tablespoons agar powder
cup minced fresh chives

1. Process the ingredients.

Put the cashews, nutritional yeast,
rejuvelac, 1 tablespoon of the miso,
and the salt in a blender. Process until
smooth and creamy, occasionally
stopping to scrape down the blender
jar and move the mixture toward the
blades. Taste and add more miso if

2. Culture the cheese.

Transfer to a clean glass bowl or
container, cover, and let rest at room
temperature for 24 to 48 hours,
depending on how sharp a flavor you
want and the ambient temperature
(fermentation will proceed more
quickly at warmer temperatures). At
this point, the cheese can be
refrigerated for up to 48 hours.
3. Thicken the cheese.
Pour the ale into a heavy medium
saucepan and stir in the carrageenan
with a wooden spoon. Bring to a
simmer over medium-high heat. Stir in
the cheese. Decrease the heat to
medium-low and cook, stirring
constantly, until smooth and glossy, 3
to 5 minutes. Remove from the heat
and stir in the chives.

4. Form the cheese.

Pour into a glass or nonreactive metal
mold and smooth the top. Let cool
completely at room temperature.
Cover and refrigerate for at least 24
STORAGE NOTES: Wrapped in plastic
wrap and stored in a ziplock bag, Pub
Cheddar with Chives will keep for about
4 months in the refrigerator or freezer.

Per ounce: calories: 98, protein: 4 g, fat: 7 g,

saturated fat: 1 g, carbohydrate: 5 g,
sodium: 155 mg, calcium: 8 mg
This is similar to Almond Ricotta (page
47) but is a little richer and more
complex in flavor because its cultured.
Macadamia Ricotta makes a spectacular
filling for Stuffed Squash Blossoms
(page 72) and is also fantastic in lasagne
or ravioli.


2 cups raw macadamia nuts, soaked in

water for 8 to 12 hours and drained
1 cup water
Large pinch salt

1. Process the ingredients.

Put the macadamia nuts, water, and
salt in a blender. Process until smooth
and creamy, occasionally stopping to
scrape down the blender jar and move
the mixture toward the blades. The
mixture will be quite soft.

2. Culture the cheese.

Transfer to a clean glass bowl or
container, cover, and let rest at room
temperature for 12 to 24 hours,
depending on the ambient temperature,
until flavorful but not too tangy.
(Culturing will proceed more quickly
at warmer temperatures.) Cover and

STORAGE NOTES: Stored in a covered

container, Macadamia Ricotta will keep
for about 1 week in the refrigerator or 4
months in the freezer.

Per cup: calories: 137, protein: 2 g, fat: 15

g, saturated fat: 2 g, carbohydrate: 1 g,
sodium: 31 mg, calcium: 16 mg
If youve craved cheesecakes, rich
cream cheese frosting, and other sweets
traditionally made with cream cheese
(which youll find recipes for in chapter
9), this recipe will come to your rescue.
The basic version below isnt sweet,
however, so you can also enjoy it on
bagels or in savory dishes. In fact, you
can use it in just about any recipe that
calls for cream cheese. Only a bit of
nondairy yogurt is needed to culture this
versatile cheese.

c a s h e w CREAM

2 cups raw cashews, soaked in water

for 8 hours and drained
cup water
2 tablespoons plain, unsweetened
nondairy yogurt (preferably homemade,
page 56)
Pinch salt

1. Process the ingredients.

Put the cashews, water, nondairy
yogurt, and salt in a blender. Process
until smooth and creamy, occasionally
stopping to scrape down the blender
jar and move the mixture toward the

2. Culture the cheese.

Transfer to a clean glass bowl or
container, cover, and let rest at room
temperature for 24 to 48 hours,
depending on how sharp a flavor you
want and the ambient temperature
(culturing will proceed more quickly
at warmer temperatures). For use in
cheesecakes that will be sweetened,
allowing it to culture for a full 48
hours will create a tanginess that will
nicely complement the sweetener.
Cover and refrigerate. The cheese
will get firmer as it chills.
STORAGE NOTES: Stored in a covered
container, Cashew Cream Cheese will
keep for about 2 weeks in the
refrigerator or 4 months in the freezer.

MASCARPONE: The Italian version of

cream cheese and the star ingredient in
tiramisu, mascarpone is similar to cream
cheese, but a little sweeter, milder, and
typically softer. To make a nondairy
version of mascarpone, allow the
cashew mixture to culture for only 12 to
24 hourslong enough to thicken and
develop some flavor, but not so long that
it gets tangy. It should have a sweet,
mild flavor.


To make a firm, block-type cream
cheese, press the cheese after its
cultured. Line a small sieve or colander
with a double layer of cheesecloth, using
enough cheesecloth that it hangs over the
edges. Put the sieve over a bowl. Put the
cheese in the sieve and wrap the ends of
the cheesecloth over the top. Put a plate
on top and put a 5- to 10-pound weight
on the platea clean river rock, a
container of water, a cast-iron skillet, or
whatever you have handy. Let stand at
room temperature for about 24 hours to
press much of the liquid out of the
cheese. (Discard the liquid.) The
resulting cheese will be quite firm. Use
as is, or flavor with chives, herbs, or
Per ounce (2 tablespoons): calories: 106,
protein: 4 g, fat: 8 g, saturated fat: 1 g,
carbohydrate: 5 g, sodium: 11 mg, calcium: 9
Draining yogurt is an easy way to make a
thick but spreadable cheese that can
replicate sour cream, crme frache,
cream cheese, or chvre, depending on
how it is flavored. The longer it drains,
the thicker it will get. The actual hands-
on time is minimal, but you do need to
allow twelve to twenty-four hours for
draining. Its best to flavor this cheese,
as it is fairly bland on its own. I offer
two methods here: one using a cheese
bag and the other using a sieve or
colander lined with cheesecloth. The
first will allow more liquid to drain off,
resulting in a thicker cheese but a lower
yield. Even when using the same method,
the amount of liquid that drains from the
yogurt differs from batch to batch, so its
difficult to give an exact yield for this



4 cups plain, unsweetened nondairy

yogurt (preferably homemade, page 56)

TO USE A CHEESE BAG: If you have

a cheese bag, simply pour the yogurt into
the bag and hang it over a bowl (or tie it
over the kitchen faucet so the liquid
drains into the sink). Let it drain at room
temperature for 24 hours or more until
liquid is no longer draining from the bag
and the yogurt cheese is very thick.
There should be no more than 1 cups
of solids.


or colander with a double layer of
cheesecloth, using enough cheesecloth
that it hangs over the edges. Put the sieve
over a bowl and pour in the yogurt.
Cover loosely with the cheesecloth and
let the yogurt drain at room temperature
for at least 12 hours, until the yogurt
cheese is somewhat thick but still soft.
There should be no more than 2 cups of
solids. Use as is for sour cream or
crme frache. To thicken it further,
gather the corners of the cheesecloth and
tie them a knot at the top to form a bag.
Hang the bag over a bowl or from the
faucet and let drain for 12 to 24 hours,
until the cheese reaches the desired

STORAGE NOTES: Stored in a covered

container, Basic Yogurt Cheese will
keep for about 2 weeks in the
refrigerator or about 4 months in the

Per cup: calories: 200, protein: 8 g, fat: 5

g, saturated fat: 0 g, carbohydrate: 29 g,
sodium: 40 mg, calcium: 160 mg
sandwich made with Hard Gruyre, page 13,
and Sharp Cheddar, page 14
Clockwise from top left: Air-Dried Gouda,
page 28, Hard Gruyre, page 13, Brie with
whole peppercorns, page 12, Boursin, page 10,
Sun-Dried Tomato and Garlic Cream Cheese
page 24, and Meltable Muenster, page 41
A few simple seasonings turn drained
nondairy yogurt into a thick, creamy,
spreadable cheese thats great on bagels
and sandwiches or in ravioli, lasagne,
and other savory dishes. Because the
yield of the Basic Yogurt Cheese recipe
is variable depending on the yogurt used
and the draining time and method, its
difficult to give exact quantities for the
seasonings. Start with the amounts listed
and increase them as needed to achieve
the desired flavor.

c r e a m y YOGURT

1 to 1 cups Basic Yogurt Cheese

(page 22)
2 to 3 tablespoons nutritional yeast
1 tablespoon freshly squeezed lemon
juice, plus more as desired
1 teaspoon salt, plus more as desired

1. Flavor the cheese.

Put the Basic Yogurt Cheese, 2
tablespoons of the nutritional yeast,
and the lemon juice and salt in a
medium bowl. Mix well. Season with
the remaining tablespoon of
nutritional yeast if desired and
additional lemon juice and salt to

2. Form the cheese.

Line a small glass or nonreactive
metal mold with cheesecloth or
plastic wrap. Pack in the cheese and
smooth the top. Cover and refrigerate
for at least 8 hours, until firm. When
ready to serve, use the cheesecloth to
help unmold the cheese.

STORAGE NOTES: Stored in a covered

container, Creamy Yogurt Cheese will
keep for about 2 weeks in the
refrigerator or 4 months in the freezer.
Add to 1 teaspoon truffle oil when
flavoring the cheese; white truffle oil has
a slightly stronger flavor than black. If
you want to splurge, also stir in a bit of
freshly shaved truffle.

Per cup: calories: 242, protein: 13 g, fat: 6

g, saturated fat: 0 g, carbohydrate: 35 g,
sodium: 896 mg, calcium: 161 mg
This is a great way to use up Fresh
Mozzarella or Cashew Cream Cheese
that becomes too sharp after an extended
time in the refrigerator. The pungent
garlic and tangy sun-dried tomatoes play
upon the sharpness and create a rich,
flavorful, reddish cheese thats great on
crackers or sandwiches.

tomato and photo
g a r l i c CREAM page 23.


8 ounces Fresh Mozzarella (page 16)

or Cashew Cream Cheese (page 20)
cup sun-dried tomatoes (see note)
3 cloves garlic
1 teaspoon salt

Put the Fresh Mozzerella, sun-dried

tomatoes, garlic, and salt in a food
processor. Process until fairly creamy,
leaving the sun-dried tomatoes slightly
chunky or processing longer for a
smoother consistency. Transfer to a
container, cover, and refrigerate.
STORAGE NOTES: Stored in a covered
container, Sun-Dried Tomato and Garlic
Cream Cheese will keep for about 3
weeks in the refrigerator or 4 months in
the freezer.

NOTE: You can use either dry or oil-

packed sun-dried tomatoes. If using the
latter, simply drain them before putting
them in the food processor. If the
tomatoes arent oil-packed, soak them in
hot water for about 1 hour, then drain
them well before putting them in the food

Per ounce (2 tablespoons): calories: 86,

protein: 3 g, fat: 6 g, saturated fat: 1 g,
carbohydrate: 5 g, sodium: 263 mg, calcium:
12 mg
This was the very first vegan cheese I
ever made, over thirty years ago. After a
week of marinating, the tofu develops a
spreadable, buttery, cheeselike
consistency. Its wonderful alongside
grilled veggies and on crotes, or served
in croustade. It can also be blended to
make aoli, salad dressings, and sauces.

TOFU cheese

1 cup medium brown miso

cup dry white wine
cup mirin
1 pound firm regular tofu, sliced
inch thick

1. Make the marinade.

Put the miso, wine, and mirin in a
shallow pan and mix with a whisk or
fork until thoroughly blended.

2. Marinate the tofu.

Submerge the tofu slices in the
marinade, making sure all of them are
well coated on all sides. Cover and
refrigerate for 1 week. Remove the
tofu from the marinade gently, as it
will be very delicate. Fill a bowl
with water and rinse the tofu pieces
carefully in the water to remove any
residual marinade. Discard the

STORAGE NOTES: Stored in a covered

container, Tofu Cheese will keep for
about 3 weeks in the refrigerator.


rinsing, put the tofu slices in a lidded
glass storage container. Pour in just
enough freshly squeezed lemon juice to
cover the tofu. Cover and refrigerate for
at least 24 hours, until pungent and sharp

TOFU FETA: After rinsing, put the tofu

slices in a lidded glass storage
container. Pour in just enough extra-
virgin olive oil to cover the tofu and
sprinkle with 1 teaspoon of salt. Gently
turn the slices over to evenly distribute
the salt. Cover and refrigerate for at
least 24 hours.

Per 2 ounces ( cup): calories: 83, protein: 8

g, fat: 4 g, saturated fat: 1 g, carbohydrate: 3
g, sodium: 324 mg, calcium: 100 mg

Air-Dried Cheeses

In the dairy world, most hard

cheeses are air-dried and aged
for a period of days, weeks, or
months. After the curds are
separated from the whey, they
are pressed to expel most of
the liquid. The firming process
continues over time as the
cheese is dried out by being
exposed to air. The size of the
cheese and the duration of air-
drying determine how hard the
final cheese is, yielding a
variety of textures from
creamy but sliceable
Emmentaler or Gouda to
extremely hard and easy-to-
grate Parmesan. To a certain
extent, a similar process is
possible with vegan cheeses.
When air-drying vegan
cheeses, there are several key
points to keep in mind. It is
critical to salt the surface of
the cheese to suppress
unwanted growth of mold or
bacteria. Salt also contributes
to the development of flavor,
so all of the cheeses in this
chapter are sprinkled or
rubbed with salt prior to air-
drying. The salting process is
generally repeated after a few
days, and its especially
important to do so if the
humidity is high. The ambient
temperature is also critical.
These cheeses require cool
temperatures for aging,
especially if aged for more
than three or four days.
Something akin to a wine cave
is ideal (typically around 55
degrees F), although Ive had
perfectly good results when
aging cheeses in a cool room
at around 65 degrees F. A cool
basement or pantry can also
work well.
Another point to keep in
mind is that the entire surface
of the cheese should be
exposed to air, not just the top
and sides. The best way to do
this is to put cheeses on a
rack, such as a wire rack for
cooling baked goods. A wire
rack with a grid pattern works
especially well.
The longest Ive air-dried a
cheese is four months. I finally
gave in and ate it, but during
the entire aging time I never
had any issues with mold of
any kind. That cheese was
based on Basic Cashew
Cheese (page 7), and while it
was good, I wasnt thrilled
with the texture. It was
somewhat too crumbly and
grainy due to the fact that
Basic Cashew Cheese is made
of ground-up cashews with
only minimal liquid. While this
is fine for a cheese aged for
only a few days, over a period
of weeks the solids in the
cheese simply turn grainy.
After some trial and error, I
realized that air-dried cheeses
need a higher liquid content if
they are to have a creamier
texture. This led to an entirely
new path of experimentation,
resulting in the cheese recipes
in this chapter. Many of these
cheeses contain nondairy
yogurt, a bit of oil or wine, or
a combination of these more
liquid ingredients. I look
forward to many more years
of experimentation on this
This Gouda develops a nice rind that
surrounds a creamy and smooth but firm
interior. Its actually tasty if eaten right
away, although its very soft at that stage
and doesnt really resemble Gouda.
After several days of air-drying,
however, the flavor comes alive and the
cheese becomes firm enough to slice.

air-dried See photo facing

page 23.


2 cups raw cashews, soaked in water
for 3 to 8 hours and drained
1 cup plain, unsweetened nondairy
yogurt (preferably homemade, page 56)
cup rejuvelac (preferably homemade,
page 6)
cup canola oil or refined coconut oil
(optional; see note)
cup dry white wine
3 tablespoons tapioca flour
2 tablespoons nutritional yeast flakes
1 tablespoon medium brown miso
1 tablespoon carrageenan powder, or
2 tablespoons agar powder
2 teaspoons salt
1. Process the ingredients.
Put the cashews, yogurt, rejuvelac,
optional oil, wine, tapioca flour,
nutritional yeast, miso, carrageenan,
and 1 teaspoons of the salt in a
blender. Process until smooth and
creamy, occasionally stopping to
scrape down the blender jar and move
the mixture toward the blades.

2. Cook the mixture.

Pour the mixture into a heavy medium
saucepan. Cook over medium heat,
stirring almost constantly with a
wooden spoon. The mixture will
become lumpy, then, after 3 to 5
minutes, it should be smooth, stretchy,
and bubbly. If you added the optional
oil, it will also develop a slight

3. Form the cheese.

Pour the mixture into a glass or
nonreactive metal mold and smooth
the top. Let cool completely at room
temperature. Cover and refrigerate for
at least 4 hours, until firm.

4. Salt the cheese.

Run a knife around the edge of the
mold, then gently pry the cheese out
and put it on a plate. Wash your hands
well, rinse them thoroughly, and while
they are still wet, sprinkle the
remaining teaspoon of salt over your
palms. Rub the salt over the entire
surface of the cheese.

5. Air-dry the cheese.

Put the cheese on a drying rack in a
cool place with good air circulation.
Let air-dry for 5 days. It will develop
a rind and become firmer. Taste it to
see if it is flavorful and firm enough.
If not, let it air-dry for 2 to 3 more
days, until it has the desired texture
and flavor.

STORAGE NOTES: Wrapped in plastic

wrap and stored in a ziplock bag, Air-
Dried Gouda will keep for about 1
month in the refrigerator or 4 months in
the freezer.
NOTE: Although the oil is optional,
including it in the recipe will improve
the mouthfeel of the cheese.

Per ounce: calories: 103, protein: 4 g, fat: 7

g, saturated fat: 1 g, carbohydrate: 7 g,
sodium: 318 mg, calcium: 12 mg
This Cheddar undergoes double
culturingfirst for two to three days
prior to forming the cheese, then for
several more days as it air-dries. The
reward is a sliceable, sharp Cheddar
thats perfect for sandwiches or for a
cheese plate.

air-dried CHEDDAR

2 cups cashews, soaked in water for 3

to 8 hours and drained
1 cup plain, unsweetened nondairy
yogurt (preferably homemade, see page
cup rejuvelac (preferably homemade,
page 6)
cup nutritional yeast flakes
cup medium brown miso
3 tablespoons canola oil (optional; see
1 teaspoons salt, plus more as
5 tablespoons tapioca flour
1 tablespoons carrageenan powder,
or 3 tablespoons agar powder
1. Process the ingredients.
Put the cashews, yogurt, rejuvelac,
nutritional yeast, miso, optional oil,
and 1 teaspoon of the salt in a
blender. Process until smooth and
creamy, occasionally stopping to
scrape down the blender jar and move
the mixture toward the blades.

2. Culture the cheese.

Transfer to a clean glass bowl or
container, cover, and let rest at room
temperature for 36 to 48 hours, until
the mixture has a deep, sharp flavor.

3. Thicken the cheese.

Transfer the mixture to a heavy
medium saucepan and whisk in the
tapioca flour and carrageenan. Bring
to a simmer over medium-low heat,
stirring constantly with a wooden
spoon. As the mixture heats, it will
become stretchy. Continue to cook,
stirring constantly, until smooth and
slightly glossy, 2 to 5 minutes.

4. Form the cheese.

Pour into a glass or nonreactive metal
mold and smooth the top. Let cool
completely at room temperature.
Cover and refrigerate for at least 4
hours, until firm.

5. Salt the cheese.

Run a knife around the edge of the
mold, then gently pry the cheese out
and put it on a plate. Wash your hands
well, rinse them thoroughly, and while
they are still wet, sprinkle the
remaining teaspoon of salt over
your palms. Rub the salt over the
entire surface of the cheese.

6. Air-dry the cheese.

Put the cheese on a drying rack in a
cool place with good air circulation.
Let air-dry for 4 days. The surface
may crack a little. As it dries, the
cheese will become firmer and easier
to slice. Taste it to see if its
sufficiently sharp and dry. If not, turn
the cheese over, sprinkle to
teaspoon of salt evenly over the entire
surface, and let it air-dry for 1 to 3
more days.

STORAGE NOTES: Wrapped in plastic

wrap and stored in a ziplock bag, Air-
Dried Cheddar will keep for about 1
month in the refrigerator or 4 months in
the freezer.

NOTE: Although the oil is optional,

including it in the recipe will improve
the mouthfeel of the cheese.

Per ounce: calories: 118, protein: 6 g, fat: 7

g, saturated fat: 1 g, carbohydrate: 9 g,
sodium: 288 mg, calcium: 13 mg
This cheese has a flavor quite
reminiscent of Swiss cheese. However,
there are no holessorry!

air-dried EMMENTALER

1 cup plain, unsweetened nondairy

yogurt (preferably homemade, page 56)
cup raw cashews
6 tablespoons tapioca flour
cup sauerkraut, drained
cup canola oil
cup dry white wine
cup rejuvelac (preferably homemade,
page 6)
1 teaspoons salt
cup water
4 teaspoons agar powder, or cup
agar flakes

1. Process the ingredients.

Put the yogurt, cashews, tapioca flour,
sauerkraut, oil, wine, rejuvelac, and 1
teaspoon of the salt in a blender.
Process until smooth and creamy,
occasionally stopping to scrape down
the blender jar and move the mixture
toward the blades.

2. Culture the cheese.

Transfer to a clean glass bowl or
container, cover, and let rest at room
temperature for 24 to 48 hours, until
slightly sharp in flavor.

3. Thicken the cheese.

Put the water and agar in a heavy
medium saucepan and whisk until
well mixed. Bring to a boil over
medium heat. Pour in the yogurt
mixture and mix well with a wooden
spoon. Decrease the heat to medium
and cook, stirring frequently, until
thick, gooey, and glossy, 2 to 5

4. Form the cheese.

Pour into a glass or nonreactive metal
mold and smooth the top. Let cool
completely at room temperature.
Cover and refrigerate for at least 4
hours, until firm.

5. Salt the cheese.

Run a knife around the edge of the
mold, then gently pry the cheese out
and put it on a plate. Sprinkle the
remaining teaspoon of salt evenly
over the entire surface of the cheese.

6. Air-dry the cheese.

Put the cheese on a drying rack in a
cool place with good air circulation.
Let air-dry for 2 to 3 days. The cheese
will get firmer as it dries.

STORAGE NOTES: Wrapped in plastic

wrap and stored in a ziplock bag, Air-
Dried Emmentaler will keep for about 2
months in the refrigerator or 4 months in
the freezer

Per ounce: calories: 83, protein: 1 g, fat: 6 g,

saturated fat: 1 g, carbohydrate: 6 g,
sodium: 237 mg, calcium: 16 mg
Patience and the right environment are
required, but it is possible to make
vegan Parmesan cheese thats sharp,
nutty, and hard enough to grate. It has a
darker color than its dairy counterpart
but is entirely satisfying over pasta,
vegetables, or a Caesar salad. As a
bonus, it will keep for several months in
the refrigerator.

air-dried PARMESAN

2 cups Basic Yogurt Cheese (page 22)

6 tablespoons nutritional yeast flakes
cup medium brown miso
teaspoon salt, plus more as needed

1. Flavor the cheese.

Put the Basic Yogurt Cheese,
nutritional yeast, and miso in a
medium bowl. Mix well.

2. Form the cheese.

Put a piece of parchment paper over a
drying rack. Gather the mixture into a
ball and transfer it to the covered
rack. Flatten it to form a brick or
round about inch thick.
3. Salt the cheese.
Sprinkle about teaspoon of the salt
evenly over the top.

4. Air-dry the cheese.

Put the rack and cheese in a cool
place with good air circulation. Let
air-dry for 24 hours. The cheese will
become somewhat firm, and the top
will be dry enough that the cheese can
be flipped over. Use the parchment
paper to flip the cheese over directly
onto the rack; discard the parchment
paper. Wash your hands well, rinse
them thoroughly, and while they are
still wet, sprinkle the remaining
teaspoon of salt over your palms. Rub
the salt over the top and sides of the
cheese. Let air-dry for 10 to 14 days,
flipping the cheese over every 2 days
and checking daily for mold or other
unwanted surface growth. If theres
any sign of mold or other growth,
scrape or cut it off as soon as it
appears and sprinkle a bit more salt
on the surface. The cheese is ready
when it is hard and quite dry
throughout (slice and check).

STORAGE NOTES: Wrapped in plastic

wrap and stored in a ziplock bag, Air-
Dried Parmesan will keep for about 4
months in the refrigerator or freezer.


PINE NUTS: Adding pine nuts will
contribute a nutty flavor to this cheese.
Put the Basic Yogurt Cheese, nutritional
yeast, miso, and cup of pine nuts in a
blender. Process until smooth and
creamy. Form, salt, and air-dry the
cheese as directed in the main recipe.

Per ounce: calories: 148, protein: 10 g, fat: 4

g, saturated fat: 0 g, carbohydrate: 19 g,
sodium: 456 mg, calcium: 80 mg
I cant put my finger on what this cheese
resembles in terms of its dairy
counterpart, but Im sure Ive had
something like this in the past. This air-
dried cheese has a brown rind, a creamy
interior, and a strong, nutty, piquant
flavor. It goes well with beer and other
beverages that hold their own against a
slightly salty, full-flavored cheese.

a i r - d r i e d PIQUANT


2 cups raw cashews, soaked in water
for 3 to 8 hours and drained
cup rejuvelac (preferably homemade,
page 6)
2 cubes fermented tofu (see note)
1 tablespoon umeboshi paste
1 teaspoon salt

1. Process the ingredients.

Put the cashews, rejuvelac, fermented
tofu, umeboshi paste, and teaspoon
of the salt in a blender. Process until
smooth and creamy, occasionally
stopping to scrape down the blender
jar and move the mixture toward the
2. Culture the cheese.
Transfer to a clean glass bowl or
container, cover, and let rest at room
temperature for 24 hours.

3. Form the cheese.

Put a piece of parchment paper over a
drying rack. Gather the mixture into a
ball and transfer it to the covered
rack. Form it into a dome shape about
2 inches high in the middle.

4. Salt the cheese.

Sprinkle about teaspoon of the salt
evenly over the top.

5. Air-dry the cheese.

Put the rack and cheese in a cool
place with good air circulation. Let
air-dry for 24 to 36 hours, until a crust
has formed. Use the parchment paper
to flip the cheese over directly onto
the rack; discard the parchment paper.
Sprinkle the remaining teaspoon of
salt evenly over the cheese. Let air-
dry for 24 hours. Turn the cheese over
so that the domed side is on top again.
Let air-dry for 10 to 12 days, until a
crust has formed and the cheese is
brown throughout (slice and check).

STORAGE NOTES: Wrapped in plastic

wrap and stored in a ziplock bag, Air-
Dried Piquant Brown Cheese will keep
for about 2 months in the refrigerator or
4 months in the freezer.

NOTE: Fermented tofu, a very strong-

tasting product available in Asian
grocery stores, is cubed tofu preserved
in a mixture of wine, vinegar, salt, and
other ingredients. Its available in
different flavors; for this recipe, use a
plain version.

Per ounce: calories: 133, protein: 4 g, fat: 10

g, saturated fat: 2 g, carbohydrate: 6 g,
sodium: 294 mg, calcium: 10 mg
The king and queen of cheeses,
Camembert and Brie are comparable in
flavor and appearance. Traditionally,
they are made using similar ingredients
and techniques, but they hail from
different parts of France. Some people
say that Camembert has a slightly
stronger flavor, so in this recipe the base
mixture is cultured a bit longer than the
base of the Air-Dried Brie variation
(page 39).

air-dried CAMEMBERT

1 cup plain, unsweetened nondairy

yogurt (preferably homemade, page 56)
1 cup raw cashews, soaked in water
for 3 to 8 hours and drained
cup rejuvelac (preferably homemade,
page 6)
cup canola oil
2 tablespoons nutritional yeast flakes
1 teaspoons salt
3 tablespoons tapioca flour
1 teaspoon carrageenan powder, or 2
teaspoons agar powder
1. Process the ingredients.
Put the yogurt, cashews, rejuvelac,
oil, nutritional yeast, and 1 teaspoon
of the salt in a blender. Process until
smooth and creamy.

2. Culture the cheese.

Transfer to a clean glass bowl or
container, cover, and let rest at room
temperature for 24 to 36 hours, until
the mixture has achieved the desired

3. Thicken the cheese.

Transfer the mixture to a heavy
medium saucepan and whisk in the
tapioca flour and carrageenan. Cook
over medium heat, stirring constantly
with a wooden spoon, until bubbling,
very thick, and shiny, 3 to 5 minutes.

4. Form the cheese.

Line a 6-inch round cake pan with
cheesecloth or plastic wrap. Pour the
mixture into the pan and spread it
evenly. Let cool completely at room
temperature. Cover and refrigerate for
at least 4 hours, until firm enough to

Per ounce: calories: 104, protein: 3 g, fat: 8

g, saturated fat: 1 g, carbohydrate: 6 g,
sodium: 205 mg, calcium: 14 mg
Whatever you choose to call this cheese,
once it has aged youll have a lovely
round with a thin rind and a creamy,
gooey interior. Although it is delicious
as is at room temperature, its even more
spectacular served warm, prepared as
Brie en Crote with Dried Fruit and
Nuts (page 80). Unlike the Brie in
chapter 1 (page 12), this variation holds
up well in warm weather.

5. Salt the cheese.

Use the cheesecloth to gently remove
the cheese from the pan. Put it on a
drying rack and discard the
cheesecloth. Wash your hands well,
rinse them thoroughly, and while they
are still wet sprinkle the remaining
teaspoon of salt over your palms.
Gently rub the salt over the entire
surface of the cheese.

6. Air-dry the cheese.

Put the rack and cheese in a cool
place with good air circulation. Let
air-dry for 24 to 48 hours, until a
slight skin has formed but the inside is
still soft and gooey (gently press the
top to check).

STORAGE NOTES: Wrapped in plastic

wrap and stored in a ziplock bag,
Camembert will keep for about 2 weeks
in the refrigerator or 4 months in the

Substitute cup hempseeds for the
entire 1 cup of cashews. Hempseeds are
higher in fat, so this will create a very
rich, gooey cheese. Note that it may have
a slight green tint.

AIR-DRIED BRIE: Follow the

instructions in the main recipe, but in
step 2, culture for only 12 hours so the
flavor doesnt become too tangy.

Meltable Cheeses

While many of the recipes in

chapters 1 and 2 make
fabulous cheeses suitable for a
cheese platter or just plain
noshing, this is the go-to
chapter for cheeses that melt
and, to a degree, stretch. As
with their dairy counterparts, it
is the fat content (oil in this
case) that helps with melting,
so these are higher in fat than
most of the cheeses in this
book. However, if youve
been craving a gooey, melty,
stretchy topping for your pizza
or gratin and are willing to
occasionally toss caution to
the wind, youre in the right
place. Some of these cheeses
are also delicious eaten plain
no melting required!
A key way in which these
recipes vary from those in
chapters 1, 2, and 4 is in the
choice of solidifying agents.
While many of the other
recipes offer the alternative of
using either carrageenan or
agar, these dont. Carrageenan
softens more readily than agar
when reheated and therefore
is the thickener of choice for
cheeses that will melt. As with
the other cheeses in this book,
the meltable cheeses continue
to get sharper the longer they
are cultured and even while
stored in the refrigerator.
This cheese has a creamy, smooth,
buttery texture that melts in your mouth
or on a hot sandwich. Served cold, it
pairs beautifully with apples and pears.
Because Muenster is a mild cheese, the
base for this vegan version isnt
cultured, making for a meltable cheese
thats almost instant!

meltable See photo facing

page 23.


1 cup plain, unsweetened nondairy
yogurt (preferably homemade, page 56)
cup water
cup canola oil
cup tapioca flour
1 tablespoon nutritional yeast flakes
1 tablespoon carrageenan powder
1 teaspoon salt

1. Process the ingredients.

Put all the ingredients in a blender.
Process until smooth and creamy,
occasionally stopping to scrape down
the blender jar and move the mixture
toward the blades.
2. Cook the mixture.
Pour the mixture into a heavy medium
saucepan. Cook over medium heat,
stirring almost constantly with a wire
whisk, until very smooth, thick, gooey,
and glossy, 3 to 5 minutes. Its
important to cook it until there is an
obvious sheen, or the cheese wont
melt well.

3. Form the cheese.

Pour the mixture into a glass or
nonreactive metal mold and smooth
the top. Let cool completely at room
temperature. Cover and refrigerate for
at least 3 hours, until firm.

STORAGE NOTES: Wrapped in plastic

wrap and stored in a ziplock bag,
Meltable Muenster will keep for about 4
weeks in the refrigerator.

NOTE: If you want a reddish tint on the

surface of the cheese to resemble
traditional Muenster, lightly sprinkle
paprika on the outside.

Per ounce: calories: 57, protein: 1 g, fat: 5 g,

saturated fat: 0 g, carbohydrate: 3 g,
sodium: 136 mg, calcium: 9 mg
This vegan cheese has the slightly
crumbly appearance of dairy-based dry
Monterey Jack and really does melt like
conventional cheese. Its ideal for
grilled cheese sandwiches, or you can
defy convention and use it to top a pizza.
When baked, it bubbles and browns

m e l t a b l e MONTEREY


1 cup plain, unsweetened nondairy
yogurt (preferably homemade, page 56)
cup water
cup canola oil
1 teaspoons salt
3 tablespoons tapioca flour
2 tablespoons carrageenan powder

1. Process the ingredients.

Put the yogurt, water, oil, and salt in a
blender. Process until smooth and
creamy, occasionally stopping to
scrape down the blender jar and move
the mixture toward the blades.
2. Culture the cheese.
Transfer to a clean glass bowl or
container, cover, and let rest at room
temperature for 8 to 24 hours, until
mildly sharp in flavor.

3. Thicken the cheese.

Transfer to a heavy medium saucepan
and whisk in the tapioca flour and
carrageenan. Cook over medium heat,
stirring almost constantly with the
whisk, until the mixture is smooth and
glossy and starts to pull away from the
sides of the pan, 5 to 10 minutes.

4. Form the cheese.

Pour the mixture into a rectangular
glass or nonreactive metal mold, such
as a loaf pan, and smooth the top. Let
cool completely at room temperature.
Cover and refrigerate for at least 2
hours, until firm.

STORAGE NOTES: Wrapped in plastic

wrap and stored in a zip-lock bag,
Meltable Monterey Jack will keep for
about 6 weeks in the refrigerator.

Per ounce: calories: 77, protein: 0 g, fat: 7 g,

saturated fat: 1 g, carbohydrate: 3 g,
sodium: 203 mg, calcium: 10 mg
The Sharp Cheddar (page 14), with its
complex flavor, is spectacular for a
cheese platter, but this is my go-to
cheese for grilled cheese sandwiches,
vegan omelets, and other gooey
delicacies. It doesnt age as well as the
Sharp Cheddar, so use it within a few
weeks, then make a fresh batch.

meltable CHEDDAR

1 cup plain, unsweetened nondairy

yogurt (preferably homemade, page 56)
cup water
6 tablespoons nutritional yeast flakes
cup canola oil
2 to 3 tablespoons medium brown miso
1 teaspoon salt
5 tablespoons tapioca flour
1 tablespoons carrageenan powder
teaspoon xanthan gum (optional)

1. Process the ingredients.

Put the yogurt, water, nutritional yeast,
oil, 2 tablespoons of the miso, and the
salt in a blender. Process until smooth
and creamy, occasionally stopping to
scrape down the blender jar and move
the mixture toward the blades. Taste
and add more miso if desired.

2. Culture the cheese.

Transfer the mixture to a clean
container, cover, and let rest at room
temperature for 24 to 48 hours,
depending on how sharp a flavor you

3. Thicken the cheese.

Transfer to a heavy medium saucepan
and whisk in the tapioca flour and
carrageenan. For a stretchier
consistency, whisk in the optional
xanthan gum. Cook over medium heat,
stirring almost constantly with the
whisk, until very smooth, thick, gooey,
and glossy, 3 to 5 minutes. Its
important to cook it until there is an
obvious sheen, or the cheese wont
melt well.

4. Form the cheese.

Pour the mixture into a glass or
nonreactive metal mold and smooth
the top. Cover and let cool completely
at room temperature. Refrigerate for
at least 3 hours, until firm.

STORAGE NOTES: Wrapped in plastic

wrap and stored in a ziplock bag,
Meltable Cheddar will keep for about 4
weeks in the refrigerator.

Per ounce: calories: 77, protein: 3 g, fat: 5 g,

saturated fat: 0 g, carbohydrate: 6 g,
sodium: 231 mg, calcium: 9 mg
Choices, choices. I offer two recipes for
mozzarella in this book, one made from
cashews, and this one, which is made
from nondairy yogurt. Which to choose?
For Caprese Salad (page 67), my choice
would be Fresh Mozzarella (page 16),
as it is rich and delicious with tomatoes
and basil. For meltability, however, this
is the one to go with. Use it to make
killer pizza, calzones, and lasagne.

1 cup plain, unsweetened nondairy
yogurt (preferably homemade, page 56)
cup water
cup canola oil
2 teaspoons salt
6 tablespoons tapioca flour
1 tablespoon carrageenan powder
teaspoon xanthan gum (optional)
8 cups ice water

1. Process the ingredients.

Put the yogurt, water, oil, and 1
teaspoon of the salt in a blender.
Process until smooth and creamy,
occasionally stopping to scrape down
the blender jar and move the mixture
toward the blades.

2. Culture the cheese.

Transfer to a clean glass bowl or
container, cover, and let rest at room
temperature for 8 to 24 hours, until
mildly sharp in flavor.

3. Thicken the cheese.

Transfer to a heavy medium saucepan
and whisk in the tapioca flour and
carrageenan. For a stretchier
consistency, whisk in the optional
xanthan gum. Cook over medium heat,
stirring almost constantly with the
whisk, until very smooth, thick, gooey,
and glossy, 3 to 5 minutes.
4. Form the cheese.
To make a brine, put the ice water and
remaining teaspoon of salt in a large
bowl and stir until the salt dissolves.
Form the cheese into balls using a
small ice-cream scoop, dropping them
into the brine as you go. They will
harden almost instantly. Cover and
refrigerate, keeping the cheese stored
in the brine.

STORAGE NOTES: Covered and stored

in the brine, Meltable Mozzarella will
keep for about 1 week in the

Per ounce: calories: 59 protein: 0 g, fat: 5 g,

saturated fat: 0 g, carbohydrate: 4 g,
sodium: 270 mg, calcium: 21 mg


The recipes in this chapter are

for times when you just cant
wait a few days for a cultured
vegan cheese to age. As
explained previously, aging is
what allows most of the
cheeses in chapters 1 through
3 to develop complex flavors
akin to those of dairy cheeses,
including sharpness. Because
the cheeses in this chapter
arent cultured, theyll lack a
certain depth of flavor and
may not be quite as convincing
in the role of dairy analogs.
Still, the cheese alternatives in
this chapter are darn tasty, and
theyll definitely do the trick
when you just cant wait!
This version of ricotta, which can be
made in a jiffy, is a fine filling for
lasagne, stuffed pasta shells, calzones,
and other such dishes. The recipe is for
a basic, plain ricotta, but you can
enhance it by adding garlic, herbs, and
olive oil, as in the variation.



1 pound medium-firm regular tofu

cup plain, unsweetened nondairy
yogurt (preferably homemade, page 56)
1 tablespoon nutritional yeast flakes
1 teaspoon freshly squeezed lemon
teaspoon salt

Put all the ingredients in a medium bowl.

Mash with a fork until the mixture is
thoroughly combined and the tofu is in
small bits, similar to the texture of dairy-
based ricotta.

STORAGE NOTES: Stored in a covered

container in the refrigerator, Easy Tofu
Ricotta will keep for about 2 days.


great pizza topping or filling for ravioli,
stir in 3 to 4 cloves of garlic, minced,
cup of lightly packed slivered fresh basil
leaves, and 3 to 4 tablespoons of extra-
virgin olive oil.

Per cup: calories: 124, protein: 13 g, fat: 6

g, saturated fat: 1 g, carbohydrate: 5 g,
sodium: 247 mg, calcium: 185 mg
Whether this creamy ricotta is used in
lasagne or ravioli, no one would guess
that its made from almonds. It looks
amazingly like dairy ricotta and has a
similar texture to boot: fluffy with a
slight graininess. Its delicious in all
sorts of savory dishes and desserts, but I
also recommend trying it on its own as a
spread for your morning toast with a bit
of jam. Its wonderful just like that.

ALMOND ricotta
2 cups blanched almonds (see note),
soaked in water for 8 to 12 hours and
1 cup water

Put the almonds, water, and a pinch of

salt in a blender. Process until light,
fluffy, and fairly creamy but not perfectly
smooth, occasionally stopping to scrape
down the blender jar and move the
mixture toward the blades. Taste and stir
in more salt if desired.

STORAGE NOTES: Stored in a covered

container in the refrigerator, Almond
Ricotta will keep for about 1 week.
NOTE: You can also use raw almonds
with skins. After soaking, their skins
should slip off easily. Simply squeeze
one almond at a time between your
thumb and index finger. But be careful,
or the almonds are likely to shoot across
the room! If the skins dont come off
easily, pour boiling water over the
almonds to cover. Let soak for 1 to 2
minutes, then drain. As soon as theyre
cool enough to handle, it will be easy to
skin them.

Per cup: calories: 218, protein: 8 g, fat: 19

g, saturated fat: 1 g, carbohydrate: 4 g,
sodium: 27 mg, calcium: 100 mg
The secret to this rich and creamy tofu
ricotta is the addition of a thick cashew
cream thats similar to a bchamel
sauce. This recipe is easy to put together
and works great in any savory dish that
calls for ricotta.


cup raw cashews

cup water
1 pound firm regular tofu
cup slivered fresh basil leaves,
lightly packed
2 tablespoons nutritional yeast flakes
2 cloves garlic, minced
teaspoon salt
Few drops freshly squeezed lemon

1. Make a thick cashew cream.

Put the cashews and water in a
blender. Process until smooth and
creamy, occasionally stopping to
scrape down the blender jar and move
the mixture toward the blades.
Transfer to a small heavy saucepan
and cook over medium heat, stirring
frequently, until the mixture comes to
a boil. Decrease the heat to low and
cook, stirring constantly, until
considerably thickened, about 1

2. Mix the ingredients.

Put the tofu in a medium bowl and
mash well with a fork. Add the basil,
nutritional yeast, garlic, salt, and
lemon juice and mix well. Add the
cashew mixture and mix until
thoroughly combined.

STORAGE NOTES: Stored in a covered

container in the refrigerator, Garlic-
Basil Cashew Ricotta will keep for
about 3 days.

Per cup: calories: 198, protein: 15 g, fat:

12 g, saturated fat: 2 g, carbohydrate: 9 g,
sodium: 224 mg, calcium: 171 mg
This fairly dry, simple cheese can be
used in place of ricotta or cottage
cheese. It doesnt melt, but it does
provide a nice filling for lasagne and
other pasta dishes. To use it as a spread
for crackers or bread, flavor it with
herbs and spices to suit your tastes. The
method here is similar to how tofu is
usually made: the soy milk is coagulated,
then the curds are separated from the
liquid. Note that youll need a kitchen
thermometer for this recipe.

FARMERS cheese

8 cups plain, unsweetened soy milk

6 teaspoons cider vinegar
teaspoon salt, plus more as desired

1. Coagulate the soy milk.

Put the soy milk in a large heavy pot
and cook, stirring occasionally, until
heated to 200 degrees F. Decrease the
heat to low and stir in the vinegar, 1
teaspoon at a time. The soy milk will
froth and curdle as the vinegar is
added, with the curds increasingly
separating from the liquid over a 10-
minute period.
2. Drain the curds.
Line a sieve or colander with a
double layer of cheesecloth, using
enough cheesecloth that it hangs over
the edges. Put the sieve over a bowl
to catch the liquid (see note). Transfer
the soy milk curds to the lined sieve
and let drain for about 10 minutes.
Stir in tea-spoon of the salt, then
taste and add more salt if desired.
Gather the corners of the cheesecloth
and tie them in a knot at the top to
form a bag. Hang the bag over a bowl
(or tie it over the kitchen faucet so the
liquid drains in the sink). Let drain for
about 1 hour, until firm.

STORAGE NOTES: Stored in a covered

container in the refrigerator, Farmers
Cheese will keep for about 2 weeks.

NOTE: Save the liquid and use it for

smoothies or soups, or at least to water
your plants.

Per cup: calories: 131, protein: 10 g, fat: 4

g, saturated fat: 1 g, carbohydrate: 13 g,
sodium: 238 mg, calcium: 80 mg
Heres an almost-instant block of cheese
that can be grated, sliced, or melted. Try
it with crackers, in sandwiches, or atop
nachos. When made without the optional
oil, its a very heart-healthy, low-fat
cheese substitute. If fat content isnt a
concern, add the oil for a more authentic
texture and enjoy a nostalgic taste trip to
the days when processed cheese was a
staple in many households.


2 cups water
1 cup rolled oats
cup nutritional yeast flakes
cup rejuvelac (preferably homemade,
page 6) , cup plain, unsweetened
nondairy yogurt (preferably homemade,
page 56) , or 1 teaspoon freshly
squeezed lemon juice
3 tablespoons medium brown miso
roasted red bell pepper, skinned and
seeded (see sidebar, page 77)
teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon prepared mustard
cup refined coconut oil or canola oil
1 tablespoon agar powder, or 3
tablespoons agar flakes (see note)
1 tablespoon carrageenan powder

1. Cook the oats.

Put the water and oats in a heavy
medium saucepan and bring to a boil
over medium-high heat. Decrease the
heat to medium-low and simmer,
stirring frequently, until thick, about 5

2. Process the ingredients.

Transfer to a blender. Add the
nutritional yeast, rejuvelac, miso, bell
pepper, salt, mustard, and optional oil
as desired for a richer-tasting cheese.
Process until smooth and creamy.

3. Thicken the cheese.

Transfer to a heavy medium saucepan
and whisk in the agar and
carrageenan. Cook over medium heat,
stirring frequently with the whisk,
until thick, 4 to 5 minutes.

4. Form the cheese.

Pour the mixture into a glass or
nonreactive metal mold and smooth
the top. Cover and let cool completely
at room temperature. Refrigerate for
at least 6 hours, until firm.

STORAGE NOTES: Wrapped in plastic

wrap and stored in a ziplock bag, Oat
American Cheese will keep for about 2
weeks in the refrigerator or 4 months in
the freezer.

NOTE: The amount of agar in this recipe

creates a sliceable but soft cheese; for a
firmer consistency, increase the amount
of agar. Using 2 tablespoons of agar
powder or 6 tablespoons of agar flakes
will yield a very firm consistency
similar to traditional Cheddar.

Per cup: calories: 89, protein: 8 g, fat: 2 g,

saturated fat: 0 g, carbohydrate: 11 g,
sodium: 307 mg, calcium: 11 mg
This fairly firm cheese with a hint of
smokiness slices beautifully. For a
fabulous sandwich, slice a baguette
lengthwise and stuff it with grilled
veggies and this cheese. Its also great in
a grilled cheese sandwich with veggie
sausage on the side.


1 cup plain, unsweetened nondairy

yogurt (preferably homemade, page 56)
cup rejuvelac (preferably homemade,
page 6)
cup canola oil
cup pine nuts
cup nutritional yeast flakes
cup tapioca flour
1 tablespoon carrageenan powder, or
2 tablespoons agar powder
1 teaspoon salt
teaspoon liquid smoke (see note)

1. Process the ingredients.

Put all the ingredients in a blender.
Process until smooth and creamy.
2. Cook the mixture.
Pour the mixture into a heavy medium
saucepan. Cook over medium heat,
stirring almost constantly with a
wooden spoon. The mixture will be
very lumpy at first. Once its smooth,
decrease the heat to low and simmer,
stirring occasionally, for about 2

3. Form the cheese.

Pour the mixture into a glass or
nonreactive metal mold and smooth
the top. Cover and let cool to room
temperature. Refrigerate for at least 3
hours, until firm.

STORAGE NOTES: Wrapped in plastic

wrap and stored in a ziplock bag,
Smoked Provolone will keep for about 6
weeks in the refrigerator or 4 months in
the freezer.

PROVOLONE: This cheese will
develop a sharper flavor if air-dried. To
air-dry it, remove the cheese from the
mold once its firm and sprinkle about
teaspoon of salt evenly over the entire
surface. Put the cheese on a drying rack
in a cool place with good air circulation
and let air-dry for 2 to 3 days.

NOTE: Strange as it may sound, liquid

smoke is exactly that: smoke that has
been condensed, collected, and
packaged in little bottles, generally with
no additives. It is sold in the condiment
section of most grocery stores.

Per ounce: calories: 91, protein: 2 g, fat: 7 g,

saturated fat: 1 g, carbohydrate: 5 g,
sodium: 138 mg, calcium: 11 mg
It hardly takes a minute to make this
Parmesan substitute, yet the result is a
great condiment that will keep for weeks
in the refrigerator. I like to sprinkle it on
salads, pastas, and cooked veggies.


1 cup pine nuts, almonds, or walnuts

(see note)
1 cup nutritional yeast flakes
teaspoon salt
Put all the ingredients in a food
processor. Process until the ingredients
are thoroughly combined and the texture
is granular.

STORAGE NOTES: Stored in a covered

container in the refrigerator, Nut
Parmesan will keep for 6 to 8 weeks.

NOTE: Different nuts yield different

flavors. My favorite is pine nuts, but
almonds and walnuts are also good.
When using walnuts, take care not to
overprocess or youll end up with nut
Per 2 tablespoons: calories: 143, protein: 9
g, fat: 10 g, saturated fat: 1 g, carbohydrate:
7 g, sodium: 94 mg, calcium: 2 mg

Other Dairy

If you miss cheese, you

probably miss other dairy
products too. There are many
recipes for nut-based nondairy
milks in cookbooks and online,
so here I just provide an
innovative version thats
extremely quick and easy
because it uses almond butter,
not raw, soaked nuts. This
chapter also includes recipes
that allow you to replicate sour
cream, crme frache, yogurt,
and whipped cream in your
home kitchen using only
wholesome natural foods,
without highly processed
ingredients such as soy protein
isolates, which are found in so
many store-bought vegan
analogs of dairy products. All
of the recipes in this chapter
are easy to make and require
only a few ingredientsand in
a couple of cases, a little
patience. The rich, creamy
flavors of these alternatives
will add new dimensions to
your meals without all of the
cholesterol of their dairy
Ive been making almond milk from raw
almonds for years and still do, but I was
delighted to discover that it can be made
quickly and easily using almond butter.
The beauty of this method is that you can
make almond milk in just about any
blender, and theres no need to strain the
milk through a sieve or nut milk bag. Just
twenty seconds of blending andvoil!
delicious, creamy almond milk.

3 cups water
1 to 2 tablespoons almond butter

Put the water and almond butter in a

blender, using 1 tablespoon of almond
butter for a light version and up to 2
tablespoons for a richer flavor. Process
until white, milky, and completely

STORAGE NOTES: Stored in a sealed

glass jar in the refrigerator, Almond
Milk will keep for about 5 days.

Per cup: calories: 45, protein: 2 g, fat: 4 g,

saturated fat: 0 g, carbohydrate: 1 g,
sodium: 9 mg, calcium: 10 mg
Caprese Salad, page 67
nachos with Low-Fat Chipotle Cheese Sauce,
page 63
This versatile, all-purpose substitute for
heavy cream will enrich salad dressings,
sauces, soups, and other dishes. You can
make any quantity you like; just use a
three-to-one ratio of water to cashews.

CASHEW cream

3 cups water
1 cup raw cashews, soaked for 3 to 8
hours and drained (see note)
Put the water and cashews in a blender.
Process until smooth and creamy. If not
using immediately, transfer to a storage
container, cover, and refrigerate for no
more than 12 hours.

STORAGE NOTES: Cashew Cream is

best used the day its made, as it can
separate and become gooey.

NOTE: If you are using a high-speed

blender, it isnt necessary to soak the

Per cup: calories: 120, protein: 4g, fat: 10

g, saturated fat: 2 g, carbohydrate: 6 g,
sodium: 3 mg, calcium: 8 mg
Blending cashews with soy milk prior to
culturing results in a flavorful, rich
yogurt. Enjoy the yogurt as is, or use it to
make Basic Yogurt Cheese ( page 22),
which can be flavored a number of
ways. The yogurt can also be used as
part of the base for Sour Cream (page
58) and several of the cheese recipes in
this book, including all of the meltable
cheeses in chapter 3.

cashew YOGURT
4 cups plain or vanilla soy milk or
almond milk (use plain if the yogurt will
serve as the base for cheese)
cup raw cashews, soaked in water
for 3 hours and drained
3 tablespoons plain, unsweetened
nondairy yogurt (preferably homemade)

1. Process the ingredients.

Put 1 cup of the soy milk and the
cashews in a blender and process
until smooth and creamy.

2. Heat the soy milk.

Transfer to a heavy medium saucepan
and stir in the remaining 3 cups of soy
milk with a whisk. Warm over low
heat, whisking occasionally, until the
mixture reaches 110 degrees F or until
a few drops placed on your wrist feel
slightly warm. Remove from the heat.

3. Culture the yogurt.

Add the nondairy yogurt and stir until
thoroughly combined. Pour into a
clean 1-quart glass jar and cover. Let
rest in a warm place for 4 to 8 hours,
until set and the desired degree of
tartness has been achieved.
Refrigerate the yogurt; it will thicken
even more as it cools.

STORAGE NOTES: Stored in a covered

container in the refrigerator, Cashew
Yogurt will keep for 1 to 2 weeks.

NOTES: The idea of making homemade

yogurt without using a yogurt maker may
seem daunting, but keep in mind that
humans have been making yogurt for
thousands of years without any special
equipment. Once you understand a few
simple principles and rules, youll find
its easy to do. The only special
equipment you might want to invest in is
an inexpensive kitchen thermometer.

The milk must be warm to promote

the growth of the bacterial culture, but
if it is too hot, it can kill the culture.
The temperature should be about 110
degrees F. You can test the
temperature by placing a few drops of
the milk on your wristif it feels
warm but not hot, its ready.
Alternatively, you can use a kitchen
Use only clean glass jars for culturing
Culture the yogurt in a warm place. If
you can set the oven as low as 110
degrees F, use that. On a warm, sunny
day, it is often enough to wrap the jar
in a couple of layers of towels and set
it outside in the sun. Other options are
a warm corner of the kitchen or in
front of a sunny window.
The yogurt should set up in 4 to 6
hours, although it could take as long
as 8 hours, depending on the ambient
temperature. The longer it is allowed
to set, the more tangy and tart it will
become. For a sweeter, more delicate
flavor, culture just until thickened and
set; for a tangier flavor, culture for a
full 6 to 8 hours.
Yogurt will separate if cultured at too
high a temperature or for too long, so
dont exceed 110 degrees F, and
refrigerate it once it has set. If it does
separate, dont despair; just use the
recipe for Basic Yogurt Cheese ( page
22) to thicken it and make cheese.
Always reserve 2 to 3 tablespoons of
each batch of yogurt for culturing the
next batch.
Per cup: calories: 221, protein: 12 g, fat: 12
g, saturated fat: 2 g, carbohydrate: 17 g,
sodium: 88 mg, calcium: 83 mg
With just three ingredients and a bit of
patience, you can make a rich, creamy,
thick vegan sour cream that can be used
in any recipe that calls for the dairy-
based version.

SOUR cream

1 cup raw cashews, soaked in water

for 3 to 8 hours and drained
1 cup rejuvelac (preferably homemade,
page 6)
Pinch salt

1. Process the ingredients.

Put the cashews, rejuvelac, and salt in
a blender. Process until smooth and
creamy, occasionally stopping to
scrape down the blender jar and move
the mixture toward the blades.

2. Culture the sour cream.

Transfer the mixture to a clean glass
bowl or container, cover, and let rest
at room temperature for 24 to 48
hours, until a bit thicker and
pleasantly sour.

3. Thicken the sour cream.

Line a sieve or colander with a
double layer of cheesecloth. Put the
sieve over a bowl and pour in the
sour cream. Let drain for at least 3
hours, until thick. Discard the liquid.
Transfer to a container, cover, and
refrigerate. The sour cream will
continue to thicken as it chills.

STORAGE NOTES: Stored in a covered

container in the refrigerator, Sour Cream
will keep for about 2 weeks.

VARIATION: Replace the rejuvelac with

cup water plus cup plain,
unsweetened nondairy yogurt (preferably
homemade, page 56).

CRME FRACHE: Put 1 to 1 cups

of Sour Cream and cup of silken tofu
in a blender and process until smooth
and creamy. Transfer to a container,
cover, and refrigerate for at least 3
hours, until thick.

Per cup: calories: 172, protein: 6 g, fat: 13

g, saturated fat: 2 g, carbohydrate: 8 g,
sodium: 48 mg, calcium: 11 mg
Because the creamy component of
coconut milk is high in saturated fat, it
can be whipped just like heavy whipping
cream, complete with the light, fluffy,
and oh-so-rich texture and mouthfeel of
whipped cream. If you want to mask the
coconut flavor, good-quality vanilla
extract will do the trick, as in this
recipe, or you might add a little brandy.
While it is delectably vegan, its still
high in fat and calories, so you may want
to save it for special occasions. Be
forewarned that you cant use light
coconut milk for this recipe, and that
youll need to refrigerate the coconut
milk in the cans for at least twenty-four
hours for the magic to happen.

fluffy whipped


1 cups chilled coconut cream (see

2 teaspoons vanilla extract, plus more
as desired
2 tablespoons agave nectar, or 3
tablespoons powdered sugar, plus
more as desired
Using a handheld mixer or a stand mixer
fitted with the whisk attachment, beat the
coconut cream until light and fluffy. Add
the vanilla extract and agave nectar and
beat until soft peaks form. Taste and add
more vanilla extract or agave nectar if

STORAGE NOTES: Unlike its dairy-

based counterpart, Fluffy Whipped
Coconut Cream will keep for 2 to 3 days
in the refrigerator.

NOTE: To make the coconut cream,

refrigerate 2 cans (about 14 ounces
each) of regular coconut milk (not the
light variety) for at least 24 hours.
Different brands of coconut milk, and
even different cans, will contain varying
amounts of fat. After refrigerating cans
of coconut milk, Ive found some with
only one-third of the volume solidified,
whereas in other cases almost the entire
can is solid, so it isnt possible to
specify a precise number of cans of
coconut milk to use. When youre ready
to make the coconut cream, open the
bottom of one can of coconut milk and
drain off the liquid. (Reserve the liquid
for another use, such as in smoothies, in
curries, or as the liquid in baked goods.)
Measure the solidified portion; you may
have enough without having to open the
second can.

Per cup: calories: 142, protein: 1 g, fat: 13

g, saturated fat: 12 g, carbohydrate: 6 g,
sodium: 2 mg, calcium: 4 mg

Cheese Sauces and


Given that youre reading this

book and making vegan
cheeses, you undoubtedly
enjoy rich, complex flavors.
These same flavor qualities are
what make vegan cheese a
great addition to savory dishes,
providing depth, tang, and
character. Of course, another
way to ramp up the flavor is to
apply a cheesy sauce to main
dishes and vegetables. All of
the recipes in this chapter can
be made very quickly, giving
you even more almost-instant
vegan cheese options beyond
the recipes in chapter 4.
As you might guess from the name, this
recipe doesnt have the character of any
particular type of cheese; its just a
thick, cheesy concoction that can be
poured over polenta, cooked potatoes or
broccoli, or any food that is enhanced by
a cheese sauce. If using it as a sauce,
youll probably want to omit the xanthan
gum. For a stretchier consistency, add
some or all of the xanthan gum, which
will also thicken the sauce, allowing it
to be used more like a cheesefor
example, as a topping for pizza. If you
like, culture the cashew cream before
seasoning and heating the sauce; this
will create a sharp flavor with more



2 cups water
1 cup raw cashews
cup nutritional yeast flakes
1 teaspoon salt
1 to 3 teaspoons freshly squeezed
lemon juice (optional)
to 1 teaspoon xanthan gum
1. Make the cashew cream.
Put the water and cashews in a
blender, and process until smooth and

2. Culture the cashew cream

Transfer to a clean glass bowl or
container, cover, and let rest at room
temperature for 8 to 24 hours, until the
cashew cream has a deep, sharp

3. Season and thicken the sauce.

Transfer to a heavy medium saucepan
and whisk in the nutritional yeast, salt,
and 1 teaspoon of the optional lemon
juice. Cook over medium heat, stirring
almost constantly with the whisk, until
very thick, 3 to 4 minutes. For a
stretchier consistency, whisk in the
optional xanthan gum; the more of the
xanthan gum you use, the stretchier
and gooier the sauce will be. Cook,
stirring constantly with the whisk, for
1 minute. Taste and add more lemon
juice if desired.

STORAGE NOTES: Stored in a covered

container in the refrigerator, Easy
Cheesy Sauce will keep for about 4

Per cup: calories: 200, protein: 10 g, fat:

14 g, saturated fat: 2 g, carbohydrate: 12 g,
sodium: 433 mg, calcium: 12 mg
Its hard to believe that a recipe that can
be whipped up in a matter of minutes,
like this one, can be so good! Of course,
this rich and creamy sauce is perfect for
fettuccine, perhaps with some veggies
thrown in, such as fresh baby spinach,
sauted red bell peppers or broccoli, or
grilled or roasted portobello mushrooms
or butternut squash. But dont stop there.
This sauce is versatile and lends itself to
casseroles, lasagne, and even pizza.

rich and creamy


3 to 4 cups water
1 cups raw cashews
cup dry white wine
to cup nutritional yeast flakes
4 to 6 cloves garlic, minced
1 teaspoon salt
Ground pepper

1. Make the cashew cream.

Put the water and cashews in a
blender, and process until smooth and
2. Season and thicken the sauce.
Pour into a large heavy skillet or
medium saucepan and bring to a
simmer over low heat. Stir in the
wine, cup of the nutritional yeast, 4
cloves of the garlic, and the salt with
a wooden spoon. Cook, stirring
frequently, until thick, 3 to 5 minutes.
Season with pepper to taste and add
more nutritional yeast (for a cheesier
flavor) or garlic if desired. If the
sauce gets too thick, stir in a bit of
water to achieve the desired

STORAGE NOTES: Stored in a covered

container in the refrigerator, Rich and
Creamy Alfredo Sauce will keep for
about 2 days.

Per cup: calories: 203, protein: 10 g, fat:

13 g, saturated fat: 2 g, carbohydrate: 12 g,
sodium: 274 mg, calcium: 15 mg
You wont have to feel guilty about
eating nachos when you use this sauce,
which is delectably creamy and gooey
but low in fat. Plus, theres no need to
bake or broil the nachos; just pour the
sauce right over the chips and serve. The
chipotle in adobo sauce adds a
wonderful smokiness thats balanced
nicely by the sweetness of the butternut
squash. Depending on how you handle
the heat, you can use more or less of the
chile. Serve salsa and guacamole
alongside your nachos and have a fiesta!
If you have any of this sauce left over,
try using it to make a quick macaroni and
cheese or add it to marinara for a cheesy
pasta sauce.

See photo
CHIPOTLE facing page
cheese sauce

1 cup cooked and mashed butternut

cup plain, unsweetened nondairy
yogurt (preferably homemade, page 56)
cup water
onion, quartered
5 tablespoons nutritional yeast flakes
cup raw cashews
3 tablespoons tapioca flour
chipotle chile in adobo sauce, plus
more as desired
1 teaspoon salt

1. Process the ingredients.

Put all the ingredients in a blender.
Process until smooth and creamy,
occasionally stopping to scrape down
the blender jar and move the mixture
toward the blades.

2. Thicken the sauce.

Transfer to a heavy medium saucepan.
Cook over medium heat, stirring
frequently with a wooden spoon, until
thick and gooey, 2 to 5 minutes. Taste,
and if youd like it a little hotter,
mince more chipotle chile and stir it

STORAGE NOTES: Stored in a covered

container in the refrigerator, Low-Fat
Chipotle Cheese Sauce will keep for
about 4 days.

Per cup: calories: 59, protein: 3 g, fat: 2 g,

saturated fat: 0 g, carbohydrate: 8 g,
sodium: 182 mg, calcium: 17 mg
This is a wonderful sauce for pouring
over steamed broccoli, baked potatoes,
or even a steamed whole head of
cauliflower. Or for easy mac and
cheese, mix it with cooked pasta. If you
have any left over, it makes a great
spread for sandwiches once its chilled,
or reheat it and toss it with veggies.

c r e a m y CHEDDAR


3 cups water
cup raw cashews
1 cup Sharp Cheddar (page 14), grated
or in chunks, plus more as desired
2 to 3 tablespoons nutritional yeast
Ground pepper

1. Make the cashew milk.

Put the water and cashews in a
blender, and process until smooth and

2. Cook the sauce.

Pour into a heavy medium saucepan.
Cook over medium heat, stirring
occasionally, until hot but not
bubbling. Add the cheese and 2
tablespoons of the nutritional yeast
and cook, stirring often with a wire
whisk, until the cheese is completely
melted, about 5 minutes. Season with
salt and pepper to taste. Stir in more
Cheddar or nutritional yeast as
desired for a cheesier flavor.

STORAGE NOTES: Stored in a covered

container in the refrigerator, Creamy
Cheddar Sauce will keep for about 2

Per cup: calories: 167, protein: 7 g, fat: 12

g, saturated fat: 2 g, carbohydrate: 10 g,
sodium: 117 mg, calcium: 11 mg
This is a rich, creamy, and wickedly
delicious concoction. Warm cubes of
French bread are traditional for dipping,
but I recommend also including an
assortment of vegetables for added
flavor, color, and nutrition. If using baby
potatoes, steam or roast them first. As
for other veggies, try steamed
cauliflower or broccoli florets or green
beans, or sauted or grilled mushrooms.
If the mushrooms are small, use them
whole or halved; cut larger mushrooms
into large chunks. Although a fondue pot
is ideal for keeping the fondue hot at the
table, a double boiler with very hot
water in the lower pot also works well.
cheese FONDUE

1 pound Soft Gruyre (page 13), made

through step 1 (no need to let it
culture), or Hard Gruyre (page 13)
1 cup dry white wine, plus more as
cup water, plus more as needed
3 tablespoons tapioca flour

1. Melt the cheese.

If making Soft Gruyre specifically
for the fondue, at the end of step 1
leave the cheese in the blender, add
the wine, and process until thoroughly
blended. Transfer to a fondue pot or
the top of a double boiler. If using
cheese made in advance, cut it into -
inch chunks, put it in the fondue pot or
double boiler, and add the wine.

2. Heat the mixture.

Over the flame of a fondue pot or in
the double boiler on the stovetop,
gently heat the mixture, stirring
frequently, until hot but not bubbling,
about 5 minutes; if using Hard
Gruyre, cook until the cheese is
completely melted. If the mixture
becomes lumpy, whisk until smooth.

3. Thicken the fondue.

Combine the water and tapioca flour
in a small bowl and stir to form a
smooth paste. Add to the cheese
mixture and cook, stirring frequently,
until the fondue thickens and becomes
a bit stretchy, 2 to 3 minutes. If the
fondue gets too thick, whisk in a bit
more wine or water to achieve the
desired consistency. Serve

STORAGE NOTES: Stored in a covered

container in the refrigerator, leftover
Cheese Fondue will keep for about 2
leftover fondue can be used to make a
tasty cheese sauce for pasta or
vegetables. Just warm the fondue and
stir in water or plain, unsweetened
nondairy milk to achieve the desired
consistency. Pour over pasta, a baked
potato, or other vegetables and enjoy!

Per serving (based on 5 servings): calories:

451, protein: 11 g, fat: 33 g, saturated fat:
12g, carbohydrate: 22 g, sodium: 542 mg,
calcium: 24 mg

First Courses and

Small Plates

Once youve mastered the art

of making vegan cheeses, you
can begin to use your
creations in all sorts of recipes.
The fun begins here, with
appetizers. Whether its a
Caprese Salad (page 67) that
will transport you to Tuscany
or luxurious Artichokes
Stuffed with Almonds and
Cheese (page 82), these
cheese-lacedor downright
cheese-filledrecipes will get
your meal started on the right
note. And then you just keep
on going . . .
Featuring the colors of the Italian flag
red, green, and whitethis salad is as
beautiful as it is delicious. Slices of ripe
tomato alternate with creamy Fresh
Mozzarella and fresh basil leaves, and
balsamic vinegar and extra-virgin olive
oil are drizzled over the top. It doesnt
get any easieror any better! When this
salad is sandwiched between two slices
of bread, it becomes a caprese
sandwich; try it with a little pesto spread
on the bread.

CAPRESE See photo facing

salad page 54.

3 to 4 ripe tomatoes
1 pound Fresh Mozzarella (page 16)
1 cup fresh basil leaves, lightly packed
Balsamic vinegar, for drizzling
Extra-virgin olive oil (optional), for

1. Slice the cheese and tomatoes and

Slice the tomatoes and cheese into
rounds, between and inch thick.
On a platter, arrange the tomatoes,
cheese, and basil in a circle or spiral,
overlapping them as you go.

2. Dress the salad.

Drizzle a little vinegar and optional
oil over the top, then sprinkle with a
little salt. Serve immediately.

Per serving: calories: 326, protein: 11 g, fat:

24 g, saturated fat: 4 g, carbohydrate: 19 g,
sodium: 78 mg, calcium: 47 mg
This healthful dip is so rich and
delicious that it rivals traditional sour
cream-based offeringswith the bonus
that it isnt laden with calories and fat.
Its a wonderful accompaniment to
crudits. If you like, serve it in a bread
bowl. Even teens will enjoy it.

spinach and roasted



3 tablespoons water
1 onion, diced
1 bunch spinach (about 1 pound),
trimmed and coarsely chopped
1 cup Cashew Cream Cheese (page
1 roasted red bell pepper (see sidebar,
page 77), skinned and seeded
cup fresh basil leaves, lightly
2 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon
1 clove garlic
Ground pepper
1. Prepare the vegetables.
Combine the water and onion in a
large skillet over low heat. Cook,
stirring occasionally, until the onion is
golden and very tender, about 20
minutes. Transfer to a food processor.
In the same skillet, cook the spinach
over high heat until wilted, about 4
minutes. Drain in a sieve or colander,
then use your hands to squeeze out as
much liquid as possible. Put the
spinach in the food processor.

2. Process the ingredients.

Add the cheese, bell pepper, basil,
lemon juice, and garlic and process
until fairly smooth but some texture
still remains. Season with salt and
pepper to taste. Serve immediately or
cover, refrigerate, and serve chilled.

Per cup: calories: 87, protein: 4 g, fat: 6 g,

saturated fat: 1 g, carbohydrate: 6 g,
sodium: 38 mg, calcium: 49 mg
This appetizer is so simple and yet so
elegantand one of the reasons you
want to have some Cashew Chvre on
hand whenever fresh figs are in season.
You never know when company might
show up on your doorstep! You can use
any type of fresh figs hereblack
Mission, brown, greenall are

figs stuffed with


1 cup Cashew Chvre (page 8) or

Basic Cashew Cheese (page 7)
1 teaspoon grated lemon zest
1 teaspoon freshly squeezed lemon
Pinch salt
8 to 10 large, ripe fresh figs, halved
cup walnuts, lightly toasted (see
note) and finely chopped
1 tablespoon agave nectar

1. Season the cheese.

Put the cheese, lemon zest and juice,
and salt in a small bowl. Mix well.

2. Stuff the figs.

Mound a tablespoon of the cheese
atop each fig half. Sprinkle the
walnuts evenly over the cheese and
drizzle with the agave nectar. Serve


REDUCTION: Instead of stuffing the
figs with the cheese mixture, use plain
Cashew Chvre. Omit the walnuts and
agave nectar. Instead, drizzle a balsamic
reduction over the stuffed figs. To make
the reduction, put 1 cup of balsamic
vinegar in a small heavy saucepan. Bring
to a boil over medium-high heat, then
decrease the heat to medium-low and
simmer, stirring occasionally, until
reduced to about cup of thick, syrupy
liquid, about 20 minutes.

NOTE: To toast walnuts, preheat the

oven to 325 degrees F. Spread the
walnuts in a single layer on a baking
sheet or in a baking pan. Bake for 5 to
10 minutes, stirring or shaking the pan
once or twice, until lightly browned and

Per serving: calories: 130, protein: 3 g, fat:

7 g, saturated fat: 1 g, carbohydrate: 15 g,
sodium: 62 mg, calcium: 27 mg
Highly versatile Soft Gruyre is the star
of this easy appetizer with a
sophisticated flavor. You can make the
red wine glaze up to the point of
thickening as far as one week in advance
and refrigerate it until you assemble the
croustades; simply reheat it in a small
saucepan and stir in the arrowroot starch
while the croustades bake.


croustades with red
wine glaze

1 cups robust, dry red wine (such as
Cabernet Sauvignon or Zinfandel)
2 to 3 tablespoon agave nectar or
3 sprigs fresh thyme
teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon water
1 to 2 teaspoons arrowroot starch

2 firm but ripe pears
1 cups Soft Gruyre (page 13)

1. Make the glaze.

Combine the wine, 2 tablespoons of
the agave nectar, and the thyme and
salt in a heavy medium saucepan.
Bring to a simmer over medium heat.
Decrease the heat to medium-low and
simmer, stirring occasionally, until
reduced to about cup of thick,
syrupy liquid, about 20 minutes.
Remove the thyme. (If not assembling
the croustades right away, let cool to
room temperature, then store in a
covered container in the refrigerator
for up to 1 week. Reheat before
using.) Combine the water and
arrowroot and stir to form a smooth
paste. While the wine mixture is hot,
add the arrowroot paste and cook,
stirring occasionally, over medium
heat until the glaze is no longer
cloudy, thickens slightly, and is
glossy, 30 to 60 seconds. Taste and
stir in more agave nectar if desired.

2. Assemble and bake.

Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F.
Slice the pears lengthwise into 16
equal pieces. Slice the baguette into
16 equal pieces. Spread about 1
rounded tablespoon of the Gruyre on
each baguette slice. Top with a slice
of pear. Put the croustades on a baking
sheet and bake for about 8 minutes,
until the edges of the cheese have
begun to brown slightly.

3. Apply the glaze and serve.

Drizzle about 1 teaspoon of the glaze
over each of the croustades and serve

Per serving: calories: 253, protein: 6 g, fat:

8 g, saturated fat: 3 g, carbohydrate: 30 g,
sodium: 378 mg, calcium: 11 mg
Hearty, savory, redolent of herbs and
garlicand, dare I say, meatythese
mushrooms are perfect on a cold night.
Stuff button mushrooms and serve them
as an appetizer, or stuff large
portobellos and serve them as an entre.

i t a l i a n STUFFED



24 medium to large button or cremini

mushrooms, or 4 to 6 portobello
1 teaspoon extra-virgin olive oil, plus
more as needed
3 shallots, finely chopped
8 ounces seitan, coarsely chopped
4 ounces Air-Dried Parmesan (page
34) or Sharp Cheddar (page 14) , in
2 tablespoons tomato paste
2 cloves garlic, coarsely chopped, plus
more as desired
3 to 4 fresh basil leaves, slivered, or
teaspoon dried basil
teaspoon dried sage
Ground pepper

1. Preheat the oven and prepare the

baking sheet.
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.
Line a baking sheet with parchment

2. Cook the mushroom stems and

shallots for the filling.
Remove and finely chop the
mushroom stems. Heat the oil in a
large skillet over medium-high heat.
Add the shallots and mushroom stems
and cook, stirring frequently, until
browned, about 8 minutes, adding a
bit more oil if needed to prevent

3. Make the filling.

Put the seitan, cheese, tomato paste,
garlic, basil, and sage in a food
processor. Pulse until crumbly.
Transfer to a bowl. Add the
mushroom stems and shallots and mix
well with a wooden spoon or your
hands. Taste and add more garlic if
desired. Season with salt and pepper
to taste.

4. Stuff and bake the mushrooms.

Put the mushroom caps on the lined
baking sheet, stem-side up. Divide the
filling evenly among the mushrooms,
slightly mounding it atop each. Bake
stuffed button mushrooms for 12 to 15
minutes and stuffed portobellos for 20
minutes, until browned. Serve hot.

Per mushroom: calories: 67, protein: 9 g, fat:

1 g, saturated fat: 0 g, carbohydrate: 5 g,
sodium: 80 mg, calcium: 50 mg
If you grow any kind of squash in your
garden, from summer to early fall you
will have an endless source of blossoms
for this superb, delicately flavored
appetizer. Upscale grocers and farmers
markets are other good sources for
squash blossoms. In this classic Italian
dish, the blossoms are usually stuffed
with mozzarella or ricotta cheese. Here,
light but rich ricotta made from
macadamia nuts does the trick.
When picking blossoms, note that the
female flowers bloom at the ends of the
baby squash, while the male flowers
bloom from the stem. You can use both
in this dish, but if you pick the female
flowers, harvest the entire, intact flower
and baby squash, which can then be fried
together, or roasted as described in the
variation. Its easier to stuff the flowers
if you harvest them in the morning, when
they are open. In the afternoon they tend
to close, and then youll have to pry
them apart ever so gently in order to
stuff them. You can pick them up to three
days in advance of making this dish,
although you will have to store them
carefully: sprinkle them with water, then
wrap gently in a paper towel and store
in a plastic bag in the refrigerator.

s t u f f e d SQUASH

1 cup Macadamia Ricotta (page 19)
cup water
2 tablespoons slivered fresh basil
2 tablespoons minced fresh tarragon
1 clove garlic, minced
Ground pepper


8 to 12 zucchini or squash blossoms
Canola or grapeseed oil, for frying (3
to 4 cups, depending on the size of the
1 cup unbleached cake flour or pastry
teaspoon baking soda
1 to 1 cups chilled dry white wine or
Salt (optional)

1. Make the filling.

Put the ricotta and water in a small
bowl and mix well. The consistency
will be very soft. Stir in the basil,
tarragon, and garlic and season with
salt and pepper to taste.
2. Stuff the blossoms.
The blossoms can be stuffed up to 30
minutes before frying. Gently pry open
the petals if necessary. Using a small
spoon, stuff each blossom with about
2 tablespoons of filling; alternatively,
use a pastry bag to pipe in the filling.
Fill each blossom only about half full.
Gently press the petals closed.

3. Heat the oil.

Pour oil into a wok or wide pot to a
depth of about 2 inches. Put the wok
over medium heat.

4. Mix the batter.

Put the flour and baking soda in a
medium bowl and mix well. Stir in 1
cup of the wine with a fork or whisk
just until combined; dont overmix.
The batter should be runny and just
thick enough to coat the back of a
wooden spoon. If its too thick, add
the remaining cup of wine, 1
tablespoon at a time, to achieve the
correct consistency, again being
careful not to overmix.

5. Check the oil temperature.

When the oil reaches about 375
degrees F, its ready. If you dont
have a kitchen thermometer, test the
oil temperature by adding a drop of
the batter to it. If it sinks but rises
quickly and steadily to the top, the oil
is hot enough. If it sinks to the bottom
and lingers there for a moment, the oil
isnt yet hot enough. Having the oil at
the right temperature is important to
achieving a light, crispy texture.

6. Dip and fry.

Once the oil is ready, dip a zucchini
blossom in the batter, then let the
excess batter drip off. Carefully lower
the blossom into the oil and cook,
carefully turning once, until golden
brown, about 2 minutes. Keep adding
squash blossoms, but dont
overcrowd the pot. The blossoms
shouldnt touch each other. Drain
briefly on paper towels. Serve
immediately, cut in half lengthwise if
you like, and sprinkled with salt if


BLOSSOMS: If you can get baby
zucchini with the blossoms attached, you
can roast them instead of frying. Preheat
the oven to 425 degrees F. Stuff the
blossoms with the filling as directed
above. Omit the batter, and instead
lightly coat the baby zucchini with olive
oil, then sprinkle with salt and pepper.
Bake for 15 to 20 minutes, until the
zucchini are tender and slightly
shriveled. Serve topped with a bit of
marinara sauce or vegan pesto.

Per serving (based on 5 servings): calories:

504, protein: 4 g, fat: 41 g, saturated fat: 4 g,
carbohydrate: 21 g, sodium: 64 mg, calcium:
18 mg
Admittedly, these savory treats are
deep-fried, but as a result, they are oh so
crispy on the outside and wonderfully
soft and creamy on the inside. Its a
delightful way to use up any extra cheese
you may have in the refrigerator. To
create that enticing crunchy coating,
youll need a three-dip frying station
with a bowl of seasoned flour, a bowl of
egg replacer mixture, and a bowl of
panko (Japanese breadcrumbs). If you
dont have one of the seasonings for the
flour mixture, dont worry; the results
will still be delicious.

1 cup unbleached flour or whole wheat
pastry flour
1 tablespoon nutritional yeast flakes
1 teaspoon dried basil
1 teaspoon dried oregano
teaspoon granulated garlic
teaspoon salt
cup water, plus more if needed
cup Ener-G egg replacer (see page
2 cups panko


Canola or grapeseed oil, for frying (3
to 4 cups, depending on the size of the
1 pound Fresh Mozzarella (page 16),
Meltable Mozzarella (page 44) , or
Meltable Muenster (page 41) , cut into
-inch to 1-inch chunks
2 cups marinara sauce, warmed, for

1. Set up the dipping components.

To set up a three-dip fry station, first
combine the flour, nutritional yeast,
basil, oregano, granulated garlic, and
salt in a small bowl. Stir with a whisk
until well combined. Put the water
and egg replacer in a second small
bowl and whisk vigorously until
frothy and thick. The consistency
should be thick enough to cling to the
cheese after its been dipped in the
flour mixture. If it gets too thick as it
sits, whisk in up to 2 tablespoons
more water. Put the panko in a third
small bowl.

2. Heat the oil.

Pour oil into a wok or wide pot to a
depth of about 2 inches. Put the wok
over medium heat.

3. Coat the cheese.

Roll a chunk of cheese in the flour
mixture until evenly coated. Dip it in
the egg replacer mixture, then roll it in
the panko until evenly coated. Set it
on a dry plate. Continue with the
remaining chunks of cheese, making
sure they dont touch when you set
them on the plate.

4. Check the oil temperature.

When the oil reaches about 375
degrees F, its ready. If you dont
have a kitchen thermometer, test the
oil temperature by adding a small
piece of cheese to it. If it sinks but
rises quickly and steadily to the top,
the oil is hot enough. If it sinks to the
bottom and lingers there for a moment,
the oil isnt yet hot enough.

5. Fry the cheese.

Once the oil is ready, start adding the
cheese, but dont overcrowd the pot;
the cheese should cover no more than
half the surface. Cook, carefully
turning once, until evenly golden
brown, about 3 minutes. Drain briefly
on paper towels. Serve immediately,
with the warm marinara sauce
alongside for dipping.

NOTE: Using low-salt or salt-free

marinara sauce will decrease the sodium
content of this recipe.

Per serving: calories: 540, protein: 11 g, fat:

36 g, saturated fat: 4 g, carbohydrate: 43 g,
sodium: 222 mg, calcium: 26 mg
In Italy, cooks would be outraged if you
didnt eat your pasta or risotto
immediately. However, they are also
quite inventive when it comes to using
leftover risotto that no longer has the
perfect texture: they form it into little
balls, stuff them with a bit of cheese, and
fry until crisp and golden. Presto! The
result is arancini, aka risotto fritters.
While you can make the risotto from
scratch, as in this recipe, you can also
use leftover risotto. The only
requirement is that it be made at least six
hours in advance of assembling and
frying the arancini.
Use this recipe, which features sun-
dried tomatoes and basil, as a stepping-
stone to creating your own versions of
risotto. The sauce is highly versatile and
can enhance many dishes, adding flavor
to polenta and pasta, for example. I like
to keep some on hand in a squirt bottle
so I can use it decorate appetizers and
other dishes. As delicious as the sauce
is, you could also forgo making it and
instead dip the arancini in marinara
sauce or pesto.

with roasted red bell
pepper sauce

1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil
1 onion, finely chopped
3 cloves garlic, minced
cup Arborio rice
3 cups vegan chicken broth or
vegetable broth
1 cup roasted tomatoes or drained and
chopped sun-dried tomatoes (see note,
page 11)
cup slivered fresh basil leaves,
lightly packed
Ground pepper

2 roasted red bell peppers (see
sidebar), skinned, seeded, and coarsely
3 to 4 tablespoons extra-virgin olive
2 to 3 cloves garlic, coarsely chopped


Canola or grapeseed oil, for frying (3
to 4 cups, depending on the size of the
1 cup cubed cheese (any of the hard or
semihard cheeses from chapter 1, 2, or
3), cut into -inch pieces
1 cup polenta (coarsely ground
cornmeal) or breadcrumbs

1. Make the risotto.

Heat the oil in a medium saucepan
over medium heat. Add the onion and
garlic, cover, and cook, stirring
occasionally, until tender, about 7
minutes. Stir in the rice and cook
uncovered, stirring occasionally with
a wooden spoon, for 3 to 4 minutes.
Pour in cup of the broth and cook,
stirring frequently, until the broth is
mostly absorbed, about 5 minutes.
Continue to add the broth, cup at a
time, and cook, stirring frequently,
until the broth is mostly absorbed.
After adding 2 cups of the broth, stir
in the roasted tomatoes. Continue to
add the broth, cup at a time, stirring
frequently, until all of the broth has
been added; the risotto should be thick
and creamy and the rice should be
tender but firm. (The process from
start to finish should take about 30
minutes.) Remove from the heat and
stir in the basil. Season with salt and
pepper to taste. Pour the risotto into a
shallow pan and let cool to room
temperature. Cover and refrigerate for
at least 6 hours.

2. Make the sauce.

Put the peppers, 3 tablespoons of the
oil, and 2 cloves of the garlic in a
blender. Process until smooth. Season
with salt to taste. Taste and add more
oil or garlic if desired.

3. Heat the oil.

Pour oil into a wok or wide pot to a
depth of about 2 inches. Put the wok
over medium heat.

4. Form the risotto into balls and stuff

with cheese.
Using a tablespoon or melon baller,
form the chilled risotto into small
balls. Poke a hole in each ball with a
finger, put a cube of cheese in the
middle, then squeeze to enclose the
cheese within the risotto. Roll the
balls in the polenta until evenly

5. Check the oil temperature.

When the oil reaches about 375
degrees F, its ready. If you dont
have a kitchen thermometer, test the
oil temperature by adding a grain of
rice to it. If it sinks but rises quickly
and steadily to the top, the oil is hot
enough. If it sinks to the bottom and
lingers there for a moment, the oil
isnt yet hot enough.

6. Fry the arancini.

Once the oil is ready, start adding the
arancini, but dont overcrowd the
pot. Cook, carefully turning once, until
evenly golden brown, 2 to 3 minutes.
Drain briefly on paper towels. Serve
immediately, with the sauce alongside
for dipping.

VARIATION: For a lower-fat but less

crispy version, preheat the oven to 400
degrees F. Arrange the arancini on a
baking sheet lined with parchment paper
and bake the for about 20 minutes, until
golden brown.

Roasting Peppers

To roast peppers in an oven,

preheat the oven to 450 degrees
F. Put the peppers on a rimmed
baking sheet and bake for 15 to
20 minutes, until puffy and
charred in spots, turning them
once or twice during the process
for even roasting.
To use a broiler, put an oven
rack about 8 inches below the
broiler and preheat the broiler.
Put the peppers on a rimmed
baking sheet and broil, turning
often, until evenly charred on all
To use a grill or the open flame
of a gas burner, put the peppers
directly on the grill and cook,
turning frequently with tongs,
until somewhat charred all over.

Once they are roasted, put the

peppers in a paper bag and fold
down the top, or put them in a bowl
and cover with plastic wrap. This
will lightly steam the peppers and
make them easier to peel. When
they are cool enough to handle,
remove the skins. Cut the peppers
in half and scrape out the seeds and
membranes. If you prefer to leave
the peppers whole, as for making
chiles rellenos or stuffed peppers,
cut a slit and carefully scrape out
the seeds and membranes through
the slit.
Per serving (based on 9 servings): calories:
388, protein: 5 g, fat: 27 g, saturated fat: 3 g,
carbohydrate: 31 g, sodium: 136 mg,
calcium: 24 mg
In these croquettes, already wonderful
Gruyre is enhanced by the smoky,
woodsy flavors of mushrooms and the
sweetness of sauted leeks. Served in
bite-sized portions, this makes a
fabulous appetizer, or make larger
croquettes for a great entre.


GRUYRE croquettes
cup dried porcini mushrooms
cup dried matsutake mushrooms or
more porcini mushrooms
2 leeks, white parts only, halved
lengthwise and thinly sliced
2 tablespoons pale dry sherry
2 cups Soft Gruyre (page 13) or
coarsely chopped Hard Gruyre (page
Ground pepper


1 cup flour
cup water
cup Ener-G egg replacer (see page
2 cups panko
Canola or grapeseed oil, for frying (3
to 4 cups, depending on the size of the

1. Reconstitute the mushrooms.

Soak the dried mushrooms in about 2
cups of hot water until soft, about 20
minutes. Drain, reserving the liquid.
Chop the mushrooms into -inch

2. Cook the leeks and mushrooms.

Heat about 3 tablespoons of the
mushroom soaking liquid in a medium
skillet over medium heat. (Save the
rest of the mushroom liquid for
another use, such as in a soup or
sauce, or as part of the liquid when
cooking grains.) Add the leeks,
sprinkle with a pinch of salt, and
cook, stirring occasionally, until
tender, about 5 minutes. Add the
mushrooms and sherry and cook,
stirring frequently, until most of the
liquid has cooked off, about 5
minutes. Remove from the heat and
stir in the Gruyre. Season with salt
and pepper to taste. Transfer to a
container, cover, and refrigerate until
firm, at least 2 hours.
3. Shape into logs.
Transfer the chilled mixture to a large
sheet of plastic wrap and shape into a
log with a diameter of 1 to 1 inches
for serving as an appetizer, or 3
inches for serving as an entre. Wrap
tightly in the plastic wrap and freeze
for at least 2 hours.

4. Set up the dipping components.

To set up a three-dip fry station, put
the flour in a small bowl. Put the
water and egg replacer in a second
small bowl and whisk vigorously until
frothy and thick. Put the panko in a
third small bowl.
Give yourself a head start and make
the base the day before you plan to fry
and serve these, or the croquettes can
turn into a sticky mess. If you simply
must prepare and serve them on a shorter
timeline, put the cooked vegetable
mixture in the freezer for at least two
hours before attempting to shape it into a
log. Although the mixture is a bit
difficult to work with, the results are
worth the trouble. The croquettes are so
delicious and creamy that they are
excellent on their own, without any

5. Heat the oil.

Pour oil into a wok or wide pot to a
depth of about 2 inches. Put the wok
over medium heat.

6. Slice and coat the croquettes.

Remove the log from the freezer and
slice it inch thick for serving as an
appetizer, or to inch thick for
serving as an entre. Working quickly
so the slices dont thaw and get
messy, dredge each slice in the flour
until evenly coated, then dip in the egg
replacer, then coat evenly with the

7. Check the oil temperature.

When the oil reaches about 375
degrees F, its ready. If you dont
have a kitchen thermometer, test the
oil temperature by adding a small
piece of one croquette to it. If it sinks
but rises quickly and steadily to the
top, the oil is hot enough. If it sinks to
the bottom and lingers there for a
moment, the oil isnt yet hot enough.

8. Fry the croquettes.

Once the oil is ready, carefully lower
the croquettes into the oil and cook,
carefully turning once, until golden
brown, about 3 minutes. Drain briefly
on paper towels. Serve immediately.

Per serving (based on 12 servings): calories:

326, protein: 5 g, fat: 20 g, saturated fat: 3 g,
carbohydrate: 31 g, sodium: 153 mg,
calcium: 17 mg
Some things never go out of food
fashion, and Brie en crote is one of
them. After all, who can resist this
mouthwatering French dish of a round of
Brie encased in buttery puff pastry and
baked to perfection? Needless to say, the
usual version, made with dairy-based
Brie, is so rich that it should only be
consumed in small amounts as an
appetizer. Because this vegan version is
lighter, it is also suitable for a first
course or even an entre.
While you can make this plain, I
recommend including a filling for even
more flavor and pizzazz. The
combination of dried fruit and nuts in the
main recipe is a classic, creating a truly
festive appetizer fit for a holiday buffet.
However, there are many other
delectable possibilities, so I also
provide three alternatives in the
variations. If you use the mushroom
filling or caramelized onion filling, you
can turn this appetizer into a spectacular
lunch or light supper by serving it with a
salad. Or, for a special dessert on a
warm summer evening, try the stone fruit
filling; in that variation, this recipe
could be considered a very elegant
rendition of a wedge of cheese with a
slice of fruit pie, and fit to be
accompanied by a glass of champagne.
Note that the instructions in this recipe
call for spreading the filling atop the
cheese; however, you can also slice the
cheese in half horizontally and sandwich
the filling within the cheese. The puff
pastry thats readily available in the
freezer section at grocery stores, made
by various major food manufacturers, is
generally vegan. Just read the
ingredients list on the label to be sure.
Alternatively, you can also use a
homemade flaky pie crust. Admittedly,
puff pastry definitely isnt one of the
most healthful foods on the planet, but
this Brie en crote might serve as
adequate justification to eat it once in a


dried fruit and nuts


2 tablespoons brandy (optional)
1 cup dried cranberries or cherries
1 tablespoon canola oil
cup walnuts or pecans, chopped
cup apricot, cherry, or peach
preserves (optional)
1 sheet (about 8 inches square)
packaged vegan puff pastry, thawed
according to the package directions
One 6-inch round Air-Dried Brie (page
39) or Air-Dried Camembert (page 38)
Soy milk, for brushing

1. Prepare the filling.

If using the optional brandy, put the
cranberries in a small bowl, sprinkle
the brandy over them, and toss to coat.
Let rest for about 30 minutes. Heat the
oil in a small skillet over medium
heat. Add the walnuts and cook,
stirring frequently, until lightly
browned, 3 to 4 minutes. Season with
salt to taste. Gently stir the walnuts
into the cranberries.

2. Preheat the oven.

Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F.

3. Encase the cheese and filling.

Lightly flour a work surface. Gently
transfer the pastry dough to the work
surface and roll out to a square about
10 inches across. Place the round of
cheese in the center of the dough.
Spread the optional jam evenly over
the top of the cheese. Scatter the
cranberries and walnuts evenly over
the jam. Brush a little soy milk on
each corner of the dough, then gather
all four corners and gently pull the
dough up and over the cheese and
filling. Twist the corners at the top to
form a little bundle. Lightly brush soy
milk over the top. Transfer to a baking

4. Bake.
Bake for 25 to 30 minutes, until puffed
and golden brown. Cut into thin
wedges and serve warm.


ounces of mushrooms, preferably a
variety, such as chanterelles, cremini,
morels, and porcini. Heat 1 tablespoon
of extra-virgin olive oil in a large skillet
over medium-high heat. Add the
mushrooms, a couple of pinches of salt,
and 2 to 3 cloves of garlic, minced.
Cook, stirring frequently, until the
mushrooms are tender and browned,
about 7 minutes. (Be sure to keep the
heat high so the mushrooms dont end up
watery, rather than brown; if they stick a
bit, thats okay.) Stir in 1 teaspoon of
chopped fresh thyme, then sprinkle 2
tablespoons of dry sherry, Marsala, or
Madeira over the mushrooms and stir to
loosen any bits that have stuck to the
pan. Season with salt and pepper to


Caramelized onions offer a wonderful
sweetness that offsets the slight
sharpness of the cheese, especially the
Camembert. To prepare a caramelized
onion filling, thinly slice 2 onions. Heat
1 tablespoon of canola oil in a heavy
medium skillet over medium-high heat.
Add the onions and a couple of pinches
of salt and cook over medium-high heat,
stirring frequently, until wilted, about 5
minutes. Decrease the heat to medium
and cook, stirring frequently, until deep
golden brown, about 15 minutes. (If the
onions stick a bit, thats okay.) Sprinkle
about 3 tablespoons of dry red wine
over the onions and stir to loosen any
bits that have stuck to the pan. (You can
use water instead of wine, but I
recommend the wine for additional
flavor complexity.) Cook, stirring
frequently, for another minute to allow
the onions to absorb the wine. Stir in 1
teaspoon of chopped fresh thyme if you
like, then season with salt and pepper to


6 apricots or 2 peaches for this filling.
Be sure to use ripe but firm fruit so it
will be flavorful but not too soft after
baking. Slice the fruit a generous inch
thick. I dont peel the fruit, but its fine
to do so if you prefer. Sprinkle 2
tablespoons of sugar and 1 tablespoon of
all-purpose flour over the fruit and toss
gently until the fruit is evenly coated.
Before topping the cheese with the fruit,
spread about cup of apricot or peach
preserves evenly over the cheese, then
pile the fruit on top in an even layer.

Per serving (based on 20 servings with fruit

and nut filling): calories: 152, protein: 3 g,
fat: 12 g, saturated fat: 2 g, carbohydrate: 9
g, sodium: 198 mg, calcium: 21 mg
This terrific appetizer also works well
as an entre; just serve two halves per
person. Its also great party fare because
you can cook the artichokes up to two
days ahead of time. Then it takes only
five minutes to put the filling together,
leaving you more time for final
preparations for the party.

with almonds and

3 large artichokes
teaspoon salt
4 ounces Meltable Cheddar (page 43),
cut into -inch chunks
cup raw almonds
cup fresh basil leaves, lightly
2 cloves garlic, coarsely chopped

1. Cook the artichokes.

Trim the artichokes, paring away any
tough portions of the stem and cutting
off the top to 1 inch of each
artichoke. Remove any remaining
spiky tips with kitchen scissors. Cut
the artichokes in half lengthwise. Put
them in a large pot and add water to
cover, along with the salt. Cover and
bring to a boil over medium-high heat.
Decrease the heat to medium-low and
simmer until the artichokes are tender,
about 30 minutes. Drain and let sit
until cool enough to handle. (If not
using right away, store in a covered
container in the refrigerator for up to
2 days.)

2. Preheat the oven.

Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F.

3. Make the filling.

Put the cheese, almonds, basil, and
garlic in a food processor. Process
briefly, until the almonds are coarsely
chopped and all the ingredients are
thoroughly combined. Some of the
almonds should still be slightly

4. Stuff and bake the artichokes.

Using a spoon, scoop out and discard
the hairy choke from each artichoke
half. Stuff the hollows with the filling,
dividing it evenly among them. Put the
artichokes in a 13 x 9-inch baking pan
and bake for about 45 minutes, until
the filling is browned. To eat, scoop
up the filling with the leaves.
Per serving: calories: 201, protein: 9 g, fat:
13 g, saturated fat: 1 g, carbohydrate: 10 g,
sodium: 408 mg, calcium: 107 mg

Entres and

Get ready for big, hearty,

cheesy flavors in a variety of
traditional, classic dishes. My
love for all things Italian
expresses itself in this chapter,
and youll also find homey
comfort foods like macaroni
and cheese that will take you
back to your childhood. These
recipes reveal that the cheeses
in this book can be used just
like their dairy counterparts,
whether in hearty Eggplant
Parmesan (page 92) or Chiles
Rellenos with Ranchero Sauce
(page 100), producing dishes
that are rich and satisfying.
Mac and cheese is hard to beat as a
comfort food. It holds a dear place in the
heart of my husband, who grew up
loving his dads version of this classic.
With the help of my Sharp Cheddar, I
was finally able to create a vegan
version that my husband finds equally
satisfying. This dish is definitely a good
reason to always have some homemade
vegan Sharp Cheddar around!

classic baked

1 tablespoon salt (optional)

1 pound macaroni, small pasta shells,
or penne
1 pound Sharp Cheddar (page 14),
2 cups plain, unsweetened soy milk
Salt (optional)
Ground pepper (optional)

1. Cook the macaroni.

Bring a large pot of water to a boil
over high heat. Add the optional salt,
then stir in the macaroni. Return to a
boil. Decrease the heat to medium-
low and cook, stirring occasionally,
until tender but firm, about 8 minutes.
Drain in a colander and rinse under
cold water.

2. Assemble and bake.

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.
Spread half of the pasta in a 13 x 9-
inch baking pan. Scatter half of the
cheese evenly over the pasta. Top
with the remaining pasta, then scatter
the remaining cheese over the top.
Pour in the soy milk. Sprinkle salt and
pepper over the top if desired. Cover
and bake for about 30 minutes.
Uncover and bake for 10 to 15 more
minutes, until the top is browned and
crispy. Serve immediately.

Per serving: calories: 442, protein: 19 g, fat:

23 g, saturated fat: 4 g, carbohydrate: 42 g,
sodium: 569 mg, calcium: 56 mg
Creamy, rich, and succulent, this pasta
dish is the perfect supper, yet its ever
so easy to put together. The beauty of
this dish is that you dont even need to
culture the Soft Gruyre. On the other
hand, if you already have some vegan
Gruyre in the fridge and want to use it
in something delectable, it will also
work well here.

with gruyre and

1 tablespoon salt (optional), plus more

as desired
1 pound fettuccine or linguine
1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil
8 ounces morel, cremini, or button
mushrooms, sliced
2 tablespoons dry sherry
1 pound Soft Gruyre (page 13), made
through step 1 (no need to let it
culture), or Hard Gruyre (page 13)

1. Cook the pasta.

Bring a large pot of water to a boil
over high heat. Add the optional salt,
then stir in the fettuccine. Return to a
boil. Decrease the heat to medium-
low and cook, stirring occasionally,
until tender but firm, about 8 minutes.
Ladle out and reserve 2 cups of the
pasta water, then drain the fettuccine
in a colander and rinse under cold
water. Transfer to a large bowl.

2. Saut the mushrooms while the

pasta is cooking.
Heat the oil in a medium skillet over
medium-high heat. Add the
mushrooms and cook, stirring
frequently for 1 minute. Sprinkle a
couple of pinches of salt over the
mushrooms and cook, stirring
occasionally, until browned, about 7
minutes. Sprinkle the sherry over the
mushrooms and stir to loosen any bits
that have stuck to the pan.

3. Make the sauce.

Combine the cheese and 1 cup of the
reserved pasta water in a heavy
medium saucepan over medium heat.
Cook, stirring constantly with a
wooden spoon, until the cheese is
melted and the sauce is thick, about 5
minutes. Add more of the pasta water
as needed to achieve the desired

4. Assemble the dish.

Add the sauce to the pasta and toss
until evenly coated. Portion among
plates or shallow bowls and top each
serving with a spoonful of the
mushrooms. Serve immediately.

Per serving (based on 7 servings): calories:

407, protein: 11 g, fat: 26 g, saturated fat: 9
g, carbohydrate: 29 g, sodium: 436 mg,
calcium: 26 mg
Here I offer a lighter version of this
classic dish. Instead of coating the
eggplant in flour or breadcrumbs and
frying it in lots of oil, it is roasted,
substantially reducing the amount of oil
required and producing a lighter, more
fresh-tasting dish. This also eliminates
the need to salt the eggplant in advance,
as called for in many recipes. The result
is a dish thats faster and easier to
assemble. Its even tastier reheated the
next day, once the flavors have had a
chance to meld.

EGGPLANT parmesan

2 pounds eggplant, preferably

Japanese or Italian, sliced a generous
inch thick
Extra-virgin olive oil
Ground pepper
4 cups marinara sauce (see note)
cup fresh basil leaves, lightly
12 ounces Meltable Mozzarella (page
44) or Meltable Muenster (page 41),
sliced inch thick or grated
1. Roast the eggplant.
Preheat the oven to 450 degrees F.
Line two or three baking sheets with
parchment paper. Arrange the
eggplant in a single layer on the
baking sheets. Lightly brush the slices
with the oil, then turn and lightly brush
the other side. Sprinkle with salt and
pepper. Bake for 15 to 20 minutes,
until fork-tender.

2. Assemble the dish.

Decrease the oven temperature to 400
degrees F. Spread 1 cup of the
marinara sauce evenly in a 13 9-
inch baking pan. Layer half of the
eggplant slices over the marinara
sauce. Spread 1 cups of the
marinara sauce over the eggplant, then
scatter half of the basil over the sauce.
Layer half of the cheese evenly over
the sauce and top with the remaining
eggplant. Spread the remaining 2 cups
of sauce over the eggplant, then
scatter the remaining basil over the
sauce. Layer the remaining cheese
evenly over the top.

3. Bake.
Bake uncovered for about 30 minutes,
until the sauce is bubbly and the
cheese on top is browned. Serve

NOTE: You can decrease the amount of

baking time to about 20 minutes if you
heat the marinara sauce before
assembling the dish.

Per serving: calories: 194, protein: 4 g, fat:

11 g, saturated fat: 1 g, carbohydrate: 17 g,
sodium: 862 mg, calcium: 83 mg
Note: Using low-salt or salt-free marinara
sauce will decrease the sodium content of this
Pizza Margherita, page 94
Stuffed Shells, facing page
This quick and easy dish is a favorite in
my cooking classes. Pasta stuffed with
light and fluffy Almond Ricotta and
liberally doused with marinara sauce is
a truly satisfying entre. Although this
recipe calls for large pasta shells, feel
free to substitute other shapes, such as
manicotti or cannelloni.

stuffed See photo on facing


1 pound large pasta shells
4 cups Almond Ricotta (page 47)
cup slivered fresh basil leaves,
lightly packed
2 tablespoons nutritional yeast flakes
1 to 2 tablespoons freshly squeezed
lemon juice
2 cloves garlic, minced
Ground pepper
8 cups marinara sauce
8 ounces Meltable Mozzarella (page
44), grated (optional)
1. Cook the pasta shells.
Bring a large pot of water to a boil
over high heat. Add 1 tablespoon of
salt if desired, then add the pasta
shells. Return to a boil. Decrease the
heat to medium-low and cook, stirring
occasionally, until tender but firm,
about 12 minutes. Drain in a colander
and rinse under cold water.

2. Make the filling.

Put the ricotta, basil, nutritional yeast,
lemon juice, and garlic in a large
bowl and mix well. Season with salt
and pepper to taste.

3. Fill the shells and bake.

Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F.
Stuff the cooked pasta shells with the
filling, dividing it evenly among them.
Spread 2 cups of the marinara sauce
evenly in a 13 x 9-inch baking pan,
then arrange the stuffed shells atop the
marinara sauce. Pour the remaining 6
cups of marinara sauce evenly over
the pasta shells. Sprinkle the optional
mozzarella evenly over the top. Cover
and bake for 25 to 30 minutes, until
hot and bubbling. Serve immediately.

Per serving (based on 7 servings): calories:

569, protein: 18 g, fat: 36 g, saturated fat: 3
g, carbohydrate: 42 g, sodium: 1,314 mg,
calcium: 224 mg
Note: Using low-salt or salt-free marinara
sauce will decrease the sodium content of this
Gnocchi are light and wonderful Italian
dumplings often made from potatoes. In
this recipe the dough is flavored with
Hard Gruyre or Sharp Cheddar. The
result is rich and full-flavored gnocchi
that are well-complemented by any
number of sauces. If you make the
gnocchi with Sharp Cheddar, try topping
them with marinara sauce.
For gnocchi made with Soft Gruyre,
try Rich and Creamy Alfredo Sauce
(page 62) or vegan pesto, or simply
drizzle with olive oil and season with
minced garlic and minced fresh sage.
Gnocchi are actually easy and quite fast
to make, and a fun alternative to pasta.
Be aware that they dont freeze well.
However, you can make them up to three
hours before boiling and serving.

cheese GNOCCHI

2 pounds Yukon gold or other waxy

potatoes, scrubbed
10 ounces Hard Gruyre (page 13) or
Sharp Cheddar (page 14) , diced or
grated (see note)
1 cup all-purpose flour
2 tablespoons nutritional yeast flakes
1 teaspoon salt, plus more for boiling if

1. Cook the potatoes.

Put the potatoes in a large pot and add
water to cover by a few inches. Bring
to a boil over high heat. Decrease the
heat to medium-low, cover, and cook
until fork-tender, 20 to 30 minutes.
Drain well and let sit just until cool
enough to handle. (The potatoes
should still be fairly hot when mashed
and mixed with the remaining
ingredients.) Cut the potatoes in half
and peel them by hand; the skins
should slip off easily.
2. Mash or rice the potatoes.
Put the potatoes in a large bowl and
mash with a potato masher until
smooth and lump-free; alternatively, if
you have a ricer, use that, as it will
yield the lightest, fluffiest, and
smoothest texture. (Dont use a food
processor, or the potatoes may get

3. Make the dough.

While the potatoes are still hot, add
the cheese and mix well. Add the
flour, nutritional yeast, and salt and
mix well with your hands. Turn out
onto an unfloured work surface and
knead until soft and pliable, about 2
4. Shape the gnocchi.
Form the dough into a ball, then cut it
into four equal portions. Roll each
portion into a log about 1 foot long
and inch in diameter. Cut each log
into pieces a scant inch thick.
Cutting will press the dough down,
resulting in oval or semicircular
pieces. If you arent going to cook the
gnocchi immediately, put the pieces
on a lightly floured board in a single
layer and cover with a clean kitchen
towel for up to 3 hours, until youre
ready to cook them.

5. Cook the gnocchi.

Bring a large pot of water to a boil
over high heat. Add salt if desired,
then stir in half of the gnocchi. They
will sink to the bottom of the pot; then,
in 2 to 4 minutes they will start to
float. Using a slotted spoon, remove
and drain the gnocchi as they rise to
the surface. Repeat with the remaining
gnocchi. Serve immediately.

NOTE: You can also use Soft Gruyre

(page 13) or Crock-Style Cheddar (page
15) in this recipe. Because both are soft,
just stir them in as is, rather than trying
to dice or grate them.

Per serving: calories: 443, protein: 13 g, fat:

20 g, saturated fat: 7 g, carbohydrate: 52 g,
sodium: 708 mg, calcium: 20 mg
Even if youre not in Rome, do as the
Romans and try making gnocchi from
semolina instead of potatoes. Semolina
is durum wheat, a high-protein, hard,
winter wheat, thats ground to a texture
similar to uncooked farina. In fact, this
creamy and savory dish is actually made
by cooking the semolina like farina or
polenta. Although many people think of
gnocchi solely as small dumplings, the
dough can also be spread in a pan,
cooled, and then cut into pieces that are
fried or, as in this recipe, bakedwith
vegan cheese on top, of course! If you
like, you can flavor the base with
mushrooms, leeks, or sun-dried
tomatoes, as described in the variations.
Be aware that the dough must sit for at
least seven hours to firm up, so youll
need to plan ahead.

GNOCCHI la romana

2 cups vegan chicken broth

1 cup plain, unsweetened soy milk
cup vegan buttery spread or extra-
virgin olive oil (optional)
1 cup semolina
cup Cashew Cream (page 55) or
additional soy milk
teaspoon salt
8 ounces meltable cheese from
chapter 3 (any variety), grated

1. Cook the semolina.

Put the broth, soy milk, and optional
buttery spread in a heavy medium
saucepan and bring to a boil over
medium-high heat. Decrease the heat
to medium-low and add the semolina
in a thin, steady stream, whisking
constantly to prevent lumping. Add the
Cashew Cream and salt, still whisking
continuously. As the mixture thickens,
switch to a wooden spoon and cook,
stirring almost constantly, until very
thick, 15 to 20 minutes.

2. Pour into a pan to set.

Oil a 13 x 9-inch baking pan or line it
with parchment paper. Pour in the
semolina mixture while still hot.
Spread it in an even layer and smooth
the top. Let cool completely at room
temperature, then cover and let rest
for about 7 hours, until firm. If your
kitchen is very warm (over 75
degrees F), put the dough in the
refrigerator to firm up; otherwise you
can just leave it on the counter.

3. Shape and bake the gnocchi.

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.
Cut the gnocchi into 12 pieces with a
knife, or use a 3-inch round cookie
cutter to cut it into 12 circles. Arrange
the pieces in the same baking pan,
slightly overlapping. (If you lined the
pan with parchment, discard it before
arranging the pieces in the pan.)
Sprinkle the cheese evenly over the
top. Bake for about 20 minutes, until
the cheese is bubbly and melted.
Serve immediately.


slice 8 ounces of mushrooms. Heat 2
teaspoons of extra-virgin olive oil in a
medium skillet over medium-high heat.
Add the mushrooms and a couple of
pinches of salt and cook, stirring
frequently, until tender and browned,
about 7 minutes. At the end of step 1,
before pouring the semolina mixture into
the baking pan, stir in the mushrooms
and 1 teaspoon of truffle oil.


LEEKS: Thinly slice the white portion
of 1 to 2 leeks. Heat 2 teaspoons of
extra-virgin olive oil in a medium skillet
over medium-high heat. Add the leeks
and a couple of pinches of salt and cook,
stirring frequently, until tender, about 5
minutes. Season with pepper to taste. At
the end of step 1, before pouring the
semolina mixture into the baking pan,
stir in the leeks.
BASIL: Drain and chop cup of oil-
packed sun-dried tomatoes;
alternatively, soak cup of dry sun-
dried tomatoes in hot water for 1 hour,
then drain and chop. Sliver cup of
lightly packed fresh basil leaves and
mince 2 to 3 cloves of garlic. At the end
of step 1, before pouring the semolina
mixture into the baking pan, stir in the
sun-dried tomatoes, basil, and garlic.

MINI GNOCCHI: To serve this dish as

an appetizer, use the smallest cookie
cutter you can find and cut the gnocchi
into small pieces. Instead of baking
them, saut them in olive oil on both
sides until golden brown. Serve topped
with vegan pesto, caponata, or other
savory toppings. This makes about 12
appetizer servings.

Per serving: calories: 262, protein: 10 g, fat:

10 g, saturated fat: 1 g, carbohydrate: 32 g,
sodium: 584 mg, calcium: 48 mg
Homemade ravioli is within the realm of
possibility for most home cooks and
doesnt require expensive equipment. In
fact, you dont even need to make your
own pasta. Purchase sheets of fresh
vegan pasta, if you can find it, or make
the ravioli with vegan wonton or pot
sticker wrappers. If you use one of those
options, this dish will require only about
twenty minutes of hands-on time. Best of
all, the combination of the simple filling
and sauce is superb.
The sweet, rich, buttery flavor of the
slightly caramelized squash pairs
beautifully with the delicious vegan
Gruyre, and smothering the ravioli in a
creamy, savory sauce infused with
shallots and thyme takes this dish over
the top. Both the ravioli and the sauce
can be made up to a day in advance if
you like (see notes).

with shallot and
thyme bchamel

1 pound butternut squash, peeled and
1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil
Ground pepper
8 ounces fresh vegan pasta sheets (see
6 ounces Hard Gruyre (page 13),
grated or diced, or Soft Gruyre (page

2 teaspoons extra-virgin olive oil
cup finely chopped shallots
Ground pepper
2 cups Cashew Cream (page 55)
1 teaspoon minced fresh thyme, or
teaspoon dried

1. Bake the squash.

Preheat the oven to 425 degrees F. Put
the squash on a rimmed baking sheet
or in a baking pan large enough to
accommodate all of it in a single
layer. Drizzle the oil evenly over the
squash, then season with salt and
pepper. Toss until evenly coated, then
spread in a single layer. Bake for
about 20 minutes, until browned on
the bottom and tender.

2. Fill the ravioli.

Cut the pasta sheets into 4-inch
squares; you should have 8 to 10
squares. Using your finger, dab water
all along the edges of one square. Put
about 2 tablespoons of the squash on
one side of the square and top with
1 tablespoons of the cheese. Fold
the pasta square over the filling to
encase it completely, then press the
edges together. Crimp the edges all
the way around with the tines of a fork
to ensure a secure seal. Repeat with
the remaining pasta, squash, and

3. Make the sauce.

Heat the oil in a heavy medium
saucepan over medium heat. Add the
shallots, cover, and cook, stirring
occasionally, until translucent and
tender, about 5 minutes. Season with
salt and pepper. Add the Cashew
Cream and cook uncovered, stirring
frequently, until the mixture thickens
and begins to bubble, about 5 minutes.
Add the thyme and cook, stirring
frequently, for 1 minute. Taste and
add more salt and pepper if desired.

4. Cook the ravioli.

Bring a large pot of water to a boil
over high heat. Add 1 tablespoon of
salt if desired, then add the ravioli.
Return to a boil. Decrease the heat to
medium-low and cook, stirring gently
from time to time, until the pasta is
tender, 3 to 5 minutes. Drain in a
colander. Portion the ravioli among
plates or shallow bowls and pour the
sauce on top, dividing it evenly. Serve

NOTES: One of the best parts about

making ravioli is customizing them to
suit your tastes and making use of
ingredients that are in season or readily
When working with fresh pasta
sheets, the size and shape of the
ravioli can be varied as you desire.
The method here makes 8 to 10 large
ravioli. If you choose to make them a
different size, adjust the amount of
filling accordingly.
To make the ravioli using vegan
wonton or pot sticker wrappers in
place of the pasta sheets, youll need
about 24 wrappers. Dab a bit of
water all along the edges of one
wrapper. Put a heaping 1 tablespoon
of the squash on one side of the
wrapper and top with about 1
tablespoon of the cheese. Fold the
wrapper over the filling to encase it
completely and press the edges
together. Crimp the edges all the way
around with the tines of a fork to
ensure a secure seal. Repeat with the
remaining wrappers, squash, and
You can make both the ravioli and the
sauce up to a day in advance. If you
arent going to cook the ravioli right
away, dust a plate with flour and
arrange the ravioli on the plate,
leaving a little room between them.
Cover with a clean kitchen towel and
let sit at room temperature for up to 3
hours or store in the refrigerator for
up to 1 day. After making the sauce,
let it cool completely at room
temperature, then store in a covered
container in the refrigerator for up to
1 day. Gently reheat the sauce before
assembling the dish.

Per serving: calories: 545, protein: 15 g, fat:

29 g, saturated fat: 8 g, carbohydrate: 56 g,
sodium: 522 mg, calcium: 67 mg
Pizza in Italy is an entirely different
creature from what you find in the United
States. There, the best pizzas have but a
smear of marinara sauce and only a hint
of cheese, whereas American versions
tend to be piled high with toppings and
as much gooey, oily, stretchy cheese as
the crust can hold. This thin-crust pizza
is more akin to those made in Naples
(often considered the birthplace of
pizza) than those made in New York.
Topped with vegan cheese that bubbles,
melts, and browns, it looks so much like
dairy pizza that even skeptical teenagers
enjoy it.
One of the tricks to a decent
homemade pizza is using a pizza stone.
These are inexpensive and can be
purchased at most cookware stores or
online. Heating the stone at a high
temperature for about forty-five minutes
before youre ready to bake the pizza
will ensure a crisp bottom and quick
baking. If you dont have a pizza stone,
you can still make delicious pizza (see
notes), but the crust wont be as crisp on
the bottom. Whatever baking method you
choose, just dont go hog wild with the
toppings. Plus, you dont need a lot of
toppings when all of the components are
delicious. In general, use less than a cup
of toppings (in addition to the sauce and
vegan cheese) per fourteen-inch pizza.
As long as you follow that guideline, you
can experiment and use whatever
toppings you like: olives, artichoke
hearts, caramelized onions . . . you name
it! One final pointer: The dough for the
crust needs to rest for two hours, so
youll need to plan ahead.

pizza See photo facing

page 86.



4 cups bread flour, plus more for
dusting and shaping
1 teaspoons salt
1 teaspoon active dry yeast
1 cups cold water

2 cups marinara sauce
14 ounces Meltable Mozzarella (page
44), sliced
cup plus 1 tablespoon slivered fresh
basil leaves, lightly packed

1. Make the dough.

Put the flour, salt, and yeast in a large
bowl or the bowl of an electric mixer
and stir with a large spoon until well
mixed. Add the cold water and stir
until well combined. To knead by
hand, turn the dough out onto a floured
work surface and knead until smooth
and pliable, about 7 minutes,
occasionally dusting with a bit of
flour to prevent sticking; if using a
stand mixer, mix with the dough hook
until smooth and pliable, about 6
minutes. Immediately wrap the dough
in plastic wrap or a clean plastic bag
and refrigerate for at least 2 hours and
up to 2 days, without letting it rise
before refrigerating; this delays the
rising until the pizza is in the oven,
creating the optimum texture.
2. Heat the pizza stone.
Preheat the oven to 450 degrees F.
Then heat a pizza stone on the lowest
rack for 45 minutes. (If you dont have
a pizza stone, see notes.)

3. Prepare a pizza assembly station.

About 20 minutes before serving the
first pizza, assemble the toppings. Pull
the dough out of the refrigerator and
cut it into two equal pieces for 14-
inch pizzas, or six equal pieces for
individual pizzas. Shape the pieces
into balls. Generously flour a work
surface, lightly flour a pizza peel (see
notes), and dust your hands and wrists
with flour.
4. Shape the dough.
To ensure optimum results, its best to
bake one pizza at a time so the oven
stays as hot as possible. You can
shape and top one pizza, then continue
with shaping and topping as the first
pizza bakes. Put one of the dough
balls on the floured work surface and
press to flatten it a bit, then turn it so
both sides are well coated with flour.
Form a fist with one hand, pick up the
dough with your other hand, and put
the dough over your fist. Gently pull
and rotate the dough, stretching and
enlarging it until youve formed a thin,
even round about 14 inches in
diameter, or about 6 inches in
diameter for an individual pizza.
Dont worry if there are a few small
tears. Put the dough on the floured
peel and pinch together any tears to
seal the dough back together.

5. Top the pizza.

Spread the marinara sauce over the
surface to within inch of the edge,
using 1 cup of sauce for a 14-inch
pizza, or cup for a 6-inch pizza.
Top with the mozzarella, using 7
ounces of cheese for a 14-inch pizza,
or 2 ounces for a 6-inch pizza.
Scatter the basil equally over the

6. Bake the pizza.

Give the peel a quick shake to ensure
that the pizza will slide off. If it
appears to be sticking, work a bit
more flour underneath the sticky spot,
then give it another quick shake to
make sure it will slide off. Transfer
the pizza to the oven, sliding it off the
peel and onto the stone. Bake for
about 8 minutes, until the crust is
lightly browned on the edges and the
cheese is melted, bubbly, and lightly
browned. (The baking time is the
same for 14-inch and 6-inch pizzas.)
Let cool for a minute or two before

MUSHROOM PIZZA: Scatter about

cup of thinly sliced mushrooms over the
cheese atop one 14-inch pizza before
baking. Experiment with a variety of
mushrooms. Enticing choices include
oyster mushrooms, shiitakes, and


GARLIC: Toss 1 cup of coarsely
chopped Swiss chard with 1 teaspoon of
extra-virgin olive oil, 1 clove of garlic,
minced, and a sprinkling of salt. Scatter
the mixture over the cheese atop one 14-
inch pizza before baking.

NOTES: Although a pizza stone and a

peel are wonderful tools for making
pizza, you can definitely get by without
any special equipment.
If you dont have a pizza stone, you
can simulate the thermal mass of a
pizza stone with a large, heavy cast-
iron skillet. Put an oven rack in the
middle of the oven, and put the skillet
on the rack, inverting it. Preheat the
oven to 500 degrees F for at least 30
minutes. Put shaped 14-inch crusts on
round pizza pans or a very large
baking sheet, and put smaller 6-inch
crusts on sheet pans. Apply the
toppings to the pizzas on the pans,
then put the pans on top of the
inverted skillet for baking, one pan at
a time.
If you have a pizza stone, you
probably have a peel as well. If you
dont, no problem. Once the dough is
shaped, put it on a lightly floured
cutting board and add the toppings.
You can use the cutting board like a
peel to transfer the topped pizza to the
oven and slide it onto the stone.

Per serving (based on 8 servings): calories:

396, protein: 10 g, fat: 12 g, saturated fat: 1
g, carbohydrate: 60 g, sodium: 976 mg,
calcium: 73 mg
Note: Using low-salt or salt-free marinara
sauce will decrease the sodium content of this
A calzone is basically a pizza folded
over, so any topping that goes on a pizza
can go in a calzone. That makes this a
very flexible recipe; you can use any
cooked vegetable, including bell
peppers, broccoli, chard, mushrooms,
onions, or spinach. Instead of ricotta,
you could use Meltable Mozzarella
(page 44) or any cheese from chapter 3.
This recipe features a cornmeal and
spelt dough as a creative touch and for
enhanced nutrition; however you can use
any pizza dough you like (including the
one on page 94).
chard and ricotta


1 cup cold water
1 tablespoon active dry yeast
1 teaspoon maple syrup, agave nectar,
or sugar
2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
teaspoon salt
1 cups cornmeal
1 cups whole spelt flour, plus more
for dusting and shaping
2 tablespoons vital wheat gluten (see

3 tablespoons water
6 to 8 cloves garlic, minced
1 large bunch Swiss chard, coarsely
1 cups Almond Ricotta (page 47) or
Macadamia Ricotta (page 19)
1 cup slivered fresh basil leaves,
lightly packed
2 tablespoons nutritional yeast flakes
1 teaspoon medium brown miso
Ground pepper
1 cups marinara sauce

1. Make the dough.

Put the water, yeast, and maple syrup
in a large bowl or the bowl of an
electric mixer and mix lightly. Let rest
for about 5 minutes. Add the oil and
salt and mix until thoroughly blended.
Add the cornmeal, spelt flour, and
gluten and stir until well combined.
To knead by hand, turn the dough out
onto a floured work surface and knead
until smooth and pliable, about 7
minutes, occasionally dusting with a
bit of flour to prevent sticking; if using
a stand mixer, mix with the dough
hook until smooth and pliable, about 6
minutes. The dough will be fairly stiff.
Transfer to a clean, lightly oiled
bowl, cover with a clean kitchen
towel, and let rise in a warm place
until almost doubled in size, about 1

2. Cook the chard for the filling.

Heat the water in a large skillet over
medium-high heat until it sizzles. Add
4 cloves of the garlic and the chard
and sprinkle with a couple of pinches
of salt. Cook, stirring frequently, until
the chard is wilted.
3. Season the ricotta for the filling.
Put the ricotta, basil, nutritional yeast,
miso, and 2 cloves of the garlic in a
medium bowl and mix well. Season
with salt and pepper to taste and add
more garlic if desired.

4. Preheat the oven.

Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F.
Line a baking sheet with parchment

5. Shape the dough.

When the dough has doubled in bulk,
deflate it by punching it down all over
with a fist. Turn it out onto a lightly
floured work surface and knead a few
times. Cut it into two equal pieces,
then divide each half into four equal
pieces. Shape each piece into a ball,
then roll each into a circle about
inch thick and 6 to 7 inches in

6. Assemble the calzones.

Leaving a -inch border all around,
spread about 3 tablespoons of ricotta
on one side of the circle, then top with
one-eighth of the chard. Spread about
3 tablespoons of marinara sauce on
top of the chard. Fold the dough over
the filling to encase it completely,
then press the edges together. Crimp
the edges together all the way around
(except along the fold) with the tines
of a fork to ensure a secure seal.
Using a small, sharp knife, make 3 to
4 slits on top of each calzone to allow
steam to escape.

7. Bake the calzones.

Put the calzones on the lined baking
sheet, arranging them so they arent
touching. Bake for about 20 minutes,
until golden brown. Let cool for a
minute or two before serving.

NOTE: Vital wheat gluten is pure gluten

thats extracted from wheat and then
dried and ground. Adding just a small
amount of it when using alternative
flours can help create more structure and
a better rise in baked goods, and creates
a lighter, crisper crust. Its generally
available at natural food stores or with
the natural foods in well-stocked

Per serving: calories: 328, protein: 13 g, fat:

13 g, saturated fat: 1 g, carbohydrate: 38 g,
sodium: 370 mg, calcium: 76 mg
Note: Using low-salt or salt-free marinara
sauce will decrease the sodium content of this
The first time I went to Greece, over
thirty years ago, I practically lived on
this classic dish in which spinach and
cheese are encased in flaky phyllo
pastry. Heres a vegan version with Tofu
Feta that will transport you to the Greek
Isles. The addition of fresh dill is an
unusual twist, but it complements the
spinach beautifully and adds another
layer of flavor.
Phyllo dough can seem intimidating to
work with, but its actually quite easy to
use. The key is to defrost it in the
refrigerator overnight before attempting
to unfold it and separate the sheets. The
main recipe here yields one large pie,
but you can also make individual
portions of varying sizes, from entre-
sized to smaller, appetizer-sized morsels
(see notes).



1 pound regular or baby spinach

2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil or
1 onion, finely chopped
3 cloves garlic, minced
1 small bunch (about ounce) fresh
dill, stemmed and minced (about
4 ounces Tofu Feta (page 25)
cup pine nuts
Ground pepper
8 ounces phyllo dough, thawed
cup extra-virgin olive oil, or olive oil

1. Prepare the spinach.

If using regular spinach, wash well,
then drain and trim. To remove excess
moisture, dry it in a salad spinner or
gently blot it with a clean kitchen
towel, then coarsely chop. If using
baby spinach, rinse lightly, then drain
and dry in a salad spinner or towel;
theres no need to chop it.

2. Cook the vegetables.

Heat the oil in a large skillet over
medium heat. Add the onion and
garlic and cook, stirring frequently,
until tender, about 7 minutes. Add the
spinach and dill and cook just until the
spinach is wilted but still vibrant
green, about 3 minutes. The longer
you cook the spinach, the more water
it will exude, so its best to cook it
only briefly. Transfer to a fine-mesh
sieve and use the back of a wooden
spoon to lightly press to expel excess
3. Mix the filling.
Transfer the spinach mixture to a large
bowl and crumble in the Tofu Feta.
Add the pine nuts and mix well.
Season with salt and pepper to taste.

4. Assemble and bake.

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.
Lightly brush or spray a 9- or 10-inch
pie pan with oil. Unfold the stack of
phyllo sheets on a clean, dry towel
and cover with another clean, dry
towel to keep the phyllo from drying
out and getting brittle. Put one sheet of
the phyllo on a dry surface and brush
or spray lightly with the oil. Repeat
with the remaining of phyllo, stacking
the sheets. Transfer the stack of phyllo
sheets to the pie pan and press it into
the pan, allowing the excess to hang
over the side. Put the filling in the
phyllo shell and spread it in an even
layer. Fold the overhanging edges of
the phyllo neatly over the top. Bake
for 45 to 60 minutes, until puffy and
golden brown.

NOTES: You can also shape the

Spanakopita into individual entre-sized
portions or smaller portions for
For entre-sized portions, cut the
stack of unoiled phyllo sheets in half
lengthwise to form two stacks, each
measuring about 16 x 6 inches. Work
with one stack and keep the other
covered with a dry towel. Put one
strip of phyllo on a dry surface and
lightly brush or spray with oil. Repeat
with two more strips of phyllo to
make a stack with three layers. Put
about cup of filling about 3 inches
up from the end of the strip. Fold the
end of the strip diagonally over the
filling to form a triangle, then lightly
brush or spray oil on the folded-over
portion. Fold repeatedly like a flag,
flipping the triangle over and over
again until you reach the end of the
strip, making a neat parcel. Set the
triangle on a lightly oiled baking
sheet, seam-side down. Brush or
spray with oil. Repeat with the
remaining phyllo and filling.
For appetizers, use the same method
as for entre-sized triangles, but fold
each strip of phyllo in half lengthwise
after brushing or spraying with oil,
forming a strip about 3 inches wide.
Use about 2 tablespoons of the filling
for each triangle.

Per serving (based on 7 servings): calories:

350, protein: 9 g, fat: 25 g, saturated fat: 3 g,
carbohydrate: 24 g, sodium: 261 mg,
calcium: 122 mg
In traditional versions of this Mexican
dish, the stuffed chiles are typically
deep-fried. Here, I offer two options: a
more traditional fried version, and a
variation for a lighter version thats
baked. Be aware that handling even mild
chiles can make your hands burnor
make your eyes or other sensitive areas
burn if you touch them after handling the
chiles. To protect yourself, rub a little
oil on your hands before working with
the chiles.


ranchero sauce

2 to 3 dried red New Mexico chiles or
other medium-heat dried red chiles
2 cups boiling water
onion, cut into quarters
6 tablespoons unbleached flour
2 tablespoons cacao nibs
2 cloves garlic
teaspoon salt, plus more as desired
teaspoon ground cinnamon
teaspoon ground cumin
2 cups vegan chicken broth


12 roasted Anaheim or poblano chiles
(see sidebar, page 77), left whole
1 pound Meltable Monterey Jack
(page 42) , Meltable Cheddar (page
43) , or Meltable Muenster (page 41),
sliced into 12 pieces a bit smaller than
the size of the chiles


cup sparkling water
2 tablespoons Ener-G egg replacer
(see page 134)
cup unbleached flour
cup canola or grapeseed oil

1. Reconstitute the dried chiles for the

Put the dried chiles in a large bowl
and pour the boiling water over them.
Let soak for 1 hour. Drain, reserving
the soaking liquid, and remove the
tops of the chiles. For a very mild
sauce, make a slit in the peppers,
scrape out the seeds, and discard

2. Process the sauce ingredients.

Put the chiles, the reserved soaking
water, and the onion, flour, cacao
nibs, garlic, salt, cinnamon, and cumin
in a blender and process until smooth.

3. Cook the sauce.

Pour the dried chile mixture into a
heavy medium saucepan and stir in the
broth. Bring to a simmer over medium
heat. Decrease the heat to medium-
low and simmer, stirring
occasionally, until thick enough to
coat the back of a wooden spoon,
about 10 minutes. Taste and add more
salt if desired.

4. Stuff the roasted chiles.

Working carefully to keep the roasted
chiles intact with their tops in place,
remove their skins. Cut a lengthwise
slit in each chile and carefully scrape
out the seeds and membranes through
the slit. Put a slice of the cheese in
each chile. Close the slit, overlapping
the edges slightly.

5. Make the batter.

Put the sparkling water and egg
replacer in a medium bowl and whisk
until well blended. Add the flour and
whisk until well mixed.

6. Dip and fry the chiles.

Heat the oil in a large heavy frying
pan until a drop of batter sizzles when
dropped in the pan. Dip a chile in the
batter, then let the excess batter drip
off. Carefully put the chile in the oil
and fry, carefully turning once, until
browned and crispy on both sides,
about 4 minutes. Keep adding chiles,
but dont overcrowd the skillet. Drain
briefly on paper towels. Serve
immediately, pouring about cup of
the sauce over each chile.

VARIATION: To make a low-fat version

thats still delectable, bake the stuffed
chiles, omitting the batter. Preheat the
oven to 350 degrees F. Spread 1 cup of
the sauce evenly in a 13 x 9-inch baking
pan, then arrange the stuffed chiles atop
the sauce. Pour the remaining sauce
evenly over the chiles. Bake uncovered
for about 20 minutes, until the cheese is
melted and the sauce is hot and bubbling.
Per serving: calories: 347, protein: 5 g, fat:
21 g, saturated fat: 2 g, carbohydrate: 35 g,
sodium: 806 mg, calcium: 75 mg
These tasty burgers with a Southwestern
flavor are great either on or off a bun.
You can cook them in a skillet or in the
oven. If youd like to grill them, its best
to bake them first to help keep them from
falling apart. For the same reason, its
best to bake them first if youd like to
store them to serve later (see notes).


RICE burgers
cup water
1 onion, diced
2 stalks celery, diced
1 red bell pepper, diced
1 can (15 ounces) black beans, drained
4 to 6 ounces Sharp Cheddar (page
14), coarsely chopped
1 chipotle chile in adobo sauce
1 tablespoon medium brown miso
1 tablespoon tomato paste
1 clove garlic, coarsely chopped
2 cups cooked wild rice (see notes)
cup panko
cup fresh cilantro, chopped
Ground pepper

1. Cook the vegetables.

Heat the water in a medium skillet
over medium heat. Add the onion,
celery, and bell pepper and cook,
stirring frequently, until crisp-tender,
3 to 5 minutes.

2. Process the ingredients.

Put the beans, cheese, chile, miso,
tomato paste, and garlic in a food
processor. Pulse until well combined
and slightly chunky, not completely

3. Form the burgers.

Transfer to a large bowl. Add the
cooked vegetables, wild rice, panko,
and cilantro and mix well. Season
with salt and pepper to taste. Shape
into patties by hand.

4. Cook the burgers.

Cook the burgers right away, either on
the stovetop or in the oven. To cook
them on the stovetop, heat a large
nonstick skillet over medium heat.
Lightly brush or spray the skillet with
oil. Cook until the underside is
browned, about 7 minutes, then turn
and cook until the other side is
browned, about 5 to 7 minutes longer.
To bake them, preheat the oven to 350
degrees F and line a baking sheet with
parchment paper. Put the patties on the
lined baking sheet and bake for about
20 minutes, until browned and firm.

Notes: Wild rice takes a long time to

cook, so youll need to prepare it in
advance. Here are some tips you may
find helpful for making and storing Black
Bean and Wild Rice Burgers.
To cook the wild rice, put 1 cup of
wild rice and 4 cups of water in a
medium saucepan. Cover and bring to
a boil over high heat. Decrease the
heat to low and cook for 50 to 60
minutes, until the grains are split.
Remove from the heat and let steam
for 15 minutes. Drain well. This may
yield a bit more than 2 cups of
cooked wild rice; if so, enjoy the
remainder as is or add it to a soup or
To store the baked burgers, wrap
them tightly in plastic wrap. They
will keep in the refrigerator for about
1 week or in the freezer for about 6
weeks. Thaw before cooking on a
grill, frying in a skillet, or reheating
in the oven.

Per serving (based on 6 servings): calories:

175, protein: 8 g, fat: 5 g, saturated fat: 1 g,
carbohydrate: 22 g, sodium: 170 mg,
calcium: 23 mg
This homey and comforting gratin with
its creamy sauce and cheesy topping will
please all diners, even those who
previously thought they didnt like


1 tablespoon oil
1 onion, diced
1 large head cauliflower, cut into bite-
sized florets
Ground pepper
2 cups water
cup raw cashews
4 ounces Meltable Cheddar (page 43),
Hard Gruyre (page 13) , or Air-Dried
Cheddar (page 30), sliced inch thick

1. Preheat the oven.

Preheat the oven to 425 degrees F.

2. Cook the vegetables.

Heat the oil in a large skillet over
medium-high heat. Add the onion and
cook, stirring frequently, just until
tender, about 5 minutes. Add the
cauliflower and season with salt and
pepper. Cook, stirring frequently, until
the cauliflower is slightly browned
but still crisp-tender, about 5 minutes.
Transfer to a 10 x 7-inch baking pan.

3. Make the cashew sauce.

Put the water, cashews, and
teaspoon of salt in a blender. Process
until smooth and creamy.

4. Assemble and bake.

Pour the cashew sauce evenly over
the cauliflower. Arrange the cheese
slices on top. Bake for 25 to 30
minutes, until the sauce is thick and
bubbling and the cheese is melted and

Per serving (based on 6 servings): calories:

209, protein: 7 g, fat: 14 g, saturated fat: 2 g,
carbohydrate: 13 g, sodium: 182 mg,
calcium: 45 mg
We all need comfort food, and this is
one of the favorites at my house
(including among all of my kids friends
who eat here). Thinly sliced potatoes are
layered with a rich cashew sauce,
topped with cheese, and baked until
slightly crisp. The result is a dish thats
a fabulous brunch offering and can also
be served as an entre, accompanied by
a big green salad. I guarantee that no one
will be able to tell this isnt loaded with
cream and dairy-based cheese!


4 cups water
1 cups raw cashews, soaked in water
for 2 to 3 hours and drained
1 teaspoons salt
teaspoon ground pepper
teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg
3 to 4 pounds Yukon gold or other
waxy potatoes, peeled and thinly
8 to 12 ounces Meltable Cheddar
(page 43), sliced inch thick
cup minced fresh chives (optional)

1. Make the cashew sauce.

Put the water, cashews, salt, pepper,
and optional nutmeg in a blender.
Process until smooth and creamy.

2. Assemble and bake.

Preheat the oven to 425 degrees F.
Lightly brush or spray a 13 x 9-inch
baking pan with oil. Neatly layer half
of the potatoes in the pan, overlapping
them slightly. Arrange about one-third
of the cheese slices on top. Repeat
with the remaining potatoes, then
distribute the remaining cheese on top
of the potatoes. Scatter the optional
chives evenly over the cheese, then
pour the cashew sauce evenly over the
top. Cover and bake for about 40
minutes. Uncover and bake for 15 to
20 minutes, until the potatoes are
tender, the sauce is thick and
bubbling, and the cheese is melted and

Per serving (based on 10 servings): calories:

425, protein: 13 g, fat: 22 g, saturated fat: 3
g, carbohydrate: 45 g, sodium: 455 mg,
calcium: 43 mg

Sweet Cheese Dishes

and Desserts

Cashew Cream Cheese,

Mascarpone, and Almond
Ricotta star in the fabulous
creations in this chapter,
which is filled with enticing
cheese-inspired desserts and
sweet breakfast or brunch
dishes. Whether youre
looking for decadent
cheesecakes, classic tiramisu,
or another glorious ending to
your meal, or a special
cheese-laced breakfast, such
as fluffy blueberry pancakes
with ricotta or showstopping
blintzes, you will find a recipe
for it here. Go ahead and
When I first made the Raspberry Swirl
Cheesecake (page 115), I couldnt stop
eating the raspberry cheesecake mixture,
so I thought it would be great to use it as
the basis for a mousse. Before making
this recipe, be sure to read the details
about chilled coconut cream on page 59.
Also, be forewarned that you cant use
light coconut milk to make the coconut
cream, and that youll need to refrigerate
the coconut milk in the cans for at least
twenty-four hours for the magic to


1 cups Cashew Cream Cheese (page

12 ounces fresh or frozen raspberries
cup agave nectar or sugar, plus
more as desired
1 teaspoon grated lemon zest
1 tablespoon freshly squeezed lemon
1 cups chilled coconut cream (see
note, page 59)
cup water
1 teaspoon agar powder, or 1
tablespoon agar flakes
1 cup fresh raspberries, for garnish

1. Process the ingredients.

Put the cream cheese, the 12 ounces of
raspberries, and the agave nectar,
lemon zest, and lemon juice in a food
processor or blender. Process until
smooth and creamy. Taste and add
more agave nectar if desired. Leave
the mixture in the food processor.

2. Whip the coconut cream.

Put the coconut cream in a chilled
bowl. Using a handheld mixer or a
stand mixer fitted with the whisk
attachment, beat the coconut cream
until soft peaks form, about 3 minutes.
3. Dissolve the agar.
Put the water and agar in a small
saucepan and bring to a boil over
medium-high heat. Decrease the heat
to medium-low and simmer, whisking
occasionally, until the agar is
completely dissolved, 3 to 5 minutes.
It should not be cloudy or grainy.

4. Mix the mousse.

Pour the dissolved agar into the food
processor and process until
thoroughly combined. Immediately
pour the mixture into the whipped
coconut cream. Mix on low speed or
with a wire whisk to gently fold in the
cream cheese mixture. Spoon into
eight wine glasses or other individual
dishes, decorate with the fresh
raspberries, and refrigerate for at
least 3 hours, until set.


Instead of using chilled coconut cream,
substitute 2 cups of whipped Flaxseed
Meringue (page 120). This version will
be fluffier, sweeter, and lighter.

Per serving: calories: 269, protein: 6 g, fat:

15 g, saturated fat: 5 g, carbohydrate: 28 g,
sodium: 15 mg, calcium: 30 mg
This is my go-to raw crust for
cheesecakes and other desserts. Its as
easy to make as a graham cracker crust
and just as tasty, but much more healthful
and gluten-free.


1 cup raw almonds

10 to 12 pitted dates
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1. Process the ingredients.
Put all the ingredients in a food
processor. Process until crumbly,
sticky, and thoroughly combined.

2. Pat into the pan.

Transfer to a 9-inch springform pan
and press the mixture in an even layer
over the bottom of the pan.

Per crust: calories: 144, protein: 4 g, fat: 9

g, saturated fat: 1 g, carbohydrate: 9 g,
sodium: 1 mg, calcium: 54 mg
This simple crust is a snap to put
together and provides an excellent base
for cheesecakes. As a bonus, its gluten-
free. Although the recipe specifies an
eight-inch springform pan, it will also
work just fine to press the mixture into a
nine-inch springform pan.


cup old-fashioned rolled oats

cup walnuts
cup brown rice flour
cup canola oil
2 to 3 tablespoons maple syrup

1. Mix the ingredients.

Put the oats, walnuts, and flour in a
food processor. Process briefly, just
until sandy in texture. Transfer to a
bowl and stir in the oil. Add 2
tablespoons of the maple syrup and
stir until the mixture comes together. If
it doesnt hold together, add more
maple syrup, 1 teaspoon at a time,
until it does. The mixture shouldnt be
2. Pat into the pan.
Brush or spray an 8-inch springform
pan with oil. Transfer the mixture to
the pan and press it in an even layer
over the bottom of the pan and about
inch up the sides.

Per crust: calories: 191, protein: 3 g, fat:

12 g, saturated fat: 1 g, carbohydrate: 17 g,
sodium: 2 mg, calcium: 15 mg
When you dont have time to make
Cashew Cream Cheese (page 20) for a
cheesecake, heres a quick, creamy tart
thats just as delightful as a cheesecake
but without the sharp flavor that comes
from cultured cheese. Thats okay,
because there are a lot of flavors going
on here, from the crunchy almond crust
to the sweet and creamy cheesy filling to
the strawberries, both fresh in the tart
and lightly cooked in a glistening glaze.
Best of all, this indulgence is relatively
healthful; aside from the small amount of
sweetener used, its basically just fruit
and nuts.
c r e a m y STRAWBERRY



3 cups water
1 cups raw cashews
cup agave nectar or sugar
2 tablespoons arrowroot starch or
tapioca flour
Grated zest of 2 lemons
1 to 2 tablespoons freshly squeezed
lemon juice
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
cup water
1 teaspoon agar powder, or 1
tablespoon agar flakes


1 Almond-Date Crust (page 108)
2 pints strawberries (see note), hulled

1 pint strawberries, hulled
cup agave nectar or sugar
2 tablespoons water
1 tablespoons arrowroot starch or
tapioca flour

1. Combine the filling ingredients.

Put the water and cashews in a
blender and process until smooth and
creamy. Add the agave nectar,
arrowroot, lemon zest, 1 tablespoon
of the lemon juice, and the vanilla
extract. Process until thoroughly
combined. Taste and add more lemon
juice if desired.

2. Cook the filling.

Pour the cashew mixture into a large
heavy saucepan over medium-low
heat. Cook, stirring frequently, until
very thick and goopy, about 5 minutes.
Cover and remove from the heat.

3. Thicken the filling.

Immediately, before the filling cools,
put the water and agar in a small
saucepan and bring to a boil over
medium-high heat. Decrease the heat
to medium-low and simmer, whisking
occasionally, until the agar is
completely dissolved, 3 to 5 minutes.
It should not be cloudy or grainy. Pour
the hot mixture into the saucepan with
the cashew mixture and whisk briskly
until smooth and entirely free of

4. Chill the filling in the tart crust.

Pour the filling into the crust, spread it
in an even layer, and smooth the top.
Let cool at room temperature, then
cover and refrigerate for about 1 hour,
until the top is firm enough to hold the

5. Decorate with strawberries.

Arrange the 2 pints of strawberries
decoratively atop the filling. (If they
are large, cut them in half lengthwise;
otherwise, you can leave them whole
if you like.)

6. Blend the strawberries for the

Put the 1 pint of strawberries and the
agave nectar in a blender and process
briefly at low speed, just until
relatively smooth. (Processing at low
speed minimizes the amount of air
mixed in, resulting in a glaze with a
deeper red color. If the mixture
becomes pink and frothy, you can set
it aside until it settles and becomes
redder, about 1 hour.)

7. Thicken the glaze and apply to the

Transfer the blended strawberries to a
medium saucepan over medium heat.
Cook, stirring frequently, until hot but
not bubbling. Combine the water and
arrowroot in a small bowl and stir to
form a smooth paste. Add to the
strawberry mixture and cook,
whisking frequently, until slightly
thickened and glossy, 1 to 2 minutes.
Pour the hot glaze evenly over the tart.
Let the tart cool briefly at room
temperature, then cover and
refrigerate for at least 2 hours, until
completely chilled before serving.

NOTE: In order to make the tart as

visually appealing as possible, go
through all 3 pints of strawberriesthe
2 pints for the filling and the 1 pint for
the glazeand select the berries that are
most uniform in size to equal 2 pints.
Use those to fill the tart crust, and use
the remaining pint of odd-sized berries
for the glaze.

Per serving: calories: 294, protein: 7 g, fat:

15 g, saturated fat: 2 g, carbohydrate: 34 g,
sodium: 4 mg, calcium: 57 mg
Traditional no-bake cheesecakes are
usually made with gelatin. Both this
recipe and the Fluffy No-Bake
Cheesecake (page 113) use agar to help
the filling set. This version is creamy
and somewhat dense, harkening back to
memories of classic cheesecake with a
graham cracker crust. Easy to make and
absolutely delightful, this dessert is hard
to beat. For the crust, you can substitute
a traditional graham cracker crust, but
the Almond-Date Crust is more healthful
and, I think, tastier.

c r e a m y NO- See photo

facing page
BAKE 119.



5 cups Cashew Cream Cheese (page

1 cup sugar
1 cup maple syrup
Grated zest and juice of 2 lemons
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
1 cups water
2 tablespoons agar powder, or 6
tablespoons agar flakes
1 Almond-Date Crust (page 108)

1. Process the filling ingredients.

Combine the cream cheese, sugar,
maple syrup, lemon zest and juice,
and vanilla extract in a 12- to 14-cup
food processor (see note). Process
until smooth and creamy. Leave the
mixture in the food processor.

2. Dissolve the agar.

Put the water and agar in a small
saucepan and bring to a boil over
medium-high heat. Decrease the heat
to medium-low and simmer until the
agar is completely dissolved, 3 to 5
minutes. It should not be cloudy or

3. Mix the filling.

Pour the dissolved agar into the food
processor and process until
thoroughly combined with the cream
cheese mixture.

4. Assemble and chill the cheesecake.

Pour the filling into the crust, spread it
in an even layer, and smooth the top.
Cover and refrigerate for at least 4
hours, until firm enough to slice.

NOTE: If you dont have a large-capacity

food processor, you will need to mash
all the filling ingredients in a large bowl
and process the mixture in batches.
Per serving: calories: 440, protein: 11 g, fat:
26 g, saturated fat: 4 g, carbohydrate: 44 g,
sodium: 32 mg, calcium: 72 mg
This no-bake cheesecake is not only
creamy but also light and fluffy, thanks to
whipped coconut cream. If you like, pile
some fresh berries on top before digging
in! Before making this recipe, be sure to
read the details about chilled coconut
cream on page 59.

2 cups Cashew Cream Cheese (page
cup sugar
cup maple syrup
Grated zest and juice of 2 lemons
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1 cups chilled coconut cream (see
note, page 59)
cup water
1 tablespoon agar powder, or 3
tablespoons agar flakes
1 Almond-Date Crust (page 108)

1. Process the cream cheese.

Combine the cream cheese, sugar,
maple syrup, lemon zest and juice,
and vanilla extract in a food
processor. Process until smooth and
creamy. Leave the mixture in the food

2. Whip the coconut cream.

Put the coconut cream in a chilled
bowl. Using a handheld mixer or a
stand mixer fitted with the whisk
attachment, beat the coconut cream
until soft peaks form, about 3 minutes.

3. Dissolve the agar.

Put the water and agar in a small
saucepan and bring to a boil over
medium-high heat. Decrease the heat
to medium-low and simmer, whisking
occasionally, until the agar is
completely dissolved, 3 to 5 minutes.
It should not be cloudy or grainy.

4. Combine the agar and cream cheese

Pour the agar mixture into the food
processor and process until
thoroughly combined. Immediately
pour the mixture into the whipped
coconut cream. Mix on low speed or
with a wire whisk to gently fold in the
cream cheese mixture.

5. Assemble and chill the cheesecake.

Pour the filling into the crust, spread it
in an even layer, and smooth the top.
Cover and refrigerate for at least 4
hours, until firm enough to slice.

Per serving: calories: 376, protein: 9 g, fat:

23 g, saturated fat: 6 g, carbohydrate: 34 g,
sodium: 20 mg, calcium: 63 mg
This is actually a New York-style
cheesecake, with a dense, rich filling.
But because I live in San Francisco, and
because the ingredients are decidedly
untraditional (something San
Franciscans embrace!), I call it a San
Francisco Cheesecake. Serve it as is, or
adorn it with berries, other fruit, or
Fluffy Whipped Coconut Cream (page


4 cups Cashew Cream Cheese (page

1 cups coconut milk, regular or light
10 ounces medium-firm regular or
silken tofu
1 cup sugar
cup maple syrup, plus more as
3 tablespoons cornstarch
2 tablespoons brandy
Grated zest of 1 lemon
2 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon
juice, plus more as desired
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1 teaspoon agar powder, or 1
tablespoon agar flakes
teaspoon salt
1 Walnut-Oat Crumble Crust (page

1. Preheat the oven.

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.

2. Make the filling.

Combine the cream cheese, coconut
milk, tofu, sugar, maple syrup,
cornstarch, brandy, lemon zest, lemon
juice, vanilla extract, agar, and salt in
a 12- to 14-cup food processor (see
note). Process until smooth and
creamy. Taste and stir in more maple
syrup or lemon juice if desired.

3. Bake the cheesecake.

Pour the filling into the prepared
crust, spread it in an even layer, and
smooth the top. Bake for about 1 hour
and 15 minutes, until the top has
puffed up and is dry to the touch; it
may have a few cracks. Let the
cheesecake cool completely at room
temperature. Cover and refrigerate for
at least 10 hours, until firm enough to

NOTE: If you dont have a large-capacity

food processor, you will need to mash
all the ingredients in a large bowl and
process the mixture in batches.

Per serving: calories: 429, protein: 10 g, fat:

28 g, saturated fat: 7 g, carbohydrate: 37 g,
sodium: 63 mg, calcium: 37 mg
Pured raspberries add both visual
appeal and a refreshing flavor to this


3 cups Cashew Cream Cheese (page

1 can (13.5 ounces) coconut milk
1 cup sugar
cup cornstarch
2 tablespoons Ener-G egg replacer
(see page 134)
2 teaspoons grated lemon zest
2 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
1 Walnut-Oat Crumble Crust (page
6 ounces fresh or frozen raspberries

1. Preheat the oven.

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.

2. Make the filling.

Put the cream cheese, coconut milk,
sugar, cornstarch, egg replacer, lemon
zest, lemon juice, and vanilla extract
in a food processor. Process until
smooth and creamy. Set cup of the
mixture aside. Pour the rest of the
filling into the crust, spread it in an
even layer, and smooth the top.

3. Make the raspberry swirl.

Put the reserved cup of the cream
cheese mixture back in the food
processor and add the raspberries.
Process until creamy and pink. Drop
tablespoons of the mixture over the
filling and use a knife to swirl it into
the top of the filling to create an
attractive pink design.
4. Bake the cheesecake.
Bake the cheesecake for about 50
minutes, until the top has puffed up
and is dry to the touch but the center is
still wobbly. Let the cheesecake cool
completely at room temperature.
Cover and refrigerate for at least 8
hours, until firm enough to slice.

Per serving: calories: 431, protein: 8 g, fat:

28 g, saturated fat: 8 g, carbohydrate: 38 g,
sodium: 23 mg, calcium: 30 mg
If youre tired of pumpkin pie at holiday
time, give this festive cheesecake a spin.
Although you can use any crust you like,
including Almond-Date Crust (page 108)
or Walnut-Oat Crumble Crust ( page
109), the slightly spiced shortbread crust
in this recipe complements the pumpkin

PUMPKIN cheesecake

cup finely ground almonds (see
cup whole wheat pastry flour
cup rolled oats
3 tablespoons evaporated cane juice
or coconut sugar
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
teaspoon ground nutmeg Pinch salt
6 tablespoons canola oil (see notes)
2 tablespoons brandy, dark rum, apple
juice, or water, plus more as needed

1 can (15 ounces) pumpkin pure
10 ounces medium-firm or firm regular
cup sugar
cup maple syrup
2 cups Cashew Cream Cheese (page
cup tapioca flour or cornstarch
Grated zest of 1 orange (optional)
2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
1 teaspoon agar powder, or 1
tablespoon agar flakes
1 teaspoon ground ginger, or 2
teaspoons peeled and grated fresh
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
teaspoon salt
teaspoon ground nutmeg

1. Preheat the oven.

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.
Brush or spray a 9-inch spring-form
pan with oil.

2. Make the crust.

Put the almonds, flour, oats, sugar,
cinnamon, nutmeg, and salt in a
medium bowl and mix well. Drizzle
the oil over the top and mix with a
fork until crumbly. Stir in the brandy
and gather into a ball. If the mixture
doesnt stick together or looks dry,
add a few additional drops of brandy
or water. Transfer to the prepared pan
and press in an even layer over the
bottom of the pan.

3. Make the filling.

Put the pumpkin, tofu, sugar, and
maple syrup in a 12- to 14-cup food
processor (see notes) and process
until smooth and creamy. Add the
cream cheese, tapioca flour, optional
orange zest, cinnamon, agar, ginger,
vanilla extract, salt, and nutmeg.
Process again smooth and creamy.

4. Bake the cheesecake.

Pour the filling into the prepared
crust, spread it in an even layer, and
smooth the top. Bake for 1 to 1
hours, until the top has puffed up and
is dry to the touch; it may have a few
cracks. Let the cheesecake cool
completely at room temperature.
Cover and refrigerate for at least 8
hours, until firm enough to slice.

Notes: Here are some tips you may find

helpful when making Pumpkin
Either blanched almonds or almonds
with skins can be used for the crust.
If possible, put the oil in the freezer
for 45 minutes before making the
crust; this will firm it up and result in
a flakier crust.
If you dont have a large-capacity
food processor, you will need to
mash all the ingredients in a large
bowl and process the mixture in

Per serving: calories: 451, protein: 11 g, fat:

24 g, saturated fat: 3 g, carbohydrate: 47 g,
sodium: 136 mg, calcium: 105 mg
Rich, delicious, and chocolaty, with the
perfect amount of tangy bite from the
homemade cream cheese and enhanced
by a hazelnut crust, this cheesecake is
quite addicting.


cup hazelnuts
cup brown rice flour or whole wheat
pastry flour
cup evaporated cane juice or sugar
cup unsweetened cocoa powder
3 tablespoons canola oil
1 to 2 tablespoons brandy, rum, or

3 cups Cashew Cream Cheese (page
1 cup evaporated cane juice or sugar
1 cups coconut milk
12 ounces dark or semisweet
chocolate, melted (see notes)
cup maple syrup
3 tablespoons cornstarch
1 tablespoon Ener-G egg replacer (see
page 134)
1 tablespoon vanilla extract

1. Preheat the oven and prepare the

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.
Line the bottom of an 8- or 9-inch
springform pan with a round of
parchment paper. Generously brush or
spray the bottom and sides with oil.

2. Make the crust.

Put the hazelnuts, flour, evaporated
cane juice, and cocoa powder in a
food processor and process until the
hazelnuts are finely ground but not
oily. Add the oil and process briefly,
just until the dry ingredients are
moistened. Add 1 tablespoon of the
brandy and process briefly. Squeeze a
bit of the mixture between your
fingers to see if its moist enough to
stick together. If it isnt, add more
brandy, 1 teaspoon at a time,
processing briefly after each addition,
until it holds together when squeezed.
Transfer to the prepared pan and
press it in an even layer over the
bottom and about inch up the sides.

3. Make the filling.

Put the cream cheese and evaporated
cane juice in a food processor and
process until creamy, fluffy, and
lump-free. Add the coconut milk,
melted chocolate, maple syrup,
cornstarch, egg replacer, and vanilla
extract and process until smooth and

4. Bake the cheesecake.

Pour the filling into the prepared
crust, spread it in an even layer, and
smooth the top. Bake for about 1 hour,
until the top has puffed up and is dry
to the touch; it may have a few cracks.
Let the cheesecake cool completely at
room temperature. Cover and
refrigerate for at least 8 hours, until
firm enough to slice. (continued on
page 119)
Tiramisu, page 120, Chocolate-Chestnut
Cannoli, page 126
Creamy No-Bake Cheesecake, page 112

NOTES: You can use the stove or the

microwave to melt chocolate. Either
way, do not let the chocolate get hot; as
it melts, it should feel barely warm to
the touch.
If using block chocolate, coarsely
chop it into -inch chunks, then put it
in a glass bowl or the top of a double
boiler. If using chocolate chips,
simply put them in the bowl. Make
sure that the bowl is completely dry;
even a drop of water can cause the
chocolate to become grainy.
To use a microwave, put the
chocolate in a glass bowl or
measuring cup and microwave for no
more than 1 minute at a time (and only
about 30 seconds at a time for smaller
quantities of chocolate). Check and
stir well after every interval. Once
the chocolate is almost completely
melted, continue to stir until no
chunks remain.
To use a double boiler, put the
chocolate in the top of a double boiler
over barely simmering water; the
water shouldnt touch the top part of
the double boiler. Alternatively, put
the chocolate in a glass or metal bowl
and set it over a saucepan of barely
simmering water. The bowl should fit
snugly so that it traps the steam in the
pot below; again, the water shouldnt
touch the bottom of the bowl. Heat,
stirring frequently, until the chocolate
has melted on the bottom. Remove
from the heat and continue to stir until
melted and smooth.
Per serving: calories: 486, protein: 8 g, fat:
30 g, saturated fat: 9 g, carbohydrate: 48 g,
sodium: 19 mg, calcium: 40 mg
This vegan take on a classic Italian
dessert will have a truly authentic flavor
when you start off with your own
Mascarpone. To make the assembly
easy, bake the ladyfingers a day or even
a week in advance; just wrap them well
and store them at room temperature. The
flaxseed gel for the meringue can also be
made up to a week in advance, but it
should be whipped no more than two
days before assembly of the tiramisu.
Before making this recipe, be sure to
read the details about chilled coconut
cream on page 59.

See photo facing page



cup water
3 tablespoons Ener-G egg replacer
(see page 134)
cup sugar
cup canola oil
4 tablespoons plain or vanilla soy milk
cup unbleached flour or cake flour
1 teaspoon baking powder

3 cups water
cup flaxseeds

2 cups Cashew Cream Cheese (page
cup water
1 teaspoon agar powder, or 1
tablespoon agar flakes
1 cups coconut cream (see note, page
cup powdered sugar
1 tablespoon vanilla extract, plus more
as desired


1 cups hot espresso or very strong
cup sugar
3 tablespoons brandy or coffee-
flavored liqueur
2 to 3 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa
powder, for dusting

1. Preheat the oven and prepare the

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.
Line two rimmed baking sheets with
parchment paper.

2. Make the batter for the

Put the water and egg replacer in a
small bowl and whisk vigorously
until the mixture is thick and soft
peaks form. Add the sugar and whisk
until thoroughly incorporated, then
add the oil and whisk vigorously
until well blended. Add 2
tablespoons of the soy milk and
whisk until well blended. Sift the
flour and baking powder into a
separate bowl. Add to the egg
replacer mixture and gently fold in
just until combined. Gently, so as not
to deflate the mixture, stir in the
remaining soy milk.

3. Bake the ladyfingers.

Spoon the mixture onto the lined
baking sheets to make 20 oblong
ladyfingers, each about 3 inches long
and 1 inch wide, spacing them at
least 1 inch apart. Bake for about 15
minutes, until firm but still white.
Transfer to a wire rack and let cool

4. Cook the flaxseeds for the

Combine the water and flaxseeds in
a medium saucepan and bring to a
boil over medium-high heat.
Decrease the heat to medium-low
and simmer, stirring occasionally,
until thick and gelatinous, about 20
5. Strain the flaxseed gel.
Put a sieve over a small bowl. Strain
the flaxseed mixture; there should be
about cup of very viscous, gooey
gel in the bowl. Let cool completely
at room temperature, then cover and
refrigerate until chilled, about 30

6. Whip the meringue.

Using a handheld mixer or a stand
mixer fitted with the whisk
attachment, whip the flaxseed gel
until light, fluffy, and whitemuch
like beaten egg whites7 to 8

7. Process the cream cheese for the

mascarpone cream.
Put the cream cheese in a food
processor and process until creamy.
Leave the mixture in the food

8. Dissolve the agar and combine

with the cream cheese.
Put the water and agar in a small
saucepan and bring to a boil over
medium-high heat. Decrease the heat
to medium-low and simmer, stirring
frequently with a whisk, until the
agar is completely dissolved, 3 to 5
minutes. It should not be cloudy or
grainy. Pour the dissolved agar into
the food processor and process until
thoroughly combined with the cream
cheese. Transfer to a large bowl.

9. Whip the coconut cream.

Put the coconut cream in a chilled
bowl. Using a handheld mixer or a
stand mixer fitted with the whisk
attachment, beat the coconut cream
until soft peaks form, about 3

10. Make the mascarpone cream.

Sift the powdered sugar into the
bowl with the whipped coconut
cream and add the vanilla extract.
Mix on low speed just until
incorporated. Scrape the whipped
cream into the bowl with the cream
cheese mixture and gently fold it in.
Add the whipped meringue and
gently fold it in. Taste and add more
vanilla extract if desired.

11. Make the espresso syrup.

Combine the espresso and sugar in a
small bowl and stir until the sugar is
dissolved. Stir in the brandy.

12. Assemble the tiramisu.

Dip half of the ladyfingers in the
espresso syrup, one at a time,
allowing each to soak for about 3
seconds to absorb the syrup. Arrange
them, slightly overlapping, in a 9-
inch square pan. Spread half of the
mascarpone cream gently and evenly
over the ladyfingers. Soak the
remaining ladyfingers in the espresso
syrup in the same way, then arrange
them, slightly overlapping, over the
mascarpone cream. Spread the
remaining mascarpone cream evenly
over the ladyfingers and smooth the
top. Using a sifter or fine-mesh
sieve, dust the top with the cocoa
powder. Cover and refrigerate for at
least 6 hours before serving to allow
the flavors to meld.

Per serving: calories: 417, protein: 7 g, fat:

23 g, saturated fat: 7 g, carbohydrate: 46 g,
sodium: 62 mg, calcium: 58 mg
Heres a sweet and elegant alternative to
pumpkin pie for the holidays. As a
bonus, it can be made in advance and
frozen for up to two months. Just thaw it
in the refrigerator for one day before
serving. Before making this recipe, be
sure to read the details about chilled
coconut cream on page 59.

PUMPKIN tiramisu

cup rum
2 tablespoons sugar or coconut sugar
20 ounces vegan gingersnaps
1 cups chilled coconut cream (see
note, page 59)
1 can (15 ounces) pumpkin pure
1 cup Mascarpone (page 21)
cup maple syrup, sugar, or coconut
1 tablespoon ground cinnamon
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
cup water
2 teaspoons agar powder, or 2
tablespoons agar flakes
1. Prepare the cookie crust.
Put the rum and sugar in a small
saucepan over medium heat. Cook,
stirring constantly, just until the sugar
dissolves, 3 to 5 minutes. Line a 13
9-inch baking pan with 8 ounces of the
gingersnaps. Brush half of the rum
mixture over the cookies.

2. Whip the coconut milk.

Put the coconut cream in a chilled
bowl. Using a handheld mixer or a
stand mixer fitted with the whisk
attachment, beat the coconut cream
until soft peaks form.

3. Process the pumpkin and

Put the pumpkin, Mascarpone, maple
syrup, cinnamon, and vanilla extract
in a blender or food processor.
Process until smooth and creamy.
Leave the mixture in the blender.

4. Dissolve the agar.

Combine the water and agar in a small
saucepan and bring to a boil over
medium-high heat. Decrease the heat
to medium-low and simmer, stirring
frequently with a whisk, until the agar
is completely dissolved, 3 to 5
minutes. It should not be cloudy or

5. Make the pumpkin filling.

Pour the dissolved agar into the
blender and process until thoroughly
combined with the pumpkin mixture.
Transfer to a large bowl. Add about
half of the whipped coconut cream
and gently fold it in.

6. Assemble the tiramisu.

Spread half of the pumpkin filling
over the rum-infused gingersnaps, then
spread half of the remaining whipped
coconut cream over the top. Arrange
another 8 ounces of the gingersnaps
evenly over the top and brush with the
remaining rum mixture. Spread the
remaining pumpkin filling over the
gingersnaps, then spread the
remaining coconut whipped cream on
top. Crush the remaining 4 ounces of
gingersnaps with a rolling pin to form
crumbs. Sprinkle the crumbs evenly
over the top. Cover and refrigerate for
at least 6 hours before serving to
allow the flavors to meld.

Per serving: calories: 418, protein: 4 g, fat:

13 g, saturated fat: 7 g, carbohydrate: 65 g,
sodium: 225 mg, calcium: 31 mg
Frozen pineapple juice concentrate adds
a refreshing tang to this carrot cake. If
you like, you can add chopped fresh
pineapple too. Walnuts, coconut, and
raisins are other optional enhancements.
Topped with cream cheese frosting, it is
one of my all-time favorite desserts.


with cream cheese
2 cups Cashew Cream Cheese (page
1 cup refined coconut oil, melted but
not hot
1 cup maple syrup
1 teaspoon xanthan gum

3 cups whole wheat pastry flour
1 tablespoon baking powder
2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon ground cardamom
1 teaspoon ground ginger
1 cup sugar, coconut sugar, or a
1 cup plain or vanilla almond milk or
soy milk
1 tablespoon cider vinegar
cup canola oil
cup frozen concentrated pineapple
juice, thawed
cup maple syrup
1 pound carrots, scrubbed and grated
1 cup chopped fresh pineapple
1 cup walnuts (optional), lightly
toasted (see note, page 69) and
1 cup raisins or unsweetened shredded
dried coconut (optional)

1. Make the frosting.

Put the cream cheese, oil, and maple
syrup in a food processor. Process
until smooth and creamy. Add the
xanthan gum and process until
thoroughly combined. Transfer to a
container, cover, and refrigerate for at
least 3 hours, until thickened, before
frosting the cake.

2. Preheat the oven and prepare the

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.
Line the bottoms of two 9-inch round
cake pans with parchment paper and
spray the sides with nonstick spray.
Alternatively, oil the entire interior of
the pans generously, then dust with

3. Sift the dry ingredients.

Sift the flour, baking powder,
cinnamon, baking soda, salt,
cardamom, and ginger into a large
bowl. Add the sugar and stir with a
whisk to combine.

4. Combine the wet ingredients.

Combine the almond milk and vinegar
in a separate large bowl and mix
well. Let sit until thickened and
slightly curdled, 2 to 3 minutes. Add
the oil, juice concentrate, and maple
syrup and whisk vigorously until
thoroughly blended.

5. Make the batter.

Pour the flour mixture into the almond
milk mixture and mix well with a
wooden spoon. Add the carrots and
the optional pineapple, walnuts, or

6. Bake the cake.

Divide the batter evenly between the
two prepared pans. Bake for about 35
minutes, until golden brown and a
toothpick inserted in the center of
each cake comes out clean. Let cool
completely at room temperature
before turning out of the pans.

7. Frost the cake.

To assemble and frost the cake, put
one cake on a large plate or round
platter. Spread a thick layer of
frosting over the top. Place the second
cake layer on top. Spread about two-
thirds of the remaining frosting over
the sides of the cake, then spread the
remaining frosting evenly over the

Per serving: calories: 557, protein: 8 g, fat:

33 g, saturated fat: 14 g, carbohydrate: 58 g,
sodium: 230 mg, calcium: 105 mg
This dessert is, simply put, divinely
delicious. The crisp shell holds a rich,
creamy chocolate concoction, and the
ends of the filled shells are dipped in
chocolate for added decadence. Its hard
to eat just one, but this is also the kind of
dessert that makes you want to take your
time and savor every bite.
In this rendition of the Italian classic,
I use vegan wonton wrappers for the
cannoli shells, which eases preparation.
There are two tools I recommend for
making these: cannoli tubes and a pastry
bag. Cannoli tubes are forms used to
help the shells keep their shape during
frying (or baking); I recommend that you
have three or four of them. Both cannoli
tubes and pastry bags are inexpensive
and readily available online or at
kitchen supply stores. However, you can
improvise for both. In place of the
cannoli tubes, use wooden dowels cut to
three-inch lengths. As for the pastry bag,
a gallon-sized plastic bag with one
corner snipped off works perfectly well.

See photo
CHESTNUT facing page
6 ounces peeled and cooked chestnuts
(bottled, frozen, or vacuum-packed)
cup maple syrup
cup Cashew Cream Cheese (page
cup Almond Ricotta (page 47)
3 ounces dark chocolate, melted (see
notes, page 119)
2 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa
2 tablespoons rum
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 tablespoons cacao nibs
Canola oil, for frying (3 to 4 cups,
depending on the size of the pot)
14 vegan wonton or pot sticker
3 ounces dark chocolate, melted (see
notes, page 119)
cup powdered sugar (optional), for

1. Make the filling.

Combine the chestnuts and maple
syrup in a food processor and process
until fairly creamy. Add the cream
cheese, ricotta, melted chocolate,
cocoa powder, rum, and vanilla
extract and process until smooth, light,
and creamy. Transfer to a bowl and
stir in the cacao nibs.

2. Heat the oil and check the oil

Pour oil into a wok or wide pot to a
depth of about 2 inches. Put the wok
over medium heat. When the oil
reaches about 375 degrees F, its
ready. If you dont have a kitchen
thermometer, test the oil temperature
by adding a small piece of one
wrapper to it. If it sinks but rises
quickly and steadily to the top, the oil
is hot enough. If it sinks to the bottom
and lingers there for a moment, the oil
isnt yet hot enough. Having the oil at
the right temperature is important to
achieving a light, crispy texture.

3. Fry the shells.

Lightly brush or spray the cannoli
tubes with oil. Wrap a wonton
wrapper around the tube. Brush a bit
of water along the overlapping edges
and press lightly to seal. Carefully
lower the shells (still on the tubes)
into the oil and cook until golden
brown, just 20 to 30 seconds. Remove
with tongs, tipping each shell
vertically so any oil inside the tube
drains into the pot. Drain briefly on
paper towels. Using a paper towel so
you dont burn your fingers, slip the
shell off of the tube. Repeat with the
remaining wrappers.

4. Fill the shells.

Put the filling in a pastry bag, filling it
no more than half full. Use a large star
or plain tip. Twist the bag above the
filling, holding the bag where you
have twisted it. Insert the tip into one
end of a cannoli shell and squeeze to
extrude the filling, then turn the shell
180 degrees and pipe filling into the
other end to completely fill the shell.
Repeat with the remaining shells and

5. Decorate the cannoli.

Dip both ends of the filled cannoli in
the melted chocolate. Put the dipped
cannoli on a plate or wire rack and let
sit until the chocolate sets. Using a
sifter or fine-mesh sieve, dust the tops
of the cannoli with the optional
powdered sugar. Serve immediately,
or store in a sealed container in the
refrigerator for up to 2 hours.

Per cannoli: calories: 286, protein: 5 g, fat:

22 g, saturated fat: 6 g, carbohydrate: 19 g,
sodium: 30 mg, calcium: 38 mg
These blintzes are delightfully decadent
brunch fare, yet if you analyze the
ingredients, youll see that they consist
primarily of healthful nuts, seeds, whole
grains, and fruit. Sure, theres a little
sweetener, but it comes in the form of
maple syrup, and recent studies have
indicated that this sweetener is packed
with antioxidants and other nutrients.
The buckwheat flour gives the crpes
an appealing earthy flavor. Theyre
extremely versatile and pair well with
both sweet and savory fillings. For a fun
and easy entre, stuff them with almost
any of the cheeses in this book and
cooked vegetables, such as mushrooms,
asparagus, or broccoli, quickly turning
simple ingredients into a healthful,
delicious repast. The crpes can be
made several hours before serving.
Simply stack them on a plate and cover
with plastic wrap to prevent them from
drying out.

with cream cheese
and caramelized
2 cups water
cup buckwheat flour
cup whole wheat pastry flour
cup crumbled soft regular or soft
silken tofu
3 tablespoons flaxseeds
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon baking powder

3 cups Cashew Cream Cheese (page
4 tablespoons maple syrup
1 tablespoons canola oil
6 crisp, sweet apples (such as Fuji,
Gala, or Honeycrisp), peeled and diced
cup maple syrup
1 teaspoons ground cinnamon
to 1 cup unsweetened apple juice

1. Make the crpe batter.

Put the water, buckwheat flour, pastry
flour, tofu, flaxseeds, salt, and baking
powder in a blender. Process until
smooth. Let the batter rest for 30 to 60
minutes before cooking; this will help
the crpes hold together better.
2. Cook the crpes.
Heat an 8-inch omelet or crpe pan
(see note) over medium heat. Very
lightly brush or spray with oil. Stir the
crpe batter. Lift the pan off of the
heat, pour in about cup of batter,
and immediately tilt and swirl the pan
to spread the batter over the entire
bottom of the pan. Put the pan back on
the burner and cook until the bottom of
the crpe is lightly browned, 1 to 2
minutes. Turn the crpe and cook the
other side until lightly browned, about
30 seconds. Repeat with the
remaining batter, lightly brushing or
spraying the pan with oil after cooking
every two or three crpes.
3. Make the filling.
Put the cream cheese and maple syrup
in a food processor and process until
smooth and creamy.

4. Fill the crpes.

Put about cup of the cream cheese
mixture in the center of a crpe. Fold
two opposite sides over the cheese,
then fold in the other two sides to
make a rectangular parcel. Repeat
with the remaining crpes and filling.

5. Make the topping.

Heat the oil in a large skillet over
medium heat. Add the apples and 2
tablespoons of the maple syrup and
cook, stirring frequently, until tender
and slightly browned, 4 to 5 minutes.
Stir in the remaining 6 tablespoons of
maple syrup and the cinnamon and
cook for 1 minute to allow the flavors
to meld; if the apples stick a bit, thats
okay. Pour in cup of the apple juice
and stir to loosen any apples that have
stuck to the pan. Stir in more apple
juice if youd like a juicier topping.
Cook, stirring frequently, for 1 minute.

6. Saut the crpes.

Heat a large nonstick skillet over
medium heat. Lightly brush or spray
with oil. Put the crpe parcels in the
pan seam-side down and decrease the
heat to medium-low. Cook until the
bottom is lightly browned, about 4
minutes. Carefully turn over and cook
until the other side is lightly browned,
about 3 minutes. Serve immediately,
topped with the apples.

NOTE: Using the right pan is of the

utmost importance. A thin omelet or
crpe pan works best, as it will heat up
and cool down quickly. A nonstick 8-
inch pan also works well. My favorite is
a thin, enameled steel pan; it makes
beautiful crpes. The next most
important thing is to be sure to heat the
pan adequately before attempting to cook
the crpes.

Per blintz (based on 13 blintzes): calories:

361, protein: 9 g, fat: 19 g, saturated fat: 3 g,
carbohydrate: 41 g, sodium: 215 mg,
calcium: 70 mg
Even if you dont usually make yeasted
breads, give these tender pastries a try.
Unlike the traditional dough for Danish
pastries, which is loaded with butter and
tricky to handle, this version just
contains a moderate amount of oil and is
therefore easier to work with, even for
novices. The key is to keep the dough as
soft as possible without being sticky.
You can use either maple syrup or
brown rice syrup in the dough; maple
syrup will yield a sweeter pastry.
Heres a bonus: you can also use this
dough for cinnamon rolls or other
pastries if you like.

2 tablespoons warm water (110
degrees F)
2 teaspoons active dry yeast
1 teaspoons sugar, evaporated cane
juice, or maple syrup
1 cup plain or vanilla soy milk or
canned coconut milk
cup raw cashews
cup maple syrup or brown rice syrup
2 tablespoons canola oil
1 teaspoon salt
teaspoon ground cardamom
2 to 3 cups all-purpose flour, plus
more for dusting and kneading

1 cup Cashew Cream Cheese (page
cup maple syrup
1 teaspoons vanilla extract

1. Mix the dough.

Put the water in a large bowl and
sprinkle the yeast and sugar over the
surface. Let sit for about 5 minutes,
until bubbly. Mix well. Put the soy
milk and cashews in a blender and
process until smooth and creamy.
Pour into the yeast mixture. Add the
maple syrup, oil, salt, and cardamom
and mix well. Add 2 cups of the
flour, cup at a time, mixing with a
wooden spoon after each addition.
Stir in the remaining flour, a few
tablespoons at a time, only as needed
to make a very soft but not too sticky

2. Knead the dough.

To knead by hand, turn the dough out
onto a floured work surface and knead
until smooth and pliable but still very
soft, about 8 minutes, adding flour
only as needed to prevent sticking. To
knead with an electric mixer with a
dough hook, mix until the dough starts
to pull away from the sides of the
bowl, 6 to 7 minutes. Do not over-
knead. Transfer to a clean, lightly
oiled bowl, cover with a clean
kitchen towel, and let rise in a warm
place, until doubled in size, about 1

3. Make the filling.

Put the cream cheese, maple syrup,
and vanilla extract in a medium bowl
and mix with a wooden spoon until
4. Shape the dough.
Lightly brush or spray 2 baking sheets
with oil or line them with parchment
paper. When the dough has doubled in
bulk, deflate it by punching it down
all over with a fist. Turn it out onto a
lightly floured work surface and cut it
into four equal pieces. Knead one
piece a few times, then roll it back
and forth to form a log 1 to 1 inches
in diameter. Use a rolling pin to
flatten the log from one end to form a
long rectangle measuring 16 x 4
inches, and about inch thick. Cut the
rectangle into four 4-inch lengths to
form squares. Repeat with the
remaining three pieces.
5. Fill the pastries.
Put about 1 rounded tablespoon of the
filling in the center of each piece of
dough and spread it diagonally from
one corner to the opposite corner.
Fold in the two other corners,
bringing them up to meet in the middle
and pressing them together so they
adhere. Repeat with the remaining
dough and filling, placing the pastries
on the prepared baking sheets as you
go and spacing them about 2 inches

6. Let the pastries rise.

Cover with clean kitchen towels and
let rise in a warm place until almost
doubled in size, 30 to 60 minutes.
7. Preheat the oven and bake.
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.
Bake the pastries for about 20
minutes, until golden brown.

Per pastry: calories: 190, protein: 5 g, fat: 7

g, saturated fat: 1 g, carbohydrate: 26 g,
sodium: 146 mg, calcium: 16 mg
Ricotta adds a light and creamy texture
to these tasty pancakes. Dotted with
blueberries, they make an exquisite
breakfast or brunch entre.

lemon-scented ricotta


1 cup plain or vanilla nondairy milk

2 tablespoons Ener-G egg replacer
(see page 134)
1 cup Almond Ricotta (page 47)
2 tablespoons maple syrup, plus more
for serving
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
Grated zest of 1 lemon
1 cup whole wheat pastry flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
teaspoon salt
1 cup fresh or frozen blueberries

1. Prepare the batter.

Put the milk and egg replacer in a
blender. Process until frothy and
doubled in quantity (this could take as
long as 2 minutes). Pour into a large
bowl. Add the ricotta, maple syrup,
vanilla extract, and lemon zest and
mix well. Sift the flour, baking
powder, and salt into a medium bowl.
Add to the ricotta mixture and stir just
until evenly combined. Gently fold in
the blueberries.

2. Cook the pancakes.

Heat a griddle over medium heat.
Lightly brush or spray with oil.
Portion the batter onto the hot griddle,
using cup of the batter for each
pancake. Cook the pancakes on one
side until bubbles appear on top,
about 3 minutes. Flip and cook the
other side until golden brown, about 3
minutes. Serve with maple syrup.

Per serving: calories: 288, protein: 11 g, fat:

10 g, saturated fat: 1 g, carbohydrate: 38 g,
sodium: 358 mg, calcium: 146 mg

Agar. Known as kanten in Japanese and

macrobiotic cooking, agar is a sea
vegetable with excellent gelling
properties. It is sold in a variety of
forms, from powder to flakes to bars,
and is available online and often at
natural food stores. When the recipes in
this book offer an option of agar or
carrageenan, I call for the powdered
form of agar. When only agar is used, I
give you the option of using powder or
flakes. In any form, agar must be mixed
with liquid, simmered, and completely
dissolved to activate its gelling
properties. Mixtures made with agar
will set at room temperature, but chilling
it will expedite the process. Once set,
the gelled mixtures will be quite firm,
rather than wobbly like desserts made
with conventional gelatin. When
substituting agar powder for carrageenan
powder, use twice as much. When
substituting agar flakes for agar powder,
use three times as much.

Arborio rice. Arborio rice is a pearly,

short-grain Italian rice that has a creamy
texture when cooked.

Arrowroot starch. Also called

arrowroot powder or arrowroot flour,
arrowroot starch is made from the root
of a tropical plant. It is an excellent
thickener for sauces because it has a
neutral flavor and, unlike flour, yields a
clear final appearance, rather than

Carrageenan. A natural carbohydrate

derived from Irish moss, carrageenan is
widely used in the food industry as a
thickening agent. My experience is that,
tablespoon for tablespoon, carrageenan
powder has about twice the thickening
and gelling power of powdered agar. It
also produces a slightly more gelatinous,
rather than firm, texture. Unlike mixtures
made with agar, which dont melt once
they have set, those made with
carrageenan will return to a liquid state
when exposed to heat. Therefore,
carrageenan is a better choice for
making cheeses that melt. It is available
online (see Resources). Be sure to
purchase kappa carrageenan, rather than
iota, which produces softer gels, or
lambda, which doesnt have gelling
There has been some concern about
the safety of carrageenan and fear that it
might be carcinogenic. I researched this
and learned that the ill effects were
observed in animal studies that used a
non-food-grade form of carrageenan
altered by the addition of an acid. Food-
grade carrageenan hasnt been shown to
be carcinogenic, either in animals or

Cacao nibs. Cacao nibs (sometimes

erroneously spelled cocoa nibs) are
simply raw cacao beans that have been
lightly crushed into bits.

Chipotle chiles in adobo sauce.

Chipotle chiles are dried jalapeos.
They are available in several forms,
including in small cans, packed in
flavorful, smoky adobo sauce. You can
find canned chipotle chiles in adobo
sauce at most grocery stores with the
Mexican or Latin American foods.

Coconut milk. Coconut milk is milk

made from the meat of the coconut and is
not to be confused with coconut water,
which is the liquid inside the coconut.
While it is possible to make coconut
milk at home, its so much easier to use
canned coconut milk, so thats what the
recipes in this book call for. Make sure
you purchase full-fat, not light, coconut

Coconut sugar. I like to use coconut

sugar in recipes that call for larger
amounts of sugar. Its akin to brown
sugar in flavor but has a much lower
glycemic index, so it doesnt spike
blood sugar levels. It lends a mild,
rather than cloying, sweetness to baked
Ener-G egg replacer. Egg replacer is a
powdery combination of various
starches and leavening ingredients that is
mixed with water and used in place of
eggs. Several brands are available, and
they vary in how much is used to replace
each egg and in the quantity of water
used. Because I prefer and recommend
Ener-G egg replacer, thats what the
recipes in this book call for. It is readily
available in natural food stores and from
many online retailers.

Miso. Miso is a paste made by

fermenting soybeans, sometimes with the
addition of other legumes or grains. It
imparts both saltiness and an aged,
slightly cheeselike taste to the recipes in
this book, adding complexity and layers
of flavor. There are hundreds of
varieties of miso in Japan, and while
you wont find as many in the United
States, the number of varieties here is
increasing. For the purposes of this
book, choose one that is light to medium
brown or tan in color (not white or dark
red). These are often labeled as light,
mellow, or mild. Because I find the
labeling of miso in the United States to
be confusing, I have referred to miso in
this book by its color, which is usually
an indicator of flavor, including degree
of mellowness, saltiness, and sweetness.
If the ingredients include rice, the miso
tends to be slightly milder and sweeter,
which is perfect for the recipes in this
book. Dont use a dark red, overly salty

Nutritional yeast flakes. Nutritional

yeast is made from deactivated yeast that
was grown specifically for nutritional
purposes. It is high in calcium, other
minerals, and many vitamins, including
B vitamins and particularly B12, which
is often lacking in vegan diets.
Nutritional yeast lends a cheeselike
flavor and depth to dishes. It is available
in both flake and powdered forms, often
in the bulk section of natural food stores.
The recipes in this book use nutritional
yeast flakes, not the powder.

Panko. Panko is also known as panko

breadcrumbs, although this is redundant,
because panko means breadcrumbs in
Japanese. These light, dry breadcrumbs,
which are increasingly available in
grocery stores and natural food stores,
yield a light, crispy texture when used as
a coating for foods that are fried or

Tapioca flour. Derived from the root of

the cassava plant, tapioca flour is a
gluten-free, grain-free powder thats an
excellent thickening agent. It produces a
gooey consistency thats perfect for
cheeses. It is widely available in
grocery stores and natural food stores.

Tofu. There are many different kinds of

tofu. The types I call for in this book are
medium-firm, also called medium or
regular, and silken tofu. Both come
packed in water and are sold

Umeboshi paste. Japanese pickled

plums (umeboshi) are used to make this
salty, highly fragrant condiment, which
is available at most natural food stores.

Xanthan gum. Xanthan gum is a

thickening agent that adds a gooey,
slightly stretchy feel to some of the
cheeses in this book. It is produced by a
process that involves fermentation of
sugars by the bacteria Xanthomonas
campestris. It is available at natural
food stores and online. Leaving out the
xanthan gum in the recipes where it is
called for wont affect flavor, just some
of the texture. Guar gum can be
substituted in most of the recipes. Where
possible, I call for using tapioca flour to
achieve the same results.

Agar, Carrageenan, and

Xanthan Gum
You can almost assuredly find agar and
xanthan gum at natural food stores.
Carrageenan is harder to come by, but
you may find it at well-stocked natural
food stores or home-brewing supply
shops. Note that carrageenan may be
labeled Irish moss powder. Of course,
you can easily order all three online.
Here are some websites where they are
available: A good source for agar,

carrageenan, xanthan gum, and just
about any other nonperishable
ingredient you cant find locally. Agar powder and
xanthan gum. Agar, xanthan gum,
tapioca flour, arrowroot powder, and
many other natural foods in bulk. Agar powder and xanthan
gum. Agar, carrageenan,
xanthan gum, and other hard-to-find
ingredients, and also high-quality
chocolate, flavoring extracts, exotic
condiments and spices, and more. A good source
for carrageenan in reasonable

Nuts and Seeds

Most natural food stores carry a wide
selection of nuts and seeds in bulk.
Well-stocked supermarkets can also be
good sources, especially if they have
bulk bins. Whole Foods Market and
Trader Joes both have good selections
at reasonable prices. When purchasing
raw cashews, keep in mind that cashew
pieces are usually more economical and
perfectly adequate for any recipe where
they are blended, as is always the case
with the recipes in this book. Should you
need to purchase these ingredients
online, here are some good sources: A wide variety of nuts
and seeds, both conventional and
organic, at better prices than most
online purveyors. A limited selection
of nuts and seeds, along with a wide
range of grains, flours, and other
natural foods, including xanthan gum
and tapioca flour. Conventionally
grown nuts and seeds in bulk. Offers nuts and seeds,
both conventional and organic, in
one-pound and often five-pound

Oils and Vinegars

Natural food and specialty stores, such
as Whole Foods Market and Trader
Joes are good sources for high-quality
oils and vinegars. Regarding coconut
oil, note that for most savory dishes or in
any situation where you dont want a
strong coconut flavor, its important to
use refined coconut oil. Spectrum brand
organic refined coconut oil is a good
choice. Should you need to purchase
these items online, here are some
sources: A wide variety of oils
and vinegars, including Spectrum
organic refined coconut oil. High-
quality olive oils and unusual
varieties of vinegar. Excellent,
high-quality olive oils. A wide selection of
coconut oil, including Spectrum
organic refined coconut oil.
Offers organic, ultra-clean, supreme
expeller-pressed coconut oil, which
doesnt have a strong coconut flavor.

The index that appeared in the print

version of this title was intentionally
removed from the eBook. Please use the
search function on your eReading device
for terms of interest. For your reference,
the terms that appear in the print index
are listed below

Recipe titles appear in italics.

acidic ingredients
aging process vs.
imitating sharp flavor with
agar (kanten)
carrageenan vs.
meltable cheeses and
suppliers for
texture of cheeses and
aged cheeses/aging of cheeses
acidic ingredients vs.
process for
temperature for
types of
Chvre, Sharp
aoli salad dressings
air-dried cheeses
with Pine Nuts
Piquant Brown
Smoked Provolone
Alfredo Sauce, Rich and Creamy
Alfredo with Gruyre and Mushrooms,
and Cheese, Artichokes Stuffed with
-Date Crust
almost-instant cheeses
American, Oat
Parmesan, Nut
Provolone, Smoked
Easy Tofu
American Cheese, Oat
Artichokes Stuffed with Almonds and
Brie en Crote with Dried Fruit and Nuts
Porcini, Leek, and Gruyre Croquettes
spanakopita as
Apples, Buckwheat Blintzes with Cream
Cheese and Caramelized
apricots, in filling
Arborio rice
arrowroot starch
Artichokes Stuffed with Almonds and Cheese
artisan cheeses
Chvre with Lemon Zest and
Cream Cheese
with Chives, Pub
with Lemon Zest and Peppercorns,
Roll, Herbed
Sharp Tofu
Sun-Dried Tomato and Garlic
Gruyre, Hard/Soft
Mozzarella, Fresh
Ricotta, Macadamia
Sun-Dried Tomato and Basil
Chvre, Sharp
Baby Zucchini with Blossoms, Roasted
bacteria in cheese-making
air-dried cheeses and
culturing process for
in rejuvelac
salting and
xanthan gum and
Balsamic Reduction, Stuffed Figs with
Basic Cashew Cheese
Basic Yogurt Cheese
basil (cheese)
Cashew Ricotta, Garlic-
Ricotta, Garlic-
Sun-Dried Tomato and
Bean and Wild Rice Burgers, Black
Bchamel, Gruyre Ravioli with Shallot and
Bell Pepper Dip, Spinach and Roasted Red
Bell Pepper Sauce, Risotto Fritters with
Roasted Red
Black Bean and Wild Rice Burgers
Blintzes with Cream Cheese and Caramelized
Apples, Buckwheat
Blossoms, Roasted Baby Zucchini with
Blossoms, Stuffed Squash
Blueberries, Lemon-Scented Ricotta
Pancakes with
breadcrumbs, panko
en Crote
with Caramelized Onion Filling
with Dried Fruit and Nuts
with Mushroom Filling
with Stone Fruit Filling
Brown Cheese, Air-Dried Piquant
Buckwheat Blintzes with Cream Cheese and
Caramelized Apples
Burgers, Black Bean and Wild Rice
Butternut Squash and Gruyre Ravioli with
Shallot and Thyme Bchamel
B vitamins, in nutritional yeast flakes

cacao nibs
Creamy No-Bake
Fluffy No-Bake
Raspberry Swirl
San Francisco
with Cream Cheese Frosting, Golden
Calzones, Chard and Ricotta
Camembert, Air-Dried
Camembert, Hempseed
Cannoli, Chocolate-Chestnut
Caprese Salad
Caramelized Apples, Buckwheat
Blintzes with Cream Cheese and
Caramelized Onion Filling, Brie en Crote
agar vs.
meltable cheeses and
suppliers for
texture of cheeses and
Carrot Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting,
Cheese, Basic
with Lemon Zest and Peppercorns
in Stuffed Figs with Balsamic Reduction
Cream Cheese
raw, suppliers for
Ricotta, Garlic-Basil
Cauliflower Gratin
Chard and Garlic, Pizza with
Chard and Ricotta Calzones
with Chives, Pub
Sauce, Creamy
Creamy No-Bake
Fluffy No-Bake
Raspberry Swirl
San Francisco
cheese press
Chestnut Cannoli, Chocolate-
with Lemon Zest and Peppercorns
in Stuffed Figs with Balsamic Reduction
Figs Stuffed with Lemon-Scented
Roll, Herbed
Sharp Tofu
substitute for
Chiles Rellenos with Ranchero Sauce
Chipotle Cheese Sauce, Low-Fat
chipotle chiles in adobo sauce
Chives, Pub Cheddar with
cacao nibs
-Chestnut Cannoli
cinnamon roll dough
Classic Baked Macaroni and Cheese
Cream, Fluffy Whipped
cottage cheese substitute
Alfredo Sauce, Rich and
and Caramelized Apples, Buckwheat
Blintzes with
Frosting, Golden Carrot Cake with
substitute for
Sun-Dried Tomato and Garlic
Crme Frache
substitute for
Fluffy Whipped Coconut
No-Bake Cheesecake
substitute for
Strawberry Tart
Yogurt Cheese
crpe recipe
Crock-Style Cheddar
Croquettes, Porcini, Leek, and Gruyre
Croustade with Red Wine Glaze, Gruyre
and Pear
with Caramelized Onion Filling, Brie en
with Dried Fruit and Nuts, Brie en
with Mushroom Filling, Brie en
with Stone Fruit Filling, Brie en
spiced, for pumpkin cheesecake
Walnut-Oat Crumble
culturing agents/process

Cream, Cashew
Cream, Fluffy Whipped Coconut
Milk, Almond
Sour Cream
substitute for
Yogurt, Cashew
cheese, vs. vegan cheese
Danishes, Cheese
Date Crust, Almond-
Deep-Fried Cheese
Blintzes with Cream Cheese and
Caramelized Apples, Buckwheat
Brie en Crote with Stone Fruit Filling
Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting, Golden
Cannoli, Chocolate-Chestnut
Creamy No-Bake
Fluffy No-Bake
Raspberry Swirl
San Francisco
Walnut-Oat Crumble
Danishes, Cheese
Mousse, Raspberry
Tart, Creamy Strawberry
Dip, Spinach and Roasted Red Bell Pepper
Fruit and Nuts, Brie en Crote with
jalapeos (chipotle chiles)
Tomato and Basil Cheese, Sun-
Tomato and Garlic Cream Cheese, Sun-

Easy Tofu Ricotta
Eggplant Parmesan
egg replacer, Ener-G
Emmentaler, Air-Dried
en Crote, Brie
with Caramelized Onion Filling
with Dried Fruit and Nuts
with Mushroom Filling
with Stone Fruit Filling
Ener-G egg replacer
Black Bean and Wild Rice Burgers
Butternut Squash and Gruyre Ravioli with
Shallot and Thyme Bchamel
Cauliflower Gratin
Chard and Ricotta Calzones
Chiles Rellenos with Ranchero Sauce
Eggplant Parmesan
Fettuccine Alfredo with Gruyre and
la Romana
with Leeks
with Sun-Dried Tomatoes and Basil
with Truffled Mushrooms
Macaroni and Cheese, Classic Baked
Pizza Margherita
Pizza with Chard and Garlic
Porcini, Leek, and Gruyre Croquettes
Potatoes Gratin
Stuffed Shells
equipment for cheese making

Farmers Cheese
fermented soybeans (miso)
Feta, Tofu
fettuccine alfredo sauce
Fettuccine Alfredo with Gruyre and
Figs Stuffed with Lemon-Scented Chvre
Figs with Balsamic Reduction, Stuffed
Brie en Crote
with Caramelized Onion
with Mushroom
with Stone Fruit
Farmers Cheese
Easy Tofu
for sandwiches
Sun-Dried Tomato and Basil Cheese
Yogurt Cheese, Creamy
Firm Cashew Cream Cheese
first courses
Dip, Spinach and Roasted Red Bell Pepper
Figs Stuffed with Lemon-Scented Chvre
Figs with Balsamic Reduction, Stuffed
Gruyre and Pear Croustade with Red
Wine Glaze
Mushrooms, Italian Stuffed
Porcini, Leek, and Gruyre Croquettes
Salad, Caprese
flavor of cheeses
flour, tapioca
Fluffy No-Bake Cheesecake
Fluffy Whipped Coconut Cream
fondue cheeses
Gruyre, Soft
Swiss Cheese Sauce
forming cheeses
fresh foods/dishes
Crme Frache
substitute for
Fried Cheese, Deep-
fried croquettes
Fritters with Roasted Red Bell Pepper Sauce,
Frosting, Golden Carrot Cake with Cream
Fruit and Nuts, Brie en Crote with Dried
Fruit Filling, Brie en Crote with Stone
-Basil Cashew Ricotta
-Basil Ricotta
Chvre, Lemon-
Cream Cheese, Sun-Dried Tomato and
Pizza with Chard and
Glaze, Gruyre and Pear Croustade with Red
la Romana
with Leeks
with Sun-Dried Tomatoes and Basil
with Truffled Mushrooms
goat cheese substitute
Golden Carrot Cake with Cream Cheese
Gouda, Air-Dried
Gratin, Cauliflower
Gratin, Potatoes
Greek spinach pie
Croquettes, Porcini, Leek, and
and Mushrooms, Fettuccine Alfredo with
and Pear Croustade with Red Wine Glaze
Ravioli with Shallot and Thyme Bchamel
guar gum

hard cheeses. See also specific types of
Hard Gruyre
Herbed Chvre Roll
herbs, in Boursin
holiday cheesecake
ingredients for cheese-making
iota carrageenan
Irish moss/Irish moss powder (carrageenan)
Italian dishes/foods
Arborio rice
Cannoli, Chocolate-Chestnut
Gnocchi, Cheese
Pizza Margherita
Stuffed Mushrooms

Jack, Meltable Monterey
jalapeos, dried (chipotle chiles)
Japanese pickled plums (umeboshi paste)
kanten (agar). See agar (kanten)
kappa carrageenan

lactic acid
ladyfinger dessert recipe
Leek, and Gruyre Croquettes, Porcini
Leeks, Gnocchi la Romana with
-Garlic Chvre
-Scented Chvre, Figs Stuffed with
-Scented Ricotta Pancakes with
Zest and Peppercorns, Cashew Chvre with
low-fat dishes
chiles rellenos variation
Chipotle Cheese Sauce
Raspberry Mousse

Macadamia Ricotta
macaroni and cheese
Classic Baked
Margherita, Pizza
meal starters. See first courses
meltable cheeses
Monterey Jack
milk, coconut
mold/bacteria prevention, using salt
molds for shaping cheeses
Monterey Jack, Meltable
Mousse, Raspberry
Mozzarella, Fresh
Mozzarella, Meltable
Muenster, Meltable
Fettuccine Alfredo with Gruyre and
Filling, Brie en Crote with
Gnocchi la Romana with Truffled
Italian Stuffed

nacho sauce
New York-style cheesecake
No-Bake Cheesecake, Creamy
No-Bake Cheesecake, Fluffy
nondairy yogurt
nutritional yeast flakes
nut(s). See also specific types of
Brie en Crote with Dried Fruit and
suppliers for

Oat American Cheese
Oat Crumble Crust, Walnut-
oils in cheeses
air-dried cheeses and
meltable cheeses and
suppliers for
Onion Filling, Brie en Crote with
our cream substitute

Pancakes with Blueberries, Lemon-Scented
with Pine Nuts, Air-Dried
Fettuccine Alfredo with Gruyre and
la Romana
with Leeks
with Sun-Dried Tomatoes and Basil
with Truffled Mushrooms
macaroni and cheese
Classic Baked
ravioli, using wonton/pot sticker wrappers
Ravioli with Shallot and Thyme Bchamel,
Butternut Squash and Gruyre
fettuccine alfredo
macaroni and cheese
Shells, Stuffed
pastry dishes
Croustade with Red Wine Glaze,
Gruyre and Pear
with Caramelized Onion Filling, Brie
with Dried Fruit and Nuts, Brie en
with Mushroom Filling, Brie en
with Stone Fruit Filling, Brie en
Walnut-Oat Crumble
Danishes, Cheese
dough for
peaches, in filling
Pear Croustade with Red Wine Glaze,
Gruyre and
Peppercorns, Cashew Chvre with Lemon
Zest and
Dip, Spinach and Roasted Red Bell
Sauce, Risotto Fritters with Roasted Red
pickled plums, Japanese (umeboshi paste)
pie, Greek spinach
Pine Nuts, Air-Dried Parmesan with
Piquant Brown Cheese, Air-Dried
Pizza Margherita
Pizza with Chard and Garlic
plums, Japanese pickled (umeboshi paste)
Porcini, Leek, and Gruyre Croquettes
portobello mushroom entre
Potatoes Gratin
Provolone, Air-Dried Smoked
Provolone, Smoked
Pub Cheddar with Chives
puff pastry dish
Pumpkin Cheesecake
Pumpkin Tiramisu

racks for cheeses
Ranchero Sauce, Chiles Rellenos with
Raspberry Mousse
Raspberry Swirl Cheesecake
ravioli, using wonton/pot sticker wrappers
Ravioli with Shallot and Thyme Bchamel,
Red Bell Pepper Dip, Spinach and Roasted
Red Bell Pepper Sauce, Risotto Fritters with
Reduction, Stuffed Figs with Balsamic
Red Wine Glaze, Gruyre and Pear
Croustade with
as culturing agent
store-bought vs. homemade
Rellenos with Ranchero Sauce, Chiles
rice, Arborio
Rice Burgers, Black Bean and Wild
Rich and Creamy Alfredo Sauce
ricotta (cheese)
Calzones, Chard and
Easy Tofu
Pancakes with Blueberries, Lemon-Scented
substitute for
Risotto Fritters with Roasted Red Bell Pepper
roasted dishes
Baby Zucchini with Blossoms
Red Bell Pepper Dip, Spinach and
Red Bell Pepper Sauce, Risotto Fritters
Roll, Herbed Chvre
Romana, Gnocchi la
with Leeks
with Sun-Dried Tomatoes and Basil
with Truffled Mushrooms

Salad, Caprese
salting cheeses
sandwiches/sandwich fillings
American cheese for
Cheddar cheese for
grilled cheese
Cheddar, Meltable, for
Monterey Jack, Meltable, for
Provolone, Smoked, for
Monterey Jack cheese for
mozzarella for
Muenster cheese for
provolone for
Sun-Dried Tomato and Basil Cheese
Yogurt Cheese, Creamy
San Francisco Cheesecake
Alfredo, Rich and Creamy
Chiles Rellenos with Ranchero
Creamy Cheddar
Low-Fat Chipotle
Risotto Fritters with Roasted Red Bell
Swiss Cheese
Scented Chvre, Figs Stuffed with Lemon-
Scented Ricotta Pancakes with Blueberries,
sea vegetable
seeds, suppliers for
Shallot and Thyme Bchamel, Gruyre
sharp cheeses/sharpness in cheeses
aging process and
tanginess vs.
types of
Chvre, Tofu
Provolone, Smoked
Provolone, Smoked Air-Dried
Shells, Stuffed
side dishes
Cauliflower Gratin
Potatoes Gratin
small plates
Brie en Crote with Caramelized Onion
Brie en Crote with Mushroom Filling
Fried Cheese, Deep-
Mushrooms, Italian Stuffed
Risotto Fritters with Roasted Red Bell
Pepper Sauce
Squash Blossoms, Stuffed
Zucchini with Blossoms, Roasted Baby
Smoked Provolone
Smoked Provolone, Air-Dried
Soft Gruyre
Sour Cream
sour cream substitute
soybeans, fermented (miso)
soy milk in cheese-making
soy yogurt
spicy cheese sauce
Spinach and Roasted Red Bell Pepper Dip
spinach pie
spreadable cheeses
Cheddar Sauce, Creamy
Chvre, Figs Stuffed with Lemon-Scented
Ricotta, Almond
Yogurt, Basic/Creamy
Squash and Gruyre Ravioli with Shallot and
Thyme Bchamel, Butternut
Squash Blossoms, Stuffed
starch, arrowroot
starters for meals. See first courses
Stone Fruit Filling, Brie en Crote with
storing cheeses
Strawberry Tart, Creamy
stuffed dishes
Artichokes, with Almonds and cheese
Figs with Balsamic Reduction
Figs with Lemon-Scented Chvre
Mushrooms, Italian
Squash Blossoms
sugar, coconut
Sun-Dried Tomato and Basil Cheese
Sun-Dried Tomato and Garlic Cream Cheese
sweet cheese dishes
Creamy No-Bake
Fluffy No-Bake
Raspberry Swirl
San Francisco
Cream Cheese and Caramelized Apples,
Buckwheat Blintzes with
Cream Cheese Frosting, Golden Carrot
Cake with
Danishes, Cheese
Pancakes with Blueberries, Lemon-Scented
Swirl Cheesecake, Raspberry
Swiss Cheese Sauce

tanginess in vegan cheeses
tapioca flour
Tart, Creamy Strawberry
temperature of cheeses
texture of cheeses
thickening agents
texture of cheeses and
types of
arrowroot starch
guar gum
tapioca flour
xanthan gum
Thyme Bchamel, Gruyre Ravioli with
Shallot and
Chvre, Sharp
Ricotta, Easy
Tomato and Basil Cheese, Sun-Dried
Tomato and Garlic Cream Cheese, Sun-Dried
tools for cheese-making
Truffled Mushrooms, Gnocchi la Romana
Truffled Yogurt Cheese

umeboshi paste

vinegars, suppliers for
vital wheat gluten

Walnut-Oat Crumble Crust
wheat intolerance
Whipped Coconut Cream, Fluffy
whole grains, in cheese-making
Wild Rice Burgers, Black Bean and
Wine Glaze, Gruyre and Pear Croustade
with Red

xanthan gum
omitting, in sauce
suppliers for
texture of cheeses and


Zest and Peppercorns, Cashew Chvre with
Zucchini with Blossoms, Roasted Baby
About the Author

Miyoko Schinner has been a vegetarian

for more than forty years and vegan for
more than half of that time. She is the
author of The New Now and Zen
Epicure and Japanese Cooking:
Contemporary and Traditional. Miyoko
has been teaching, cooking, and writing
about vegan foods for more than thirty
years and lives in Northern California
with her husband, children, dog, cats,
and pet chickens.
books that educate, inspire, and
To find your favorite vegetarian and
soyfood products online, visit: healthy-
Japanese Cooking Contemporary &
Miyoko Nishimoto Schinner
The New Now and Zen Epicure
Miyoko Nishimoto Schinner
Cooking Vegan
Vesanto Melina, MS, RD, and Joseph Forest
Jazzy Vegetarian
Laura Theodore
The New Enlightened Eating
Caroline Marie Dupont
Vegan for the Holidays
Zel Allen
Purchase these health titles and cookbooks
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