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Questionnaire (Only for the organic product consumers)

Q1. Who is generally responsible in your household for the food shopping?
1. Me
2. Another person
3. Me and another person together

Q2. How often do you buy organic products?

1. 5-7 times in a week

2. 1-2 times in a week
3. 2-3 times in a month
4. Once in a month
5. Less than once in a month

Q3. Approximately when did you buy your first organic product?

1. More than 5 years

2. 3- 5 years
3. 1-3 years
4. Last year
5. Last 6 months
Q4. How would you describe organic products?

Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Dont

agree disagree Know

High Nutritional Value

Products are grown in harmony

with nature

Free from chemical pesticides and


Produced with environmentally /

animal friendly techniques

Free from Genetically modified

organisms (GMO)

All products coming from organic

agriculture are certified

Q5. Where do you buy organic foods today?

1. Supermarket chains
2. Discount markets
3. Organic shops
4. Open/Street Market
5. Specialized Shops (Bakery, Butcher)
6. Farm shop

Q6. Which organic shopping places you like to see more in the future?

1. Supermarket chains
2. Discount markets
3. Organic shops
4. Open/Street Market
5. Specialized Shops (Bakery, Butcher)
6. Farm shop
11 Appendix 114

Q7. I buy organic products, because

Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Dont

agree disagree Know

Healthy for me and my family

They have high safety level of

guarantee and control

Animals are treated better

Environment is less polluted

Taste good

Fresher than conventional


High quality

Support local / small farmers

Support organic movement /


Not willing to support big

multinational companies

Saving resources for next


It has positive image

It is fashion to consume

Additional remarks:
Q9. Please select the product group(s) from the table that you consume today.

Today consumption
Fresh vegetables
Fresh fruits
Meat and meat products
Milk and milk products
Bread and bakery products
Baby products
Dried fruits and nuts
Sugar Products
Herbs and Spices
Textile products

Q10. Which product groups in the table you would like to consume in the future
Future Consumption
Fresh vegetables
Fresh fruits
Meat and meat products
Milk and milk products
Bread and bakery products
Baby products
Dried fruits and nuts
Sugar Products
Herbs and Spices
Textile products
General Information for Statistical Use

Q12. How old are you?

1. 0-24 Years
2. 25-34 Years
3. 35-50 Years
4. 50-64 Years
5. More than 64 Years

Q13. Sex:

1. Female
2. Male

Q14. How many people live in your household?

1. Only me
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4 and more

Q15. Are there any children living in your household?

Yes No.

If yes, what is the age of the children? Please sign for every child.

1. 0-2 years
2. 2-6 years
3. 6-14 years
4. More than 14 years
11 Appendix 119

Q16. What is the highest education level you have completed?

1. No education
2. Primary education
3. Secondary education
4. High School
5. University education and higher

Q17. What is your employment status?

1. Working fulltime
2. Working halftime
3. Retired
4. Working at home
5. Student
6. Unemployed

Q18. In what range is your approximate maximum monthly net-household income?

1. up to 750
2. from 750 up to 1500
3. from 1500 up to 2500
4. from 2500 up to 4000
5. 4000 and more

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