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Angela Llanas .

Libby Williams



Angela Llanas Seme5ter
Libby Williams Studenf5 Book

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Communicate in English Student's Book 3

Design and illustration D.R. Macmillan Publishers, S.A. de C.V. 2012

Text D.R. Angela Llanas and Libby Williams 2012
Adaptations written by Mickey Rogers and Yvonne Maruniak
Self-tests written by Liliana Alcntara
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Presentation / Introduction

Dear students,

Welcome to Communicate in English J, the second book in the new Englishcourse for CONALEP.

This course gives you the language, knowledge, and skills that are necessary to be successful
in English, both academically and in the real world.

Communicate in English J contains the following features:

Up-to-date and authentic reading and listening materials.

Realisticand fun speaking or writing tasks.
A Grammar and vocabulary workbook to consolidate what you learn.
Development of your language skills and life skills (Disciplinary and Genericcompetencies).
Extra competency and language practice in our Competency Development pages.
A Self-Testsection that allows you to evaluate what you learn.

In other words, you have everything you need to take your English to the next level.
We are certain you are going to enjoy this book as much as we enjoyed writing it.

lt's time to get started. Have fun!

Angela Llanas
Libby Williams

Key to icons

Disciplinary Campetency lcons;

This icon appears when you develop skilis and strategies to help you understand texts better.


~ This icon appears when you develop your text production skills.

Generic Competencv icens:

ME This activity provides the opportunity to add a personal dimension to the lesson.

THiNK This activity provides the opportunity to develop critical thinking skills.

LEARN This activity promotes autonomous learning.

COMMUNiCATE This activity enables expression of ideas in a variety of ways.

COLLABORATE This activity develops team-work skills.

ACT This activity encourages responsible participation in society.

Vour World icon:

J'{.ianti' Vour World This icon tells teachers that there is an extra activity in the Teacher's Edition.
These activities also develop your generic competencies.
Contents Knowledge Objective Competencies

6 Lesson 1: Simple present: Asking and answering Disciplinary:

Free time 1,you, we, they questions about Freetime
':W Free time activities
... 8 Lesson 2: Simple present: Describing daily routines
> Working he, she, it
"ti women lobs. daily routines
CII 10 Lesson 3: Simple present: Making a recommendation
Hanging out InFormation questions about a product
at the mall Shopping habits

12 Lesson 4: Telling the time DiscussingTV shows

Watching TV Prepositions oFtime

14 Lesson S: Frequency adverbs Writing about exercise Disciplinary:

A healthy Frequency phrases and health habits
lifestyle Diet and health

Writing about transportation Disciplinary:

16 Competency Development

17 Grammar and vocabulary workbook

Contents Knowledge Objective Competencies

22 Lesson 1: PhrasesForsuggestions and Role playing a conversation Disciplinary:

Let's do it acceptance with suggestions
ftI Free time activities
DI 24 Lesson 2: Would: polite reFusalsI preFerences Talking about preFerences
~ftI I'm sorry, Cultural activities and reFusinginvitations
:E I can't

26 Lesson 3: Can and could Forrequests Ma~ng, accep~ng, and
z Do me a favor reFusingrequests

28 Lesson 4: Object pronouns Role playing a conversation

Pick me up Phrasalverbs with requests
at eight

30 Lesson S: Would: politeness Role playing a conversation

Eating out Food and restaurants about going to a restaurant

Role playing a conversation Disciplinary:

32 Competency Development
in a restaurant

33 Grammar and vocabulary workbook

Contents Knowledge Objective Competencies

2 38 Lesson 1: Adjective order Describing objects Disciplinary:

Stuff and things Everyday objects
01 40 Lesson 2: Countable and uncountable nouns Decorating a room
1::: Living room Adjectives: opinion, size, shape, age,
.,; makeover texture, color, material
u Furniture and rooms
o 42 Lesson 3: Quantifiers (1) Planning a class decoration
i Classroom Countable and uncountable nouns project
GI update Materials for decoration

::::E Quantifiers (2) Discussing products Disciplinary:
44 Lesson 4:
Add to basket Electronic devices on a website
Z Prices
46 Lesson 5: Offers and requests Role playing a conversation Disciplinary:
On sale School supplies in a shop

Writing about monthly bilis Disciplinary:

48 Competency Development

49 Grammar and vocabulary workbook

Contents Knowledge Objective Competencies

54 Lesson 1: Present progressive: affirmative Describing a fashion show Disciplinary:

On the runway and negative
1::: Clothes
01 Colors and materials
01 56 Lesson 2: Present progressive: questions Describing news events
What's in the Music and general news events
~ news?
ID 58 Lesson 3: Present progressive vs. simple Writing a school newsletter
1- Schooldays present
Z School events
Pronunciation: -ing
60 Lesson 4: Stative verbs Writing a report about Disciplinary:
Trash Trash and recycling recycling in Mexico

62 Lesson 5: Present progressive with future Discussing a time to meet

Getting meaning
together Future plans
Writing about protecting
64 Competency Development Disciplinary:
the environment

65 Grammar and vocabulary workbook

70 Self-Tests and Self-Assessments

78 Audioscripts

What free time activities are popular in vour country?

1. el)) 1I LlSTENING11 Interview

A. el)) Listen and answer the question.

1. What is the situatioh?

a) A group of friends talking about their free time activities.
b) A local TV interview with teenagers about free time aetivities.
e) A street survey about teenage hobbies.

B. el)) Listen again and match the teenagers' names

to their free time activity.

1. Leonardo a) eomputer
2. Roberto b) sports and parties
3. Sara e) TV

2. READING Magazine article

Identifies, orders, and interprets explicit

and implieit information in a text in contexto ~\
Understanding graphieal information.

A. In groups, discuss how many hours per week US teenagers spend on the following ac' it~. -,

B. Read the article and complete the pie chart with the activities in Exercise 2A. Were your predictions correct?

Teenagersin the USwatch more TV than any other

free time aetivity. On average, they wateh television
for 15.2 hours per week, and they go online for an
additional 13.2 hours (to find information, wateh
videos, ehat with friends, and send emails).

They listen to music for 13.6 hours a week,
they hang out with friends for 12 hours Teens' free time activities (hours per week)

a week, and play video games for 7 hours a
week. Sports and exerciseare popular free
time activities; teenagers play sports or

.--------- ._------
exercisefor 8.5 hours a week. They don't
read many books or magazines; they only
spend 6 hours per week on these activities.
'-------- ----_.------...-~----- - ,.-~--_.----....,_ _.-...,..--, -: - _--_
3. ,GRAMMAR Simple present: I / you / we / they

A. Look at the sentences. Underline the main verb in each sentence. Then match the sentence halves to make the rules.
'1 playa lot of soccer.~ .~ ~ don 't w~tch a lot of TV:
Do you agree? _.- . ~ -.__ No, I don t.
Do teenagers watch a lot of TV?~ Ves,they do.
Do teenagers read many books? __ -- No, they don't read many books.

1. We use the simple present to describ~ a) No, 1/ you / we / they don 't.
We use doti't to make -
Ves/ No questions begin wit~

The aFFirmativeanswer is ..--

_ -
"\ - _b)
._ d)
\jC) Facts,habits, and routines.
Do + I / you / we / they + verbo
negative sentences.
5. The nsqative answer is _- e) Yes~/ YOUI we / they do.

B. Complete the conversation.

Alex: On the weekend, do you spend a lot oFtime on the interne

Diana: Ves, 11 d _ .I 2 emails and chat with my Frien
Alex: 3 you exercise on the weekend?
Diana: 4 r I don't. I 5 sports during the week and on the ekend I rest and 6 ~ ~ f ( out with Friends.

C. e))) Listen to these questions. Does the intonation go up (t) or down (.,.) at the end? Listen again and practice.

1. Do teenagers watch a lot oFTV? 3. Do you exercise on weekdays?

2. Do you play video games? 4. Do they go to the movies on weekends?

4. SPEAKING Questionnaire

A. Work in groups. Make a list of typical weekend activities for teenage boys and girls. C. Walk around the room
Do you think that boys and girls do similar activities? and interview your
classmates. Put a check
B. Look at the questionnaire below. Add three more questions using your ideas from (.-') in the correct box
Exercise 4A. for each Yes answer and
a cross (X) for each No

D. In your original groups,

Do iflA wl\tc..k sports Oi'1. te.fe.visioi'1. 7 compare your results.
Discuss the followig
Do ~0'U kl\i'1.(} o'Ut witk ..f'-rie.i'1.ds7 ideas:
Typical weekend activities
Do ~0'U pfl\~ vide.o OA~e.s7
x Forboys
Do ~0'U st'Ud~ &i'1.0fiSk7 Typical weekend activities
Any interesting or
surprising results

, I
3. GRAMMAR Simple present: I / you / we / they

A. Look at the sentences. Underline the main verb in each sen ten ce. Then match the sentence halves to make the rules.
1playa lot of soccer.. 1don 't watch a lot of TV.
O you agree? No, 1don 't.
Do teenagers watch a lot of TV? Yes, they do.
Do teenagers read many books? No, they don'i read many books.

1. We use the simple present to describe a) No, 1/ you / we / they don 't.
2. We use don't to make b) facts, habits. and routines.
3. Yes / No questions begin with c) Do + 1/ you / we / they + verbo
4. The affirmative answer is d) negative sentences.
5. The negative answer is e) Yes, 1/ you we / they do.

B. Complete the conversation.

Alex: On the weekend, do you spend a lot of time on the interne Dia
Diana: Yes, l ' ni I . IZ . emails and chat with my frien
Alex: 3__ _:___ you exercise on the weekend?
Diana: 4 \ r I don't. I 5 sports during the week and on the ekend I rest and 6_-,-~_c:_:_'_ out with friends.


c. .))) Listen to these questions. Does the intonation go up (t) or down (.J.) at the end? Listen again and practice.

1. Do teenagers watch a lot of TV? 3. Do you exercise on weekdays?

2. Do you play video games? 4. Do they go to the movies on weekends?

4. SPEAKING Questionnaire

~ Develops ideas and solutions to problems using established cognitive processes.

~J .Forms conclusions and re-evaluates ideas through analysis and experimentation.

A. Work in groups. Make a list of typical weekend activities for teenage boys and girls. C. Walk around the room
Do you think that boys and girls do similar activities? and interview your
classmates. Put a check
B. Look at the questionnaire below. Add three more questions using your ideas from (.f) in the correct box
for each Ves answer and
Exercise 4A.
a cross (X) for each No

D. In your original groups,

Do OOiA sports 0'1>\ te..R.e-visi 0'1>\1 compare your results.
Discuss the following
Do 0011 kv..'1>\O OiAt witk .frie-wls1 ideas:
Typical weekend activities
Do OOiA ptl.1.0 vide-o Ov..I1Ce-S1
for boys
Do OOiA stiAdO ;:'1>\OtiSk 1 Typical weekend activities
for girls
Any interesting or
surprising results
lA Lesson 2 Working women
Make a list of typical occupations that women
have in your country. Are some jobs typically male
and some jobs typically female?

1. ))) 11 LlSTENINCi1I Conversation

A. e))) listen to the conversation about Paulina Mendoza.

Then read the sentences and circle T (True) or F (False).

1. Paulina Mendoza is an Olympic soccer player. T F

2. Paulina has a regular daily routine. T F
3. Paulina trains every day. T F
4. Paulina trains at the pool all day. T F
5. Paulina likes to eat meat and fish. T F
6. Paulina is very dedicated to her profession. T F

B. e))) Listen again and answer the questions.

1. Does Paulina get up at 5:00 a.m. every day?

2. Does Paulina eat the same breakfast most days?
3. Does Paulina go to the gym at 8:00 a.m.?
4. Does Paulina meet the Olympic team at 8:00 a.m.?
5. Do they train in Guadalajara?
6. Does Paulina study?
7. Does Paulina like to go to the movies?

2. CiRAMMAR Simple present: he / she / it

A. Look at the sentences. Underline the verbs. C. Circle the corred verb form in each sentence.
She gets up at 6 a.m. every day and makes her bed.
She doesn 't go to parties or bars. 1. The divers [_raiLLI trains at the Olympic Pool.
Does Paulinatest on Sundays? 2. Paulina dQD'..Udoesn 't go to parties.
Yes,she does. 3. Paulina live I lives in Mexico City.
Does she train every day? 4. Do I l2aes..Paulinastudy at the university?
No, she doesn't. 5. _22j_ Does the divers practice every day?

B. Complete the sentences to make the rules.

1. Verbs end in after he I she lit.
We add -s to the third person singular (he, she, and it)
2. We use to make negative sentences.
in the simple present:
3. We use + he I she lit to ask questions. get up - gets up like - likes train - trains
4. We use Yes,he Ishe lit for short
affirmative answers. With some verbs, the spelling changes:
5. We use No, he I she lit for short watch - watches study - studies go - goes
negative answers.

Lesson 2 lA
3., READING Profile

Understands and values the role of logical thought in communication in daily and academic life.
Prediction using background knowledge.

A. Look at the picture and the title of the a B. Look at the text and complete the sentences with
the first sentence. In groups, discuss the q I",<:~inn<:_ appropriate verbs from the texto
Then read the article and check your ideas.
Vanessa up at 6:00 a.m.
1. What do you think her daily routine is? She with clients in the morning.
2. What do you think she likes and dislikes about her job?
She phone calls in the afternoon.
.r tk.j~.:. sk.e- (}"e-ts 'lAp e-!).rf(j !).~d wor.:.s Itt.{,\~(j k.O'IArs ...
_____ time to see her family and friends.

Life in the fastlane

Vanessa Bautista is an executiveat an her emailsand makesph
advertisingagencyin Guadalajara.She evening, shetakes clients
lovesher job and she makesa lot of a sports event, or a concert.
money, but sheworks long hours. like a lot of fun, but it's exha
Shegets up at 6:00 a.m. and goesto the gets home at 10:00 p.m. and is
gym for one hour. In the morning, she to do any housework.
meetswith different clients. In the Sheworks long hours to do a good
meetings,Vanessagivesthem ideas jobo Shesaysthe best part of her job is
and she helpsthem make decisions meeting famous people when sheworks
to advertisetheir products. on the TV commercials.Shetries to do
After lunch, sheworks with the her best at her job, but she doesn't have
designteam, and they plan advertising time to seeher family and friends.
campaigns.At 5:00 p.m., she answers

The meanings of make and do are similar, but we use them with different words:
Do: do housework, do a job, do homework, do your best
Make: make a cup of coffee, make money, make a phone cal!

4. SPEAKING Making a list

Develops ideas and solutions to problems using established cognitive processes.

Forms conclusions and re-evaluates ideas through analysis and experimentation.

A. As a class, discuss who you think has the most difficult C. Work with a partner of the opposite sexo Discuss your
daily routines, men or women? Give reasons. routines and take notes on what your partner says.
Sk.e- )ite-+s 'lAp !).t b :30 o.......
B. Individually, make a list of your typical daily routines or Sk.e- 1-!).I(e-s 1).sk.owe-r.
activities during the week. Think about the following: Sk.e- ....1).1(e-sbre-I).':'+l).st.
Home routines and responsibilities
School work and responsibilities D. In groups of six or eight, take turns describing your
partner's routines to the group. Then, based on your
group's results, discuss who you think has the most
difficult daily routine: men or women .
Lesson 3 Hanging out at the mall
Where do you hang out in your free time?
What are the most popular places to hang out? Why?

1. READING Fact sheet

Understands and values the role of logical thought

in communication in daily and academic life.
o Prediction using background knowledge.

When parents aren't paying, teenagers agonize over

They are_n't impulsive buyers, and they don't like
A. Read the statements below and clrcle T (True) theirown
or F (False). Compare your answers in patrs,
Then read the text and check your ideas.

1. American teenagers are impulsive

shoppers and don't think about money
or the price. T F
2. American girls are selective about
c\othing stores. T F
3. Most American boys like shopeinq. T F
4. American teenagers like buying expensive MseXe$-love l1cing at high-tech gadgets they
high-tech gadgets. can'ffrd to buyo They're planning what to ask for
B. In pairs, discuss the questions about shopping.

1. Where do you like to go shopping? 4. What do you like to buy?

2. When do you prefer to go shopping? 5. How much money do you usually spend?
3. Who do you go shopping with?

1. GRAMMAR Simple present: information questions

A. Look at the questions in Exercise 1B. Which question C. el)) Listen to these questions. Does the intonation
go up (t) or down (..j..) at the end? In pairs, ask and
asks about:
answer the questions. Use the correct intonation.
1. Quantity or price: _
1. Who do most teenage 4. Where do you go shopping?
2. Location: _
girls shop with? 5. When do you go shopping?
3. Time or day: _
2. What do boys like to buy?
4. A person or people: _ 3. What do you like to buy?
5. Things: ------------
B. Circle the correct option to complete the rule. Remember that the intonation is different for Yes/ No
questions and information questions:
1. We use information questions to find out: In Yes / No questions, the intonation goes up at the end:
a) new information. b) if the answer is Yes or No. _________..
2. Information questions begin with: Do you like shopping?
a) Do /Does. b) question words.
In information questions, the intonation goes down at the end:
Where do you like to go shopping?
Lesson 3 lA
J. l)) 11 LlSTENING11 Interview

A. l)) Listen to Jessica talking about her shopping habits.

Then answer the questions.

1. Doesjessica like to go shopping?

2. When does jessica go shopping?
3. Why does jessica like to shop at the mall?
4. Where is her favorite place to shop?
5. What does she like to buv there?
6. How much money doe~ she spend each month on average?
7. Does lessica's mother like to go shopping?

B. Jessica's mother thinks she is a shopaholic. Do you agree7

Why / Why not7

Verbs that indicate you like something: llke, love, prefer
Verbs that indicte you don't like something: don't / doesn't
like, bate, can 't stand
Verbs of preference can be followed by:
a noun: I can't stand hot dogs.
verb + -ing: I love shopping.
to + verb: I prefer to shop online.


Communicates in an appropriate form in diverse contexts.

Usesinformation technology to research and express ideas.

A. In groups, discuss the best places to buy the following items C. Using your notes from Exercise 4B, write
where you live: a recommendation to post on a blog.
Electronic equipment
DVDsor music CDs
November 16th at 2:09 p.m.
B. Use the internet and research a product you want to buyo Then Shopping Tips!
complete the table with the information about the producto If you loveshopping but can't stand going to
lots of different storesand looking at different
Type of product: brands,here is a recommendation.If you
Brand or make of the product: needa new _
Where to buy the product: 1 think the best _
Price: isthe . Go to
Why you recommend the product: __________ to buy it.
It costsabout _
1 recommendit because _

:sj O comments
Lesson L1 Watching TV
Make a list of different types of TV shows.
Think of examples of each type of show.

1. el)} 11 LlSTENINCi r Conversation

Identifies, orders, and interprets explieit and

implieit information in a text in context.
o Listening for speeifie information.

A. Read the TVguide and write the show types

in the spaces. World Kitchen: Today, we show you how to make
beans and rice, Cuban style.

... _.rl Relax with Diana Rico: This week Diana speaks
to film director Peter Sackson.
B. e))) Listen to the conversation and circle
the corred options. Hospital Emergency: In today's episode, Dr. Oliver
asks Nurse Verity about her relationship with
Dr. Reuben.
1. Jayand Carol are talking about: 3
a) what they want to do.
The World at Six: The latest national and
b) their favorite TV shows. international news stories.

2. Iav is:
Three Guys: Mark tries some home remedies to cure
a) happy with Carol's suggestions.
his thinning hair, with hilarious results.
b) unhappy with Carol's suggestions. 5

Werewolf Diaries: Episode 3: Hadley goes missing.

C. el)} Listen again and circle T (True) or F (False).

T F The Year We Left: Aman goes back to his home

1. Today it is Tuesday. town fifty years after a mysterious disease killed the
2. Right now, the news program is on TV. T F entire population. Wifh Bred Potts and Selma Kayak.
3. Carolloves the siteom Three Guys. T F
4. There is a movie on at 8 o'cloek. T F
Life Inside: A week in the life of soccer player, Luke
5. Carol suggests they wateh Haro, at St. Daniel's Soccer Club.
Three Guys and then the movie. T F


A. e))} Listen again and read the audioscript on page 78. C. Write the times in numbers.
Then answer the questions.
1. three oh five 3:05 5. twelve o' cloek
1. lav wants to know the time. What question does he ask? 2. five fifteen 6. eight twenty
2. What word do we use when the time is the exaet hour? 3. four ~wsnty~five 7. eleven forty
3. What two ways can we say 7:30 in English? 8. six fifty-five
4. ten fifty
4. What preposition do we use with times?

B. Match the time phrases on the left with their Notice

equivalents on the right. We use the prepositions on, in, and at to talk
about time:
1. one p.m. a) half past one on Monday / my birthday / March 4th
2. one fifteen b) a quarter to two in the morning / afternoon / evening / lune /2072
3. one thirty e) one o' eloek in the afternoon at 6 o'ciock / 5:45 / night
4. one forty-five d) a quarter past one

Lesson 4 lA

A. Skim the blog entry and clrcle the corred answer B. Read the blog and answer the questions.
to the question.
1. What is the writer's opinion of most TV programs?
1. What is the blog about? 2. What adjectives does he use to describe Glee?
a) A TV program that the writer can't stand. 3. What time, which day, and on which channel can you
b) What teenagers like watching. watch Glee?
c) A TV program that the writer likes.

is about a group of teenagers who are

in their high school choir, and the staries are
based on things that teenagers eXPrience in
their lives. The topies are realistic and relevant
for both teens and parents, and the actors are
excellent. l,ioth adults and kds like the show.

4. SPEAKINGDiscussion

Discussesand analyzes points of view on topics of general interest in a critical and reflexive way.
15 able to modiFy his I her own bias and opinions to incorporate new knowledge and perspectives.

A. Complete the table about your three favorite TVprograms that are on TVat the momento

Name of program Type of program Day, time, and channel

B. Work in pairs. Tell your partner about your three D. Work with another pair and share your recommendations.
favorite programs. Remember to tell them the channel, day, and time they
can see each programo Are there any new shows that
C. With your partner, agree on three current TVshows to you want to see?
recommend for your friends. Write a short description
of each programo
Lesson 5 A healthy lifestyle

Do you bring your lunch to school or do you buy it?

What types of food can you buy at school?
Are they healthy?

1. READINGMagazine article

IdentiFies,orders, and interprets explicit

and implicit inFormation in a text in contexto
Understanding graphical inFormation.

B. Look at the bar chart and complete the information.

A. Read the article and discuss the questions.
1. Percentage oFoverweight men:
1. What is the healthy eating program?
2. Why do you think the British have this program? 2. Percentage oFoverweight women:
3. Why isn't the program a complete success? 3. Percentage oFobese men:
4. How do you say overweight and obese in your language? 4. Percentage oFobese women:

50 Obesity in Britain 2012

Challenging the Epidemic ,g
~ :::J
o 30
is not very popular with some o.
The UK now hasa healthy >,

eating program for school children, and sorneparentsdo. 't =;;; 20

children. The government gives like the programoTheythink it i -5

money to schoolsto provide appropriate for child-ren....t0
balanced mealswith meat, junk food and drink sodas
fresh fruits. and vegetables "Poorthings. They don't like
the new school lunches.They
for students.
Most parentsthink this is a prefer pizzasand Frenchfries,"
good idea. However,the plan said one mother.

C. Complete the questions. Then ask a partner.

To talk about how Frequentlyyou do something you can say:
1. How often do you eat fresh Fruitsand vegetables? once o doy I week I month I yeor
2. How oFten water? twice o doy I week I month I yeor
three times o doy I week I month I yeor
3. How junk Food?

2. el)) I LlSTENING1I Conversation

A. el)) What can you see in the picture? What do you think the problem is?
Listen to the conversation. Are your guesses correct?

B. el)) Listen again. Then correct the statements.

1. Lisais tred.;
2. Sheoften exercises.
3. She almost never eats pizza.
4. Shealways drinks water.
5. The doctor tells Lisa to exercise once a week.
Lesson 5 lA
3. GRAMMAR Frequency adverbs

A. Look at the sentences and the underlined frequency B. Unscramble the sentences.
adverbs. Then answer the questions.
/ never exercise. l'm often very tired. 1. never / drink / I / . / alcohol
/ usuallv eat a hamburger. / a/most never eat fresh fruits.
No, / a/wavs have a soda. / sometimes eat pizza.
2. fruit / ? / does / How / often / she / eat

1. How do you say these frequency words in your language?

Write the words in the correct order on the line. 3. often / soccer / How / ? you / do / play

sometimes / late / . / are / for / school / You

100% 0% on weekends / sleeps / He / late / . / usually

2. Circle the verbs in the sentences. What is the position

of the frequency adverb in relation to the verb? ow do you say the sentences in Exercise 3B
Which verb is different? In your language?
3. Look at the questions in Exercise1C. How do we ask I
questions about frequency?

.4. WRITING Questionnaire

Choosesand practices a healthy lifestyle.

, Makes informed decisions regarding consumption habits and
social behavior which could have serious negative consequences.

A. In groups plan a health questionnaire. Discuss C. In pairs, interview a partner with your questionnaire.
the activities in the table and add more activities Then compare results with another pairo
to each column.
D. Write a short paragraph about your exercise and
Healthy activities Unhealthy activities health habits.

e.Xe.rc.ise. e.iX.tj1A'l'tj( t-ood

e.iX.t siX.fiX.ds .S~Oj(e.
00 to tke. 0(1~ b1A(1 M'l'td(1 CI.'l'td C-iX.j(e.s

B. Use your ideas from Exercise .4Ato make a

questionnaire using How often ... ? Inelude six
or more questions.
liow o.fte.'l't do (101A e.Xe.rc.ise.1

Compete cy Expressesideas and concepts in compositions in a structured,
creative, and coherent way.
A. In pairs, make two lists: forms of transportation and places in a city. Then compare your ideas with another pairo

B. el)) Read and listen to two people talking about transportation

How do you travel around Mexico City?
in their city. Then complete the texto

Ilive in the northern part of the city and 1work at
a4 in the southern partoIt takes
about two hours.The metro in Mexico City is usually
fast and clean. lt's very cheap too, but 1always ...............
My dad always takes me to 1.------ take the Metrobus because there's a bus
by car because he works at a 2 _ stop next to my house. 11'5 the first stop, so
nearby. 1don't like the traffic, butthere are not 1often get a seat. After that, it's always
many alternatives. Public transportatien isn't very full. If 1go to a 5 _

good. You almost never get a seat on the metro or 6 with friends on
and the buses have irregular times and are usually Sundays,1use Morn's caro
full. Ilike fhe Metrobus, but there isn't one near my
house, Traveling is better on the weekends.
I sometimes take the metro on Saturdays to go
to the 3 _
C. Read the texts again and answer the questions in pairs. E. Organize your notes into a logical sequence and write
a text about your transportation habits.
1. Why does lavier's dad take him to school by car7
2. What does Javierdlslike about the metro and the buses7
3. When does Javiersay travelling is better7
4. Where does Susanawork7
5. How long does it take her to travel to work7
6. How does Susanadescribe the metro in Mexico City7
7. Why does she always take the Metrobus to work7

D. Think about the transportation you use regularly.

Make notes on the following:
The FormsoFtransportation and when / how oFten/ why
you use them
What you like / dislike / can't stand / preFerabout these
Other inFormation about travelling in your town / city

LE <son 1
GRAMMAR Simple present: 1/ you / we / they

Affirmative Negative Ves / No questions Sho.rt answers
I listen to music. I don't listen to music. Do I listen to music? Ves, Ido.
No, I don't,
You exercise. You don't exercise. Do you exercise? Ves,you do.
No, you don't,
We send text messages We don't send text messages. Do we send text messages? Ves,we do.
No, we don't.
They go out on weekends. They don't go out on weekends. Do they go out on weekends? Ves,they do.
No, they don't.

We use the simple present to talk about facts, routines, habits, likes, and dislikes.
We use I / you / we / they + don't + verb to make negative sentences; we use Do + 1/ you / we / they + verb to make questions.

A. Write the words from the box in the correct column.

beeks the radio TV- rnovres .sper~ <;Jusi~magaztnes vldeG..;m~s-.bQmework

Listen to Watch Play Read Do


B. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses.

1. I ,----_ time with my family on Sundays.(Sp~~

2. you to the movies on Fridays?(go}",
3. My brothers video games on weekends. (play
LI. They on weekdays. (not exercise)
5. My sisters
6. My friends and I
7. they
on the telephone for hours. (talk)
a lot of television. (watch)
to rock music? (listen)
8. I sports magazines. (not read)

C. Unscramble the questions. Answer them with your information. D. l)) Listen to these questions.
Practice the rising intonation at
1. at school / Do / volleyball / play / you the end of each question.
L- ? _
- 2. you / Do / to / parties / on weekends / go 1. Do you and your friends go to the
mall on weekends?
-----------------_?-------- 2. Do your brothers and sisters play
3. surf / you / Do / the internet / free time / your / in soccer?
3. Do you study in the evenings?
,./ ~------------------_?--------
LI. write / emails / your friends / to / you / Do LI. Do you hang out with your friends
on weekends?
GRAMMAR Simple present: he / she / it
-, Answers
Negative Ves / No questions
Does she get up at 6:00 a.m? Yes, she does.
She gets up at 6:00 a.m. She doesn't get up at 6:00 a.m.
No, she doesn't.

Does he live in Morelia? Yes, he does.

He lives in Morelia. He doesn't live in Morelia.
No, he doesn't,

In the simple present, we add -s or -es to the verbs in the third person singular. We use he / she / it + doesn't + verb to make
negative sentences. We use Does + he / she / it + verb to make questions.
Some verbs change their spelling when we add -s or -es.

Simple present spelling rule for third person singular 1 Examples

(he / she / it)
work - works sell- sells get - gets
Most verbs add -s
watch - watches miss - misses wish - wishes
Verbs ending in s, Z, sh, eh, or x add-es
carry - carries study - studies try - tries
Verbs ending in a consonant + y, change y to i and add -es
go - goes do - does
Verbs ending in o add -es
have - has
Irregular verb: hove

Note: We use moke and do with different expressions:

do homework, do the dishes, do housework, do your best, do o good job, do o fovor
moke breokfost / lunch / dinn~r, moke the bed, make doffee, moke o mistoke, moke money, moke o phone coll

A. Circle the corred verb form in each sentence.

5. Ellen and Tony don 't / doesn 'i go to parties.

1. Susan study / studies English in school.
6. lohn work / works at an advertising agency.
2. Adam hove / hos a cool caro
7. Do / Does the students exercise at the gym after school?
3. Do / Does Simon cook dinner every night?
8. Do / Does you play video games every day?
L1. Lydia doti't / doesn't live in Los Angeles.

B. Write the verbs in the corred form in the texto \""

train have love take relax get go have watchCCC;~, \

Ionathan Egan 1 up at six o' clock every morning. He 2 a showe~nd tll he 3 breakfast.
He 4 , . to the Football Field at seven thirty a,nd training 5 at eight o' ~iOt~ For three hours
with rus teammates. He 7 lunch at one o clock and in the aFternoon he 8 a~ e and 9 _

TV with his girlFriend. He 10 his jobo

C. Write the corred form of make or do in the following sentences.

1. I
2. My mother
the bed in the morning.
breakFast For the Family.
L1. My brother
5. My mother
' a lot oF money at work.
phone calls at work.
3. We our homework in the evenings. 6. The Family L. housework on Saturdays.

GRAMMAR Simple present: information questions

Simple present questions

- - ---:>'

Question word Meaning Example

What Asks about a thing What do you like?

Where Asks about a place Where does she live?
What time Asks about a time What time do we finish?
How often Asks about frequency How often do they train?
How much Asks about quantity / price How much do you spend?
When Asks about time When does it open?
Who Asks about a person Who do you go with?

Note: We do not use the auxiliary verb do / does for questions with the verb be:
Where is the soccer stadium?
How much is the jacket?

A. Match the questions to the corred answers.

1. What time do the classesstart? a) The park or a caf.

2. How often do you play video games? b) No, he doesn't,
3. What do you have for lunch? c) Fiveo' clock.
4. Where do you usually go in your free time? d) Almost nevero
5. Does he play the violin? ~ e) In classroom 101.
6. Where do you have class? f) A sandwich.v

B. Read Adam's profile and answer the"questio . C. Write questions for Adam's answers.

1. DoesAdam like shopping? _____________ ? In LosAngeles.

2. What does he like to buy? _____________ ? On the weekend.
3. What does he love doing? ____________ ? About $60.
4. Who does he prefer to go shopping with?
_____________ ? Once a month.


Hi! I'm Adam and I'm 16 yearsold. I live in

LosAngeles, USA.I can't stand shopping, but
I sometimeslike to buy sports clothes. I love
playing soccer,50 I need good shoes.I spend
about $60 on a new pair of soccershoes.
I prefer to go shopping with my brother because
my mom doesn't know much about soccer.
We go to a sports store near our house on the
weekend. We go there about ~e a month.

Profile Posted at 10:00 p.m. May 30th, 2012

es on

lt's three thirty. lt's a quarter to four.

lt's three o'clock. tt's a quarter past three.
lt's half past three. lt's three forty-five.
lt's three fifteen.

We use different prepositions to talk about time:

We use on + days, celebrations, dates: on Wednesday / on Christmas Day / on April 3,d
We use in + times of day, months, and years: in the morning / afternoon / evening / }une / 2072
We use at + hours, night: at 6 o'ciock / 5:45 / night

A. 1)) Listen and write the times you hear.

5. 7.
1. 3.
6. 8.
2. 4.

B. Write the times in Exercise A in words.

5. 7.
1. 3.
6. 8.
2. 4.

C. Complete these sentences with prepositions of time.

4. The show is 11:30 a.m.
1. The Wired Brain is Thursday.
5. Is the The Big-Challenge on the morning or
2. We can go to the concert May.
____ the afternoon?
3. The body art exhibition is May 15th.

D. Write the type of TV show next to each description.

documentary cooking show cartoon soap opera talk show reality show

1. A Day in the Life: In this episode, Beth and Seanhave a big argumento Carrie agonizes over the fact that
Mark has another girlfriend.
2. The Big Challenge: This is the third day of the Big Challenge. Our competitors have a sports day and,
at the end, they decide who willleave the show.v
3. Our Changing Planet: Find out why the earth's oceans are rising. Coastalcities are in danger!
4. Dora the Dog: Dora and Fanny the Frog have a big adventure.
5. Tastesot Mexico: This week BlancaRivera makes chiles rellenos and flan de cajeta.
6. Sandra at Seven: Gueststhis week are actor Martin Phillips and writer Nancy Blake.
l on
GRAMMAR Frequency adverbs

.. Vtiwe>.~s 1AS1(taii~ crtte.i't tlll-e.s

i'te-ve.r i'

100% 0%

Frequency adverbs tell us how often we do something: We can also use specific phrases, such as once a
I always go shopping with friends on the weekend. day and twice a week to talk about frequency.
He is usually late for c/ass. These phrases go at the end of the sentence:
Theygo to the gym twice a week.
Note: The frequency adverb goes after the verb be but before other verbs:
He is usua/ly late for c/ass ./
He usua/ly is late for c/ass X

A. Look at these percentages. Write the frequency word i_nthe space.

100% 30-40% = _
70-80% = _ 10-20% = _
50-60% = _ 0%

B. Correct the word order in the sentences.

1. Always they go dancing on Saturday night. 4. Sheeats fruit for breakfast often.

2. Gerardo eats never peanut butter sandwiches. 5. I visit usually my grandparents in the vacations.

3. He plays football sometimes. 6. Almost never you drink water.

C. Look at the table about Sarah's weekly habits. Complete the missing questions or answers.

1. 7 4. How often does she go jogging7

Every day.
2. -------------------------------------7 5. How often does she walk home from school7
Almost every day.
3. -------------------------------------7 6. How often does she eat fish7
Twice a week.

Sarah's Lifestyle Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun

walk home
from school
, eat fish ./
check her email ./
go jogging
sleep late ./
watch TV ./

.'' s do t!
Which free time activities are best for groups of people?
Which activities can you do individually?

1. READING Advertisement

Identifies, orders, and interprets explicit

and implicit information in a text in contexto
o Scanning for specific information.

A. Sean the ad quickly to find the answers to the questions.

4. What is the name of the teen facility?

1. Where is the resort?
2. What are the subheadings for this ad? 5. What activities are there for teens?
3. What activities can the whole family do during the day? 6. How can you contact the resort?

Would you like to find the perfect

vacation for your whole family?
The Rock Mountain Family Resort,
located in the pine forests of
Rock Mountain, Colorado, has fun
. . .' The whole family . activities for all family members.
Fam1ly Actlvltles any o our activltles
can participate In ~ in our
together. You can ;in pool. Or yOu can
Teen Fun There are specialactivities for
large.heated sWlmb u_9t'lful forest bike paths
'k' on our ea f young people at TeenScene,our teen
go bl Ing . I and equipment or
_ we have blcyc fS '1 can go horseback
facility. The TeenScenemovie theater
shows the most popular recent movies.
'Contact Imfo~lliIation
all ages. AII the arm \ nstructors. At night. Call 1-800-5l5-7200 for
You can go dancing at the TeenScene
rid'lng with our elXPgerlnlour bowling alley, more ,i'r')lorm$tion anQIfamily
'" go bovv In . I disco with music from our DJ. It also has a
yOu ca" ies in our flrst-c ass game room with the latest video games, vacation rates. Or ema'il us at
watch recent rnov lay games like plng-
pool table, and table football. Teenscan -~"'-""" ,i.flf.Q@~.29~~0~nt~.ililfamily
movie theater, lor ~ur game room.
out, make new friends, and have fun.
pong and poo In

B. Look at the underlined phrase in the texto

Find other phrases like this.

2 . l)) I LISTENING I Conversation

A . l)) Listen to the conversation and circle B. ))) Listen to the conversation. Then read the sentences
the correct answer. and circle T (True) or F (False).

1. What does the family decide to do? 1. There are three people in the family. T F
a) Have breakfast 2. The father wants to do something
with the whole family. T F
b) Go horseback riding
3. Jeff doesn't want to go swimming. T F
e) Go swimming and then go shopping
4. Miranda doesn't want to go
horseback riding. T F
5. The mother likes horses a lot. T F

3. GRAMMAR Phrases for suggestions and acceptance

A. Look at the audioscript on page 78. Complete the table with phrases from the box .

'''C ~I~'~W.h~~.t.~~
'flid.J~ 'sot:Jnds (-
~WOl!J.lJyou ILI<e'\HQw;_@<lli1t ;VGr'e;t Do vou \lY:dr;lt

Phrases for suggestions followed by ... Phrases of acceptance

to + verb verb verb -: ,-ing, ,1 Good 6------
, to go ~ make plans for 5 1, " , doing That7 good.
horsebac'kridinq? today. something all together? _---' . Why not?
2_' to ride a 4! \ '__ go biking? ___ _:____ !'s gol

B. Match the sentence halves.

1. Howabout a) swimming.
2. Would you like to b) to go dancing?
3.'s go ~ c) we make plans for today?
4. Why don't - d) go bowling?
5. Do you want e) going to the movies?

C. Complete the conversation with the corred forms of the verbs in parentheses

Ryan: lt's Friday afternoon!'s '__ -+- (find) something to do.
Anna: OK.The weather is good. Do you want 2 (do) something outside?
Ryan: How about 3 (go) biking? Today is a perfect day for a bike ride.
Anna: Sounds good. Would you like 4 (ride) to the lake?
Ryan: Good idea! Why don't we 5 (eat) at the little restaurant at the lake?
Anna: Great! This is a fun plan!

4. SPEAKING Suggestions

Works effectively in various team situations.

Works positively in team projects according to his / her knowledge and skills.

A. Complete the conversation with appropriate words B. Work in small groups. Vou are a family (parents and
and phrases. children) on holiday at Rock Mountain resort. Decide
what your roles are and then look at the text in
A: Do vou ' \, f""")', \ to go bowling? Exercise 1A. Think about the activities you want to do
B: l'rn tired, Canwe go watch a movie? on Saturday.
How 2 . j. '1 J ,1 the seven o'clock movie?
C. Write a group conversation, using phrases for
A: Sounds3 _
suggestions and acceptance.
B: OK.Seeyou then.
D. Act out your conversation for another group or for the
whole class.

Lesson 2 l'm sorry, but I can't
What types of cultural, arts, and sports events
take place where vou live? Which types of events
do you like or dislike? Why?

1. READING Calendar of events

Identifies, orders, and interprets explicit and implicit information in a text in context.
o Scanning for specific information.

A. Read the situations and choose the best activitv from the calendar.

1. You and your friend really like sports. You want to find 3. You want to go to amovie. What are your choices?
an activity for Friday night. 4. Youand your friends want to do something fun on Saturdaynight.
2. You want to buy gifts for your family for Christmas. 5. Your best friend is an actor and wants to see a play.

University Calendar of Events

6:45 p.m. Movie: The 7:00 p.m. Wrastling: 7:30 p.m. Afro-Cuban 8:00 p.m. Play:
Home Iearn vs. Illinois Jazz Concert A Hamlet based on the
Dark Knight Risese
PlazaTheater Shakespeareplay
Student Union Theater
6:30 p.m. Movie: The 8:00 p.m. Comedy:
Big Wedding Eddie Jones
Memorial Union Theater Memorial Union Main

7:00 p.m. Women's 8:00 p.m. Play: 9:00 p.m. -12:00 a.m. 12:00 a.m. Midnight
Saturday Movie Series
Volleyball tournament A 00g'5 Life Dance Party, DJ playing
December 8 Sports Stadium RiversideTheater great dance music Paranormal Activity 4
Dance Hall PlazaTheater

B. Write these words in your own language. Notice differences in spelling between your lang

1. state 4. concert 7. exhibition

5. art 8. tournament _
2. theater
3. stadium 6. university _ 9. fair

2. el)) lIuSTENING I Conversations

A. el)) Listen to the five conversations and circle B. l)) Listen again and circle the correct option.
T (True) or F (False).
1. t'd prefer not / Ilike not to go in the
1. The art and crafts fair is open al! day. T F morning.
2. The boy invites the girl to a concert. T F 2. Do you Iike / Would you like to go to the
3. The comedy show starts at 9:00 p.m. T F wrestling match?
4. The girl doesn't like horror movies. T F 3. Vesl'd like / l'd liking that.
Tom plays basketball. T F 4. l'd prefer / I would to see TheBig Wedding.
5. l'rn sorry, / sore. but I can't. I have to
Lesson 2
3. GRAMMAR Would: polite refusals / preferences

A. Look at the sentences below and the underlined verbs. C. Complete the conversation with words and phrases
Then answer the questions. from the box.
, Ilike shopping.
I'd like to go to the comedy show.
II prefer volleyball.
I'd prefer to see TheBig Wedding. '
Youwouldn 't like that movie. A: 1 plays?
I'd prefer not to go on Saturday morning. B: Yes, Ido.
A: 2 to go to the theater on Frid
1. Which sentences refer to general preferences and which to evening?
preferences in specific situations? B: Friday evening? l'd like to. but I cant. 3 ",_-c-
2. What is 'd an abbreviation for? don't we go on Saturday instead?
3. What form of the verb follows would like and would prefer?
A: l'm 4 , but I already have plans.
4. What are the negatives of would like and would prefer?
B: How about 5 something on Sunday?
B. Look at these ways to refuse an invitation. How do you There's a dance party in the evening.
say them in your language? A: A dance party? Ilike music, but 6 to go
l'm sorry, but I can't. to a concert.
l'd like to. but I am busy. B: There's a reggae concert on Tuesday at the university,
i'm sorry, but I already have plans. Another time?
_______ go to it!
A: That 8 great! Seeon Tuesday.
4. SPEAKING Refusing an invitation

Communicates in an appropriate form in diverse contexts.

Usescorrect communication strategies for different situations.

A. In pairs, make a list of free time events for university students. Complete the events calendar with yout, ideas.
Inelude times and locations.

Thursday Friday Saturday

B. Work in pairs. Look at the role cards. Write a conversation. Then switch roles and write another conversation.

C. Act out one of the conversations from memory for the elass.
lB Lesson 3 Do me a favor
Do you often ask people to help you? What kinds
of things do you need help with?

1. e))) I LlSTENING1I Conversations

Identifies, orders, and interprets explicit

and implicit information in a text in contexto
o Listening for specific information.

A. el)) listen to people making requests and circle the B. el)) Complete these responses to the requests.
correct option for each conversation. listen again to check.

1. Mr. Baileywants the report later in the day / tomorrow. 1. Ves, I can.
2. Doug wants / doesti't want to wash the dishes. 2. ,Mom.
3. Iane says ves / no to Kayla's request.
3. Sorry, but
4. Rita's dad can / can't take her to her friend's house.
4. Sure,

2. GRAMMAR Can and could for requests

A. Look at the sentences. Which ones ask someone to do something? Which express an answer? Write R (Request)
or A (Answer). Then decide which requests are more formal.

1. Could you give me my report this afternoon? O

2. Ves,of course I can. O
3. Could you give me a ride home today? D
4. Canyou take me to Carrie's house on Saturday? O
5. Sure, no problem. O
6. l'm sorry, but I can't, I have to go to the dentist. O
1. Which phrases do we use to ask someone to do something?
2. Which is more formal and polite for making requests, can or could?
3. Which phrases do we use to accept requests?
4. Which phrase do we use to refuse a request?

B. Unscramble the words to form requests. C. el)) listen to these requests. Notice the sound /d3/ that
connects Could and you. Then listen again and practice
1. help / you / my / me I ? / with / Can/ homework the sentences.

1. Could you help me for a few minutes?

2. repeat / you I Could / number one / ? / to / the answer
2. Could you please pass the salt?
3. Could you lend me five dollars?
3. you / Could / ? / explain / again / that 4. Could you give Sallya message,please?

4. you I me / give / ? / tomorrow / Could / a ride
We use can when answering a request, not could:
Could you drive me there?
5. Can/ help I my / ? / report / me / with / you Yes, I can. / Sorrv, I can 't. ,/
Yes, I could / Sortv, I couldn 't. X

Lesson 3 lB
3. READING Text messages

A. Find the abbreviations in the text messages that match the words in the box.

tonight be to eould later homework you at can are see CId We 90 to

the movies

R U OK? Sorty, lean '1. I

have 2 b home
early. ~
Yes,I'rn fine.

B. Match these abbreviations from text messages to their full forms.

1. THX a) please
2. 4 b) your
3. pis e) tomorrow
4. gr8 d) laughing out loud
5. LOL e) for
6. 2moro f ) thanks
7. ur g) great

C. Write these messages in their complete forms.

1. R u eoming 2 my party on Sat?

D. Write a message with a request. Use abbreviated forms

2. Cn u meet me @ lake's @ 47 when possible. "Send" your message to a classmate.
Then read your classmate's message and write an
answer accepting or politely refusing the request.

3. Cid I e u 2nite7 Pis! Request:Ud 'lA se.l1d ~e. 'lAY C\ddye.ss7

Answer: .s'lAYe. t's 9S Powe.H .st.

4. SPEAKING Making requests

Communieates in an appropriate form in diverse eontexts.

Useseorreet eommunieation strategies for different situations.

A. Think of two informal requests and one formal request that you want to make.
Write your requests on small pieces of papero

B. In pairs, practice making your requests and accepting or refusing your partner's requests.

C. Individually, walk around the classroom and make your requests to your classmates.
Give your pieces of paper to students who accept your requests.
lB Lesson 4 Pick me up at eight
In your group of friends or family, are you usually
the one who suggests a plan?

1. el)) 11 LlSTENING11 Conversations

Identifies, orders, and interprets explicit

and implicit information in a text in contexto
o General idea versus specific ideas.

A. el)) Listen to three conversations and circle the B. el)) Listen again and circle T (True) or F (False).
sentence that expresses the general idea of each one.
Conversation 1
Conversation 1 1. Don dcesn't know if Cathy
a) Don would like to go out with Cathy. likes him. T F
b) Don doesn't want to go out with Cathy. 2. Don definitely wants to invite
Cathy to go to the game
Conversation 2 on Friday. T F
a) Kate doesn't have her car today.
b) Kate goes out for lunch with her momo Conversation 2
3. Marsha probably has a caro T F
Conversation 3 4. Kate will call Marsha back. T F
a) Lucy wants Pete to have dinner with her parents tonight.
b) Lucy wants Pete to help her decide what to do tonight. Conversation 3
5. Lucy has to eat dinner with
her parents tonight. T F
6. Pete likes dancing. T F

2. GRAMMAR Object pronouns


A. Look at the sentences. Complete the table B. Circle the correct pronouns.
with the underlined object pronouns.
I can pick .I:Q1L up and drop .I:Q1L off after lunch. 1. What does he / him want to do tonight?
My mom wants me to help her in the house. 2. Canwe / us call they / them?
Ask her to go to the game with us on Friday!
3. They / Them don't want to have dinner with she / her.
l'd prefer not to have dinner with them.
Canyou look iJ. up? 4. We/ Us want to askhe / him to go to the party with we / uso
5. l/Me don't know if she / her wants to go out with l/me.
Subject Object
pronouns Pronouns Notice
Useobject pronouns with prepositions (with. to. from,
you next to, etc):
Ask her to go to the game with us on Friday! ,/
he him
Ask her to go to the game with we on Friday! X
she l'd prefer not to have dinner with them. ,/
it l'd prefer not to have dinner with they. X
3. VOCABULARV Phrasal verbs
Lesson Ll
A. Match the phrasal verbs with their definitions. Use the audioscript on page 79
and a dictionary if necessary.

1. pick up a) to leave a person or thing in a place

2. drop off b) to tell a person something
3. let know c) to collect a person or thing from a place

B. Complete the sentences with appropriate phrasal

verbs and object pronouns. Use the underlined subject
pronouns to help you decide the correct object pronoun.

1. 1 don't have a caroCanyou from the

party at 11:30?
When we use a pronoun (me, you, him, her, it, us, them),
2. She needs to plan the meal. Please _
it must go between the two parts of these phrasal verbs:
if you can come to dinner on Friday.
Wiyou pick me up after the party? ,/
3. Your laptop is at my house. Do you want me to Wiyou pick up me after the party? X
_______ at your house?

4. WRITING Conversation

Discussesand analyzes points of view on topics of general

interest in a critical and reflexive way.
Structures a text in a clear and coherent way.

A. In pairs, write polite requests for the following situations.

1. You want your mother to lend you some money.

2. You want your father to drop you off at a party at 8:00 p.m.
3. You want your father to pick you up from the party.
Ll. You want your son / daughter to let you know what time the party finishes.
5. You want your son / daughter to clean their bedroom.

B. Work in pairs. Look at the role cards. Write a conversation using the requests from Exercise 4A.

C. Exchange conversations with another pairo Check the conversations for mistakes. Focus on the following:
Are the requests and responses correct?
Are the object pronouns correct?
15 the conversation realistic?

lB Lesson 5 Eating out
What are your favorite Mexican dishes
and desserts?

1. READING Review

Identifies, orders, and interprets explicit and implicit

information in a text in contexto

A. Read the restaurant review and underline the words that are similar in your language (cognates).

B. Read the review again and say whether or not you think the restaurant critic recommends the restaurant.
Give reasons for your answers.

By ]ack Carlisle

2. el)) 11 LlSTENING11 Conversations

A. el)} Listen to the first of two conversations and choose B. el)} listen to the second conversation and answer
T (True) or F (False) for each statement. the questions.

1. Many people think Saznde Mxico 1. What problem do Rebeccaand Mike have?
is a good restaurant. T F 2. What solution does David suggest?
2. The man thinks his girlfriend 3. What time do they plan to go to the
would like the Poc Chuc dish. T F restaurant on Saturday?
3. The couple plans to go the
restaurant tonight. T F
4. They want to invite some friends
to the restaurant. T F

Lesson 5 lB
3. GRAMMAR Would: politeness

A. Look at the sentences. Circle all the examples of would B. Look at the sentences and answer the questions.
and underline the verb that foHows it. The first one is I recommend the chiles en nogada.
done for you.
l'd recommend the chiles en nogada.

QyOU like to try that Mexican restaurant? Yes,II:;;;;!ij) 1. Which sentence is more polite?
2. How do you say these sentences in your language?
I would definitely recommend it.
l'd prefer not to go tonight.
C. Look at the audioscript on page 79. Find more phrases
t'd lave too
with would and underline them.
Wouldeight o'clock be OK?
That would be fine.
The sound /d3 / that connects Could and you also connects
Would and you.
4. SPEAKING Role play

Communicates in an appropriate form in diverse contexts.

Communicates in English in everyday situations.

A. In pairs, think of a restaurant that you know. Complete the notes.

B. Work in pairs. Plan a telephone conversation between two friends. Friend A invites Friend B to go to the restaurant
in Exercise 4A. Use the audioscript on page 79 to help you.

C. Act out your conversation.

Compete cy Produceslogical discourse in a foreiqn language
according to the communicative situation.

SPEAKING Conversation

A. label the objects in the picture with the words from the box.

1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.

B. el)) Listen to the conversation in a restaurant D. With your partner, write a conversation between
and answer the questions. a customer and a server in a restaurant. Use the
audioscript on page 80 to help you. Inelude
1. What dish does the server recommend? the following:
2. What does the customer have to drink? Polite requests using would, could, and can
3. What problem does the customer have with the food? A recommendation from the server
4. Does the customer have dessert? A problem with something at the custorner's table
5. What question does the customer ask at the end of
the conversation? E. Act out your conversation.

C. In pairs, make a list of other problems

you could ha ve in a restaurant.
ke. -toad is c.ofd. is~'t l\~(1 sl\H.
Lesson 1
CRAMMAR Phrases for suggestions and acceptance

Suggestion phrases followed by ...

-- - - - -
to + verb verb verb + -ing
Would you like to make ... ? 1's look at ... 1 How about doing ... ?
Do you want to go ... ? Why don't we go ... ?

We use phrases like Would you like ... , Do you want ... , Why don't we ... , Let's ... , and How about ... to make suggestions.
We use phrases like]b.aLs.o.u.~ / cool / perfectL Sute, OK,i'd like that, Goodidea, Creat! to accept suggestions
and invitations.

Note: In informal or spoken English, it is common to use contractions:

l'd like to - 1would like to
Some expressions only exist in contracted form or are almost never used in full form:
Why don't you ./ Why do you not X
Let's ./ Let us (very formalj X

A. Complete the conversations with appropriate words and phrases.

Pete: Hev. Dave, 1

, we go hiking on Saturday? Alan: 5_____ to have dinner with me on Saturday
Dave: Sure.? . cool! evening?
Laura: Ves, 6_____ Iike that.
Mindy: Katia, 3 to go to Andv's party with me
on Friday? Chloe: 7_____ ,go swimming tomorrow.
Katia: Veah, that ~ Paul: Good 8----_!
? i

B,. Complete the crossword with the activity words that.match the pictures. Practice saving them with go.




Lesson 2
GRAMMAR Would: preferences / poli te refusals
Specific preferE!nces Poli te refusals
General preferences
l'd prefer an action movie. l'm sorrv. but I can't.
We like outdoor activities.
l'd like to go horseback riding. l'd like to. but ....
He prefers swimming to bicycling.
l'd prefer not to go to the concert. l'rn sorrv. but I already have
He doesn't like going the theatre.
I wouldn't like to see a play. plans. Another time?
I don't like comedy shows.

We use lik.e,prefer + noun I gerund (-ing form) I to + verbo Note: We say prefer not to:
l'd prefer not to go too late. .1
We use would like, would prefer + noun I to + verbo
t'd prefer to not go too late. X
The 'd is an abbreviation for would. .
I wouldn't prefer to go too late X

A. Match the invitations with the correct responses.

a) l'rn sorrv. but I can't. I have to clean my apartment

1. Would you like to go to the concert on Friday night?
2. Why don't we go to a movie this afternoon? this afternoon.
b) I wouldn't enjoy it because I don't like volleyball.
3. Do you want to go to the art show with me?
l'd prefer to go to the basketball game
4.'s go to the wornen's volleyball qame.
c) Sounds good. Where do you want to eat?
5. How about dinner and a movie tonight?
d) l'd love to. but I have plans for Friday night.
e) l'd prefer not to go to the art show. Why don't we
go shopping instead?

B. Write poli te refusals to the suggestions using the words in parentheses. Inelude reasons for your refusals.

1. Why don't we go to a movie tonight?

(can't) _

2. .et's go to the art exhibition this afternoon!

(sorry) .

3. Would you like to go to a football game on Saturday?

(prefer) _

4. Do you want to go to a play this weekend?

(would prefer) -'-- _
5. How about going running on Saturday?
(I'd like to) .

C. Complete the table with the words from the box.

~niOinon tRea~Fe stadum -eeneert pool- play tournament Ltniversity hall movie

Event Place
Lesson 3
GRAMMAR Can and could for requests

- - ---- - _--J Responses
We use can and could to make a request or ask
someone to do something for uso
FOfm,,1 Informal
Could you give me your . Can I borrow your pen7 Yes, I can. Note: When someone asks us for something,
phone number7 Sure. no problem. we answer with can or can't:
OK. Could you do me a favor?
Of course. Yes, I can. ./ Yes, I could. X
Sorry, I can't. Sorry, I can 't. ./ Sorrv, I cooldn't. X
A. Complete the requests with can or could and appropriate responses,' according to the situation.

A: Hey Lucy, 1 you give me your email address7 A: Ms. Marshall, 5 1possibly turn in my essay

B: Sure, no
. t s Iueyq@urmai I ...
l' on Tuesday7
B: Yes,you 6 . That's fine.

A: Excuseme, 3 .,--_ you get me these shoes

A: Karen, 7 you open that window71'm hot.
in a size eight7
B: 0(4 , sir. B: Sorry, 18 . lt's broken and it doesn't open.

B. Write an appropriate response to each request.

A: Can I ask you for a favor7 Do you think you could lend me A: l'rn sorry to ask, but could you help me with my
presentation7 I don't know how to use this computer
twenty dollars7
B: 1 __ programo
B: 3 __
A: I understand. Thanks anyway.
A: Thank you very much!
A: Hey, can you give me your cell phone number7
B: 2 __ A: Could you give me a ride to school tomorrow7
B: 4 _
A: Thanks.
A: That's OK. Don't worry.

C. Write the text messages in their complete forms.

Thx 4 ur help! CId u tCike en u ca"

me 2 fl,achel'S me 18r?

1. ___ 2. _ 3. __
Lesson LI
GRAMMAR Object pronouns

Subject pronouns Object pronouns

1--.- - I me
We use subject pronouns as the subject of a sentence.
Singular We use object pronouns instead of a noun when we
you you
already know what the noun is. We normally use object
he him
pronouns after a verb:
she her
We know jorge. Welike him ljorge).
it it
- we us Note: We also use object pronouns after prepositions:
you you He would like to go out with her.
they them Do you want to go to the game with us on Friday?

A phrasal verb is a two or sometimes three word verbo lt's a verb plus a word like in, on, up, out or after that changes its
meaning to make a new verbo

A. Unscramble the sentences.

1. doesn't / He / her / know L1.Would / to go / to the movies / me / you / like

2. her / give / message / Could / a / you 5. by car / He / takes / him / to school

3. I / ask / them / can'

B; Complete the conversations with the correct subject or object pronouns.

Emma: Hi, lack. Hi, Helen. Do 1 want to have a cup Grant: lt's my parents' anniversary. I want to give

of coffee with 2 ? 7__ a nice gift.

Helen: Oh, hi, Emma. Sorry, but 3 can't. Call 4 _

Cindy: Oh, it's my rnorn's birthday too. I have to buy
later! B__ a presentoWhy don't 9__ go shopping
together tomorrow?
Janie: I really like Michael, but he doesn't really talk Grant: Good idea. See 10__ tomorrow.
to '__ .
Sarah: Why don't you invite 6__ to the school dance?

C. Complete the note with the phrasal verbs in the box.

drop off pick up let know

t01Aid (j01A fossibf(j I_~. 11\.e. __ -PrOI1\. sc.kooR.

IA-fte.r eioss 11\.e. __ IAt .....(j de.-1.fisf's
o-f-tic.e.? tlAff 11\.e. fo 3__ l1\.e. __ bt;-1-ore. s p.l1\..

Lesson 5
GRAMMAR Would: politeness

Invitations I Poli te responses Polite refusals

Would you like to go to the movies? l'd lave too l' d preFer not too
How about having some lapanese Food? That would be Fine / great. l'd lave to, but I can't.
Why don't we go to a Japanese

We oFten use wou/d to be more polite.

More dired More poli te Note: An alternative way oF saving l'd prefer is l'd rother.
l'd rother eat sushi tonight. = l'd prefer to eat sushi
Is eight o' dock OK? Would eight o' dock be OK?
I would recommend vnn's Grill.
I recommend lvnn's Grill.
l'd rather not wake up ear/y on Sunday. = /'d prefer not
That is Fine. That would be Fine.
- to wake up ear/y on Sunday.

A. el)) Listen to the conversation and complete the sentences with Laura or Paul. Listen again to check.

1. ______ suggests going to a play on the weekend. LI. ______ would preFer not go to the Football game.

2. ______ would preFer to go to a movie. 5. __ --'- wants to watch TV shows.

3. ______ would preFer to go to the play on Friday.

-_-..-=--'----- ___ -----------------,

B. Read the review. The underlined sentences contain mistakes. Rewrite the sentences correctly.



7 1mean a REALLYgreat 2.
~~ wan~"ll
. 1--1 ",-,11 on Montrose Street
~b becue7 lhe~ p1l-:;arcpe
Lv;nnds \J Dkribs _ the best in tne
ar Try the beef an por ? No problem. 3.
in Houston refer dort't eat red meato b ut t tne
\Wou1d ou . Or~
sta t e. d hicken is amazmg. hide the
lhe barbecue c? ere's no sweet sauce to uality
~. lh 'J'ust Sl~w~cooked,top q_ . LI.
f the meat at Lynn s,. 7Wh don't ou t m
{lavor oi Ul~ ':id~:'oUlikes sbI1IlJll.
rneaL: ~pue~' 5.

__ ~

____~ ..

__ r: .\

C. Answer the questions about the restaurant review. Give reasons for your answers.

1. Does the review writer recommend Lvnn's Grill? 3. Do you have to eat red meat at lvnn's Grill?

2. Does lvnn's Grill have a large variety oF dishes? LI. Is vnn's Grill a good place For vegetarians to eat?
Stuff and things
Canyou name al! the things in your classroom in English?

1. el)) U L1STENING11 Descriptions

Understands and values the role oFlogical thought in communication in daily

and academic liFe.
o Making deductions.

A. Write each adjective from the box in the correct category.

C. In pairs, discuss logical ways to complete the


1. Do you know where my are?

-- They have rectangular green Frames.I need them
to read.
2. Shehas a Fantasticlittle . She uses it
Opinion Shape Forhomework.
3. Her birthday present is an expensive blue coat. lt has
triangular silver _
4. There is a comFortable big brown _
in the living room.
5. My brother drives a beautiFulblack sports

B. Add more words in these categori~0 D. el)) Now listen and write the rriissing words in the
your answers in pairs. sentences in Exercise 1(,

2. GRAMMAR Adjective order

A. Look at the adjectives in the sen ten ces in Exercise 1C C. the sentences that have the correct word
and write them on the lines. t the sentences with incorrect word order.

1. Ye.C-t&l. i-t a
1Al&l.r _ 1. There is a large brown book on the table. O
2. _
3. / _
2. She has a red ugly dress. D
4. _
3. ThereIs a blue large jacket in the closet. D
5. _
4. She wears big round sunglasses. D
5. They live in a beautiFullarge house. D
B. Number the adjective categories in the correct order
6. lt has round Fantasticwindows. O
from 1-4. Use the adjectives in Exercise 2A to help
you decide.

size EJ color O opinion O shape D

3. READINCi Dictionary

A. Read the definitions on the web page. What do all of these words have in common?

Tools I Mobtle Dictionary App I Search _

Vague Words
Sometimes you cannot think of a word or you do not want to use the exact word.
The following words are informal and are normally used when speaking.

, '
.o;J) about (adverb) approximately: She is about 22. It costs about $5.

'J)) around (adverb) approximately: There are around 200 people here. The movie 15 around 2 hours long .

ll) -ish (suffix) used with numbers and colors to mean similar to or approximately: Her eyes are greenish. Meet me at fve-sh.

"))stuff (uncountable noun) l. A varety of objects: Let me put all my stuff in my bago The cafetera has all knds of stuff to eat.
2. A substance or material: What is that green stuff 011 your shrt? I have the stuff we ned to make breakfast.

';J)) thing (countable noun) an object: What s the name of that thinq over there? Could you pass me that red thing on the desk?

B. As a class, make a Iist of similar words or phrases in your language. Are there any exact equivalents
to the words in English?

4. SPEAKINCi Descriptions

Communicates in an appropriate form in diverse contexts.

Usescorrect communication strategies for different situations.

A. Read the descriptions and write what you think each item is.

1. In my bag I have a rectangular black thing with buttons. I use it to call people.
lt's a _

2. It is round and silver. I wear it on my finger.

lt's a _
3. There's a large rectangular white thing in our classroom.
It has a grayish metal frame around it. lt's a _

B. Work in pairs. Write descriptions of three things; that are visible in your classroom.
Use adjectives from Exerclse 1A and words from Exercise 3A when possible.
It's IAbo1At :so c..1>C .e01-to'Y01A1ASe. it to JrlAw strlAio,.",t .ei1-te.s.(lA r1Ahr)

C. Work with another pairo_~ead your descriptions and let the other pair try to guess the objects.

Lesson 2 Living room makeover
In groups, make a list of ten items of furniture you
can find in a living room.

1. READING Magazine article

IdentiFies, orders, and interprets explicit and implicit inFormation in a text in contexto
o Grouping nforrnation.

A. Read the text and answer the questions.

3. How does the room Feel now?
1. What kind oF TV show is My Living Room Makeover?
2. What are the six criticisms oF the room beFore the makeover?

My Living Room Makeover: the TV show that visits your living room and makes it modern, fashionab!e, and nice to live in!
This month, Peter Jones tells us about his experience on the show. '

~ Before: This is my living room before the makeover. The

colors are awful, in the opinion of the My Living Room
Makeover experts. The walls are a disgusting light brown
color. The furniture is old and unfashionable. There are
metal shelvesfull of my books against the left wall. On
the left there is a dark red leather armchair, and next to it
are two uncomfortable grey plastic chairs. There are some
yellow curtains. They don't match with the walls or the
furniture. There is a hard wooden floor that is cold to walk
on. Finally,there is large rectangular wooden stand with the
TV on it. It takes up a lot of space.

~ After: This is my living room now. I love it! The room feels
clean, spacious, and comfortable. The walls are now white,
and the furniture is all new. There is an orange leather
sofa with a matching armchair, and the curtains are in the
trash. Instead there is a wooden blind, so now I can control
the light in the room. The floor has a soft wool rug that
is comortable to walk on. The TV is on a small metal TV
stand, so there is more space. Finally,there is a small sguare
glass coffee table with a red ceramic vase in the center of
the room.

B. Work in groups. Look at the underlined words in the text above and complete the table. Use dictionaries if necessary.

Size Shape Age Texture Color Material

disi1Ast i-ni} ofd

2. el)) I L1STENINGI Interview

A. el)) Listen to the interview. Read the sentences and clrcle T (True) or F (False).

1. The interview is about the show My Living Room Makeover. T F

2. The interview is about living room decoration. T F
3. After the interview, the I'l~xt part oF the show is the weather report. T F
Lesson 2
B. el)) Listen again and complete the sentences with words from the box.

1. This year the Iook is in s wz I 4. Do not paint your walls with cold colours like
2. Don't get furniture - it is so r.tst
year! Decorate the room with simple _
3. Plasticfurniture looks _ I mps and vases.
Do 't forget to choose ~ colours.

3, GRAMMAR Countable and uncountable nouns

A. Look at the sentences and underline the nouns. Then answer the questions.
,Thefurniture is o/d ond unfoshionob/e.
Thereis a brown /eother sofo with motching ormchoirs, ond the curtoins are in the trash.

1. Which nouns can be singular and plural? 2. Which noun is only used in the singular form?

B. Work in pairs and decide which nouns are C (Countable) and U (Uncountable).
Then circle the correct option in the sentences. Use a dictionary if necessary.

chair furniture '0 , money o coin o Notice

paint can of paint D fabric O curtain O Countable nouns can be singular
. stuff thing D or plural:
The walils brown.
The walls are brown.
1. There are three coiri: / money under the sofa.
Uncountable nouns only have a singular
. 2. The curtoins / fobric is a really nice color. formoThey are often nouns that describe
3. The choirs / furnitures are wooden. - groups, substances, or concepts that
4. This things / stuff is not fashionable. we cannot count. We cannot add -s
5. We needthree point / cons of paint: to these nouns:
Thefurniture is o/d. .1
Thefurnitures are o/d. )<

Works effectively in various team situations.

Expressesopinions openly while respecting the opinions of others.

A. Work in groups. Describe the room in the picture, including ,

things in the room, colors, and decorations.

B. Vour job is to redecorate this room. Discuss and make

a list of chanqes you want to make. -
A: :I 60",,'t iij(e- tke- Mior o-t tke- WfAns. L-e-t's pfAi""t
tke- rool1Cayu--n.
B: &ood ide-fA. A""d wk('j 60",,'t we- p1A1' ('je-How C-1ArtfAi""s
o"" tke- wi",,60ws.

C. Draw and color a picture of th redesigned room.

D. Present your room to the class.

Lesson 3 Classroom update
Are the classrooms in your school attractive? What
could you do to help make them more attractive?

1. el)) 11 LISTENING11 Conversation

Identifies, orders, and interprets explicit and implicit

information in a text in context.
o Listening for specc information.

B. ~ll) Listen to the conversation. What do the students

A. Match the objects to their names . .use a dictionary
plan to do on the weekend?
if necessary.
C. el)) Listeri again. In pairs, complete the shopping list ..
Listen again to check.

~c - ---


a) furniture polish O e) a broom O ,

b) a mop O f ) a paintbrush O
c) paint O g) glass cleaner O
d) a bucket O h) fabric D
2. GRAMMAR Quantifiers (1)

A. Look at the questions. Circle the correct option for each rule. ,
How many paintbrushes do we need?
How much fabric do you need? Notice
Materials and liquids are usually uncountable but we can
1. We use much / many before a countable noun rnake them contable using containers or quantities:
in a question. How much paint do we need?
2. We use much / many before an uncountable noun How many /iters / cans of paint do we need?
in a question.

B. Choose much or many for eac" question.

1. How much / many glass cleaner is there in that bottle?

2. How much / many buckets do we need?
3. How much / many water is in the bucket?
4. How much / many paint do we need?
5. How much / many mops do we have?
6. How much / many cans'of dusting spray are there?
3. READING Artiele
Lesson 3
A. Re_adthe artiele and look at the pictures. Underline the painting materials you need for this project in the texto

How to Paint a Room

Do you want to paint a room? Here's how:
Plan'your paint. project for two days. The first day you prepare and the second
day you paint. Bfore you start, cakulate the amount of paint you
need: an_eliter
of paint covers approximately11 ~.' , .
Buy your painting materials: the quanflty of paint for your project, painter's tape, .
paintbrushes, paint rollers, paint tray, and plastic sheets, .
Now it is time to prepare the room. Move all fumiture and pictures away from
the walls. Then clean the wall surface. After that. put the painter's tape on areas
. 1 you want to protect from paint. like electrical outlets and switches. Cover the
floor arid furniture with plastic shee.ts. .
On the second day, the room is ready to paint. First, paint the corners of the
room, the to the cellLng and the floor with a brush. After that, prepare
to paint large areas of the walls with a roller. f0!r: some paint into a paint tray
.. and cover tbe roller with paint Then paint the wall wth vertical movements. Waif
until the paint is Q!:y: Then apply a second coat of paint. .
. .

B. Number the instructions in the correct order. Then read the artiele again to check your answers.
_'Paint the corners of the room with a paintb~Ll h. _ Buy your painting supplies.
_1_ Calculate the amount of paint you need, Clean the surface of the walls.
_ Move the furniture away from the walls. _ Paint the walls with a paint roller.
'_ Use painter's tape and plastic sheets to protect the roo

C. Look at the underlined words and discuss what you thin ttt y mean in your language.

4. SPEAKING Discussing a project

Works effectively in various team situations.

Suggestscourses of action and / or solutions to problems in team projects.

A. r.tork in small groups. Choose a place in your school B. Make a list of things you need for your project.
to decora te (your elassroom, the dining room, the Inelude quantities .
. principal's office, etc.). First, decide what you want to do.
A: Wk.l)' do-y.'f we.\fe. tk.e. di-y.i-y.(j roolll.?
ES:OK. L.e.f's pt:\i-y.f tk.e. wt:\ffs.
A: YMk., b1At t-irsf ie.t's de.t:\-y. tVt.e. t-xoor t:\-y.d
tk.e. wi-y.dows. '
ES:Wk.t:\t t:\bo1At ... ?

C. Present your ideas to the elass.

Lesson LI Add to basket
Do you ever use shopping websites? What for?
Is there anything you wouldn't buy on the
internet? Why not?

1. READINGWeb page

Identifies, orders, and interprets explicit

and implicit information in a text in contexto
o Inferring.

A. Read the website below and choose T (True) or F (False) for each statement.

F 4. The price next to each item is the total

1. You can sell a car on this website. T F
F price you payo T
2. The items for sale on this pa"geare second-hand. T F
F 5. You can pay with a money order in dollars.-T
3. A person in Mexico can buy things on this site. T

View basket 1iii!11

Easy ordering system
Electronics Exchange Click on "Buy".
Review your basket
Put in name, shipping address, payment
Blueve" ceflphone (Wi-Fiand 3G, 5MP camera) information, and billing address.
......... , ~ o ~ .- ', ~ o'' , i.. .
$148.50 Confirm your order.
SmartlAM phone (touch scieeo, Wi-Fi,3G, 10 MP camera)
........ ~ ~ , 0,0' , o ~. .. ,' 'M _ _ ~ ~._. 0 _o
- 0'

$83.75 Forms of payment: credit card, debit card,

OniQnce" phrre (1MP
~_ , . r
~.o. ,. . ' o., o. _0_' ' 0.'._' u, __ .,~. _.. , _ .. ~. o. 0 , 0 o., .0_" r. ~.-
money order, or electronic bank transfer
$1,180.00 No cash or personal checks
Action mini-book laptop (Memqry 200GB, ocesso: 1.1 GHz) No shipping charge within the continental US
, "'0" , ~ , ~u , u o "0 ~ ~ , , ,_,~""d"""""- 0 ._ O'" _

$740.00 For international shipping charges, cid hele.

Havenlaptop, 15ioches(Memory 500C;;B,Processor23 GHz) All prices are in US dollars. Add 7% sales tax
r _ ~ r _-o' ._ r............................................... 1 _ .

to all prices .
Cybere-reader(5" screen,Wi-Fiand 3G) $55.00
................ U_ d , L ._, , L , ,

, ~ . '"i. _ _

B. Work in pairs. Talk about which items on the web page you would Iike to buyo Give reasons.
:r. wOlilo fi<e- to blil1 tiA.e- ... be-e.OllSe- rt 's ciA.e-Olp I lise-f.lif I Ol 0000 pre-se-.-;tt I Ol 1'\.e-w ~ooe-f ...

2. e))) IIUSTENING11 Conversation

C. e))) Listen and complete the prices.
A. e))) Listen to a conversation about the web page.
Which tem do the speakers decide to buy? 1. $2,600: two six dollars.
2. $10.50: dollars and fifty -----.
B. e))) Listen again and answer the questions.
3. $306: hundred and dollars.
1. Are there any desktop computers for sale? 4. $2.99: two dollars and cents.
2. Why can't they buy a computer?
3. How much is the DVDplayer?
. 4. Is the e-reader expensive?
There are different ways of saving prices:
Two doffars and ninety-nine cents.
Two ninety-nine.

Lesson L1
3.. GRAMMAR Quantifiers (2)

A. Look at the sentences in the table. Write the la beis in the box in the correct places to complete the table.

_______ statements _______ statements

'_------ nouns There are several phones. An e-reader is a good present, but there
There are a few laptops. aren't many oFthose. "
There are many websites that sell electronics,

._------ nouns We can buy it Forjust a little money. That lsn't much money Fora nice DVDplayer.

_------nouns There are some good computers too. There aren't any desktop computers.
There's some good music on this CD. I don't have any money right now.
There's a lot of electronic equipment Forsale. Vou don't need a lot oFcredit cards.
I have a lot of CDs. Vou don't need a lot oFcash.

B. Look at the sentences in the table again and focus on the words in bold in the middle column. Which words express
large quantities and which express small quantities?

C. Complete the conversation with appropriate words.

Vvonne: I want to buy a Christmas giFtFormy sister. Notice

Kevin: How about an e-reader? When we ask Yes/ No questions about
Vvonne: Are there ' e-readers on this site? unknown quantities we use any:
Kevin: Ves,there are 2 e-readers. In Fact,there are Do you have any tablets? ,
Are there any laptops with DVDburners?
, 3__ ~ with wireless connection, and there
are ~ with wireless connection and 3G.
Vvonne: How much do they cost?
Kevin: Well, here's a nice one For$79.
Vvonne: O~, that isn't 5 money, and t's a really good present!

4. SPEAKING Discussing products on a website

Cornrnunicatesin an appropriate Formin diverse contexts.

Expressesideas in linguistic, mathematical, or visual Forms.

A. Work in small groups. Make a list of items you have C. Exchange web pages with another group. Discuss the
(cell phones, computers, and other electronic. equipment) products you want to buy from their site.
to sell on a website. Decide on a price for each item. A: An tlA.e.n l\1<1.(1c.e.P.1pIA.01<1.e.s?
A: :r: W1H1.t to se.fP.
111;~ 2ipp(1 MP3 PP.l\(1e.y 8: 'tes, tlA.e.n l\Yf.. sevevol: This 01<1.e.IA.l\S l\1<1.d4-&.
8: How l'\.iAC.lA.? C'..: How l'\.iAC.1A.
doe.s it c.ost?
A: AboiAt twe.1<1.t(1do.Hl\Ys. 8: :r:t 's 4-00 pe.sos.

B. Decide how you want to organize your list of sale items

(by type of item, price, etc.). Design a web page like the
one in Exercise 1A. Inelude prices and details about
the items.
Lsson 5 On sale
When you shop. do you look for sales and special
offers? When is the best time of year for special offers?

1. READINGAdvertisement

Identifies and interprets the general idea and direction of a text in

a. foreign language using background knowledge and context.
o Identifying purpose and target audience.

A. Look quickly at the ad below and answer the questions. B. Read the ad and discuss the questions in pairs.

1. What type of store is the ad for? 1. What is the purpose of this ad?
2. Do you read these types of ads?Why / Why not? 2. Who do you think the ad is for?
3. Where can you find ads like these? 3. Are only the things listed in the ad on sale?
LI. Why does the'~ show the items i categories?

oGraduation specials - give the perfect gift to your graduating senior!

Hamilton laptop All-in-one printer, copier, and scanner 46" LEDTV
$525.00 - Now $325.00 Top brands - Now 30% off $1,100 - Now $800

o Plan ahead for next year!

Backpacks Printer paper Computer ink
$45 - Now $20 $8 - Now half price $7-$19 - Now 40% off
on al] brands

2. e))) 11 LlSTENINGU Conversations

A. e))) Listen to two conversations at Garrison Supply and circle ~.e things in the ad aboye that the shoppers talk about.

B. e))) Choose the corred option for each sentence. Then listen to Conversation 1 again and check your answers.

1. )amie's language is / is not very polite. LI. The price of the laptop this week is $325.00 / $400.00.
2. The problem with the first laptop is that it is big / small. 5. )amie buys / doesn't buy the computer immediately.
3. The second lapt~p weighs about five / two pounds.

C. e))) Listen again to Conversation 2 and answer Notice

the questions.
We use this / these to indicate objects that are
1. 15 Brenda interested in the TVs?Why / Why not? near and that / those for objects that are far:
This laptop is a standard size. That one
2. Doesshe want to buy a digital camera? Why / Why not?
(over there) is smaller.
3. Why.does she decide to buy the cel! phone? 1ImI";~;~
Thesecameras are on sale. Thosecameras
(over there) are on sale too.
Lesson 5
3. GRAMMAR Offers and requests

A. Write these sentences in the correct column of the table.

Can I help you? Thank you very much. We'd like to look at your laptops.
Would you like to see a specific model? Yes,please. Could I see a smal/er one?

Offers .Requests Responses

Let me know if you have any questions. Could you lend me ten dollars7 Sure, no problem.

B. Look at the examples in the table and think about the two conversations in the store. Circle the correct answer.

1.. What makes a eonversation formal and polite7'

al the language the speakers use
b) the tone of voiee the speakers use
el both

C. Match the sentencMalves.

1. Good morning. Can I al is it?

2. I would like bl if you have any questions.
3. How mueh el help you7
j. Could I dl to look at some digital cameras.
5. Let me know el try it?

4. SPEAKING Role play

Communieates in an appropriate form in diverse eontexts.

Communieates in English in everyday situations.

A. Work in pairs. Read the role cards and write a conversation

between a store clerk and a customer.

Rofe. CI,\r6 f,
Y01A.I,\re. 1,\ cfe.ri( i-t\ I,\-t\
de.c hO-t\ics store.. &re.e. +
tlA.e. C1A.stOIll-e.rI,\-t\d o.f;fe.r to,
lA.e.fp. A-t\swe.r tlil-e. C1A.sto~r s
B1A.e.stiO-t\S. .:

B. Practice your conversation several times. Then switch roles.

C. Decide which role each of you will have. Practice your conversation once more. Then act out your conversation
for another pairo
Competency Expresses ideas and eoneepts in a eomposition
in a struetured, ereative, and eoherent way.

A. Look at the list of utilities and services. In pairs, discuss which bilis your family pays.
Number them in order from the most expensive to the least expensive.

_ eleetrieity
_ rent / mortgage
_ cable / broadband / telephone
_ eell phone
other _

B. Read the blog below and answer the question.

1. Who does the text give adviee to?

al Families.
bl University proFessors.
el Students in shared aeeommodation.

Previous Balance
Paymenls and Credits
Purchases and Bal. Transfers
Inleresf "'
'ew Balance

~":Z~ %_.':~S
de "en~_c
Peter23 says: In my experience, it is important to take
responsibility for your share of the bilis. If you do
We live in a shared house - there are four of us, not, it can cause conflict between you and your
so we share most of the bilis. We divide the gas, housemates. I would recommend the following:
water, electricity, gas, rent, cable, and internet bilis Open a bank accoullt for your expenses.
equally. Here is a list of our total average monthly Always check you have enough money in
expenses: the bank to pay your share each month each
Rent $1000 month.
Water: $60 Planyour mOllthly fillances so that you know
Gas: $80 how much you can spend each week. Do not
Electricity: $120 overspend!
Cable, broadband, and telephone $80 Do Ilot borrow money from friends or
housemates if you cannot oay it back.

C. In groups, read the text again and answer the D. Look at the underlined money phrases in the texto In
questions. grouJ>s,decide how do you say them in your language.

1. How many people live in the shared house? E. Interview your parents about your family's monthly
2. These are the average monthly bilis. What does average bilis. Use the following ideas in a logical order to write
mean? a paragraph about them:
3. In total, how mueh does eaeh student pay on average The average total eost of the bilis per month
For the monthly shared bilis? Your opinion about how mueh your Family pays
LI. Why is it important to pay your share of the bilis on time? Whieh bilis your Family pays
S. Do you agree with the three pieees of advice? What the average eost is for eaeh bill every month
Why / Why not?
Le son
GRAMMAR Order of adjectives

Sometimes we use more than one adjective to describe a noun. When we use more than one adjective, we use the following
order: opinion, size, shape, color. When we use several adjectives to describe the same noun, we generally do not use commas
to separate them:
A big blue notebook. e:::>
A medium-sized rectangular box. Q L\
A delitious big red apple.

Note: When we use several adjectives, we always place opinions (delicious) before facts (big / red).

A. Write the adjectives from the box in the correct category.

~ Gini;6Iler pretty orsnqe J;i~ meciitJffi-si~6- f!}f-a't -enormous hexagonal purple 8w~ul oval

/ Color
Size /' Shape

// ~--

/ c//
/ .:
B. Find and circle eight adjectives from this C. Unscramble the words to rnake sentences.
lesson in the word search. Then write
them in the correct category in the table 1. a / table / round / large / There's / our / classroom / in
in Exercise A.

2. cousin / My / backpack / nice / has / a / red

E V W i K J O V ve O ~----------~--------~,
T R I A N G U X l,A R


Al Lx'
3. laptop / has / Marty / an / expensive / purple
y U ti 11 M F Y B vI( K
4. classroom / an / white board / Our / rectangular / has / big
G W E I F I R 0,/ / N D

A T N U P B L.)) H o O ------------------------~)<
5. to / have / like / a / sports car / l'd / red / beautiFul
Lesson 2
GRAMMAR Countable and uncountable nouns

In English,some nouns are countable. They can be singular and plural.

Add -s to most nouns Add -es to nouns that Nouns that end in f or fe Irregular nouns
end ss, sh, eh, and x become ves
room - rooms box - boxes wife - wives man - men
table - tables watch - watches shelf - shelves person - people

Some nouns are uncountable. They are groups, substances, or concepts that we cannot divide into separate elements, so we
cannot "count" them. We do not use them with a /an:
furniture .1 a furniture )<
music .1 a music )<

Note: When we use several adjectives to describe a noun, we use the following order:

Opinion I
I size Ishape lage I texture I color I material

A. Match the countable nouns to their uncountable group nouns.

1. coin a) fabric v
2. armchair b) money -c/
3. exercise e) stuff x
4. curtain d) music v
5. thing e) homework '\(
6. song f) furniture x

B. Write the plural forms of the nouns.

~ J 9. dish J 13. person

1. child 5. fox
2. bed J 6. knife v 10. room J 14. table v'
3. book J 7. leaf v 11. half v' 15. peach v
4. man -./ 8. beach J 12. woman J 16. life V

C. Complete the phrases with an appropriate adjective

from the box.

round big wool old ceramic soft gray

1. a white vase
2. a soft white 1ug
3. an ~oden table
4. a black leather sofa
.j .
5. a big red fruit bowl.
6. a hard ~Iastic chair.
Lesson 3

GRAMMAR Quantifiers (1)

Note: We can use containers to make uncountable nouns
We use How much and How many to ask about quantities.
A can of paint. Two bottles of glass cleaner.
We use How many for countable nouns:
How many cans of paint do we need?
How many paintbrushes do we need?

We use How much for untountable nouns:

How much paint do we need?

A. Complete the questions with how much or how many.

Sara:'s make a list of things we need to p~ur classroom.

Thomas: Good idea. First, 1 paint do we need?
Andrew: We need two cans of paint. e, /

Thomas: Two cansoOK. 2 pain~es do we need?

Amanda: Let's get six paintbrushes.
Thomas: OK.Six paintbrushes. And 3 ~ng solution do we need?
Andrew: I think we need two bottles of cleaning solu~~n/
Thomas: Two bottles. OK.~. rollers d~eed?
Sara:'s get three rollers.
OK.That's paint, paintbrushes, cleaning solution, and rollers. What about buckets? s..!.h-,--,=---,-,-,-~,--_
do you want?
Andrew: I think one bucket is enough.
Sara: Oh! One more thing! What about plastic to cover the floor and furniture? 6__""'()c""_...l.........:....;.._!.=.-'..-"--l
Amanda:'s get three sheets of plastic.

B. Complete the crossword puzzle.



=I 1-
Lesson ~
GRAMMAR Quantifiers (2)

Nouns Affirmative Negative We use quantifiers to talk about the quantity of
Countable several e-readers not many CDs something.
many CDs
a fe"" computers Note: For large quantitieswe useseveral, o lot of.
For small quantities we use o few, o little.
Uncountable a little money not much money
- - not much, not mony. We use not ony when
Both countable and some laptops not any laptops we don't have anything. We usesome for an
uncountable some money not any money indefinite quantity.
a lot of equipment not a lot of equipment To ask questions about quantity we use any:
a lot of CDs not a lot of CDs Do you hove ony flotscreen TVs?

A. Complete the conversation with appropriate quantifiers.

justin: I need to buy a birthday present for my brother. I think I want to buy something electronic.
Danny: Here is a good electronics website.'s look and see what they have.
justin: Wow! There's 'o lot / mony of equipment here! Good!
Danny: How 2mony / much money do you want to spend?
justin: I don't want to spend more than $100.
Danny: Well, there are 30 Iittle / o few computers here, but they all cost more than $100. Oh, look!
There are "sorne / ony DVDplayers here.
justin: Do you see 5much / ony e-readers?
Danny: Ves,but there aren't "severa! / mony options. There only three.
justin: I can buy a DVDplayer. That way, I can buy "sorne / much DVDstoo.
Danny: Yeah.The DVDplayer is only $59.95,50 there's 80 little / o few money left to buy the DVDs.
justin: I think that's what I want to do. Thanks for helping me.

B. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

forms of payment cash credit card debit card money order

electronic bank transfer personal checks sales tax shipping charge

1. There are four possible for your purchase.

2. It is necessary to give your card number if you pay by or _
3. Pleasedo not send through the mail. We are not responsible for lost money.
4. We do not accept from customers.
5. You can buy a or make an _
6. There is an 8% on all purchases.
7. For purchases over $50, there is no Shipping is free.

c. .))) Listen and write the price you hear.

1. _ 3. _ 5. _ 7. _
2. _ 4. _ 6. _ 8. _
GRAMMAR Offers and requests

Offers Requests Responses

Let me know if you have any Could you lend me ten dollars? Sure, no problem.
questions. I need some printer papero Yes,of course.
CanI help you? l'd like to look at the memory sticks. Fine.
Would you like ... ? Could I see a smaller one? Thank you very mucho

A. Number the sentences to form a conversation.

_1_ Good morning. Can I help you? _ It looks good. How much is it?
_ lts on sale for $179. _ OK, these all print, sean, and photocopy.
_ Not really. I want an all-in-one, but I dont know which _ Yes,that's one of our most popular printers. It has very
one to get. good print quality.
_ Yes,please. l'd like to look at your printers. _l_l You're welcome.
_ OK, I need to think about it. Thank you very mucho _ Would you like to see a specific model?
_ Could you tell me about this H-23X model?

B. Complete the conversation with appropriate offers, requests, and responses.

ConversationOne Conversation Three

A: Good evening. 1 you? A: Hi. I want to buy a new cell phone.
B: Yes,please. I need some ink cartridges for my printer, B: 5 to see a specific model?
two black and one color.
A: No, 6 look at several models, please.
A: Here you are. Do you need anything else?
B: No, thats it. 2 very mucho

_______ try out this laptop?

B: Yes,of course you can try it. 4 know if
you have any questions.

C. Complete the sentences with the words and phrases from the box.
50% ten ounces pounds on sale 17 inches sales

This cell phone weighs about _

That's a big computer screen. lt's about _
Laptops are off this week only!
I don't like that laptop. It weighs almost five _
Everything in the store is this weekend.
You can get really good deals when stores have _
On the runway
Make a list of ten items of clothing that you wear a lot.

1. VOCABULARV Clothing materlals

A. Write the words from the box in the correct places.

..iR?] ~., 7"":-::r.J

-slk d.aHier ctton- ;riylciii ~g~rilf\n'I,
- ~

1. a _~ jacket 2. a ~ 'l-shirt 3. a bathing suit

4. ______ jeans 5. a sweater 6. a ~_scarf

B. Work in pairs. List the materials that these items are commonly made of:

1. shirts and blouses: ~ __ 3. underwear: _ 5: scarves: _

2. pants: _ 4. shoes: _ 6. jackets: _

2. e))) I LISTENINGl Commentary

Understands and values the role of logical thou

in communication in daily and academic life.
Prediction using visual support.

A. el)) Look at the pictures. Make a list of the clothes you

think are mentioned in the fashion show. Listen and check.

B. e))) Listen to the fashion show narrator. Complete the

descriptions of the clothes.

Carrie: a purple
1 dress. Melissa: a brown 7

a gray 2 scarf, an orange 8 top,

3 pink s~oes brown 9 boots
Danny: a red ~ Hawaiian Robert: blue 10 jeans, a
shirt, yellow 5 green 11 T-shirt,
shorts, a blue 6 cap white 12 sneakers.

3. GRAMMAR Present progressive: affirmative and negative

A. Look at the sentences and circle T (True) or F (False).

Donny is weoring a red cotton Howoiionshirt.
He isn't weoring ony sonda/s.

1. The sentences describe a routine.

2. The sentences describe an action in progress at the time of speaking. T F
3. The present progressive is formed with the verb be + verb + -ing. T F
Ll. The negative form of the present progressive is the verb be + verb +not + -ing. T F

B. Complete the sentences in the table describing the models in Exercise 2 to illustrate the rule.
Remember, the sentences can be affirmative or negative.

Subject Verbbe Verb +-ing Complement

Danny carrying a denim cap.
Melissaand Robert

C. In pairs, write down three things that your partner is wearing and three things that your partner isn't wearing .

.4. SPEAKING Fashion show

Discussesand analyzes points of view on topics of general

interest in a critical and reflexive way.
Structures a text in a clear and coherent way.

A. Read the audioscript on page 80 and underline the

words first, second, next, and finolly. What information
do these words give?

B. In groups, plan a fashion show. Decide on the following:

Who the models and who the hosts are
What clothes the models are wearing
What colors, materials, labeis, etc. the dothes are
What the model sequence is (use the sequence words from
ExerciseLlAto help you)

C. In groups, practice your fashion show and then act it

out for the class.
Firsf 'lAp is Pt:\bfo. P~bio is"i1o\O t:\ w!;"'ite.
eott01o\ T -skirt I o: p1Arpe. de:1o\iltLJt:\cKe. t J t:\1o\d
wkite. cott01'l s!;...orts. Ve.r(1 1o\ic.?--.
Lesson 2 What's in the news?
Do you watch the news? Why / Why not?

1. VOCABULARV Events in the news

A. In groups, think of events in the news at the momento

Discuss the details.
:l-}tte-r-}t{,\tio1tt{,\f 1tte-wS: lv1icke-ffe- ob{,\01I-{,\ is vislti1-1.)t lv1e-xico . r
N{,\tlO1-1.{,\f 1-1.e-ws: The-re- IS (,\ de-l1t,01ttstn1.tlo1-1. 01-1. Re-f'orl1t,{,\
Ave-1tt".le- ...

B. Look at the picture of an event in the news.

What is happening and where?

C. Write the following activities from a concert in the columns.

Use a dictionary if necessary. Then compare with a partner.

check securlty 'ta '~Pif~Tes11*9; 'P~~~~,~ti:~s.}play muste se" Tshirts '9fkra1Y~.!

__Sl~~ _G~k the SC);l;Jds~nhe
~.t.Qp',tr?lJjg ligbts wave goodbye to Fans wait

The musicians The fans The press Audio and light Vendors
The police

2. el)) 11 LlSTENING11 News report

IdentiFies,orders. and interprets explicit and implicit inFormation in a text in co~'t0ct:.

Understanding chronological order.

A. e))) Read the list of activities from a concert. In pairs, decide on a logical order.
Then listen and check your answers.

The Fansare going home. The press photographers are taking pictures.

Shakira is singing and dancing. The Fansare arriving at the Zcalo.

Shakira and her band are waiting to perForm. _1_ The police are closing the streets.

B. el)) In pairs, predict the missing words in the sentences. Then listen again and check.

1. Some Fansare raincoats.

2. Some police oFFicersare security.
3. Techniciansare checking the and the lights.
4. The Fansare crazy.

Lesson 2 2B_
3. GRAMMAR Present progressive: questions

A. Look at the audioscript on page 80. Cirele the verbs ending in -ing. Then write them in the correct column.

Spelling rules for adding -ing

Verb + -ing Verbs that end in e Verbs that end in consonant + vowel + consonant

\ . \

B. Read these sentences. How do we form information and Yes I No questions?

What are you doing? l'm waiting for Sbaklra's concert.
Is Shakira singing? Yes,she is.

C. Look at the audioscript on page 80 again and find more examples of present progressive questions and answers.
Write them in the table .

.Yes I No Questions Short Answers Information Questions

"Ls slAe- s 110 i11(Y1 WIA(1.
t (1.Ye- l)0'IA do i110 r ialAt ~,tOw


D. Unscramble the questions.

""~ 3. the / are / the / ?/ police / Why / streets / closing
1. _si_ng_i_ng_/_W_h_a_t_/_iS_/_7_.
_/_Sh_a_k_ir_a_~, ~_ -. ~ \

2. taking / you / ? / Are / picture / a '\ Ll. Is / ? / home / going / he

'- \

Works effectively in various team situations.

Works positively in team projects according to his / her
knowledge and skills.

A. A famous person is visiting your city I country. In groups,

. decide who the person is and the reason for his I her visito

B. Plan the details of the visito Inelude the following aspects:

What this person is doing at different times during the day
Who this pecson is meeting
What other people are doing because of this persons visit

C. in groups, discuss your ideas and prepare a reporto

Imagine you are at the scene of the events.
8:30 (1..tII..PIi11M Wi.Hi(1.tII.o-t ~110.e(1.11d ( wif'e. (1.Ye-
(1.Y"Y"ivi110(1.t Be-11lto S'lAt\Ye-t (1.irport. Re-porte-r-s (1.Ye- t(1.)(i110
pic.t'IAre-s. Now tlAe- C.01Apie- ( of'f' tlAe. pR.(1.11e-.
The.l) (1.Y'B-Wi1.Vi110to tlAe- pe-opie-.

D. Read your report to the elass.

Lesson 3 School days
What extra activities does your school have?
Which ones do you participate in?

1. READING School newsletter

Identifies and interprets the general idea and direction of a text

in a foreign language using background knowledge and context.
Headings and titles.

A. Read the school newsletter. Write the headinqs in ,the correct places in the texto

Goodbye to Barton!
What are Barton students doing this month?
Getting ready torflnal exams!
Barton High School Newsletter
1. _ 2. . ~3.
hiSis the last month of school, and Everyyear in May, Ms. Thompson'scivics Seniorstudentsare preparingto
T that meansthat we are all studying
hard for final exams.Hereare a couple
classdoesa community serviceproject.
Thisyear,the students in her class
graduate! Many seniorsare waiting
for acceptanceletters from universities
are working on a recyclingcampaign. around the country. Othersare planning
of study tips:
Tryto study before dinner. Most They're making postersand flyers to to get a job, and they are interviewing
people feel sleepyafter dinner, and convincepeople in the community with prospectiveemployers.Good luck
they don't concentrate very well. to recycle.EverySatutdayin May, her to you all!
Turn off your cell phone and your students are working in recyclingcenters The SeniorPromcommittee is planning
email notification. Peoplestudy at local supermarkets.Pleaseaskyour the final'detailsof the SeniorProm.The
better without distractions. family and neighborsto participate in Promis on May 17 at the PalaceHotel.
RecyclingSaturdays! Don't forget to buy your Promtickets!

B. Read the newsletter again and answer the questions.

1. In what month does the school year end in the US? LI. How does the senior classcelebrate its graduation?
2. What are all students doing now? 5. What does the civics class do every year?
3. Why is it a good idea to study before dinner? 6. What is the civics classdoing this year?

2. GRAMMAR Present progressive vs. simple present

A. Look at the timelines and choose the correct option for each statement.

Events that happen every year

In November In May The 2nd week of May The end of May 1. We use the simple present / present
progressive for facts or for routine events
that happen regularly. '
S~i'tioV's Th~ civics Si 1Ad~i't +s S~i'tioV's: 2. We use the simple present / presen:
IAppilr to eioss do~ s tlAf(~ tlrc~iV' +
OV'lAd1AOte . proqressive for events that are happening at
1Ai'tiy&V'sit ie.s. lA pr~j~c_ t . -tii'tlAf ~XIAI1CS. the time of speaking or writing.
Events that are in progress at the moment
B. Look back at the newsletter. Underline
three examples of facts or routine events
and circle three examples of events in
Present Future progress.
S~i'tioV's OtV'&wlAitii't7l' fo Irc~OtV'
-Ftr~11C 1Ai'tiy~V'siti~s.
Lesson 3
C. Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in parentheses in present simple or present progressive.

1. We (wait) for my grandmother to call. She usually (call) at this time every evening.
2. What you (do) right now? (be) you busy?
3. My class (do) a report on Englisharound the world. Mariv people in the world (speak)
Englishas a second language.
Ll. We (do) a special project in history class, and I (enjoy) it.
5. lt's six thirty, and I (try) to finish my homework. We always (eat) dinner at seven.

3. el)) 11 LISTENING11 School announcements

A. el)) Listen and notice the pronunciation of the -ing form of verbs. Practice saving them.

verb + -ing verb with y + -ing

talking playing
waiting enjoying
going studying
doing hurrying
working applying

B. el)) Listen to the school principal's announcements. Check (.1') the things he talks about.

a football game o Ll. a special student lunch o

a visit to a museum O 5. a project to clean up the school O
flyers for an art sale O 6. a problem with trash
C. el)) Listen again and cirele T (True) or F (False) for each statement.

The science class has a visit to the Ll. The art sale is next Friday. T F
science museum this morning. T F 5. AII of the students are putting their
Mr. Harrison's class is meeting in the trash in trash canso T F
parking lot. T F 6. There are no trash cans in the school. T F
The art students are planning to sell
some of their arto T F

4. WRITING School newsletter

Developsideas and solutions to problems using established cognitive processes.

Structures a text in a clear and coherent way.

A. Work in groups. Make two lists: things that are happening C. Crea te your newsletter. Follow these steps:
in your school now and things that happen every year.
Decide on the order of the entries in the
M_t!.:l-.e-_~Q~_e-21,t ~ve-y1tV'/?-@Y newsletter.
We. iAY'e. st't-idiJ'1o'l(} Tlce l:t'i1-tDlf e-XDli'l!.SDly-e-i1-t S't-i1-tl; . Write a heading for each entry.
tw O't-iY' e.XiAI'CS, The-Y'e- is {1_1o'le.1o'ld o.f iJe.iAY' PDld-iJ' Write or type your newsletter.
.st'IAde.1o'lh i1-t fiAe.iY' .fi1o'l{1_fiJe.DlY'
t\re. l1I-iA)(i1o'l)pfDl1-tS.
D. Read your newsletter to the class,

B. Choose three items from your list that you want to inelude
in a school newsletter. Add a few details to each item.
Lesson LI Trash
Discusswhats happening in the photograph.
Are landfills bad for the environment?
Are they bad for your health? Why / Why not?

1. e))) 11 LlSTENINGI Conversation

ldentifies, orders, and interprets explicit

and implicit information in a text in context.
o Inferring.

A. e))) Listen and draw a line to put the trash into the correct place.

B. e))} Listen to the conversation aqain and circle T (True) or F (False).

1. lason is making a sandwich. T F L1. Recyclable trash goes to the landfill. T F

2. He knows all about separating trash. T F 5. Paint cans are recyclable. T F
3. His mother separa tes the trash into 6. lason thinks separating trash is a great T F
recyclable and non-recyclable trash. T F

(. Do you sympathize with Jason's attitude or with his mother's? Give reasons for your answer.

2. GRAMMAR Stative verbs

A. Match the sentences to the rules. B. Match the verbs in the sentences to their meanings.
a) What are you doinq with thatcan? Which meanings are sta ti ve?
b) I think we should help the planet.
1. I think we can recycle PET bottles. a) I own or possess one.
I 2. I'm thinking about recycling PET bottles. b) I am eating.
1. The verb in this sentence is
in the simple presento 3. I have a caro c) I am considering it.
2. The verb in this sentence L1. I'm having lunch. d) I believ it.
is in the present continuous.
(. Circle the correct option.
1. Most large cities have / are having recycling projects no
Stative verbs like want, know, or like describe
2. She thinks / is thinking that separating trash can help the pla
a state. We use them only in the simple formo
3. I want / am wanting to recycle that.
Have and think can be action or stative
L1. He buys / is buying a new trash can.
verbs, depending on the meaning.
5.. llike / am liking the new trash can .
..... 60
Lesson L1
3. READING Newspaper article

A. Read the newspaper article and answer the questions.

What two. countries drink the most soda in the world? LI. Where do most old soda bottles go?
DoesMexico recycle a lot. according to the article? 5. Why is PETdangerous?
What is happening in Toluca?

ut now that is all PETto make new bottles for providesa breeding'ground
B changing! In Toluca,
for example,autherities are
the enormous Mexicansoda
for mosquitoesthat carry
diseaseslike malariaand
opening a bottle-to-bottle This is important for dengue fever. So authorities in
plant this week. It is the sanitation reasons.Most used Mexico are helping the planet,
biggest plant of its kind in PETbottles go to landfills and they are protecting the
the world. The plant turns where they collect water Mexicanpeople from sickness
old soda bottles into pure when it rains.The water at the sametime.

Read the article again. Match the causes and effects.

1. Old PETbottles go to landfills. a) Mosquitoes reproduce in the water.

2. Mexicans drink a lot of soda. b) Dengue fever and malaria spread.
3. The bottles collect water. c) Mexican people don't get sick.
The bottles don't go to landFills. d) Mexicans throw out a lot of PETbottles.
Mosquitoes reproduce in the water. e) The bottles collect water.

4. WRITING Class report

Develops ideas and solutions to problems using established cognitive processes.

Follows and analyzes instructions to understand the role of each stage in achieving an objective.

A. Work in small groups. Plan a class report on different recycling initiatives in Mexico. Follow these steps:
1. Choosea recycling project in Mexico. Make sure that nobody else is working on the same recycling project.
2. Assign each person in your group one or two points to research. Include the following points:
Type of recycling project Why the project is a good idea
Location (all of Mexico, a specific state, etc.) Any other important information
What they are doing in the recycling project

In your group, combine your information and write a paragraph about the recycling project.
Check your paragraph for errors.

C. As a class, decide on the order of the paragraphs. Copy, cut, and paste all of the paragraphs together
to make a complete class reporto

~ 61
Lesson 5 Getting together
Do you keep a daily planner to write down
your scheduled activities such as hornework
assignments or exams? Why / Why not?

1. READING Daily planner

A. Look at Doug's schedule for next week and answer the questions.

l. What do you think Douq's job is? 3. Which is his longest work day?
2. Does he have flexible working hours? LI. Which afternoons is he free next week?

Doug's Planner

8:30 I3reakfast with

Michael Jenkins

10:00 Meeting with agent

1:00 Lunch w/ accountant

4:00-8:00 Film scene 46

(at Grand Hotel)

8:30 Theater____ _...J

B. Sean Doug's schedule to find the answer to ea eh question as quickly as you can.

l. What day is Doug playing tennis? LI. What is on his schedule for Monday at 10:00 a.m.?
2. What time is his interview on Friday? 5. What does he have to do before his dinner with Susan?
3. When is his lunch with his accountant? 6. What is on his schedule for Friday evening?

2. el)) 11 L1STENINGI Phone conversation

~I Identifies, orders. and interprets explicit and implicit information in a text in contexto
~ Inferring.

A. el)) Listen to the conversation and B. l)) Listen again and choose T (True) or F (False) for each statement.
answer the questions.
l. Doug and james live in the same town. T F
l. What are the two men talking about? 2. Doug is having lunch with james on Monday. T F
2. Do you think Doug really wants to get 3. Doug has to work more than james next week. T F
together with james? Why / Why not? LI. james is busy on Monday evening. T F
5. Doug is having dinner with his son on Thursday. T F
6. james is angry at the end of the conversation. T F

_. ,
Lesson 5
3. GRAMMAR Present proqressive with future meanings

A. Look at the sentences and answer the questions.

What are you doing on Friday morning? l'm having breakfast with my director.
When are you /eaving? l'm /eaving on Friday at J o'clock.

1. Are Doug and Jamestalking about something happening now or in the future?
2; Are they talking about definite plans or routine activities?
3. 15 this way of expressing the future the same or different in your language?
B. Complete the sentences to formulate the rule.
Prepositions of time:
on Monday (days of the week)
1. We use the present progressive to talk about in the future.
in the afternoon / morning / evening
a) a possible plan b) a confirmed, definite plan on Monday afternoon
2. We often add when we use the present progressive to talk in january (months of the year)
about the future. at 8:00 (a specific time)
a) time phrases b) frequency adverbs at noon / midnight

C. Look back at Doug's planner in Exercise lA and talk about his plans.
O-n AIlOl",6i\(1) k~'s ki\vi-nO bY&i\Y.ti\st IAt 8:30 witk "'1ic.kCl.e-f;:r~-nJ<i-ns '"

4. SPEAKING Making plans

Communicates in an appropriate form in diverse contexts.

Usescorrect communication strategies for different situations.

A. Complete the planner with aH of your plans for next week. Make sure you leave times when you are free.

B. Work in pairs. Try to agree on a time to get together next week.

A: Wk (), do-n 't w~ 00 f-o lA l1\.ovie.-nexf- we-e-J<7
15: &006 idei\, How i\bo1Af- T1AeS6i\(1 ~ve-nI-nO 7 ,.
A: Ok) I c.ct-n't 00 o-n T1Aesdi\Cr.:L 11\.OOI-nO 1'0 l1\.'OOY'i\-ndpi\re-nts k01ASe. .tor dl1-t-ne.Y'.
:L'11\..tree. O-n Th1Arsdi\(1 eve.-nI-nO' Wki\f i\bo1At OO1A7 .
15:Th1Arsdi\'O does-n 'f- worJ< .tor 11\.e..:L'11\....

Competency Producestext with proper usage of language
according to purpose and situation.
De -elopr

A. ))) Listen to a conversatlon about what one family does for the environment
and check (.1) the appropriate squares. What else could the family do to
protect the environment?

Energy-saving bulbs Bicycle Short showers


B. Work in groups. Read the environment questionnaire. Then think

of three more questions and add them to the questionnaire.



Answer these questions about things you can do to

protect the environment.

Yes No
Are you using energy-savingbulbs7 O O
Do you turn off your computer when you don't need it? O O
Are you using lesswater when you take a shower? O O
________ ~ 7 O O
----------------------------------_7 O O
-----------------------------------7 O O

C. Use your questionnaire to interview a person from another group.

Answer his / her questions.

D. Write a paragraph about what your partner is or is not doing to protect

the environment.
Mt;:Jt\1'torlA is ooi1'ta t\ fot to prote.c.t tk-e. Mwiro1'tI>l.e.1'tt. l-1e.r.ft\l>I.il1) is
st\v/1'ta wt\te.Y t\1'tO sk-e. .s\rt\ti1'ta orat\1'tiC. .frol>l. i1'torat\1'tiC. at\rbt\ae.

E. Show your paragraph to your partner. Make suggestions for other

things he / she could do.
1- f'k-i1't1<.7r0'lA t\re. ooi1'tO: t\ fof') b1At 1- k-t\ve. t\ c.o'lApfe. o.f S1Aao:e.stio1'ts.
l-1owt\b01Af nc.(jc.fi1'ta plt\stic. blAa:S7 Y01A Ct\1't tt\l<.e. tke.1>I. to tke.
S1Ape.rl>l.t\rl<\1'tO n-1ASe. tke.l>I.. Mso) wk(j 001't't (j01A ... 7
Les on 1
GRAMMAR Present progressive: affirmative and negative

Affirmative I Negative
I am wearing a jacket. I am not wearing a jacket.
You are wearing a blouse. You are not wearing a blouse. Note: It is cornmon to use contractions in the
She is wearing sandals. She is not wearing sandals. present progressive.
We are wearing the same color. We are not wearing the same color. l'm weoring a cap. = / am weoring a cap.
They are wearing tennis shoes. They are not wearing tennis shoes. She isn 't weoring a coot. = She is not '-
weoring a coot.

We use the present progressive for an action that is in progress at the time of
speaking. The present progressive is formed with be + verb + -ing.

A. Describe what these people are wearing. Imagine the C. Complete the crossword with clothing materials.
colors and the materials.

/ G,9
+---",--.__,/ \41(e(\
Write a sentence about what you are wearing today.
I=-~ 11uf\ z
3. 1 __

Unscramble the sentences.

1. is / He / silk / white / wearing / a / shirt ~Which colors combine to get the following colors?

wool / wearing / are / We / skirts / red / not + = green

"1'/2. + = gray
is / jacket / leather / brown / wearing / a / She -1- 3. + = pink
Ll. + = purple
purple / wearing / shirt / is / a / denim / He / not 5. + = orange

--~--------------------- ----------------
Lesson 2
GRAMMAR Present progressive: questions

, Statements Ves / No questions Information questions

I am waiting for Shakiras concert. Are you waiting for Shakira's concert7 What are you waiting tor?
Shakira is singing "Gvpsv." Is Shakirasinging "Gypsv"? What is Shakirasinging7

For some verbs, we change the spelling when we add -ing to the verbo

Spelling rules for adding -ing

- --- .,-- --- -
Most verbs + -ing I Verbs that end in consonant I Verbs that end in consonant + vowel +
+ e drop e + -ing consonant, double final consonant + -ing
sleep - sleeping come - coming run - running
walk - walking give - giving put - putting
read - reading have - having get - getting
watch - watching take - taking begin - beginning
Note: Verbs that end in w (grow), x (fix, mix), and y (enjoy, play) do not double the final consonant: r
(growing, fixing, mixing, enjoying, playing), \:' -

A. Write the -ing form ole

1. get ~

4. have ~\L__~~_7 7. stop _-'-

.__--,- 10. dance _--'-_.!...._
: ./

2. talk ~/ 5. swim 8. sell

) /
'/ 11. give __ ~'_" --

3. ride ~ 6. watch ---: /9. wave 12. stand __ ..L\''---.......-'_--''-/

B. Write the questions for the answers.

1. _____ _:_~ _ ..,7 Yes, l' m enjoying the concert.


2. ______ -'-- -'--_7 Right now, l'm waiting in line.

3. _______________ 7 No, she isn't dancing. //
4. _______ -'-'- 7 Yes, the fans are singing. X.
5. _______________ 7 She's singing "Waka Waka". )( -.d~
6. _______________ 7 Shes saving that she loves to play in Mexico. """

C. Who says what? Write the name of the person on the line.

the polke a ffiusician a~Fess-ptmt"'b_graplier..a~~an an audio technician l v.ena0F

l:e are playing music. l'rn buylng
to,eeye "tlst l'm selling souvenirs.

2. 3, \ '

l'rn checking the sound.

4. 5.

Lesson 3
GRAMMAR Present progressive vs. simple present

Simple present Present progressive

_._--- --
Short temporary events happening X The principal is making an
at this moment announcement.
The bus is waiting in the parking lot.
- ---
Longer events happening now X The students are working on a recycling
Some students are planning to get a jobo
- -
Facts and things that are always true Cell phones can distract you. X
Arthur always studies hard.
- - - ----
Habits, states, and repeated actions School finishes in May every year. X
Stu.dents take their exams in June.
We use the present progressive to talk about something temporary that is happening now. We use the simple present for things
that happen regularly or repeatedly.

A. Complete the phrases with words from the box.

wait make study get take turn off do work

1. __ for the exams 5. on a project

2. _ a project 6. a flyer
3. _ ready 7. for someone to call
4. _ your cell phone 8. an exam

B. Complete the paragraph with the correct forms of verbs from Exercise A.

I Barton High School Newsletter MONDAY. MAY2

This week, students at our school ' ready for final exams. We 2 ~ all _
hard for our exams! Seniors always 3 their exams a week before students in other grades, so their exams
are next week, and ours are in two weeks. Remember to 4 your cell phone when you are studying.
If you 5 for someone to call, ask someone in your family to answer your phone. This week some students
______________ also on projeds. For some classes, students don't have final exams, they
______________ projects instead.

C. Write two sentences about things you always do in school at this time of year
and two sentences about things you are doing in school this week.

At this time of year ... This week ...

1. 3. ___
2. 4.

L so
GRAMMAR Stative verbs

Stative verbs We can divide verbs into two types: action and stative.
- - Action verbs express something a person does (an action).
Thoughts and opinions I Possession Emotions
We can use these verbs in the simple present and in the
agree have hate present continuous:
believe own like She generally separates the trash.
know possess love She is separating the trash now.
prefer need
understand want We use verbs that describe a state only in the simple formo
These are called stative (or non-action verbs):
Note: Have and think can be action or stative verbs, I want to recyc/e. .1
depending on the meaning. I am wanting to recyc/e. X

A. e))) Listen to the conversation and answer the questions.

1. What does the article say about trash? _

2. Is Claire's family recycling? _
3. Does Clairewant to recycle? _
4. What does Steve's family do every Saturday? _
5. What materials does Steve's family recycle? _
6. What does Clairewant to buy? _

B. One of the underlined verbs in each sentence is incorrecto Circle the incorrect
verbs and write the sentences correctly.

1. I am thinking that the polystyrene containers 9Q in the blue trash can.

2. He is collecting aluminum cans right now because he is wanting to recycle them.

3. I need a pain killer. l'm having a headache.

4. She is knowing how to separate trash, and she thinks it's very important.

5. The new recycling center is oRen now, and l'm Rreferring to arrive early.

C. Unscramble the words to complete the sentences.

1. Pleaserecycle those old newspapers and . (a 9 a m z n e i s)

2. The bottles go in the bottle recyclinq can. (1 s 9 a s)
3. Don't use bags. Use paper ones. (1 s p t c i a)
4. I don't like it when people throw on the street. (a s h t r)
5. They take non-recyclable waste to the . (d a n I i f 11)
GRAMMAR Present progressive with future meanings

We can use the present progressive to talk about the near We use ot, in, and on to indicate times.
future, especially planned events: ot + specific time: ot 6:30, ot noon, ot midnight
in + part of the day: in the morning, in the ofternoon
/'m going to the movies tomorrow.
Whot are you doing next Mondoy? in + month: in jonuory
/'m going to the dentist on Mondoy. in + year: in 1982
on + day: on Tuesdoy
Note: In this case, the present progressive and the simple on + day + part of day: on Wednesdoyevening
future are interchangeable.
/'m leoving tomorrow. ,/ Note: We say ot night, on New Year's Doy.
/'m going to leove tomorrow. ,/

A. Look at Karen's daily planner for this week and write five sentences about her plans.

1. ___
2. __


Week to view
Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

'''101'tdlA~ ~or 1'ti1'ta :

piC-J<'lAp ,JlAcJ< -PY'o~
",jrpoY't 'IAe.SO"'11 2..:00: Th'IAY'SOIA(5
~e.e. t Bob -Por 1Af!te.r1'too1't {:30
f'IA1'tclA. tC\J<e. ,JMJ< to FY'dC\~'ti1'ta:
C\iY'port ,Je:1't1't~)s plArt~

B. Complete the sentences with the corred preposition of time.

1. Angela is having breakfast with )im eight o' clock tomorrow.

2. What are you doing Saturday morning?
3. Are you going to the movies the evening?
LI. Who are you meeting noon?
5. I have an exam Wednesday.

C. Find six words about plans in the word snake.

A. Write the sentences in negative formo

1. I like baseball. _ L1.You play the guitar. _

2. He drives to work. _ 5. It rains in the summer. _
3. We live in the north. _ 6. They have a dogo _

( /6 points)

B. Complete the following conversations using the appropriate questions from the box. Not all questions are used.

Do you like shopping? Do you FeelOK? Where do you like shopping? Do you study here?
Where do you have class? Do you train here? Do you Feelsick? Where do you train?

Isabel: You look tired today. 1 ?

Alan: No, I don't Feelvery well.
Alejandra: This is a nice school! 2 ?
Erica: Ves, Ido. l'rn in third semester.
Hector: This gym is big. 3 ?
Pepe: No, I don't. I go to a public swimming pool.
Paula: Ilove to go shopping. It relaxes me. ~ ?
Beto: No, I preFerto stay home.
Ana: I have class in room 303. 5 ?
Eddie: In classroom 108.

( /5 points)

C. Write the time underlined in the blanks. In 1 and 2 use numbers and in 3 and 4 use words. Inelude the correct time
of day for questions 3 and 4.

1. It is a quarter past Fourin the morning. Go back to sleep! _:_

2. Noon means it is twelve o'clock in the aFternoon._._
3. I usually go bed around 10:30 p.m. _
L1.I start school at 7:00 a.m. _

( /4 points)

D. Find the mistakes and rewrite the sentences correctly. Each sen ten ce has one mistake.

1. Shelike to surFthe internet. L1.What time do the science classstart?

2. My birthday is in March 'l l". 5. I make my bed in the morning usually.

3. We goes to the same school. 6. How do you oFtencheck your email?

/6 points)

E. Complete the sentences using do or make. Use the appropriate form of the verbo

1. Many students their homework while they listen to mus;

2. I need to a phone call. Pleasewait a minute.
3. l'm sorne coFFee.Do you want a cup?
L1.Samworks in the library. He always a good job and helps the students when they need him.
( /4 points)
/25 points)
Self-Assessment lA
Read the summary of Unit 1A below and check (.f) the appropriate boxes.

. Well more
I can use simple present to describe free time activities. (Lessons1 and 5) D D D 1

I can use simple present to describe daily life and routines. (Lessons2, 5, and Competency
Development) D D D
I can ask questions about routines using simple present. (Lessons1, 2, and 5) D D D
I can talk about different types of TV programs. (LessonLI)
I can tell and write the time. (LessonLI)
I can use prepositions of time. (LessonLI)
I can use frequency adverbs and simple presento(Lesson5 and Competency Development) D D D
Well more
I can understand how a pie.chart works. (Lesson1)
I can make a simple questionnaire to test my ideas. (Lesson1)
I can test an opinion through analysis and experimentation. (Lesson2)
I can predict information in a text. (Lessons2 and 3)
I can use the internet to research a producto (Lesson3)
I can listen for specific information. (LessonLI)
I can be flexible in my opinions and change them. (LessonLI)
I can understand graphical information. (Lesson5)
I can analyze my health habits and decide if they are healthy or unhealthy. (Lesson5) D D D
I can write a simple text about the transportation I use. (Competency Development) D D D

lB Self-Test
A. Choose the corred option to complete the phrases.

1. Howabout _____ bowling?

a) go b) to go c) going
2. ------_ to go to the Ping-Pong Tournament on Saturday?
a) Let's b) How about c) Would you like
3. l'm hungry. ______ breakfast.
a) l.ets to have b) Let's have c)'s having
Ll. swimming? lt's a beautiful day!
a) Why don't we go b) Why don't we going c) Why don't we

/4 points)

B. Match the questions and the answers.

1. Could you please tel! me how to get to Pine Street? a) Of course I can. lt's Smith. S-M-I-T-H.
2. Canyou pick me up after school?
b) Yes,of course. What do you need?
3. Canyou do me a favor?
c) Sorry, I can't. I don't live in this neighborhood.
Ll. Could you spel! your last name? d) Sure I can. At what time?
/4 points)

C. Complete the following sentences with the phrasal verbs in the box. Use the object pronouns in parentheses.
let know pick up drop off

1. Ileft my notebook at the library. I need to go back to (it) before the classstarts.
2. Please (me) what time your train arrives.
3. Are you going home? Canyou (me) at the bus station?
Ll. Would you (me) tomorrow morning? I would love a ride to school.
5. You left your books at my house. Do you want me to (them) at your house?
6. Please (me) what time we are having lunch tomorrow.

( /6 points)

D. Circle the correct pronoun in parentheses to replace the underlined word.

1. Teenagersprefer to send text messagesthan to cal! friends. (They / Them)

2. Mv mother real!y likes technology and loves to buy new gadgets. (She / Her)
3. My father isn't like my mother. My father likes his old cel! phone. (she / her)
Ll. Peopleoften use abbreviations to write text messages.(They / Them)
5. Texting is simple, and it is faster. It is more fun for my friends and me. (we / us)
6. My friends and Ilove to invent new abbreviations for texting. (We / Us)
7. More young people depend on cel! phones to create social circles. (they / them)

( /7 points)

E. Write the abbreviated text messages in their full forms.

1. Piscal! me.
2. Cn u pick me up?
3. Cid u lend me ur camera?
Ll. Thx Llthe gr8 party! . ( /4 points)
" /25 points)
Self-Assessment 1B_
Read the summary of Unit 18 below and check (,,1) the appropriate boxes.
Very more
Unit 18 LANGUAGE well practice

lean make and accept invitations. (Lessons1, 2 and 5) O O O

lean refuse an invitation politely. (Lesson2) O O O
lean talk about free time activities. (Lesson1) O O O
I can use would to make invitations. (Lesson2) O O O
lean talk about cultural, sports. and arts events. (Lesson2) O O O
I can use can and could to make requests. (Lessons3 and 4) O O O
lean understand and use abbreviations in text messages.(Lesson3) O O O
I can use object pronouns. (Lesson4) O O O
I can use some phrasal verbs. (Lesson4) O O O
I can use would for politeness. (Lesson5) O O O
lean talk about food. (Lesson5 and Competency Development Pagel O O O
Very more
Unit 18 COMPETENCV well practice

I can sean a text for specific information. (Lessons1 and 2) O O O

lean work positively in a team to produce a conversation. (Lesson1) O O O
I can use correct language and tone when making and refusing invitations. (Lesson2) O O O
I can listen for specific information. (Lesson3) O O O
I can use correct language for making, accepting, or rejecting requests in formal
and informal situations. (Lesson3)
I can listen for general and specific information. (Lesson4) O O O
I can plan and evaluate a conversation. (Lesson4) O O O
lean infer information from a texto(Lesson5) O O O
I can invite someone to a restaurant. (Lesson5) O O O
I can plan and produce a logical conversation to order food in a restaurant.
(Competency Development)

2A Self-Test

A. Circle the correct option to complete the sentences.

1. Shehas a really nice red plostic / plostic red pencil case.

2. They have a leother beoutiful / beoutifulleother soFa.
3. The smoll round / round smoll table is in the garage.
4. I want a tiny new block / block new tiny cell phone.
5. He needs a brown wool sott / sott brown wool rugo
( /5 points)

B. Check (.f) the five correct sentences.

1. This coFFemachine only accepts coins. D This coFFeemachine only accepts coin. D
2. The Furnituresare very nice. D The Furniture is very nice. D
3. The paint are blue. D The paint is blue. D
4. Buya bottle oFglass cleaner. D Buy a bottle oFglassescleaner. D
5. The Fabricsis not Fashionable. D The Fabricis not Fashionable. D
( /5 points)

C. Write the singular forms of the following nouns.

1. mops 3. _____ women 5. _____ people

2. watches 4. _____ knives 6. _____ children
( /6 points)

D. Underline the correct word.

1. We need to buy ony /some bananas.

2. How mony / much brothers and sisters do you have7
3. There aren't ony /some DVDplayers in the sale.
4. There are o lot of / much cell phones at the supermarket.
5. How much / mony money do you have7
( /5 points)

E. Complete the conversation with phrases from the box.

Can I help you l'd like to look at Let me know oFcourse

Sales clerk: Good evening, Sir. 1 7

Tyler: Yes,2 the new video games.
Sales clerk: Yes,3 They're right here.

Tyler: Thanks. Great! Do you have the new Mystic Discovery game7
Sales clerk: Yes,we do. l'd deFinitelyrecommend it.
Tyler: How much is it?
Sales clerk: It costs $50.
Tyler: Hmm. l'm not sure. I need time to think.
Sales clerk: OK. 4 iFyou need any help.

( /4 points)
/25 points)
Read the summary of Unit 2A below and check (,.1) the appropriate boxes.

Well more
I can use adjectives in the correct order to describe objects. (Lessons1 and 2) D D D
I can talk about different colors and materials. (Lesson 1) D D D
I can use countable and uncountable nouns. (Lessons2, 3 and 4) D D D
I can use how much and how many to ask questions about quantity. (Lesson3) D D D
I can talk about household objects. (Lesson3) D D D
I can talk about different quantities. (Lesson4) D D D
I can make offers and requests. (Lesson5) D D D

Well more
I can make deductions about a texto(Lesson1) D D D
I can use pictures to make predictions. (Lesson1) D D D
I can group information from a text in atable. (Lesson2) D D D
I can express opinions and listen respectfully to the opinions of others. (Lesson2) D D D
I can listen for specific information. (Lesson3) D D D
I can use appropriate expressions to suggest courses of action and / or solutions
to problems in team projects. (Lesson3) D D D
I can infer information from a texto(Lesson4) D D D
I can design a shopping web page. (Lesson4) D D D
I can identify the purpose of a texto(Lesson5) D D D
I can ask questions in a store about a product using appropriate language and tone. (Lesson5) D D D
I can order ideas logically in a simple texto(Competency Development) D D D
A. Put the verbs from the box in the correct column of the table.

like do read wear want believe understand work know come

I .
Stative verbs (non-action verbs) Action verbs
1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.
( /10 points)

B. Use the verbs in Exercise A in present simple or present progressive to complete the sentences.
Not all the words are used. Do not use the same verb twice.

1. My sister is over there. She is a black jacket and denim jeans.

2. Do you where Shakira is from?
3. What book are you at the moment?
4. 1 your new sneakers. Thev're cool!
5. We are a recycling project at school this semester.
6. The president is to Mexico in March.
7. 1don't the question. Canyou repeat it?

( /7 points)

C. Read the telephone conversation and complete the sentences with the correct form of the present simple
or present progressive.

Receptionist: Verner School. Good morning.

Mr. Roberts: Helio, this is Mr. Roberts speaking.
Receptionist: Helio Mr. Roberts. How can 1help you?
Mr. Roberts: My head hurts and 1have an appointment to see the doctor at 11.30.
Receptionist: Ves,of course.
Mr. Roberts: Can Ms. Smith substitute for me?
Receptionist: She is in the teacher's room. One moment, please.
Ms. Smith: Helio, Mr. Roberts. This is Ms. Smith.
Mr. Roberts: Good morning. Could you teach my class today, at 11:00 a.m.?
Ms. Smith: Ves,of course. 1usually have classat 11:00 a.m. But they cancelled. What is todav's lesson?
Mr. Roberts: lts present progressive. It is this week's grammar structure.
Ms. Smith: OK. 15 the register in reception?
Mr. Roberts: Ves,it is. lust ask the receptionist.

1. Mr. Roberts (talk) on the phone right now.

2. He (have)a headache.
3. He (go) to the doctor at 11:30.
4. Ms. Smith is probably not (sit) in front of the receptionist.
5. Ms. Smith (not teach) at 11:00 a.m. today.
6. She usually (teach) at 11:00 a.m.
7. The students (Iearn) the present progressive this week.
8. Ms. Smith (need) the register.
( /8 points)
/25 points)
Read the summary of Unit 2B below and check (./) the appropriate boxes.

Well more
Unit 2B LANGUAGE well practice

I can talk about events in progress using present progressive. (Lessons1, 2, 3) D D D

I can talk about clothes and materials. (Lesson1) D D D
I can ask questions using present progressive. (Lessons2 and 3) D D D
I can talk about music and news events. (Lesson2) D D D
I can spell words ending in -ing correctly. (Lesson2) D D D
I can use simple present and present progressive in the correct context. (Lesson3) D D D
I can understand the different uses of stative verbs and action verbs. (LessonL1) D D D
I can talk about the environment and recycling. (Lessons3 and 5) D D D
I can use present progressive with future meanings. (Lesson5) D D D
Well more

I can use pictures to make predictions. (Lesson 1) D D D

I can use basic sequencing words to structure an oral texto(Lesson1) D D D
I can understand chronological order in a texto(Lesson2) D D D
I can understand that teams need to allocate different tasks according to individual's skills.
I can understand and use titles and headings in a texto(Lesson3) D D D
I can plan and structure a simple newsletter. (Lesson3) D D D
I can infer information from a listening texto(LessonsL1and 5) D D D
I can follow and understand instructions to produce a class reporto(LessonL1) D D D
I can make arrangements with a friendo(Lesson5) D D D
I can use present progressive and phrases for suggestions in a discussion about
the environment. (Competency Development)

I ~. Where do you 90 shopping? lisa: Yes, Doctor.
5. When do you go shopping? Doctor: Great! Start todayl Come see me again next
UNir 1A week.
lESSON J Exercise 3A.
Nancy: Excuse me. l'rn Nancy Blake, and l'rn COMPETEtKY DEVELOPMEtlT Exerdse B.
lESSON 1 Exercise lA and lB. Javier: My dad always takes me to school by car
interviewing teenagers in Mexico. Can you tell me
Interviewer: Today, we' re in downtown Toluca, and beca use he works at a bank nearby. I don't like the
about your shopping habits? Hrst. do you like to go
we want to know what teenagers here do in their traffic, but there are not many alternatives. Public
free time. People think that most teenagers spend shopping?
transportation isnt veny good. You almost never gel
all their time in front of the television. Do you agree, Jessica: Yes, I love itl
Nancy: When do you go shopping 7 a seat on the metro and the buses have irregular times
Leonardo? Do teenagers watch a lot of TV? and are usually full. I like the Metrobus, but there
Leonardo: Yes, they do. For example, I watch two or Jessica: On weekends.
Nancy: Where do you prefer to 90 shopping? isn't one near my house. Traveling is better on the
three hours of television on weeknights. but I watch weekends. I sornetimes take the metro on Saturdays
more on weekends beca use I have more free time.
Jessica: I like to go to themall because it is near
my house, but I really prefer to shop at a market. to go to the public librany.
Interviewer: And what about you, Roberto? Do you Susana: 1 live in the northern part of the city and I work
My favorite place is the market in Coyoacn. I buy
watch a lot of TV? at a hospital in the southern parto The trip takes about
beautiful Mexican jewelry and handicrafts there.
Roberto: No, I don't. I playa lot of soccer and two hours. The metro in Mexico City is usually fast
basketball during the week. On weekends, I go to the
Nancy: Finally, how much money do you spend each
month on shoppinq? and clean. lts very cheap, too, but 1always take the
shopping mall and see my friends, or I go to parties. Metrobus because there's a bus stop next to my house.
Jessica: I don't know. It depends, but: guess 500
Interviewer: And you, Sara? lt's the first stop, so I often get a seat. After that, t's
pesos on average. My mom can't stand shopping, and
Sara: I don' t watch a lot of TV, really. Sometimes always full. If I go to a movie theater or shopping mall
she says l'rn a shopaholic, but I don't agree.
I watch a movie on weekends. I spend most of my free
Nancy: OK. Thanks for talking to me. wth friends on Sundays, I use Mom's caro
time on the computer. I send emails, chat with

my friends, and surf the Internet too.
Jessica: Oh, vou're welcome.

LESSON" Exercise 1B, 1C and 2A, UNir 18

l.ESSON 1 Exercise se, Jay: What do you want to do? Do you want to go to
1. Do teenagers watch a lot of TV?
2. Do you play video games? a movie?
Carol: No, I don't want to go out. lt's Thursday night, leHon 1 Exercise 2A and 2B.
3. Do you exercise on wcekdavs? Mother: Well, everybody, lct's make plans for todayl
and l'rn exhausted. You know I prefer to stay home and
~. Do they go to the movies on weekend s? Miranda: OK. Why don't we look at this activity guide?
watch TV on Thursdays.
Jay: OK.'s stay home and watch TV. Father: How about doing something all together?
Grammar and vocabulary workbook Exercise D. Miranda: Good idea. Theres a swimming pool. They
1. Do you and your friends go to the mall Carol: Yeah. What's on?
Jay: Let me see .. Thursday ... What time is it now? also have bicycles and a bike path. Oh, and there's
on weekend s? horseback riding! Do you want to go horseback riding 7
2. Do your brothers and sisters play soccer? Carol: lt's six odock.
Jay: Six o' clock ... The Warld at Six is on now. Father: ld prefer to go swimming.
3. Do you study in the evenings7 Jeff: Dad, I don't want to go swimming. Why don't we
~. Do you hang out with your friends on weekends?
Carol: Hmm. 1dcn't like news programs. 15Be a Star
on tonight? go bikinq?
Jay: No, it isn't. lt's on Fridays at nine thrtv. At seven Mother: That sounds good to me.
LESSON2 Exercise lA and lB. Miranda: No, let's go horseback riding! It sounds like
odock theres that old sitcom, Three Guys.
Alina: Hsre's an interesting story about Paulina fun! Mom, would you like to ride a horse?
Mendoza. You know, that famous Olympic diver?
Carol: Uh, no. I don't like that. I cant stand Charley
Mother: I don't know. Miranda. I don't have a lot of
Julia: Oh, veah? She's a really good diver! Shane.
Jay: Well. Werewolf Oiaries is on at seven thirty, and at experience with horses, you know.
Alina: Yeah. She's amazing. Miranda: Please, Moml Please! I really want to go
eight o'clock the movie The Year We Left is an.
Julia: Does she have a regular daily routine? horseback riding!
Alina: Yes, she does Eveny day she gets up at 6 a.m. Carol: Werewolf Oiories is at half past seven? Great!
Let's watch Werewolf Diaries and then The Year We Jeff: Yeah, Mom. Why don't we try it?
and makes her bed. Then she makes breakfast. Most Mother: OK. Why not? We can ride horses.
days she eats fruit and cereal. Then she does the Left. Is that OK with you?
Jay: Yeah, that's fine. Father: Great! Let's gol
dishes and goes to training.
Julia: Does she train every day7 lesson 2 Exercise 2A and 2B.
Alina: No, she doesn't. She trains six days a week, Grammar and vocabulary workbook Exercise A.
1. It's four twenty. 5. It's seven thirty. Conversation 1
Monday through Saturday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. First, Liz: Would you like to go shopping at the arts fair on
2. It's eight thirty-five. 6. It's a quarter to two.
she spends an hour at the gym, and then she meets
3. It's twelve fifteen. 7. It's three ten. Saturday morning?
the rest of the Olympic team at the pool at 9 a.m. They Connie: Ilike that idea, but I'd prefer not to go in the
~. It's nine fifty. 8. It's a quarter past five.
warm up, and then they train for about three hours at morning. It's open from nine to five. Why don't we go
the Olympic Pool in Mexico City.
LESSONS Exercise 2A and 2B. on Saturday afternoon instead?
Julia: Does Paulina have a strict diet for lunch?
Alina: No, not really. She eats a lot of fish, chicken, and Doctor: Come in, Lisa.
Lisa: Good morning, Doctor. Conversation 2
vegetables, with an occasional steak. After lunch, she
Doctor: What's the problem? Will: Would you like to 90 to the wrestling match wlth
repeats the morning's training session. She does about
Lisa: Oh ... well ... I don't have any energy. I'm often me on Thursday night?
two hundred dives every day. She's very motivated
veny tired.
Jen: Well, Ilike sports, but I prefer volleyball. What
beca use of tre Olympic Games.
Doctor: Hmm ... I think you're overweight, Lisa. about going to the volleyball game on Saturday?
Julia: Wow! "fhat's awesome. Does she have any free
time with that schedule7 Tell me, how often do you exercise7
Lisa: I never exercise. I prefer to watch TV. Conversation 3
Alina: Yes, she does. She doesn't go to parties or
Doctor: I see. And what do you usually eat for lunch? 10m: Would you like to go to that comedy show
bars. She watches TV or reads in her free time. Oh,
Lisa: Well. I usually eat a hamburger and French tonight?
and listen lo thisl She studies international trade at the
fries. And I sometimes eat pizza with my friends. Alice: Ves, I'd like that. What time does it start?
university, so she also does homework.
We study together. 10m: Eight o' clock.
Julia: Really?! Does she have time to go to classes7
Alina: No, she doesn't. She takes courses online. Doctor: And do you drink water with your food7
Lisa: No. I always have a soda. Conversation Ll
Julia: Does she ever have time to rest and relax?
Doctor: OK. What about healthy food? How often Pat: Let's go to the movies one night this week. Would
Alina: She likes to go to the movies or have dinner
do you eat fresh fruits and vegeta bies? you like to see Paranormal Activity 47
with friends on Sundays.
Lisa: Oh. Umm, I almost never eat fresh fruits and Lucy: That's a horror movie, right71 don't think I'd
Julia: Wow! She's so amazing! Iike it. Ilike happy movies. I'd prefer to see The Big
Doctor: OK, then. The answer is simple, Lisa, it's time Wedding.
LESSONJ Exercise 2e.
1. Who do most teenage girls shop with7 to get healthy. First, exercise twice a week. Second,
don't eat junk food. Finally, eat more fresh fruit and
2. What do boys like to buy? ".
vegetables. Do you understand?
3. What do you like to buy?

USSOH 5 Exercise 2A. l ESSOH 2 Exercise 2A and 2B.
Conversation 5
David: Honey, would you like to try that Mexican Julie: Welcome to the show. Our guest today is
Max: Why don't we go to the University Swim Finals?
restaurant, Sazn de Mxico. People say it is the best Andreina Spanner from the TV show Magic Makeovers.
Tom swims in the freestyle finals on Friday evening.
restaurant in town. You'd love the chiles en nogada. Shes here to talk about whats fashionable in living
Ellie: Friday? l'rn sorry, but I can't. I have to work on
Do you want to go tonight? room decoration at the moment.
Friday evening. Another time?
Cory: Well, l'o prefer not to go tonight because I have Andreina: Thanks, [ulie. Well. this year the naturallook
a big exam tomorrow. How about going on Saturday7 is in style. For furniture, well, wood is all the rage, in
lESSOH 3 Exercise lA and B.
David: Sure, tnat's fine. And why don't we invite Mike particular, dark wood like mahogany. Don't get metal
Conversation 1
and Rebecca to go too 7 furniture - it's so last year! Plastic s also a big no-no.
Mr. Bailey: Karen, could yau give me the report this
Cory: Good idea. Would you give Rebecca a call? Plastic furniture looks cheap. For chairs, tables, and
shelves, choose woodl Don't paint your walls with cold
Karen: Yes, of course I can, Mr. Bailey.
LES50f1 5 Exercise 2B. colours like blue.
Mr. Bailey: Thanks. I appreciate it, Karen.
Rebecca: Helio? This vear's colors are warm colors - yellow, orange, or
David: Hey, Rebecca, .r's David. How are you? red. Decorate the room with simple ceramic lamps and
(onversation 2
Rebecca: l'rn fine. What's up? vases. Don't forget to choose warm colors. and make
Mom: Doug, can you please wash the dishes?
David: We have a plan. Would you and Mike like to go sure they match your furniture.
Doug: Aw, Mom, do I have to?
with us to that new restaurant, Sazn de Mxico, Julie: Thanks, Andreina. Now it's time for the news .
Mom: Yes, please. And can you feed the dogs?
Doug: OK, Mom. on Saturday?
Rebecca: Oh, l'o love te, but we can't. Our car is in the lESSOH 3 Exercise 1B and 1 e.
shop with the mechanic. Tim: Are we ready to clean and decorate our
Conversation 3
David: No problem. We can pick you up in our car. classroom this weekend?
Kayla: lane. could you give me a ride home today?
Rebecca: Great! What time 7 Sandra: Almost. Let's make a list of things we need.
Jane: l'rn sorry, but I can't! I have to go to the dentist.
David: Would eight o' clock be OK? Tim: OK, I think we need about three cans of furniture
Kayla: Dont worry. I can ask Pattie.
Rebecca: That would be fine. polish and two bottles of glass cleaner.
David: Fantastic! See yau on Saturday at eight. Bye. Catherine: Yeah, and we need a broom, a mop, and
Conversation 4
Rebecca: Bye. a bucket.
Rita: Dad, can you take me to Carrie's house on
Sandra:'s get two mops.
Saturday morning?
Grammar and vocabulary workbook Exercise A. Tim: OK, one bro~mand two mops. And [laint for the
Dad: Sure, no problem.
Laura: Look, there's a play at the Majestic Theater this walls. What color?
Rita: Thanks a lot, Dad! .
weekend. Why don't we go? Sandra: Ms. [acobs wants light blue.
Catherine: How many liters of paint do we need?
LESSOO 1 Exercise zc, Paul: Aw, Laura, I don't like plays. They're boring!
Sandra: I think we need about eight liters, so that's
1. Could you help me for a few minutes? l'd prefer to go to a movie.
Laura: Paul, this is Cats. That's an amazing play! two large cans of paint.
2. Could you please pass the salt?
Paul: OK, OK. But let's go on Friday. I want to go to Catherine: And how many paintbrushes do we need?
3. Could you lend me five dollars?
Tim: Lets get six paintbrushes. Anything else?
4 Could you give Sally a message, please 7 the football game on Saturday. Do you want to come
along? Sandra: Yes, fabric for curtains.
Laura: Uh ... l'd prefer not to. Is that OK? Tim: How much fabric do you need?
lE!;SOH.4 Exercise 1A and B.
Paul: Sure, no problem. I can go with [irn and Frank. Catherine: Let's see .. there are four windows in our
Conversation 1
Laura: Perfecto I can stay home and watch all my classroom.
Aaron: You really like Cathy, don't you?
favorite TV shows! Sandra: OK, then, I need eight meters.
Don: Uh, yeah, I like her.
Tim: OK, here's the list: three cans of furniture
Aaron: So why don't you ask her out?
COMPmNCY OEVElOPMENT E>lercise B polish, two bottles of gl';5s 5rbom, one
Don: I don't know ... I don't know if she likes me.
Server: Good afternoon, sir. What can I get you? bucket, two mops, eig-ht lite~f light blue paint, six
Aaron: Come on! Ask her to go to the game with us
Customer: Good afternoon. What do you recommend? aiJilltbrus hes, and <;ghtrn'ters oFfabric. lhat' it?
on Fridayl
Server: Well, l'd recommend the spinach and ricotta Catherine: That's it.'s gol
Don: OK, maybe.
lasagna. lt's very popular.
Customer: Sounds good! And l'd like a lemonade too. lESSON .. Exercise 2A and 2B.
Conversation 2
Server: Lemonade. Of course. Brandon: Look, there's a lot of electronic equipment
Kate: Helio 7
Server: Here you are. Lasagna and a lemonade. for sale on this page. Maybe we can buy larnie's
Marsha: Hey, Kate. What's up?
Customer: Thank you. birthday presento
Kate: Not mucho Why?
Customer: Excuse me. I have a problem. This lasagna Ann: Are there any cell phones for sale? He needs
Marsha: lets go to Marni's for lunch.
is cold. Could you bring me another one, please? a new phone.
Kate: I can't. I don't have my car today.
Server: l'rn terribly sorry. Of course. Brandon: Yes, there are several phones.
Marsha: Don't worry. I can pick you up and drop you
Server: Here you are. Again, I am really sorry. Curt: And there are some good cornputers, too.
off after lunch.
Server: Can I take your plate? Brandon: Yeah. There arent any desktop computers,
Kate: I don't know. My mom wants me to help her
Customer: Yes, please. Thank yOU. but there are a few laptops.
around the house. I have to check with her.
Server: Would you like to see the dessert menu? Ann: But we cant buy a computer! Thev're really
Marsha: OK, so check with her and call me back.
Customer: No, thanks. Could you bring me the check, expensive! An e-reader is a good present, but there
Kate: OK, bye.
picase? aren't many of those. In fact, theres only one.
Curt: But we can buy it for just a little money. lt's only

Conversation 3
fifty-five dollars.
Lucy: What do you want to do tonight?
Pete: I don't know. Whatever. UNir lA Ann: Oh, how much is that DVD player? [arrue doesn't

Lucy: Well ... would you like to come to my house and have one.
Brandon: lt's eighty-nine ninety-five. That isn': much
have dinner with my parents?
lESSOfIl Exercise 1D. money for a nice DVD player.
Pete: Uh, well. actually, l'd prefer not to have dinner
1. Do you know where my glasses are? They have Curt: True, but he loves to read.'s get the e-reader.
With them.
rectangular green frames. I need them to read. It doesn't cost much, and t's nice.
Lucy: Well, then, help me think of something to do!
Pete: OK, OK. Do you want to go dancing? We could 2. She has a fantastic little laptop computer. She uses it Ann: I agree.
for homework. Brandon: OK, let's do it.
go to that new club, Mojo.
Lucy: Great idea! I don't know where it is. Can you 3. Her birthday present is an expensive blue coat.
Icok it up on the Internet? It has triangular silver buttons. LESSOH4 Exercise zc,
4. There is a comfortable big brown chair in the living 1. two thousand six hundred dollars
Pete: Yeah, no problem.
Lucy: CooL Then call me back to let me know what room. 2. ten dollars and fifty cents
5. My brother drives a beautiful black sports car. 3. three hundred and six dollars
4. two dollars and ninety-nine cent5
Pete: OK, talk to you later.
Lucy: Bye.
Grammar and vocabulary workbook Exercise e. Cooll Let's have a round of applausefor our great Jason: Sowhat isn't recyclable?
student models! Mother: Paintcansand broken glass.Non-recyclable
1. two hundred and fifty dollars
things go into the orange trash can, and they go to
2. seven ninety-five
LESSOH 1. Exercise 2A and 2B. the landfill.
3. forty-nine ninety-nine
TV presenter: Now over to our reporter Albert Jason: What about food? Bluetrash can or orange
~. thirty-nine ninety-five
5. one hundred and two ninetv-eiqht Almaznat the Zcalo.Goodafternoon, Albert. What trash can?
are you doing right now? Mother: Neither.Organicmaterial goes in the green
6. a dollar seventy-nine
Reporter: Goodafternoon, Maggie. I am waiting here trash. They make it into compost.
7. nine hundred and eighty dollars
in the Zcalofor Shakira'sconcert. lt's six o'clock. Jason: Oh, Mom! This recycling is a lot of trouble!
8. one thousand five hundred dollars
Policeare stopping traffic and are closing the streets. Do we have to do it?
Mother: YesoI believein recycling. I think tts
LESSON S Exercise 2A, 2B, and zc, Hundredsof fans are arriving at the Zcalo.
important, so we're doing it.
Conversation 1 TV presenter: Is it raining there?
Reporter: No, it isn't. Right now, the weather is [ason: Oh, OK,Mom.
Jamie: Excuseme. Do you work here?
Clerk: Yes,I do. CanI help you? cloudy, but some fans are wearing raincoats.Everyone
is excited. Grammar and vocabulary workbook Exercise e.
Jamie: Yes,please.We'd like to look at your laptops.
TV presenter: lt's now seven odock. What is Claire: l'm reading an article about trash. It says u's a
Clerk: Sure.Comethis way. Would you like to see
happening in the Zcalonow. Albert? very big problem for the planet.
a specific model?
Jamie: No.We'd like to see severaldifferent ones. Reporter: Thereare thousandsof fans here. There Steve: Why)
are a lot of police officers. Somepolice officers are Claire: Becausewe are creating an enormous amount
Clerk: OK.This one has a 17" screen.
c~c19ng security and oth~rs-are-pdtri5lligthe streets. of trash, and there isn't spacefor more landfills. This
Brenda: That's kind of big, right. Jamie?
TV presenter: l.t's go back to our reporter, Albert, country needsbetter recycling programs!
Jamie: Maybe. How much does it weigh?
in the Zcalo.What is Shakiradoing now? Steve: Yeah,that's true. My family is recycling now.
Clerk: About five pounds.
Reporter: lt's now eight forty-five and the Zcalois Claire: Really)Wearen't recycling,but I want to start.
Jamie: Hmm. Could I seea smaller one? What about
now full. Shakirais waiting to give her performance. At Steve: lt's easy.The city has a big recycling center. My
that one over there?
this momeQL.tecbnlc@D.:_~cking the'soun.Qi!flll, family has separatetrash cansfor different materials.
Clerk: OK.This little one has a 13" screen,and it
i;he...ligb.t -~ We take our trash to tle recycling center every
weighs about two pounds.
Jamie: Ilike it. How much is it? TV presenter: lt's nine o'dock. Albert, tell us about Saturday.
Clerk: The regular price is $~OO,but it's on sale this Shakiranow. Is she singing? Claire: What materialsdo you recycle?
Reporter: Yes,she is. Shakirais on stage. Sheis Steve: Glass,metal, paper, and plastic.
week for $325.
dancing and singing "Gvpsv."The press photographers Claire: I think that's a great idea. Comeonl I want to
Jamie: That sounds good. Is it OKif we look around
are taking pictures.The fans are going crazy. buy some new trash cans for my house.
the store and think about it?
TV presenter: lt's eleveno'clock at night. Albert, Steve: Sure,let's go. You're doing the right thing.
Clerk: Of course. Let me know if you have any
questions. My narne'sCaroline. is Shakirastill singing?
Reporter: No, she isn't. Maggie. After two hours of USSON 5 Exercise 2A and 2B.
Jamie: Thank you very mucho
amazing music, the concert is finished. Shakirais Ooug: Helio,this is Doug Stevens.
Clerk: You're welcome.
waving goodbye to the fans. The fans are going home. James: Hi, Doug.This is James.
Around the Zcalo,vendors are selling concert T-shirts, Ooug: Oh, hi, James!
Conversation 2
and other souvenirs.What an incredible eveningl James: Listen,l'm in New York on businessnext week.
Jamie: Sowhat do you think?
Brenda: I guessthat's a good deal. Comeon.'s Why don't we get together?
LESSON J Exercise 3A. Ooug: Soundsgood.
look at some other stuff.
)amie: OK.Wow, look at those awesome TVs!Look talking playing James:'s have lunch on Monday.
waiting enjoying Ooug: Monday? Uh ... sorry, l'm having lunch with my
at that 5~" LEDone!
Brenda: Yeah,look at the price - $2,800. lt's too going studying accountant at one o'clock.
doing hurrying James: Well. how about dinner?
working applying Ooug: No, I can't. l'rn going to the theater in the
Jamie: You should get a digital camera.
Brenda: No, I already have a camera.Oh, but those evening.
cell phones over there are on sale, and l'd like a new Exercise 3B and 3e. James: Wow. Well. l'rn free on Thursdayevening.
phone! Look!This one is only about zl" high. It weighs Principal: Good morning, everyone. I have several How about you?
announcementsthis morning. Ooug: Thursdayevening ... l'rn sorry, manoOn
about five ounces!
Mr. Harrison'shistory classhas a visit to the history Thursday l'rn having dinner with my wife. lt's our
Jamie: How much is it?
Brenda: lt's on salefor $86. That's a good price! museum.The bus is waiting in the parking lot. Mr. wedding anniversary.Whenare you leaving?
Harrison'shistory class,pleasego to the parking lot. James: l'rn leavingon Fridayat three o'dock in the
Jamie: Well,get it then.
Brenda: Uh ... Couldyou lend me $1O? Ms. Tavlor'sart classis making flyers to advertise afternoon. What are you doing on Fridaymorning?
our student art sale. Pleasepick up some flyers and Maybewe can havecoffee around ten.
Jamie: Sure,no problem.
give them to your family and friends. The art sale is Ooug: That ooesn't work for me. l'm having breakfast

UNIT 2B I next Saturdayin the school gym.

Somestudents are throwing trash on the ground
outside school.This is not acceptable.There are trash
with my director. l'rn really sorry, mano
James: Tnat's OK.I understand.
Ooug: Sowhen are you coming to town aqain?'s
cans near all school entrances.Pleaseuse them. get together then.
lESSON 1 Exercise 2A and 2B. Thoseare all the announcements.Havea good day! James: In August.
Presenter: Welcometo the Student FashionShow. Ooug: OK!Definitelysee you in August then!
First up on the runway is Carrie.She'swearing a lESSON 4 Exercise 1A and 1B. James: Sure.Seeyou then. If you're not too busv.
purple cotton dressand a gray silk scarf. Her pink Mother: What are vou doing, Jason?
leather shoesare by WandaWong. Shelooks fabulous! Jason: l'm getting a drink. COMPmNCY OEVElOPMENT Exercise A.
Secondis Danny.Dannyis wearing a red cotton Mother: No! I mean what are you doing with that can? Interviewer: What are you and your family doing for
Hawaiianshirt and yellow nylon shorts. He'scarrying Jason: l'rn putting it into the trash. Why? the Save the Environment Week?
a blue denim cap. Hesn't wearing any sandals!Danny Mother: You're putting it into the wrong trash can! Alison: l'rn trying to saveenergy, so l'rn changing
is ready for the beach! We're separating our trash in this house now. all the light bulbs in the house to energy-saving light
Next on the runway is Melissa.Melissais wearing Jason: Why? bulbs. My dad sn't using his car every day. He's riding
a brown wool skirt and an orange nylon top from our Mother: BecauseI think we should help the planet. his bicycleto work three times a week, so he's saving
spring collection. She'swearing an orange cap too. We have a specialtrash can for recyclablematerials. energy and helping with the problem of air pollution.
Sheisn't wearing shoes.She'swearing brown leather lt's that blue one. And my mom .. well, she usuallyshowers for about
boots. Shelooks awesome! Jason: OK.Which trash is recyclable? eight minutes in the mornings, but now she's taking
Finally,we have Robert! He'swearing blue denim Mother: Newspapers,magazines,cardboard boxes, two-minute showers. Wearen't doing much, but every
jeansand a green cotton T-shirt. ThisT-shirt is very aluminum-cans,plastic bags. Thoseare all recyclable, little bit helps!
popular this year. He'salso wearing white leather and they all go into the blue trash can.
sneakers.Hiscap is denim. t

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