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Time: 80
Aims: raising awareness towards the importance of a healthy environment,
enhancing students' knowledge of the environment, global warming and its
protection by stimulating creative capacities
Students` age: 10-14
Specific competences:
1.2.Comparison of some types of natural and anthropic ecosystems;
2.3. Using appropriate means and methods for investigating
3.2.Elaboration and application of algorithms for identification,
investigation and solving of problematic situations;
3.3. Demonstrating an ecological way of thinking in making decisions;
Operational objectives: At the end of the lesson students have to be able to:
O1. Analyze the causes of climate change
O2. Identify human activities and behaviors that cause serious
environmental imbalances.
O3. Recognize the physical, chemical and geographical phenomena that
governs TERRA
O4. Explain the effects of negative human actions on the environment
O5. Discover solutions to mitigate the negative effects of human action
on the environment, global warming prevention measures
O6. Find alternatives for the efficient use of renewable energy sources
O7. Develop responsibilities for preventing climate warming
O8. Show interest in the achievement of teamwork tasks
Type of lesson: Communication and acquisition of new knowledge
Didactical approach:
a.) Teaching techniques/methods: heuristic conversation, observation, explanation,
exercise, brainstorming, questioning, group work, mosaic, debate.
b.) Materials: handouts, evaluation papers, video and power point presentations,
computers connected to the internet, video projector, worksheets, evaluation sheets, questionnaire
Class organization/form of activity: individual work, pair work, group work, lockstep



Warm - up 1` T checks if everything and Ss get ready for the lesson; they prepare Conversation Lockstep
everybody is prepared for the their materials (book, notebook, pencil
lesson; jots down the absents; case etc)
prepares the didactical material
needed for the teaching activity.
Review of 10` Orally addressed questions: Ss answer T`s questions: T supervises
past Conversation Lockstep /supplies error
material O1 1. What is the - the surrounding environment is the set correction,
O2 environment? of natural and artificial elements and Explanation
phenomena from the surface of Terra,
which determines life in general and that appreciations,
of man in particular. checks the
2. Does the condition of - of course, the condition of the appropriate
the environment affect environment, which is influenced by answers, praises
our life and health? each of us, directly affects our lives and the Ss who get
our health. More attention and actively involved
responsibility is needed from every
in the activity,
citizen to live in a clean environment, to
3. What is pollution? breathe fresh air, to drink clean water, encourages all Ss
and to use the living conditions that to participate
nature offers us. with opinions
4. What do we call -pollution-pollution of the environment
`pollutant`? with different substances (pollutants)
- types of pollutants: physical, chemical,
5. What are the pollutants? biological
- pollutant - substance that causes
6. What does the following - environmental protection - protection
concept mean: of the environment through regulated
protecting and actions, which removes from the
conserving the incidence of man rare species, as well as
environment? some natural areas
- environment consciousness - rational
and efficient use of natural resources,
adoption of the most appropriate forms
and technological processes for limiting
and preventing the harmful effects of
some natural phenomenon.
Until recently, natural resources
Catching 5 were sufficient for the needs of Ss listen carefully to T`s explanations Conversation Lockstep T supervises
Ss` mankind. Nowadays, as a result /supplies error
attention of the demographic explosion Brainstorming correction,
O1 and the unprecedented makes
Lead in O2 development of all branches of Questioning appreciations,
O3 industry, the need for raw checks the
O4 material and energy for the Explanation appropriate
O5 production of goods has answers, praises
O6 increased greatly, and the Debate the Ss who get
O7 intensive exploitation of the actively involved
O8 earth's resources is increasingly in the activity,
evident in an ecological encourages all Ss
imbalance. to participate
"Only after we'll catch all the with opinions.
fish, we'll cut all the trees, we'll
shoot all the bison, we'll realize
that money cannot be eaten!!

Through this activity students
Introducing 1` will acquire knowledge about Conversation
the new the desired relation between Ss jot down the title of the lesson and
lesson man and the environment. listen carefully to the T.
The title of the lesson is
Write down the title of the
lesson on the blackboard and
outline the objectives pupils
need to know at the end of the
Conducting 40 For the study of the main topic T asks Ss for
learning ,, Environment / Global The Ss solve the tasks questions, helps
O1 warming / Environmental Conversation them understand
O2 protection I will use the Each team reads the task received new
O3 'Mosaic' method. This is based Writes down the answers on the Questioning word/concepts
O4 on team learning. Students will worksheet T supervises
O5 be divided into groups, each /supplies error
O6 group having a number. I Explication correction,
O7 propose for study 4 sub-themes, makes
O8 an expert record handout is appreciations,
given to each group; the tasks checks the
are distribted to all the teams: Solve work tasks Debate appropriate
Annex 1 Heuristic answers, praises
Group I conversation the Ss who get
Learning task: Environment and Ss define terms, forms of pollution, actively involved
environmental pollution causes of global warming. Heuristic in the activity,
How do you think it is the conversation encourages all Ss
environment? What is ecology? Ss identifies the effects of pollution on mosaic to participate
What are the ecological things inhabitants / plants, animals, humans, with opinions.
you know? What environmental effects of global warming; methods of Explanation
issues have you heard about? preventing global warming and
Can you give some examples of protecting the environment. brainstorming
Learning by
Group II discovery
Learning task: Global warming
How to work: What is global Explication
What are the The exercise
causes of global warming?

Group III
Learning task: Global warming
How to work: What are the
effects / impact of global
Group IV:
Learning task: Environmental
How it works: How can global
warming be prevented?
How can the
environment be protected?

Each leader will present the

results of the team's work
The teacher explains the notion
of "environment, global
warming, environmental
Provides additional information
about "environment, global
warming, environmental
protection" using a ppt:
- definition of global warming
- causes of global warming
- the effects of global warming
- methods to prevent global
- how we protect the
Complete the lesson scheme on
the board. Annex 2 (table
Reinforcem Exercise Groupwork T supervises
ent activity Students will be divided into - each group will complete the activity /supplies error
15 three groups. Each group will sheet. Handout correction,
receive an activity sheet (Annex Each team reads the task received makes
O1 3) with the topic "Designing an appreciations,
O2 Ecological City" to complete it. Paper sheets checks the
O3 After 15 'one representative Shows the information appropriate
O4 from each group will present Exhibition answers, praises
O5 the results.. the Ss who get
O6 Students have to design and Fill in the new information in the actively involved
O7 draw a city of the future that is notebooks in the activity,
O8 in an ecological balance, taking encourages all Ss
into account the presence of to participate
green spaces, drinking water with opinions.
sources, garbage issues,
industry types, noise levels etc
.; including messages of
sustainable consumption and

- The T will add additional

pollution information using the
suggestive images from the Ss`
Evaluation 10 The T distributes to each Questionnaires Conversation Possible pair
activity student a questionnaire - Participate in the evaluation work or
evaluation sheet. individual work
An oral evaluation of the - They pay attention to the the Ss can
questionnaire is also made. teacher's explanations choose
- Each student solves their
T praises the most active Ss and tasks from the eco
jots down appropriate marks questionnaire
- The T checkes the answers
from the questionnaire with
the Ss.


Annex 1


Group I

Learning task: Environment and environmental pollution

What do you think the environment is? What is the ecology? What are the ecological things you know? What environmental issues have you heard
of? Can you give some examples of pollution?

Group II

Learning task: Global warming

How to work: What is global warming?

Which are the causes of global warming?

Group III

Learning task: Global warming

How to work: What are the effects / impact of global warming?

Group IV:
Learning task: Environmental protection

How it works: How can global warming be prevented?

How can the environment be protected?

Lesson sketch

Annex 2

Environment / Global warming / Environmental protection

Environment - the set of natural and artificial elements and phenomena found on the surface of Terra, which coordinates life in general and that of
men in particular.

Global warming - the rise in temperature on Earth, the heating, probably caused by human activities. We do not perceive temperature increases, but
their effects can be disastrous.

The main causes of global warming

- Carbon dioxide emitted by thermal power plants

- Carbon dioxide emitted by vehicles

- Methane from farms and agriculture, from oil extraction, but also from the bottom of the sea

- Massive deforestation

- Intensive chemical fertilization of crops

- The greenhouse effect produced by the exhaust emissions of factories that increase the amount of gas in the atmosphere.

Effects / Impact of global warming

1. Climate change.

Global warming changes the climate of the globe. Earth's temperatures are on the rise. There are assumptions that regional climate change
will change ecosystems.

2. Increase in sea level

3. Water distribution on the globe

4. People's health is threatened

5.Dispensation of some species of animals and plants

6. Vegetation Incidents

How Can the Environment Be Protected?

1. Adopt laws that provide for the reduction of pollution

2.Reduction of thermal energy use for electricity / natural resources

3. Reducing paper consumption

4. Planting trees because they absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen.

5. Using the same means of transport together with several people

6. Use of a bicycle or hybrid (electric)

Annex 3

Group ...........................................................................


"Designing an Ecological City"

1. City Name:

2. Population:

3. List the laws of the city that help citizens be responsible "from an environmental point of view".

4. Describe the energy source that citizens use for heat:

5. Draw this source.

6. Describe the method that citizens use for storing garbage.

Draw how a bird sees this "green city." Use a legend in the corner to define: house factories, etc.

8. Describe visits to the water purification plant and waste disposal sites as well as office visits to discuss the city plan.

9. Develop an action plan that can have a positive ecological effect on the city.

Annex 4

Eco questionnaire

1. What is the environment for you?

2. Do you think that plants and animals should be protected?

3. How can you protect fauna and flora from a forest?

4. What could you do to protect the environment?

5. How can you prevent / stop the pollution of nature?

6. How can you protect the environment?

Maria IFREA & Alexandra URBAN


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