Lead Generation On Social Media

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Social Media is a conversation happening online; it is better
understood as a group of online activities that has a power to define
and control brands, corporations, institutions to individuals and

Social Media is not a strategy or tactic but a channel where the

conversation is organic, complex and speaks in a human voice;
the conversation is never controlled or organized.

Proaxis International A/S  Nordre Strandvej 119A  DK 3150 Hellebæk  Phone +45 4844 0010  CVR 32161987
Investment in Social Media has become a necessary part of marketing
and communication planning as building a website, fundamentally
due to the sheer volume of time spent by mainstream consumers in
this space.

Marketers and Businesses can effectively use social media as a way of

marketing by influencing the conversation. One way of achieving this
is by providing great customer service experience.

“91% say consumer reviews are the #1 aid to buying

decisions.” - JC Williams Group

Social Media for businesses can help in all stages of marketing, self-
promotion, public relations and customer service: market research,
strategic planning, implementation and evaluation.

Proaxis International A/S  Nordre Strandvej 119A  DK 3150 Hellebæk  Phone +45 4844 0010  CVR 32161987
5 Information graphics to help you understand Social Media
“An information graphic is worth more than thousand words”

1) Art of Listening http://i.imgur.com/4BU8g.jpg

2) Conversation Prism http://i.imgur.com/M2ocL.jpg
3) Social Landscape http://i.imgur.com/PPWcl.jpg
4) What People are doing Online? http://i.imgur.com/BYGwY.gif
5) Building Company with Social Media http://i.imgur.com/loSwf.gif

These infographics don’t just provide you basic outline of what social
media is and how it functions, rather it visualizes how conversations
emerge, navigate among communities, who form the social landscape
and what do they do online.


Everyone’s experience of social media is unique, preferences vary from

the choice of networking platforms, connections made and intentions
of use. Users choose to engage with brands online do so on their own
terms based on their personal experience and consequently the
connections they make are often on a deeper and more meaningful

The three basic guidelines to consider before venturing into social

networking process are:

1) Understand your audience

2) Be useful
3) Be live

As a process, this means researching your customer’s social habits, the

platforms they use; their motives for being active in these platforms.
Proaxis International A/S  Nordre Strandvej 119A  DK 3150 Hellebæk  Phone +45 4844 0010  CVR 32161987

‘Social Media is the top emerging channel for Lead

Generation among technology marketing professionals’
- Unisfair Marketing Survey (May 2009)

Furthemore, 66% of respondents said lead generation was the top

priority for 2010, with only 17% ranking brand awareness and 16%
ranking customer retention as top concerns.

‘51% of Facebook fans and 67% of Twitter followers said they

are more likely to buy the brands they like on Facebook or
follow on Twitter’ – CMB Consumer Pulse (February 2010)

These surveys illustrate that marketers are beginning to rely more on

social media as a steady source for new customers.

The value of Social Media used for lead generation in comparison to

outbound marketing activities, is more cost-effective. Lead generation
is different for every industry but they follow common process which
is detailed below.

Proaxis International A/S  Nordre Strandvej 119A  DK 3150 Hellebæk  Phone +45 4844 0010  CVR 32161987
Develop a Content Creation and Sharing Strategy

When looking to generating leads through Social Media, the first step
is connecting to users on Twitter, Facebook, Blogs, User Forums and
LinkedIn communities. They are the launch pad for creating
interesting conversation and engaging content.

Engaging with a community of potential customers showcases your

expertise; a simple social media update usually is not enough to
convey a full analysis on a topic. Rather an update with a reference
link and your feedback substantiates the key ideas and adds value to
your followers who could be your prospective leads.

The important aspect here is customer’s expectation are changing,

while they may want a call to discuss a product, they might also want a
question answered on platforms like Twitter, Facebook or their blogs.
The sales/social media team should facilitate these social interactions
by engaging with such customers.

Proaxis International A/S  Nordre Strandvej 119A  DK 3150 Hellebæk  Phone +45 4844 0010  CVR 32161987
Proaxis International A/S  Nordre Strandvej 119A  DK 3150 Hellebæk  Phone +45 4844 0010  CVR 32161987
Social Presence Promotion

Once these Social Profil

es are setup at Twitter, Facebook and
LinkedIn,, the main part comes in promoting them and best way would
be by integrating them on your website, email signatures and social
networking profiles.

Proaxis International A/S  Nordre Strandvej 119A  DK 3150 Hellebæk  Phone +45 4844 0010  CVR 32161987
Engagement is not just about speaking, a lot more happens when you
listen to your social space. Users constantly outbreak on social
platforms if they are not happy about a product or service, setup social
monitoring tools to get updated on latest conversation happenings
around your market.

Small business, IT technicians

echnicians & tech-savvy
savvy decision makers always
look out for new services or recommendations fo forr their existing
infrastructure. Tracking
racking and monitoring should be the primary taskstask
in first few days of social media presence for B2B Social Media.

Pic: A potential lead for ‘soundcart’ Software Company on Twitter.

The user is an IT Professional who is looking for recommendation
from his peers.

Proaxis International A/S  Nordre Strandvej 119A  DK 3150 Hellebæk  Phone +45 4844 0010  CVR 32161987
Pic: A head at Software Company seeks for recommendation on
‘cloud backup and data storage for enterprise client’ on Information
Storage category of LinkedIn answers.

Pic: User from a ‘Cloud Computing’ group on Facebook seeks

recommendation from peers.

Setting up monitoring on Twitter Search, Google Alerts and third

party Social Media monitoring can provide lots of insight about your
market and customers on social pla place.
ce. You can take informed
decisions on which social platform to market or sell your
you product.

Proaxis International A/S  Nordre Strandvej 119A  DK 3150 Hellebæk  Phone +45 4844 0010  CVR 32161987

Return of Investment (ROI) is not just about making $$ on Social

Media but it can provide you much more benefits in the longer run.

Pic: ROI for Marketing Software Company from Social Media.

Media Not
just measured in plain currency but these data attribute to their
(sales) conversions on their website.

OI on Social Media is more connected with activities that are
performed with thathat of increase in visitors on website. Defining your
goals and objective before getting into Social Media can also help you
derive your ROI. A typical goal could be any of these: sales,
registrations, referrals, links (from other sites), conversions, reduced
sales cycle and inbound activity.

Proaxis International A/S  Nordre Strandvej 119A  DK 3150 Hellebæk  Phone +45 4844 0010  CVR 32161987
Metric and Analytics Tools
Tools: Traditional web analytics tool such
Google Analytics Tool can provide you traffic counts from various
social media channels which form an important component while
calculating your ROI on S Social Media. This data helps decide which
platform you must focus on due to the sheer volume of traffic
originating from that social space.

Today’s Social CRM/CRM 2.0 (Eg. Salesforce.com, Oracle Social CRM,

RightNow & Sugar CRM) provide you social network
ing, monitoring
and metric tools as a standard feature
feature, thereby extending current
CRM’s capabilities to engage conversations with customers and

Usable Data:: Once you have defined objeobjective,, analyzed metric data
from analytics and social monitoring tools, the important part is using
these data to identify your qualified leads. A lead interested in your
product or services via Twitter/Facebook activities could correspond
to ROI.

An objective and ROI of one business is different from the other, from
the illustrated case study: for one increase in visitor & conversions are
primary goal but for other sales done via Twitter channel is ROI.

Proaxis International A/S  Nordre Strandvej 119A  DK 3150 Hellebæk  Phone +45 4844 0010  CVR 32161987

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