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ENGLISH Theme : World of Knowledge

9.15a.m. 10.15a.m. Topic : Precious Drops

YEAR 2 Objective : Pupils should be able to :
- Do jazz chants performance in front of audiences (Mainstream)
- Take part in jazz chants performance (Linus)
Learning standard : 4.3.1(b), 4.3.2(b)
Activities: teacher introduce jazz chants, teacher asks pupils to recite jazz chant in
groups, pupils perform in group, pupils chant in actions (Mainstream)
Pupils join group performance (Linus)
Impact : ______________________________________________________________
ENGLISH Theme : World of Knowledge
10.45a.m. 11.45a.m. Topic : Days of The Week
YEAR 1 Objective : Pupils should be able to :
- Recite jazz chants and perform in groups (Mainstream)
- Take parts in group performance (Linus)
Learning standard : 4.1.2(i)
Activities: teacher recite jazz chant, teacher asks pupils to chant aloud, pupils chants
with actions, pupils do performance (Mainstream)
Impact : ______________________________________________________________
ENGLISH Theme : World of Knowledge
11.45a.m. 12.45a.m. Topic : Work Hard, Work Smart
YEAR 4 Objective : Pupils should be able to :
- Able to identify verbs of manner
- Fill in at least 5 correct adverbs into the sentences
Learning standard : 5.1.8 (a)
Activities: teacher lists adverbs, teacher gives samples of sentences, pupils list
adverbs into table, pupils do exercise
Impact : ______________________________________________________________

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