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Analytical exercises, Circuits, Devices, Networks and Microelectronics

CDNuE Problem exercises in power electronics: Power amplifiers Version 3.5

Qualification note: Given the various editions the given answers might be questionable. When in
doubt use common sense, native ability, and synaptic plasticity.

Default: 25W power transistor with TJMAX = 155oC, 12-4. An ideal class-A amplifier with 12V supply
cooled by top hat heat sink with CA = 9.8oC/W. rails is used to supply an undistorted sinusoidal
Default ambient temperature TA = 25oC. signal of amplitude 10V to an output transducer of
RL = 20. Operation assumes VL = VS.
12-1. (a) For a safety margin TJ = 10oC what
would be the de-rated power handling capability of Determine:
the default transistors plus heat-sink? (a) Maximum power to the load PL(Max)
(b) If the heat sink is omitted, the case itself (b) Maximum power from the supply = Ps.
must serve as a heat sink. Assume that it is (c) Worst-case PD(ea transistor).
equivalent to a heat sink of value CA = 30oC/W.
What is the naked transistor de-rated power Answers: 2.5W, 14.4W, 7.2W
handling capability including safety margin?
12-5 An ideal class-B amplifier is used to drive a
Answers: 8W, 3.41W sonar unit that requires PL(Max) = 20W, RL = 5
and VS = 16V. It uses 25W power transistors, with
12-2. What minimum power transistor rating TJMAX = 155oC for which a 20oC safety margin (TJ)
(watts) is needed for an application with power is required. Determine
dissipation PD = 10W if the transistor is affixed to a (a) VL(max), VL(worst), PD(worst, ckt)
large heat sink CA = 6oC/W, is assumed to have (b) Thermal resistance CA required of the heat
TJMAX = 150oC and requires safety margin TJ = sink for (a) (keep in mind that class-B uses two
15oC? power transistors)
(c) Suppose that a heat sink twice as large is
12-3. As part of the USMC superman program, a used (which halves the thermal resistance CA).
class-B power assist unit is strapped to the lower Then what maximum power PD(ckt) can the circuit
back muscle group. Assume that it uses the default can dissipate and what power PL(Max) can be
transistors and heat sink and requires a safety delivered to the sonar, assuming that the sonar
margin of TJ = 20oC. For biological considerations transducers can handle the overstress?
the case temperature TC should not exceed 48oC
(body temperature + 11oC). Determine Answers: (a) 10.4W (b) 16.0oC/W
(a) the maximum power that each transistor
(there are two of them) is allowed to handle PD(ea). 12-6. An ideal class-B output stage is used as a
(b) the maximum power PL(Max) that the metabolic intelligence booster for ECE students. It
circuit can deliver to the muscle group based on operates from a battery pack that provides 5V
PD(worst). rails. Assume student synaptic plasticity RL = 20,
and 5W transistors with TJMAX = 150oC and heat-sink
Answers: 2.35W, 11.6W CA = 25oC/W.

(a) For the output requirements given determine

PD(ckt, worst), and VL(worst).
(b) If operated at VL(worst).what is PS , PL and
the conversion efficiency .
(c) If the circuit is operated at maximum
metabolic boost what is TC ?

Analytical exercises, Circuits, Devices, Networks and Microelectronics

12-7. A ideal class-B amplifier associated with an 12-10. The circuit shown uses Darlington
antenna coupler is used to drive a RL = 8 load transistors 2n6059 and 2n6052, with estimated
Available transistors are 25W with TJMAX = 150oC. hFE ( =super) = 750, worst case.
Each transistor is given a top hat heat sink that has
thermal resistance CA = 20oC/W.

(a) If thermal safety margin TJ = 25oC what

maximum power can these transistors deliver to RL?
(b) What minimum supply voltage VS is

Answers: 19.7W, 17.8V

12-8. A class-AB power amplifier is to be designed

for a 6.0W, 12 load. Darlington power transistors
with F = 1250 and rated at 10W for TJMAX = 150oC,
are available. A diode biasing network with diodes
of junction size 1/20 that of the power transistors is
to be used to give class AB operation.

(a) What is the optimum VS and IS(max) ?

(b) If we require that the current through the
diodes vary by no more than a factor of 6, what Ibias Design for a PL(Max) = 15W applied to an RL = 8
(current source) is necessary and what IQ results? load and determine
(c) Suppose that the only power supply (a) VS(min) and corresponding IS(max) ?
available has Vs = 15V. VL(Max) does not change, (b) VBE multiplier circuit (Ibias,,R1, R2) for
which current through R1 and R2 , IR = 0.2mA and
and neither does the Ibias requirement. But
IC5 varies by no more than a factor of 5. Assume
VL(worst), PD(worst, classB) , and PDQ do. What
that VBE = 0.7V for all transistors when at quiescent
are their values?
current levels.
(d) What is PD(worst, total)?
(c) What are the quiescent current and power
(e) What size heat sinks CA are needed for each
levels, IQ and PDQ, respectively
transistor if we require a safety margin TJ = 25oC? (d) What is the PD(worst, tot) for the circuit?

Answers: (a) 15.5V, 0.62A (b) 3.43mA, 3.5k,

12-9. An ideal class-B output stage operates from 10.5k
power supply rails of 12V. Assuming the default
power transistors and heat sinks, and assuming
worst-case power dissipation determine: 12-11 For problem P-10, suppose that the
assumption that hFE ( = super) = 750 is incorrect and
(a) Smallest RL that the circuit can drive that it is closer to hFE = 1500.
without exceeding the TJMAX limit of the transistors.
(b) If a junction safety factor TJ = 20oC is (a) Redesign the VBE multiplier and
imposed, what is the PD(worst) for each transistor, (b) Determine PDQ for the circuit.
VL (worst case) and the maximum allowed output
voltage VL?
(c) For the VL (max)identified by part (b)
determine the IS drawn from the power rails and
case temperature TC of each transistor.

Answers: (a) 1.68, (b) 7.33W, 7.64V, 4.64V

Analytical exercises, Circuits, Devices, Networks and Microelectronics

12-12 For problem 12-10, suppose that the only Determine:

power supply available is a 18V source. What is: (a) VL(max) and resulting IS(max) .
(b) S for each compound transistor pair.
(a) VL(worst) (c) If Ibias = 4.5mA and the current IR through
(b) PD(worst tot) R1 and R2 is elected to be 0.25mA what values result
(keep in mind that PD(class B, worst) and PDQ both for quiescent levels IQ and PDQ assuming VS =
change. VL(max)?
(c) What is the PS at V = VL(max) and the (d) If the power supply is VS = 15V what is
maximum efficiency? VL(worst) and PD(worst, tot) for the circuit ?
(e) For part (d) what is the PS at VL = VL(max)
Answers: (a) 11.5V, (b) 12.6W (c) 26.6W and the efficiency?

Answers: (a) 13.5V, 0.96A (c) 119mA, 3.21W

12-13 For problem P-10, suppose that the only (e) 31.86W, 62.8%
power supply available is a 12 V source and the
intent is that PL(max) remains unchanged. 12-15. Standard equipment issue for the hunter-
killer garden guard-frog includes a directed energy
(a) What new value of RL is necessary? pulse unit capable of annihilating insects at 12 ft. It
(b) What new value of Ibias and IQ are necessary? requires 10W of power at 2MHz and has resistance
(c) What new value of PDQ and PD(tot) result? RL = 6. If it uses a power bridge with opamps
rated at 5W ea and TJMAX = 150oC, determine:

12-14. The circuit shown uses compound super- (a) Minimum power rail requirements VS and
beta transistors (also called the Sziklai topology). maximum average current I S drawn from these
power rails.
(b) Assume that the opamps are constrained to
operate at TJ < 110oC and that available heat sinks
are of size CA = 20oC/W. Determine the worst case
power dissipated and the minimum number of
opamps needed to drive this load.
(c) Determine case temperature TC that results
each time the GGF fires its weapon if 4 opamps are
used to power the pulse weapon..

12-16. The handheld synaptic scrambler uses a

9V battery pack to supply the power rails. It is
driven by a power bridge construct with 4 opamps.
The opamps are constrained to TJMAX = 155oC and
rated at 5W. Each has a top-hat heat sink of thermal
resistance CA = 24oC/W. A safety margin TJ =
20oC is desired.

What is:
Assume PL(max) = 20W driving an RL = 4.5 load.
(a) PD(max, ea)
Also assume sufficient symmetry in the pull and
(b) PL(max)
pull-down transistor so that 1 = 2 = 25 and 3 = 4
(c) RL(min) for the output transducer
= 40. Assume that R3, R4 divert 25% of the current
away from the base nodes of the Q1, Q2 drive Answers: (a) 2.2W, (b) 21.7W
transistors (R3 , R4 increase the ON-OFF speed).

Analytical exercises, Circuits, Devices, Networks and Microelectronics

12-17. The circuit shown is a parade 12-18. The cuff rotator unit for the Mark-12
commander 8W class AB wearable audio vest exoskeleton uses a power bridge to operate its 4,
unit with design requirement PDQ 5% of 40W ligature, for which VS(optimum) = 9.0V. The
PD(worst, class B). Transistors Q1 and Q2 are unit uses 4 opamps rated at 25W and TJMAX = 155oC,
5W power transistors and Q3 and Q4 are and a heat sink for each of thermal resistance CA =
medium power transistors. Each transistor pair 20oC/W. It is essential that the opamps have a safety
margin TJ of at least 40oC. This condition is met if
of the Sziklai form with S = 800. Voltage rails
a 9V battery pack is used.
are based on a utility belt of 3.6V Li-Ion
batteries to give VS = 7.2V. Unfortunately, there are no 9V batteries left and we
have to use two 12V storage batteries. How does
this affect

(a) PD(ckt) and PD(ea)?

(b) TC and TJ ?

Will the thermal requirements be met? Confirm by

means of values for parts (a) and (b).

Choose R1 = 3.0k and assume VBE5 junction

VJ = 0.6V at quiescent and determine:

(a) VL(worst) and PD(worst, B)

(b) RL(min)
(c) Based on PDQ what is IQ?
(c) If RL = 4.0 what is IB(max) ?
(d) For Ibias,= 3.2mA what is IC5 (max)
and the size of Q5 in Watts

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