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0 [ Shkarkohen kabllo ( kabllor shtrir n dysheme ) :

q0x = q0y = q0z = 0 (no load)

1. Long , kur ( koh 0 ) - nse vlera e gjatsis sht specifikuar n nj prkufizim kabllo
2[ Distance ( A , B ) + zgjerim ] , kur zgjerim sht prcaktuar n nj sistem absolute - nse vlera zgjerim sht
specifikuar n nj prkufizim kabllo
3[ Distance ( A , B ) * ( 1 + zgjerim ) ] , kur zgjerim sht prcaktuar n nj sistem relative - nse vlera relative
zgjerim prcaktohet n nj prkufizim kabllo
4[ Distance ( A , B ) ] , kur ( zgjerim = 0 ) dhe ( e gjat = 0 ) - n qoft se nuk ka asnj fjalen si: gjatsi , zgjerim apo
zgjerim t afrm n nj prkufizim kabllor apo nj nga fjal kye t mposhtme: forcs apo stresit ekziston

2.0 kabllo ankoruar n strukturn me t gjitha ngarkesat e ( grumbulluar ) rastin e par t ngarkess ;

L2 - Largsia mes nyjet e mbshtetjes A dhe B t kabllit t deformuar :

L2 = distance (A + U A, B + U B) ,

ku :
U A - Zhvendosja e piks A

U B - Zhvendosja e piks B.
situata t ndryshme pr , grumbulluar rastin e par t ngarkess jan t mundshme :
force H sht e njohur ( e kontrolluar ) - Nse stresi ose fuqi ( tensioni ) nuk sht i barabart me zero ( stres 0 ose
fuqi 0 ) . Pastaj, forca tension barabart :
STRess0 or FORce0). Then, the tension force equals:

From the equation (1):

Vlera l sht distanca n mes t fillimit dhe prfundimit nyjen e kabllit .

Nga ekuacioni ( 2 ) mund t caktoj fillestar kabllor zgjatjen d thelbsor pr marrjen e krkuar fuqi H :
b. Forca lension H sht i panjohur ( as stresin , as forcn vlera jan dhn n sintaks kabllo ) , ather :
Nse zhvendosjet gjat fazs s kuvendit konsiderohen ( prcaktuar nga hyrja vlerat gjatsin , zgjerim ose zgjerim
t afrm n sintaks kabllo ) , q sht,

Gjatsia , zgjerim ose vlera relative zgjerim n sintaks kabllo ) , q sht,

then, solving the equation (4) according to the force H

pastaj , zgjidhjen e ekuacionit ( 4) sipas forcs H

Motion in Two Dimensions:

Curved motion in a plane is motion in two dimensions. For example, if an object is to

move along a semicircle as shown in the following figure, its position at any given
time ( t ) can be determined by its two coordinates ( x ) and ( y ).

An excellent example of two-dimensional motion is the motion of a projectile. The

motion of a projectile is a combination of two motions: (1) a constant speed motion in
the horizontal direction, and (2) an accelerated motion in the vertical direction. For
example, when a football is kicked or a cannonball fired, its shadow on a flat and
horizontal ground moves at constant speed while its shadow on a vertical wall
decelerates upward and comes to stop and then accelerates downward. Visualize a
scenario in which the Sun is shining straight down and casts the shadow of the
football on the ground while very bright horizontal light beams cast the shadow of the
ball on a vertical wall as well.

The path of motion of the ball in air (neglecting air resistance) is a parabola.
This parabolic motion can be replaced by a constant speed motion in the horizontal
direction (x-axis) and an accelerated motion in the vertical direction (y-axis). The
reason for the constant speed motion along the x-axis is that there is no gravitational
pull horizontally to accelerate the ball and, neglecting air resistance, there is no force
to slow it down. In the y-direction, because of the gravitational pull, it first slows
down as it goes upward, and then speeds up as it returns to the ground. The equations
of motion are:

In the x-direction: In the y-direction:

x = (1/2) ax t2 + vix t y = (1/2) g t2 + viy t

Since ax = 0, g = (vfy -viy )/ t (write this down with a
horizontal fraction bar).

x = vix t vfy2 - viy2 = 2 g y.

In the above equations, Vix and Viy are the horizontal and vertical components of the
initial velocity vector. The velocity vector, itself, always acts tangent to the path of
motion. Look at the following figure. It shows the path of a projectile that is thrown
at velocity Vi = (Vi , ) from Point O. As the object moves along the path, its x-
component of velocity, Vix, remains constant, but its y-component of velocity, Vy,
first keeps decreasing until the object reaches its highest elevation at C. Compare the
lengths of the vectors used to show the magnitudes of Vy at points O, A, B, and C. At
C, the highest point, Vy = 0. As the object passes Point C and starts descending,
its y-component of velocity, Vy, keeps increasing but downward, until it is about to hit
the ground where it reaches is maximum value. If the ground is level and air
resistance can be neglected, Vy at Point F will have the same magnitude as Vi at O,
but opposite direction.

Answer the following questions: First think, then answer, and then click to check
your answer.

1) As a projectile moves along its parabolic path, which velocity component does not
change, Vx or Vy? Click here.

2) Does Vy increase or decrease as the object goes upward? Click here.

3) Is there any gravitational pull to accelerate the object in the x-direction? Click
4) If air resistance is negligible, is there any force to slow down the object in any
direction? Click here.

5) Does the magnitude of Vy increase or decrease as the object goes downward from
the highest point? Click here.

6) If the angle of throw ( ) and the initial velocity ( Vi ) are known,

can Vix and Viy be calculated? Click here.

7) Write down the formulas that calculates Vix and Viy . Click here.

8) A cannon ball is fired at an initial velocity of Vi = (312m/s, 38.0 ). What are the
components of the initial velocity in the x and y directions? (a) 312m/s, 312m/s (b)
246m/s,192m/s (c) 12m/s, 0.

You are standing in a 25m/s-moving train car holding a basketball. Let the closed car
have a high enough ceiling for the ball to go as high as it needs. If you throw the
basketball straight upward with respect to the train car at a vertical upward speed of
1.0m/s, determine if the following are (T) true or (F) false:

9) The ball will land in you hand after coming back down. (T) or (F)

10) The horizontal component of the ball's velocity is 25m/s. (T) or (F) Click

11) The initial vertical component of the ball's velocity is at 1.0m/s. (T) or (F)

12) An observer standing on the ground watching the process notices a parabolic path
of motion for the ball not just a straight up-and-down motion as is observed by you.
(T) or (F) Click here.

13) To the observer standing out of the train, the initial velocity vector
is Vi = [25.02m/s , 2.3] (T) or (F)

At this point, it is a good idea to start again (objectively) from the beginning of this
chapter again.

Example 1: A cannon ball is fired at an initial speed of 250m/s through a 27 angle.

Determine (a) its horizontal and vertical components of velocity, (b) the time it takes
to reach the highest point, (c) the highest elevation it reaches, (d) the time it spends in
air before landing, (e) the farthest horizontal distance it travels before landing, and (f)
the equation of its path.

(a) Vix = 250cos(27) = 223m/s ; Viy = 250sin(27) = 113m/s.

(b) At the highest point, Vfy = 0 ; from g = (Vfy - Viy) / t ; t = (Vfy - Viy) /g =
(0 - 113 ) / -9.8 = 12s.

(c) At the highest point, Vfy = 0 ; from (Vfy)2 - (Viy)2 = 2 g y ; 02 - 1132 = 2(-
9.8)y ; y = 650m.

(d) Using the result of Part (b), ttotal = 2(12s) = 24s.

(e) Using the only x-equation, x = Vix t, x = ( 223 m/s)( 24s ) = 5400m

(f) To find the equation of the path (a parabola), the common variable or the common
parameter ( t ), must be eliminated between the x- and y-components of motion. To
do this, let us first write down the equations of motion in the x- and y- directions.

In the y-direction, y = (1/2) g t2 + Viyt ; y = -4.9t2 + 113t

In the x-direction, x = Vix t ; x = 223 t or t = x / 223

Substituting for ( t ) in the y-equation, yields:

y = -4.9( x / 223)2 + 113 ( x / 223) or, y = -0.000099 x2 + 0.51 x


Example 2: A small ball is rolling at a speed of 5.0m/s on a horizontal table 1.2m

high with respect to the floor. How far from the edge of the table does it land after
rolling off the table?
Chapter 3 Test Yourself 1:

A football is kicked through a 30.0-angle at a speed of 15.0m/s. For answers Click


1) The x and y components of its initial velocity are: (a)7.50m/s, 13.0m/s

(b)15.0m/s, 15.0m/s (c)13.0m/s, 7.50m/s.

2) The time it takes for the ball to reach its maximum height is (a)1.88s (b)1.33s
(c) 0.765s.

3) On a flat and horizontal field, the time that the ball spends in air before landing is
(a) 2.66s (b) 1.53s (c) 3.06s.

4) The maximum height it reaches is (a) 9.6m (b) 2.87m (c) 17.2m. Click here.

5) The distance it travels horizontally before landing is (a)19.9m (b) 9.95m (c)

A toy car
pushed by a kid
on a horizontal
table 1.00m high
with respect to
the floor leaves
the table's edge
horizontally and
strikes the
floor, as
shown. Answer
the following

answering, if

6) The initial velocity vector is (a) Vi = (5m/s, 90) (b) Vi = (5m/s, 45)
(c) Vi = (5m/s, 0.0).

7) The time it takes for the car to travel the vertical height of 1.0m is (a) 1/2 of the
time it takes to travel the horizontal distance, x (b) equal to the time it takes to travel
the horizontal distance, x (c) is twice the time for traveling the horizontal distance, x.

8) The initial speed in the y-direction is (a) 5m/s (b) 0 (c) 5tan(90).

9) The falling time of the car is (a)1.0s ( b) 0.451s (c) 0.98s. (To check
your answers Click here ).

10) The horizontal distance, x, traveled by the toy car, while in air, is (a) 2.25m
(b) 4.55m (c) 1.25m.

Problem: A kid is standing at a distance x from the edge of a building 37.0m high. He
throws a rock through a 42-angle with the horizontal such that it almost passes at
the top edge of the building horizontally. The kid's hand is 1.0m above the horizontal
ground at the instant the rock leaves his hand. Let the kid be on the left side of the
building and draw a rough sketch and show the half-parabola that is the rock's
trajectory with the peak of the parabola being the top of the building. Set the x-y
coordinates at the kid's hand and draw the initial velocity vector, Vi with an angle of
throw of 42. Show all distances and answer the following questions:

11) The y-component of the initial velocity is (a) Vi cos42 (b) Vi sin42 (c)
Vi tan42 . Click here.

12) At the peak of the parabola, the y-component of velocity (Vy) is (a) zero (b)
nonzero (c) (1/2)Vi.

13) In y-direction, using Vfy2 - Viy2 = 2gy results in (a) -Vi2 (sin42)2 = -705.6 (b) -
Vi2 (sin42)2 = -725.2 (c) sin = 2.

14) Solving for Vi from question 13(a) results in (a) Vi = 39.7 m/s (b) Vi = 41.2 m/s
(c) Vi = 12m/s. Click here.

15) The height of the building may be found using the fact that at the peak (a) V ix = 0
(b) Vy = 0 (c) Vy < 0.

16) The time it takes for the rock to reach the top is (a) 2.71s (b) 5.42s (c) 1.35s.

17) x, the kid's distance from the wall is (a) 40.0m (b) 20.0m (c) 80.0m. Click

Problem: A cannon ball is fired at an initial velocity of 320m/s through a 41 angle.

(18) Find the horizontal and vertical components of velocity, Vix and Viy.

(19) Write the x- and y-components of equation of motion of the ball.

(20) Eliminate the common variable (t) between these two equations in order to arrive
at the algebraic equation for its parabolic path of motion. Click here.

Note: Before solving each problem, draw an appropriate figure for it.
1) A kid throws a tiny rock at the ground level at 14.0m/s through a
44.0 angle. Find (a) the horizontal and vertical components of the initial velocity,
(b) the highest elevation it reaches, (c) the time the rock spends in air, and (d) the
horizontal distance it travels.

2) Water from a fire hose, held at 60.0 with respect to the horizontal, comes out at a
speed of 23.0m/s. The fireman adjusts his distance from the building to where water
moves horizontally at the top edge of the building; in other words, the water jet forms
exactly a half-parabola. Draw a picture for the problem and find (a) the height of the
building and (b) the fireman's distance from the foot of the building knowing that the
nozzle is held 1.0m above the ground. g = -9.81m/s2.

3) A tiny metal sphere rolling at 2.80m/s on a horizontal table rolls off the table edge
and falls on the floor at a point that is 1.40m from the foot of the table. Using g = -
9.81m/s2, and neglecting air resistance, find (a) the falling time, and (b) the height of
the table.

4) A cyclist is trying to jump over a number of busses parked side-by-side each other.
The ramp angle is 32.0 and the maximum speed he can achieve as he leaves the first
ramp is 28.0m/s. The highest points on both the take-off ramp and the landing-ramp
are at the same level as the busses' roofs are. If each bus including its spacing from
the next bus requires a width of 3.00m, calculate the theoretical maximum number of
busses that he can jump over. g=-9.81m/s2

5) Moving eastward, a car rolls off a vertical cliff at an initial speed of 25.0m/s. The
cliff angle is 10.0 below horizontal. The cliff edge is 6.60m above the lake
surface. Find (a) its vertical speed just before hitting the lake surface, (b) the falling
time, (c) the horizontal distance it travels before hitting the lake surface, and (d) the
magnitude and direction of the velocity at which it enters the lake. g=-9.81m/s2.


1) (a) 10.1m/s, 9.73m/s (b) 4.82m (c) 1.98s (d) 20.0m

2) (a) 21.2m (b) 23.3m

3) (a) 0.500s (b) 1.23m

4) (a) 23

5) (a) 12.2m/s (b) 0.801s (c) 19.7m (d) 27.4m/s at -26.4

The cable is loaded with w force units per horizontal unit of length, e.g., N/m. It assumes a parabolic curve, as shown in Fig. (a), which illustrates such a
suspension from supports on the same level. Temperature variations, which change the tension, are neglected.

Figure (a)- A parabolic cable.

The following equations apply to this coplanar system:

This cable carries a load w in N/m along the cable, rather than horizontally, as in the parabolic case. It assumes a catenary curve as shown in Fig. (b), which
illustrates such a suspension from supports at the same level.
Figure (b)- A catenary.
To solve this type of problem, neglecting temperature changes, let

Referring to the free-body diagram of a portion of the cable to the right of center (Fig. (c)), note that the x-axis is at a distance cbelow the center of the
catenary. This simplifies the derivation.

Figure (c) A section of a catenary.

The following equations apply to the catenary. Note that T becomes Tmax when x = a/2 and y = c + d.
The following types of problems involving cables of w force units per unit of length may be solved using the above equations (7.4)-(7.8):
(a) given the span and sag, that is, a and d
(b) given the span and length, that is, a and L
(c) given the sag and length, that is, d and L
In case (a), solve equation (7.5) by trial to obtain c. Then equation (7.6) yields Tmax and equation (7.4) or equation (7.5) determines L.
In case (b), solve equation (7.7) by trial to obtain c. Then equation (7.8) yields d and equation (7.6) yields Tmax.
In case (c), solve equation (7.8) for c. Then Tmax may be obtained from equation (7.6). To find a, solve either equation (7.5) or equation (7.7).

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