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From 1100 BC, Mediterranean cultures (based on urban-living and trade) began arriving on the Iberian Peninsula
and founding colonies.


1. Phoenicians:
-Came from: Near East.
-Founded colonies on the Mediterranean coast: Gadir and Malaka.
-They were: Navigators, metalworkers and glass producers.
Literate (brought their alphabet)

-Came to Spain to create: New trading routes.

Use metal resources (gold, silver, iron and copper).

2. Ancient Greeks:
- Founded colonies on the Iberian Peninsula: Rhode and Emporion.
-They were: Sculptors and influenced native works (Iberians) as Dama de Elche.
- Came to Spain to develop: Trade
Use natural resources (as metals)
- Had their own currency and trade links with Phoenicians.
- They influenced other cultures, Roman Culture, with: Greek architecture, art, philosophy
worshipped the same gods (gave them different names)

3. Carthaginians:
-Came from: Carthage (North Africa)
- Founded: Carthago Nova. Controlled: Ebussus
-Took control of some Iberian colonies after the fall of Phoenician. (572 BC)
-Attacked the Greek colony (under Roman control) of Saguntum, with Hannibal (a general) siege the colony
-Became the main cultural influence in Spain (until defeat by the Romans in 146 BC)

The Romans:
The Roman conquest was gradual of the Iberian Peninsula began in Emporion in 218 BC. The Romans called the
land Hispania. Figures and events important:

-Scipio Africanus captured Carthago Novaby surprise and then the rest of the Peninsula from the Cathaginians, by
206 BC. Winning battles in Ilipa and Gades.

-Viriatus leader of Lusitania, resisting Roman occupation. 139 BC he was assassinated.

-Numantia: (Celtiberian town) It refused to surrender the Romans during the Celtiberian Wars. Romans siege to
the city, and the final the Numantians decided to burn the city instead of surrendering to the Romans.

Roman Legacy:

Structures: Bridges, walls, roads and aqueducts (carry water to other part).

Law: Modern Law is based on Roman Laws (USA, France)

Language: Latin. Many languages (Romance languages) are based on Latin (like Spanish)

Religion: The Roman Emperor Constantine converted to Christianity in AD 312. (It survived the empires fall)

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