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Lesson One Reflective Summary

Teacher Candidate for Science Endorsement: Alison Friend

School: Tritt Elementary School Grade: First Grade

Lesson Topic: Summer Snowstorm

My scientific knowledge enabled me to implement a lesson on weather and

precipitation. We discussed the water cycle and how precipitation falls from the clouds.
My students really enjoyed the read aloud Zommers Summer Snowstorm by Ned
Young. They were very excited about the manmade snowballs I had purchased from
Bahama Bucks. They loved throwing the snowballs and observing what happened
making scientific discoveries. Students were only introduced to the word precipitation.
So they were not provided adequate time to attain the science objectives and standards
defining all four types. Through reading the book about a snowstorm in summer, we
discussed how that was not scientifically not possible. All students were given a hands
on opportunity to observe a snowball. The introductory lesson on precipitation was not
completely understood since the students primarily watched the snowball melt.
However, later in the unit we reflected back to this lesson when learning about solid
precipitation and liquid precipitation.

In the future, I would not only provide the students with snowballs but with some
model of rain possibly from a water hose to make a connection to the different types of
precipitation and to aid students in formulating a definition. For my assessment, I would
have them write their own definition of precipitation building on their learning from
lesson instead of writing their observations of their snowball.
Lesson Two Reflective Summary

Teacher Candidate for Science Endorsement: Alison Friend

School: Tritt Elementary School Grade: First Grade

Lesson Topic: Types of Precipitation

This lesson centered on science understanding. All students were provided the
opportunity to research all four types of precipitation in the media center. However,
time was limited and some students did not complete the task fully. The engage and
explore components of this lesson went well. The real life video of the four types of
precipitation helped with student understanding and provided a true visualization. The
students were able to illustrate each type of precipitation. Explaining the types through
online PebbleGo research was challenging for my students even though I modeled how
to research rain, and we completed part of the graphic organizer together. This was
their first experience with researching and recording information. The website read the
information to the students. Definitions, videos, photographs, and facts were outlined
for students. PebbleGo was a great resource of information, and student learning was

If I could re-teach this lesson, I would make sure the students had previous
experience with PebbleGo, researching online, and recording information. I would allow
the students to just listen to each section on the types of precipitation. Then I would
group them based on ability. I would record the information in a small group with my
ESOL and EIP students, then have the other students work in partners. I feel this method
would allow us the complete the task and lesson in the given amount of time.
Lesson Three Reflective Summary

Teacher Candidate for Science Endorsement: Alison Friend

School: Tritt Elementary School Grade: First Grade

Lesson Topic: Pic Collage Precipitation

The purpose of the lesson was the demonstrate understanding of each type of
precipitation through illustrating each on the iPad. The students were very engaged
using the Doodle Buddy app to draw the different types of precipitation. Several
students had to be redirected as they were off task and creating silly illustrations on the
iPad. Most students were able to illustrate each type of precipitation. Some students
needed reminders and visualizations of how each type looked especially sleet and hail.

Given the opportunity the re-teach this lesson, I would have students draw the
different types of precipitation on paper first to check for understanding or use their
drawings from the previous day. Then I would allow them time to play on the Doodle
Buddy app prior to creating a digital product for a formative assessment. Overall the
final digital product was achieved.
Lesson Four Reflective Summary

Teacher Candidate for Science Endorsement: Alison Friend

School: Tritt Elementary School Grade: First Grade

Lesson Topic: Liquid or Solid?

This lesson focused on identifying and sorting the types of precipitation as a liquid or
solid. The students were asked to sort their precipitation photo cards into the two
categories before, during, and after the lesson. We explored with ice cubes and water
making scientific observations and discoveries. Students were allowed to touch the ice
and water as well as pour it out of their cup to observe how it moves and/or changes
shape. We watched a video and a Brainpop on states of matter. The videos helped some
students clarify their misconceptions and re-sort their precipitation cards. Some
students continued to challenge that frozen precipitation would be a liquid when it
melted. They were correct, but continued to place those photo cards under liquid
instead of the solid category. So we reviewed the real life precipitation video from day
two to compare how rain moves differently than hail, snow, and sleet. This redirection
really helped with understanding and clarifying this misconception.

If I could re-teach this lesson, I would allow more time to explore and understand
the difference between a liquid and a solid. One day was not enough time to deepen
student knowledge. However, all but three students were able to sort their photo cards
correctly by the closing of the lesson.

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