Njihof 1997

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Hall of Fame Awards Banquet ~ --
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James Carnes, Vice Chair

Grand Entrance
1997 Special Award
1997 Inventors of the Year
1997 Members of the New jersey Inventors Hall of Fame

Tribute to the late Walter Kosonocky

Saul K. Fenster, 1995-1997 Chair

Installation of 1997-1999 Chair

james Carnes

Chair's Message
Harry Roman

Harry Roman
Eric Addeo, Selection Committee Chair
jay Brandinger, Trustee
Martin C. Pettesch
Universal Valve Company, Elizabeth

A t age 31, Martin Pettesch is

quickly developing a reputation
in the oil equipment industry for inno-
manholes for entrances to under-
ground storage tanks. Filling the moni-
tor wells with gasoline was a potential
vation as the developer of some 55 environmental catastrophe. The trian-
products including 10 patents and six gular cover eliminates the potential for
patents pending. He is the developer accidental filling of the monitoring
of the observation monitoring-well wells.
manhole cover, hose retractors, a seal- Pettesch developed the Observation
ing plug for a monitoring well, a mov- Monitoring Well Manhole Cover in
able manhole cover, and an under- 1990 while a Cooperative Education
ground service vault. At present, he student from New Jersey Institute of
has another 15 products in research Technology.
and development.
A graduate of New Jersey Institute
The Observation Monitoring Well of Technology, Pettesch is vice presi-
Manhole Cover is triangular in shape dent of engineering for Universal
and features the standard API monitor- Valve Co. Inc.
ing symbol. Before the invention, fuel
transport drivers often mistook moni-
toring wells with the traditional round
Walter Jinotti
University Medical Products, New Brunswick

Jl blood pump known as the "Tycos line to aerosol the medication into the
J:1\. Pressure Infuser" and oxygen suc- patient, then immediately return to the
tion catheters that combine suction suction by squeezing the valve. This
with Iife-savi ng oxygenation as well as valve can be used repeatedly on the
reducing the risk of hypoxemia (arteri- same patient while disposing of the
al oxygen desaturation) are among the catheter after every use, a cost-effec-
devices invented by Walter Jinotti. tive method.
The Tycos Blood Pump, or Tycos Jinotti also is the inventor of the
Pressure Infuser, transfuses blood in a widely used Vesuvius Pollen Sampler,
steadier and safer method and is five which takes wind into account when
times faster than previous models. The estimating a pollen count. The device,
pump, a windup, spring-operated which enables accurate measurements
device, requires no outside power and of pollen and mold spores, is com-
no continuous monitoring. monly used to provide media reports
The Jinotti Catheter system puts the on the daily pollen counts.
complete control of endotracheal suc- Jinotti is a Visiting Professor at the
tion and oxygen in the hands of the UMDNJ-Robert Wood Johnson
clinician. If a particular procedure Medical School and Visiting Professor
requires the administration of a saline of Biomedical Engineering at Rutgers
solution or medications for irrigation, University's College of Engineering.
an oxygen port can attach to a stan-
dard luer syringe, and the clinician can
medicate and reconnect the oxygen
Steven M. Kuznicki
Engelhard Corporation, Iselin

icroporous solids form the heart drinking water has been impacted by
of many important processes in this new chemistry. Several other
the areas of catalysis, ion-exchange applications are soon to follow.
and adsorption. Steven Kuznicki dis- These new materials are distinctive
covered a new class of microporous because they contain six, instead of
materials which are changing th~ four, coordinated atomic sites. This
direction of this evolving field. basic new chemistry is impacting
Kuznicki has taken a lead role in areas from water clean-up to com-
bringing adsorption-enabling concepts pressorless air conditioning.
such as desiccant cool ing and heavy Kuznicki earned a bachelor's
metal adsorption to reality. Since dry degree in chemistry from Worcester
air is easier to cool, the desiccant air Polytechnic Institute and a doctorate in
conditioner pushes air flows through chemistry from the University of Utah.
large wheels coated with a zeolite cat-
alyst to remove water. The adsorption
of heavy metals, especially lead, from

Lee-Fang Wei
Lucent Technologies, Liberty Corner

ee-Wang Fei has continually has led to its inclusion as a standard

applied his innovative ability in feature in all the newer models of per-
coded modulation and digital commu- sonal computers.
nications to drive modem and trans- Wei's deep understanding of com-
mission technology. His invention of munications theory, coupled with his
the high-speed modem remarkable ability to execute his
(Multidimensional Trellis-Coded inventions in practical systems, make
Communication System) was ultimate- him an extremely valuable asset to
ly adopted by the CCiTT (international Lucent Technologies. Wei holds 22
standards body) for high-speed data patents with eight new applications
transmission (28.8kbps) over telephone pending.
lines. Since its adoption in the interna-
A graduate of the National Taiwan
tional voiceband modem standard
University, Wei earned his doctorate at
Y.34, it has been manufactured and .
the University of California at Berkley.
marketed by the worldwide modem
industry. The success of the invention
Tsong-Ho Wu and Richard C.L. Lau
Bellcore (Bell Communications Research), Red Bank

song-Ho Wu and Richard c.L. Lau

T developed new approaches to
designing and building "self-healing"
a leading role in working with numer-
ous organizations in the industry to
develop the detailed control algorithms
ring networks that can automatically and protocols, and submitted a suite of
withstand a cut link. Self-healing rings contributions to different standards
have emerged as the techniques of bodies that led to the deployment of
choice in providing cost-effective and their protection schemes. The SONET
reliable protection against fiber link self-healing ring network is a critical
and node failures in the public net- component in today's national infor-
work. Sales of SONET ring equipment mation infrastructure because it pro-
were estimated to exceed $2 billion in vides the required level of fault toler-
1996. ance and robustness to hundreds of
When the Synchronous Optical millions of users.
Network (SONET) standards were first Tsong-Ho Wu received a bache-
proposed and debated in the 1980's, lor's degree from the National Taiwan
most researchers focused on the proto- University and master's and doctoral
cols and specifications. However, Wu degrees from the State University of
and Lau noted that since one strand of New York at Stony Brook.
fiber carries so much vital information, Richard Lau holds bachelor's, mas-
survivability and self-healing would ter's and doctoral degrees from the
surface as a critical issue in SONET University of Pennsylvan ia.
networks. Guided by this vision, the
two inventors proposed the basic con-
cepts of self-healing rings. They played

, 1997 Hall of Fame ~

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Alfred Y. Cho
Lucent Technologies, Liberty Corner

W hen Alfred Cho joined Bell

Laboratories in 1968, he envi-
sioned that smaller and smaller elec-
in the fabrication of consumer elec-
tronic and optical devices and other
tronic and photonic devices wouild With 48 patents on crystal growth
create a need for a crystal growth tech- and semiconductor devices related to
nology with control of layer thickness MBE, Cho is often referred to as "the
and material composition. This insight father of MBE," His many research
led to the development of molecular
accomplishments include construction
beam epitaxy (MBE).
of surface phase diagram for MBE crys-
During the early 1970's, Cho used tal growth, the first fabrication of an
surface analytical techniques to under- MBE artificial superlattice, the first
stand molecular beam crystal growth MBE IMPATT diode, mixer diode,
under controlled high vacuum condi- field effect transistor operating at
tions. He was the first to observe the microwave frequencies, and the first
two dimensional reflection high energy MBE double-heterostructure laser oper-
electron diffraction pattern of GaAs ating at room temperature.
crystal growth and the atomic smooth-
Cho earned bachelor's, master's
ing of the crystal surface which ulti-
and doctoral degrees in electrical engi-
mately formed the basis for the suc-
neering from the University of Illinois.
cessful growth of superlattice and
He is director of semiconductor
quantum well structures with atomic
research of the Physical Science and
layer precision,
Engineering Division at Bell
MBE is used to prepare single crys- Laboratories in Murray Hill, N.J.
tal films for semiconductors, metals
and insulators with exquisite control.
These structures play an important role
James L. Flanagan
Rutgers University, New Brunswick

O utstanding contributions in the

areas of voice communications,
computer techniques and electroa-
recognized as the seminal presentation
of the scientific and technical aspects
of speech processing systems.
coustic systems by James L. Flanagan In July 1996, he received the
have resulted in products and National Medal of Science, the
processes of great benefit to society nation's highest scientific honor, from
and the awarding of 48 U.S. patents
President Bill Clinton. Other awards
in the area of telecommunications.
include the Gold Medal of the
Flanagan's modeling of the basilar Acoustical Society of America, the
membrane motion led to engineering Edison Medal of the IEEE,the L.M.
models of auditory signal processing. Ericsson International Prize in
His achievements with mathematical Telecommunications and the Medal of
and experimental modeling of vocal the European Speech Communication
excitation for speech production have Association.
provided a basis for advanced speech Flanagan is vice president for
synthesizers. research and director of the Center for
Flanagan provided the basis for Computer Aids for Industrial
many of the low-bit-rate coding algo- Productivity at Rutgers University. He
rithms now in wide use for telecom- earned a bachelor's degree from
munications and electronic voice mail Mississippi State University and mas-
systems. His pioneering work on ter's and doctoral degrees from
acoustic signal processing led to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
development of autodirective micro-
phone arrays for teleconferencing.
His book, "Speech Analysis,
Synthesis and Perception", is widely
Ezra Gould (1809190 1)
Gould Machine Company, Newark

O ne of the finest mechanics of his

day, Ezra Gould also possessed
considerable skill as an inventor. He is
world. A major customer was the auto
industry; each of the major auto com-
panies used cutting and shaping equip-
credited with designing and building ment to produce automotive gears.
the first shaping machine and one of Gould, who retired in 1890 at the
the earliest gear-cutting machines age of 81, was well known in business
made in the United States. and society circles and was a noted
Gould's company began in a small philanthropist.
plant in Newark in 1833. His shaping During World War II, Gould &
machine, drill press and hand-operated Eberhardt, then located in Newark,
gear-cutting machine, exhibited at the received an Army-Navy "E"
Crystal Palace in New York City, Production Award in recognition of
earned Gould the American Institute's extraordinary achievement in the pro-
si Iver medal in 1851. Many other duction of war equ ipment. At the
machines, now in extensive use, owe time, the company was one of the
their history to the mechanical and largest in the world specializing in
inventive genius of Gould. shaping and gear-hobbing machines,
In 1877, Gould formed a partner- basic tools required for the produc-
ship with Ulrich Eberhardt to establish tion of all types of machinery.
Gould & Eberhardt. The firm manufac-
tured Gould's gear cutters and shapers
and sold the machines around the
Milton Morse
APM Hexseal Corp., Englewood

D uring a 50-year career, Milton

Morse has provided technical
solutions important to the develop-
been used in defense applications
including submarines, aircraft carriers,
Polaris missiles, Patriot missile launch
ment of a variety of industrial, com- controls and Apollo space vehicles.
mercial and military products and sys- The seals are also widely used in
tems. He holds 65 U.S. patents and 39 industrial and commercial applications
foreign patents, including awards in such as machine tools, aircraft, waste
France, Japan, Great Britain, Spain, treatment equipment, pressure wash-
Italy, Switzerland, Belgium and ers, underwater lighting and chemical
Canada. Still active at the age of 84, processing equipment.
his most recent patent was issued in His patents have ranged from geo-
January 1995. thermal techniques for desalinating
Among Morse's more commercially water to multi-speed derailleur gear-
successful inventions and the major shifting mechanisms; from electro-
source of his company's revenues are acoustic loudspeaker transducers to
environmental sealing boots for electri- manually-releasable, self-grounding
cal components. The seals provide an electrical plugs. And from vandal-resis-
inexpensive means of protecting elec- tant telephone keypads to omnidirec-
trical/electronic switches and circuit tional radar scanning systems.
breakers from failure due to exposure
to water, salt spray, dust, grease, oil,
lubricants and solvents. The seals have
Richard H. Rang (1889-1962)
Rangertone Inc., Newark

A s a designer for the Radio electronic chimes, an automatic

.l1Corporation of America (RCA), in device to reproduce the familiar hand-
1924, Richard Ranger invented the struck chimes used by the National
wireless photoradiogram, or Broadcasting Co. (NBC). By connect-
transoceanic radio facsimile, the fore- ing his electrically-operated chimes
runner of today's "Fax" machines. A with outdoor loudspeakers, he was
photograph of President Calvin later able to create the effect of
Cool idge sent from New York to church bells.
London in November 1924 became During World War II, he was put in
the first photo picture reproduced by charge of radar and communications
transoceanic radio facsimile. for the U.S. Army and spent 1944 to
Commercial use of Ranger's product 1946 on technical intelligence mis-
began two years later. Officials of the sions in Europe. While in Germany, he
Marconi Wireless Telegraph Co. in studied advances in tape recorders
London cooperated with RCA in intro- which led to further development of
ducing the Ranger system, which magnetic tape recorders after the war.
could send a 5x7 inch photograph in
The Academy of Motion Picture
about 20 minutes.
Arts presented Ranger with an "Oscar"
In 1928, Ranger invented the in 1956 for his development of the
photo-radioscope, which used jets of tape recorder and synchronization of
hot and cold air playing on a sensi- film and sound.
tized screen to record enlarged pic-
Ranger was a 1911 alumnus of the
tures. Three years later, he set up a
Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
consulting business specializing in
radio, acoustics and general electronic
technique. In 1933, he invented the
Harry L. Yale
E.R. Squibb and Sons, New Brunswick

D uring a 33-year career at the

Squibb Institute for Medical
Research, Harry Yale was responsible
The author or co-author of 156
patents and some 125 academic
research papers, Yale served as editor
for the discovery and development of of the aliphatic compound section of
six ethical drugs. His first success was Chemical Abstracts for 25 years. He
the development of the anti-tubercu- earned a bachelor's degree in chem-
lous compound Isoniazid for which he istry from the University of Illinois and
received the Lasker Award in Public a doctorate in organic chemistry from
Health in 1953. Iowa State. Yale also worked for the
Yale also played a key role in the National Defense Research Committee
development of the antipsychotic synthesizing booster explosives, as a
drugs Vesperin (triflupromazine), research chemist at Shell Development
Prol ixin (fluphenazine) and its deriva- Co. and on the Manhattan Project.
tives Proflixin Enanthate and Prolixin At his retirement from Squibb in
Decanoate which are long-acting 1979, he was a Senior Research
drugs, as well as the diuretic, antihy- Fellow.
pertensive Naturetin (bendroflumethi-
Johnson &Johnson
New Brunswick

ince the mid -1880's, when the the company the only health care firm
newly created johnson & johnson among the top 10 U.S. corporations in
began making the first antiseptic surgi- terms of R&D spending.
cal dressings, the company has grown When most surgeons were still
to become the world's largest and most ignoring Lister's germ theory, johnson
comprehensive manufacturer of health & johnson launched antiseptic wound
care products serving the consumer, dressings, and then, with new technol-
pharmaceutical and professional ogy, the world's first sterile bandages.
markets. Today, johnson & johnson is the world
johnson & johnson holds 3,232 market leader in oral contraceptives,
active U.S. patents and 16,622 active surgical stents, disposable contact lens-
international patents along with es, antifungal drugs, blood glucose
46,128 trademark registrations and monitoring systems, sutures, medical
4,316 unique trademarks. The compa- diagnostics, over-the-counter drugs
ny's achievements are rooted in a cen- and instruments for minimally-invasive
tury-long commitment to developing surgery. The company is also the U.s.
novel technologies into new, cost- leader in clinical chemistry analyzers,
effective products that enhance or save neurosurgical instruments and non-
lives, a highly entrepreneurial culture, invasive blood pressure monitors.
a decentralized structure and a strong johnson & Johnson was the recipi-
ethical core. More than 36 percent of ent of the 1996 National Medal of
1995 sales were from products intro- Technology, the nation's highest honor
duced in the past five years. for technological innovation.
In 1996, johnson & johnson's
Research and Development investment
reached $1.9 billion and included
more than 7,200 researchers, making
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1997 Advancement of Invention Award ;

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Presented annually to a not-far-profit institution.

New Jersey Institute of Technology


N J'T'Stradition as an "alma mater

of invention" extends back to its
founding in 1881 as Newark Technical
pollution prevention, environmental
control and remediation, sensor sys-
tems and separation technology.
School. One of the university's To support and encourage invention
founders, Edward Weston, earned 334 among both students and faculty, the
patents while working to revolutionize university recently established a group
electrical measurement. of awards funded through a bequest
For more than a century, an NJIT from the late Kazuo Hashimoto, Ph.D.
education has served as a springboard (hon.) '95, a pioneer in telephone tech-
to careers in invention and technologi- nology. The Hashimoto Endowment
cal development. Over the past two Fund promotes and rewards innovation
decades, NJIT has experienced spec- in the fields of electrical and computer
tacular growth in its research pro- engi neeri ng.
grams, emerging as a major research In 1987, Governor Thomas Kean
university. The university annually asked NJIT to act as the host institution
spends in excess of $32 million on for the New Jersey Inventors Hall of
research initiatives in environmental Fame. Since that time, under the lead-
engineering, manufacturing, micro- ership of President Saul K. Fenster,
electronics, transportation, computer NJIT has led this collaborative effort to
science, multimedia, particle technolo- bring greater recognition to New Jersey
gy and many other areas. inventors and the role of invention in
Inventions developed at NJIT have New Jersey's economic development.
been patented and Iicensed for com-
mercial applications in areas such as
fiber optics, microelectronic devices,
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, -------
Board of Trustees
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Eric Addeo** Michael Greene, Vice President, Law,

Candida Aversenti, President and COO, Lucent Technologies
General Magnaplate, Inc. Carmine P. Iovine, Vice President,
William O. Baker, Vice Chairman, Research & Development, National
New Jersey Commission on Science Starch & Chemical Company
and Technology, AT&T Bell Labs (Ret.) Wooyoung Lee, Manager, Mobil
Chemical Company
Len Bearison, President and CEO,
Technogenesis, Inc. John H. Martinson, Managing Partner,
Edison Venture Fund
James H. Blow, Jr., 7995-7997 Chair
Emeritus Calvin McCracken, Chief Executive
Jay Brandinger, Executive Director, Officer, Calmac Manufacturing *
New Jersey Commission on Science Lucye Millerand, Coordinator of Special
and Technology Events, New Jersey Institute of
James E. Carnes, President and CEO, Technology
David Sarnoff Research Center, Vice Marcus Millet, Esq., Lerner, David,
Chair Littenberg, Krumholz & Melnik
Gert Clarke, Executive Director, New Gregory Olsen, President, Sensors
Jersey Business Industry Science Unlimited**
Education Consortium, Stevens
Patricia R. Ondrick, Vice President for
Institute of Technology
University Advancement, New Jersey
Peter Eisenberger, Vice Provost for the Institute of Technology
Earth Institute, Columbia University
Harry Roman, Senior Consultant, Public
Saul K. Fenster, President, New Jersey Service Electric & Gas, 7997-7999
Institute of Technology, 7995-1997 Chair
Chester Szymanski, Unilever U.S.A.,
Robert Z. Gussin, Corporate Vice Inc. (Ret.)
President, Science and Technology
Sue Wilson, Colgate Palmolive (Ret.), Vice
Johnson & Johnson
Samuel Goldfarb, Inventor

* Member, New Jersey Inventors Hall of Fame

** Past New Jersey Inventor of the Year
--_~ ~ -- ~-- - --- ----- - -,
Selection Committee !
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Eric Addeo, Chair** Kuo-Yann Lai, Colgate-Palmolive

James H. Blow, Jr.
Andrew G.F. Dingwall, David Sarnoff Lauren LaPlante, Public Service Electric
& Gas
Research Center*
Charles Dzuba, Public Service Electric & Harry Roman, Public Service Electric &
James W. Falk, Esq., Bellcore Larry Schmerzler, National Society of
Leonard Godfrey, University of Medicine
and Dentistry of New jersey (Ret.) Brian Silvetti, Calmac Manufacturing

Michael Johnstone, North jersey Blood George Tselos, Edison National Historic
Center Site

* Member; New jersey Inventors Hall of Fame

** Past New jersey Inventor of the Year

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\ <, Contributors
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We are most grateful for the financial support of the following contributors. Their gener-
ous support of the New jersey Inventors Hall of Fame makes it possible for us to continue
our efforts to nurture the spirit of invention in New Jersey.

Johnson & Johnson Anadigics

National Starch and Chemical Edison Management Corporation
Fluoramics, Inc.
General Magnaplate
GPU Energy
Bell Communications Research
NEC Research Institute
Bristol-Myers Squibb Company
Exxon Research and Engineering
Glenbrook Technologies
Lucent Technologies Inc.
Public Service Electric & Gas
David Sarnoff Research Center

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