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Zap Accounting Software - PartA-pn1 - Postive/Negative Values John Doe Acupuncture

HOME 10/28/2017 13:44:16

Tab List

Working Tabs Description

Home {This Tab}
Notes A place to keep notes
Chart of Accounts See the Downloads section of our website for other Chart of Accounts templates
Checking6677 Checking Transaction Ledger for account ending in 6677
CreditCard8899 Credit Card Transaction Ledger for account ending 8899
txnAggregator This worksheet aggregates your Checking and CC transactions for Income Statement Reporting and Transaction Reporting
Income Statement Customizable in ways that can not be remotely matched outside of a spreadsheet type of system
Transaction Search Database style drop downs for searching for transacionts and printing transaction lists
Inc. Stmt by Month Shows 12 months of income statements side by side for quick comparative purposes
Other Expenses A Tab for tracking expenses outside of your primary Checking and Credit Card accounts ( cash for cab, personal cc for business purchase, etc)
Reconciliation Our unique and powerful system for ensuring reconciled data exists at all times without all of the work of the typical reconciliation process

Silent Tabs
_Validation Lists A tab where all the validation list data for drop down boxes is stored. It also may contain other data aggregating lists
_txnsRaw1_Checking A copy of the raw data downloaded from the bank (raw download file is separate typically separate file)
_txnsRaw2a_CCcorp A copy of the raw data downloaded from the bank (raw download file is separate typically separate file)
_txnsRaw2b_CCjohn A copy of the raw data downloaded from the bank (raw download file is separate typically separate file)

The list of tabs above and the color coding was all created manually. If you add tabs and/or change tab colors, we suggest keeping this page up to date, but it is not required.

User Config Data

Select "Data>Named ranges" to see variable names for these fields or you can look at the cells where they are referenced for the assigned names. You can add
more named ranges below these or modify these as desired. TIP: When creating a named range, make sure it is only referencing a single cell. The big dotted
boxes here are for looks only. The named range values are in the first cell of the larger dotted box.

Company Name John Doe Acupuncture

Full Address 1010 Wellness Road, San Jose CA 95002

License and Copywrite

This is Open Source Software. In general, it is yours for personal use and personal sharing. This may not be sold. Inclusion of this content in training, education or
consulting is permitted, but in some such cases, licensing fees are due. For more on Licensing and Copywrite, see the "Legal" section on our website.

Our Website

For more information please visit:

End -- HOME

copywrite: 220 Club / DIY Software Club / ZAP Accounting Software - 2017 to present
John Doe Acupuncture Notes

This entire page is yours to make notes as you wish. You can delete the info above if you'd like or move it to the bottom of the page too.

Downloaded file on 3/21

Downloaded txn for checking from 1/1-2/28


This is ZAP PartA-pn1 with a create date of approximately 10/13/2017..
PartA-pn1 is ZAP Part A with Positive and Negative values (as opposed to debits and credits) and it does NOT include Property/Project identification field by default

Chart of Accounts
This has been preloaded with a Chart of Accounts inline with Schedule C, which is for LLC's.
We offer Chart of Account suggestions for Form 1120s (S-Corps), Schedule E (real estate) and personal accounting as well as a few others.
For our other Chart of Account sample lists please go to the downloads section of our website and look for the "Chart of Accounts" menu item.

About John Doe Acupuncture

John is an experienced Acupuncturist, Herbalist and Clinic Nutrition expert.

His primary office includes a 6 room office space in a suburban location that he sees patients in on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. He also rents two
rooms in a larger wellness center on Monday and Friday to see patients in an urban setting.

John's gross income this year was around $59k That is a little low for his sales volume of $154k.

-- In 2015, John was subletting out space in his primary location to Roger, another Acupuncturist for $800/month. Unfortunately, that came to an end in
November 2015 when Roger decide to move to Fiji, and John was unable to find a replacement for Roger in 2016. Thus John lost about $800/month in
sublet income for all of 2016. John has a tenative agreement for another subletter starting January 2017.
-- Roger handled a lot of the computer and IT needs around the office as well as some of the bookkeeping and adminstrative work -- he handled all of that
in exchange for knowledge sharing related to John's expertise in Dr. Tan's acupuncture methods as well as John's expertise in clinical nutrition. As a result
of Roger's departure, John had to buy some small computer equipment that he expensed (as opposed to capitlizing) and he had to pay for a Busines
Consultant to come in regularly to help him with his office needs. John hopes to reduce those expenses next year, which would add back another $5k to his
-- The Cost of Goods sold for $154k for 2016 was $41k, so his net sales before expenses were $113k

With the same level of sales in 2017 and the same product/service mix as he's showing for 2016, John would expect to see a net income of make closer to
$74k for the same level of work as he did in 2016.
John Doe Acupuncture Chart of Accounts
Account Name Account Type Comments
Checking6677 Asset The tab name for the ledger for this account does not have to match this account name exactly, but cell F1/G
CreditCard8899 Liability The tab name for the ledger for this account does not have to match this account name exactly, but cell F1/G
OwnerDraw-JD Equity
01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Income
02_ Returns or Allowances Income
08_ Advertising Expense
09_ Car and truck expenses Expense
10_ Commissions and fees Expense
11_ Contract labor Expense
12_ Depletion Expense
13_ Depreciation Expense
14_ Employee bene programs Expense
15_ Insurance (other than health) Expense
16a_ Interest mortgage Expense
16b_ Interest not mortgage Expense
17_ Legal and Professional servicesExpense
18_ Office Expenses Expense
19_ Pension and Profit sharing plans
20a_ Rent - equipment Expense
20b_ Rent - not equipment Expense
21_ Repairs and Maintenance Expense
22_ Supplies (not COGs) Expense
23_ Taxes and licenses Expense
24a_ Travel Expense
24b_ Meals and Entertainment Expense
25_ Utilities Expense
26_ Wages Expense
27a_ Other Expenses Expense
36_ COGs-Resell Items Expense
John Doe Acupuncture Chart of Accounts
Account Name Account Type Comments
37_ COGs-Labor Cost Expense
38_ COGs-Materials and Supplies Expense
39_ COGs-Other Costs Expense
39_ COGs-Other-Subcontractors Expense
39_ COGs-Other-Equipment RentalExpense
99_ transfer_in Expense
99_ transfer_out Expense
99_ reimbursable Expense
99_ uncategorized Expense
John Doe Acupuncture Checking6677 Optional Stuff
Date Payor/Payee Amount s Acct2 Comment Acct1 (this Acct^) Running Bal. txnID

1/15/2016 Counter Credit $2,802.23 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 $2,802.23 5
1/15/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 4083069077
$3,100.00 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 $5,902.23 6
1/20/2016 Counter Credit $1,699.80 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 $7,602.03 8
1/20/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 2832047372
$2,000.00 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 $9,602.03 9
1/27/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 1493736131
$1,200.00 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 $10,802.03 11
1/28/2016 Counter Credit $1,007.40 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 $11,809.43 13
2/3/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 0552813573
$1,700.00 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 $13,509.43 19
2/9/2016 Bank Adjustment $5.00 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 $13,514.43 23
2/9/2016 Counter Credit $1,760.64 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 $15,275.07 24
2/10/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 1412687376
$1,700.00 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 $16,975.07 27
2/12/2016 Counter Credit $926.25 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 $17,901.32 30
2/24/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 1334494917
$3,600.00 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 $21,501.32 34
2/29/2016 Counter Credit $1,228.38 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 $22,729.70 38
3/2/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 0694989200
$600.00 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 $23,329.70 41
3/4/2016 Counter Credit $1,495.16 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 $24,824.86 44
3/11/2016 Counter Credit $1,517.82 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 $26,342.68 48
3/11/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 4174287053
$3,000.00 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 $29,342.68 49
3/16/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 0514261748
$1,900.00 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 $31,242.68 52
3/21/2016 Counter Credit $1,011.60 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 $32,254.28 55
3/23/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 2676264862
$1,700.00 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 $33,954.28 58
3/25/2016 Counter Credit $1,033.96 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 $34,988.24 62
3/30/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 2637027827
$1,600.00 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 $36,588.24 64
4/1/2016 Counter Credit $949.44 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 $37,537.68 65
4/6/2016 Counter Credit $2,106.97 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 $39,644.65 67
4/13/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 0657799724
$1,900.00 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 $41,544.65 73
4/18/2016 Counter Credit $833.36 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 $42,378.01 76
4/18/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 0599455202
$1,900.00 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 $44,278.01 77
4/27/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 2677915199
$2,300.00 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 $46,578.01 82
5/2/2016 Counter Credit $2,549.20 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 $49,127.21 86
5/16/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 3919862637
$3,700.00 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 $52,827.21 97
5/17/2016 Counter Credit $1,679.39 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 $54,506.60 99
5/19/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 0568733805
$1,591.48 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 $56,098.08 100
5/20/2016 Deposit Discrepancy Adjustment 866-792-9999 $0.70 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 $56,098.78 102
5/31/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 0562405836
$1,300.00 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 $57,398.78 105
6/2/2016 Counter Credit $1,462.45 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 $58,861.23 109
6/8/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 0642977794
$1,000.00 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 $59,861.23 111
6/8/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 1642971740
$1,850.00 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 $61,711.23 112
6/10/2016 Bank Adjustment $0.24 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 $61,711.47 113
6/10/2016 Counter Credit $1,564.63 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 $63,276.10 114
6/13/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 4083010144
$1,100.00 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 $64,376.10 116
John Doe Acupuncture Checking6677 Optional Stuff
Date Payor/Payee Amount s Acct2 Comment Acct1 (this Acct^) Running Bal. txnID

6/22/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 2862668450

$1,500.00 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 $65,876.10 121
6/27/2016 Counter Credit $1,645.31 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 $67,521.41 125
6/27/2016 Counter Credit $2,844.99 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 $70,366.40 126
6/27/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 0505492837
$650.00 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 $71,016.40 124
6/29/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 1622468183
$500.00 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 $71,516.40 130
7/1/2016 Counter Credit $2,102.68 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 $73,619.08 132
7/6/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 0582945673
$1,600.00 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 $75,219.08 134
7/8/2016 Bank Adjustment $50.00 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 $75,269.08 138
7/8/2016 Counter Credit $1,346.07 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 $76,615.15 139
7/13/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 0538580648
$2,100.00 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 $78,715.15 141
7/19/2016 Counter Credit $2,049.99 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 $80,765.14 144
7/20/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 4003825679
$2,000.00 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 $82,765.14 145
7/22/2016 Counter Credit $1,627.23 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 $84,392.37 150
7/27/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 0663816827
$1,200.00 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 $85,592.37 153
8/1/2016 Counter Credit $1,522.30 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 $87,114.67 156
8/4/2016 Counter Credit $2,052.76 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 $89,167.43 158
8/10/2016 Counter Credit $1,890.94 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 $91,058.37 161
8/17/2016 Counter Credit $1,933.61 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 $92,991.98 163
8/17/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 1446387829
$6,224.76 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 $99,216.74 164
8/31/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 3766463402
$5,022.74 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 $104,239.48 172
9/1/2016 Counter Credit $1,093.46 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 $105,332.94 174
9/7/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 1428022405
$2,018.52 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 $107,351.46 178
9/8/2016 Bank Adjustment $0.50 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 $107,351.96 179
9/8/2016 Counter Credit $2,123.38 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 $109,475.34 180
9/13/2016 Counter Credit $1,863.85 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 $111,339.19 182
9/19/2016 Counter Credit $886.56 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 $112,225.75 187
9/21/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 3548796476
$3,138.99 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 $115,364.74 191
9/28/2016 Counter Credit $3,333.32 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 $118,698.06 196
9/28/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 2208253816
$1,691.86 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 $120,389.92 195
9/30/2016 Counter Credit $1,265.34 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 $121,655.26 197
10/5/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 3568572133
$2,096.74 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 $123,752.00 198
10/6/2016 Counter Credit $1,657.04 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 $125,409.04 201
10/20/2016 Counter Credit $1,402.98 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 $126,812.02 207
10/26/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 3150237819
$2,908.20 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 $129,720.22 209
10/28/2016 Counter Credit $1,891.19 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 $131,611.41 213
11/2/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 1210990931
$1,406.65 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 $133,018.06 215
11/8/2016 Counter Credit $918.14 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 $133,936.20 219
11/14/2016 Counter Credit $1,965.19 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 $135,901.39 222
11/16/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 1532677871
$2,822.37 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 $138,723.76 225
11/18/2016 Counter Credit $1,260.63 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 $139,984.39 227
John Doe Acupuncture Checking6677 Optional Stuff
Date Payor/Payee Amount s Acct2 Comment Acct1 (this Acct^) Running Bal. txnID

11/23/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 1393300663

$1,221.68 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 $141,206.07 230
11/28/2016 Counter Credit $1,107.91 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 $142,313.98 233
11/30/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 2253093051
$1,111.55 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 $143,425.53 235
12/5/2016 Counter Credit $988.77 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 $144,414.30 239
12/7/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 2313705904
$4,251.41 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 $148,665.71 243
12/12/2016 Counter Credit $1,380.92 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 $150,046.63 246
12/14/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 7375015743
$1,119.24 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 $151,165.87 248
12/16/2016 Counter Credit $2,901.34 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 $154,067.21 250
12/21/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 3434684591
$1,695.14 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 $155,762.35 252
2/5/2016 Check 3463 -$156.00 02_ Returns or Allowances Customer Refund, Ins PmtChecking6677 $155,606.35 21
3/22/2016 Check 3485 -$52.00 02_ Returns or Allowances Customer Refund, Ins PmtChecking6677 $155,554.35 57
7/26/2016 Check 3525 -$185.00 02_ Returns or Allowances Customer Refund, Ins PmtChecking6677 $155,369.35 151
8/22/2016 Check 3519 -$15.08 02_ Returns or Allowances Customer Refund, Ins PmtChecking6677 $155,354.27 169
9/19/2016 Check 3534 -$80.00 02_ Returns or Allowances Customer Refund, Ins PmtChecking6677 $155,274.27 188
10/11/2016 RETURN ITEM CHARGEBACK -$65.00 02_ Returns or Allowances Checking6677 $155,209.27 203
10/11/2016 RETURNED ITEM CHARGEBACK FEE -$12.00 02_ Returns or Allowances Checking6677 $155,197.27 204
12/5/2016 Check 3550 -$106.12 02_ Returns or Allowances Customer Refund, Ins PmtChecking6677 $155,091.15 240
12/22/2016 Check 3560 -$260.00 02_ Returns or Allowances Customer Refund, Ins PmtChecking6677 $154,831.15 253
1/4/2016 Monthly Fee for Business Fundamentals -$16.00 10_ Commissions and fees Checking6677 $154,815.15 1
4/4/2016 Monthly Fee for Business Fundamentals -$16.00 10_ Commissions and fees Checking6677 $154,799.15 66
5/2/2016 Monthly Fee for Business Fundamentals -$16.00 10_ Commissions and fees Checking6677 $154,783.15 87
6/1/2016 Monthly Fee for Business Fundamentals -$16.00 10_ Commissions and fees Checking6677 $154,767.15 107
7/1/2016 Monthly Fee for Business Fundamentals -$16.00 10_ Commissions and fees Checking6677 $154,751.15 133
8/1/2016 Monthly Fee for Business Fundamentals -$16.00 10_ Commissions and fees Checking6677 $154,735.15 157
9/1/2016 Monthly Fee for Business Fundamentals -$16.00 10_ Commissions and fees Checking6677 $154,719.15 175
12/1/2016 Monthly Fee for Business Fundamentals -$16.00 10_ Commissions and fees Checking6677 $154,703.15 238
2/25/2016 Check 3469 -$243.00 15_ Insurance (other than health) ACU Malpractice Checking6677 $154,460.15 36
6/1/2016 Check 3515 -$243.00 15_ Insurance (other than health) ACU Malpractice Checking6677 $154,217.15 108
11/30/2016 Check 3557 -$243.00 15_ Insurance (other than health) ACU Malpractice Checking6677 $153,974.15 236
2/19/2016 Check 3471 -$500.00 17_ Legal and Professional services
Toad Ventures, ConsultingChecking6677 $153,474.15 32
4/18/2016 Check 3489 -$1,000.00 17_ Legal and Professional services
Toad Ventures, ConsultingChecking6677 $152,474.15 78
5/23/2016 Check 3516 -$500.00 17_ Legal and Professional services
Toad Ventures, ConsultingChecking6677 $151,974.15 103
6/24/2016 Check 3522 -$500.00 17_ Legal and Professional services
Toad Ventures, ConsultingChecking6677 $151,474.15 123
7/15/2016 Check 3526 -$500.00 17_ Legal and Professional services
Toad Ventures, ConsultingChecking6677 $150,974.15 143
8/22/2016 Check 3535 -$500.00 17_ Legal and Professional services
Toad Ventures, ConsultingChecking6677 $150,474.15 170
9/15/2016 Check 3537 -$400.00 17_ Legal and Professional services
AJ Jones Financial Services
Checking6677 $150,074.15 186
9/15/2016 Check 3542 -$2,000.00 17_ Legal and Professional services
Toad Ventures, ConsultingChecking6677 $148,074.15 185
10/26/2016 Check 3548 -$2,000.00 17_ Legal and Professional services
Toad Ventures, ConsultingChecking6677 $146,074.15 210
11/17/2016 Check 3554 -$2,000.00 17_ Legal and Professional services
Toad Ventures, ConsultingChecking6677 $144,074.15 226
1/28/2016 ORCHARD SUPPLY 01/28 #000518779 PURCHASE ORCHARD -$16.27 SUPPLY #4
CA CKCD 5200 48358800063866666 Checking6677 $144,057.88 14
John Doe Acupuncture Checking6677 Optional Stuff
Date Payor/Payee Amount s Acct2 Comment Acct1 (this Acct^) Running Bal. txnID

2/9/2016 Check 3467 -$4.80 18_ Office Expenses CVS Checking6677 $144,053.08 25
2/22/2016 Check 3470 -$70.00 18_ Office Expenses Office literature Checking6677 $143,983.08 33
3/1/2016 Vodoo Software -$59.00 18_ Office Expenses Checking6677 $143,924.08 40
3/21/2016 Check 3484 -$6.40 18_ Office Expenses CVS, bandaids Checking6677 $143,917.68 56
3/23/2016 Check 3482 -$79.00 18_ Office Expenses Office literature Checking6677 $143,838.68 59
4/12/2016 Check 3488 -$6.75 18_ Office Expenses CVS, cotton balls Checking6677 $143,831.93 72
4/12/2016 COSTCO WHSE #0 04/12 #0008411 PURCHASE COSTCO WHSE
#031 SAN
CKCD 5300 481588000638122 Checking6677 $143,661.91 70
4/12/2016 Vodoo Software -$59.12 18_ Office Expenses Checking6677 $143,602.79 71
5/2/2016 COSTCO WHSE #0 05/02 #0008197 PURCHASE COSTCO WHSE-$33.94
#031 SAN
CKCD 5300 481588000638122 Checking6677 $143,568.85 88
5/9/2016 Check 3491 -$19.00 18_ Office Expenses Office literature Checking6677 $143,549.85 90
5/10/2016 Vodoo Software -$59.06 18_ Office Expenses Checking6677 $143,490.79 92
6/14/2016 Vodoo Software -$59.06 18_ Office Expenses Checking6677 $143,431.73 118
6/22/2016 COSTCO WHSE #0 06/22 #0000226 PURCHASE COSTCO WHSE-$66.79
#031 SAN
CKCD 5300 481588000638122 Checking6677 $143,364.94 122
6/28/2016 Vodoo Software -$104.12 18_ Office Expenses Checking6677 $143,260.82 128
7/27/2016 Check 3530 -$30.00 18_ Office Expenses Office literature Checking6677 $143,230.82 154
9/14/2016 Vodoo Software -$69.86 18_ Office Expenses Checking6677 $143,160.96 183
9/22/2016 Check 3543 -$69.00 18_ Office Expenses Office literature Checking6677 $143,091.96 192
11/3/2016 Check 3547 -$25.00 18_ Office Expenses Office literature Checking6677 $143,066.96 218
11/29/2016 Vodoo Software -$550.71 18_ Office Expenses upgrade Checking6677 $142,516.25 234
11/30/2016 COSTCO WHSE #0 11/30 #0008429 PURCHASE COSTCO WHSE-$42.94
#031 SAN
CKCD 5300 481588000638122 Checking6677 $142,473.31 237
1/8/2016 Check 3449 -$475.00 20b_ Rent - not equipment Bob Smith, Landlord Checking6677 $141,998.31 3
1/11/2016 Check 3462 -$1,200.00 20b_ Rent - not equipment Stephanie's Properties Checking6677 $140,798.31 4
2/5/2016 Check 3468 -$400.00 20b_ Rent - not equipment Bob Smith, Landlord Checking6677 $140,398.31 22
2/9/2016 Check 3466 -$1,425.00 20b_ Rent - not equipment Stephanie's Properties Checking6677 $138,973.31 26
3/8/2016 Check 3476 -$1,200.00 20b_ Rent - not equipment Stephanie's Properties Checking6677 $137,773.31 45
3/16/2016 Check 3477 -$400.00 20b_ Rent - not equipment Bob Smith, Landlord Checking6677 $137,373.31 53
4/11/2016 Check 3478 -$400.00 20b_ Rent - not equipment Bob Smith, Landlord Checking6677 $136,973.31 68
4/13/2016 Check 3486 -$1,200.00 20b_ Rent - not equipment Stephanie's Properties Checking6677 $135,773.31 74
4/29/2016 Check 3479 -$400.00 20b_ Rent - not equipment Bob Smith, Landlord Checking6677 $135,373.31 84
5/10/2016 Check 3513 -$1,200.00 20b_ Rent - not equipment Stephanie's Properties Checking6677 $134,173.31 93
6/6/2016 Check 3496 -$400.00 20b_ Rent - not equipment Bob Smith, Landlord Checking6677 $133,773.31 110
6/14/2016 Check 3517 -$1,425.00 20b_ Rent - not equipment Stephanie's Properties Checking6677 $132,348.31 119
7/6/2016 Check 3524 -$1,200.00 20b_ Rent - not equipment Stephanie's Properties Checking6677 $131,148.31 135
7/7/2016 Check 3497 -$400.00 20b_ Rent - not equipment Bob Smith, Landlord Checking6677 $130,748.31 137
8/5/2016 Check 3498 -$400.00 20b_ Rent - not equipment Bob Smith, Landlord Checking6677 $130,348.31 159
8/9/2016 Check 3532 -$1,200.00 20b_ Rent - not equipment Stephanie's Properties Checking6677 $129,148.31 160
9/6/2016 Check 3499 -$400.00 20b_ Rent - not equipment Bob Smith, Landlord Checking6677 $128,748.31 177
9/6/2016 Check 3536 -$1,200.00 20b_ Rent - not equipment Stephanie's Properties Checking6677 $127,548.31 176
10/6/2016 Check 3501 -$400.00 20b_ Rent - not equipment Bob Smith, Landlord Checking6677 $127,148.31 202
10/11/2016 Check 3545 -$1,200.00 20b_ Rent - not equipment Stephanie's Properties Checking6677 $125,948.31 205
John Doe Acupuncture Checking6677 Optional Stuff
Date Payor/Payee Amount s Acct2 Comment Acct1 (this Acct^) Running Bal. txnID

11/8/2016 Check 3549 -$1,200.00 20b_ Rent - not equipment Stephanie's Properties Checking6677 $124,748.31 220
11/14/2016 Check 3503 -$400.00 20b_ Rent - not equipment Bob Smith, Landlord Checking6677 $124,348.31 223
12/5/2016 Check 3504 -$400.00 20b_ Rent - not equipment Bob Smith, Landlord Checking6677 $123,948.31 241
12/6/2016 Check 3558 -$1,450.00 20b_ Rent - not equipment Stephanie's Properties Checking6677 $122,498.31 242
and licenses
CCD PMT INFO:ELF*00024933520*0000000098500*0006414079
T Checking6677 $121,513.31
3*20160128/ 15
2/2/2016 ElecCheck 3464 CALIFORNIA STATE DES:LRDPTACH CHECK #:3464
23_ Taxes and licenses CO ID:L940361677
State of CA AXC Checking6677 $121,454.19 18
3/11/2016 Check 3474 -$325.00 23_ Taxes and licenses State of CA Checking6677 $121,129.19 50
and licenses
CCD PMT INFO:ELF*00025951841*0000000101000*0006499330
Checking6677 $120,119.19
5*20160428/ 85
6/30/2016 Check 3521 -$162.00 23_ Taxes and licenses State of CA Checking6677 $119,957.19 131
7/21/2016 Check 3529 -$129.17 23_ Taxes and licenses State of CA Checking6677 $119,828.02 148
DOE CO23_ID:1282531
Taxes and CCD
PMT INFO:ELF*00026965814*0000000090275*0006623201
Checking6677 4*20160/
$118,925.27 155
Taxes and CCD
PMT INFO:ELF*0002988*000*0006291306 Checking6677
7*201608/ $118,920.75 168
9/20/2016 Check 3544 -$280.00 23_ Taxes and licenses State of CA Checking6677 $118,640.75 190
Taxes and CCD
PMT INFO:ELF*0002263*000*0006753299 Checking6677
9*201610/ $117,205.75 212
11/21/2016 Check 3551 -$200.65 23_ Taxes and licenses State of CA Checking6677 $117,005.10 228
11/22/2016 Check 3552 -$54.00 23_ Taxes and licenses City of Mtry Checking6677 $116,951.10 229
2/1/2016 CHECKCARD 013 09 CITY MARRIOTT SAN FRANCISCOCA 2425477-$40.00
48158800063 Marriott Checking6677 $116,911.10 17
2/1/2016 CHECKCARD 013 76 SAN FRANCISCOCA 24015176030004002311899
-$49.86 CKCD
4815880006388385 Marriott Checking6677 $116,861.24 16
5/11/2016 Check 3514 -$3.57 24a_ Travel Phillips 76 Checking6677 $116,857.67 95
1/26/2016 PGANDE DES:WEB ONLINE ID:44840693011116 INDN:JANE DOE-$167.40
25_ Utilities
CO ID:5940742640 WEB Checking6677 $116,690.27 10
2/26/2016 PGANDE DES:WEB ONLINE ID:46556513021016 INDN:JANE DOE-$177.99
25_ Utilities
CO ID:5940742640 WEB Checking6677 $116,512.28 37
3/29/2016 PGANDE DES:WEB ONLINE ID:48308921031116 INDN:JANE DOE-$137.71
25_ Utilities
CO ID:5940742640 WEB Checking6677 $116,374.57 63
4/26/2016 PGANDE DES:WEB ONLINE ID:50028610041116 INDN:JANE DOE-$125.72
25_ Utilities
CO ID:5940742640 WEB Checking6677 $116,248.85 80
5/26/2016 PGANDE DES:WEB ONLINE ID:51584251051016 INDN:JANE DOE-$159.18
25_ Utilities
CO ID:5940742640 WEB Checking6677 $116,089.67 104
6/28/2016 PGANDE DES:WEB ONLINE ID:53232788061016 INDN:JANE DOE-$164.90
25_ Utilities
CO ID:5940742640 WEB Checking6677 $115,924.77 129
7/26/2016 PGANDE DES:WEB ONLINE ID:54781308071116 INDN:JANE DOE-$163.55
25_ Utilities
CO ID:5940742640 WEB Checking6677 $115,761.22 152
8/29/2016 PGANDE DES:WEB ONLINE ID:56413893081116 INDN:JANE DOE-$163.23
25_ Utilities
CO ID:5940742640 WEB Checking6677 $115,597.99 171
9/27/2016 PGANDE DES:WEB ONLINE ID:58131771091216 INDN:JANE DOE-$161.58
25_ Utilities
CO ID:5940742640 WEB Checking6677 $115,436.41 194
10/25/2016 PGANDE DES:WEB ONLINE ID:59768113101016 INDN:JANE DOE-$131.30
25_ Utilities
CO ID:5940742640 WEB Checking6677 $115,305.11 208
11/25/2016 PGANDE DES:WEB ONLINE ID:61379037110816 INDN:JANE DOE-$128.70
25_ Utilities
CO ID:5940742640 WEB Checking6677 $115,176.41 231
12/28/2016 PGANDE DES:WEB ONLINE ID:63105634120916 INDN:JANE DOE-$182.34
25_ Utilities
CO ID:5940742640 WEB Checking6677 $114,994.07 254
3/2/2016 Check 3472 -$25.00 27a_ Other Expenses Sierra Club, donation Checking6677 $114,969.07 42
3/23/2016 Check 3481 -$25.00 27a_ Other Expenses City of Mry, Sherriff Checking6677 $114,944.07 60
6/21/2016 Synchrony Bank DES:CC PYMT ID:60XXXXXXXXXX65 INDN:JANE-$32.00
DOE CO27a_
Other ExpensesWEB Checking6677 $114,912.07 120
9/23/2016 Check 3500 -$100.00 27a_ Other Expenses Bluebook donation Checking6677 $114,812.07 193
12/16/2016 Check 3553 -$40.00 27a_ Other Expenses Teachers4Education, donation
Checking6677 $114,772.07 251
1/4/2016 Herbs R Us -$418.63 36_ COGs-Resell Items Checking6677 $114,353.44 2
2/3/2016 Check 3465 -$86.00 36_ COGs-Resell Items Tammy's Honey Checking6677 $114,267.44 20
2/10/2016 Herbs R Us -$418.63 36_ COGs-Resell Items Checking6677 $113,848.81 28
3/9/2016 Check 3480 -$110.00 36_ COGs-Resell Items Tammy's Honey Checking6677 $113,738.81 46
John Doe Acupuncture Checking6677 Optional Stuff
Date Payor/Payee Amount s Acct2 Comment Acct1 (this Acct^) Running Bal. txnID

3/10/2016 Herbs R Us -$418.63 36_ COGs-Resell Items Checking6677 $113,320.18 47

4/11/2016 Herbs R Us -$418.63 36_ COGs-Resell Items Checking6677 $112,901.55 69
4/26/2016 Herbs R Us -$390.24 36_ COGs-Resell Items Checking6677 $112,511.31 81
5/6/2016 Check 3493 -$24.50 36_ COGs-Resell Items Tammy's Honey Checking6677 $112,486.81 89
5/9/2016 Check 3494 -$12.00 36_ COGs-Resell Items Bob's Lazengers Checking6677 $112,474.81 91
5/10/2016 Herbs R Us -$418.63 36_ COGs-Resell Items Checking6677 $112,056.18 94
5/13/2016 Check 3490 -$103.50 36_ COGs-Resell Items Tammy's Honey Checking6677 $111,952.68 96
5/31/2016 Check 3495 -$46.60 36_ COGs-Resell Items Tammy's Honey Checking6677 $111,906.08 106
6/10/2016 Herbs R Us -$418.63 36_ COGs-Resell Items Checking6677 $111,487.45 115
7/11/2016 Herbs R Us -$418.63 36_ COGs-Resell Items Checking6677 $111,068.82 140
7/21/2016 Check 3528 -$103.50 36_ COGs-Resell Items Tammy's Honey Checking6677 $110,965.32 149
8/10/2016 Herbs R Us -$418.63 36_ COGs-Resell Items Checking6677 $110,546.69 162
9/12/2016 Herbs R Us -$418.63 36_ COGs-Resell Items Checking6677 $110,128.06 181
9/14/2016 Check 3540 -$103.50 36_ COGs-Resell Items Tammy's Honey Checking6677 $110,024.56 184
9/19/2016 Check 3541 -$5,488.00 36_ COGs-Resell Items Standard Process Checking6677 $104,536.56 189
10/11/2016 Herbs R Us -$418.63 36_ COGs-Resell Items Checking6677 $104,117.93 206
11/1/2016 Herbs R Us -$222.00 36_ COGs-Resell Items Checking6677 $103,895.93 214
11/2/2016 Herbs R Us -$48.64 36_ COGs-Resell Items Checking6677 $103,847.29 216
11/10/2016 Herbs R Us -$418.63 36_ COGs-Resell Items Checking6677 $103,428.66 221
11/25/2016 Check 3555 -$81.00 36_ COGs-Resell Items Tammy's Honey Checking6677 $103,347.66 232
12/12/2016 Herbs R Us -$418.63 36_ COGs-Resell Items Checking6677 $102,929.03 247
1/27/2016 Online Banking payment to CRD 2121 Confirmation# 1493741575
-$4,344.61 CreditCard8899 Checking6677 $98,584.42 12
3/2/2016 Online Banking payment to CRD 2121 Confirmation# 4195006523
-$2,817.73 CreditCard8899 Checking6677 $95,766.69 43
3/23/2016 Online Banking payment to CRD 2121 Confirmation# 1476277714
-$2,456.51 CreditCard8899 Checking6677 $93,310.18 61
4/13/2016 Online Banking payment to CRD 2121 Confirmation# 3057809600
-$2,242.47 CreditCard8899 Checking6677 $91,067.71 75
5/19/2016 Online Banking payment to CRD 2121 Confirmation# 1468748121
-$2,920.84 CreditCard8899 Checking6677 $88,146.87 101
6/27/2016 Online Banking payment to CRD 2121 Confirmation# 0505509387
-$3,168.45 CreditCard8899 Checking6677 $84,978.42 127
7/13/2016 Online Banking payment to CRD 2121 Confirmation# 1438588406
-$2,250.00 CreditCard8899 Checking6677 $82,728.42 142
7/20/2016 Online Banking payment to CRD 2121 Confirmation# 1403841327 -$544.00 CreditCard8899 Checking6677 $82,184.42 146
8/17/2016 Online Banking payment to CRD 2121 Confirmation# 4046443321
-$5,532.52 CreditCard8899 Checking6677 $76,651.90 165
10/5/2016 Online Banking payment to CRD 2121 Confirmation# 3768578946
-$3,000.00 CreditCard8899 Checking6677 $73,651.90 199
11/2/2016 Online Banking payment to CRD 2121 Confirmation# 1411020471
-$1,000.00 CreditCard8899 Checking6677 $72,651.90 217
12/7/2016 BANK CARD DES:PAYMENT ID:5474151888 INDN:JANE DOE -$247.81 ACUPUNCTCreditCard8899
CO ID:300119 CCD Checking6677 $72,404.09 244
12/14/2016 Online Banking payment to CRD 2121 Confirmation# 3875021772
-$4,000.00 CreditCard8899 Checking6677 $68,404.09 249
1/15/2016 Online Banking transfer to CHK 1446 Confirmation# 2684023277
-$2,300.00 OwnerDraw-JD Checking6677 $66,104.09 7
2/10/2016 Online Banking transfer to CHK 1446 Confirmation# 4012690145
-$2,500.00 OwnerDraw-JD Checking6677 $63,604.09 29
2/16/2016 Online Banking transfer to CHK 1446 Confirmation# 1459563883
-$1,000.00 OwnerDraw-JD Checking6677 $62,604.09 31
2/24/2016 CHASE DES:EPAY ID:25341 INDN:JANE DOE CO ID:5760039224 -$82.00
WEB OwnerDraw-JD Checking6677 $62,522.09 35
2/29/2016 CHASE DES:EPAY ID:25386 INDN:JANE DOE CO ID:5760039224-$0.51 WEB OwnerDraw-JD Checking6677 $62,521.58 39
3/11/2016 Online Banking transfer to CHK 1446 Confirmation# 0674290349
-$2,500.00 OwnerDraw-JD Checking6677 $60,021.58 51
John Doe Acupuncture Checking6677 Optional Stuff
Date Payor/Payee Amount s Acct2 Comment Acct1 (this Acct^) Running Bal. txnID

3/16/2016 Online Banking transfer to CHK 1446 Confirmation# 1614266317

-$1,000.00 OwnerDraw-JD Checking6677 $59,021.58 54
4/18/2016 Online Banking transfer to CHK 1446 Confirmation# 3999459161
-$2,100.00 OwnerDraw-JD Checking6677 $56,921.58 79
4/27/2016 Online Banking transfer to CHK 1446 Confirmation# 3977919000
-$1,500.00 OwnerDraw-JD Checking6677 $55,421.58 83
5/16/2016 Online Banking transfer to CHK 1446 Confirmation# 0519875009
-$2,500.00 OwnerDraw-JD Checking6677 $52,921.58 98
6/13/2016 Online Banking transfer to CHK 1446 Confirmation# 4083021981
-$2,500.00 OwnerDraw-JD Checking6677 $50,421.58 117
7/6/2016 Online Banking transfer to CHK 1446 Confirmation# 0582948803
-$2,500.00 OwnerDraw-JD Checking6677 $47,921.58 136
7/20/2016 Online Banking transfer to CHK 1446 Confirmation# 1403830066
-$1,000.00 OwnerDraw-JD Checking6677 $46,921.58 147
8/17/2016 CHASE DES:EPAY ID:2738 INDN:JANE DOE CO ID:5760039224-$69.00 WEB OwnerDraw-JD Checking6677 $46,852.58 167
8/17/2016 Online Banking transfer to CHK 1446 Confirmation# 1446398157
-$4,342.32 OwnerDraw-JD Checking6677 $42,510.26 166
8/31/2016 Online Banking transfer to CHK 1446 Confirmation# 3766483635
-$2,500.00 OwnerDraw-JD Checking6677 $40,010.26 173
10/5/2016 Online Banking transfer to CHK 1446 Confirmation# 2568575391
-$2,200.00 OwnerDraw-JD Checking6677 $37,810.26 200
10/26/2016 Online Banking transfer to CHK 1446 Confirmation# 2250242167
-$2,200.00 OwnerDraw-JD Checking6677 $35,610.26 211
11/15/2016 Online Banking transfer to CHK 1446 Confirmation# 3519294471-$300.00 OwnerDraw-JD Checking6677 $35,310.26 224
12/7/2016 Online Banking transfer to CHK 1446 Confirmation# 2113753513
-$3,000.00 OwnerDraw-JD Checking6677 $32,310.26 245
1/1/2016 Starting Balance $3,010.10 Checking6677 $35,320.36 0
John Doe Acupuncture CreditCard8899 Optional Stuff
Date Payor/Payee Amount s Acct2 Comment Acct1 (this Acct^) Running Bal SubAcct txnID

1/18/2016 ALL STATE $42.66 15_ Insurance (other than health) CreditCard8899 $42.66 John 13
2/17/2016 ALL STATE $42.66 15_ Insurance (other than health) CreditCard8899 $85.32 John 37
3/17/2016 ALL STATE $42.66 15_ Insurance (other than health) CreditCard8899 $127.98 John 56
4/29/2016 ALL STATE $42.66 15_ Insurance (other than health) CreditCard8899 $170.64 John 74
5/18/2016 ALL STATE $42.66 15_ Insurance (other than health) CreditCard8899 $213.30 John 82
6/17/2016 ALL STATE $42.66 15_ Insurance (other than health) CreditCard8899 $255.96 John 105
7/18/2016 ALL STATE $42.66 15_ Insurance (other than health) CreditCard8899 $298.62 John 141
8/17/2016 ALL STATE $42.66 15_ Insurance (other than health) CreditCard8899 $341.28 John 172
9/19/2016 ALL STATE $42.66 15_ Insurance (other than health) CreditCard8899 $383.94 John 217
10/19/2016 ALL STATE $42.66 15_ Insurance (other than health) CreditCard8899 $426.60 John 239
11/17/2016 ALL STATE $42.66 15_ Insurance (other than health) CreditCard8899 $469.26 John 273
12/19/2016 ALL STATE $42.66 15_ Insurance (other than health) CreditCard8899 $511.92 John 299
1/8/2016 PURCHASE *FINANCE CHARGE* $68.11 16b_ interest not mortgage CreditCard8899 $580.03 Corp 1
2/9/2016 PURCHASE *FINANCE CHARGE* $16.06 16b_ interest not mortgage CreditCard8899 $596.09 Corp 3
8/9/2016 PURCHASE *FINANCE CHARGE* $71.34 16b_ interest not mortgage CreditCard8899 $667.43 Corp 11
9/9/2016 PURCHASE *FINANCE CHARGE* $5.48 16b_ interest not mortgage CreditCard8899 $672.91 Corp 13
10/7/2016 PURCHASE *FINANCE CHARGE* $105.69 16b_ interest not mortgage CreditCard8899 $778.60 Corp 15
11/9/2016 PURCHASE *FINANCE CHARGE* $128.57 16b_ interest not mortgage CreditCard8899 $907.17 Corp 17
12/9/2016 PURCHASE *FINANCE CHARGE* $158.87 16b_ interest not mortgage CreditCard8899 $1,066.04 Corp 19
2/24/2016 EVENTBRITE -$120.00 17_ Legal and Professional services CreditCard8899 $946.04 John 40
1/4/2016 PANDORA*INTERNET RADIO $4.99 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $951.03 John 1
1/5/2016 TLG*PRIVGRD52XXX23JAN $14.99 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $966.02 John 3
1/7/2016 $6.46 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $972.48 John 4
1/8/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS $63.10 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $1,035.58 John 5
1/12/2016 OFFICE DEPOT #999 $12.55 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $1,048.13 John 9
1/13/2016 WWW.FAX87.COM $25.00 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $1,073.13 John 10
1/18/2016 HITO CORP. $50.00 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $1,123.13 John 14
1/22/2016 AmazonPrime Membership $106.55 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $1,229.68 John 16
1/28/2016 WWW.FAX87.COM $71.88 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $1,301.56 John 21
2/3/2016 TLG*PRIVGRD52XXXX23FEB $14.99 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $1,316.55 John 26
2/4/2016 PANDORA*INTERNET RADIO $4.99 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $1,321.54 John 27
2/5/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS $9.25 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $1,330.79 John 28
2/5/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS $9.57 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $1,340.36 John 29
2/8/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS $74.86 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $1,415.22 John 30
2/8/2016 WHOLEFDS SAN JOSE 10099 $16.28 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $1,431.50 John 31
2/16/2016 HITO CORP. $50.00 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $1,481.50 John 36
2/29/2016 WHOLEFDS SAN JOSE 10099 $10.25 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $1,491.75 John 42
3/3/2016 TLG*PRIVGRD52XXX23MAR $14.99 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $1,506.74 John 43
3/4/2016 PANDORA*INTERNET RADIO $4.99 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $1,511.73 John 44
3/8/2016 WHOLEFDS SAN JOSE 10099 $8.68 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $1,520.41 John 47
3/11/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS $41.11 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $1,561.52 John 48
3/14/2016 $43.31 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $1,604.83 John 49
John Doe Acupuncture CreditCard8899 Optional Stuff
Date Payor/Payee Amount s Acct2 Comment Acct1 (this Acct^) Running Bal SubAcct txnID

3/14/2016 THE HOME DEPOT #69999 $24.38 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $1,629.21 John 50
3/15/2016 HITO CORP. $50.00 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $1,679.21 John 53
3/15/2016 WHOLEFDS SAN JOSE 10099 $18.45 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $1,697.66 John 54
3/17/2016 OFFICE ALLY $9.60 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $1,707.26 John 57
3/21/2016 RITE AID STORE - 5882 $16.58 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $1,723.84 John 58
3/23/2016 APL* ITUNES.COM/BILL $2.99 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $1,726.83 John 60
4/4/2016 ORCHARD SUPPLY #440 $9.75 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $1,736.58 John 62
4/6/2016 OFFICE DEPOT #999 $2.16 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $1,738.74 John 64
4/7/2016 APL* ITUNES.COM/BILL $0.99 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $1,739.73 John 65
4/14/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS $82.89 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $1,822.62 John 66
4/15/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS $83.56 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $1,906.18 John 67
4/18/2016 APL* ITUNES.COM/BILL $4.99 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $1,911.17 John 68
4/19/2016 USPS 0551060303460XXX $12.94 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $1,924.11 John 69
4/21/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS $42.54 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $1,966.65 John 70
4/25/2016 APL* ITUNES.COM/BILL $2.99 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $1,969.64 John 72
5/9/2016 HITO CORP. $50.00 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $2,019.64 John 79
5/16/2016 APL* ITUNES.COM/BILL $4.99 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $2,024.63 John 81
5/23/2016 APL* ITUNES.COM/BILL $2.99 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $2,027.62 John 85
5/23/2016 COST PLUS WLD #199 $43.44 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $2,071.06 John 86
5/23/2016 WHOLEFDS SAN JOSE 10099 $30.82 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $2,101.88 John 87
5/30/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS $13.58 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $2,115.46 John 94
5/30/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS $41.04 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $2,156.50 John 95
6/1/2016 EB MORPHOGENIC FIELD $168.74 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $2,325.24 John 97
6/7/2016 HITO CORP. $50.00 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $2,375.24 John 98
6/10/2016 NAT*NATIONAL GEOGRAPHI $15.95 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $2,391.19 John 100
6/20/2016 PURIFICATION SUPPORT $4.95 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $2,396.14 John 108
6/20/2016 PURIFICATION SUPPORT $14.85 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $2,410.99 John 109
6/20/2016 VISTAPR* $17.75 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $2,428.74 John 110
6/20/2016 VISTAPR* $31.17 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $2,459.91 John 111
6/23/2016 APL* ITUNES.COM/BILL $2.99 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $2,462.90 John 114
6/23/2016 APL* ITUNES.COM/BILL $4.99 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $2,467.89 John 115
6/28/2016 USPS 0551060303460XXX $51.62 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $2,519.51 John 117
7/1/2016 S & H TAXES $7.86 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $2,527.37 John 121
7/4/2016 ORCHARD SUPPLY #440 $7.92 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $2,535.29 John 124
7/4/2016 PETSMART INC 75 $24.19 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $2,559.48 John 125
7/4/2016 S & H TAXES $7.30 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $2,566.78 John 126
7/7/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS $4.91 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $2,571.69 John 128
7/7/2016 HITO CORP. $50.00 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $2,621.69 John 129
7/8/2016 ACE HDWE SAN JOSE $8.60 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $2,630.29 John 132
7/8/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS $7.99 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $2,638.28 John 133
7/8/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS $15.68 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $2,653.96 John 134
7/8/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS $16.56 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $2,670.52 John 135
John Doe Acupuncture CreditCard8899 Optional Stuff
Date Payor/Payee Amount s Acct2 Comment Acct1 (this Acct^) Running Bal SubAcct txnID

7/11/2016 TARGET 00010999 $27.13 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $2,697.65 John 136
7/18/2016 APL* ITUNES.COM/BILL $4.99 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $2,702.64 John 142
7/18/2016 ORCHARD SUPPLY #440 $7.79 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $2,710.43 John 143
7/21/2016 OFFICE ALLY, LLC $3.05 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $2,713.48 John 146
7/25/2016 APL* ITUNES.COM/BILL $2.99 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $2,716.47 John 151
7/25/2016 INTUIT *QB ONLINE $26.95 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $2,743.42 John 152
7/26/2016 PETSMART INC 75 $46.20 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $2,789.62 John 153
7/26/2016 PROFLOWERS.COM $71.55 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $2,861.17 John 154
7/29/2016 EB MORPHOGENIC FIELD $147.64 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $3,008.81 John 156
8/5/2016 S & H TAXES $6.45 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $3,015.26 John 161
8/8/2016 CVS/PHARMACY #999320 $12.23 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $3,027.49 John 162
8/8/2016 HITO CORP. $50.00 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $3,077.49 John 163
8/8/2016 OFFICE ALLY, LLC $5.40 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $3,082.89 John 164
8/8/2016 SQ *S JOSE FIRE REL $100.00 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $3,182.89 John 165
8/15/2016 APL* ITUNES.COM/BILL $4.99 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $3,187.88 John 169
8/16/2016 REST AND REPAIR $199.90 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $3,387.78 John 171
8/22/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS $8.56 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $3,396.34 John 176
8/22/2016 AMAZON.COM AMZN.COM/BI $49.25 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $3,445.59 John 177
8/22/2016 RITE AID STORE - 06769 $3.03 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $3,448.62 John 178
8/22/2016 USPS 0551060303460XXX $6.80 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $3,455.42 John 179
8/22/2016 WALGREENS #2999 $36.32 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $3,491.74 John 180
8/23/2016 APL* ITUNES.COM/BILL $2.99 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $3,494.73 John 183
8/23/2016 INTUIT *QB ONLINE $26.95 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $3,521.68 John 184
8/25/2016 AMERICAN ACUPUNCTURE C $243.00 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $3,764.68 John 185
9/1/2016 SQ *STUDIO917 (DBA FOR $1.00 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $3,765.68 John 186
9/2/2016 BEST BUY 00010199 $473.22 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $4,238.90 John 189
9/2/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS $5.90 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $4,244.80 John 190
9/2/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS $82.49 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $4,327.29 John 191
9/5/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS $10.75 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $4,338.04 John 193
9/5/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS $41.36 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $4,379.40 John 194
9/5/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS $350.83 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $4,730.23 John 195
9/6/2016 IKEA EAST PALO ALTO $111.13 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $4,841.36 John 197
9/6/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS $90.09 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $4,931.45 John 198
9/7/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS $25.80 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $4,957.25 John 199
9/7/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS $79.63 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $5,036.88 John 200
9/7/2016 HITO CORP. $50.00 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $5,086.88 John 201
9/8/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS -$19.71 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $5,067.17 John 202
9/8/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS $26.14 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $5,093.31 John 203
9/9/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS $36.49 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $5,129.80 John 205
9/12/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS -$5.42 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $5,124.38 John 207
9/12/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS $19.33 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $5,143.71 John 208
9/13/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS $5.08 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $5,148.79 John 209
John Doe Acupuncture CreditCard8899 Optional Stuff
Date Payor/Payee Amount s Acct2 Comment Acct1 (this Acct^) Running Bal SubAcct txnID

9/13/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS $39.98 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $5,188.77 John 210
9/13/2016 SCRIBD.COM $8.99 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $5,197.76 John 211
9/16/2016 S & H TAXES $30.00 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $5,227.76 John 214
9/19/2016 S & H TAXES $3.30 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $5,231.06 John 215
9/19/2016 S & H TAXES $5.33 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $5,236.39 John 216
9/23/2016 S & H TAXES $4.87 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $5,241.26 John 219
9/23/2016 APL* ITUNES.COM/BILL $2.99 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $5,244.25 John 220
9/23/2016 APL* ITUNES.COM/BILL $4.99 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $5,249.24 John 221
9/23/2016 INTUIT *QB ONLINE $26.95 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $5,276.19 John 222
9/29/2016 S JOSE ACE HDWE $26.58 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $5,302.77 John 227
10/3/2016 ACE HDWE SAN JOSE $23.34 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $5,326.11 John 230
10/7/2016 HITO CORP. $50.00 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $5,376.11 John 233
10/13/2016 SCRIBD.COM $8.99 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $5,385.10 John 237
10/24/2016 APL* ITUNES.COM/BILL $2.99 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $5,388.09 John 240
10/24/2016 APL* ITUNES.COM/BILL $4.99 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $5,393.08 John 241
10/24/2016 INTUIT *QB ONLINE $30.00 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $5,423.08 John 242
10/27/2016 CVS/PHARMACY #999951 $9.69 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $5,432.77 John 243
10/28/2016 COST PLUS WLD #199 $48.27 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $5,481.04 John 245
10/31/2016 SQU*SQ *MORPHOGENIC FI $335.00 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $5,816.04 John 249
11/2/2016 DNH*GODADDY.COM $30.34 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $5,846.38 John 253
11/3/2016 GOOGLE *SVCSAPPS_JANEDOE $0.16 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $5,846.54 John 254
11/4/2016 PURIFICATION SUPPORT $4.95 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $5,851.49 John 255
11/7/2016 CVS/PHARMACY #999802 $22.03 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $5,873.52 John 256
11/7/2016 HITO CORP. $50.00 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $5,923.52 John 257
11/8/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS $7.95 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $5,931.47 John 258
11/8/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS $16.35 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $5,947.82 John 259
11/8/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS $271.99 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $6,219.81 John 260
11/10/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS $9.97 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $6,229.78 John 261
11/11/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS $67.00 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $6,296.78 John 262
11/11/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS $90.09 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $6,386.87 John 263
11/14/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS $23.97 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $6,410.84 John 265
11/14/2016 SCRIBD.COM $8.99 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $6,419.83 John 266
11/15/2016 THE HOME DEPOT #18999 $90.34 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $6,510.17 John 269
11/17/2016 ACE HDWE SAN JOSE $21.53 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $6,531.70 John 272
11/21/2016 HARBOR FREIGHT TOOLS 9 $136.74 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $6,668.44 John 274
11/23/2016 INTUIT *QB ONLINE $30.00 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $6,698.44 John 275
11/25/2016 APL* ITUNES.COM/BILL $2.99 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $6,701.43 John 276
11/25/2016 APL* ITUNES.COM/BILL $4.99 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $6,706.42 John 277
11/25/2016 S JOSE ACE HDWE $11.39 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $6,717.81 John 278
11/28/2016 AMAZON.COM AMZN.COM/BI $15.99 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $6,733.80 John 279
11/28/2016 AMAZON.COM AMZN.COM/BI $27.96 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $6,761.76 John 280
12/1/2016 S & H TAXES $7.35 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $6,769.11 John 283
John Doe Acupuncture CreditCard8899 Optional Stuff
Date Payor/Payee Amount s Acct2 Comment Acct1 (this Acct^) Running Bal SubAcct txnID

12/2/2016 GOOGLE *SVCSAPPS_JANEDOE $5.00 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $6,774.11 John 285
12/5/2016 CVS/PHARMACY #999951 $7.26 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $6,781.37 John 287
12/6/2016 WHOLEFDS SAN JOSE 10099 $12.58 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $6,793.95 John 289
12/7/2016 HITO CORP. $50.00 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $6,843.95 John 290
12/9/2016 UPS*1ZHE5T87P20002XXXX $14.70 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $6,858.65 John 291
12/12/2016 AMERICAN ACUPUNCTURE C $59.99 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $6,918.64 John 292
12/12/2016 ORCHARD SUPPLY #440 -$17.37 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $6,901.27 John 293
12/12/2016 ORCHARD SUPPLY #440 $17.37 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $6,918.64 John 294
12/12/2016 ORCHARD SUPPLY #440 $30.40 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $6,949.04 John 295
12/13/2016 SCRIBD.COM $8.99 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $6,958.03 John 297
12/19/2016 APL* ITUNES.COM/BILL $9.98 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $6,968.01 John 300
12/22/2016 USPS PO 0547520999 $94.00 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $7,062.01 John 302
12/23/2016 APL* ITUNES.COM/BILL $2.99 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $7,065.00 John 303
12/23/2016 INTUIT *QB ONLINE $30.00 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $7,095.00 John 304
12/26/2016 CVS/PHARMACY #999880 $27.29 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 $7,122.29 John 306
1/29/2016 MAYWAY CORPORATION $52.00 22_ Supplies (not COGs) CreditCard8899 $7,174.29 John 22
2/1/2016 HELIO USA (MOTO) $164.56 22_ Supplies (not COGs) CreditCard8899 $7,338.85 John 23
2/15/2016 TRADER JOE'S #079 QPS $16.26 22_ Supplies (not COGs) CreditCard8899 $7,355.11 John 34
3/14/2016 HELIO USA (MOTO) $282.94 22_ Supplies (not COGs) CreditCard8899 $7,638.05 John 51
5/19/2016 HELIO USA (MOTO) $192.00 22_ Supplies (not COGs) CreditCard8899 $7,830.05 John 83
6/13/2016 SQ *MORPHOGENIC FIELD $55.00 22_ Supplies (not COGs) CreditCard8899 $7,885.05 John 101
6/13/2016 SQ *MORPHOGENIC FIELD $185.00 22_ Supplies (not COGs) CreditCard8899 $8,070.05 John 102
7/1/2016 HELIO USA (MOTO) $164.56 22_ Supplies (not COGs) CreditCard8899 $8,234.61 John 122
7/20/2016 HELIO USA (MOTO) $176.66 22_ Supplies (not COGs) CreditCard8899 $8,411.27 John 144
7/22/2016 WABBO CO ACUPUNCTURE S $44.95 22_ Supplies (not COGs) CreditCard8899 $8,456.22 John 148
8/22/2016 HELIO USA (MOTO) $176.66 22_ Supplies (not COGs) CreditCard8899 $8,632.88 John 181
9/2/2016 HELIO USA (MOTO) $202.23 22_ Supplies (not COGs) CreditCard8899 $8,835.11 John 192
9/8/2016 ULINE *SHIP SUPPLIES $71.77 22_ Supplies (not COGs) CreditCard8899 $8,906.88 John 204
10/27/2016 HELIO USA (MOTO) $185.54 22_ Supplies (not COGs) CreditCard8899 $9,092.42 John 244
12/2/2016 HELIO USA (MOTO) $235.59 22_ Supplies (not COGs) CreditCard8899 $9,328.01 John 286
1/26/2016 DOUBLETREE BERKELEY F& $9.86 24a_ Travel CreditCard8899 $9,337.87 John 17
1/26/2016 DOUBLETREE BERKELEY F& $19.43 24a_ Travel CreditCard8899 $9,357.30 John 18
2/22/2016 HOLIDAY INN GOLDN GATE $45.00 24a_ Travel CreditCard8899 $9,402.30 John 39
3/21/2016 IMPARK00270019 $18.00 24a_ Travel CreditCard8899 $9,420.30 John 59
4/4/2016 HYDE BEACH GARAGE $22.00 24a_ Travel CreditCard8899 $9,442.30 John 63
4/25/2016 HYDE BEACH GARAGE $29.00 24a_ Travel CreditCard8899 $9,471.30 John 73
5/23/2016 CCSF MTA IPS PRKNG MET $1.75 24a_ Travel CreditCard8899 $9,473.05 John 88
5/23/2016 CCSF MTA IPS PRKNG MET $3.25 24a_ Travel CreditCard8899 $9,476.30 John 89
5/23/2016 CCSF MTA IPS PRKNG MET $13.25 24a_ Travel CreditCard8899 $9,489.55 John 90
9/26/2016 ACE PARKING 6742 $10.00 24a_ Travel CreditCard8899 $9,499.55 John 224
9/26/2016 THE WESTIN SAN FRANCIS $20.44 24a_ Travel CreditCard8899 $9,519.99 John 225
11/14/2016 I LOVE LA $3.54 24a_ Travel CreditCard8899 $9,523.53 John 267
John Doe Acupuncture CreditCard8899 Optional Stuff
Date Payor/Payee Amount s Acct2 Comment Acct1 (this Acct^) Running Bal SubAcct txnID

1/4/2016 ROUND TABLE PIZZA $14.16 24b_ Meals and Entertainment CreditCard8899 $9,537.69 John 2
1/8/2016 ROUND TABLE PIZZA $30.79 24b_ Meals and Entertainment CreditCard8899 $9,568.48 John 6
1/14/2016 LA TAQUERIA $15.38 24b_ Meals and Entertainment CreditCard8899 $9,583.86 John 12
1/18/2016 Slim's Restaurant $15.94 24b_ Meals and Entertainment CreditCard8899 $9,599.80 John 15
2/8/2016 Slim's Restaurant $51.56 24b_ Meals and Entertainment CreditCard8899 $9,651.36 John 32
3/4/2016 IN-N-OUT BURGER #198 $5.48 24b_ Meals and Entertainment CreditCard8899 $9,656.84 John 45
3/4/2016 ROUND TABLE PIZZA $17.11 24b_ Meals and Entertainment CreditCard8899 $9,673.95 John 46
5/6/2016 ROUND TABLE PIZZA $19.11 24b_ Meals and Entertainment CreditCard8899 $9,693.06 John 78
5/19/2016 LA TAQUERIA $15.92 24b_ Meals and Entertainment CreditCard8899 $9,708.98 John 84
5/23/2016 SUBWAY 00394999 $5.71 24b_ Meals and Entertainment CreditCard8899 $9,714.69 John 91
5/30/2016 SQ *PERFECTLY PRESS $24.98 24b_ Meals and Entertainment CreditCard8899 $9,739.67 John 96
6/17/2016 Slim's Restaurant $20.22 24b_ Meals and Entertainment CreditCard8899 $9,759.89 John 106
6/20/2016 ROUND TABLE PIZZA $19.11 24b_ Meals and Entertainment CreditCard8899 $9,779.00 John 112
6/23/2016 ROUND TABLE PIZZA $17.11 24b_ Meals and Entertainment CreditCard8899 $9,796.11 John 116
7/7/2016 LA TAQUERIA $12.92 24b_ Meals and Entertainment CreditCard8899 $9,809.03 John 130
7/22/2016 ROUND TABLE PIZZA $17.11 24b_ Meals and Entertainment CreditCard8899 $9,826.14 John 149
7/29/2016 LA TAQUERIA $6.46 24b_ Meals and Entertainment CreditCard8899 $9,832.60 John 157
7/29/2016 Slim's Restaurant $17.22 24b_ Meals and Entertainment CreditCard8899 $9,849.82 John 158
8/12/2016 JIMS ON THE COURSE $14.27 24b_ Meals and Entertainment CreditCard8899 $9,864.09 John 166
9/26/2016 CAFFE ITALIA $15.21 24b_ Meals and Entertainment CreditCard8899 $9,879.30 John 226
11/1/2016 LE PAIN QUOTIDIEN $14.12 24b_ Meals and Entertainment CreditCard8899 $9,893.42 John 251
11/1/2016 THE GARDEN GRILL $45.17 24b_ Meals and Entertainment CreditCard8899 $9,938.59 John 252
11/11/2016 ROUND TABLE PIZZA $28.67 24b_ Meals and Entertainment CreditCard8899 $9,967.26 John 264
11/15/2016 IN-N-OUT BURGER #198 $2.56 24b_ Meals and Entertainment CreditCard8899 $9,969.82 John 270
11/30/2016 SQU*SQ *PERFECTLY PRES $15.00 24b_ Meals and Entertainment CreditCard8899 $9,984.82 John 282
12/5/2016 Slim's Restaurant $25.00 24b_ Meals and Entertainment CreditCard8899 $10,009.82 John 288
12/23/2016 ROUND TABLE PIZZA $20.76 24b_ Meals and Entertainment CreditCard8899 $10,030.58 John 305
12/30/2016 Slim's Restaurant $20.22 24b_ Meals and Entertainment CreditCard8899 $10,050.80 John 308
1/11/2016 ATT*BILL PAYMENT $67.00 25_ Utilities CreditCard8899 $10,117.80 John 8
1/13/2016 VZWRLSS*APOCC VISW $254.84 25_ Utilities CreditCard8899 $10,372.64 John 11
2/11/2016 ATT*BILL PAYMENT $67.00 25_ Utilities CreditCard8899 $10,439.64 John 33
2/15/2016 VZWRLSS*APOCC VISW $255.08 25_ Utilities CreditCard8899 $10,694.72 John 35
3/14/2016 VZWRLSS*APOCC VISW $255.08 25_ Utilities CreditCard8899 $10,949.80 John 52
3/16/2016 ATT*BILL PAYMENT $67.00 25_ Utilities CreditCard8899 $11,016.80 John 55
4/29/2016 ATT*BILL PAYMENT $134.00 25_ Utilities CreditCard8899 $11,150.80 John 75
4/29/2016 VZWRLSS*BILL PAY VW $255.08 25_ Utilities CreditCard8899 $11,405.88 John 76
5/13/2016 VZWRLSS*APOCC VISW $260.03 25_ Utilities CreditCard8899 $11,665.91 John 80
6/13/2016 VZWRLSS*APOCC VISW $255.03 25_ Utilities CreditCard8899 $11,920.94 John 103
6/17/2016 ATT*BILL PAYMENT $70.40 25_ Utilities CreditCard8899 $11,991.34 John 107
7/12/2016 ATT*BILL PAYMENT $70.00 25_ Utilities CreditCard8899 $12,061.34 John 139
7/13/2016 VZWRLSS*APOCC VISW $227.60 25_ Utilities CreditCard8899 $12,288.94 John 140
8/12/2016 ATT*BILL PAYMENT $70.00 25_ Utilities CreditCard8899 $12,358.94 John 167
John Doe Acupuncture CreditCard8899 Optional Stuff
Date Payor/Payee Amount s Acct2 Comment Acct1 (this Acct^) Running Bal SubAcct txnID

8/15/2016 VZWRLSS*APOCC VISW $226.52 25_ Utilities CreditCard8899 $12,585.46 John 170
9/13/2016 ATT*BILL PAYMENT $70.00 25_ Utilities CreditCard8899 $12,655.46 John 212
9/13/2016 VZWRLSS*APOCC VISW $249.30 25_ Utilities CreditCard8899 $12,904.76 John 213
10/12/2016 ATT*BILL PAYMENT $70.00 25_ Utilities CreditCard8899 $12,974.76 John 236
10/13/2016 VZWRLSS*APOCC VISW $224.52 25_ Utilities CreditCard8899 $13,199.28 John 238
11/14/2016 VZWRLSS*APOCC VISW $237.14 25_ Utilities CreditCard8899 $13,436.42 John 268
11/15/2016 ATT*BILL PAYMENT $70.00 25_ Utilities CreditCard8899 $13,506.42 John 271
12/12/2016 ATT*BILL PAYMENT $70.00 25_ Utilities CreditCard8899 $13,576.42 John 296
12/13/2016 VZWRLSS*APOCC VISW $329.53 25_ Utilities CreditCard8899 $13,905.95 John 298
12/29/2016 ATT*BILL PAYMENT $70.00 25_ Utilities CreditCard8899 $13,975.95 John 307
2/17/2016 EB MEMORIAL CELEBRATI $120.00 27a_ Other Expenses CreditCard8899 $14,095.95 John 38
1/8/2016 STANDARD PROCESS OF NO $275.75 36_ COGs-Resell Items CreditCard8899 $14,371.70 John 7
1/27/2016 STANDARD PROCESS OF NO $25.00 36_ COGs-Resell Items CreditCard8899 $14,396.70 John 19
1/27/2016 STANDARD PROCESS OF NO $262.50 36_ COGs-Resell Items CreditCard8899 $14,659.20 John 20
2/1/2016 EVERGREEN HERBS INTERN $122.72 36_ COGs-Resell Items CreditCard8899 $14,781.92 John 24
2/1/2016 STANDARD PROCESS OF NO $1,826.75 36_ COGs-Resell Items CreditCard8899 $16,608.67 John 25
2/26/2016 STANDARD PROCESS OF NO $2,473.00 36_ COGs-Resell Items CreditCard8899 $19,081.67 John 41
3/28/2016 STANDARD PROCESS OF NO $1,778.25 36_ COGs-Resell Items CreditCard8899 $20,859.92 John 61
4/22/2016 STANDARD PROCESS OF NO $96.50 36_ COGs-Resell Items CreditCard8899 $20,956.42 John 71
5/2/2016 STANDARD PROCESS OF NO $2,493.50 36_ COGs-Resell Items CreditCard8899 $23,449.92 John 77
5/23/2016 STANDARD PROCESS OF NO $334.75 36_ COGs-Resell Items CreditCard8899 $23,784.67 John 92
6/9/2016 STANDARD PROCESS OF NO $2,366.25 36_ COGs-Resell Items CreditCard8899 $26,150.92 John 99
6/13/2016 STANDARD PROCESS OF NO $82.50 36_ COGs-Resell Items CreditCard8899 $26,233.42 John 104
6/20/2016 HOMEOPATHIC PLUS $130.50 36_ COGs-Resell Items CreditCard8899 $26,363.92 John 113
6/29/2016 HOMEOPATHIC PLUS $157.83 36_ COGs-Resell Items CreditCard8899 $26,521.75 John 118
6/29/2016 HOMEOPATHIC PLUS $438.20 36_ COGs-Resell Items CreditCard8899 $26,959.95 John 119
6/30/2016 HOMEOPATHIC PLUS $68.00 36_ COGs-Resell Items CreditCard8899 $27,027.95 John 120
7/1/2016 STANDARD PROCESS OF NO $3,081.09 36_ COGs-Resell Items CreditCard8899 $30,109.04 John 123
7/4/2016 HOMEOPATHIC PLUS $112.80 36_ COGs-Resell Items CreditCard8899 $30,221.84 John 127
7/7/2016 ALLERGIES LIFESTYLE & $16.00 36_ COGs-Resell Items CreditCard8899 $30,237.84 John 131
7/11/2016 HOMEOPATHIC PLUS $27.00 36_ COGs-Resell Items CreditCard8899 $30,264.84 John 137
7/11/2016 HOMEOPATHIC PLUS $131.90 36_ COGs-Resell Items CreditCard8899 $30,396.74 John 138
7/20/2016 HOMEOPATHIC PLUS $179.40 36_ COGs-Resell Items CreditCard8899 $30,576.14 John 145
7/21/2016 EVERGREEN HERBS INTERN $122.72 36_ COGs-Resell Items CreditCard8899 $30,698.86 John 147
7/22/2016 HOMEOPATHIC PLUS $310.05 36_ COGs-Resell Items CreditCard8899 $31,008.91 John 150
7/28/2016 STANDARD PROCESS OF NO $961.00 36_ COGs-Resell Items CreditCard8899 $31,969.91 John 155
8/1/2016 HOMEOPATHIC PLUS $163.80 36_ COGs-Resell Items CreditCard8899 $32,133.71 John 159
8/1/2016 HOMEOPATHIC PLUS $319.50 36_ COGs-Resell Items CreditCard8899 $32,453.21 John 160
8/12/2016 HOMEOPATHIC PLUS $290.10 36_ COGs-Resell Items CreditCard8899 $32,743.31 John 168
8/17/2016 STANDARD PROCESS OF NO $55.00 36_ COGs-Resell Items CreditCard8899 $32,798.31 John 173
8/19/2016 HOMEOPATHIC PLUS $30.00 36_ COGs-Resell Items CreditCard8899 $32,828.31 John 174
8/19/2016 HOMEOPATHIC PLUS $437.30 36_ COGs-Resell Items CreditCard8899 $33,265.61 John 175
John Doe Acupuncture CreditCard8899 Optional Stuff
Date Payor/Payee Amount s Acct2 Comment Acct1 (this Acct^) Running Bal SubAcct txnID

8/22/2016 SP * EVERYDAY VITALITY $97.95 36_ COGs-Resell Items CreditCard8899 $33,363.56 John 182
9/1/2016 HOMEOPATHIC PLUS $214.60 36_ COGs-Resell Items CreditCard8899 $33,578.16 John 187
9/1/2016 STANDARD PROCESS OF NO $932.25 36_ COGs-Resell Items CreditCard8899 $34,510.41 John 188
9/5/2016 HOMEOPATHIC PLUS $112.00 36_ COGs-Resell Items CreditCard8899 $34,622.41 John 196
9/9/2016 EVERGREEN HERBS INTERN $40.21 36_ COGs-Resell Items CreditCard8899 $34,662.62 John 206
9/19/2016 HOMEOPATHIC PLUS $60.40 36_ COGs-Resell Items CreditCard8899 $34,723.02 John 218
9/23/2016 HOMEOPATHIC PLUS $538.50 36_ COGs-Resell Items CreditCard8899 $35,261.52 John 223
9/29/2016 HOMEOPATHIC PLUS $211.10 36_ COGs-Resell Items CreditCard8899 $35,472.62 John 228
9/30/2016 STANDARD PROCESS OF NO $2,959.25 36_ COGs-Resell Items CreditCard8899 $38,431.87 John 229
10/6/2016 HOMEOPATHIC PLUS $54.93 36_ COGs-Resell Items CreditCard8899 $38,486.80 John 231
10/6/2016 HOMEOPATHIC PLUS $361.60 36_ COGs-Resell Items CreditCard8899 $38,848.40 John 232
10/7/2016 Analytical Research $25.00 36_ COGs-Resell Items CreditCard8899 $38,873.40 John 234
10/10/2016 HOMEOPATHIC PLUS $64.20 36_ COGs-Resell Items CreditCard8899 $38,937.60 John 235
10/28/2016 EVERGREEN HERBS INTERN $136.85 36_ COGs-Resell Items CreditCard8899 $39,074.45 John 246
10/28/2016 HOMEOPATHIC PLUS $421.20 36_ COGs-Resell Items CreditCard8899 $39,495.65 John 247
10/28/2016 STANDARD PROCESS OF NO $1,902.75 36_ COGs-Resell Items CreditCard8899 $41,398.40 John 248
10/31/2016 STARBUCKS STORE 05999 $8.50 36_ COGs-Resell Items CreditCard8899 $41,406.90 John 250
11/28/2016 HOMEOPATHIC PLUS $366.40 36_ COGs-Resell Items CreditCard8899 $41,773.30 John 281
12/1/2016 STANDARD PROCESS OF NO $1,267.50 36_ COGs-Resell Items CreditCard8899 $43,040.80 John 284
12/21/2016 HOMEOPATHIC PLUS $542.60 36_ COGs-Resell Items CreditCard8899 $43,583.40 John 301
1/28/2016 Online payment from CHK 9 -$4,344.61 Checking6677 CreditCard8899 $39,238.79 Corp 2
3/2/2016 Online payment from CHK 9 -$2,817.73 Checking6677 CreditCard8899 $36,421.06 Corp 4
3/23/2016 Online payment from CHK 9 -$2,456.51 Checking6677 CreditCard8899 $33,964.55 Corp 5
4/13/2016 Online payment from CHK 9 -$2,242.47 Checking6677 CreditCard8899 $31,722.08 Corp 6
5/19/2016 Online payment from CHK 9 -$2,920.84 Checking6677 CreditCard8899 $28,801.24 Corp 7
6/27/2016 Online payment from CHK 9 -$3,168.45 Checking6677 CreditCard8899 $25,632.79 Corp 8
7/13/2016 Online payment from CHK 9 -$2,250.00 Checking6677 CreditCard8899 $23,382.79 Corp 9
7/20/2016 Online payment from CHK 9 -$544.00 Checking6677 CreditCard8899 $22,838.79 Corp 10
8/17/2016 Online payment from CHK 9 -$5,532.52 Checking6677 CreditCard8899 $17,306.27 Corp 12
10/5/2016 Online payment from CHK 9 -$3,000.00 Checking6677 CreditCard8899 $14,306.27 Corp 14
11/2/2016 Online payment from CHK 9 -$1,000.00 Checking6677 CreditCard8899 $13,306.27 Corp 16
12/6/2016 AUTO PAYMENT DEDUCTION -$247.81 Checking6677 CreditCard8899 $13,058.46 Corp 18
12/14/2016 Online payment from CHK 9 -$4,000.00 Checking6677 CreditCard8899 $9,058.46 Corp 20
5/23/2016 MONTEREY REC-SPORTS CT $21.75 OwnerDraw-JD CreditCard8899 $9,080.21 John 93
1/1/2016 Starting Balance $2,225.99 CreditCard8899 $11,306.20 0
Income Statement Reporting Values
John Doe Acupuncture TxnAggregator
Date Payor/Payee Amount s Acct2 Comment Acct1 Acct1_Type Acct2_Type IncStmtAmt signFlipped? IncStmtWorthy?

1/1/2016 Starting Balance $3,010.10 Checking6677 Asset $3,010.10 n

1/1/2016 Starting Balance $2,225.99 CreditCard8899 Liability $2,225.99 n
1/4/2016 Monthly Fee for Business Fundamentals
-$16.00 10_ Commissions and fees Checking6677 Asset Expense $16.00 y
1/4/2016 Herbs R Us -$418.63 36_ COGs-Resell Items Checking6677 Asset Expense $418.63 y
1/4/2016 PANDORA*INTERNET RADIO$4.99 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $4.99
1/4/2016 ROUND TABLE PIZZA $14.16 24b_ Meals and Entertainment CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $14.16
1/5/2016 TLG*PRIVGRD52XXX23JAN $14.99 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $14.99
1/7/2016 $6.46 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $6.46
1/8/2016 Check 3449 -$475.00 20b_ Rent - not equipment Bob Smith, Landlord Checking6677 Asset Expense $475.00 y
1/8/2016 PURCHASE *FINANCE CHARGE* $68.11 16b_ interest not mortgage CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $68.11
1/8/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS $63.10 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $63.10
1/8/2016 ROUND TABLE PIZZA $30.79 24b_ Meals and Entertainment CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $30.79
1/8/2016 STANDARD PROCESS OF NO $275.75 36_ COGs-Resell Items CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $275.75
1/11/2016 Check 3462 -$1,200.00 20b_ Rent - not equipment Stephanie's Properties Checking6677 Asset Expense $1,200.00 y
1/11/2016 ATT*BILL PAYMENT $67.00 25_ Utilities CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $67.00
1/12/2016 OFFICE DEPOT #999 $12.55 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $12.55
1/13/2016 WWW.FAX87.COM $25.00 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $25.00
1/13/2016 VZWRLSS*APOCC VISW $254.84 25_ Utilities CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $254.84
1/14/2016 LA TAQUERIA $15.38 24b_ Meals and Entertainment CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $15.38
1/15/2016 Counter Credit $2,802.23 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 Asset Income $2,802.23
1/15/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK
1799 Confirmation#
01_ Gross4083069077
Receipts or Sales Checking6677 Asset Income $3,100.00
1/15/2016 Online Banking transfer to CHK
1446 Confirmation#
2684023277 Checking6677 Asset Equity -$2,300.00 n
1/18/2016 ALL STATE $42.66 15_ Insurance (other than health) CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $42.66
1/18/2016 HITO CORP. $50.00 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $50.00
1/18/2016 Slim's Restaurant $15.94 24b_ Meals and Entertainment CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $15.94
1/20/2016 Counter Credit $1,699.80 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 Asset Income $1,699.80
1/20/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK
1799 Confirmation#
01_ Gross2832047372
Receipts or Sales Checking6677 Asset Income $2,000.00
1/22/2016 AmazonPrime Membership $106.55 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $106.55
1/26/2016 PGANDE DES:WEB ONLINE ID:44840693011116
-$167.40 25_ Utilities
INDN:JANE DOE ACUPUNCT CO ID:5940742640 WEB Checking6677 Asset Expense $167.40 y
1/26/2016 DOUBLETREE BERKELEY F& $9.86 24a_ Travel CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $9.86
1/26/2016 DOUBLETREE BERKELEY F& $19.43 24a_ Travel CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $19.43
1/27/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK
1799 Confirmation#
01_ Gross1493736131
Receipts or Sales Checking6677 Asset Income $1,200.00
1/27/2016 Online Banking payment to CRD-$4,344.61
2121 Confirmation#
1493741575 Checking6677 Asset Liability -$4,344.61 n
1/27/2016 STANDARD PROCESS OF NO $25.00 36_ COGs-Resell Items CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $25.00
1/27/2016 STANDARD PROCESS OF NO $262.50 36_ COGs-Resell Items CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $262.50
1/28/2016 Counter Credit $1,007.40 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 Asset Income $1,007.40
1/28/2016 ORCHARD SUPPLY 01/28 #000518779 -$16.27 PURCHASE
18_ OfficeORCHARD Checking6677
ExpensesSUPPLY #4 SAN JOSE CA CKCD 5200 48358800063866666 Asset Expense $16.27 y
1/28/2016 WWW.FAX87.COM $71.88 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $71.88
1/28/2016 Online payment from CHK 9 -$4,344.61 Checking6677 CreditCard8899 Liability Asset -$4,344.61 n
Taxes and INDN:JANE
licenses Checking6677 Asset Expense 3*20160128/
DOE COTID:1282531XX CCD PMT INFO:ELF*00024933520*0000000098500*0006414079 $985.00 y
1/29/2016 MAYWAY CORPORATION $52.00 22_ Supplies (not COGs) CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $52.00
2/1/2016 CHECKCARD 013 09 CITY MARRIOTT -$40.00 SAN 24a_
Travel 2425477 CKCD 7523
48158800063 Checking6677 Asset Expense $40.00 y
Income Statement Reporting Values
John Doe Acupuncture TxnAggregator
Date Payor/Payee Amount s Acct2 Comment Acct1 Acct1_Type Acct2_Type IncStmtAmt signFlipped? IncStmtWorthy?


-$49.86 24015176030004002311899
24a_ Travel CKCD 5542
4815880006388385 Checking6677 Asset Expense $49.86 y
2/1/2016 HELIO USA (MOTO) $164.56 22_ Supplies (not COGs) CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $164.56
2/1/2016 EVERGREEN HERBS INTERN $122.72 36_ COGs-Resell Items CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $122.72
2/1/2016 STANDARD PROCESS OF NO $1,826.75 36_ COGs-Resell Items CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $1,826.75
2/2/2016 ElecCheck 3464 CALIFORNIA STATE -$59.12
23_ Taxes andCHECK
State of CA Checking6677
CO ID:L940361677 AXC Asset Expense $59.12 y
2/3/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK
1799 Confirmation#
01_ Gross0552813573
Receipts or Sales Checking6677 Asset Income $1,700.00
2/3/2016 Check 3465 -$86.00 36_ COGs-Resell Items Tammy's Honey Checking6677 Asset Expense $86.00 y
2/3/2016 TLG*PRIVGRD52XXXX23FEB $14.99 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $14.99
2/4/2016 PANDORA*INTERNET RADIO $4.99 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $4.99
2/5/2016 Check 3463 -$156.00 02_ Returns or Allowances Customer Refund, Ins Pmt Checking6677 Asset Income -$156.00
2/5/2016 Check 3468 -$400.00 20b_ Rent - not equipment Bob Smith, Landlord Checking6677 Asset Expense $400.00 y
2/5/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS $9.25 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $9.25
2/5/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS $9.57 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $9.57
2/8/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS $74.86 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $74.86
2/8/2016 WHOLEFDS SAN JOSE 10099 $16.28 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $16.28
2/8/2016 Slim's Restaurant $51.56 24b_ Meals and Entertainment CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $51.56
2/9/2016 Bank Adjustment $5.00 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 Asset Income $5.00
2/9/2016 Counter Credit $1,760.64 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 Asset Income $1,760.64
2/9/2016 Check 3467 -$4.80 18_ Office Expenses CVS Checking6677 Asset Expense $4.80 y
2/9/2016 Check 3466 -$1,425.00 20b_ Rent - not equipment Stephanie's Properties Checking6677 Asset Expense $1,425.00 y
2/9/2016 PURCHASE *FINANCE CHARGE* $16.06 16b_ interest not mortgage CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $16.06
2/10/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK
1799 Confirmation#
01_ Gross1412687376
Receipts or Sales Checking6677 Asset Income $1,700.00
2/10/2016 Herbs R Us -$418.63 36_ COGs-Resell Items Checking6677 Asset Expense $418.63 y
2/10/2016 Online Banking transfer to CHK
1446 Confirmation#
4012690145 Checking6677 Asset Equity -$2,500.00 n
2/11/2016 ATT*BILL PAYMENT $67.00 25_ Utilities CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $67.00
2/12/2016 Counter Credit $926.25 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 Asset Income $926.25
2/15/2016 TRADER JOE'S #079 QPS $16.26 22_ Supplies (not COGs) CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $16.26
2/15/2016 VZWRLSS*APOCC VISW $255.08 25_ Utilities CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $255.08
2/16/2016 Online Banking transfer to CHK
1446 Confirmation#
1459563883 Checking6677 Asset Equity -$1,000.00 n
2/16/2016 HITO CORP. $50.00 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $50.00
2/17/2016 ALL STATE $42.66 15_ Insurance (other than health) CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $42.66
2/17/2016 EB MEMORIAL CELEBRATI $120.00 27a_ Other Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $120.00
2/19/2016 Check 3471 -$500.00 17_ Legal and Professional servicesToad Ventures, Consulting Checking6677 Asset Expense $500.00 y
2/22/2016 Check 3470 -$70.00 18_ Office Expenses Office literature Checking6677 Asset Expense $70.00 y
2/22/2016 HOLIDAY INN GOLDN GATE $45.00 24a_ Travel CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $45.00
2/24/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK
1799 Confirmation#
01_ Gross1334494917
Receipts or Sales Checking6677 Asset Income $3,600.00
2/24/2016 CHASE DES:EPAY ID:25341 INDN:JANE-$82.00 DOE OwnerDraw-JD
CO ID:5760039224 WEB Checking6677 Asset Equity -$82.00 n
2/24/2016 EVENTBRITE -$120.00 17_ Legal and Professional services CreditCard8899 Liability Expense -$120.00
2/25/2016 Check 3469 -$243.00 15_ Insurance (other than health) ACU Malpractice Checking6677 Asset Expense $243.00 y
2/26/2016 PGANDE DES:WEB ONLINE ID:46556513021016
-$177.99 25_ Utilities
INDN:JANE DOE ACUPUNCT CO ID:5940742640 WEB Checking6677 Asset Expense $177.99 y
2/26/2016 STANDARD PROCESS OF NO $2,473.00 36_ COGs-Resell Items CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $2,473.00
2/29/2016 Counter Credit $1,228.38 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 Asset Income $1,228.38
Income Statement Reporting Values
John Doe Acupuncture TxnAggregator
Date Payor/Payee Amount s Acct2 Comment Acct1 Acct1_Type Acct2_Type IncStmtAmt signFlipped? IncStmtWorthy?


-$0.51 DOE
CO ID:5760039224 WEB Checking6677 Asset Equity -$0.51 n
2/29/2016 WHOLEFDS SAN JOSE 10099 $10.25 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $10.25
3/1/2016 Vodoo Software -$59.00 18_ Office Expenses Checking6677 Asset Expense $59.00 y
3/2/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK
1799 Confirmation#
01_ Gross0694989200
Receipts or Sales Checking6677 Asset Income $600.00
3/2/2016 Check 3472 -$25.00 27a_ Other Expenses Sierra Club, donation Checking6677 Asset Expense $25.00 y
3/2/2016 Online Banking payment to CRD
2121 Confirmation#
4195006523 Checking6677 Asset Liability -$2,817.73 n
3/2/2016 Online payment from CHK 9 -$2,817.73 Checking6677 CreditCard8899 Liability Asset -$2,817.73 n
3/3/2016 TLG*PRIVGRD52XXX23MAR $14.99 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $14.99
3/4/2016 Counter Credit $1,495.16 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 Asset Income $1,495.16
3/4/2016 PANDORA*INTERNET RADIO $4.99 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $4.99
3/4/2016 IN-N-OUT BURGER #198 $5.48 24b_ Meals and Entertainment CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $5.48
3/4/2016 ROUND TABLE PIZZA $17.11 24b_ Meals and Entertainment CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $17.11
3/8/2016 Check 3476 -$1,200.00 20b_ Rent - not equipment Stephanie's Properties Checking6677 Asset Expense $1,200.00 y
3/8/2016 WHOLEFDS SAN JOSE 10099 $8.68 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $8.68
3/9/2016 Check 3480 -$110.00 36_ COGs-Resell Items Tammy's Honey Checking6677 Asset Expense $110.00 y
3/10/2016 Herbs R Us -$418.63 36_ COGs-Resell Items Checking6677 Asset Expense $418.63 y
3/11/2016 Counter Credit $1,517.82 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 Asset Income $1,517.82
3/11/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK
1799 Confirmation#
01_ Gross4174287053
Receipts or Sales Checking6677 Asset Income $3,000.00
3/11/2016 Check 3474 -$325.00 23_ Taxes and licenses State of CA Checking6677 Asset Expense $325.00 y
3/11/2016 Online Banking transfer to CHK
1446 Confirmation#
0674290349 Checking6677 Asset Equity -$2,500.00 n
3/11/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS $41.11 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $41.11
3/14/2016 $43.31 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $43.31
3/14/2016 THE HOME DEPOT #69999 $24.38 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $24.38
3/14/2016 HELIO USA (MOTO) $282.94 22_ Supplies (not COGs) CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $282.94
3/14/2016 VZWRLSS*APOCC VISW $255.08 25_ Utilities CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $255.08
3/15/2016 HITO CORP. $50.00 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $50.00
3/15/2016 WHOLEFDS SAN JOSE 10099 $18.45 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $18.45
3/16/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK
1799 Confirmation#
01_ Gross0514261748
Receipts or Sales Checking6677 Asset Income $1,900.00
3/16/2016 Check 3477 -$400.00 20b_ Rent - not equipment Bob Smith, Landlord Checking6677 Asset Expense $400.00 y
3/16/2016 Online Banking transfer to CHK
1446 Confirmation#
1614266317 Checking6677 Asset Equity -$1,000.00 n
3/16/2016 ATT*BILL PAYMENT $67.00 25_ Utilities CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $67.00
3/17/2016 ALL STATE $42.66 15_ Insurance (other than health) CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $42.66
3/17/2016 OFFICE ALLY $9.60 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $9.60
3/21/2016 Counter Credit $1,011.60 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 Asset Income $1,011.60
3/21/2016 Check 3484 -$6.40 18_ Office Expenses CVS, bandaids Checking6677 Asset Expense $6.40 y
3/21/2016 RITE AID STORE - 5882 $16.58 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $16.58
3/21/2016 IMPARK00270019 $18.00 24a_ Travel CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $18.00
3/22/2016 Check 3485 -$52.00 02_ Returns or Allowances Customer Refund, Ins Pmt Checking6677 Asset Income -$52.00
3/23/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK
1799 Confirmation#
01_ Gross2676264862
Receipts or Sales Checking6677 Asset Income $1,700.00
3/23/2016 Check 3482 -$79.00 18_ Office Expenses Office literature Checking6677 Asset Expense $79.00 y
3/23/2016 Check 3481 -$25.00 27a_ Other Expenses City of Mry, Sherriff Checking6677 Asset Expense $25.00 y
3/23/2016 Online Banking payment to CRD
2121 Confirmation#
1476277714 Checking6677 Asset Liability -$2,456.51 n
Income Statement Reporting Values
John Doe Acupuncture TxnAggregator
Date Payor/Payee Amount s Acct2 Comment Acct1 Acct1_Type Acct2_Type IncStmtAmt signFlipped? IncStmtWorthy?

3/23/2016 APL* ITUNES.COM/BILL $2.99 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $2.99
3/23/2016 Online payment from CHK 9 -$2,456.51 Checking6677 CreditCard8899 Liability Asset -$2,456.51 n
3/25/2016 Counter Credit $1,033.96 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 Asset Income $1,033.96
3/28/2016 STANDARD PROCESS OF NO $1,778.25 36_ COGs-Resell Items CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $1,778.25
3/29/2016 PGANDE DES:WEB ONLINE ID:48308921031116
-$137.71 25_ Utilities
INDN:JANE DOE ACUPUNCT CO ID:5940742640 WEB Checking6677 Asset Expense $137.71 y
3/30/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK
1799 Confirmation#
01_ Gross2637027827
Receipts or Sales Checking6677 Asset Income $1,600.00
4/1/2016 Counter Credit $949.44 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 Asset Income $949.44
4/4/2016 Monthly Fee for Business Fundamentals
-$16.00 10_ Commissions and fees Checking6677 Asset Expense $16.00 y
4/4/2016 ORCHARD SUPPLY #440 $9.75 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $9.75
4/4/2016 HYDE BEACH GARAGE $22.00 24a_ Travel CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $22.00
4/6/2016 Counter Credit $2,106.97 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 Asset Income $2,106.97
4/6/2016 OFFICE DEPOT #999 $2.16 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $2.16
4/7/2016 APL* ITUNES.COM/BILL $0.99 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $0.99
4/11/2016 Check 3478 -$400.00 20b_ Rent - not equipment Bob Smith, Landlord Checking6677 Asset Expense $400.00 y
4/11/2016 Herbs R Us -$418.63 36_ COGs-Resell Items Checking6677 Asset Expense $418.63 y
4/12/2016 Check 3488 -$6.75 18_ Office Expenses CVS, cotton balls Checking6677 Asset Expense $6.75 y
4/12/2016 COSTCO WHSE #0 04/12 #0008411 -$170.02PURCHASE
18_ Office
COSTCO Expenses
WHSE #031 SAN JOSE CA CKCD 5300 481588000638122Checking6677 Asset Expense $170.02 y
4/12/2016 Vodoo Software -$59.12 18_ Office Expenses Checking6677 Asset Expense $59.12 y
4/13/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK
1799 Confirmation#
01_ Gross0657799724
Receipts or Sales Checking6677 Asset Income $1,900.00
4/13/2016 Check 3486 -$1,200.00 20b_ Rent - not equipment Stephanie's Properties Checking6677 Asset Expense $1,200.00 y
4/13/2016 Online Banking payment to CRD-$2,242.47
2121 Confirmation#
3057809600 Checking6677 Asset Liability -$2,242.47 n
4/13/2016 Online payment from CHK 9 -$2,242.47 Checking6677 CreditCard8899 Liability Asset -$2,242.47 n
4/14/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS $82.89 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $82.89
4/15/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS $83.56 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $83.56
4/18/2016 Counter Credit $833.36 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 Asset Income $833.36
4/18/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK
1799 Confirmation#
01_ Gross0599455202
Receipts or Sales Checking6677 Asset Income $1,900.00
4/18/2016 Check 3489 -$1,000.00 17_ Legal and Professional servicesToad Ventures, Consulting Checking6677 Asset Expense $1,000.00 y
4/18/2016 Online Banking transfer to CHK
1446 Confirmation#
3999459161 Checking6677 Asset Equity -$2,100.00 n
4/18/2016 APL* ITUNES.COM/BILL $4.99 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $4.99
4/19/2016 USPS 0551060303460XXX $12.94 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $12.94
4/21/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS $42.54 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $42.54
4/22/2016 STANDARD PROCESS OF NO $96.50 36_ COGs-Resell Items CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $96.50
4/25/2016 APL* ITUNES.COM/BILL $2.99 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $2.99
4/25/2016 HYDE BEACH GARAGE $29.00 24a_ Travel CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $29.00
4/26/2016 PGANDE DES:WEB ONLINE ID:50028610041116
-$125.72 25_ Utilities
INDN:JANE DOE ACUPUNCT CO ID:5940742640 WEB Checking6677 Asset Expense $125.72 y
4/26/2016 Herbs R Us -$390.24 36_ COGs-Resell Items Checking6677 Asset Expense $390.24 y
4/27/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK
1799 Confirmation#
01_ Gross2677915199
Receipts or Sales Checking6677 Asset Income $2,300.00
4/27/2016 Online Banking transfer to CHK
1446 Confirmation#
3977919000 Checking6677 Asset Equity -$1,500.00 n
4/29/2016 Check 3479 -$400.00 20b_ Rent - not equipment Bob Smith, Landlord Checking6677 Asset Expense $400.00 y
4/29/2016 EFBOARDOFEQUALIZ DES:BOE -$1,010.00
Taxes and INDN:JANE
licenses Checking6677 Asset Expense 5*20160428/
DOE CO ID:1282531XX CCD PMT INFO:ELF*00025951841*0000000101000*0006499330 $1,010.00 y
4/29/2016 ALL STATE $42.66 15_ Insurance (other than health) CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $42.66
4/29/2016 ATT*BILL PAYMENT $134.00 25_ Utilities CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $134.00
Income Statement Reporting Values
John Doe Acupuncture TxnAggregator
Date Payor/Payee Amount s Acct2 Comment Acct1 Acct1_Type Acct2_Type IncStmtAmt signFlipped? IncStmtWorthy?

4/29/2016 VZWRLSS*BILL PAY VW $255.08 25_ Utilities CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $255.08
5/2/2016 Counter Credit $2,549.20 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 Asset Income $2,549.20
5/2/2016 Monthly Fee for Business Fundamentals
-$16.00 10_ Commissions and fees Checking6677 Asset Expense $16.00 y
5/2/2016 COSTCO WHSE #0 05/02 #0008197 -$33.94
18_ Office
COSTCO Expenses Checking6677
WHSE #031 SAN JOSE CA CKCD 5300 481588000638122 Asset Expense $33.94 y
5/2/2016 STANDARD PROCESS OF NO $2,493.50 36_ COGs-Resell Items CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $2,493.50
5/6/2016 Check 3493 -$24.50 36_ COGs-Resell Items Tammy's Honey Checking6677 Asset Expense $24.50 y
5/6/2016 ROUND TABLE PIZZA $19.11 24b_ Meals and Entertainment CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $19.11
5/9/2016 Check 3491 -$19.00 18_ Office Expenses Office literature Checking6677 Asset Expense $19.00 y
5/9/2016 Check 3494 -$12.00 36_ COGs-Resell Items Bob's Lazengers Checking6677 Asset Expense $12.00 y
5/9/2016 HITO CORP. $50.00 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $50.00
5/10/2016 Vodoo Software -$59.06 18_ Office Expenses Checking6677 Asset Expense $59.06 y
5/10/2016 Check 3513 -$1,200.00 20b_ Rent - not equipment Stephanie's Properties Checking6677 Asset Expense $1,200.00 y
5/10/2016 Herbs R Us -$418.63 36_ COGs-Resell Items Checking6677 Asset Expense $418.63 y
5/11/2016 Check 3514 -$3.57 24a_ Travel Phillips 76 Checking6677 Asset Expense $3.57 y
5/13/2016 Check 3490 -$103.50 36_ COGs-Resell Items Tammy's Honey Checking6677 Asset Expense $103.50 y
5/13/2016 VZWRLSS*APOCC VISW $260.03 25_ Utilities CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $260.03
5/16/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK
1799 Confirmation#
01_ Gross3919862637
Receipts or Sales Checking6677 Asset Income $3,700.00
5/16/2016 Online Banking transfer to CHK
1446 Confirmation#
0519875009 Checking6677 Asset Equity -$2,500.00 n
5/16/2016 APL* ITUNES.COM/BILL $4.99 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $4.99
5/17/2016 Counter Credit $1,679.39 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 Asset Income $1,679.39
5/18/2016 ALL STATE $42.66 15_ Insurance (other than health) CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $42.66
5/19/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK
1799 Confirmation#
01_ Gross0568733805
Receipts or Sales Checking6677 Asset Income $1,591.48
5/19/2016 Online Banking payment to CRD-$2,920.84
2121 Confirmation#
1468748121 Checking6677 Asset Liability -$2,920.84 n
5/19/2016 HELIO USA (MOTO) $192.00 22_ Supplies (not COGs) CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $192.00
5/19/2016 LA TAQUERIA $15.92 24b_ Meals and Entertainment CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $15.92
5/19/2016 Online payment from CHK 9 -$2,920.84 Checking6677 CreditCard8899 Liability Asset -$2,920.84 n
5/20/2016 Deposit Discrepancy Adjustment 866-792-9999
$0.70 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 Asset Income $0.70
5/23/2016 Check 3516 -$500.00 17_ Legal and Professional servicesToad Ventures, Consulting Checking6677 Asset Expense $500.00 y
5/23/2016 APL* ITUNES.COM/BILL $2.99 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $2.99
5/23/2016 COST PLUS WLD #199 $43.44 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $43.44
5/23/2016 WHOLEFDS SAN JOSE 10099 $30.82 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $30.82
5/23/2016 CCSF MTA IPS PRKNG MET $1.75 24a_ Travel CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $1.75
5/23/2016 CCSF MTA IPS PRKNG MET $3.25 24a_ Travel CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $3.25
5/23/2016 CCSF MTA IPS PRKNG MET $13.25 24a_ Travel CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $13.25
5/23/2016 SUBWAY 00394999 $5.71 24b_ Meals and Entertainment CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $5.71
5/23/2016 STANDARD PROCESS OF NO $334.75 36_ COGs-Resell Items CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $334.75
5/23/2016 MONTEREY REC-SPORTS CT $21.75 OwnerDraw-JD CreditCard8899 Liability Equity $21.75 n
5/26/2016 PGANDE DES:WEB ONLINE ID:51584251051016
-$159.18 25_ Utilities
INDN:JANE DOE ACUPUNCT CO ID:5940742640 WEB Checking6677 Asset Expense $159.18 y
5/30/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS $13.58 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $13.58
5/30/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS $41.04 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $41.04
5/30/2016 SQ *PERFECTLY PRESS $24.98 24b_ Meals and Entertainment CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $24.98
5/31/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK
1799 Confirmation#
01_ Gross0562405836
Receipts or Sales Checking6677 Asset Income $1,300.00
Income Statement Reporting Values
John Doe Acupuncture TxnAggregator
Date Payor/Payee Amount s Acct2 Comment Acct1 Acct1_Type Acct2_Type IncStmtAmt signFlipped? IncStmtWorthy?

5/31/2016 Check 3495 -$46.60 36_ COGs-Resell Items Tammy's Honey Checking6677 Asset Expense $46.60 y
6/1/2016 Monthly Fee for Business Fundamentals
-$16.00 10_ Commissions and fees Checking6677 Asset Expense $16.00 y
6/1/2016 Check 3515 -$243.00 15_ Insurance (other than health) ACU Malpractice Checking6677 Asset Expense $243.00 y
6/1/2016 EB MORPHOGENIC FIELD $168.74 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $168.74
6/2/2016 Counter Credit $1,462.45 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 Asset Income $1,462.45
6/6/2016 Check 3496 -$400.00 20b_ Rent - not equipment Bob Smith, Landlord Checking6677 Asset Expense $400.00 y
6/7/2016 HITO CORP. $50.00 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $50.00
6/8/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK
1799 Confirmation#
01_ Gross0642977794
Receipts or Sales Checking6677 Asset Income $1,000.00
6/8/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK
1799 Confirmation#
01_ Gross1642971740
Receipts or Sales Checking6677 Asset Income $1,850.00
6/9/2016 STANDARD PROCESS OF NO $2,366.25 36_ COGs-Resell Items CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $2,366.25
6/10/2016 Bank Adjustment $0.24 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 Asset Income $0.24
6/10/2016 Counter Credit $1,564.63 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 Asset Income $1,564.63
6/10/2016 Herbs R Us -$418.63 36_ COGs-Resell Items Checking6677 Asset Expense $418.63 y
6/10/2016 NAT*NATIONAL GEOGRAPHI $15.95 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $15.95
6/13/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK
1799 Confirmation#
01_ Gross4083010144
Receipts or Sales Checking6677 Asset Income $1,100.00
6/13/2016 Online Banking transfer to CHK
1446 Confirmation#
4083021981 Checking6677 Asset Equity -$2,500.00 n
6/13/2016 SQ *MORPHOGENIC FIELD $55.00 22_ Supplies (not COGs) CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $55.00
6/13/2016 SQ *MORPHOGENIC FIELD $185.00 22_ Supplies (not COGs) CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $185.00
6/13/2016 VZWRLSS*APOCC VISW $255.03 25_ Utilities CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $255.03
6/13/2016 STANDARD PROCESS OF NO $82.50 36_ COGs-Resell Items CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $82.50
6/14/2016 Vodoo Software -$59.06 18_ Office Expenses Checking6677 Asset Expense $59.06 y
6/14/2016 Check 3517 -$1,425.00 20b_ Rent - not equipment Stephanie's Properties Checking6677 Asset Expense $1,425.00 y
6/17/2016 ALL STATE $42.66 15_ Insurance (other than health) CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $42.66
6/17/2016 Slim's Restaurant $20.22 24b_ Meals and Entertainment CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $20.22
6/17/2016 ATT*BILL PAYMENT $70.40 25_ Utilities CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $70.40
6/20/2016 PURIFICATION SUPPORT $4.95 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $4.95
6/20/2016 PURIFICATION SUPPORT $14.85 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $14.85
6/20/2016 VISTAPR* $17.75 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $17.75
6/20/2016 VISTAPR* $31.17 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $31.17
6/20/2016 ROUND TABLE PIZZA $19.11 24b_ Meals and Entertainment CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $19.11
6/20/2016 HOMEOPATHIC PLUS $130.50 36_ COGs-Resell Items CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $130.50
6/21/2016 Synchrony Bank DES:CC PYMT -$32.00
27a_ OtherINDN:JANE
Expenses DOE CO ID:9856794001 WEB Checking6677 Asset Expense $32.00 y
6/22/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK
1799 Confirmation#
01_ Gross2862668450
Receipts or Sales Checking6677 Asset Income $1,500.00
6/22/2016 COSTCO WHSE #0 06/22 #0000226 -$66.79
18_ Office
COSTCO Expenses Checking6677
WHSE #031 SAN JOSE CA CKCD 5300 481588000638122 Asset Expense $66.79 y
6/23/2016 APL* ITUNES.COM/BILL $2.99 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $2.99
6/23/2016 APL* ITUNES.COM/BILL $4.99 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $4.99
6/23/2016 ROUND TABLE PIZZA $17.11 24b_ Meals and Entertainment CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $17.11
6/24/2016 Check 3522 -$500.00 17_ Legal and Professional servicesToad Ventures, Consulting Checking6677 Asset Expense $500.00 y
6/27/2016 Counter Credit $1,645.31 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 Asset Income $1,645.31
6/27/2016 Counter Credit $2,844.99 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 Asset Income $2,844.99
6/27/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK$650.00
1799 Confirmation#
01_ Gross0505492837
Receipts or Sales Checking6677 Asset Income $650.00
6/27/2016 Online Banking payment to CRD-$3,168.45
2121 Confirmation#
0505509387 Checking6677 Asset Liability -$3,168.45 n
Income Statement Reporting Values
John Doe Acupuncture TxnAggregator
Date Payor/Payee Amount s Acct2 Comment Acct1 Acct1_Type Acct2_Type IncStmtAmt signFlipped? IncStmtWorthy?

6/27/2016 Online payment from CHK 9 -$3,168.45 Checking6677 CreditCard8899 Liability Asset -$3,168.45 n
6/28/2016 Vodoo Software -$104.12 18_ Office Expenses Checking6677 Asset Expense $104.12 y
6/28/2016 PGANDE DES:WEB ONLINE ID:53232788061016
-$164.90 25_ Utilities
INDN:JANE DOE ACUPUNCT CO ID:5940742640 WEB Checking6677 Asset Expense $164.90 y
6/28/2016 USPS 0551060303460XXX $51.62 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $51.62
6/29/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK
1799 Confirmation#
01_ Gross1622468183
Receipts or Sales Checking6677 Asset Income $500.00
6/29/2016 HOMEOPATHIC PLUS $157.83 36_ COGs-Resell Items CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $157.83
6/29/2016 HOMEOPATHIC PLUS $438.20 36_ COGs-Resell Items CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $438.20
6/30/2016 Check 3521 -$162.00 23_ Taxes and licenses State of CA Checking6677 Asset Expense $162.00 y
6/30/2016 HOMEOPATHIC PLUS $68.00 36_ COGs-Resell Items CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $68.00
7/1/2016 Counter Credit $2,102.68 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 Asset Income $2,102.68
7/1/2016 Monthly Fee for Business Fundamentals
-$16.00 10_ Commissions and fees Checking6677 Asset Expense $16.00 y
7/1/2016 S & H TAXES $7.86 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $7.86
7/1/2016 HELIO USA (MOTO) $164.56 22_ Supplies (not COGs) CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $164.56
$3,081.09 36_ COGs-Resell Items CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $3,081.09
7/4/2016 ORCHARD SUPPLY #440 $7.92 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $7.92
7/4/2016 PETSMART INC 75 $24.19 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $24.19
7/4/2016 S & H TAXES $7.30 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $7.30
7/4/2016 HOMEOPATHIC PLUS $112.80 36_ COGs-Resell Items CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $112.80
7/6/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK
1799 Confirmation#
01_ Gross0582945673
Receipts or Sales Checking6677 Asset Income $1,600.00
7/6/2016 Check 3524 -$1,200.00 20b_ Rent - not equipment Stephanie's Properties Checking6677 Asset Expense $1,200.00 y
7/6/2016 Online Banking transfer to CHK
1446 Confirmation#
0582948803 Checking6677 Asset Equity -$2,500.00 n
7/7/2016 Check 3497 -$400.00 20b_ Rent - not equipment Bob Smith, Landlord Checking6677 Asset Expense $400.00 y
7/7/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS $4.91 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $4.91
7/7/2016 HITO CORP. $50.00 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $50.00
7/7/2016 LA TAQUERIA $12.92 24b_ Meals and Entertainment CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $12.92
7/7/2016 ALLERGIES LIFESTYLE & $16.00 36_ COGs-Resell Items CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $16.00
7/8/2016 Bank Adjustment $50.00 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 Asset Income $50.00
7/8/2016 Counter Credit $1,346.07 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 Asset Income $1,346.07
7/8/2016 ACE HDWE SAN JOSE $8.60 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $8.60
7/8/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS $7.99 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $7.99
7/8/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS $15.68 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $15.68
7/8/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS $16.56 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $16.56
7/11/2016 Herbs R Us -$418.63 36_ COGs-Resell Items Checking6677 Asset Expense $418.63 y
7/11/2016 TARGET 00010999 $27.13 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $27.13
7/11/2016 HOMEOPATHIC PLUS $27.00 36_ COGs-Resell Items CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $27.00
7/11/2016 HOMEOPATHIC PLUS $131.90 36_ COGs-Resell Items CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $131.90
7/12/2016 ATT*BILL PAYMENT $70.00 25_ Utilities CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $70.00
7/13/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK
1799 Confirmation#
01_ Gross0538580648
Receipts or Sales Checking6677 Asset Income $2,100.00
7/13/2016 Online Banking payment to CRD
2121 Confirmation#
1438588406 Checking6677 Asset Liability -$2,250.00 n
7/13/2016 VZWRLSS*APOCC VISW $227.60 25_ Utilities CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $227.60
7/13/2016 Online payment from CHK 9 -$2,250.00 Checking6677 CreditCard8899 Liability Asset -$2,250.00 n
7/15/2016 Check 3526 -$500.00 17_ Legal and Professional servicesToad Ventures, Consulting Checking6677 Asset Expense $500.00 y
Income Statement Reporting Values
John Doe Acupuncture TxnAggregator
Date Payor/Payee Amount s Acct2 Comment Acct1 Acct1_Type Acct2_Type IncStmtAmt signFlipped? IncStmtWorthy?

7/18/2016 ALL STATE $42.66 15_ Insurance (other than health) CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $42.66
7/18/2016 APL* ITUNES.COM/BILL $4.99 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $4.99
7/18/2016 ORCHARD SUPPLY #440 $7.79 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $7.79
7/19/2016 Counter Credit $2,049.99 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 Asset Income $2,049.99
7/20/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK
1799 Confirmation#
01_ Gross4003825679
Receipts or Sales Checking6677 Asset Income $2,000.00
7/20/2016 Online Banking payment to CRD-$544.00
2121 Confirmation#
1403841327 Checking6677 Asset Liability -$544.00 n
7/20/2016 Online Banking transfer to CHK
1446 Confirmation#
1403830066 Checking6677 Asset Equity -$1,000.00 n
7/20/2016 HELIO USA (MOTO) $176.66 22_ Supplies (not COGs) CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $176.66
7/20/2016 HOMEOPATHIC PLUS $179.40 36_ COGs-Resell Items CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $179.40
7/20/2016 Online payment from CHK 9 -$544.00 Checking6677 CreditCard8899 Liability Asset -$544.00 n
7/21/2016 Check 3529 -$129.17 23_ Taxes and licenses State of CA Checking6677 Asset Expense $129.17 y
7/21/2016 Check 3528 -$103.50 36_ COGs-Resell Items Tammy's Honey Checking6677 Asset Expense $103.50 y
7/21/2016 OFFICE ALLY, LLC $3.05 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $3.05
7/21/2016 EVERGREEN HERBS INTERN $122.72 36_ COGs-Resell Items CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $122.72
7/22/2016 Counter Credit $1,627.23 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 Asset Income $1,627.23
7/22/2016 WABBO CO ACUPUNCTURE S $44.95 22_ Supplies (not COGs) CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $44.95
7/22/2016 ROUND TABLE PIZZA $17.11 24b_ Meals and Entertainment CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $17.11
7/22/2016 HOMEOPATHIC PLUS $310.05 36_ COGs-Resell Items CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $310.05
7/25/2016 APL* ITUNES.COM/BILL $2.99 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $2.99
7/25/2016 INTUIT *QB ONLINE $26.95 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $26.95
7/26/2016 Check 3525 -$185.00 02_ Returns or Allowances Customer Refund, Ins Pmt Checking6677 Asset Income -$185.00
7/26/2016 PGANDE DES:WEB ONLINE ID:54781308071116
-$163.55 25_ Utilities
INDN:JANE DOE ACUPUNCT CO ID:5940742640 WEB Checking6677 Asset Expense $163.55 y
7/26/2016 PETSMART INC 75 $46.20 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $46.20
7/26/2016 PROFLOWERS.COM $71.55 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $71.55
7/27/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK
1799 Confirmation#
01_ Gross0663816827
Receipts or Sales Checking6677 Asset Income $1,200.00
7/27/2016 Check 3530 -$30.00 18_ Office Expenses Office literature Checking6677 Asset Expense $30.00 y
E-PAY ID: 00066232
23_ TaxesINDN:JANE Checking6677 Asset Expense
and licensesDOE CO ID:1282531 CCD PMT INFO:ELF*00026965814*0000000090275*0006623201 4*20160/ $902.75 y
7/28/2016 STANDARD PROCESS OF NO $961.00 36_ COGs-Resell Items CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $961.00
7/29/2016 EB MORPHOGENIC FIELD $147.64 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $147.64
7/29/2016 LA TAQUERIA $6.46 24b_ Meals and Entertainment CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $6.46
7/29/2016 Slim's Restaurant $17.22 24b_ Meals and Entertainment CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $17.22
8/1/2016 Counter Credit $1,522.30 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 Asset Income $1,522.30
8/1/2016 Monthly Fee for Business Fundamentals
-$16.00 10_ Commissions and fees Checking6677 Asset Expense $16.00 y
8/1/2016 HOMEOPATHIC PLUS $163.80 36_ COGs-Resell Items CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $163.80
8/1/2016 HOMEOPATHIC PLUS $319.50 36_ COGs-Resell Items CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $319.50
8/4/2016 Counter Credit $2,052.76 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 Asset Income $2,052.76
8/5/2016 Check 3498 -$400.00 20b_ Rent - not equipment Bob Smith, Landlord Checking6677 Asset Expense $400.00 y
8/5/2016 S & H TAXES $6.45 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $6.45
8/8/2016 CVS/PHARMACY #999320 $12.23 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $12.23
8/8/2016 HITO CORP. $50.00 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $50.00
8/8/2016 OFFICE ALLY, LLC $5.40 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $5.40
8/8/2016 SQ *S JOSE FIRE REL $100.00 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $100.00
Income Statement Reporting Values
John Doe Acupuncture TxnAggregator
Date Payor/Payee Amount s Acct2 Comment Acct1 Acct1_Type Acct2_Type IncStmtAmt signFlipped? IncStmtWorthy?

8/9/2016 Check 3532 -$1,200.00 20b_ Rent - not equipment Stephanie's Properties Checking6677 Asset Expense $1,200.00 y
$71.34 16b_ interest not mortgage CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $71.34
8/10/2016 Counter Credit $1,890.94 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 Asset Income $1,890.94
8/10/2016 Herbs R Us -$418.63 36_ COGs-Resell Items Checking6677 Asset Expense $418.63 y
8/12/2016 JIMS ON THE COURSE $14.27 24b_ Meals and Entertainment CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $14.27
8/12/2016 ATT*BILL PAYMENT $70.00 25_ Utilities CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $70.00
8/12/2016 HOMEOPATHIC PLUS $290.10 36_ COGs-Resell Items CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $290.10
8/15/2016 APL* ITUNES.COM/BILL $4.99 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $4.99
8/15/2016 VZWRLSS*APOCC VISW $226.52 25_ Utilities CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $226.52
8/16/2016 REST AND REPAIR $199.90 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $199.90
8/17/2016 Counter Credit $1,933.61 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 Asset Income $1,933.61
8/17/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK
1799 Confirmation#
01_ Gross1446387829
Receipts or Sales Checking6677 Asset Income $6,224.76
8/17/2016 Online Banking payment to CRD-$5,532.52
2121 Confirmation#
4046443321 Checking6677 Asset Liability -$5,532.52 n
8/17/2016 CHASE DES:EPAY ID:2738 INDN:JANE -$69.00 DOEOwnerDraw-JD
CO ID:5760039224 WEB Checking6677 Asset Equity -$69.00 n
8/17/2016 Online Banking transfer to CHK
1446 Confirmation#
1446398157 Checking6677 Asset Equity -$4,342.32 n
8/17/2016 ALL STATE $42.66 15_ Insurance (other than health) CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $42.66
8/17/2016 STANDARD PROCESS OF NO $55.00 36_ COGs-Resell Items CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $55.00
8/17/2016 Online payment from CHK 9 -$5,532.52 Checking6677 CreditCard8899 Liability Asset -$5,532.52 n
8/18/2016 BOARDEQUALIZATIO DES:BOE -$4.52 E-FILE ID: 00062913
23_ TaxesINDN:JANE Checking6677
and licensesDOE CO ID:1282531 CCD PMT INFO:ELF*0002988*000*0006291306 Asset
7*201608/ Expense $4.52 y
8/19/2016 HOMEOPATHIC PLUS $30.00 36_ COGs-Resell Items CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $30.00
8/19/2016 HOMEOPATHIC PLUS $437.30 36_ COGs-Resell Items CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $437.30
8/22/2016 Check 3519 -$15.08 02_ Returns or Allowances Customer Refund, Ins Pmt Checking6677 Asset Income -$15.08
8/22/2016 Check 3535 -$500.00 17_ Legal and Professional servicesToad Ventures, Consulting Checking6677 Asset Expense $500.00 y
8/22/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS $8.56 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $8.56
8/22/2016 AMAZON.COM AMZN.COM/BI $49.25 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $49.25
8/22/2016 RITE AID STORE - 06769 $3.03 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $3.03
8/22/2016 USPS 0551060303460XXX $6.80 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $6.80
8/22/2016 WALGREENS #2999 $36.32 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $36.32
8/22/2016 HELIO USA (MOTO) $176.66 22_ Supplies (not COGs) CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $176.66
8/22/2016 SP * EVERYDAY VITALITY $97.95 36_ COGs-Resell Items CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $97.95
8/23/2016 APL* ITUNES.COM/BILL $2.99 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $2.99
8/23/2016 INTUIT *QB ONLINE $26.95 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $26.95
8/25/2016 AMERICAN ACUPUNCTURE C$243.00 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $243.00
8/29/2016 PGANDE DES:WEB ONLINE ID:56413893081116
-$163.23 25_ Utilities
INDN:JANE DOE ACUPUNCT CO ID:5940742640 WEB Checking6677 Asset Expense $163.23 y
8/31/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK
1799 Confirmation#
01_ Gross3766463402
Receipts or Sales Checking6677 Asset Income $5,022.74
8/31/2016 Online Banking transfer to CHK
1446 Confirmation#
3766483635 Checking6677 Asset Equity -$2,500.00 n
9/1/2016 Counter Credit $1,093.46 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 Asset Income $1,093.46
9/1/2016 Monthly Fee for Business Fundamentals
-$16.00 10_ Commissions and fees Checking6677 Asset Expense $16.00 y
9/1/2016 SQ *STUDIO917 (DBA FOR $1.00 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $1.00
9/1/2016 HOMEOPATHIC PLUS $214.60 36_ COGs-Resell Items CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $214.60
9/1/2016 STANDARD PROCESS OF NO $932.25 36_ COGs-Resell Items CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $932.25
9/2/2016 BEST BUY 00010199 $473.22 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $473.22
Income Statement Reporting Values
John Doe Acupuncture TxnAggregator
Date Payor/Payee Amount s Acct2 Comment Acct1 Acct1_Type Acct2_Type IncStmtAmt signFlipped? IncStmtWorthy?

9/2/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS $5.90 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $5.90
9/2/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS $82.49 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $82.49
9/2/2016 HELIO USA (MOTO) $202.23 22_ Supplies (not COGs) CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $202.23
9/5/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS $10.75 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $10.75
9/5/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS $41.36 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $41.36
9/5/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS $350.83 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $350.83
9/5/2016 HOMEOPATHIC PLUS $112.00 36_ COGs-Resell Items CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $112.00
9/6/2016 Check 3499 -$400.00 20b_ Rent - not equipment Bob Smith, Landlord Checking6677 Asset Expense $400.00 y
9/6/2016 Check 3536 -$1,200.00 20b_ Rent - not equipment Stephanie's Properties Checking6677 Asset Expense $1,200.00 y
9/6/2016 IKEA EAST PALO ALTO $111.13 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $111.13
9/6/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS $90.09 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $90.09
9/7/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK
1799 Confirmation#
01_ Gross1428022405
Receipts or Sales Checking6677 Asset Income $2,018.52
9/7/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS $25.80 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $25.80
9/7/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS $79.63 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $79.63
9/7/2016 HITO CORP. $50.00 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $50.00
9/8/2016 Bank Adjustment $0.50 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 Asset Income $0.50
9/8/2016 Counter Credit $2,123.38 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 Asset Income $2,123.38
9/8/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS -$19.71 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense -$19.71
9/8/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS $26.14 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $26.14
9/8/2016 ULINE *SHIP SUPPLIES $71.77 22_ Supplies (not COGs) CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $71.77
9/9/2016 PURCHASE *FINANCE CHARGE*$5.48 16b_ interest not mortgage CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $5.48
9/9/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS $36.49 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $36.49
9/9/2016 EVERGREEN HERBS INTERN $40.21 36_ COGs-Resell Items CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $40.21
9/12/2016 Herbs R Us -$418.63 36_ COGs-Resell Items Checking6677 Asset Expense $418.63 y
9/12/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS -$5.42 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense -$5.42
9/12/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS $19.33 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $19.33
9/13/2016 Counter Credit $1,863.85 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 Asset Income $1,863.85
9/13/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS $5.08 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $5.08
9/13/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS $39.98 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $39.98
9/13/2016 SCRIBD.COM $8.99 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $8.99
9/13/2016 ATT*BILL PAYMENT $70.00 25_ Utilities CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $70.00
9/13/2016 VZWRLSS*APOCC VISW $249.30 25_ Utilities CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $249.30
9/14/2016 Vodoo Software -$69.86 18_ Office Expenses Checking6677 Asset Expense $69.86 y
9/14/2016 Check 3540 -$103.50 36_ COGs-Resell Items Tammy's Honey Checking6677 Asset Expense $103.50 y
9/15/2016 Check 3537 -$400.00 17_ Legal and Professional servicesAJ Jones Financial Services Checking6677 Asset Expense $400.00 y
9/15/2016 Check 3542 -$2,000.00 17_ Legal and Professional servicesToad Ventures, Consulting Checking6677 Asset Expense $2,000.00 y
9/16/2016 S & H TAXES $30.00 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $30.00
9/19/2016 Counter Credit $886.56 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 Asset Income $886.56
9/19/2016 Check 3534 -$80.00 02_ Returns or Allowances Customer Refund, Ins Pmt Checking6677 Asset Income -$80.00
9/19/2016 Check 3541 -$5,488.00 36_ COGs-Resell Items Standard Process Checking6677 Asset Expense $5,488.00 y
9/19/2016 ALL STATE $42.66 15_ Insurance (other than health) CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $42.66
9/19/2016 S & H TAXES $3.30 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $3.30
Income Statement Reporting Values
John Doe Acupuncture TxnAggregator
Date Payor/Payee Amount s Acct2 Comment Acct1 Acct1_Type Acct2_Type IncStmtAmt signFlipped? IncStmtWorthy?

9/19/2016 S & H TAXES $5.33 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $5.33
9/19/2016 HOMEOPATHIC PLUS $60.40 36_ COGs-Resell Items CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $60.40
9/20/2016 Check 3544 -$280.00 23_ Taxes and licenses State of CA Checking6677 Asset Expense $280.00 y
9/21/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK
1799 Confirmation#
01_ Gross3548796476
Receipts or Sales Checking6677 Asset Income $3,138.99
9/22/2016 Check 3543 -$69.00 18_ Office Expenses Office literature Checking6677 Asset Expense $69.00 y
9/23/2016 Check 3500 -$100.00 27a_ Other Expenses Bluebook donation Checking6677 Asset Expense $100.00 y
9/23/2016 S & H TAXES $4.87 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $4.87
9/23/2016 APL* ITUNES.COM/BILL $2.99 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $2.99
9/23/2016 APL* ITUNES.COM/BILL $4.99 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $4.99
9/23/2016 INTUIT *QB ONLINE $26.95 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $26.95
9/23/2016 HOMEOPATHIC PLUS $538.50 36_ COGs-Resell Items CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $538.50
9/26/2016 ACE PARKING 6742 $10.00 24a_ Travel CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $10.00
9/26/2016 THE WESTIN SAN FRANCIS $20.44 24a_ Travel CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $20.44
9/26/2016 CAFFE ITALIA $15.21 24b_ Meals and Entertainment CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $15.21
9/27/2016 PGANDE DES:WEB ONLINE ID:58131771091216
-$161.58 25_ Utilities
INDN:JANE DOE ACUPUNCT CO ID:5940742640 WEB Checking6677 Asset Expense $161.58 y
9/28/2016 Counter Credit $3,333.32 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 Asset Income $3,333.32
9/28/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK
1799 Confirmation#
01_ Gross2208253816
Receipts or Sales Checking6677 Asset Income $1,691.86
9/29/2016 S JOSE ACE HDWE $26.58 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $26.58
9/29/2016 HOMEOPATHIC PLUS $211.10 36_ COGs-Resell Items CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $211.10
9/30/2016 Counter Credit $1,265.34 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 Asset Income $1,265.34
$2,959.25 36_ COGs-Resell Items CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $2,959.25
10/3/2016 ACE HDWE SAN JOSE $23.34 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $23.34
10/5/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK
1799 Confirmation#
01_ Gross3568572133
Receipts or Sales Checking6677 Asset Income $2,096.74
10/5/2016 Online Banking payment to CRD
2121 Confirmation#
3768578946 Checking6677 Asset Liability -$3,000.00 n
10/5/2016 Online Banking transfer to CHK
1446 Confirmation#
2568575391 Checking6677 Asset Equity -$2,200.00 n
10/5/2016 Online payment from CHK 9 -$3,000.00 Checking6677 CreditCard8899 Liability Asset -$3,000.00 n
10/6/2016 Counter Credit $1,657.04 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 Asset Income $1,657.04
10/6/2016 Check 3501 -$400.00 20b_ Rent - not equipment Bob Smith, Landlord Checking6677 Asset Expense $400.00 y
10/6/2016 HOMEOPATHIC PLUS $54.93 36_ COGs-Resell Items CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $54.93
10/6/2016 HOMEOPATHIC PLUS $361.60 36_ COGs-Resell Items CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $361.60
$105.69 16b_ interest not mortgage CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $105.69
10/7/2016 HITO CORP. $50.00 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $50.00
10/7/2016 Analytical Research $25.00 36_ COGs-Resell Items CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $25.00
10/10/2016 HOMEOPATHIC PLUS $64.20 36_ COGs-Resell Items CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $64.20
10/11/2016 RETURN ITEM CHARGEBACK -$65.00 02_ Returns or Allowances Checking6677 Asset Income -$65.00
FEE 02_ Returns or Allowances Checking6677 Asset Income -$12.00
10/11/2016 Check 3545 -$1,200.00 20b_ Rent - not equipment Stephanie's Properties Checking6677 Asset Expense $1,200.00 y
10/11/2016 Herbs R Us -$418.63 36_ COGs-Resell Items Checking6677 Asset Expense $418.63 y
10/12/2016 ATT*BILL PAYMENT $70.00 25_ Utilities CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $70.00
10/13/2016 SCRIBD.COM $8.99 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $8.99
10/13/2016 VZWRLSS*APOCC VISW $224.52 25_ Utilities CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $224.52
10/19/2016 ALL STATE $42.66 15_ Insurance (other than health) CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $42.66
Income Statement Reporting Values
John Doe Acupuncture TxnAggregator
Date Payor/Payee Amount s Acct2 Comment Acct1 Acct1_Type Acct2_Type IncStmtAmt signFlipped? IncStmtWorthy?

10/20/2016 Counter Credit $1,402.98 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 Asset Income $1,402.98
10/24/2016 APL* ITUNES.COM/BILL $2.99 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $2.99
10/24/2016 APL* ITUNES.COM/BILL $4.99 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $4.99
10/24/2016 INTUIT *QB ONLINE $30.00 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $30.00
10/25/2016 PGANDE DES:WEB ONLINE ID:59768113101016
-$131.30 25_ Utilities
INDN:JANE DOE ACUPUNCT CO ID:5940742640 WEB Checking6677 Asset Expense $131.30 y
10/26/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK
1799 Confirmation#
01_ Gross3150237819
Receipts or Sales Checking6677 Asset Income $2,908.20
10/26/2016 Check 3548 -$2,000.00 17_ Legal and Professional servicesToad Ventures, Consulting Checking6677 Asset Expense $2,000.00 y
10/26/2016 Online Banking transfer to CHK
1446 Confirmation#
2250242167 Checking6677 Asset Equity -$2,200.00 n
10/27/2016 BOARDEQUALIZATIO DES:BOE -$1,435.00
E-FILE ID: 00067532
23_ TaxesINDN:JANE Checking6677
and licensesDOE CO ID:1282531 CCD PMT INFO:ELF*0002263*000*0006753299 Asset
9*201610/ Expense $1,435.00 y
10/27/2016 CVS/PHARMACY #999951 $9.69 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $9.69
10/27/2016 HELIO USA (MOTO) $185.54 22_ Supplies (not COGs) CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $185.54
10/28/2016 Counter Credit $1,891.19 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 Asset Income $1,891.19
10/28/2016 COST PLUS WLD #199 $48.27 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $48.27
10/28/2016 EVERGREEN HERBS INTERN $136.85 36_ COGs-Resell Items CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $136.85
10/28/2016 HOMEOPATHIC PLUS $421.20 36_ COGs-Resell Items CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $421.20
10/28/2016 STANDARD PROCESS OF NO $1,902.75 36_ COGs-Resell Items CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $1,902.75
10/31/2016 SQU*SQ *MORPHOGENIC FI $335.00 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $335.00
10/31/2016 STARBUCKS STORE 05999 $8.50 36_ COGs-Resell Items CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $8.50
11/1/2016 Herbs R Us -$222.00 36_ COGs-Resell Items Checking6677 Asset Expense $222.00 y
11/1/2016 LE PAIN QUOTIDIEN $14.12 24b_ Meals and Entertainment CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $14.12
11/1/2016 THE GARDEN GRILL $45.17 24b_ Meals and Entertainment CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $45.17
11/2/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK
1799 Confirmation#
01_ Gross1210990931
Receipts or Sales Checking6677 Asset Income $1,406.65
11/2/2016 Herbs R Us -$48.64 36_ COGs-Resell Items Checking6677 Asset Expense $48.64 y
11/2/2016 Online Banking payment to CRD-$1,000.00
2121 Confirmation#
1411020471 Checking6677 Asset Liability -$1,000.00 n
11/2/2016 DNH*GODADDY.COM $30.34 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $30.34
11/2/2016 Online payment from CHK 9 -$1,000.00 Checking6677 CreditCard8899 Liability Asset -$1,000.00 n
11/3/2016 Check 3547 -$25.00 18_ Office Expenses Office literature Checking6677 Asset Expense $25.00 y
11/3/2016 GOOGLE *SVCSAPPS_JANEDOE$0.16 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $0.16
11/4/2016 PURIFICATION SUPPORT $4.95 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $4.95
11/7/2016 CVS/PHARMACY #999802 $22.03 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $22.03
11/7/2016 HITO CORP. $50.00 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $50.00
11/8/2016 Counter Credit $918.14 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 Asset Income $918.14
11/8/2016 Check 3549 -$1,200.00 20b_ Rent - not equipment Stephanie's Properties Checking6677 Asset Expense $1,200.00 y
11/8/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS $7.95 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $7.95
11/8/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS $16.35 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $16.35
11/8/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS $271.99 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $271.99
11/9/2016 PURCHASE *FINANCE CHARGE* $128.57 16b_ interest not mortgage CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $128.57
11/10/2016 Herbs R Us -$418.63 36_ COGs-Resell Items Checking6677 Asset Expense $418.63 y
11/10/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS $9.97 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $9.97
11/11/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS $67.00 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $67.00
11/11/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS $90.09 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $90.09
11/11/2016 ROUND TABLE PIZZA $28.67 24b_ Meals and Entertainment CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $28.67
Income Statement Reporting Values
John Doe Acupuncture TxnAggregator
Date Payor/Payee Amount s Acct2 Comment Acct1 Acct1_Type Acct2_Type IncStmtAmt signFlipped? IncStmtWorthy?

11/14/2016 Counter Credit $1,965.19 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 Asset Income $1,965.19
11/14/2016 Check 3503 -$400.00 20b_ Rent - not equipment Bob Smith, Landlord Checking6677 Asset Expense $400.00 y
11/14/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS $23.97 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $23.97
11/14/2016 SCRIBD.COM $8.99 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $8.99
11/14/2016 I LOVE LA $3.54 24a_ Travel CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $3.54
11/14/2016 VZWRLSS*APOCC VISW $237.14 25_ Utilities CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $237.14
11/15/2016 Online Banking transfer to CHK -$300.00
1446 Confirmation#
3519294471 Checking6677 Asset Equity -$300.00 n
11/15/2016 THE HOME DEPOT #18999 $90.34 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $90.34
11/15/2016 IN-N-OUT BURGER #198 $2.56 24b_ Meals and Entertainment CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $2.56
11/15/2016 ATT*BILL PAYMENT $70.00 25_ Utilities CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $70.00
11/16/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK
1799 Confirmation#
01_ Gross1532677871
Receipts or Sales Checking6677 Asset Income $2,822.37
11/17/2016 Check 3554 -$2,000.00 17_ Legal and Professional servicesToad Ventures, Consulting Checking6677 Asset Expense $2,000.00 y
11/17/2016 ALL STATE $42.66 15_ Insurance (other than health) CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $42.66
11/17/2016 ACE HDWE SAN JOSE $21.53 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $21.53
11/18/2016 Counter Credit $1,260.63 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 Asset Income $1,260.63
11/21/2016 Check 3551 -$200.65 23_ Taxes and licenses State of CA Checking6677 Asset Expense $200.65 y
11/21/2016 HARBOR FREIGHT TOOLS 9 $136.74 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $136.74
11/22/2016 Check 3552 -$54.00 23_ Taxes and licenses City of Mtry Checking6677 Asset Expense $54.00 y
11/23/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK
1799 Confirmation#
01_ Gross1393300663
Receipts or Sales Checking6677 Asset Income $1,221.68
11/23/2016 INTUIT *QB ONLINE $30.00 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $30.00
11/25/2016 PGANDE DES:WEB ONLINE ID:61379037110816
-$128.70 25_ Utilities
INDN:JANE DOE ACUPUNCT CO ID:5940742640 WEB Checking6677 Asset Expense $128.70 y
11/25/2016 Check 3555 -$81.00 36_ COGs-Resell Items Tammy's Honey Checking6677 Asset Expense $81.00 y
11/25/2016 APL* ITUNES.COM/BILL $2.99 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $2.99
11/25/2016 APL* ITUNES.COM/BILL $4.99 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $4.99
11/25/2016 S JOSE ACE HDWE $11.39 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $11.39
11/28/2016 Counter Credit $1,107.91 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 Asset Income $1,107.91
11/28/2016 AMAZON.COM AMZN.COM/BI $15.99 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $15.99
11/28/2016 AMAZON.COM AMZN.COM/BI $27.96 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $27.96
11/28/2016 HOMEOPATHIC PLUS $366.40 36_ COGs-Resell Items CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $366.40
11/29/2016 Vodoo Software -$550.71 18_ Office Expenses upgrade Checking6677 Asset Expense $550.71 y
11/30/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK
1799 Confirmation#
01_ Gross2253093051
Receipts or Sales Checking6677 Asset Income $1,111.55
11/30/2016 Check 3557 -$243.00 15_ Insurance (other than health) ACU Malpractice Checking6677 Asset Expense $243.00 y
11/30/2016 COSTCO WHSE #0 11/30 #0008429 -$42.94
18_ Office
COSTCO Expenses Checking6677
WHSE #031 SAN JOSE CA CKCD 5300 481588000638122 Asset Expense $42.94 y
11/30/2016 SQU*SQ *PERFECTLY PRES $15.00 24b_ Meals and Entertainment CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $15.00
12/1/2016 Monthly Fee for Business Fundamentals
-$16.00 10_ Commissions and fees Checking6677 Asset Expense $16.00 y
12/1/2016 S & H TAXES $7.35 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $7.35
12/1/2016 STANDARD PROCESS OF NO $1,267.50 36_ COGs-Resell Items CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $1,267.50
12/2/2016 GOOGLE *SVCSAPPS_JANEDOE$5.00 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $5.00
12/2/2016 HELIO USA (MOTO) $235.59 22_ Supplies (not COGs) CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $235.59
12/5/2016 Counter Credit $988.77 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 Asset Income $988.77
12/5/2016 Check 3550 -$106.12 02_ Returns or Allowances Customer Refund, Ins Pmt Checking6677 Asset Income -$106.12
12/5/2016 Check 3504 -$400.00 20b_ Rent - not equipment Bob Smith, Landlord Checking6677 Asset Expense $400.00 y
Income Statement Reporting Values
John Doe Acupuncture TxnAggregator
Date Payor/Payee Amount s Acct2 Comment Acct1 Acct1_Type Acct2_Type IncStmtAmt signFlipped? IncStmtWorthy?

12/5/2016 CVS/PHARMACY #999951 $7.26 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $7.26
12/5/2016 Slim's Restaurant $25.00 24b_ Meals and Entertainment CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $25.00
12/6/2016 Check 3558 -$1,450.00 20b_ Rent - not equipment Stephanie's Properties Checking6677 Asset Expense $1,450.00 y
12/6/2016 WHOLEFDS SAN JOSE 10099 $12.58 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $12.58
12/6/2016 AUTO PAYMENT DEDUCTION-$247.81 Checking6677 CreditCard8899 Liability Asset -$247.81 n
12/7/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK
1799 Confirmation#
01_ Gross2313705904
Receipts or Sales Checking6677 Asset Income $4,251.41
12/7/2016 BANK CARD DES:PAYMENT ID:5474151888
-$247.81 CreditCard8899
INDN:JANE DOE ACUPUNCT CO ID:300119 CCD Checking6677 Asset Liability -$247.81 n
12/7/2016 Online Banking transfer to CHK
1446 Confirmation#
2113753513 Checking6677 Asset Equity -$3,000.00 n
12/7/2016 HITO CORP. $50.00 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $50.00
$158.87 16b_ interest not mortgage CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $158.87
12/9/2016 UPS*1ZHE5T87P20002XXXX $14.70 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $14.70
12/12/2016 Counter Credit $1,380.92 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 Asset Income $1,380.92
12/12/2016 Herbs R Us -$418.63 36_ COGs-Resell Items Checking6677 Asset Expense $418.63 y
12/12/2016 AMERICAN ACUPUNCTURE C $59.99 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $59.99
12/12/2016 ORCHARD SUPPLY #440 -$17.37 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense -$17.37
12/12/2016 ORCHARD SUPPLY #440 $17.37 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $17.37
12/12/2016 ORCHARD SUPPLY #440 $30.40 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $30.40
12/12/2016 ATT*BILL PAYMENT $70.00 25_ Utilities CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $70.00
12/13/2016 SCRIBD.COM $8.99 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $8.99
12/13/2016 VZWRLSS*APOCC VISW $329.53 25_ Utilities CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $329.53
12/14/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK
1799 Confirmation#
01_ Gross7375015743
Receipts or Sales Checking6677 Asset Income $1,119.24
12/14/2016 Online Banking payment to CRD
2121 Confirmation#
3875021772 Checking6677 Asset Liability -$4,000.00 n
12/14/2016 Online payment from CHK 9 -$4,000.00 Checking6677 CreditCard8899 Liability Asset -$4,000.00 n
12/16/2016 Counter Credit $2,901.34 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales Checking6677 Asset Income $2,901.34
12/16/2016 Check 3553 -$40.00 27a_ Other Expenses Teachers4Education, donation Checking6677 Asset Expense $40.00 y
12/19/2016 ALL STATE $42.66 15_ Insurance (other than health) CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $42.66
12/19/2016 APL* ITUNES.COM/BILL $9.98 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $9.98
12/21/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK
1799 Confirmation#
01_ Gross3434684591
Receipts or Sales Checking6677 Asset Income $1,695.14
12/21/2016 HOMEOPATHIC PLUS $542.60 36_ COGs-Resell Items CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $542.60
12/22/2016 Check 3560 -$260.00 02_ Returns or Allowances Customer Refund, Ins Pmt Checking6677 Asset Income -$260.00
12/22/2016 USPS PO 0547520999 $94.00 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $94.00
12/23/2016 APL* ITUNES.COM/BILL $2.99 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $2.99
12/23/2016 INTUIT *QB ONLINE $30.00 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $30.00
12/23/2016 ROUND TABLE PIZZA $20.76 24b_ Meals and Entertainment CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $20.76
12/26/2016 CVS/PHARMACY #999880 $27.29 18_ Office Expenses CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $27.29
12/28/2016 PGANDE DES:WEB ONLINE ID:63105634120916
-$182.34 25_ Utilities
INDN:JANE DOE ACUPUNCT CO ID:5940742640 WEB Checking6677 Asset Expense $182.34 y
12/29/2016 ATT*BILL PAYMENT $70.00 25_ Utilities CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $70.00
12/30/2016 Slim's Restaurant $20.22 24b_ Meals and Entertainment CreditCard8899 Liability Expense $20.22
John Doe Acupuncture INCOME STATEMENT
1010 Wellness Road, San Jose CA 95002

Start Date 1/1/2016 Printed: 10/28/2017

End Date 12/31/2017

Income 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales $155,762.35 Net Income

02_ Returns or Allowances $931.20 Income $154,831.15
Expense $95,485.52
Expense 08_ Advertising $0.00 Net Income $59,345.63
09_ Car and truck expenses $0.00
10_ Commissions and fees $128.00
11_ Contract labor $0.00 Asset - Liabilities Crosscheck
12_ Depletion $0.00 Net Income $59,345.63
13_ Depreciation $0.00 Owner Draw -$36,072.08
14_ Employee bene programs $0.00 Delta should be $23,273.55
15_ Insurance (other than health) $1,240.92
16a_ Interest mortgage $0.00
16b_ Interest not mortgage $554.12 OwnerDraw-JD -$36,072.08
17_ Legal and Professional services $9,780.00
18_ Office Expenses $7,777.09
19_ Pension and Profit sharing plans $0.00
20a_ Rent - equipment $0.00
20b_ Rent - not equipment $19,975.00
21_ Repairs and Maintenance $0.00
22_ Supplies (not COGs) $2,205.72
23_ Taxes and licenses $5,547.21
24a_ Travel $288.95
24b_ Meals and Entertainment $527.27
25_ Utilities $5,788.75
26_ Wages $0.00
27a_ Other Expenses $342.00
36_ COGs-Resell Items $41,330.49
37_ COGs-Labor Cost $0.00
38_ COGs-Materials and Supplies $0.00
39_ COGs-Other Costs $0.00
39_ COGs-Other-Subcontractors $0.00
39_ COGs-Other-Equipment Rental $0.00
99_ transfer_in $0.00
99_ transfer_out $0.00
99_ reimbursable $0.00
99_ uncategorized $0.00
1010 Wellness Road, San Jose CA 95002

Start Date: 1/1/2016 Printed: 10/28/2017

End Date: 12/31/2016
Payor/Payee All
Acct1 Checking6677 Txn Count: 9
Acct2 02_ Returns or Allowances Total $ -$931.20
Average $/Txn: -$103.47
Sort By Date Ascending NOTE Total and Average values inaccurate if
Acct 1 selection is All and/or mixes Asset and Liab accts

Results... 9 transactions
Date Payor/Payee Amount s Acct2 (Inc/Exp/Equity/Ass/Liab) Comments Acct1
2/5/2016 Check 3463 -$156.00 02_ Returns or Allowances Customer Refund, Ins
3/22/2016 Check 3485 -$52.00 02_ Returns or Allowances Customer Refund, Ins
7/26/2016 Check 3525 -$185.00 02_ Returns or Allowances Customer Refund, Ins
8/22/2016 Check 3519 -$15.08 02_ Returns or Allowances Customer Refund, Ins
9/19/2016 Check 3534 -$80.00 02_ Returns or Allowances Customer Refund, Ins
10/11/2016 RETURN ITEM CHARGEBACK -$65.00 02_ Returns or Allowances Checking6677
10/11/2016 RETURNED ITEM CHARGEBACK FEE -$12.00 02_ Returns or Allowances Checking6677
12/5/2016 Check 3550 -$106.12 02_ Returns or Allowances Customer Refund, Ins
12/22/2016 Check 3560 -$260.00 02_ Returns or Allowances Customer Refund, Ins
John Doe Acupuncture Income Statement By Month Income Statement By Month Income Statement By Month
1010 Wellness Road, San Jose CA 95002

Printed: 10/28/2017 Printed: 10/28/2017 Printed: 10/28/2017 Printed: 10/28/2017

Year: 2016

Start Date 1/1/2016 2/1/2016 3/1/2016 4/1/2016 5/1/2016 6/1/2016 7/1/2016 8/1/2016 9/1/2016 10/1/2016 11/1/2016 12/1/2016
End Date 1/31/2016 2/29/2016 3/31/2016 4/30/2016 5/31/2016 6/30/2016 7/31/2016 8/31/2016 9/30/2016 10/31/2016 11/30/2016 12/31/2016
Totals Average
Income $11,809.43 $10,764.27 $13,806.54 $9,989.77 $10,820.77 $14,117.62 $13,890.97 $18,632.03 $17,335.78 $9,879.15 $11,814.12 $11,970.70 $154,831.15 $12,902.60
Expenses $4,787.24 $8,745.24 $5,487.34 $6,018.53 $6,189.75 $7,862.32 $10,075.00 $5,453.35 $18,000.06 $9,701.64 $7,514.82 $5,650.23 $95,485.52 $7,957.13
Net Income $7,022.19 $2,019.03 $8,319.20 $3,971.24 $4,631.02 $6,255.30 $3,815.97 $13,178.68 -$664.28 $177.51 $4,299.30 $6,320.47 $59,345.63 $4,945.47

Income 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales $11,809.43 $10,920.27 $13,858.54 $9,989.77 $10,820.77 $14,117.62 $14,075.97 $18,647.11 $17,415.78 $9,956.15 $11,814.12 $12,336.82
02_ Returns or Allowances $0.00 $156.00 $52.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $185.00 $15.08 $80.00 $77.00 $0.00 $366.12

Expense 08_ Advertising $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
09_ Car and truck expenses $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
10_ Commissions and fees $16.00 $0.00 $0.00 $16.00 $16.00 $16.00 $16.00 $16.00 $16.00 $0.00 $0.00 $16.00
11_ Contract labor $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
12_ Depletion $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
13_ Depreciation $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
14_ Employee bene programs $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
15_ Insurance (other than health) $42.66 $285.66 $42.66 $42.66 $42.66 $285.66 $42.66 $42.66 $42.66 $42.66 $285.66 $42.66
16a_ Interest mortgage $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
16b_ Interest not mortgage $68.11 $16.06 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $71.34 $5.48 $105.69 $128.57 $158.87
17_ Legal and Professional services $0.00 $380.00 $0.00 $1,000.00 $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 $2,400.00 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 $0.00
18_ Office Expenses $371.79 $264.99 $379.48 $478.70 $298.86 $592.98 $519.30 $755.87 $1,676.95 $513.27 $1,564.37 $360.53
19_ Pension and Profit sharing plans $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
20a_ Rent - equipment $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
20b_ Rent - not equipment $1,675.00 $1,825.00 $1,600.00 $2,000.00 $1,200.00 $1,825.00 $1,600.00 $1,600.00 $1,600.00 $1,600.00 $1,600.00 $1,850.00
21_ Repairs and Maintenance $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
22_ Supplies (not COGs) $52.00 $180.82 $282.94 $0.00 $192.00 $240.00 $386.17 $176.66 $274.00 $185.54 $0.00 $235.59
23_ Taxes and licenses $985.00 $59.12 $325.00 $1,010.00 $0.00 $162.00 $1,031.92 $4.52 $280.00 $1,435.00 $254.65 $0.00
24a_ Travel $29.29 $134.86 $18.00 $51.00 $21.82 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $30.44 $0.00 $3.54 $0.00
24b_ Meals and Entertainment $76.27 $51.56 $22.59 $0.00 $65.72 $56.44 $53.71 $14.27 $15.21 $0.00 $105.52 $65.98
25_ Utilities $489.24 $500.07 $459.79 $514.80 $419.21 $490.33 $461.15 $459.75 $480.88 $425.82 $435.84 $651.87
26_ Wages $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
27a_ Other Expenses $0.00 $120.00 $50.00 $0.00 $0.00 $32.00 $0.00 $0.00 $100.00 $0.00 $0.00 $40.00
36_ COGs-Resell Items $981.88 $4,927.10 $2,306.88 $905.37 $3,433.48 $3,661.91 $5,464.09 $1,812.28 $11,078.44 $3,393.66 $1,136.67 $2,228.73
37_ COGs-Labor Cost $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
38_ COGs-Materials and Supplies $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
39_ COGs-Other Costs $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
39_ COGs-Other-Subcontractors $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
39_ COGs-Other-Equipment Rental $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
99_ transfer_in $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
99_ transfer_out $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
99_ reimbursable $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
99_ uncategorized $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
John Doe Acupuncture Other Expenses
Date Payor/Payee Amount s Acct2 Comment
This is NOT connected to the TXN Aggregator...
It could be but not recommended.
John Doe Acupuncture Reconciliation

Checking 6677

Statment Information Crosscheck ZAP Ledger Crosscheck Other
Calculated Verified Verfied
Stmt Date Beg Balance Increases Decreases End Balance Ending Bal Automated* y/n Date Comments
1/31/2016 3,010.10 11,809.43 9,922.91 4,896.62 4,896.62 11,809.43 y 4/12/2016 bc
2/29/2016 4,896.62 10,920.27 7,212.91 8,603.98 8,603.98 22,729.70 y 4/12/2016 bc
3/31/2016 8,603.98 13,858.54 11,611.98 10,850.54 10,850.54 36,588.24 y 4/12/2016 bc
4/29/2016 10,850.54 9,989.77 11,038.95 9,801.36 9,801.36 46,578.01 y 6/10/2016 bc
5/31/2016 9,801.36 10,820.77 8,016.82 12,605.31 12,605.31 52,921.58 y 6/10/2016 bc
6/30/2016 12,605.31 14,117.62 9,259.95 17,462.98 17,462.98 50,421.58 y 6/10/2016 bc
7/29/2016 17,462.98 14,075.97 10,342.60 21,196.35 21,196.35 46,921.58 y 10/8/2016 bc
8/31/2016 21,196.35 18,647.11 15,161.30 24,682.16 24,682.16 40,010.26 y 10/8/2016 bc
9/30/2016 24,682.16 17,415.78 10,786.57 31,311.37 31,311.37 40,010.26 y 10/8/2016 bc
10/31/2016 31,311.37 9,956.15 13,061.93 28,205.59 28,205.59 35,610.26 y 1/4/2017 bc
11/30/2016 28,205.59 11,814.12 6,915.27 33,104.44 33,104.44 35,310.26 y 1/4/2017 bc
12/30/2016 33,104.44 12,336.82 10,120.90 35,320.36 35,320.36 35,320.36 y 1/4/2017 bc

CC 8899

Statment Information Crosscheck ZAP Ledger Crosscheck Other
Calculated Verified Verfied CC Interest
Stmt Date Beg Balance Decreases Increases End Balance Ending Bal Automated* y/n Date Comments (for ref only)
12/9/2015 1,500.01 2,400.00 2,600.00 1,700.01 1,700.01 #N/A n 6/10/2016 transacionts start at 1/1/2016
1/8/2016 1,700.01 2,245.67 3,250.00 2,704.34 2,704.34 1,035.58 y 6/10/2016 bc 68.11
2/9/2016 2,704.34 4,344.61 3,342.18 1,701.91 1,701.91 1,431.50 y 6/10/2016 bc 16.06
3/9/2016 1,701.91 2,937.73 3,130.50 1,894.68 1,894.68 1,520.41 y 6/10/2016 bc .00
4/8/2016 1,894.68 2,456.51 2,685.25 2,123.42 2,123.42 1,739.73 y 6/10/2016 bc .00
5/9/2016 2,123.42 2,242.47 3,349.76 3,230.71 3,230.71 2,019.64 y 6/10/2016 bc .00
6/9/2016 3,230.71 2,920.84 3,637.90 3,947.77 3,947.77 2,375.24 y 6/10/2016 bc .00
7/8/2016 3,947.77 3,168.45 5,224.21 6,003.53 6,003.53 2,670.52 y 1/4/2017 bc .00
8/9/2016 6,003.53 2,794.00 3,401.74 6,611.27 6,611.27 3,182.89 y 1/4/2017 bc 71.34
9/9/2016 6,611.27 5,552.23 4,985.62 6,044.66 6,044.66 5,129.80 y 1/4/2017 bc 5.48
10/7/2016 6,044.66 3,005.42 4,975.81 8,015.05 8,015.05 5,376.11 y 1/4/2017 bc 105.69
John Doe Acupuncture Reconciliation
11/9/2016 8,015.05 1,000.00 4,087.78 11,102.83 11,102.83 6,219.81 y 1/4/2017 bc 128.57
12/9/2016 11,102.83 247.81 3,091.77 13,946.79 13,946.79 13,058.46 y 1/4/2017 bc 158.87
John Doe Acupuncture Non Inome/Expense Transactions

A transfer from Checking to a Credit Card account has no impact on an Income Statement, but an incorrect categorization in one account
will show as an error in the Balance Sheet . This page is a resource to confirm those transactions were entered properly in both accounts.
In fully relational databases, there can be no error as the same database record touches both accounts. In our system, those transactions
are recorded separately in each account, and that isn't a bad thing, it just means you need a tool like this for confirming proper account

Use the Filter command on the header row to get whatever you want. You'll need to toggle it off and on as txns are added... but this is the bomb!

Date Payor/Payee Amount s Acct2 Comment Acct1

1/1/2016 Starting Balance $3,010.10 Checking6677
1/1/2016 Starting Balance $2,225.99 CreditCard8899
1/15/2016 Online Banking transfer to CHK 1446 Confirmation# 2684023277 -2,300.00 OwnerDraw-JD Checking6677
1/27/2016 Online Banking payment to CRD 2121 Confirmation# 1493741575 -4,344.61 CreditCard8899 Checking6677
1/28/2016 Online payment from CHK 9 -4,344.61 Checking6677 CreditCard8899
2/10/2016 Online Banking transfer to CHK 1446 Confirmation# 4012690145 -2,500.00 OwnerDraw-JD Checking6677
2/16/2016 Online Banking transfer to CHK 1446 Confirmation# 1459563883 -1,000.00 OwnerDraw-JD Checking6677
2/24/2016 CHASE DES:EPAY ID:25341 INDN:JANE DOE CO ID:5760039224 WEB -82.00 OwnerDraw-JD Checking6677
2/29/2016 CHASE DES:EPAY ID:25386 INDN:JANE DOE CO ID:5760039224 WEB -0.51 OwnerDraw-JD Checking6677
3/2/2016 Online Banking payment to CRD 2121 Confirmation# 4195006523 -2,817.73 CreditCard8899 Checking6677
3/2/2016 Online payment from CHK 9 -2,817.73 Checking6677 CreditCard8899
3/11/2016 Online Banking transfer to CHK 1446 Confirmation# 0674290349 -2,500.00 OwnerDraw-JD Checking6677
3/16/2016 Online Banking transfer to CHK 1446 Confirmation# 1614266317 -1,000.00 OwnerDraw-JD Checking6677
3/23/2016 Online Banking payment to CRD 2121 Confirmation# 1476277714 -2,456.51 CreditCard8899 Checking6677
3/23/2016 Online payment from CHK 9 -2,456.51 Checking6677 CreditCard8899
4/13/2016 Online Banking payment to CRD 2121 Confirmation# 3057809600 -2,242.47 CreditCard8899 Checking6677
4/13/2016 Online payment from CHK 9 -2,242.47 Checking6677 CreditCard8899
4/18/2016 Online Banking transfer to CHK 1446 Confirmation# 3999459161 -2,100.00 OwnerDraw-JD Checking6677
4/27/2016 Online Banking transfer to CHK 1446 Confirmation# 3977919000 -1,500.00 OwnerDraw-JD Checking6677
5/16/2016 Online Banking transfer to CHK 1446 Confirmation# 0519875009 -2,500.00 OwnerDraw-JD Checking6677
5/19/2016 Online Banking payment to CRD 2121 Confirmation# 1468748121 -2,920.84 CreditCard8899 Checking6677
5/19/2016 Online payment from CHK 9 -2,920.84 Checking6677 CreditCard8899
John Doe Acupuncture Non Inome/Expense Transactions
5/23/2016 MONTEREY REC-SPORTS CT 21.75 OwnerDraw-JD CreditCard8899
6/13/2016 Online Banking transfer to CHK 1446 Confirmation# 4083021981 -2,500.00 OwnerDraw-JD Checking6677
6/27/2016 Online Banking payment to CRD 2121 Confirmation# 0505509387 -3,168.45 CreditCard8899 Checking6677
6/27/2016 Online payment from CHK 9 -3,168.45 Checking6677 CreditCard8899
7/6/2016 Online Banking transfer to CHK 1446 Confirmation# 0582948803 -2,500.00 OwnerDraw-JD Checking6677
7/13/2016 Online Banking payment to CRD 2121 Confirmation# 1438588406 -2,250.00 CreditCard8899 Checking6677
7/13/2016 Online payment from CHK 9 -2,250.00 Checking6677 CreditCard8899
7/20/2016 Online Banking payment to CRD 2121 Confirmation# 1403841327 -544.00 CreditCard8899 Checking6677
7/20/2016 Online Banking transfer to CHK 1446 Confirmation# 1403830066 -1,000.00 OwnerDraw-JD Checking6677
7/20/2016 Online payment from CHK 9 -544.00 Checking6677 CreditCard8899
8/17/2016 Online Banking payment to CRD 2121 Confirmation# 4046443321 -5,532.52 CreditCard8899 Checking6677
8/17/2016 CHASE DES:EPAY ID:2738 INDN:JANE DOE CO ID:5760039224 WEB -69.00 OwnerDraw-JD Checking6677
8/17/2016 Online Banking transfer to CHK 1446 Confirmation# 1446398157 -4,342.32 OwnerDraw-JD Checking6677
8/17/2016 Online payment from CHK 9 -5,532.52 Checking6677 CreditCard8899
8/31/2016 Online Banking transfer to CHK 1446 Confirmation# 3766483635 -2,500.00 OwnerDraw-JD Checking6677
10/5/2016 Online Banking payment to CRD 2121 Confirmation# 3768578946 -3,000.00 CreditCard8899 Checking6677
10/5/2016 Online Banking transfer to CHK 1446 Confirmation# 2568575391 -2,200.00 OwnerDraw-JD Checking6677
10/5/2016 Online payment from CHK 9 -3,000.00 Checking6677 CreditCard8899
10/26/2016 Online Banking transfer to CHK 1446 Confirmation# 2250242167 -2,200.00 OwnerDraw-JD Checking6677
11/2/2016 Online Banking payment to CRD 2121 Confirmation# 1411020471 -1,000.00 CreditCard8899 Checking6677
11/2/2016 Online payment from CHK 9 -1,000.00 Checking6677 CreditCard8899
11/15/2016 Online Banking transfer to CHK 1446 Confirmation# 3519294471 -300.00 OwnerDraw-JD Checking6677
12/6/2016 AUTO PAYMENT DEDUCTION -247.81 Checking6677 CreditCard8899
CO ID:300119
CCD Checking6677
12/7/2016 Online Banking transfer to CHK 1446 Confirmation# 2113753513 -3,000.00 OwnerDraw-JD Checking6677
12/14/2016 Online Banking payment to CRD 2121 Confirmation# 3875021772 -4,000.00 CreditCard8899 Checking6677
12/14/2016 Online payment from CHK 9 -4,000.00 Checking6677 CreditCard8899
John Doe Acupuncture Graph-Inc Stmt By Month

This graph was created in under 5 minutes.

1) Data was mirrored here from the Inc. Stmt By Month Tab (so this will change if you change the year on the tab).
That data could have just as easily been cut and pasted here, as it doesn't change with time.
2) Select Insert > Chart and define the data range as B13 to E36
3) Pick the type of chart you want...

Income Statement By Month

YEAR 2016
Mont Starting Revenue Expenses Net Income
1/1/2016 $11,809.43 $4,787.24 $7,022.19

2/1/2016 6/20/1929 8,745.24 2,019.03

3/1/2016 10/18/1937 5,487.34 8,319.20

4/1/2016 5/7/1927 6,018.53 3,971.24

5/1/2016 8/15/1929 6,189.75 4,631.02

6/1/2016 8/25/1938 7,862.32 6,255.30

7/1/2016 1/10/1938 10,075.00 3,815.97

8/1/2016 1/4/1951 5,453.35 13,178.68

9/1/2016 6/17/1947 18,000.06 -664.28

10/1/2016 1/17/1927 9,701.64 177.51

11/1/2016 5/5/1932 7,514.82 4,299.30

12/1/2016 10/8/1932 5,650.23 6,320.47

John Doe Acupuncture Graph-Inc Stmt By Month
Account Types Payor Payee Used in the Transaction Search Tab
-- Can also be assigned toCofA_income
ledger entry columns
- but is not by default txnSearch_Acct1 txnSearch_Acct2 //cc Subcategory
Asset All Checking6677 01_ Gross Receipts 08_ Advertising
or Sales All All Corp
Liability ACE HDWE SAN JOSE CreditCard8899 02_ Returns or Allowances Checking6677
09_ Car and truck expenses 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales John
Equity ACE PARKING 6742 OwnerDraw-JD 10_ Commissions and fees
CreditCard8899 02_ Returns or Allowances
Income ALL STATE 01_ Gross Receipts or Sales 11_ Contract labor OwnerDraw-JD 08_ Advertising
Expense ALLERGIES LIFESTYLE & 02_ Returns or Allowances 12_ Depletion 09_ Car and truck expenses
ZAPSpecial AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS 08_ Advertising 13_ Depreciation 10_ Commissions and fees 09_ Car and truck expenses 14_ Employee bene programs 11_ Contract labor
AMAZON.COM AMZN.COM/BI 10_ Commissions and fees 15_ Insurance (other than health) 12_ Depletion
AmazonPrime Membership 11_ Contract labor 16a_ Interest mortgage 13_ Depreciation
AMERICAN ACUPUNCTURE C 12_ Depletion 16b_ Interest not mortgage 14_ Employee bene programs
Analytical Research 13_ Depreciation 17_ Legal and Professional services 15_ Insurance (other than health)
APL* ITUNES.COM/BILL 14_ Employee bene programs 18_ Office Expenses 16a_ Interest mortgage
ATT*BILL PAYMENT 15_ Insurance (other than health) 19_ Pension and Profit sharing plans 16b_ Interest not mortgage
AUTO PAYMENT DEDUCTION 16a_ Interest mortgage 20a_ Rent - equipment 17_ Legal and Professional services
Bank Adjustment 16b_ Interest not mortgage 20b_ Rent - not equipment 18_ Office Expenses
17_ Legal and
ACUPUNCT services
CO ID:300119 CCD
21_ Repairs and Maintenance 19_ Pension and Profit sharing plans
BEST BUY 00010199 18_ Office Expenses 22_ Supplies (not COGs) 20a_ Rent - equipment
19_ Pension
and ProfitDOE
CO ID:1282531
plans CCD PMT
23_ Taxes
and licenses 7*201608/
20b_ Rent - not equipment
20a_ RentINDN:JANE
- equipmentDOE CO ID:1282531 CCD PMT
Travel 9*201610/
21_ Repairs and Maintenance
20b_ Rent
- not equipment
Meals and Entertainment 22_ Supplies (not4*20160/
CAFFE ITALIA 21_ Repairs and Maintenance 25_ Utilities 23_ Taxes and licenses
CCSF MTA IPS PRKNG MET 22_ Supplies (not COGs) 26_ Wages 24a_ Travel
and licenses
WEB 27a_ Other Expenses 24b_ Meals and Entertainment
CO ID:5760039224
Travel WEB 36_ COGs-Resell Items 25_ Utilities
CO ID:5760039224
Meals and Entertainment
WEB 37_ COGs-Labor Cost 26_ Wages
Check 3449 25_ Utilities 38_ COGs-Materials and Supplies 27a_ Other Expenses
Check 3462 26_ Wages 39_ COGs-Other Costs 36_ COGs-Resell Items
Check 3463 27a_ Other Expenses 39_ COGs-Other-Subcontractors 37_ COGs-Labor Cost
Check 3465 36_ COGs-Resell Items 39_ COGs-Other-Equipment Rental 38_ COGs-Materials and Supplies
Check 3466 37_ COGs-Labor Cost 99_ transfer_in 39_ COGs-Other Costs
Check 3467 38_ COGs-Materials and Supplies 99_ transfer_out 39_ COGs-Other-Subcontractors
Check 3468 39_ COGs-Other Costs 99_ reimbursable 39_ COGs-Other-Equipment Rental
Check 3469 39_ COGs-Other-Subcontractors 99_ uncategorized 99_ transfer_in
Check 3470 39_ COGs-Other-Equipment Rental 99_ transfer_out
Check 3471 99_ transfer_in 99_ reimbursable
Check 3472 99_ transfer_out 99_ uncategorized
Check 3474 99_ reimbursable
Check 3476 99_ uncategorized
Check 3477
Check 3478
Check 3479
Check 3480
Check 3481
Check 3482
Check 3484
Check 3485
Check 3486
Check 3488
Check 3489
Check 3490
Check 3491
Check 3493
Check 3494
Check 3495
Check 3496
Check 3497
Check 3498
Check 3499
Check 3500
Check 3501
Check 3503
Check 3504
Check 3513
Check 3514
Check 3515
Check 3516
Check 3517
Check 3519
Check 3521
Check 3522
Check 3524
Check 3525
Check 3526
Check 3528
Check 3529
Check 3530
Check 3532
Check 3534
Check 3535
Check 3536
Check 3537
Check 3540
Check 3541
Check 3542
Check 3543
Check 3544
Check 3545
Check 3547
Check 3548
Check 3549
Check 3550
Check 3551
Check 3552
Check 3553
Check 3554
Check 3555
Check 3557
Check 3558
Check 3560
CHECKCARD 013 76 SAN FRANCISCOCA 24015176030004002311899 CKCD 5542 4815880006388385
COSTCO WHSE #0 04/12 #0008411 PURCHASE COSTCO WHSE #031 SAN JOSE CA CKCD 5300 481588000638122
COSTCO WHSE #0 05/02 #0008197 PURCHASE COSTCO WHSE #031 SAN JOSE CA CKCD 5300 481588000638122
COSTCO WHSE #0 06/22 #0000226 PURCHASE COSTCO WHSE #031 SAN JOSE CA CKCD 5300 481588000638122
COSTCO WHSE #0 11/30 #0008429 PURCHASE COSTCO WHSE #031 SAN JOSE CA CKCD 5300 481588000638122
Counter Credit
Deposit Discrepancy Adjustment 866-792-9999
EFBOARDOFEQUALIZ DES:BOE E-FILE ID: 00064140793 INDN:JANE DOE CO ID:1282531XX CCD PMT INFO:ELF*00024933520*0000000098500*0006414079 3*20160128/
EFBOARDOFEQUALIZ DES:BOE E-FILE ID: 00064993305 INDN:JANE DOE CO ID:1282531XX CCD PMT INFO:ELF*00025951841*0000000101000*0006499330 5*20160428/
Herbs R Us
Monthly Fee for Business Fundamentals
Online Banking payment to CRD 2121 Confirmation# 0505509387
Online Banking payment to CRD 2121 Confirmation# 1403841327
Online Banking payment to CRD 2121 Confirmation# 1411020471
Online Banking payment to CRD 2121 Confirmation# 1438588406
Online Banking payment to CRD 2121 Confirmation# 1468748121
Online Banking payment to CRD 2121 Confirmation# 1476277714
Online Banking payment to CRD 2121 Confirmation# 1493741575
Online Banking payment to CRD 2121 Confirmation# 3057809600
Online Banking payment to CRD 2121 Confirmation# 3768578946
Online Banking payment to CRD 2121 Confirmation# 3875021772
Online Banking payment to CRD 2121 Confirmation# 4046443321
Online Banking payment to CRD 2121 Confirmation# 4195006523
Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 0505492837
Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 0514261748
Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 0538580648
Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 0552813573
Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 0562405836
Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 0568733805
Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 0582945673
Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 0599455202
Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 0642977794
Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 0657799724
Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 0663816827
Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 0694989200
Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 1210990931
Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 1334494917
Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 1393300663
Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 1412687376
Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 1428022405
Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 1446387829
Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 1493736131
Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 1532677871
Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 1622468183
Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 1642971740
Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 2208253816
Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 2253093051
Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 2313705904
Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 2637027827
Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 2676264862
Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 2677915199
Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 2832047372
Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 2862668450
Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 3150237819
Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 3434684591
Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 3548796476
Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 3568572133
Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 3766463402
Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 3919862637
Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 4003825679
Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 4083010144
Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 4083069077
Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 4174287053
Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 7375015743
Online Banking transfer to CHK 1446 Confirmation# 0519875009
Online Banking transfer to CHK 1446 Confirmation# 0582948803
Online Banking transfer to CHK 1446 Confirmation# 0674290349
Online Banking transfer to CHK 1446 Confirmation# 1403830066
Online Banking transfer to CHK 1446 Confirmation# 1446398157
Online Banking transfer to CHK 1446 Confirmation# 1459563883
Online Banking transfer to CHK 1446 Confirmation# 1614266317
Online Banking transfer to CHK 1446 Confirmation# 2113753513
Online Banking transfer to CHK 1446 Confirmation# 2250242167
Online Banking transfer to CHK 1446 Confirmation# 2568575391
Online Banking transfer to CHK 1446 Confirmation# 2684023277
Online Banking transfer to CHK 1446 Confirmation# 3519294471
Online Banking transfer to CHK 1446 Confirmation# 3766483635
Online Banking transfer to CHK 1446 Confirmation# 3977919000
Online Banking transfer to CHK 1446 Confirmation# 3999459161
Online Banking transfer to CHK 1446 Confirmation# 4012690145
Online Banking transfer to CHK 1446 Confirmation# 4083021981
Online payment from CHK 9
ORCHARD SUPPLY 01/28 #000518779 PURCHASE ORCHARD SUPPLY #4 SAN JOSE CA CKCD 5200 48358800063866666
Slim's Restaurant
Starting Balance
SUBWAY 00394999
TARGET 00010999
USPS 0551060303460XXX
USPS PO 0547520999
Vodoo Software
Txns Raw - Checking Account

You can typically either download transactions by statement or by date range.

In this example, we downloaded transctions by date range every 3 months.
These downloads won't contain the statement data needed for reconciling. You will have to get that from paper statements.

1) Paste from download file or HTML Table 2) Use Data > Split Text To Columns if needed 3) Sort Range if needed 4) Aggregate and Enhance Data 5) Copy and Paste Special / Values Only into ledger

Description Summary Amt.

Beginning balance as of 01/01/2016 3010.1
Total credits 36588.24
Total debits -28747.8
Ending balance as of 03/31/2016 10850.54
Data going to ledger...
Amount Running Bal Date Description Amount txnID (optional)
1/1/2016 Starting Balance 3010.1 3010.1
1/4/2016 Monthly Fee for Business Fundamentals -16 2994.1 1/4/2016 Monthly Fee for Business
Fundamentals 1
1/4/2016 Herbs R Us -418.63 2575.47 1/4/2016 Herbs R Us -418.63 2
1/8/2016 Check 3449 -475 2100.47 1/8/2016 Check 3449 -475 3
1/11/2016 Check 3462 -1200 900.47 1/11/2016 Check 3462 -1200 4
1/15/2016 Counter Credit 2802.23 3702.7 1/15/2016 Counter Credit 2802.23 5
1/15/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 4083069077
3100 6802.7 1/15/2016 Online Banking transfer
from CHK 1799 Confirmation#
6 4083069077
1/15/2016 Online Banking transfer to CHK 1446 Confirmation# 2684023277
-2300 4502.7 1/15/2016 Online Banking transfer
to CHK 1446 Confirmation#
7 2684023277
1/20/2016 Counter Credit 1699.8 6202.5 1/20/2016 Counter Credit 1699.8 8
1/20/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 2832047372
2000 8202.5 1/20/2016 Online Banking transfer
from CHK 1799 Confirmation#
9 2832047372
1/26/2016 PGANDE DES:WEB ONLINE ID:44840693011116 INDN:JANE
CO ID:59407426401/26/2016
ONLINE ID:44840693011116
1/27/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 1493736131
1200 9235.1 1/27/2016 Online Banking transfer
from CHK 1799 Confirmation#
11 1493736131
1/27/2016 Online Banking payment to CRD 2121 Confirmation# 1493741575
-4344.61 4890.49 1/27/2016 Online Banking payment
to CRD 2121 Confirmation#
12 1493741575
1/28/2016 Counter Credit 1007.4 5897.89 1/28/2016 Counter Credit 1007.4 13
1/28/2016 ORCHARD SUPPLY 01/28 #000518779 PURCHASE ORCHARD
01/28 #000518779 PURCHASE
-985 DOE
CO ID:1282531XX CCD1/29/2016
PMT INFO:ELF*00024933520*0000000098500*0006414079
15 00064140793
2/1/2016 CHECKCARD 013 76 SAN FRANCISCOCA 24015176030004002311899
-49.86 CKCD
5542 4815880006388385
2/1/2016 CHECKCARD 013 76-49.86
1624015176030004002311899 CKCD 5542 4
-40 CKCD
7523 48158800063 2/1/2016 CHECKCARD 013 09 CITY
17 FRANCISCOCA 2425477 CKCD 7523 481
4747.64 2/2/2016
CO ID:L940361677
18 CHECK #:3464 INDN:CAAS10
2/3/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 0552813573
1700 6447.64 2/3/2016 Online Banking transfer
from CHK 1799 Confirmation#
19 0552813573
2/3/2016 Check 3465 -86 6361.64 2/3/2016 Check 3465 -86 20
2/5/2016 Check 3463 -156 6205.64 2/5/2016 Check 3463 -156 21
2/5/2016 Check 3468 -400 5805.64 2/5/2016 Check 3468 -400 22
2/9/2016 Bank Adjustment 5 5810.64 2/9/2016 Bank Adjustment 5 23
2/9/2016 Counter Credit 1760.64 7571.28 2/9/2016 Counter Credit 1760.64 24
Txns Raw - Checking Account
2/9/2016 Check 3467 -4.8 7566.48 2/9/2016 Check 3467 -4.8 25
2/9/2016 Check 3466 -1425 6141.48 2/9/2016 Check 3466 -1425 26
2/10/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 1412687376
1700 7841.48 2/10/2016 Online Banking transfer
from CHK 1799 Confirmation#
27 1412687376
2/10/2016 Herbs R Us -418.63 7422.85 2/10/2016 Herbs R Us -418.63 28
2/10/2016 Online Banking transfer to CHK 1446 Confirmation# 4012690145
-2500 4922.85 2/10/2016 Online Banking transfer
to CHK 1446 Confirmation#
29 4012690145
2/12/2016 Counter Credit 926.25 5849.1 2/12/2016 Counter Credit 926.25 30
2/16/2016 Online Banking transfer to CHK 1446 Confirmation# 1459563883
-1000 4849.1 2/16/2016 Online Banking transfer
to CHK 1446 Confirmation#
31 1459563883
2/19/2016 Check 3471 -500 4349.1 2/19/2016 Check 3471 -500 32
2/22/2016 Check 3470 -70 4279.1 2/22/2016 Check 3470 -70 33
2/24/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 1334494917
3600 7879.1 2/24/2016 Online Banking transfer
from CHK 1799 Confirmation#
34 1334494917
2/24/2016 CHASE DES:EPAY ID:25341 INDN:JANE DOE CO ID:5760039224
-82WEB 7797.1 2/24/2016 CHASE DES:EPAY ID:25341
35 CO ID:5760039224 WEB
2/25/2016 Check 3469 -243 7554.1 2/25/2016 Check 3469 -243 36
2/26/2016 PGANDE DES:WEB ONLINE ID:46556513021016 INDN:JANE
CO ID:59407426402/26/2016
ONLINE ID:46556513021016
2/29/2016 Counter Credit 1228.38 8604.49 2/29/2016 Counter Credit 1228.38 38
2/29/2016 CHASE DES:EPAY ID:25386 INDN:JANE DOE CO ID:5760039224
-0.51WEB 8603.98 2/29/2016 CHASE DES:EPAY ID:25386
39 CO ID:5760039224 WEB
3/1/2016 Vodoo Software -59 8544.98 3/1/2016 Vodoo Software -59 40
3/2/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 0694989200
600 9144.98 3/2/2016 Online Banking transfer600
from CHK 1799 Confirmation#
41 0694989200
3/2/2016 Check 3472 -25 9119.98 3/2/2016 Check 3472 -25 42
3/2/2016 Online Banking payment to CRD 2121 Confirmation# 4195006523
-2817.73 6302.25 3/2/2016 Online Banking payment
to CRD 2121 Confirmation#
43 4195006523
3/4/2016 Counter Credit 1495.16 7797.41 3/4/2016 Counter Credit 1495.16 44
3/8/2016 Check 3476 -1200 6597.41 3/8/2016 Check 3476 -1200 45
3/9/2016 Check 3480 -110 6487.41 3/9/2016 Check 3480 -110 46
3/10/2016 Herbs R Us -418.63 6068.78 3/10/2016 Herbs R Us -418.63 47
3/11/2016 Counter Credit 1517.82 7586.6 3/11/2016 Counter Credit 1517.82 48
3/11/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 4174287053
3000 10586.6 3/11/2016 Online Banking transfer
from CHK 1799 Confirmation#
49 4174287053
3/11/2016 Check 3474 -325 10261.6 3/11/2016 Check 3474 -325 50
3/11/2016 Online Banking transfer to CHK 1446 Confirmation# 0674290349
-2500 7761.6 3/11/2016 Online Banking transfer
to CHK 1446 Confirmation#
51 0674290349
3/16/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 0514261748
1900 9661.6 3/16/2016 Online Banking transfer
from CHK 1799 Confirmation#
52 0514261748
3/16/2016 Check 3477 -400 9261.6 3/16/2016 Check 3477 -400 53
3/16/2016 Online Banking transfer to CHK 1446 Confirmation# 1614266317
-1000 8261.6 3/16/2016 Online Banking transfer
to CHK 1446 Confirmation#
54 1614266317
3/21/2016 Counter Credit 1011.6 9273.2 3/21/2016 Counter Credit 1011.6 55
3/21/2016 Check 3484 -6.4 9266.8 3/21/2016 Check 3484 -6.4 56
3/22/2016 Check 3485 -52 9214.8 3/22/2016 Check 3485 -52 57
3/23/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 2676264862
1700 10914.8 3/23/2016 Online Banking transfer
from CHK 1799 Confirmation#
58 2676264862
3/23/2016 Check 3482 -79 10835.8 3/23/2016 Check 3482 -79 59
3/23/2016 Check 3481 -25 10810.8 3/23/2016 Check 3481 -25 60
3/23/2016 Online Banking payment to CRD 2121 Confirmation# 1476277714
-2456.51 8354.29 3/23/2016 Online Banking payment
to CRD 2121 Confirmation#
61 1476277714
3/25/2016 Counter Credit 1033.96 9388.25 3/25/2016 Counter Credit 1033.96 62
3/29/2016 PGANDE DES:WEB ONLINE ID:48308921031116 INDN:JANE
CO ID:59407426403/29/2016
ONLINE ID:48308921031116
Txns Raw - Checking Account
3/30/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 2637027827
1600 10850.54 3/30/2016 Online Banking transfer
from CHK 1799 Confirmation#
64 2637027827

1) Paste from download file or HTML Table 2) Use Data > Split Text To Columns if needed 3) Sort Range if needed 4) Aggregate and Enhance Data 5) Copy and Paste Special / Values Only into ledger

Description Summary Amt.

Beginning balance as of 04/01/2016 10850.54
Total credits 34928.16
Total debits -28315.72
Ending balance as of 06/30/2016 17462.98
Data going to ledger...
Amount Running Bal Date Description Amount txnID (optional)
4/1/2016 Opening Balance 10850.54 10850.54
4/1/2016 Counter Credit 949.44 11799.98 4/1/2016 Counter Credit 949.44 65
4/4/2016 Monthly Fee for Business Fundamentals -16 11783.98 4/4/2016 Monthly Fee for Business
Fundamentals 66
4/6/2016 Counter Credit 2106.97 13890.95 4/6/2016 Counter Credit 2106.97 67
4/11/2016 Check 3478 -400 13490.95 4/11/2016 Check 3478 -400 68
4/11/2016 Herbs R Us -418.63 13072.32 4/11/2016 Herbs R Us -418.63 69
4/12/2016 COSTCO WHSE #0 04/12 #0008411 PURCHASE COSTCO-170.02
JOSE CA CKCD 5300 4/12/2016
COSTCO WHSE #0-170.02
04/12 #0008411 PURCHASE
4/12/2016 Vodoo Software -59.12 12843.18 4/12/2016 Vodoo Software -59.12 71
4/12/2016 Check 3488 -6.75 12836.43 4/12/2016 Check 3488 -6.75 72
4/13/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 0657799724
1900 14736.43 4/13/2016 Online Banking transfer
from CHK 1799 Confirmation#
73 0657799724
4/13/2016 Check 3486 -1200 13536.43 4/13/2016 Check 3486 -1200 74
4/13/2016 Online Banking payment to CRD 2121 Confirmation# 3057809600
-2242.47 11293.96 4/13/2016 Online Banking payment
to CRD 2121 Confirmation#
75 3057809600
4/18/2016 Counter Credit 833.36 12127.32 4/18/2016 Counter Credit 833.36 76
4/18/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 0599455202
1900 14027.32 4/18/2016 Online Banking transfer
from CHK 1799 Confirmation#
77 0599455202
4/18/2016 Check 3489 -1000 13027.32 4/18/2016 Check 3489 -1000 78
4/18/2016 Online Banking transfer to CHK 1446 Confirmation# 3999459161
-2100 10927.32 4/18/2016 Online Banking transfer
to CHK 1446 Confirmation#
79 3999459161
4/26/2016 PGANDE DES:WEB ONLINE ID:50028610041116 INDN:JANE
CO ID:59407426404/26/2016
ONLINE ID:50028610041116
4/26/2016 Herbs R Us -390.24 10411.36 4/26/2016 Herbs R Us -390.24 81
4/27/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 2677915199
2300 12711.36 4/27/2016 Online Banking transfer
from CHK 1799 Confirmation#
82 2677915199
4/27/2016 Online Banking transfer to CHK 1446 Confirmation# 3977919000
-1500 11211.36 4/27/2016 Online Banking transfer
to CHK 1446 Confirmation#
83 3977919000
4/29/2016 Check 3479 -400 10811.36 4/29/2016 Check 3479 -400 84
-1010 DOE
CO ID:1282531XX CCD4/29/2016
PMT INFO:ELF*00025951841*0000000101000*0006499330
85 00064993305
5/2/2016 Counter Credit 2549.2 12350.56 5/2/2016 Counter Credit 2549.2 86
5/2/2016 Monthly Fee for Business Fundamentals -16 12334.56 5/2/2016 Monthly Fee for Business
Fundamentals 87
5/2/2016 COSTCO WHSE #0 05/02 #0008197 PURCHASE COSTCO WHSE
-33.94 #031 SAN
JOSE CA CKCD 5300 481588000638122
5/2/2016 COSTCO WHSE #0 05/02
-33.94#0008197 PURCHASE
5/6/2016 Check 3493 -24.5 12276.12 5/6/2016 Check 3493 -24.5 89
Txns Raw - Checking Account
5/9/2016 Check 3491 -19 12257.12 5/9/2016 Check 3491 -19 90
5/9/2016 Check 3494 -12 12245.12 5/9/2016 Check 3494 -12 91
5/10/2016 Vodoo Software -59.06 12186.06 5/10/2016 Vodoo Software -59.06 92
5/10/2016 Check 3513 -1200 10986.06 5/10/2016 Check 3513 -1200 93
5/10/2016 Herbs R Us -418.63 10567.43 5/10/2016 Herbs R Us -418.63 94
5/11/2016 Check 3514 -3.57 10563.86 5/11/2016 Check 3514 -3.57 95
5/13/2016 Check 3490 -103.5 10460.36 5/13/2016 Check 3490 -103.5 96
5/16/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 3919862637
3700 14160.36 5/16/2016 Online Banking transfer
from CHK 1799 Confirmation#
97 3919862637
5/16/2016 Online Banking transfer to CHK 1446 Confirmation# 0519875009
-2500 11660.36 5/16/2016 Online Banking transfer
to CHK 1446 Confirmation#
98 0519875009
5/17/2016 Counter Credit 1679.39 13339.75 5/17/2016 Counter Credit 1679.39 99
5/19/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 0568733805
1591.48 14931.23 5/19/2016 Online Banking transfer
from CHK 1799 Confirmation#
100 0568733805
5/19/2016 Online Banking payment to CRD 2121 Confirmation# 1468748121
-2920.84 12010.39 5/19/2016 Online Banking payment
to CRD 2121 Confirmation#
101 1468748121
5/20/2016 Deposit Discrepancy Adjustment 866-792-9999 0.7 12011.09 5/20/2016 Deposit Discrepancy Adjustment
0.7 866-792-9999
5/23/2016 Check 3516 -500 11511.09 5/23/2016 Check 3516 -500 103
5/26/2016 PGANDE DES:WEB ONLINE ID:51584251051016 INDN:JANE
CO ID:59407426405/26/2016
ONLINE ID:51584251051016
5/31/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 0562405836
1300 12651.91 5/31/2016 Online Banking transfer
from CHK 1799 Confirmation#
105 0562405836
5/31/2016 Check 3495 -46.6 12605.31 5/31/2016 Check 3495 -46.6 106
6/1/2016 Monthly Fee for Business Fundamentals -16 12589.31 6/1/2016 Monthly Fee for Business
Fundamentals 107
6/1/2016 Check 3515 -243 12346.31 6/1/2016 Check 3515 -243 108
6/2/2016 Counter Credit 1462.45 13808.76 6/2/2016 Counter Credit 1462.45 109
6/6/2016 Check 3496 -400 13408.76 6/6/2016 Check 3496 -400 110
6/8/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 0642977794
1000 14408.76 6/8/2016 Online Banking transfer
from CHK 1799 Confirmation#
111 0642977794
6/8/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 1642971740
1850 16258.76 6/8/2016 Online Banking transfer
from CHK 1799 Confirmation#
112 1642971740
6/10/2016 Bank Adjustment 0.24 16259 6/10/2016 Bank Adjustment 0.24 113
6/10/2016 Counter Credit 1564.63 17823.63 6/10/2016 Counter Credit 1564.63 114
6/10/2016 Herbs R Us -418.63 17405 6/10/2016 Herbs R Us -418.63 115
6/13/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 4083010144
1100 18505 6/13/2016 Online Banking transfer
from CHK 1799 Confirmation#
116 4083010144
6/13/2016 Online Banking transfer to CHK 1446 Confirmation# 4083021981
-2500 16005 6/13/2016 Online Banking transfer
to CHK 1446 Confirmation#
117 4083021981
6/14/2016 Vodoo Software -59.06 15945.94 6/14/2016 Vodoo Software -59.06 118
6/14/2016 Check 3517 -1425 14520.94 6/14/2016 Check 3517 -1425 119
6/21/2016 Synchrony Bank DES:CC PYMT ID:60XXXXXXXXXX65 INDN:JANE
-32 DOE 14488.94
CO ID:9856794001 WEB 6/21/2016 Synchrony Bank DES:CC
6/22/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 2862668450
1500 15988.94 6/22/2016 Online Banking transfer
from CHK 1799 Confirmation#
121 2862668450
6/22/2016 COSTCO WHSE #0 06/22 #0000226 PURCHASE COSTCO WHSE
-66.79 #031 SAN
JOSE CA CKCD 5300 6/22/2016
COSTCO WHSE #0 06/22
-66.79#0000226 PURCHASE
6/24/2016 Check 3522 -500 15422.15 6/24/2016 Check 3522 -500 123
6/27/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 0505492837
650 16072.15 6/27/2016 Online Banking transfer650
from CHK 1799 Confirmation#
124 0505492837
6/27/2016 Counter Credit 1645.31 17717.46 6/27/2016 Counter Credit 1645.31 125
6/27/2016 Counter Credit 2844.99 20562.45 6/27/2016 Counter Credit 2844.99 126
6/27/2016 Online Banking payment to CRD 2121 Confirmation# 0505509387
-3168.45 17394 6/27/2016 Online Banking payment
to CRD 2121 Confirmation#
127 0505509387
6/28/2016 Vodoo Software -104.12 17289.88 6/28/2016 Vodoo Software -104.12 128
Txns Raw - Checking Account
6/28/2016 PGANDE DES:WEB ONLINE ID:53232788061016 INDN:JANE
CO ID:59407426406/28/2016
ONLINE ID:53232788061016
6/29/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 1622468183
500 17624.98 6/29/2016 Online Banking transfer500
from CHK 1799 Confirmation#
130 1622468183
6/30/2016 Check 3521 -162 17462.98 6/30/2016 Check 3521 -162 131

1) Paste from download file or HTML Table 2) Use Data > Split Text To Columns if needed 3) Sort Range if needed 4) Aggregate and Enhance Data 5) Copy and Paste Special / Values Only into ledger

Description Summary Amt.

Beginning balance as of 07/01/2016 17462.98
Total credits 50138.86
Total debits -36290.47
Ending balance as of 09/30/2016 31311.37
Data going to ledger...
Amount Running Bal Date Description Amount txnID (optional)
7/1/2016 Opening Balance 17462.98 17462.98
7/1/2016 Counter Credit 2102.68 19565.66 7/1/2016 Counter Credit 2102.68 132
7/1/2016 Monthly Fee for Business Fundamentals -16 19549.66 7/1/2016 Monthly Fee for Business
Fundamentals 133
7/6/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 0582945673
1600 21149.66 7/6/2016 Online Banking transfer
from CHK 1799 Confirmation#
134 0582945673
7/6/2016 Check 3524 -1200 19949.66 7/6/2016 Check 3524 -1200 135
7/6/2016 Online Banking transfer to CHK 1446 Confirmation# 0582948803
-2500 17449.66 7/6/2016 Online Banking transfer
to CHK 1446 Confirmation#
136 0582948803
7/7/2016 Check 3497 -400 17049.66 7/7/2016 Check 3497 -400 137
7/8/2016 Bank Adjustment 50 17099.66 7/8/2016 Bank Adjustment 50 138
7/8/2016 Counter Credit 1346.07 18445.73 7/8/2016 Counter Credit 1346.07 139
7/11/2016 Herbs R Us -418.63 18027.1 7/11/2016 Herbs R Us -418.63 140
7/13/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 0538580648
2100 20127.1 7/13/2016 Online Banking transfer
from CHK 1799 Confirmation#
141 0538580648
7/13/2016 Online Banking payment to CRD 2121 Confirmation# 1438588406
-2250 17877.1 7/13/2016 Online Banking payment
to CRD 2121 Confirmation#
142 1438588406
7/15/2016 Check 3526 -500 17377.1 7/15/2016 Check 3526 -500 143
7/19/2016 Counter Credit 2049.99 19427.09 7/19/2016 Counter Credit 2049.99 144
7/20/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 4003825679
2000 21427.09 7/20/2016 Online Banking transfer
from CHK 1799 Confirmation#
145 4003825679
7/20/2016 Online Banking payment to CRD 2121 Confirmation# 1403841327
-544 20883.09 7/20/2016 Online Banking payment
to CRD 2121 Confirmation#
146 1403841327
7/20/2016 Online Banking transfer to CHK 1446 Confirmation# 1403830066
-1000 19883.09 7/20/2016 Online Banking transfer
to CHK 1446 Confirmation#
147 1403830066
7/21/2016 Check 3529 -129.17 19753.92 7/21/2016 Check 3529 -129.17 148
7/21/2016 Check 3528 -103.5 19650.42 7/21/2016 Check 3528 -103.5 149
7/22/2016 Counter Credit 1627.23 21277.65 7/22/2016 Counter Credit 1627.23 150
7/26/2016 Check 3525 -185 21092.65 7/26/2016 Check 3525 -185 151
7/26/2016 PGANDE DES:WEB ONLINE ID:54781308071116 INDN:JANE
CO ID:59407426407/26/2016
ONLINE ID:54781308071116
7/27/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 0663816827
1200 22129.1 7/27/2016 Online Banking transfer
from CHK 1799 Confirmation#
153 0663816827
7/27/2016 Check 3530 -30 22099.1 7/27/2016 Check 3530 -30 154
-902.75DOE CO
ID:1282531 CCD PMT INFO:ELF*00026965814*0000000090275*0006623201
00066232 INDN:JANE DOE CO ID:128253
8/1/2016 Counter Credit 1522.3 22718.65 8/1/2016 Counter Credit 1522.3 156
Txns Raw - Checking Account
8/1/2016 Monthly Fee for Business Fundamentals -16 22702.65 8/1/2016 Monthly Fee for Business
Fundamentals 157
8/4/2016 Counter Credit 2052.76 24755.41 8/4/2016 Counter Credit 2052.76 158
8/5/2016 Check 3498 -400 24355.41 8/5/2016 Check 3498 -400 159
8/9/2016 Check 3532 -1200 23155.41 8/9/2016 Check 3532 -1200 160
8/10/2016 Counter Credit 1890.94 25046.35 8/10/2016 Counter Credit 1890.94 161
8/10/2016 Herbs R Us -418.63 24627.72 8/10/2016 Herbs R Us -418.63 162
8/17/2016 Counter Credit 1933.61 26561.33 8/17/2016 Counter Credit 1933.61 163
8/17/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 1446387829
6224.76 32786.09 8/17/2016 Online Banking transfer
from CHK 1799 Confirmation#
164 1446387829
8/17/2016 Online Banking payment to CRD 2121 Confirmation# 4046443321
-5532.52 27253.57 8/17/2016 Online Banking payment
to CRD 2121 Confirmation#
165 4046443321
8/17/2016 Online Banking transfer to CHK 1446 Confirmation# 1446398157
-4342.32 22911.25 8/17/2016 Online Banking transfer
to CHK 1446 Confirmation#
166 1446398157
8/17/2016 CHASE DES:EPAY ID:2738 INDN:JANE DOE CO ID:5760039224
WEB 22842.25 8/17/2016 CHASE DES:EPAY ID:2738
167 CO ID:5760039224 WEB
-4.52 DOE CO
ID:1282531 CCD PMT INFO:ELF*0002988*000*0006291306
E-FILE 168
ID: 00062913 INDN:JANE DOE CO ID:128253
8/22/2016 Check 3519 -15.08 22822.65 8/22/2016 Check 3519 -15.08 169
8/22/2016 Check 3535 -500 22322.65 8/22/2016 Check 3535 -500 170
8/29/2016 PGANDE DES:WEB ONLINE ID:56413893081116 INDN:JANE
CO ID:59407426408/29/2016
ONLINE ID:56413893081116
8/31/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 3766463402
5022.74 27182.16 8/31/2016 Online Banking transfer
from CHK 1799 Confirmation#
172 3766463402
8/31/2016 Online Banking transfer to CHK 1446 Confirmation# 3766483635
-2500 24682.16 8/31/2016 Online Banking transfer
to CHK 1446 Confirmation#
173 3766483635
9/1/2016 Counter Credit 1093.46 25775.62 9/1/2016 Counter Credit 1093.46 174
9/1/2016 Monthly Fee for Business Fundamentals -16 25759.62 9/1/2016 Monthly Fee for Business
Fundamentals 175
9/6/2016 Check 3536 -1200 24559.62 9/6/2016 Check 3536 -1200 176
9/6/2016 Check 3499 -400 24159.62 9/6/2016 Check 3499 -400 177
9/7/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 1428022405
2018.52 26178.14 9/7/2016 Online Banking transfer
from CHK 1799 Confirmation#
178 1428022405
9/8/2016 Bank Adjustment 0.5 26178.64 9/8/2016 Bank Adjustment 0.5 179
9/8/2016 Counter Credit 2123.38 28302.02 9/8/2016 Counter Credit 2123.38 180
9/12/2016 Herbs R Us -418.63 27883.39 9/12/2016 Herbs R Us -418.63 181
9/13/2016 Counter Credit 1863.85 29747.24 9/13/2016 Counter Credit 1863.85 182
9/14/2016 Vodoo Software -69.86 29677.38 9/14/2016 Vodoo Software -69.86 183
9/14/2016 Check 3540 -103.5 29573.88 9/14/2016 Check 3540 -103.5 184
9/15/2016 Check 3542 -2000 27573.88 9/15/2016 Check 3542 -2000 185
9/15/2016 Check 3537 -400 27173.88 9/15/2016 Check 3537 -400 186
9/19/2016 Counter Credit 886.56 28060.44 9/19/2016 Counter Credit 886.56 187
9/19/2016 Check 3534 -80 27980.44 9/19/2016 Check 3534 -80 188
9/19/2016 Check 3541 -5488 22492.44 9/19/2016 Check 3541 -5488 189
9/20/2016 Check 3544 -280 22212.44 9/20/2016 Check 3544 -280 190
9/21/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 3548796476
3138.99 25351.43 9/21/2016 Online Banking transfer
from CHK 1799 Confirmation#
191 3548796476
9/22/2016 Check 3543 -69 25282.43 9/22/2016 Check 3543 -69 192
9/23/2016 Check 3500 -100 25182.43 9/23/2016 Check 3500 -100 193
9/27/2016 PGANDE DES:WEB ONLINE ID:58131771091216 INDN:JANE
CO ID:59407426409/27/2016
ONLINE ID:58131771091216
9/28/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 2208253816
1691.86 26712.71 9/28/2016 Online Banking transfer
from CHK 1799 Confirmation#
195 2208253816
Txns Raw - Checking Account
9/28/2016 Counter Credit 3333.32 30046.03 9/28/2016 Counter Credit 3333.32 196
9/30/2016 Counter Credit 1265.34 31311.37 9/30/2016 Counter Credit 1265.34 197

1) Paste from download file or HTML Table 2) Use Data > Split Text To Columns if needed 3) Sort Range if needed 4) Aggregate and Enhance Data 5) Copy and Paste Special / Values Only into ledger

Description Summary Amt.

Beginning balance as of 09/01/2016 31311.37
Total credits 34107.09
Total debits -30098.1
Ending balance as of 12/31/2016 35320.36
Data going to ledger...
Amount Running Bal Date Description Amount txnID (optional)
10/1/2016 Opening Balance 31311.37 31311.37
10/5/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 3568572133
2096.74 33408.11 10/5/2016 Online Banking transfer
from CHK 1799 Confirmation#
198 3568572133
10/5/2016 Online Banking payment to CRD 2121 Confirmation# 3768578946
-3000 30408.11 10/5/2016 Online Banking payment
to CRD 2121 Confirmation#
199 3768578946
10/5/2016 Online Banking transfer to CHK 1446 Confirmation# 2568575391
-2200 28208.11 10/5/2016 Online Banking transfer
to CHK 1446 Confirmation#
200 2568575391
10/6/2016 Counter Credit 1657.04 29865.15 10/6/2016 Counter Credit 1657.04 201
10/6/2016 Check 3501 -400 29465.15 10/6/2016 Check 3501 -400 202
10/11/2016 RETURN ITEM CHARGEBACK -65 29400.15 10/11/2016 RETURN ITEM CHARGEBACK
-65 203
-12 FEE 204
10/11/2016 Check 3545 -1200 28188.15 10/11/2016 Check 3545 -1200 205
10/11/2016 Herbs R Us -418.63 27769.52 10/11/2016 Herbs R Us -418.63 206
10/20/2016 Counter Credit 1402.98 29172.5 10/20/2016 Counter Credit 1402.98 207
10/25/2016 PGANDE DES:WEB ONLINE ID:59768113101016 INDN:JANE
CO ID:5940742640
ONLINE ID:59768113101016
10/26/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 3150237819
2908.2 31949.4 10/26/2016 Online Banking transfer
from CHK 1799 Confirmation#
209 3150237819
10/26/2016 Check 3548 -2000 29949.4 10/26/2016 Check 3548 -2000 210
10/26/2016 Online Banking transfer to CHK 1446 Confirmation# 2250242167
-2200 27749.4 10/26/2016 Online Banking transfer
to CHK 1446 Confirmation#
211 2250242167
-1435 DOE CO
ID:1282531 CCD PMT 10/27/2016
E-FILE 212
ID: 00067532 INDN:JANE DOE CO ID:128253
10/28/2016 Counter Credit 1891.19 28205.59 10/28/2016 Counter Credit 1891.19 213
11/1/2016 Herbs R Us -222 27983.59 11/1/2016 Herbs R Us -222 214
11/2/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 1210990931
1406.65 29390.24 11/2/2016 Online Banking transfer
from CHK 1799 Confirmation#
215 1210990931
11/2/2016 Herbs R Us -48.64 29341.6 11/2/2016 Herbs R Us -48.64 216
11/2/2016 Online Banking payment to CRD 2121 Confirmation# 1411020471
-1000 28341.6 11/2/2016 Online Banking payment
to CRD 2121 Confirmation#
217 1411020471
11/3/2016 Check 3547 -25 28316.6 11/3/2016 Check 3547 -25 218
11/8/2016 Counter Credit 918.14 29234.74 11/8/2016 Counter Credit 918.14 219
11/8/2016 Check 3549 -1200 28034.74 11/8/2016 Check 3549 -1200 220
11/10/2016 Herbs R Us -418.63 27616.11 11/10/2016 Herbs R Us -418.63 221
11/14/2016 Counter Credit 1965.19 29581.3 11/14/2016 Counter Credit 1965.19 222
Txns Raw - Checking Account
11/14/2016 Check 3503 -400 29181.3 11/14/2016 Check 3503 -400 223
11/15/2016 Online Banking transfer to CHK 1446 Confirmation# 3519294471
-300 28881.3 11/15/2016 Online Banking transfer-300
to CHK 1446 Confirmation#
224 3519294471
11/16/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 1532677871
2822.37 31703.67 11/16/2016 Online Banking transfer
from CHK 1799 Confirmation#
225 1532677871
11/17/2016 Check 3554 -2000 29703.67 11/17/2016 Check 3554 -2000 226
11/18/2016 Counter Credit 1260.63 30964.3 11/18/2016 Counter Credit 1260.63 227
11/21/2016 Check 3551 -200.65 30763.65 11/21/2016 Check 3551 -200.65 228
11/22/2016 Check 3552 -54 30709.65 11/22/2016 Check 3552 -54 229
11/23/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 1393300663
1221.68 31931.33 11/23/2016 Online Banking transfer
from CHK 1799 Confirmation#
230 1393300663
11/25/2016 PGANDE DES:WEB ONLINE ID:61379037110816 INDN:JANE
CO ID:5940742640
ONLINE ID:61379037110816
11/25/2016 Check 3555 -81 31721.63 11/25/2016 Check 3555 -81 232
11/28/2016 Counter Credit 1107.91 32829.54 11/28/2016 Counter Credit 1107.91 233
11/29/2016 Vodoo Software -550.71 32278.83 11/29/2016 Vodoo Software -550.71 234
11/30/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 2253093051
1111.55 33390.38 11/30/2016 Online Banking transfer
from CHK 1799 Confirmation#
235 2253093051
11/30/2016 Check 3557 -243 33147.38 11/30/2016 Check 3557 -243 236
11/30/2016 COSTCO WHSE #0 11/30 #0008429 PURCHASE COSTCO WHSE
-42.94 #031 SAN
JOSE CA CKCD 530011/30/2016
COSTCO WHSE #0 11/30
-42.94#0008429 PURCHASE
12/1/2016 Monthly Fee for Business Fundamentals -16 33088.44 12/1/2016 Monthly Fee for Business
Fundamentals 238
12/5/2016 Counter Credit 988.77 34077.21 12/5/2016 Counter Credit 988.77 239
12/5/2016 Check 3550 -106.12 33971.09 12/5/2016 Check 3550 -106.12 240
12/5/2016 Check 3504 -400 33571.09 12/5/2016 Check 3504 -400 241
12/6/2016 Check 3558 -1450 32121.09 12/6/2016 Check 3558 -1450 242
12/7/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 2313705904
4251.41 36372.5 12/7/2016 Online Banking transfer
from CHK 1799 Confirmation#
243 2313705904
-247.81 ID:5474151888
12/7/2016 Online Banking transfer to CHK 1446 Confirmation# 2113753513
-3000 33124.69 12/7/2016 Online Banking transfer
to CHK 1446 Confirmation#
245 2113753513
12/12/2016 Counter Credit 1380.92 34505.61 12/12/2016 Counter Credit 1380.92 246
12/12/2016 Herbs R Us -418.63 34086.98 12/12/2016 Herbs R Us -418.63 247
12/14/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 7375015743
1119.24 35206.22 12/14/2016 Online Banking transfer
from CHK 1799 Confirmation#
248 7375015743
12/14/2016 Online Banking payment to CRD 2121 Confirmation# 3875021772
-4000 31206.22 12/14/2016 Online Banking payment
to CRD 2121 Confirmation#
249 3875021772
12/16/2016 Counter Credit 2901.34 34107.56 12/16/2016 Counter Credit 2901.34 250
12/16/2016 Check 3553 -40 34067.56 12/16/2016 Check 3553 -40 251
12/21/2016 Online Banking transfer from CHK 1799 Confirmation# 3434684591
1695.14 35762.7 12/21/2016 Online Banking transfer
from CHK 1799 Confirmation#
252 3434684591
12/22/2016 Check 3560 -260 35502.7 12/22/2016 Check 3560 -260 253
12/28/2016 PGANDE DES:WEB ONLINE ID:63105634120916 INDN:JANE
CO ID:5940742640
ONLINE ID:63105634120916
Txns Raw - Credit Card - Corporate Transactions

You can typically either download transactions by statement or by date range.

In this example, we downloaded transctions by date range every 6 months.
These downloads won't contain the statement data needed for reconciling. You will have to get that from paper statements.

1) Paste from download file or HTML Table 2) Use Data > Split Text To Columns if needed 3) Sort Range if needed 4) Aggregate and Enhance Data 5) Copy and Paste Special / Values Only into ledger

Description Summary Amt.

Total credits -17950.61
Total debits 84.17
Data going to ledger...
Posting Date Trans. Date Reference ID Description Amount Balance Date Description Amount SubAccount txnID (optional)
1/8/2016 1/6/2016 PURCHASE *FINANCE CHARGE* $68.11 $68.11 1/8/2016 PURCHASE *FINANCE CHARGE*
$68.11 Corp 1
1/28/2016 1/26/2016 Online payment from CHK 9 -$4,344.61 -$4,276.50 1/28/2016 Online payment from CHK
9 Corp 2
2/9/2016 2/7/2016 Ref: 01706005710055677878104370PURCHASE *FINANCE CHARGE* $16.06 -$4,260.44 2/9/2016 PURCHASE *FINANCE CHARGE*
$16.06 Corp 3
3/2/2016 2/29/2016 Online payment from CHK 9 -$2,817.73 -$7,078.17 3/2/2016 Online payment from CHK
9 Corp 4
3/23/2016 3/21/2016 Online payment from CHK 9 -$2,456.51 -$9,534.68 3/23/2016 Online payment from CHK
9 Corp 5
4/13/2016 4/11/2016 Online payment from CHK 9 -$2,242.47 -$11,777.15 4/13/2016 Online payment from CHK
9 Corp 6
5/19/2016 5/17/2016 Ref: 01706005710038676104370 Online payment from CHK 9 -$2,920.84 -$14,697.99 5/19/2016 Online payment from CHK
9 Corp 7
6/27/2016 6/25/2016 Online payment from CHK 9 -$3,168.45 -$17,866.44 6/27/2016 Online payment from CHK
9 Corp 8

1) Paste from download file or HTML Table 2) Use Data > Split Text To Columns if needed 3) Sort Range if needed 4) Aggregate and Enhance Data 5) Copy and Paste Special / Values Only into ledger

Description Summary Amt.

Total credits -16574.33
Total debits 469.95
Data going to ledger...
Posting Date Trans. Date Reference ID Description Amount Balance Date Description Amount SubAccount txnID (optional)
7/13/2016 7/11/2016 Online payment from CHK 9 -$2,250.00 -$2,250.00 7/13/2016 Online payment from CHK
9 Corp 9
7/20/2016 7/18/2016 Online payment from CHK 9 -$544.00 -$2,794.00 7/20/2016 Online payment from CHK
9 Corp 10
8/9/2016 8/7/2016 Ref: 0170600571005567787814455 PURCHASE *FINANCE CHARGE* $71.34 -$2,722.66 8/9/2016 PURCHASE *FINANCE CHARGE*
$71.34 Corp 11
8/17/2016 8/15/2016 Online payment from CHK 9 -$5,532.52 -$8,255.18 8/17/2016 Online payment from CHK
9 Corp 12
9/9/2016 9/7/2016 PURCHASE *FINANCE CHARGE* $5.48 -$8,249.70 9/9/2016 PURCHASE *FINANCE CHARGE*
$5.48 Corp 13
10/5/2016 10/3/2016 Online payment from CHK 9 -$3,000.00 -$11,249.70 10/5/2016 Online payment from CHK
9 Corp 14
10/7/2016 10/5/2016 Ref: 01706005710055677878445455PURCHASE *FINANCE CHARGE* $105.69 -$11,144.01 10/7/2016 PURCHASE *FINANCE CHARGE*
$105.69 Corp 15
11/2/2016 10/31/2016 Online payment from CHK 9 -$1,000.00 -$12,144.01 11/2/2016 Online payment from CHK
9 Corp 16
11/9/2016 11/7/2016 PURCHASE *FINANCE CHARGE* $128.57 -$12,015.44 11/9/2016 PURCHASE *FINANCE CHARGE*
$128.57 Corp 17
12/6/2016 12/4/2016 AUTO PAYMENT DEDUCTION -$247.81 -$12,263.25 12/6/2016 AUTO PAYMENT DEDUCTION
-$247.81 Corp 18
12/9/2016 12/7/2016 PURCHASE *FINANCE CHARGE* $158.87 -$12,104.38 12/9/2016 PURCHASE *FINANCE CHARGE*
$158.87 Corp 19
12/14/2016 12/12/2016 Online payment from CHK 9 -$4,000.00 -$16,104.38 12/14/2016 Online payment from CHK
9 Corp 20
Txns Raw - Corporate Credit Card - John Doe

You can typically either download transactions by statement or by date range.

In this example, we downloaded transctions by date range every 6 months.
These downloads won't contain the statement data needed for reconciling. You will have to get that from paper statements.

1) Paste from download file or HTML Table 2) Use Data > Split Text To Columns if needed 3) Sort Range if needed 4) Aggregate and Enhance Data 5) Copy and Paste Special / Values Only into ledger

Description Summary Amt.

Total credits -120
Total debits 18225.6
Data going to ledger...
Posting Date Trans. Date Reference ID Description Amount Balance Date Description Amount SubAccount txnID (optional)
1/4/2016 1/2/2016 Ref: 55499677211668211003799
$4.99 John 1
1/4/2016 1/2/2016 Ref: 55483827210091008206006
ROUND TABLE PIZZA $14.16 $14.16 1/4/2016 ROUND TABLE PIZZA $14.16 John 2
1/5/2016 1/3/2016 Ref: 25247807210003828015600
TLG*PRIVGRD52XXX23JAN $14.99 $34.14 1/5/2016 TLG*PRIVGRD52XXX23JAN
$14.99 John 3
1/7/2016 1/5/2016 Ref: 85179247211700487511308 $6.46 $40.60 1/7/2016 $6.46 John 4
1/8/2016 1/6/2016 Ref: 55500807213400009059629
$63.10 John 5
1/8/2016 1/6/2016 Ref: 55499677212668212003201
ROUND TABLE PIZZA $30.79 $347.14 1/8/2016 ROUND TABLE PIZZA $30.79 John 6
1/8/2016 1/6/2016 Ref: 55432867212100194164154
OF NOJohn 7
1/11/2016 1/9/2016 Ref: 55432867213100610585650
ATT*BILL PAYMENT $67.00 $477.24 1/11/2016 ATT*BILL PAYMENT $67.00 John 8
1/12/2016 1/10/2016 Ref: 55541867212004035457942
OFFICE DEPOT #999 $12.55 $489.79 1/12/2016 OFFICE DEPOT #999 $12.55 John 9
1/13/2016 1/11/2016 Ref: 05587457214000000276174
WWW.FAX87.COM $25.00 $769.63 1/13/2016 WWW.FAX87.COM $25.00 John 10
1/13/2016 1/11/2016 Ref: 25536067214104026116336
$254.84 John 11
1/14/2016 1/12/2016 Ref: 05140487216120002682792
LA TAQUERIA $15.38 $785.01 1/14/2016 LA TAQUERIA $15.38 John 12
1/18/2016 1/16/2016 ALL STATE
Ref: 85544027003980004701097 $42.66 $893.61 1/18/2016 ALL STATE $42.66 John 13
1/18/2016 1/16/2016 HITO CORP.
Ref: 85544027003980004701097 $50.00 $850.95 1/18/2016 HITO CORP. $50.00 John 14
1/18/2016 1/16/2016 Slim's Restaurant
Ref: 55263527003400012325418 $15.94 $800.95 1/18/2016 Slim's Restaurant $15.94 John 15
1/22/2016 1/20/2016 AmazonPrime Membership
Ref: 55315547004206000001332 $106.55 $1,000.16 1/22/2016 AmazonPrime Membership
$106.55 John 16
1/26/2016 1/24/2016 DOUBLETREE BERKELEY F&
Ref: 55432867004000447164278 $9.86 $1,029.45 1/26/2016 DOUBLETREE BERKELEY
F& John 17
1/26/2016 1/24/2016 DOUBLETREE BERKELEY F&
Ref: 55432867004000443701271 $19.43 $1,019.59 1/26/2016 DOUBLETREE BERKELEY
F& John 18
1/27/2016 1/25/2016 STANDARD PROCESS OF NO
Ref: 55429507004741418997751 $25.00 $1,316.95 1/27/2016 STANDARD PROCESS$25.00
OF NOJohn 19
1/27/2016 1/25/2016 STANDARD PROCESS OF NO
Ref: 55432867004000447098682 $262.50 $1,291.95 1/27/2016 STANDARD PROCESS
OF NOJohn 20
1/28/2016 1/26/2016 WWW.FAX87.COM
Ref: 55432866361000406050939 $71.88 $1,388.83 1/28/2016 WWW.FAX87.COM $71.88 John 21
1/29/2016 1/27/2016 MAYWAY CORPORATION
Ref: 55432866361000406451335 $52.00 $1,440.83 1/29/2016 MAYWAY CORPORATION
$52.00 John 22
2/1/2016 1/30/2016 HELIO USA (MOTO)
Ref: 55432867012000957111255 $164.56 $3,554.86 2/1/2016 HELIO USA (MOTO) $164.56 John 23
2/1/2016 1/30/2016 EVERGREEN HERBS INTERN
Ref: 55432867004000447164278 $122.72 $3,390.30 2/1/2016 EVERGREEN HERBS$122.72
2/1/2016 1/30/2016 STANDARD PROCESS OF NO
Ref: 55432867004000447098682 $1,826.75 $3,267.58 2/1/2016 STANDARD PROCESS
OF NOJohn 25
2/3/2016 2/1/2016 TLG*PRIVGRD52XXXX23FEB
Ref: 55421067014004000073478 $14.99 $3,569.85 2/3/2016 TLG*PRIVGRD52XXXX23FEB
$14.99 John 26
2/4/2016 2/2/2016 PANDORA*INTERNET RADIO
Ref: 55310207014636000004247 $4.99 $3,574.84 2/4/2016 PANDORA*INTERNET RADIO
$4.99 John 27
2/5/2016 2/3/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS
Ref: 55432867024000825063437 $9.25 $3,593.66 2/5/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS
$9.25 John 28
2/5/2016 2/3/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS
Ref: 55429507018741502869894 $9.57 $3,584.41 2/5/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS
$9.57 John 29
2/8/2016 2/6/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS
Ref: 55432867037000269052289 $74.86 $3,736.36 2/8/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS
$74.86 John 30
2/8/2016 2/6/2016 WHOLEFDS SAN JOSE 10099
Ref: 55432867036000205388764 $16.28 $3,661.50 2/8/2016 WHOLEFDS SAN JOSE$16.28
10099 John 31
2/8/2016 2/6/2016 Slim's Restaurant
Ref: 05140487035120006704310 $51.56 $3,645.22 2/8/2016 Slim's Restaurant $51.56 John 32
2/11/2016 2/9/2016 ATT*BILL PAYMENT
Ref: 55429507038769081066398 $67.00 $3,803.36 2/11/2016 ATT*BILL PAYMENT $67.00 John 33
Txns Raw - Corporate Credit Card - John Doe
2/15/2016 2/13/2016 TRADER JOE'S #079 QPS
Ref: 55263527056400031521092 $16.26 $4,074.70 2/15/2016 TRADER JOE'S #079 QPS
$16.26 John 34
2/15/2016 2/13/2016 VZWRLSS*APOCC VISW
Ref: 05227027055000351879138 $255.08 $4,058.44 2/15/2016 VZWRLSS*APOCC VISW
$255.08 John 35
2/16/2016 2/14/2016 HITO CORP.
Ref: 55263527062400011337925 $50.00 $4,124.70 2/16/2016 HITO CORP. $50.00 John 36
2/17/2016 2/15/2016 ALL STATE
Ref: 05140487062120002651685 $42.66 $4,287.36 2/17/2016 ALL STATE $42.66 John 37
2/17/2016 2/15/2016 EB MEMORIAL CELEBRATI
Ref: 55263527062400022957000 $120.00 $4,244.70 2/17/2016 EB MEMORIAL CELEBRATI
$120.00 John 38
2/22/2016 2/20/2016 HOLIDAY INN GOLDN GATE
Ref: 05436847065000250863981 $45.00 $4,332.36 2/22/2016 HOLIDAY INN GOLDN $45.00
GATE John 39
2/24/2016 2/22/2016 EVENTBRITE
Ref: 55432867064000911559786 -$120.00 $4,212.36 2/24/2016 EVENTBRITE -$120.00 John 40
2/26/2016 2/24/2016 STANDARD PROCESS OF NO $2,473.00
Ref: 55432867065000119549786 $6,685.36 2/26/2016 STANDARD PROCESS
OF NOJohn 41
2/29/2016 2/27/2016 WHOLEFDS SAN JOSE 10099
Ref: 55432867065000392032260 $10.25 $6,695.61 2/29/2016 WHOLEFDS SAN JOSE$10.25
10099 John 42
3/3/2016 3/1/2016 TLG*PRIVGRD52XXX23MAR
Ref: 55432867066000638457304 $14.99 $6,710.60 3/3/2016 TLG*PRIVGRD52XXX23MAR
$14.99 John 43
3/4/2016 3/2/2016 PANDORA*INTERNET RADIO
Ref: 75500597084431100249810 $4.99 $6,738.18 3/4/2016 PANDORA*INTERNET RADIO
$4.99 John 44
3/4/2016 3/2/2016 IN-N-OUT BURGER #198
Ref: 05140487084120006977288 $5.48 $6,733.19 3/4/2016 IN-N-OUT BURGER #198
$5.48 John 45
3/4/2016 3/2/2016 ROUND TABLE PIZZA
Ref: 05436847076000282844048 $17.11 $6,727.71 3/4/2016 ROUND TABLE PIZZA $17.11 John 46
3/8/2016 3/6/2016 WHOLEFDS SAN JOSE 10099
Ref: 55310207090200754200027 $8.68 $6,746.86 3/8/2016 WHOLEFDS SAN JOSE $8.68
10099 John 47
3/11/2016 3/9/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS
Ref: 55432867098000468333320 $41.11 $6,787.97 3/11/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS
$41.11 John 48
3/14/2016 3/12/2016 Ref: 85258257116980018716399 $43.31 $7,393.68 3/14/2016 $43.31 John 49
3/14/2016 3/12/2016 THE HOME DEPOT #69999
Ref: 55263527112400011384778 $24.38 $7,350.37 3/14/2016 THE HOME DEPOT #69999
$24.38 John 50
3/14/2016 3/12/2016 HELIO USA (MOTO)
Ref: 55432867100000644772520 $282.94 $7,325.99 3/14/2016 HELIO USA (MOTO) $282.94 John 51
3/14/2016 3/12/2016 VZWRLSS*APOCC VISW
Ref: 55432867099000926918802 $255.08 $7,043.05 3/14/2016 VZWRLSS*APOCC VISW
$255.08 John 52
3/15/2016 3/13/2016 HITO CORP.
Ref: 05140487119120002984790 $50.00 $7,462.13 3/15/2016 HITO CORP. $50.00 John 53
3/15/2016 3/13/2016 WHOLEFDS SAN JOSE 10099
Ref: 05314617119500240307981 $18.45 $7,412.13 3/15/2016 WHOLEFDS SAN JOSE$18.45
10099 John 54
3/16/2016 3/14/2016 ATT*BILL PAYMENT
Ref: 05314617120100174285167 $67.00 $7,529.13 3/16/2016 ATT*BILL PAYMENT $67.00 John 55
3/17/2016 3/15/2016 ALL STATE
Ref: 55436877121121215419380 $42.66 $7,581.39 3/17/2016 ALL STATE $42.66 John 56
3/17/2016 3/15/2016 OFFICE ALLY
Ref: 55429507121769076422687 $9.60 $7,538.73 3/17/2016 OFFICE ALLY $9.60 John 57
3/21/2016 3/19/2016 RITE AID STORE - 5882
Ref: 05410197126221016022186 $16.58 $7,615.97 3/21/2016 RITE AID STORE - 5882
$16.58 John 58
3/21/2016 3/19/2016 IMPARK00270019
Ref: 05140487126120007298767 $18.00 $7,599.39 3/21/2016 IMPARK00270019 $18.00 John 59
3/23/2016 3/21/2016 APL* ITUNES.COM/BILL
Ref: 05410197127221015732735 $2.99 $7,618.96 3/23/2016 APL* ITUNES.COM/BILL$2.99 John 60
3/28/2016 3/26/2016 STANDARD PROCESS OF NO $1,778.25
Ref: 55432867128000113536164 $9,397.21 3/28/2016 STANDARD PROCESS
OF NOJohn 61
4/4/2016 4/2/2016 Ref: 55310207131083047435357
ORCHARD SUPPLY #440 $9.75 $9,428.96 4/4/2016 ORCHARD SUPPLY #440
$9.75 John 62
4/4/2016 4/2/2016 Ref: 55432867129000919515593
HYDE BEACH GARAGE $22.00 $9,419.21 4/4/2016 HYDE BEACH GARAGE
$22.00 John 63
4/6/2016 4/4/2016 OFFICE DEPOT #999
Ref: 05436847134000295901553 $2.16 $9,431.12 4/6/2016 OFFICE DEPOT #999 $2.16 John 64
4/7/2016 4/5/2016 APL* ITUNES.COM/BILL
Ref: 05436847134000295901488 $0.99 $9,432.11 4/7/2016 APL* ITUNES.COM/BILL$0.99 John 65
4/14/2016 4/12/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS
Ref: 55421357134253134786311 $82.89 $9,515.00 4/14/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS
$82.89 John 66
4/15/2016 4/13/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS
Ref: 05410197134255204810424 $83.56 $9,598.56 4/15/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS
$83.56 John 67
4/18/2016 4/16/2016 APL* ITUNES.COM/BILL
Ref: 05436847135000255825601 $4.99 $9,603.55 4/18/2016 APL* ITUNES.COM/BILL$4.99 John 68
4/19/2016 4/17/2016 USPS 0551060303460XXX
Ref: 05436847135000255825783 $12.94 $9,616.49 4/19/2016 USPS 0551060303460XXX
$12.94 John 69
4/21/2016 4/19/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS
Ref: 55309597135838000078046 $42.54 $9,659.03 4/21/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS
$42.54 John 70
4/22/2016 4/20/2016 STANDARD PROCESS OF NO
Ref: 55432867137000867007346 $96.50 $9,755.53 4/22/2016 STANDARD PROCESS$96.50
OF NOJohn 71
4/25/2016 4/23/2016 APL* ITUNES.COM/BILL
Ref: 05140487158120003205684 $2.99 $9,787.52 4/25/2016 APL* ITUNES.COM/BILL$2.99 John 72
4/25/2016 4/23/2016 HYDE BEACH GARAGE
Ref: 25536067153105004222585 $29.00 $9,784.53 4/25/2016 HYDE BEACH GARAGE
$29.00 John 73
4/29/2016 4/27/2016 ALL STATE
Ref: 85500597159900014804778 $42.66 $10,219.26 4/29/2016 ALL STATE $42.66 John 74
4/29/2016 4/27/2016 ATT*BILL PAYMENT
Ref: 55500807158091112001520 $134.00 $10,176.60 4/29/2016 ATT*BILL PAYMENT $134.00 John 75
4/29/2016 4/27/2016 VZWRLSS*BILL PAY VW
Ref: 25483677158000815652647 $255.08 $10,042.60 4/29/2016 VZWRLSS*BILL PAY VW
$255.08 John 76
5/2/2016 4/30/2016 Ref: 55308767159547673001000
STANDARD PROCESS OF NO $2,493.50 $12,712.76 5/2/2016 STANDARD PROCESS
OF NOJohn 77
5/6/2016 5/4/2016 Ref: 55432867160000189081284
ROUND TABLE PIZZA $19.11 $12,731.87 5/6/2016 ROUND TABLE PIZZA $19.11 John 78
5/9/2016 5/7/2016 Ref: 55432867161000082130229
HITO CORP. $50.00 $12,781.87 5/9/2016 HITO CORP. $50.00 John 79
Txns Raw - Corporate Credit Card - John Doe
5/11/2016 Ref: 25536067167105014114081 $260.03 $13,041.90 5/13/2016 VZWRLSS*APOCC VISW
$260.03 John 80
5/16/2016 5/14/2016 APL* ITUNES.COM/BILL
Ref: 55310207168200888300302 $4.99 $13,046.89 5/16/2016 APL* ITUNES.COM/BILL$4.99 John 81
5/18/2016 5/16/2016 ALL STATE
Ref: 55432867167100700494181 $42.66 $13,089.55 5/18/2016 ALL STATE $42.66 John 82
5/19/2016 5/17/2016 HELIO USA (MOTO)
Ref: 55436877167271679072921 $192.00 $13,297.47 5/19/2016 HELIO USA (MOTO) $192.00 John 83
5/19/2016 5/17/2016 LA TAQUERIA
Ref: 55432867167100700494009 $15.92 $13,105.47 5/19/2016 LA TAQUERIA $15.92 John 84
5/23/2016 5/21/2016 APL* ITUNES.COM/BILL
Ref: 05140487182120007731453 $2.99 $13,755.18 5/23/2016 APL* ITUNES.COM/BILL$2.99 John 85
5/23/2016 5/21/2016 COST PLUS WLD #199
Ref: 05436847180000291921921 $43.44 $13,752.19 5/23/2016 COST PLUS WLD #199$43.44 John 86
5/23/2016 5/21/2016 WHOLEFDS SAN JOSE 10099
Ref: 05436847180000291922002 $30.82 $13,708.75 5/23/2016 WHOLEFDS SAN JOSE$30.82
10099 John 87
5/23/2016 5/21/2016 CCSF MTA IPS PRKNG MET
Ref: 55310207178978000121700 $1.75 $13,677.93 5/23/2016 CCSF MTA IPS PRKNG $1.75
MET John 88
5/23/2016 5/21/2016 CCSF MTA IPS PRKNG MET
Ref: 55547537168122065011053 $3.25 $13,676.18 5/23/2016 CCSF MTA IPS PRKNG $3.25
MET John 89
5/23/2016 5/21/2016 CCSF MTA IPS PRKNG MET
Ref: 55429507168740252896709 $13.25 $13,672.93 5/23/2016 CCSF MTA IPS PRKNG$13.25
MET John 90
5/23/2016 5/21/2016 SUBWAY
Ref: 05314617169100197072065 00394999 $5.71 $13,659.68 5/23/2016 SUBWAY 00394999$5.71 John 91
5/23/2016 5/21/2016 STANDARD PROCESS OF NO
Ref: 25247807168002129183770 $334.75 $13,653.97 5/23/2016 STANDARD PROCESS
OF NOJohn 92
5/23/2016 5/21/2016 MONTEREY REC-SPORTS CT
Ref: 55432867168100459144689 $21.75 $13,319.22 5/23/2016 MONTEREY REC-SPORTS
CTJohn 93
5/30/2016 5/28/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS
Ref: 55429507188740325550370 $13.58 $13,834.78 5/30/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS
$13.58 John 94
5/30/2016 5/28/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS
Ref: 55429507187637554963301 $41.04 $13,821.20 5/30/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS
$41.04 John 95
5/30/2016 5/28/2016 SQ *PERFECTLY PRESS
Ref: 55429507181741413998601 $24.98 $13,780.16 5/30/2016 SQ *PERFECTLY PRESS
$24.98 John 96
6/1/2016 5/30/2016 EB MORPHOGENIC FIELD
Ref: 05227027203300180054775 $168.74 $14,003.52 6/1/2016 EB MORPHOGENIC FIELD
$168.74 John 97
6/7/2016 6/5/2016 HITO CORP.
Ref: 55432867203100791097345 $50.00 $14,053.52 6/7/2016 HITO CORP. $50.00 John 98
6/9/2016 6/7/2016 STANDARD PROCESS OF NO
Ref: 85180897205980162243792 $2,366.25 $16,419.77 6/9/2016 STANDARD PROCESS
OF NOJohn 99
6/10/2016 6/8/2016 NAT*NATIONAL GEOGRAPHI
Ref: 55432867206100419712033 $15.95 $16,435.72 6/10/2016 NAT*NATIONAL GEOGRAPHI
$15.95 John 100
6/13/2016 6/11/2016 SQ *MORPHOGENIC FIELD
Ref: 85101657207980007189392 $55.00 $17,013.25 6/13/2016 SQ *MORPHOGENIC FIELD
$55.00 John 101
6/13/2016 6/11/2016 Ref: 85101657207980007189392
SQ *MORPHOGENIC FIELD $185.00 $16,958.25 6/13/2016 SQ *MORPHOGENIC $185.00
FIELD John 102
6/13/2016 6/11/2016 Ref: 85180897206980162243791
VZWRLSS*APOCC VISW $255.03 $16,773.25 6/13/2016 VZWRLSS*APOCC VISW
$255.03 John 103
6/13/2016 6/11/2016 Ref: 55421357206253206909182
STANDARD PROCESS OF NO $82.50 $16,518.22 6/13/2016 STANDARD PROCESS$82.50
OF NOJohn 104
6/17/2016 6/15/2016 Ref: 55499677210668210004765
ALL STATE $42.66 $17,146.53 6/17/2016 ALL STATE $42.66 John 105
6/17/2016 6/15/2016 Ref: 05227027209300186670529
Slim's Restaurant $20.22 $17,103.87 6/17/2016 Slim's Restaurant $20.22 John 106
6/17/2016 6/15/2016 Ref: 85180897208980162243799
ATT*BILL PAYMENT $70.40 $17,083.65 6/17/2016 ATT*BILL PAYMENT $70.40 John 107
6/20/2016 6/18/2016 Ref: 55432867212100194164154
$4.95 John 108
6/20/2016 6/18/2016 Ref: 85179247211700487511308
$14.85 John 109
6/20/2016 6/18/2016 Ref: 25247807210003828015600
VISTAPR* $17.75 $17,345.06 6/20/2016 VISTAPR*
$17.75 John 110
6/20/2016 6/18/2016 Ref: 55499677211668211003799
VISTAPR* $31.17 $17,327.31 6/20/2016 VISTAPR*
$31.17 John 111
6/20/2016 6/18/2016 Ref: 55483827210091008206006
ROUND TABLE PIZZA $19.11 $17,296.14 6/20/2016 ROUND TABLE PIZZA $19.11 John 112
6/20/2016 6/18/2016 Ref: 85454917209900010483805
HOMEOPATHIC PLUS $130.50 $17,277.03 6/20/2016 HOMEOPATHIC PLUS$130.50 John 113
6/23/2016 6/21/2016 Ref: 55432867213100610585650
APL* ITUNES.COM/BILL $2.99 $17,389.95 6/23/2016 APL* ITUNES.COM/BILL$2.99 John 114
6/23/2016 6/21/2016 Ref: 55500807213400009059629
APL* ITUNES.COM/BILL $4.99 $17,386.96 6/23/2016 APL* ITUNES.COM/BILL$4.99 John 115
6/23/2016 6/21/2016 Ref: 55499677212668212003201
ROUND TABLE PIZZA $17.11 $17,381.97 6/23/2016 ROUND TABLE PIZZA $17.11 John 116
6/28/2016 6/26/2016 Ref: 55541867212004035457942
USPS 0551060303460XXX $51.62 $17,441.57 6/28/2016 USPS 0551060303460XXX
$51.62 John 117
6/29/2016 6/27/2016 Ref: 05587457214000000276174
HOMEOPATHIC PLUS $157.83 $18,037.60 6/29/2016 HOMEOPATHIC PLUS$157.83 John 118
6/29/2016 6/27/2016 Ref: 25536067214104026116336
HOMEOPATHIC PLUS $438.20 $17,879.77 6/29/2016 HOMEOPATHIC PLUS$438.20 John 119
6/30/2016 6/28/2016 Ref: 05140487216120002682792
HOMEOPATHIC PLUS $68.00 $18,105.60 6/30/2016 HOMEOPATHIC PLUS$68.00 John 120

1) Paste from download file or HTML Table 2) Use Data > Split Text To Columns if needed 3) Sort Range if needed 4) Aggregate and Enhance Data 5) Copy and Paste Special / Values Only into ledger
Txns Raw - Corporate Credit Card - John Doe

Description Summary Amt.

Total credits -42.5
Total debits 24987.93
Data going to ledger...
Posting Date Trans. Date Reference ID Description Amount Balance Date Description Amount SubAccount txnID (optional)
7/1/2016 6/29/2016 S & H TAXES
Ref: 55429507004741418997751 $7.86 $24,945.43 7/1/2016 S & H TAXES $7.86 John 121
7/1/2016 6/29/2016 HELIO USA (MOTO)
Ref: 55432867004000447098682 $164.56 $24,937.57 7/1/2016 HELIO USA (MOTO) $164.56 John 122
7/1/2016 6/29/2016 STANDARD PROCESS OF NO $3,081.09
Ref: 55432867004000447164278 $24,773.01 7/1/2016 STANDARD PROCESS
OF NOJohn 123
7/4/2016 7/2/2016 ORCHARD SUPPLY #440
Ref: 55432867004000447164278 $7.92 $21,691.92 7/4/2016 ORCHARD SUPPLY #440
$7.92 John 124
7/4/2016 7/2/2016 PETSMART INC 75
Ref: 55432867004000447098682 $24.19 $21,684.00 7/4/2016 PETSMART INC 75 $24.19 John 125
7/4/2016 7/2/2016 S & H TAXES
Ref: 55432866361000406451335 $7.30 $21,659.81 7/4/2016 S & H TAXES $7.30 John 126
7/4/2016 7/2/2016 HOMEOPATHIC PLUS
Ref: 55432866361000406050939 $112.80 $21,652.51 7/4/2016 HOMEOPATHIC PLUS$112.80 John 127
7/7/2016 7/5/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS
Ref: 55429507018741502869894 $4.91 $21,539.71 7/7/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS
$4.91 John 128
7/7/2016 7/5/2016 HITO CORP.
Ref: 55310207014636000004247 $50.00 $21,534.80 7/7/2016 HITO CORP. $50.00 John 129
7/7/2016 7/5/2016 LA TAQUERIA
Ref: 55421067014004000073478 $12.92 $21,484.80 7/7/2016 LA TAQUERIA $12.92 John 130
7/7/2016 7/5/2016 ALLERGIES LIFESTYLE &
Ref: 55432867012000957111255 $16.00 $21,471.88 7/7/2016 ALLERGIES LIFESTYLE
& John 131
7/8/2016 7/6/2016 ACE HDWE SAN JOSE
Ref: 55432867037000269052289 $8.60 $21,455.88 7/8/2016 ACE HDWE SAN JOSE $8.60 John 132
7/8/2016 7/6/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS
Ref: 55432867036000205388764 $7.99 $21,447.28 7/8/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS
$7.99 John 133
7/8/2016 7/6/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS
Ref: 05140487035120006704310 $15.68 $21,439.29 7/8/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS
$15.68 John 134
7/8/2016 7/6/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS
Ref: 55432867024000825063437 $16.56 $21,423.61 7/8/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS
$16.56 John 135
7/11/2016 7/9/2016 TARGET
Ref: 55263527056400031521092 00010999 $27.13 $21,407.05 7/11/2016 TARGET 00010999$27.13 John 136
7/11/2016 7/9/2016 HOMEOPATHIC PLUS
Ref: 05227027055000351879138 $27.00 $21,379.92 7/11/2016 HOMEOPATHIC PLUS$27.00 John 137
7/11/2016 7/9/2016 HOMEOPATHIC PLUS
Ref: 55429507038769081066398 $131.90 $21,352.92 7/11/2016 HOMEOPATHIC PLUS$131.90 John 138
7/12/2016 7/10/2016 ATT*BILL PAYMENT
Ref: 55263527062400011337925 $70.00 $21,221.02 7/12/2016 ATT*BILL PAYMENT $70.00 John 139
7/13/2016 7/11/2016 VZWRLSS*APOCC VISW
Ref: 55263527062400022957000 $227.60 $21,151.02 7/13/2016 VZWRLSS*APOCC VISW
$227.60 John 140
7/18/2016 7/16/2016 ALL STATE
Ref: 55432867064000911559786 $42.66 $20,923.42 7/18/2016 ALL STATE $42.66 John 141
7/18/2016 7/16/2016 APL* ITUNES.COM/BILL
Ref: 05436847065000250863981 $4.99 $20,880.76 7/18/2016 APL* ITUNES.COM/BILL$4.99 John 142
7/18/2016 7/16/2016 ORCHARD SUPPLY #440
Ref: 05140487062120002651685 $7.79 $20,875.77 7/18/2016 ORCHARD SUPPLY #440
$7.79 John 143
7/20/2016 7/18/2016 HELIO USA (MOTO)
Ref: 55432867065000392032260 $176.66 $20,867.98 7/20/2016 HELIO USA (MOTO) $176.66 John 144
7/20/2016 7/18/2016 HOMEOPATHIC PLUS
Ref: 55432867065000119549786 $179.40 $20,691.32 7/20/2016 HOMEOPATHIC PLUS$179.40 John 145
7/21/2016 7/19/2016 OFFICE ALLY, LLC
Ref: 05436847076000282844048 $3.05 $20,511.92 7/21/2016 OFFICE ALLY, LLC $3.05 John 146
7/21/2016 7/19/2016 EVERGREEN HERBS INTERN
Ref: 55432867066000638457304 $122.72 $20,508.87 7/21/2016 EVERGREEN HERBS$122.72
INTERNJohn 147
7/22/2016 7/20/2016 WABBO CO ACUPUNCTURE S
Ref: 55310207090200754200027 $44.95 $20,386.15 7/22/2016 WABBO CO ACUPUNCTURE
$44.95 SJohn 148
7/22/2016 7/20/2016 ROUND TABLE PIZZA
Ref: 75500597084431100249810 $17.11 $20,341.20 7/22/2016 ROUND TABLE PIZZA $17.11 John 149
7/22/2016 7/20/2016 HOMEOPATHIC PLUS
Ref: 05140487084120006977288 $310.05 $20,324.09 7/22/2016 HOMEOPATHIC PLUS$310.05 John 150
7/25/2016 7/23/2016 APL* ITUNES.COM/BILL
Ref: 55432867099000926918802 $2.99 $20,014.04 7/25/2016 APL* ITUNES.COM/BILL$2.99 John 151
7/25/2016 7/23/2016 INTUIT *QB ONLINE
Ref: 55432867098000468333320 $26.95 $20,011.05 7/25/2016 INTUIT *QB ONLINE $26.95 John 152
7/26/2016 7/24/2016 PETSMART INC 75
Ref: 55263527112400011384778 $46.20 $19,984.10 7/26/2016 PETSMART INC 75 $46.20 John 153
7/26/2016 7/24/2016 PROFLOWERS.COM
Ref: 55432867100000644772520 $71.55 $19,937.90 7/26/2016 PROFLOWERS.COM $71.55 John 154
7/28/2016 7/26/2016 STANDARD PROCESS OF NO
Ref: 85258257116980018716399 $961.00 $19,866.35 7/28/2016 STANDARD PROCESS
OF NOJohn 155
7/29/2016 7/27/2016 EB MORPHOGENIC FIELD
Ref: 05314617120100174285167 $147.64 $18,905.35 7/29/2016 EB MORPHOGENIC FIELD
$147.64 John 156
7/29/2016 7/27/2016 LA TAQUERIA
Ref: 05140487119120002984790 $6.46 $18,757.71 7/29/2016 LA TAQUERIA $6.46 John 157
7/29/2016 7/27/2016 Slim's Restaurant
Ref: 05314617119500240307981 $17.22 $18,751.25 7/29/2016 Slim's Restaurant $17.22 John 158
8/1/2016 7/30/2016 HOMEOPATHIC PLUS
Ref: 55436877121121215419380 $163.80 $18,734.03 8/1/2016 HOMEOPATHIC PLUS$163.80 John 159
8/1/2016 7/30/2016 HOMEOPATHIC PLUS
Ref: 55429507121769076422687 $319.50 $18,570.23 8/1/2016 HOMEOPATHIC PLUS$319.50 John 160
Txns Raw - Corporate Credit Card - John Doe
8/5/2016 8/3/2016 S & H TAXES
Ref: 05140487126120007298767 $6.45 $18,250.73 8/5/2016 S & H TAXES $6.45 John 161
8/8/2016 8/6/2016 CVS/PHARMACY #999320
Ref: 55432867129000919515593 $12.23 $18,244.28 8/8/2016 CVS/PHARMACY #999320
$12.23 John 162
8/8/2016 8/6/2016 HITO CORP.
Ref: 55432867128000113536164 $50.00 $18,232.05 8/8/2016 HITO CORP. $50.00 John 163
8/8/2016 8/6/2016 OFFICE ALLY, LLC
Ref: 05410197127221015732735 $5.40 $18,182.05 8/8/2016 OFFICE ALLY, LLC $5.40 John 164
8/8/2016 8/6/2016 SQ *S JOSE FIRE REL
Ref: 05410197126221016022186 $100.00 $18,176.65 8/8/2016 SQ *S JOSE FIRE REL
$100.00 John 165
8/12/2016 8/10/2016 JIMS ON THE COURSE
Ref: 05436847134000295901488 $14.27 $18,076.65 8/12/2016 JIMS ON THE COURSE$14.27 John 166
8/12/2016 8/10/2016 ATT*BILL PAYMENT
Ref: 05436847134000295901553 $70.00 $18,062.38 8/12/2016 ATT*BILL PAYMENT $70.00 John 167
8/12/2016 8/10/2016 HOMEOPATHIC PLUS
Ref: 55310207131083047435357 $290.10 $17,992.38 8/12/2016 HOMEOPATHIC PLUS$290.10 John 168
8/15/2016 8/13/2016 APL* ITUNES.COM/BILL
Ref: 05410197134255204810424 $4.99 $17,702.28 8/15/2016 APL* ITUNES.COM/BILL$4.99 John 169
8/15/2016 8/13/2016 VZWRLSS*APOCC VISW
Ref: 55421357134253134786311 $226.52 $17,697.29 8/15/2016 VZWRLSS*APOCC VISW
$226.52 John 170
8/16/2016 8/14/2016 REST AND REPAIR
Ref: 05436847135000255825601 $199.90 $17,470.77 8/16/2016 REST AND REPAIR $199.90 John 171
8/17/2016 8/15/2016 ALL STATE
Ref: 55309597135838000078046 $42.66 $17,270.87 8/17/2016 ALL STATE $42.66 John 172
8/17/2016 8/15/2016 STANDARD PROCESS OF NO
Ref: 05436847135000255825783 $55.00 $17,228.21 8/17/2016 STANDARD PROCESS$55.00
OF NOJohn 173
8/19/2016 8/17/2016 HOMEOPATHIC PLUS
Ref: 25536067153105004222585 $30.00 $17,173.21 8/19/2016 HOMEOPATHIC PLUS$30.00 John 174
8/19/2016 8/17/2016 HOMEOPATHIC PLUS
Ref: 55432867137000867007346 $437.30 $17,143.21 8/19/2016 HOMEOPATHIC PLUS$437.30 John 175
8/22/2016 8/20/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS
Ref: 55432867161000082130229 $8.56 $16,705.91 8/22/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS
$8.56 John 176
8/22/2016 8/20/2016 AMAZON.COM AMZN.COM/BI
Ref: 55432867160000189081284 $49.25 $16,697.35 8/22/2016 AMAZON.COM AMZN.COM/BI
$49.25 John 177
8/22/2016 8/20/2016 RITE AID STORE - 06769
Ref: 55308767159547673001000 $3.03 $16,648.10 8/22/2016 RITE AID STORE - 06769
$3.03 John 178
8/22/2016 8/20/2016 USPS 0551060303460XXX
Ref: 85500597159900014804778 $6.80 $16,645.07 8/22/2016 USPS 0551060303460XXX
$6.80 John 179
8/22/2016 8/20/2016 WALGREENS #2999
Ref: 55500807158091112001520 $36.32 $16,638.27 8/22/2016 WALGREENS #2999 $36.32 John 180
8/22/2016 8/20/2016 HELIO USA (MOTO)
Ref: 25483677158000815652647 $176.66 $16,601.95 8/22/2016 HELIO USA (MOTO) $176.66 John 181
8/22/2016 8/20/2016 SP * EVERYDAY VITALITY
Ref: 05140487158120003205684 $97.95 $16,425.29 8/22/2016 SP * EVERYDAY VITALITY
$97.95 John 182
8/23/2016 8/21/2016 APL* ITUNES.COM/BILL
Ref: 55310207168200888300302 $2.99 $16,327.34 8/23/2016 APL* ITUNES.COM/BILL$2.99 John 183
8/23/2016 8/21/2016 INTUIT *QB ONLINE
Ref: 25536067167105014114081 $26.95 $16,324.35 8/23/2016 INTUIT *QB ONLINE $26.95 John 184
8/25/2016 8/23/2016 AMERICAN ACUPUNCTURE C
Ref: 55432867167100700494181 $243.00 $16,297.40 8/25/2016 AMERICAN ACUPUNCTURE
$243.00 CJohn 185
9/1/2016 8/30/2016 SQ *STUDIO917 (DBA FOR
Ref: 55432867168100459144689 $1.00 $16,054.40 9/1/2016 SQ *STUDIO917 (DBA FOR
$1.00 John 186
9/1/2016 8/30/2016 HOMEOPATHIC PLUS
Ref: 55436877167271679072921 $214.60 $16,053.40 9/1/2016 HOMEOPATHIC PLUS$214.60 John 187
9/1/2016 8/30/2016 STANDARD PROCESS OF NO
Ref: 55432867167100700494009 $932.25 $15,838.80 9/1/2016 STANDARD PROCESS
OF NOJohn 188
9/2/2016 8/31/2016 BEST BUY
Ref: 55547537168122065011053 00010199 $473.22 $14,906.55 9/2/2016 BEST BUY 00010199
$473.22 John 189
9/2/2016 8/31/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS
Ref: 55429507168740252896709 $5.90 $14,433.33 9/2/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS
$5.90 John 190
9/2/2016 8/31/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS
Ref: 05314617169100197072065 $82.49 $14,427.43 9/2/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS
$82.49 John 191
9/2/2016 8/31/2016 HELIO USA (MOTO)
Ref: 25247807168002129183770 $202.23 $14,344.94 9/2/2016 HELIO USA (MOTO) $202.23 John 192
9/5/2016 9/3/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS
Ref: 05140487182120007731453 $10.75 $14,142.71 9/5/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS
$10.75 John 193
9/5/2016 9/3/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS
Ref: 05436847180000291921921 $41.36 $14,131.96 9/5/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS
$41.36 John 194
9/5/2016 9/3/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS
Ref: 05436847180000291922002 $350.83 $14,090.60 9/5/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE$350.83
PMTS John 195
9/5/2016 9/3/2016 HOMEOPATHIC PLUS
Ref: 55310207178978000121700 $112.00 $13,739.77 9/5/2016 HOMEOPATHIC PLUS$112.00 John 196
9/6/2016 9/4/2016 IKEA EAST PALO ALTO
Ref: 55429507187637554963301 $111.13 $13,627.77 9/6/2016 IKEA EAST PALO ALTO
$111.13 John 197
9/6/2016 9/4/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS
Ref: 55429507181741413998601 $90.09 $13,516.64 9/6/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS
$90.09 John 198
9/7/2016 9/5/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS
Ref: 55432867203100791097345 $25.80 $13,426.55 9/7/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS
$25.80 John 199
9/7/2016 9/5/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS
Ref: 05227027203300180054775 $79.63 $13,400.75 9/7/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS
$79.63 John 200
9/7/2016 9/5/2016 HITO CORP.
Ref: 55429507188740325550370 $50.00 $13,321.12 9/7/2016 HITO CORP. $50.00 John 201
9/8/2016 9/6/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS
Ref: 55421357206253206909182 -$19.71 $13,271.12 9/8/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE -$19.71
PMTS John 202
9/8/2016 9/6/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS
Ref: 55432867206100419712033 $26.14 $13,290.83 9/8/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS
$26.14 John 203
9/8/2016 9/6/2016 ULINE *SHIP SUPPLIES
Ref: 85180897205980162243792 $71.77 $13,264.69 9/8/2016 ULINE *SHIP SUPPLIES
$71.77 John 204
9/9/2016 9/7/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS
Ref: 85101657207980007189392 $36.49 $13,192.92 9/9/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS
$36.49 John 205
9/9/2016 9/7/2016 EVERGREEN HERBS INTERN
Ref: 85180897206980162243791 $40.21 $13,156.43 9/9/2016 EVERGREEN HERBS INTERN
$40.21 John 206
Txns Raw - Corporate Credit Card - John Doe
9/10/2016 Ref: 85180897208980162243799 -$5.42 $13,116.22 9/12/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS
-$5.42 John 207
9/12/2016 9/10/2016 Ref: 85101657207980007189392
$19.33 John 208
9/13/2016 9/11/2016 Ref: 55499677211668211003799
$5.08 John 209
9/13/2016 9/11/2016 Ref: 55483827210091008206006
$39.98 John 210
9/13/2016 9/11/2016 Ref: 85454917209900010483805
SCRIBD.COM $8.99 $13,057.25 9/13/2016 SCRIBD.COM $8.99 John 211
9/13/2016 9/11/2016 Ref: 55499677210668210004765
ATT*BILL PAYMENT $70.00 $13,048.26 9/13/2016 ATT*BILL PAYMENT $70.00 John 212
9/13/2016 9/11/2016 Ref: 05227027209300186670529
VZWRLSS*APOCC VISW $249.30 $12,978.26 9/13/2016 VZWRLSS*APOCC VISW
$249.30 John 213
9/16/2016 9/14/2016 Ref: 25247807210003828015600
S & H TAXES $30.00 $12,728.96 9/16/2016 S & H TAXES $30.00 John 214
9/19/2016 9/17/2016 Ref: 55500807213400009059629
S & H TAXES $3.30 $12,698.96 9/19/2016 S & H TAXES $3.30 John 215
9/19/2016 9/17/2016 Ref: 55499677212668212003201
S & H TAXES $5.33 $12,695.66 9/19/2016 S & H TAXES $5.33 John 216
9/19/2016 9/17/2016 Ref: 55432867212100194164154
ALL STATE $42.66 $12,690.33 9/19/2016 ALL STATE $42.66 John 217
9/19/2016 9/17/2016 Ref: 85179247211700487511308
HOMEOPATHIC PLUS $60.40 $12,647.67 9/19/2016 HOMEOPATHIC PLUS$60.40 John 218
9/23/2016 9/21/2016 Ref: 05140487216120002682792
S & H TAXES $4.87 $12,587.27 9/23/2016 S & H TAXES $4.87 John 219
9/23/2016 9/21/2016 Ref: 05587457214000000276174
APL* ITUNES.COM/BILL $2.99 $12,582.40 9/23/2016 APL* ITUNES.COM/BILL$2.99 John 220
9/23/2016 9/21/2016 Ref: 25536067214104026116336
APL* ITUNES.COM/BILL $4.99 $12,579.41 9/23/2016 APL* ITUNES.COM/BILL$4.99 John 221
9/23/2016 9/21/2016 Ref: 55541867212004035457942
INTUIT *QB ONLINE $26.95 $12,574.42 9/23/2016 INTUIT *QB ONLINE $26.95 John 222
9/23/2016 9/21/2016 Ref: 55432867213100610585650
HOMEOPATHIC PLUS $538.50 $12,547.47 9/23/2016 HOMEOPATHIC PLUS$538.50 John 223
9/26/2016 9/24/2016 ACE PARKING 6742
Ref: 85544027003980004701097 $10.00 $12,008.97 9/26/2016 ACE PARKING 6742 $10.00 John 224
9/26/2016 9/24/2016 THE WESTIN SAN FRANCIS
Ref: 85544027003980004701097 $20.44 $11,998.97 9/26/2016 THE WESTIN SAN FRANCIS
$20.44 John 225
9/26/2016 9/24/2016 CAFFE ITALIA
Ref: 55263527003400012325418 $15.21 $11,978.53 9/26/2016 CAFFE ITALIA $15.21 John 226
9/29/2016 9/27/2016 S JOSE ACE HDWE
Ref: 55432867004000443701271 $26.58 $11,963.32 9/29/2016 S JOSE ACE HDWE $26.58 John 227
9/29/2016 9/27/2016 HOMEOPATHIC PLUS
Ref: 55315547004206000001332 $211.10 $11,936.74 9/29/2016 HOMEOPATHIC PLUS$211.10 John 228
9/30/2016 9/28/2016 STANDARD PROCESS OF NO $2,959.25
Ref: 55432867004000447164278 $11,725.64 9/30/2016 STANDARD PROCESS
OF NOJohn 229
10/3/2016 10/1/2016 ACE HDWE SAN JOSE
Ref: 55432867004000447098682 $23.34 $8,766.39 10/3/2016 ACE HDWE SAN JOSE$23.34 John 230
10/6/2016 10/4/2016 HOMEOPATHIC PLUS
Ref: 55432866361000406050939 $54.93 $8,743.05 10/6/2016 HOMEOPATHIC PLUS$54.93 John 231
10/6/2016 10/4/2016 HOMEOPATHIC PLUS
Ref: 55429507004741418997751 $361.60 $8,688.12 10/6/2016 HOMEOPATHIC PLUS$361.60 John 232
10/7/2016 10/5/2016 HITO CORP.
Ref: 55432867004000447098682 $50.00 $8,326.52 10/7/2016 HITO CORP. $50.00 John 233
10/7/2016 10/5/2016 Analytical Research
Ref: 55432866361000406451335 $25.00 $8,276.52 10/7/2016 Analytical Research $25.00 John 234
10/10/2016 10/8/2016 HOMEOPATHIC PLUS
Ref: 55432867004000447164278 $64.20 $8,251.52 10/10/2016 HOMEOPATHIC PLUS$64.20 John 235
10/12/2016 10/10/2016 ATT*BILL PAYMENT
Ref: 55432867012000957111255 $70.00 $8,187.32 10/12/2016 ATT*BILL PAYMENT $70.00 John 236
10/13/2016 10/11/2016 SCRIBD.COM
Ref: 55310207014636000004247 $8.99 $8,117.32 10/13/2016 SCRIBD.COM $8.99 John 237
10/13/2016 10/11/2016 VZWRLSS*APOCC VISW
Ref: 55421067014004000073478 $224.52 $8,108.33 10/13/2016 VZWRLSS*APOCC VISW
$224.52 John 238
10/19/2016 10/17/2016 ALL STATE
Ref: 55429507018741502869894 $42.66 $7,883.81 10/19/2016 ALL STATE $42.66 John 239
10/24/2016 10/22/2016 APL* ITUNES.COM/BILL
Ref: 55432867036000205388764 $2.99 $7,841.15 10/24/2016 APL* ITUNES.COM/BILL$2.99 John 240
10/24/2016 10/22/2016 APL* ITUNES.COM/BILL
Ref: 05140487035120006704310 $4.99 $7,838.16 10/24/2016 APL* ITUNES.COM/BILL$4.99 John 241
10/24/2016 10/22/2016 INTUIT *QB ONLINE
Ref: 55432867024000825063437 $30.00 $7,833.17 10/24/2016 INTUIT *QB ONLINE $30.00 John 242
10/27/2016 10/25/2016 CVS/PHARMACY #999951
Ref: 55429507038769081066398 $9.69 $7,803.17 10/27/2016 CVS/PHARMACY #999951
$9.69 John 243
10/27/2016 10/25/2016 HELIO USA (MOTO)
Ref: 55432867037000269052289 $185.54 $7,793.48 10/27/2016 HELIO USA (MOTO) $185.54 John 244
10/28/2016 10/26/2016 COST PLUS WLD #199
Ref: 55263527062400022957000 $48.27 $7,607.94 10/28/2016 COST PLUS WLD #199$48.27 John 245
10/28/2016 10/26/2016 EVERGREEN HERBS INTERN
Ref: 55263527062400011337925 $136.85 $7,559.67 10/28/2016 EVERGREEN HERBS$136.85
INTERNJohn 246
10/28/2016 10/26/2016 HOMEOPATHIC PLUS
Ref: 55263527056400031521092 $421.20 $7,422.82 10/28/2016 HOMEOPATHIC PLUS$421.20 John 247
10/28/2016 10/26/2016 STANDARD PROCESS OF NO $1,902.75
Ref: 05227027055000351879138 $7,001.62 10/28/2016 STANDARD PROCESS
OF NOJohn 248
10/31/2016 10/29/2016 SQU*SQ *MORPHOGENIC FI
Ref: 05436847065000250863981 $335.00 $5,098.87 10/31/2016 SQU*SQ *MORPHOGENIC
FI John 249
10/31/2016 10/29/2016 STARBUCKS STORE 05999
Ref: 05140487062120002651685 $8.50 $4,763.87 10/31/2016 STARBUCKS STORE 05999
$8.50 John 250
11/1/2016 10/30/2016 LE PAIN QUOTIDIEN
Ref: 55432867065000119549786 $14.12 $4,755.37 11/1/2016 LE PAIN QUOTIDIEN $14.12 John 251
Txns Raw - Corporate Credit Card - John Doe
11/1/2016 10/30/2016 THE GARDEN GRILL
Ref: 55432867064000911559786 $45.17 $4,741.25 11/1/2016 THE GARDEN GRILL $45.17 John 252
11/2/2016 10/31/2016 DNH*GODADDY.COM
Ref: 55432867065000392032260 $30.34 $4,696.08 11/2/2016 DNH*GODADDY.COM $30.34 John 253
11/3/2016 11/1/2016 GOOGLE *SVCSAPPS_JANEDOE $0.16
Ref: 55432867066000638457304 $4,665.74 11/3/2016 GOOGLE *SVCSAPPS_JANEDOE
$0.16 John 254
11/4/2016 11/2/2016 PURIFICATION SUPPORT
Ref: 05436847076000282844048 $4.95 $4,665.58 11/4/2016 PURIFICATION SUPPORT
$4.95 John 255
11/7/2016 11/5/2016 CVS/PHARMACY #999802
Ref: 75500597084431100249810 $22.03 $4,660.63 11/7/2016 CVS/PHARMACY #999802
$22.03 John 256
11/7/2016 11/5/2016 HITO CORP.
Ref: 05140487084120006977288 $50.00 $4,638.60 11/7/2016 HITO CORP. $50.00 John 257
11/8/2016 11/6/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS
Ref: 55432867099000926918802 $7.95 $4,588.60 11/8/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS
$7.95 John 258
11/8/2016 11/6/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS
Ref: 55432867098000468333320 $16.35 $4,580.65 11/8/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS
$16.35 John 259
11/8/2016 11/6/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS
Ref: 55310207090200754200027 $271.99 $4,564.30 11/8/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE$271.99
PMTS John 260
11/10/2016 11/8/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS
Ref: 55432867100000644772520 $9.97 $4,292.31 11/10/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS
$9.97 John 261
11/11/2016 11/9/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS
Ref: 05314617119500240307981 $67.00 $4,282.34 11/11/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS
$67.00 John 262
11/11/2016 11/9/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS
Ref: 85258257116980018716399 $90.09 $4,215.34 11/11/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS
$90.09 John 263
11/11/2016 11/9/2016 ROUND TABLE PIZZA
Ref: 55263527112400011384778 $28.67 $4,125.25 11/11/2016 ROUND TABLE PIZZA $28.67 John 264
11/14/2016 11/12/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS
Ref: 55436877121121215419380 $23.97 $4,096.58 11/14/2016 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS
$23.97 John 265
11/14/2016 11/12/2016 SCRIBD.COM
Ref: 55429507121769076422687 $8.99 $4,072.61 11/14/2016 SCRIBD.COM $8.99 John 266
11/14/2016 11/12/2016 I LOVE LA
Ref: 05314617120100174285167 $3.54 $4,063.62 11/14/2016 I LOVE LA $3.54 John 267
11/14/2016 11/12/2016 VZWRLSS*APOCC VISW
Ref: 05140487119120002984790 $237.14 $4,060.08 11/14/2016 VZWRLSS*APOCC VISW
$237.14 John 268
11/15/2016 11/13/2016 THE HOME DEPOT #18999
Ref: 05410197127221015732735 $90.34 $3,822.94 11/15/2016 THE HOME DEPOT #18999
$90.34 John 269
11/15/2016 11/13/2016 IN-N-OUT BURGER #198
Ref: 05410197126221016022186 $2.56 $3,732.60 11/15/2016 IN-N-OUT BURGER #198
$2.56 John 270
11/15/2016 11/13/2016 ATT*BILL PAYMENT
Ref: 05140487126120007298767 $70.00 $3,730.04 11/15/2016 ATT*BILL PAYMENT $70.00 John 271
11/17/2016 11/15/2016 ACE HDWE SAN JOSE
Ref: 55432867129000919515593 $21.53 $3,660.04 11/17/2016 ACE HDWE SAN JOSE$21.53 John 272
11/17/2016 11/15/2016 ALL STATE
Ref: 55432867128000113536164 $42.66 $3,638.51 11/17/2016 ALL STATE $42.66 John 273
11/21/2016 11/19/2016 HARBOR FREIGHT TOOLS 9
Ref: 55310207131083047435357 $136.74 $3,595.85 11/21/2016 HARBOR FREIGHT TOOLS
9 John 274
11/23/2016 11/21/2016 INTUIT *QB ONLINE
Ref: 05436847134000295901553 $30.00 $3,459.11 11/23/2016 INTUIT *QB ONLINE $30.00 John 275
11/25/2016 11/23/2016 APL* ITUNES.COM/BILL
Ref: 05410197134255204810424 $2.99 $3,429.11 11/25/2016 APL* ITUNES.COM/BILL$2.99 John 276
11/25/2016 11/23/2016 APL* ITUNES.COM/BILL
Ref: 55421357134253134786311 $4.99 $3,426.12 11/25/2016 APL* ITUNES.COM/BILL$4.99 John 277
11/25/2016 11/23/2016 S JOSE ACE HDWE
Ref: 05436847134000295901488 $11.39 $3,421.13 11/25/2016 S JOSE ACE HDWE $11.39 John 278
11/28/2016 11/26/2016 AMAZON.COM AMZN.COM/BI
Ref: 55309597135838000078046 $15.99 $3,409.74 11/28/2016 AMAZON.COM AMZN.COM/BI
$15.99 John 279
11/28/2016 11/26/2016 AMAZON.COM AMZN.COM/BI
Ref: 05436847135000255825783 $27.96 $3,393.75 11/28/2016 AMAZON.COM AMZN.COM/BI
$27.96 John 280
11/28/2016 11/26/2016 HOMEOPATHIC PLUS
Ref: 05436847135000255825601 $366.40 $3,365.79 11/28/2016 HOMEOPATHIC PLUS$366.40 John 281
11/30/2016 11/28/2016 SQU*SQ *PERFECTLY PRES
Ref: 55432867137000867007346 $15.00 $2,999.39 11/30/2016 SQU*SQ *PERFECTLY$15.00
PRES John 282
12/1/2016 11/29/2016 S & H TAXES
Ref: 05140487158120003205684 $7.35 $2,984.39 12/1/2016 S & H TAXES $7.35 John 283
12/1/2016 11/29/2016 STANDARD PROCESS OF NO $1,267.50
Ref: 25536067153105004222585 $2,977.04 12/1/2016 STANDARD PROCESS
OF NOJohn 284
12/2/2016 11/30/2016 GOOGLE *SVCSAPPS_JANEDOE $5.00
Ref: 55500807158091112001520 $1,709.54 12/2/2016 GOOGLE *SVCSAPPS_JANEDOE
$5.00 John 285
12/2/2016 11/30/2016 HELIO USA (MOTO)
Ref: 25483677158000815652647 $235.59 $1,704.54 12/2/2016 HELIO USA (MOTO) $235.59 John 286
12/5/2016 12/3/2016 CVS/PHARMACY #999951
Ref: 55308767159547673001000 $7.26 $1,468.95 12/5/2016 CVS/PHARMACY #999951
$7.26 John 287
12/5/2016 12/3/2016 Slim's Restaurant
Ref: 85500597159900014804778 $25.00 $1,461.69 12/5/2016 Slim's Restaurant $25.00 John 288
12/6/2016 12/4/2016 WHOLEFDS SAN JOSE 10099
Ref: 55432867160000189081284 $12.58 $1,436.69 12/6/2016 WHOLEFDS SAN JOSE$12.58
10099 John 289
12/7/2016 12/5/2016 HITO CORP.
Ref: 55432867161000082130229 $50.00 $1,424.11 12/7/2016 HITO CORP. $50.00 John 290
12/9/2016 12/7/2016 UPS*1ZHE5T87P20002XXXX
Ref: 25536067167105014114081 $14.70 $1,374.11 12/9/2016 UPS*1ZHE5T87P20002XXXX
$14.70 John 291
12/12/2016 12/10/2016 AMERICAN ACUPUNCTURE C
Ref: 55432867168100459144689 $59.99 $1,359.41 12/12/2016 AMERICAN ACUPUNCTURE
$59.99 CJohn 292
12/12/2016 12/10/2016 ORCHARD SUPPLY #440
Ref: 55436877167271679072921 -$17.37 $1,299.42 12/12/2016 ORCHARD SUPPLY #440
-$17.37 John 293
12/12/2016 12/10/2016 ORCHARD SUPPLY #440
Ref: 55432867167100700494009 $17.37 $1,316.79 12/12/2016 ORCHARD SUPPLY #440
$17.37 John 294
12/12/2016 12/10/2016 ORCHARD SUPPLY #440
Ref: 55432867167100700494181 $30.40 $1,299.42 12/12/2016 ORCHARD SUPPLY #440
$30.40 John 295
12/12/2016 12/10/2016 ATT*BILL PAYMENT
Ref: 55310207168200888300302 $70.00 $1,269.02 12/12/2016 ATT*BILL PAYMENT $70.00 John 296
12/13/2016 12/11/2016 SCRIBD.COM
Ref: 05314617169100197072065 $8.99 $1,199.02 12/13/2016 SCRIBD.COM $8.99 John 297
Txns Raw - Corporate Credit Card - John Doe
12/13/2016 12/11/2016 VZWRLSS*APOCC VISW
Ref: 25247807168002129183770 $329.53 $1,190.03 12/13/2016 VZWRLSS*APOCC VISW
$329.53 John 298
12/19/2016 12/17/2016 ALL STATE
Ref: 55547537168122065011053 $42.66 $860.50 12/19/2016 ALL STATE $42.66 John 299
12/19/2016 12/17/2016 APL* ITUNES.COM/BILL
Ref: 55429507168740252896709 $9.98 $817.84 12/19/2016 APL* ITUNES.COM/BILL$9.98 John 300
12/21/2016 12/19/2016 HOMEOPATHIC PLUS
Ref: 55310207178978000121700 $542.60 $807.86 12/21/2016 HOMEOPATHIC PLUS$542.60 John 301
12/22/2016 12/20/2016 USPS PO 0547520999
Ref: 05436847180000291922002 $94.00 $265.26 12/22/2016 USPS PO 0547520999 $94.00 John 302
12/23/2016 12/21/2016 APL* ITUNES.COM/BILL
Ref: 55429507181741413998601 $2.99 $171.26 12/23/2016 APL* ITUNES.COM/BILL$2.99 John 303
12/23/2016 12/21/2016 INTUIT *QB ONLINE
Ref: 05140487182120007731453 $30.00 $168.27 12/23/2016 INTUIT *QB ONLINE $30.00 John 304
12/23/2016 12/21/2016 ROUND TABLE PIZZA
Ref: 05436847180000291921921 $20.76 $138.27 12/23/2016 ROUND TABLE PIZZA $20.76 John 305
12/26/2016 12/24/2016 CVS/PHARMACY #999880
Ref: 55429507187637554963301 $27.29 $117.51 12/26/2016 CVS/PHARMACY #999880
$27.29 John 306
12/29/2016 12/27/2016 ATT*BILL PAYMENT
Ref: 55429507188740325550370 $70.00 $90.22 12/29/2016 ATT*BILL PAYMENT $70.00 John 307
12/30/2016 12/28/2016 Slim's Restaurant
Ref: 05227027203300180054775 $20.22 $20.22 12/30/2016 Slim's Restaurant $20.22 John 308

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