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Aluno: ____________________________________________

Pros & Cons of Chemical Engineering

by Clayton Browne

Chemical engineers bring chemistry to life. They use the principles of chemistry, physics,
biology and engineering to develop or improve processes for the production of fuels, foods,
drugs and household goods of every variety. Chemical engineers work with industrial
engineers and mechanical engineers in designing refineries, factories and other industrial
facilities. While chemical engineers enjoy relatively high pay and intellectually stimulating
work, some chemical engineering jobs involve occasional exposure to hazardous working
conditions, and the decline in manufacturing in the U.S. means job prospects are weak.

Excellent Pay and Benefits

Chemical engineers are highly paid professionals. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor
Statistics, chemical engineers earned a median salary of $94,450 in 2012. Chemical
engineers employed in Texas earned the most, with an average salary of $120,700; those
based in South Carolina came in toward the bottom of the pay scale with a salary of $88,910.
Most employers also provide chemical engineers with a generous benefits package,
including paid time off, matching retirement plan contributions and health insurance.

Intellectually Stimulating Work

Boredom is rarely an issue for chemical engineers. The work of a chemical engineer is almost
always challenging and intellectually stimulating. Typical projects for a chemical engineer
might involve developing a more efficient process for cracking hydrocarbons at a refinery or
working with the Environmental Protection Agency in cleaning up a highly polluted Superfund
site. In either case, solving the problem is going to take creative thinking, research and a lot
of hard work.

Potentially Hazardous Working Conditions

As with any job, working as a chemical engineer does have a few drawbacks. Chemical
engineers are sometimes exposed to dangerous workplace conditions. Despite significant
safety precautions, accidents are not uncommon at mining facilities, manufacturing plants
and chemical processing operations. Chemical engineers can suffer chronic exposure or be
exposed to hot process media or toxic chemicals in the event of an accident.
Responda de acordo com o texto:

1) Princpios de quais reas so utilizados por engenheiros qumicos?

a) Histria, Qumica, Economia e Fsica.

b) Geografia, Biologia, Engenharia e Qumica.
c) Qumica, Biologia, Fsica e Engenharia.
d) Artes, Fsica, Biologia e Qumica.

2) Quais foram os processos de produo citados?


3) O que significa o declnio fabril no EUA?

4) Quais as desvantagens de trabalhar como engenheiro(a) qumico(a) ?

5) Empregadores fornecem quais benefcios?

6) Como considerado o trabalho de um engenheiro qumico?

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