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Learning Agreement

Sample Knowledge Area Module

Elements of Education and Freedom in American Universities

Lay B. Boal

Student ID#A00152981
Program: PhD in Education
Specialization: Special Education

KAM Assessor: Dr. Douglas Eicher

Faculty Mentor: Dr. Douglas Eicher

Walden University
August 22, 2010


Social change has an impact on education and these changes have a very

significant impact on students with special needs. To understand the rapid and complex

nature of societal change, KAM 1 will examine the theories of Adler, Dewey, Greene, and

Illich in the relationship between education and promotion of a free society; Review the

research on how special education has a limiting effect on liberal arts education and

effect on limiting the promotion of freedom for those students; and analyze the benefits

of a Liberal Arts Education program to special education students, to employers, and to

the community college.

SBSF 0001 Theories of Education and Freedom


Breadth Objectives

Analyze the educational philosophies of Adler, Dewey, Greene, and Illich in terms
of their underlying principles about the relationship between education and the
promotion of a free society.
Compare and contrast the philosophies of Adler, Dewey, Greene, and Illich from
their perspectives on the organization of educational systems.
Discuss the strengths and limitations of building education systems for the
purpose of promoting freedom for individuals and society.

Breadth References

Adler, M.J. (1982). The paideia proposal: an educational manifesto. NY: Macmillan.

Dewey, J. (1907). The school and society. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Greene, M. (1988). The dialectic of freedom. NY: Teachers College Press.

Illich, I. (1970). Deschooling society. NY: Harper and Row.

Breadth Demonstration

The Demonstration will consist of a 30-page scholarly paper that critically
assesses the educational philosophies of Mortimer Adler, John Dewey, Maxine Greene,
and Ivan Illich. The paper will include a discussion on how those philosophies contribute
to the organization of educational systems. Major themes from each writer as to the role
that education plays in promoting freedom for individuals and society will be part of the

SBSF 0002 Current Research in Education and Freedom in American Universities


Depth Objectives

Evaluate three main forums of instructions that apply to special education

students, namely mainstream, inclusion and full inclusion with the ideas of
Greene in promotion of a free society.
Review the research on how special education has a limiting effect on liberal arts
education and effect on limiting the promotion of freedom for those students.
Analyze and synthesize the connections between literature reviewed in the above
objectives and the education theories of Adler, Dewey, Greene, and Illich.

Depth Reference List

Artiles, A. J. (2003). Special educations changing identity: Paradoxes and dilemmas in

views of culture and space. Harvard Educational Review, 73(2), 164-186

Gaona, J. (2004). The effects of the no child left behind act on career and technical
education: implication for students with special needs. Journal of Industrial
Teacher Education. 41(2)

Hang, Q., Rabren, K. (2009). An examination of co-teaching, perspectives and efficacy

indicators. Remedial and Special Education, 30(5), 259-268

McDuffie, K.A., Scruggs, T.E. (2008). The contributions of qualitative research to

discussions of evidence-based practice in special education. Intervention in
School and Clinic, 44(2), 91-97

Townsend, J.S., Ryan, P.A. (2010). Opening minds: aesthetic engagement in the
language arts. Journal of Educational Controversy, 5(1)

Depth Demonstration

The Depth Demonstration will include the preparation of an Annotated

Bibliography that is reflective of current thinking on the modern American universitys
role in promoting individual and societal freedom as related to limiting effect on liberal
arts education in special education. The Annotated Bibliography will include at least 15

articles related to evidence that special education has a limiting effect on liberal arts
education and thus limit the promotion of freedom for those students and selected from
peer-reviewed journals that have been published within the last five years. In addition, a
25-to-30 page paper will synthesize themes from the research studies, relating them to the
theories of Adler, Dewey, Greene, and Illich.

SBSF 0003 Professional Practice, Education and Freedom in American Universities


Application Objectives
Analyze the questionnaires submitted by special education students who
majors in liberal arts education at a community college in Killeen, TX on their
experiences that would assists them in their education goals.
Analyze the processes for implementing an Education Counseling service for
special education student.
Analyze the benefits of a Liberal Arts Education program to special education
students, to employers, and to the community college.

Application References

Connor, W.R. (2010) Liberal Arts Education in the Twenty-First Century: American
Academy for Liberal Education.

Cook, N. (2010) The Death of Liberal Arts: Retrieved from the Newsweek website:

Texas Education Code, Chapter 62, Research Development Fund

Application Demonstration

A 10 page essay will address the Application objectives. A grant that solicits
funds for implementing a Liberal Arts Education program and Education Counseling
service especially for special education students will be written and submitted to the
Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board and Texas Education Agency.

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