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3 Knowledge Check: Methods of Proof

Multiple-Choice: Select the best possible answer.
1. A proof of a proposition that shows the first case to be true, then makes an argument
showing that any time some case is true then the next case must be true, then concludes
that the proposition is true for all positive integers is called:

A. Constructive proof B. Direct proof

C. Proof by contradiction D. Proof by induction
E. Is not a mathematical proof

2. A mathematician claims that an integer can be both a perfect square and a perfect cube
by showing that any integer to the sixth power is a perfect square and a perfect cube.
This proof is called:

A. Constructive proof B. Direct proof

C. Proof by contradiction D. Proof by induction
E. Is not a mathematical proof

3. A mathematician claims that every even number is the sum of two prime numbers by
using a computer to show that every example of an even number that he checks is the
sum of two prime numbers. This proof is called:

A. Constructive proof B. Direct proof

C. Proof by contradiction D. Proof by induction
E. Is not a mathematical proof

4. A mathematician claims that the square root of 2 can be expressed as a fraction. This
claim can be shown to produce an impossible result. Thus, the claim is rejected and the
mathematician finally claims that the square root of 2 cannot be expressed as a fraction.
This proof is called:

A. Constructive proof B. Direct proof

C. Proof by contradiction D. Proof by induction
E. Is not a mathematical proof
1.2.3 Knowledge Check: Methods of Proof
Answer Key

1. (Answer D)

Explanation: See the supplementary section for a complete explanation.

2. (Answer A)

Explanation: See the supplementary section for a complete explanation.

3. (Answer E)

Explanation: A computer cannot check an infinite number of cases.

4. (Answer C)

Explanation: See the supplementary section for a complete explanation.

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