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Aquinas College Year 8 Physical Education Rubrics for

Assessment Task - Cricket

Name: <<First>> <<Last>> Teacher's Name: <<Teacher>>

Batting Grip bat with webbing on hand in line with V of bat <<Skill1>>
(Drives) Transfer weight to front foot
Bat is swung straight and not across the body
Hits ball into ground
Follow through of bat stops at pad/leg

Bowling Foot opposite bowling hand takes final stride <<Skill2>>

(Pace) Bowling arm straight
Bowling arm comes straight down in line with target
Correct line and length
Follow through to reduce momentum

Catching Overhead catch: fingers point to sky with thumbs together <<Skill3>>
Below head catch: fingers point to the ground with thumbs together
Watch ball into hands
Feet balanced

Throwing Transfer weight from back to front foot <<Skill4>>

Front foot opposite side of body to throwing arm
Flex and then extend arm.

Total Skills Mark <<Total>>

Game Sense Tactical Application in games <<Game Sense>>

Knowledge of appropriate rules pertaining to game situation

Participation Participation in lesson activities << Participation>>

5 4 3 2 1

Development of Motor Consistently executes Regularly executes skill Usually executes skill Occasionally Demonstrates limited
skills skill with fluency, with fluency, accuracy with fluency, accuracy reproduces a skill within skill and execution.
accuracy and controlled and controlled and controlled simple drills. Needs assistance and
technique. technique. technique. direction with
fundamentals of skill.

Game Sense Consistently selects Regularly selects and Usually selects and Occasionally selects Rarely selects and
and implements implements appropriate implements appropriate and implements implements appropriate
appropriate tactics tactics during games tactics during games appropriate tactics tactics during games
during games and drills. and drills. and drills. during games and drills. and drills
Demonstrating Demonstrating good Able to complete set With supervision Demonstrates little
excellent teamwork and teamwork and tasks using knowledge undertakes set tasks in knowledge of rules
sportsmanship using sportsmanship using of rules. a group situation using
knowledge of rules. knowledge of rules. limited knowledge of

Participation Excellent participation Regularly participates On most occasions Required direction in Requires constant
and engagement in all in lessons. participates in lessons. lessons. direction in all lessons.
lessons. Respects others, and Usually engaged and Occasionally Rarely encourages or
demonstrates a positive respects others. encourages and shares, often negative.
attitude. demonstrates fair play.
encourages and
demonstrates a positive

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