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An insoluble wet granular material is dried in a pan 0.457x0.457m and 24.5 mm deep. The
material is 25.4 mm deep in the pan, and the sides and bottom is considered to be insulated.
Heat transfer is by convection from an air stream flowing parallel to the surface at a velocity of
6.1 m/s. The air is at 65.6 and has a humidity of 0.010 kg H2O/kg dry air. Estimate the rate of
drying to the constant-rate period.
*Flowing Parallel to the surface area
Dimension: 0.457x0.457m
H= 0.010 kg H2O/kg dry air
T= 65.6 (dry bulb)
Using the humidity Chart:
Tw (wet bulb temperature) = 28.9
Hw = 0.026
Calculate humid volume
VH = (2.83x10-3 + 4.56x10-3)(T)
= (2.83x10-3 + 4.56x10-3)(273+65.6)
= 0.974 m3/kg dry air
The density for 1 kg dry air + 0.010 kg H2O is
1 + 0.010
= = 1.037 /3
The mass velocity G is

= = (6.1 ) (3600 ) (1.037 3 ) = 22,770
. 2
Heat transfer coefficient for the case where air is flowing parallel to the drying surface
h=0.0204G0.8 (for SI units only)
= (0.0204)( 22,770 )

h=62.45 W/m2.K
At Tw =28.9, the latent heat is = 2433 / from steam tables
Calculate rate of drying Rc using the heat-transfer equation

62.45 2
= ( ) = . (65.6 28.9)(3600 )

(2433 ) (1000 )

Rc =3.39 kg/h.m2
The total drying rate for a surface area is
Total rate = RcA = (3.39 kg/h.m2)(0.457x0.457)m2 = 0.708

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