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News & Notes White Pine Proclaimer

Please remember these in your prayers: David Bugg, Donna Vol. 18 10/29/2017 No.11
Malnatis father, Midge Naipers grandson Desmond Napier,
Sunday School 9:30AM Worship 10:30AM Worship 6:00PM
Wade Mullins, Kathryn Snowden: Johns mother; Mariah, 2 of
her friends Isaac Tinsley and Halley Adams, Rose Mullins; Wed Bible Study 7:00PM
Dennis sister Barbara Wilson (Alzheimers disease); Roger
Cisco, Scott Winstead a Jeff City Police office, Marlene The Knots Prayer:
Gallaher colon cancer & Robin Davis (a friend of Carolyn.) If
you have anyone that you would like to add to the prayer list Dear God:
please do so to Nathan in writing.
Please untie the knots that are in my mind, my heart, & my
Please Remember: Halloween Treat Bag assembly: after life;
Worship tonight we will be making 150 treat bags for Halloween. Remove the have nots, the can-nots, & the do nots,
Halloween Treat Bag hand-out: 5:30 till 8:00 Tuesday, 31st. Meet at
4:30 for set-up. That I have in my mind.
November Birthdays: 9- Glene Lamb, 21- Zachary Champion, Erase the will nots, may nots & might nots,
27- Andrew Jenkins, 28- Midge Napier
That may find a home in my heart.
November Anniversary: 10- Glene & Misty Lamb
Release me from the could nots, would nots & should nots,
Weekly: The Words of Life radio program. WJFC 1480 AM,
That obstruct my life.
102.9 FM; 8:30 AM Sundays
Find us on the Web. And most of all, Dear God, I ask that you remove from my
mind, my heart, & my life,
Pray for each other and our Bible correspondence course
All the am nots that I have allowed to hold me back.
In Jesus name, Amen
I can do all things through Christ. (Phil. 4:13)
6:60-66)- & He lived. A harsh environment of Jews
A Root Out of a Dry took up stones to kill the Tender Plant (Jn. 10:31)- &
Ground He lived.
Day after day & night after night the rejections,
Seven centuries before Jesus ever began to crawl as a
assaults, & conflicts continued. While He opened the
tiny baby upon this earth, the Messianic Prophet
ears of those who could not hear, many continued to
foretold of Him as a tender plant, & as a root out of a
close their ears to His teachings- & He lived. After
dry ground (Isa. 53:2). A tender plant is not
the Root out of a dry ground opened the eyes of those
welcome & accepted into harsh environments. A root
who could not see, many continued to close their eyes
is not supposed to survive in a dry ground.
to see His truth- & He lived.
As a newborn, the Tender Plant was laid down
Jesus was not the king that they had envisioned
into a dirty feed trough just outside of an inn because
& desired. He did not meet their standards & did not
all of the rooms were full (Lk. 2:7)- & He lived. The
fit the appearance of a king in their minds. We are
Root out of a dry ground later found Himself in the
reminded that He had no form nor comeliness &
arms of His parents, who were fleeing to Egypt to
when the people saw Him, there was no beauty that
avoid His being killed by Herod (Mt. 2:13-15)- & He
they should desire him (Isa. 53:2)- & He lived.
lived. As He traveled down a dusty road one day, He
turned to someone & mentioned that He had no place -Ronnie MeAbee
to lay His head (Lk. 9:58)- & He lived. His own
Continue next week
brothers rejected Him & did not believe in Him (Jn.
7:5)- & He lived. After returning to His hometown of
Nazareth, the people that He grew up with led Him to
the brow of a hill to throw Him down over the cliff
(Lk. 4:28-30)- & the Root out of a dry ground lived.
Many of His disciples, after murmuring at His
teachings, went back & walked with Him no more (Jn.

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