2 Oxidation Numbers State

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Dxidation Numbers (state) The elecrical charges that would be on the aHoms if al) materals were composed only ef menenuciear ions. Oxidation) #8 are #5. (ether + Cr —) that we assign te atoms. in a compaund 30 we con follow the chaiges that take place in redox runs, They are assigned according to a set ef rules described below in Which we tert evey substance as if were fanie and. made up of a collection of etectricatly charged fons. For the purposes of assigoing oxidatten Hs, we do this whether or net tae compound is jonre er molecular, Which MeQns that fer moleaular substances the oxidatron #6 are realty {fictitious charges ue assigning oxidotfen 4s > _ |. Elements.in “elemental form” =O Ex? Ne, Fey P4, $8 2, Oxidation of any mongaiomic ‘on =herye on the ion ex: not, alst, $27,(C77 N37) 3.Sum ef ai oxdation Hs. of al! etoms in..0\ compound is. ZERO For polyatom 7 ions, Sum of the oxidation ts. isthe charge on the ion. ea Ex? S047. S03 $03 preety Sea 4. & always. -1 im. compounds. (= most electronegative) Evi MnFg. F fs-l, Ma’? SoH IS aluioys +1 when atiached +0 4..non-metal ex: Hel Mg Hp (o4 Rule ¥2,.og, 78 stays 2) spe 6 Oxygen is aluays -2 (unless atached 4¢ an F, O or isa peroxide) éx 280477 4202 F20 +62 ei al =1752 There are situations in which these rules confliet w/ on ancther 7 when this happens, the rule higher up takes. precedence. Exomsles Nrecls (rule 2) 24, KINO. K 1G) = #1 (ure 2) as 0. 3*C-2) = ~6 (rules) | N sum Sere - cr 8 i] Cry Oy” weg’ Sure 2 (rules z 290 + CIAY=2 > 20 = +6 Ising oxidation #5 Tn d redox mo, there i$ 4 change in the oxidation # of the 2 oF more elements. I. oxidatien cs an increase in oxidotun # (state) [less of elections] 2, Reduction is q decrease in oxidatian m (state) [a gain of electrons] ° CH. + + 2H, Pepe lg) + 20 cali aieog tg) te) tpt é Carbon is oxidized ~ there has been an increase in its oxidation State (carbon hos los? electrons). “Oxygen is reduced ~ there has heen a decrease in Oxidation store (oxygen has gained electrons) « CHa is the reducing agent ond 02 is the oxidizing agent * NOTE > when the oxidizing or reducing agent is named, the Whole specie is specified, not just the element that undergoes the charge jn oxidation state, * The whol compatind for molecutar species, Ee Find the chemical species (atom; fon oF moiecuse) whieh gets oxidized “ond which gets reduced, [RCL + tcztrg6, + 7H26 —> 2crcls + 2¢l, + [4 kOH 4 Hines " 5 -) o} et ol Got oxidized = cl * Got reduced 707? (irae as potysrom: tn) [Reducing agent oxidizing egent Cre07

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