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The general objectives and the mission of the Integrated Bar of the
Philippines are stipulated and mandated in the IBP By-Laws, General
Provisions, Section 2, par. 1. Simply expressed in these three words,
Elevate, Improve and Enable as seen in their website. 1) to elevate
the standards of the legal profession; 2) to improve the administration
of justice; and 3) to enable the Bar to discharge its public
responsibility more effectively. (Cite website)

In sustaining these objectives and its mission, further purposes are

established and set forth during its ordination as decided and
promulgated in the Resolution of the Supreme Court dated January 9,
1973, and as provided Article I, Section 2, par. 2 of the Integrated Bar
of the Philippines By-Laws, which are:

Section 2 Objectives and Purpose

The purposes of the Integrated Bar include, without being
limited to, those specified in the per curiam Resolution of the
Supreme Court dated January 9, 1973 ordaining the integration
of the Philippine Bar, to wit:
[1] Assist in the administration of justice;
[2] Foster and maintain, on the part of its members, high ideals
of integrity, learning, professional competence, public service
and conduct;
[3] Safeguard the professional interests of its members;
[4] Cultivate among its members a spirit of cordiality and
[5] Provide a forum for the discussion of law, jurisprudence, law
reform, pleading, practice and procedure, and the relations of
the Bar to the Bench and to the public, and publish information
relating thereto; [6] Encourage and foster legal education; and
[7] Promote a continuing program of legal research in
substantive and adjective law, and make reports and
recommendations thereon. (cite using by-laws)

The Per Curiam Resolution of Supreme Court regarding In the

Matter of The Integration of The Bar of The Philippines [AM No.
256] has a thorough and in depth list of these purposes
supplementing that of the IBP by-laws to wit:
[8] Enable the Bar to discharge its public responsibility

Integration of the Bar will, among other things, make it possible

for the legal profession to:

[1] Render more effective assistance in maintaining the Rule of

[2] Protect lawyers and litigants against the abuse of tyrannical
judges and prosecuting officers;
[3] Discharge, fully and properly, its responsibility in the
disciplining and/or removal of incompetent and unworthy judges
and prosecuting officers;
[4] Shield the judiciary, which traditionally cannot defend itself
except within its own forum, from the assaults that politics and
self-interest may level at it, and assist it to maintain its integrity,
impartiality and independence;
[5] Have an effective voice in the selection of judges and
prosecuting officers;
[6] Prevent the unauthorized practice of law, and break up any
monopoly of local practice maintained through influence or
[7] Establish welfare funds for families of disabled and
deceased lawyers;
[8] Provide placement services, and establish legal aid offices
and set up lawyer reference services throughout the country so
that the poor may not lack competent legal service;
[9] Distribute educational and informational materials that are
difficult to obtain in many of our provinces;
[10] Devise and maintain a program of continuing legal
education for practising attorneys in order to elevate the
standards of the profession throughout the country;
[11] Enforce rigid ethical standards, and promulgate minimum
fees schedules;
[12] Create law centers and establish law libraries for legal
[13] Conduct campaigns to educate the people on their legal
rights and obligations, on the importance of preventive legal
advice, and on the functions and duties of the Filipino lawyer;
[14] Generate and maintain pervasive and meaningful country-
wide involvement of the lawyer population in the solution of the
multifarious problems that afflict the nation. (cite am no 256)

These purposes are founded and Designed to improve the position

of the Bar as an instrumentality of justice and the Rule of Law,
integration fosters cohesion among lawyers, and ensures, through
their own organized action and participation, the promotion of the
objectives of the legal profession, pursuant to the principle of
maximum Bar autonomy with minimum supervision and regulation by
the Supreme Court. [id]

Integrated Bar of the Philippines. Mission, (2017), available at: (last visited 16 October 2017)

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