12th NCEQ - Semifinals PDF

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The 12th National Civil Engineering Quiz September 16, 2017

Semifinal Round

Notes: Problem statements are obviously not exact, and some given quantities might be wrong, which might lead to
answers that are different from the official answers.

Easy (20 seconds each)

1. Find the relative density with respect to the oven-dry condition of a coarse aggregate sample, if its mass in air is
3259.5 g, its mass in water is 2059 g, and its oven-dry mass in air is 3125 g. Answer: 2.85
2. What is the acceleration-time graph of an object whose velocity-time graph is given as shown?

Given Answer: (a)

3. Two pipes AB and BC are connected in series, with lengths 15 m and 30 m, respectively. Both pipes have
diameter 200 mm, flow velocity 5 m/s, and friction factor 0.025. Determine the total head lost due to friction from
A to C. Answer: 7.17 m
4. What must be the particle size of anthracite (SG = 1.5) used as one media of a rapid sand filter, so that its settling
velocity is equal to that of a 0.55-mm garnet (SG = 4.2) used as another media of the same filter? Answer: 1.90
5. A lot has side lengths 20.24 m, 32.28 m, 18.22 m, 26.54 m, and 30.18 m. The probable errors for the lengths are
0.04 m, 0.066 m, 0.052 m, 0.02 m and 0.038 m, respectively. What is the probable value of the perimeter of the
lot? Answer: 127.46 0.10 m

Average (40 seconds each)

1. A simple curve centered at O has a radius of curvature of 130 m. Tangents from the PC and PT intersect at PI at
Sta. 13 + 251.45 m. If the angle formed by PI, O and PC measures 60, find the stationing of the PT. Answer: 13
+ 298.55 m
2. A simply supported beam 5 m long carries a 420 N/m uniform load throughout the length. The beam cross-section
is a square with side length 500 mm. What is the ratio of the absolute minimum transverse shear stress to the ratio
of the absolute maximum transverse shear stress experienced by the beam? Answer: 0
3. A certain soil sample has a porosity of 0.24. Additional tests in the laboratory reveal that its porosity in the loosest
and densest states are 0.29 and 0.20, respectively. What is the relative density of the soil sample? Answer: 0.58
4. Use isohyetal method to calculate the mean areal rainfall depth, given the following data.
isohyetal intervals (mm) area (km2) rainfall depth (mm)
0-10 0.40 5
10-20 1.35 15
20-30 0.95 25
30-40 2.84 35
40-50 1.10 45
Answer: 29.35 mm
5. Three particles are arranged in an equilateral triangle as shown. What is the speed of particle C if it is of the same
magnitude as the velocity of B with respect to A?
Answer: 36.84 m/s

Difficult (60 seconds each)

1. A vertical curve is 120 m long. At the point of beginning of vertical curve (BVC), the gradient is +2% and the
elevation is 19.89 m. At 60 m, measured horizontally from BVC, the elevation of the curve is 20.56 m. What is
the location, measured horizontally from BVC, of the summit of the curve? Answer: 67.92 m
2. What is the equivalent cross-slope of a compound gutter, given that the gutter width is 3 ft, gutter depression is 4
in, ratio of the flow in depressed gutter to the total flow is 0.60, and the gutter cross-slope is 0.05? Answer: 0.12
3. A steel tension member, with Fy = 36 ksi and Fu = 58 ksi, has block shear as its governing limit state. The net area
in tension is 0.25 in2, while the gross and net areas in shear are 2.625 in2 and 2 in2, respectively. What is the
nominal capacity of the tension member? Answer: 63.95 kips
4. Oil (SG = 0.85, = 6 10-4 m2/s) flows inside a 150-m long, 200-mm diameter pipe at a rate of 0.05 m3/s. What is
the total head lost due to friction throughout the pipe length? Answer: 11.68 m
5. A 480-mm diameter, 8-mm thick spherical ball is made of a material that breaks when its strain reaches 0.0015.
Given that E = 205 GPa and = 0.30, what is the maximum internal pressure that can be applied to the ball?
Answer: 2.93 MPa

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