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College of Engineering & Architecture

Department of Civil Engineering

University Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives:

Mission Statement (VMG)

We, the academic community of Holy Angel University, declare ourselves to be a Catholic University. We dedicate ourselves to our
core purpose, which is to provide accessible quality education that transforms students into persons of conscience, competence,
and compassion. We commit ourselves to our vision of the University as a role-model catalyst for countryside development and one
of the most influential, best managed Catholic universities in the Asia-Pacific region. We will be guided by our core values of Christ-
centeredness, integrity, excellence, community, and societal responsibility. All these we shall do for the greater glory of God. LAUS

College Vision, Goals and Objectives:


A center of excellence in engineering and architecture education imbued with Catholic mission and identity serving as a role-
model catalyst for countryside development


To provide accessible quality engineering and architecture education leading to the development of conscientious,
competent and compassionate professionals who continually contribute to the advancement of technology, preserve the
environment, and improve life for countryside development.


The College of Engineering and Architecture is known for its curricular programs and services, research undertakings, and
community involvement that are geared to produce competitive graduates:
- who are equipped with high impact educational practices for global employability and technopreneurial
- whose performance in national licensure examinations and certifications is consistently above national passing rates
and that falls within the 75th to 90th percentile ranks; and,
- who qualify for international licensure examinations, certifications, and professional recognitions;

In its pursuit for academic excellence and to become an authentic instrument for countryside development, the College of
Engineering and Architecture aims to achieve the following objectives:

1. To provide students with fundamental knowledge and skills in the technical and social disciplines so that they may develop a
sound perspective for competent engineering and architecture practice;

2. To inculcate in the students the values and discipline necessary in developing them into socially responsible and globally
competitive professionals;

3. To instill in the students a sense of social commitment through involvement in meaningful community projects and services;

4. To promote the development of a sustainable environment and the improvement of the quality of life by designing technology
solutions beneficial to a dynamic world;

5. To adopt a faculty development program that is responsive to the continuing development and engagement of faculty in
research, technopreneurship, community service and professional development activities both in the local and international

6. To implement a facility development program that promotes a continuing acquisition of state of the art facilities that are at
par with leading engineering and architecture schools in the Asia Pacific region; and,

7. To sustain a strong partnership and linkage with institutions, industries, and professional organizations in both national and
international levels.
Relationship of the Program Educational Objectives to the Vision-Mission of the University and the College of Engineering
& Architecture:
Civil Engineering Program Educational
Outcomes (PEOs): Vision-Mission

Within a few years after graduation, our

graduates of the Civil Engineering program Christ- Societal
Integrity Excellence Community
are expected to have: Centeredness Responsibility

1. Practiced their profession showing traits of

professionalism, sense of responsibility, equality
and patriotism

2. Shown a commitment to life-long learning as

evidenced by:

graduate degrees or further studies

locally or internationally-recognized
professional certifications received;
knowledge and skills acquired that led to
technological advances in their fields.

3. Manifested faithful stewardship as evidenced by:

participation in University-based community

extension service initiatives as alumni;
contributions to innovations or inventions
leading to environmental promotion and
preservation, and cultural integration;
engagement in advocacies and volunteer
work for the upliftment of quality of life and
human dignity, especially for the marginalized.
Relationship of the Civil Engineering Program Outcomes to the Program Educational Objectives:

Civil Engineering Student Outcomes (SOs): PEOs

At the time of graduation, the Civil Engineering program graduates should be able to: 1 2 3

a) Apply knowledge of mathematics, physical sciences, and engineering sciences to the practice of

Civil Engineering.

b) Design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data

c) Design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as
economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and
sustainability, in accordance with standards

d) Function on multidisciplinary teams

e) Identify, formulate and solve engineering problems

f) Understand professional and ethical responsibility

g) Demonstrate and master the ability to listen, comprehend, speak, write and convey ideas clearly

and effectively, in person and through electronic media to all audiences.

h) Understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal


i) Recognize the need for, and engage in life-long learning and to keep current of the development in

the field
j) Obtain knowledge on contemporary issues

k) Use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.

l) Obtain knowledge and understanding of engineering and management principles as a member

and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.

m) Acquire at least one specialized field of civil engineering practice.

Course Title: Course Code: ENSURVEYS
Engineering Surveys Lecture
Course Credit: 3 units Year Level: 3rd year

Pre-requisite: EHSURV, EHSURVL Course Calendar: 1st semester, AY2016-2017

Co-requisite: ENSURVEYSL

Course Description:

The subject deals with reconnaissance, preliminary and location surveys for highways and railways; study of horizontal and vertical
curves, line grades, slope staking and earthworks computations; mass diagram, haul and estimate of cost; layout and alignment of civil
work structures.

Course Outcomes (COs): Relationship to the Program Outcomes:

After completing this course, the students should be able to: a b c d e f g h i j k l m

1) Know the various importance of surveying in the design I I E I E I D E E E E E

development and construction of civil work structures; use the
method of establishing horizontal and vertical control point to
define the geometric configurations of structures
2) Apply the methodologies of carrying out the more common E E E D D E D E E E E E
surveys and investigations such as horizontal and vertical
curves, line grades, earthworks and theory of locations as
applied to highways and railways, mass diagram and overhaul;
provide critical information regarding existing road and terrain
3) Use the methods of analysis and design relevant to route E E E D E D I E E E E
surveying; use computer-aided design methods; Prepare
documents, plans and details;

Time Hours Course Outcomes Course Topics Teaching/Learning Assessment Resources

Frame Activities Tasks
Week 9 CO1 Horizontal Curves Lecture, Seatwork / A1,
1-3 Class Quiz / combined
Simple Horizontal Curves; Discussion Assignments, with other
Compound Horizontal Curves; Web-based Group Board course
Reverse Horizontal Curve. Problem Works references
Week 9 CO1 Vertical Curves . Lecture, Seatwork / A1,
4-6 CO2 Class Quiz / combined
CO3 Symmetrical Vertical Parabolic Discussion Assignments, with other
Curves; Web-based Group Board course
Unsymmetrical Vertical Instruction Works references
Parabolic Curves; Problem
Lines and Grades. Solving

Week 6 CO1 Earthwork Computations Lecture, Seatwork / A1,
7-8 CO2 (Areas) Class Quiz / combined
CO3 Discussion Assignments with other
Area by Determinants; Web-based course
Area by Trapezoids and Instruction references
Triangles. Problem
Week 12 CO1 Earthwork Computations Lecture, Seatwork / A1,
9 - 12 CO2 (Volumes - Horizontal) Class Quiz / combined
CO3 Discussion Assignments with other
Volume by End-Area Method; Web-based course
Volume by Prismoidal Instruction references
Formula; Problem
Volume by End-Area Method Solving
with Prismoidal Correction; Collaborative
Volume by End-Area Method Learning
with Curvature Correction.

Week 6 CO1 Earthwork Computations Lecture, Seatwork / A1,
13 - 14 CO2 (Volumes Vertical) Class Quiz / combined
CO3 Discussion Assignments with other
Truncated Triangular Prisms; Web-based course
Truncated Triangular Prisms; Instruction references
Assembly of Prisms. Problem
Week 12 CO1 Haul and Mass Diagram Lecture, Seatwork / A1,
15 - 18 CO2 Class Quiz / combined
CO3 Haul and Free Distance; Discussion Assignments with other
Overhaul and Overhaul Web-based course
Distance; Instruction references
Limits of Economic Haul; Problem
Cost of Haul; Solving
Mass Diagram. Collaborative

Course References:
A. Basic Readings
2. THEORY AND PRACTICE IN SURVEYING; Venancio I. Besavilla; 1977

B. Extended Readings
1. Ghilani, Charles D.2016 Elementary surveying : an introduction to geomaticsPublished by Pearson, Boston
2. Saikia, Mimi Das 2012. Surveying Published by PHI Learning Private Limited, New DelhiSurveying
3. Watson, Paul 2008 Surveying and engineering : principles and practicePublished by Blackwell Publishing, Oxford
4. Uren, J2006 .Surveying for engineers.Published by Macmillan, New York
5. Kavanagh, Barry 2009. Surveying : principles and applicationsPublished by Pearson Education, New Jersey
6. Roy, S. K.2010 Fundamentals of surveying Published by PHI Learning, New Delhi
7. Parmley, Robert O.2002 Field engineer's manual Published by McGraw-Hill, New York

C. Web References

Course Requirements and Policies


2. 6 Quizzes
3. Major Project/ Output
4. Maximum Allowable Absences: 10 (held 3 times a week); 7 (held 2 times a week)

Aside from academic deficiency, other grounds for failing grade are:
1. Grave misconduct and/or cheating during examinations.
2. A failing academic standing and failure to take graded exams.
3. Unexcused absences of more than the maximum allowable absences per term.

Grading System:

Class Standing/Quizzes: (60%)

3 Major Exams: (40%)

TOTAL (100%)
Passing Grade: (50%)


Legend: (All Items in Percent)

CSA Class Standing Average for All Performance Items (Cumulative)

P Prelim Examination Score
M Midterm Examination Score
F Final Examination Score
MEA Major Exam Average
PCA Prelim Computed Average
MCA Midterm Computed Average
FCA Final Computed Average

Computation of Prelim Computed Average (PCA)



PCA = (60%)(CSA) + (40%)(MEA)

Computation of Midterm Computed Average (MCA)



MCA = (60%)(CSA) + (40%)(MEA)

Computation of Final Computed Average (FCA)



FCA = (60%)(CSA) + (40%)(MEA)

Passing Percent Average: 50

Transmutation Table

Range of Computed Averages Range of Transmuted Values Grade General Classification

94.0000 100.0000 97 100 1.00 Outstanding
88.0000 93.9999 94 96 1.25 Excellent
82.0000 87.9999 91 93 1.50 Superior
76.0000 81.9999 88 90 1.75 Very Good
70.0000 75.9999 85 87 2.00 Good
64.0000 69.9999 82 84 2.25 Satisfactory
58.0000 63.9999 79 81 2.50 Fairly Satisfactory
52.0000 57.9999 76 78 2.75 Fair
50.0000 51.9999 75 3.00 Passed

Below Passing Average 5.00 Failed

6.00 Failure due to
8.00 Unauthorized or
unreported withdrawal

Note: A student's Computed Average is a consolidation of Class Standing Percent Average and Major Exam Percent Average.

Date Effectivity: Prepared By: Checked By: Approved By:

April 30, Engr. Michael John O. Septimo Dr. Doris Bacamante

June, 2016 Engr. Carolina E. Dungca
2016 CE Faculty Dean, College of Engineering and
Chairperson, CE Department

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