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Begin all thinking by use of EL Kuluwm.

y a s h u a b a r d a w i y d
Yashua Bar Dawiyd in Jewish Gematria Equals: 2101 ( 400 1 90 8 200 1
2 1 80
4 1 900 9 400 4
Yashua Bar Dawiyd in English Gematria y a s h u a b a r d a w i y d
( 0 0 )
Equals:972 150 6 114 48 126 6 12 6 108 24 6 138 54 150 24

y a s h u a b a r d a w i y d
Yashua Bar Dawiyd in Simple Gematria Equals: 162 ( 25 1 19 8 21 1
2 1 18
4 1 23 9 25 4
The vowels are a,e,I,o,u and sometimes y. Y can be a vowel at times and a constant at other times.

Dawiyd is an excellent case for this, and also a case that I have detected.In the name Yashua Bar Dawiyd,

Yashua is started with the constant Y. and the Y in Dawiyd is given the value of 25, bringing the value of

Yashua Bar Dawiyd as 162=1+6+2=9Etherian. If the Y in Dawiyd, is treated as a vowel, it would be 144.

Yashua=25+1+19+8+21+1=75 Bar=2+1+18=21 Dawiyd=4+1+23+9+(7)+4= 48. 75+21+48=144=1+4+4=9.

Matthew 12: 40 Ye adulterous generation, ye seek after a sign, but none will be given to you except

Jonah being in the giant fish for three days (And) three nights, so shall the Son of man be in the heart

Of the Earth three days (And) three nights.

Ye must do unto one side of the equation as ye do onto the other side of the equation.

The key word here is AND, A=1,=14,d=4. 1+14+4=19. Alpha and Omega. The beginning and the End.

3 days and 3 nights = 3+3=6 Gen.1:1 The evening and the night is the first day.(24hrs)

3+3=6 x 24=144.

Revelation 14:1-5 The Lamb with 144,000 with their fathers name written in their foreheads.

w es l ey t er r y co p p r u e
wesley terry copprue in Jewish
( )
Gematria Equals: 2543 0 0
900 5 90 20 5 400 100 5 80 80 400 3 50 60 60 80 200 5
wesley terry copprue w e s l e y t e r r y c o p p r u e
in English Gematria ( )
0 0
Equals: 1614 138 30 114 72 30 150 120 30 108 108 150 18 90 96 96 108 126 30
w es l ey t er r y co p p r u e
wesley terry copprue in Simple
( )
Gematria Equals: 269 0 0
23 5 19 12 5 25 20 5 18 18 25 3 15 16 16 18 21 5

The total is 4426=44+26=70. 70 years of Desolation. 70 =Generation. 70 yrs of Daniel. 777. Fullfillment.
bar o f el k u l u w m
bar of el kuluwm in Jewish Gematria Equals:
( )
1524 0 0 0
2 1 80 50 6 5 20 10 200 20 200 900 30
b ar o f e l k u l u w m
bar of el kuluwm in English Gematria
( )
Equals: 960 0 0 0
12 6 108 90 36 30 72 66 126 72 126 138 78
bar o f el k u l u w m
bar of el kuluwm in Simple Gematria Equals: 160 ( )
0 0 0
2 1 18 15 6 5 12 11 21 12 21 23 13
1524+960+160=2644=26+44=70 (Bar Means son in Hebrew.) (Son by adoption) Abana: Our Father.

[There is a connection between Sun and Son Ps.84:11] Inner Son and outer Sun. Shield=Ward off.

praise the lord high priest p r a i s e t h e l o r d h i g h p r i e s t

in Jewish Gematria Equals: ( )
0 0 0 0
888 60 80 1 9 90 5 100 8 5 20 50 80 4 8 9 7 8 60 80 9 5 90 100
the lord
p r i s e t h e l o r d h i g h p r i e s t
priest in a
English ( )
9 10 5 11 3 0 12 4 3 0 7 9 10 2 0 4 5 4 4 0 9 10 5 3 11 12
Gematri 6
6 8 4 4 0 0 8 0 2 0 8 4 8 4 2 8 6 8 4 0 4 0
praise the lord high priest p r ai s e t he l o r d hi gh p r i es t
in Simple Gematria Equals: ( )
0 0 0 0
269 16 18 1 9 19 5 20 8 5 12 15 18 4 8 9 7 8 16 18 9 5 19 20

cr an bu r y cr o s s r o ad
cranbury cross road in Jewish Gematria
( )
Equals: 1254 0 0
3 80 1 40 2 200 80 400 3 80 50 90 90 80 50 1 4
cranbury cross road in c r an b u r y c r o s s r o ad
English Gematria Equals: ( )
0 0
1284 18 108 6 84 12 126 108 150 18 108 90 114 114 108 90 6 24
cr an bu r y cr o s s r o ad
cranbury cross road in Simple Gematria
( )
Equals: 214 0 0
3 18 1 14 2 21 18 25 3 18 15 19 19 18 15 1 4
6+3+9+1+1254+1284+214=2771 (Notice: Praise The Lord High Priest and my address are the same.)

It is impossible for all of these phenomenal incidents to just keep happening over and over; it is

Assine to assume they are just co - incidents. No, they are orchestrated from on High by EL Kuluwm.
A Divine Waning by the Prophet for the Nation.

The citizens of all free national government s according to their national constitution are

All of one family bearing one free national name. Those who fail to recognize the free National

Name of their constitutional government are classed as undesirables, and are subject to all

Inferior mistreatments that the citizens care to bestow upon them.

It is a sin for any group of people to violate the National Constitution laws of a free National

Government and cling to the names and the principles that delude to slavery.

Noble Drew Ali, the Prophet, was prepared by EL Kuluwm, the Universal Divine force, to warn the

People to repent from their sinful ways and go back to that state of mind of their forefathers

Divine and National principles, that they will be law abiders and receive their Divine Right and

As citizens, according to the free National Constitution that was prepared for all free National

Beings. They are to claim their own free National Name and religion. There is but one issue for

them to be recognize by this government and of the Earth and it comes only through the connection of

The Moorish Divine Movement


1886= 75Eh=7+5+14 =26=2+6=8. Oct3536=3+5+3+6=17=17oct=21=2+1=3=111.

1950=79Eh=7+9+14=30=3=111. Oct.3636=3+6+3+6=18=1+8=9Etherian.

1913= 779h= oct.3571=3+5+7+1=16=1+6=7circles.

1929 =789h=3611oct. = 3+6+11= 20 = 11. 7+8+9=24=30oct=111.

4096 | 2048 | 1024 | 512 | 256 | 128 | 64 | 32 | 16 | 8 | 4 | 2 | 1 (The Matrix)

1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 | 0 = 1950 decimal.

1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 = 1886 decimal

1950- 1886= 64 1 0 0 0 0 0 0= 64 = 6+4=1.

Yashua Bar Dawiyd=144

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